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baddiedem edish
Roy "Chubby" Brown
first for yankees
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dadberg is such a boomer omds
Stopped a revolution
Continues to import voters for himself
Ending economic support to his enemies
Undoing Brexit

You can hate him but he's absolutely won for his people
remember when rorke tried to shut down the bbc
>I have 55k in one ISA

>"wait do you mean you can only have 20k per year or total"

State of this sub. Utter mings
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haha get fucked yanks
Sir poo barmer lol
Utterly mental rorke is going to get locked up for a life time for that
would you have sex with a woman your dad had had sex with? obviously not your mum just some random woman
i have 26k in a LISA and another 25k in a regular saver (locked in for 9 months at 5% or something)
maybe i should look into switching over to ISAs?
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we are an angry fucking country
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mongols are the new magyars
boring bastard o'clock then is it?
probably yeah
obviously not right after
Are you sad about onion
before getting taxed, not just whether you can have 20k in the account.
ie he could have 55k and put up with tax
Regular savings accounts are pointless, just use a cash ISA yeah.
TIL German filmmaker Werner Herzog made a short film called Game in the Sand (1964) that he refuses to release because filming “got out of hand”.
wikipediaberg begging me for money again stupid nerds hahaha x
nah but seriously i respect what they do ay
maybe i'll toss them a dollarydoo or two one day when they stop exhibiting obvious bias towards the leftypol narrative
i never really watched her or even clips and i doubt she's fully retiring from vtubing anyway so nah
told them l'd send them 20 quid if they gave me exclusive editing rights to Hitler's page
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been thinking of clicking the buy button for a while but not sure smartwatches are worth it yet

worried about buyers remorse
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The founder of Wikipedia denounced it as biased and no longer fit for purpose
I would say encyclopaedia Britannica is better but it follows pop culture trends
*slaps you with a wet trout*
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im blue im blue da ba dee
Alri Cate
Most people have cottoned on now to the sham that is the FPTP monoparty duopoly.
She was terminally shy, never got close to anyone then fell for apex slop and became boring but she was always cute and funny she also said pog which was cute
can see your address mate
on non-anglo wikis there is actually a right wing bias
it's not the wikipedia platform that chooses this, it's the fat mods that take control and in the west especially anglo countries those are the mods you get
bait, who doesn't have prime
Sir Beer Llama
should make a wikipedoia site to host noncehunting videos and nonce information desu
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Show us your tits cate
Reminder that Rees Mogg dresses as a dog and pays male prostitutes to force him to eat dog food.
Seeing that man in a mask probably got him all hot and flustered
Looking for BUM fun in SW1!
Your dad talking about his clients again?
a girl just doxxed herself on bripa for real holy freaking epic
doubt anyone here would do anything with that info

pointless paying £8.99 a month when you can just buy all your stuff in bulk and get free delivery
i eated my pasta with anchovies it was really yummy :)
imagine your mum smoking rollies LOL!
What's your local?
Queen Vic, Rovers Return, or the Woolpack?
if i may direct your attention to this post >>201576766
tfw no smug whore gf
Look into the eyes of a chicken and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in this world.
And what happens if I just put 30k into my ISAs what then? HMRC gonna come round and put me in the savers prison are they
don't have to imagine me
she loves the things
motherfuckin newports NIGGUH
>Look into the eyes of a chicken and you will see real stupidity
no need to find a chicken, i can just read your posts
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here ya go ;)
no you're not
calm down badman
Thinking about buying Cate a watch and watching her do an autistic little jig then raping her
Begin with your famiIy
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they mongsploded(had to release the successor khanates first) so they kept steppe nomad government
we don't have them here
lost 2 stone since june, feeling good laddies
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bring rishi back I say. he would never ban smoking and wanted to send all the pakis to wakanda
Ever played Darkest Hour m8?
fucking love a cheeky 'chovie
little bit of 'chovie toast at the weekend with a fried eggoid is well lush
nor here
>Suicide rates in England and Wales reach highest level since 1999

we are officially back in the cool britannia era
Going to take Cate to a fancy dress ball and then trip her over when the spot light is on us and laugh at her as she cries infront of everyone
Operation find swede lad a friend is still ongoing
The mission will succeed
imagine cate rushing out to open the package all giddy but its actually a booby trap with sleeping gas that knocks her out like batman or something
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and what of the bhenchods?
What's your favourite date format lads

