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/brit/ edition
the new? more like the poo
it just had to be you didnt it
You meet a celebrity you really like in the street. You stop them and ask them for a photo. They oblige.
How do you pose for the photo?
Do you just stand there and smile, what do you do with your hands? Do you throw up some sort of gesture like a 'thumbs up' or 'peace sign', or do you hold you hands in a fist by your waist? Do you even go for an over-the-shoulder grab?
What do you do?
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currently reading
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to go on from my previous entry into this talk page, https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Blood_money is also a currency, and lists the item as being worth '1 Coin' - but, the main difference between Coins and Blood Money is that, you can purchase these from an NPC (for 1 Coin each). It is for this reason that Blood Money is so in-fact worth a coin each. To further back up my argument for this change, and to prove that Gold Coins should be listed, valued at '0' coins for value in the sidebar, see any of the other currencies listed at the bottom of either of these (or any of the pages for) currencies.
You cannot divide by 0, but you can, with 1. If Gold Coins had a value of '1' then I would be able to double my coins with the other players promising to do so, getting my 1 GP-per-Gold Coin back out from them! While it is in reality that, they do just simply log out of of the time (in testing)! That is why I included that part in my list of testing, but please let me know if you have other tests done to find the value of Gold Coins.

But I promise you that it is '0'.
Always have trouble with me vyvanse appointments lads. When will they stop meeting with me and just hand over the cheeky amphetamines
/brit/ do be kinda /brat/
hope catberg doesn't shit next to his litterbox instead of in it again
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watching a cuckold sessions video where joanna angel makes the actor playing the cuck go in a dog cage while she fucks the pornographic black
i think bob mortimer might be the only celebrity id like to meet
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I wish the turks stayed on the steppe lads...
>Watch out hes having a melty
why are blacks so af-f-f-fraid uh g-gg-ghosts, lads?
If my cat could talk it would just ask for food 24/7.
diego’s beady black eyes rolling back in his head as my 9 incher hammers his cum button while grabbing him by the ankles
mental, insane even
spent months trying to get on it, was on it for about 6 months and then they decided to revoke my prescription for no reason, fuck that shit it's not worth the hassle
A /brit/ concensus is needed: Are they called FILMS or MOVIES?
wonder if i may download the settlers 3 and play it
making a sausage ragu
lasagne for tea x
None of those posts were worth saving
ive seen a ghost and he wasnt even scary
I use both
Mainly movies
either is fine l dont care
Always worried about that, they keep having appointment after appointment with me as if it's never enough.
I've just been saving them now just in case anything happens
off to the cinema alone, 'ta!
Spaino calls them films
I calls them movies
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hoi2 streamlines a lot of that. you mostly just build provinces and fight wars instead of all that politics and breeding shit
they're called flicks
I ain't afraid of no ghost
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That would be an ecumenical matter
strangest place you've ever done a wank?
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me? big fan of map painting
wonder how white brits will feel watching wokeslop like This is England in 2070
movies = slop
films = films
then play a real map painting game like eu4
diego’s ringpiece tightening around my cock as he cums, sending me over the edge and causing us to collapse into each other in an intense shaking dual orgasm
scranning megaplastics
feck off
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it depends
pizza express toilet
whats that like
can you poo over your shoulder like an incontinental soldier?
I say movies more but I say film when I’m talking about highbrow cinema
I called them pictures.
probably railway
I don't drink but sometimes when I go to hotels I take the little bottles of booze and stick them up my bum a bit.
Always makes me laugh thinking that the next person is going to be drinking them.
i just say whichever feels right in the moment, though i generally call them films here incase someone decides to have a go at me since "movie" is apparently an americanism
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would be a shame if we were to fuck all that shit up
into my own mouth when i could self-suck
don't see the fun in extended timeline outside maybe some shenanigans after a vanila campaign has ended when in a thousand or so years it's just 'hyper blob' vs 'hyper blob'.
growing mega breasts
Any good C2K playthroughs? Feel like it'd be cosy
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>brits don’t enjoy ice hockey
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Jews are absolutely mogged by Germans in efficiency

How is Hans so efficient?
only sleazy old hollywood executives who smoke cigars and wear sunglasses indoors call them that
>cant even get junior roles at 27
its so over for me
cor scrabbit poo bummy
some do, my cousin plays ice hockey, my city has a team
pooing in my own arse
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big fan of playing catholic portugal, growing big, then destroying islam
What are your prospects like
Splendid post
definitely wasted a lot of money this last month
here's hoping september will be better x
if jews run hollywood, who runs bollywood?
spent it on OF didn't you, little runt
This is good reasoning
Christians unironically
The kshatriya menace
germans have been killing europeans for thousands of years. lots of practice.
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luv it, ADORE IT me

this I got ck3 during the summer sales but can't play cause muh tabs

omds mongols(nestorian) need to sort that out

I role play and tag switch
bene jews
Japanese fella taking his shoes off before he goes into the petrol station to pay
shit tier pic
people with no talent, also known as pajeets
looking for a plasterer
any recommendations
Really? I thought they were a persecuted group in India.
be a man a do it yourself
eating dog shit
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warauing whys he done that
kshatriya mentioned
I don't want to go to work tomorrow
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wassuuuuh du
not done a cum in a week, i'll come round tomorrow
would leave her face like a plasterers radio
one thing i dislike about the games is you dont get to cause chain reactions like the huns pushing the germans west
i do this whenever i use a public toilet
Business ideas: spend every penny I have on lottery tickets
if I win I become rich
if I don't, jump off a bridge
Not exclusively but a disproportionate amount of actors and directors are Christians. The poor ones are persecuted but a lot of the elites are Christian, usually with a European parent or heavy ties to the west
seems like a flawed plan
Why's that then?
corrr seeing fit 19 year olds in crop tops and thin cargo pants with fat arses walking past my smelly bedroom, can’t help but to stare and make eye contact when they turn around
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>”port” is the left side of the boat. Because “port” and “left” both have 4 letters
>starboard is the right side because it’s not the port side
>”stern” is the bottom end of the boat. Because I want to be spanked on the bottom by a stern woman
>”bow” is the front. Because you lean to the front when you bow
Seems easy to remember but I don’t know why they don’t just say front, back, left and right
can't win if you don't play
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just bet 150 quid on joshua winning inside 3 rounds against dubois
Sailors love they're stupid rules for stuff
port is actually larboard THOUGH
might get my tea cooked
any lad getting his tea cooked?
Calves too big to swear skinnies
Thights too thin to wear regulars
The search fie a good pair of trousers continues
spending every penny you had on lottery tickets would only increase your chance of winning by a fraction of a percentage, so you're basically guaranteed to lose and die
mumbergs on the case
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Because left and right are relative to which way you are facing so it could be confusing. Port and starboard are absolute terms, thus avoiding confusion.
yeah got it in the oven
Don't know what off-side/near-side is on cars. Just say left or right, or at least drivers side/passenger side.
do remember to beat her if she doesn't do it promptly
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this but younger
because right could mean either side depending on what way you're facing
when boats used steering oars instead of rudders, the steering oar was typically on the right side of the boat (the steer board) and thus the boat also had to moor with the dock on the left side (port)
all or nothing innit
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I start off my extended timelines during the migration period
Port, starboard etc. are objective values at the boat level
Left, right etc. are subjective to the individual saying them
They could have used something like "boat-left" or summat but that would get confusing eventually
>100b NVIDIA loss sparks tech bubble fear
People have been posting about this happening...
> Seems easy to remember but I don’t know why they don’t just say front, back, left and right
All of these are from your perspective and the “right” side could be the left side of the ship from the opposite POV. I know that you could “fix” these sides but I think distinct names just avoid confusion amongst all languages. I remember reading how English was shit for this but some languages have something built in to refer to sides of an object without it being relative to the observer.
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might put some sausages on
You mean 18 year olds? Right?
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*jiggles your belly*
How many today lad?
ktim (kek this is mumberg)
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>just spent 3 hours cleaning my keyboard
>could've just bought a new one
haven't had any yet
I'm thinking smashed avo on toast with the sausages halved on top and maybe egg
whomst are you quoting
My life is an endless nightmare of posting on /brit/ and waiting for mum to tell me my tea is ready
Now's not the time for fear
the internet would be nothing without autists so fair play
just got my batty seen to
setting off on a knightly quest to procure toilet paper and chocolate
Just got home from toil and entered my room and got hit with a strong whiff of vinegar
What could it be? Sweat?
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Where did the.pom poms go? This lass has the face of a coworker heh
corr the sausage ragu i made is well good
I spend all day waiting to go to bed again
my sweaty bollocks slathered all over your room and personal belongings
none of you guys know anything about bollywood, it's clear you aren't actually indian