I'm partial to DD MMM YYYY these days
Or ISO 8601
any healthy take away?
I’ve got 20,000 in a fixed cash isa for one year at a rate of 5.7% in NatWest, 20k in a Santander limited saver at around 5.1%, and the rest in a kroo current account for daily spending at around 4.35% interest. About 40k in total and has only taken me 8 years.
Mad, I was thinking of topping myself
whats your method lad? x
some canadian here once insulted ringo and the song octupus's garden and i just want to say fuck you
execute order 69
bow chika wow wow
>since 1999
Y2K paranoia did a number on them
calm down prince william
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other than putting them on toast or 'za I don't really know what to do with 'chovies
need to get my current account sorted out. i think it's actually at 0.1%
Nice one de lad
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do women really
>dark green malboro
is this still available?
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Nofap 2 weeks going strong lads
i literally just put a few on top of my tomato pasta
is this mong talking about his finances just talking to himself? i refuse to believe anyone else here would engage in that level of boring buffoonery
Going to marry Cate buy life insurance for her then throw her out of a balcony
wonder how fat cate is
ive only fapped once in the past 3 months
and it was because one of you posted a webm of some smexy black lady
Basically a George Harrison song
Ringo came up with maybe a quarter of the lyrics of the first verse, George did most of the rest of the entire song, John and Paul finished them off
George did all of the music
Tell him that the next time he wants to be all clever
they are fickle beasts
literally the opposite of what i like
had one last night me. it lovely
I believe that's called whore pasta
t. penniless NEET

my condolences
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not this time, turks

not yet, is it a HOI3 mod or standalone game?
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I should buy a load of fitbits and smart watches from Vinted and Depop from people who have given up exercising after their summer holibobs and keep them until Christmas/New year to sell at a higher value.
Thanks /brit/. I’m going to be rich now
>current account for daily spending at around 4.35% interest
we like talking money, mate
some of us are doing well, and just want to check we're putting the money to work
if you don't like it, maybe /britfeel/ is more your speed?
It's salarymong. He's so sad his salary is literally all he has going for himself
.Let them hate me, as long as they fear me.


It's that easy right? can't imagine doing any more
you sound like you'd fit right in with the mongs over at /r/ukpersonafinance
Those titties are God's gift
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widehead londoners talk about all their money
Jeremy Kyle for PM i say
stopped having suppers and snacking, cut down to one takeaway a week.
smaller portions and eating fruit n veggies more
15 minutes dumbells + 20 minutes excersize bike a day.
i was 20 stone so it was pretty quick coming off to begin with x
>40k in 8 years
>5k a year
>£13.70 a day
That's less than my ciggies
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The bank is called kroo
if you're fine sticking your money with Nazimhave at it
getting off my backside, getting a job and putting something on the end of it
>he doesn't know
people who drink and smoke are mental
"oh yes mr government massa, I will happily pay twice as much as this is actually worth so you can write more legislation that punishes me more. Thank you massa"

cucks lmao
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uppity pretenders
Just gamble and buy US stocks. Savings accounts are meaningless.
No we don't lol
I make 6 figures and live in Clarkenwell
None talks about money it's considered crass and snobbish because everyone in the office is on different salaries.
Last time someone did they got called a boring feminist and everyone stopped talking to them.
wish politics and business mongs would go to their containment boards and leave us to talk about poo and trannies
katie price getting poo'd on
that got memoryholed, didnt it, kier starmers orders no doubt
Do you reckon tranny poo and girl poo smells different?
suffer not a poo to stink
first wank that i made real cum was to a photo of her when she was jordan desu
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>None talks about money it's considered crass and snobbish because everyone in the office is on different salaries.
bootlicking freaks
Invest all your money into pinewood
Don't ask me why
The spruce knows
Cate is probably Sacked Tranny btw and we are all indulging Tilde’s fetish of being seen as a woman right now
Aka spainnonce.
you know it's bad when your poo makes a crackling sound
Who do you think was the one who poo'd on her?
"Sir Poo Barmer", clues in the name lad.
I saw a an article showing the claim that blacks are 8x stronger than humans is bullshit, and they're only about 2x stronger
and that's p4p, so considering they're manlets they're probably not that strong
most of the people who die from black attacks are weak old women and shit
I honestly could to take on a black
hell probably two on a good day
I deadlift 400lb and I weigh 240lb so I'm way stronger than a black, also I train MMA so I could probably grab the fucker's neck and choke the fuck out of him
and with his small skull one right hook of mine would pulverize his little black brain
its probably some boring bastard's girlfriend's account
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thanks you for the easy pickings based catholics
Silence leaf
I get my own office and I get WFH
Could not complain other than for my boss to hire some fit girls and not weird dorky ones fresh out of uni
trading212, easy access 5.2% cash isa
pretty tasty, get on it if you're wanting
>I saw a an article showing the claim that blacks are 8x stronger than humans is bullshit, and they're only about 2x stronger
What the FUCK are you on about
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What if we breed a gorilla with a negro and a xl bully
i know you think your shit don't stink, but roses really smell like poopoo
Why am I broke in my early 20's I wish I could have money