MUSLIMS run bollywood. this is for historical reasons. basically acting was seen as low caste behavior when bollywood was first being established so only muslims would become actors.

after movies started becoming more popular all the famous actors were already muslim, and this trend continued to the present day (in large part due to crony capitalism in india - most actors come from the same family, the khans)

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The reason why many Orthodox such as Jay Dyer don't really like Jordan Peterson that much is because Jordan thinks that lots of things in the Bible are only psychological metaphors and not literal reality, like the six day creation in Genesis, which Jordan doesn't want to believe literally because he believes in the Masonic lie of evolution, which Orthodox reject as heresy.
Also another reason is because Jordan is a Judaizer/Zionist and Orthodox reject such ideologies.
post recipe
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it's not right lads
it's the muslim benchods saar
I saw a an article showing the claim that blacks are 8x stronger than humans is bullshit, and they're only about 2x stronger
and that's p4p, so considering they're manlets they're probably not that strong
most of the people who die from black attacks are weak old women and shit
I honestly could to take on a black
hell probably two on a good day
I deadlift 400lb and I weigh 240lb so I'm way stronger than a black, also I train MMA so I could probably grab the fucker's neck and choke the fuck out of him
and with his small skull one right hook of mine would pulverize his little black brain
ah yes the great empire of E
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just like real history (if it weren’t for the crusaders)
Copied straight from that chimp thread on /pol/
sort it out
Had a dream I went back in time to possess a lad who fucks his mum
She knew I wasn't him but I still shagged her anyway
Then I went outside and got killed by mechs so I had to either reload a save and take 2 reputation points off or restart from the beginning
got arab strap on
might download and install a bunch of mods for skyrim and never play it
>I will contact the police
Mental how there are still people who believe the police will actually do anything to help. Sort of like finding one of those Japanese soldiers in the jungle still fighting WW2 30 years after it ended.
*responds with a shocked face emoji*
alri looks as though the rabble, the filth, the wagies have arrived. Have a good night gentlemen, be well.
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But also Jay Dyer is fair to Jordan and he points out areas where he agrees with him too.
Should I take th propranolol and duloxetine or just keep scranning Vyvanse lads?
They want to send me back to rehab because I am doing lsd and ketamine again
Sick and tired of people randomly showing up at the door. Fuck off already, would you ever ring ahead.
Looking for bum fun in SW1
nearly out of cigarettes

not good
May fry an omelette and some onions for tea
going for a walk later, ive decided.
havent gone on one this week so far.
remove sausages from casing, bash up into chunky mince in the pan, and brown off. remove.

in same pan (using rendered pork fat) fry off onions, then garlic, then tom purée, then herbs of choice (i went for oregano, thyme, and bay leaves)

when ready, chuck in tinned tommies, chicken or pork stock, salt, pepper, and a dash of red wine vinegar. also a bit of sugar depending on how sweet the tommies are.

simmer until you think its done. season as appropriate.

thats it
ketamine was good craic when i tried it
Lad, time for a walk. Go out
For me it's starting a Minecraft world then getting bored and starting a new one
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I did a lot of drugs because they were given to me while at work and I used to do lsd every 3 weeks but I started hallucinating outside trips and it was wild
>This is the one
where’s the fucking ragú you mong
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Might play civ 6 on the easiest difficulty
if you cook unironically you're gay
thank you, I will try this
ragus a pasta
that flat one
Why the hell would a yank or any sane white man take any interest in bollywood?
anyone got a good tomato sauce recipe that i can use for bolognese
l only cook ironically
that's pappardelle you fucking cretin
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alri me
thankfully i only cook ironically
tinned tomatoes
tomoato puree
red wine
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it's Rome lad