wrote a really long post but hit escape and lost it
didnt know diegsy had his own documentary
If you're going to samefag spainpaedo maybe don't do it precisely 60 seconds after you post the original?
was shit anyway
You should at least be gamble 40% of your income
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Kier Starmer's Labour grovelling at the feet of their Israeli clients
Have got zero clue how the new champions league works
>An investigation is underway after a Tempe, Ariz., Wells Fargo employee was found dead in her cubicle four days after arriving in the office. KPNX's Gabriella Bachara reports.
Toildrones on the ropes
Done me in
I give zero fucks how the new champions eagle works
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where it started
I like her big bum
median salary in uk after taxes: £27,573
median annual rent costs: £15 312
median annual bill spend: £1,640.02

that leaves around £900 a month to spend on necessities

which means you should definitely be able to save AT MINIMUM £100 a month even if you're shit at budgeting
taking pooberg and peestein out for a walk
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Hourly reminder
stfu salarymong you friendless gimp
>save AT MINIMUM £100 a month
mate not being funny but that's basically nothing and you'd be better off chucking that on the bookies than saving it if you want to make any money from it
you should find room in your budget for someone who asked
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reckon Cate is a tranny or a femcel with big chebs?
yes good goy, gamble it away
my salary : £52,025
rent costs : £10,380
bill spend : no idea, maybe £250 a month?

still somehow struggle to save money
>median salary in uk after taxes: £27,573

wiping my arse with a poo
this is a pauper general
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have given up on life and decided to work in a supermarket full time
Stop dressing like a slob. Wear some nice shoes NOW.
I've got 140k in my stocks and shares ISA. Wife has 30k.

Each have 55k and 32k in our SIPPs

150k worth of equity in our flat

Car that we could sell for 30k

I'm unemployed and she's on maternity leave right now
watching clarkson taking his cow to slaughter
how much of this video did he spend talking about fellas with nonce fetishes
any ktimmers in this evening
wearing poo shoes
Why do my 20's suck when everyone else is having fun I am struggling to just live without killing myself by oding or shooting myself
Try budgeting maybe???
no one cares you fucking gimp
yes we know americans earn $250k for doing unskilled office work, don't rub it in
only benefit here is that figure includes healthcare
i save 2k a month, that goes up to 2400 once student loans company stop raping me in a few months
Goal for the end of the year is getting a woman to sit on my face
Never tried it but I'm curious
>Car that we could sell for 30k
Fuck off, what the fuck are you driving, a bugatti?
just published a book
might go find more floor weed
willy in vagina tomorrow
anyone else?
Worst thing about salarymonging is it's really difficult to filter. I've found a way but it's quick and dirty.
locked a poo in a safe last night. came back this morning and there's a poo-shaped hole in the back. scared
America special? I like how they almost immediately get attacked by angry rednecks the minute they put "Hillary For President" on the car
This place looks like paradise compared to the shithole that is London
its nice if they're into having their arse tongued ngl
My stats: 57k 19k in S&S Lisa, rest in ISA 25 years old
Open goal kek
>I've found a way but it's quick and dirty.
just like you then, have you considered going back to /britfeel/ with the other neets?
Last time I checked I was only paying around £200 a month for student loans, but I am old and I know things changed since like 2005.