a great shame the Catholics fucked things over for Rome
Also I did lsd for some reason though there was parasites in my skin so I tried to remove them with a sewing needle and a lighter
literally just get a can of it, nobody bothers to make it from scratch
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All the good posters have left
Bunch of barbarians squatting in the ruins of /brit/
The 'knd
im still here
i do because it's basically six ingredients and it tastes better than a jar
Paedo alert!
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>red wine
not buying a bottle of wine just for sauce, it'd cost more than the rest of the ingredients. any alternative, balsamic vinegar maybe?
UK? more like Poo Gay haha
Britain? more like Shitain haha
Old mate LITERALLY showed you the dictionary definition you absolute mongoloid
I'm telling lloyd grossman about this
surely you can get a bottle of cheap red wine for like 5 squid
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Hey 190
was looking through some old text messages from 2018 and I sent some right rorke messages to a radio station. doubt they ever read them out on air haha
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it happened again
always thought he looked like a noncimus maximus
you can buy little 180ml bottles

otherwise just omit it. wont taste as good however
me at leftypols funeral
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bit late but whatevs
australia? more like pozgaylia
the lads
I hate how child services in America is useless because they did nothing
can't believe people are still talking about that dickhead, he left /brit/ 5 years ago out of embarrassment when his advances were rebuffed by that commie slag, remember?
though i wouldn't put it past him to still be here posting anonymously and talking about himself *eyes you up with suspicion*
im the 2nd one
2021 isn't 5 years ago
that's tea scranned. hopefully soaks up some of the enormous amount of booze ive supped.
11 is pretty fucking weird
Bought weird ecological farm eggs. Bread dough won't brown properly from them, neither will an omelette hold together.

Never seen it before with eggs.
not drinking enough water as of late
grim alchy freak
>drinking yourself on a thursday
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luv the mandem, repping my coat of arms x
piss smells like rice crispies right?
missing out on kino
bug eggs
fuck off im on annual leave
could've sworn it was 2019 he fucked off
Some Asian girl goes to my gym and has a hinge account sadly I am ugly and probably doesn't want someone who tries to cope with wanting to do drugs again by lifting
>getting weird chest pains on my left side after drinking
>not very painful honestly but still concerning

I'm worried lads
Crazy how all rich people act as tribal clannish groups and middle class run around in nuclear families or as individuals berating each other for not working hard enough
utter mongs playing the game without even knowing the rules
me and dadberg
>thinking eggs are what helps baked goods to brown
>putting eggs in bread at all (unless it’s a sweet dough)
190 you mong
Shouldn’t have got the vax. We did warn you.
does it hurt to swallow when you're eating? could just be acid reflux, i get that as well for a day or two after hitting the piss hard
the underclass and tarqs regularly do shady shit and bend the rules
it’s only the working to middle class cucks that actually obey the law and think “working hard” matters
is a man not entitled to the sweat on his sausage
I put the egg (beaten) on top of course, with a brush because I make flat bread in an oven
how does one survive pedo accusations?
basic acid reflux lad everyone gets it as they get older
yeah it's shite but at least it helps us drink less
had a wank to that lad’s posts about shagging diego earlier and now I feel so disgusted and ashamed with myself
one of rorkes heroes
if there’s no other physical or mental symptoms it’s likely just gas
nah, just get this weird pain every now and then that comes and goes, it's that far to the left that it can't be acid reflux. it's like below my nipple
My grandpa told me I am a disgrace to people with polish heritage because I do drugs and want to be a trade worker. He said polish people all work hard and are industrious
White moment!
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goodboy mongol points, liao dynasty are mongols too but are weird buddhists ruling china
Fucking hell Swedish cuisine is so nasty. I swear we don’t deserve half the banter we get from foreigners about our food when there are countries like yours knocking about eating rotten fish and weird flat bread with beaten eggs brushed ontop
been off the 'aki slop since the start of the year, just had a box of chips and mixed meat from the chipper earlier and now I feel awful with some headaches, mad how shit this food is and fat cunts pile this in every week
Doing drugs and working in a trade seems pretty polish.
do you have a smart watch?
No. Never saw the point in them
been trying to eat better
had a subway the other week and within an hour was doing the nastiest, grimmest shite i can remember since my runtslop days
Nymphette in the creek startled at your presence, you dare take the plunge in with her?
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we'll pick up weird Christianity
rorke apopleptic for some reason
so the phone just tracks your steps? how accurate is it?
get her in the fucking bin
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can we see it?
honk if thatchers deid
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Swear he's doing everything possible to wind up native brits
wonder does he find it unsettling to think he sleeps in the same room kwasi slung his elephant tusk up liz and emptied jungle juice from his mango bollocks over her face
everyone who voted labour must feel like an utter cunt right now lmao
Fairly accurate. You got a nokia 3310 or something lad?
Had a guy actually try to follow me yesterday
I just chortled and moved on
Why's Keir got an approval rating of -26?
Every new government in every fucking country always gets a boost in popularity in their earliest days.
Even Drumpf did.

Why is the honeymoon period over before it even began?
no, i just assumed you needed a watch for fitness tracking
sounds like an exaggeration but it's actually real, it's just so hard to notice when you are used to eating it. need a long period of abstaining from slop.
Why is everyone dying from dementia lads it's so scary I don't want it
because they've come in and just said everything is going to get worse and there's nothing that we, the government, can do about it
went fucking mental for spam recently lads dunno what’s got into me
I kneel to the King
throwing a load of British people in prison 2 weeks in was possibly a misstep
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map painting galore
Because everyone was on the copium that Sir Mossball Starmer was just "trying to be electable to win" but it turns out he really is just a Tory
My savings/investments have reached over 100k lads.

Cash ISA: 53.5k
Lifetime ISA: 3.5k
Stocks and Shares ISA: 7k
Bonds: 22k
Pension: 12k
Current Account/Cash: 3k

Pretty chuffed tbqh.

I live at home but I earn below the average wage. I just save a lot. I'm earning more now than the last few years, so I'm hopefully with a few more years of intense savings, I'll be able to buy a flat around 2029. I've only just started with the Lifetime ISA.

I'm convinced this is the only way to actually get wealth these days.
Mental how when you do things that are unpopular you become unpopular.
He’s been in office like six weeks now, he did have a honeymoon period during the Euros and everything and people were relieved the Tories were gone and everything

But since Southport he’s absolutely shit the bed and is just pissing everyone off, Rorke and Leftypol, rich and poor, white and nonwhite. Quite amusing really
Wow congrats want a medal?
t. ivan tzczcrzckwicz
booorrriiiiing *yawns*
Quite amusing is it?
*shags your arse*
How about that? Was that amusing?
where do you learn to do this mate
good for you lad
Cash ISAs are utterly worthless though and a waste of time
>b-but it's tax free
a little bit of self assessment tax return on HMRC trumps the pathetic returns you get through that shit.
Slightly less work I guess though.

Just utterly perplexing your S&S ISA is so small in comparison
My last name is nowak
Just be a miser.
wow helpful thanks mate
Imagine earning below average wage and having 100k in savings.
Must be the most boring bastard in the country.
Tax avoidance is a crime mate
rich in wisdom me
Nah I'm pretty cultured, I just don't waste money.
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needed to roleplay the 4th crusade somehow
It's because I never knew about investing until 2 years ago.
wait, you can have multiple ISAs?
You just can't exceed 20k/yr.
You can put up to 4k in a Lifetime ISA (goes towards a first house) which is guaranteed 25%/yr (a free 1k basically but can ONLY go on your first home)
Cash ISA (meagre returns)
Stocks and Shares ISA (which is by far the most common and is based in equity/bonds)

All mustn't crack the 20k limit though, otherwise tax comes in.
alright, come on new thread choppy chop
If you want a serious answer.
You need to basically save as much as possible while reducing spending as much as possible. I'm not a complete miser since I do spend decent money when it comes to gaming, food and other things I like, but in general, just avoid wasting money on cars, alcohol, subscriptions, holidays etc.
>You just can't exceed 20k/yr
in total, or per year?
>Stocks and Shares ISA (which is by far the most common
No it isn't
I grow weary of /brit/
per year of course
every April 6th you can put in another 20 bags

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