Anyway I'm saving around £4000 a month now simply because I live in a cheap flat and don't buy anything.
It's a 7 month old BMW 3 series
Seethe lol. Get a life you gimp
Clarkson's Farm S2
reckon there's enough weed in the carpet for a joint if I ever got desperate
70k ISA and 34k LISA @ 26. All in VWRP. I prioritise maxing out my ISA and LISA (this is my first year I've been able to max it out, now making 55k a year). Then I have a DB pension (currently £3.5k/year from 68) and put 15% into AVCs (currently at £13k).
might fuck a crossdresser i sometimes see after toil on a friday
not had a message from her yet though
very tasty
mad how I have over 200,000 pounds in various savings accounts and I'm still stuck here with you cretins
Is sex nice?
weird post
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen
give us some
just looked up british scandals of the 19th century and it was split down the middle: half upper class buggery scandals and half abhorrent working conditions for the poor scandals
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me? no savings at all.
on the property ladder though with equity and all that so i suppose thats something
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feel like SHIT
id be able to save loads of money if i had no mates
cheesecake is the best kind of cake, change my mind
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the savings account, as it were
might move to kensington
for me it's victoria sponge
My parents fell for the equity release scam so I won't even inherit NOTHIN
screaming at this inspect element runts
Do the rabbis really use their mouths
which one's better?
Tummy hurts lads
you wanna hear a fucking scam
my obese dad has a "joint will" with his new wife
takes both of them to die before i get a piece of the estate
she's definitely getting that fucking changed
I made a big mistake voting Labour. Sorry lads.
Lemon drizzle man myself
... me today ...
i would have screenshotted the whole window but i'm afraid of one of you autists doxxing me
shouldn't eat with your poo wiping hand x
got spots on my arse
All cap
you been eating fish and chips again lad
You have single handedly destroyed the United Kingdom. We told you to vote Reform and look what's happened.
puking straight up in the air, giving my face a vomit coating
simple to make and it never disappoints
Five more years. No refunds.
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What are you in for?

A Facebook meme. You?

Smoking in a pub beer garden
Holy water from the foot of a statue really was sewage, wasn't it.
Cates big boobies in my face
Watching Farage do absolutely mental about the proposed outdoor smoking ban.
He's cigar smoker youseeit
There's a 200k+ USD /biz/ discord
I assume it is full of most boring runts
projectile vomiting with my lips wrapped around a didgeridoo so it all comes out like an overflowing sewage pipe
Got a hundred million in the bank. Or I will this time next week at least
and cake?
Jail is possible here if you ride the subway without a paying the fare so yeah, that.
do fags apply to cigars or is the slang just for ciggies?
Lmao this Rocket league pro i remember got FAT
just cigs
Even if you were around a bunch of millionaires you'd still wish you were here admit it
cheese cake
carrot cake

cant think of other ones i really, really like.
looks like a young darts player
Torsos by name Torsos by nature
Make cigarettes illegal but only for white people, equality and that
Your future gf's contact list:

Armando (erasmus bull)
Annelies (friend)
Bilal (tinder bull)
Bart (work colleague)
Delano (tinder bull)
Danillo (ex)
Daniel (ex)
Emilio (erasmus bull)
Elien (psychologist)
Elizabeth (work colleague)
Fouad (weed dealer)
Faris (friend of weed dealer)
Farid (cousin of weed dealer)
Femke (friend of mom)
Galliet (tinder bull)
Gustaaf (boss)
Jamaal (ex)
Jayjay (weed dealer)
Jordy (gym bull)
Jayson (school bull)
Jan (betabux, free food dates)
Kenzo (gym bull)
Karim (ex)
Lamaar (gym bull)
Lorenzo (erasmus bull)
Lotte (girlfriend, had bisex with)
Maurius (bumble bull)
Mo (weed dealer)
Noortje (girlfriend, used to make out with)
Peter (betabux, free dates)
Quincy (friend of Mo)
Quanzano (cousin of Quincy)
Redouane (cousin of Mo)
Ricardo (erasmus, friend of Armando)
Ronald (betabux, long-term hookup, stable IT job)
Tamara (lesbian with whom she sometimes dates)
Ulysses (ex, used to beat her rotten)
Veronique (psychologist)
squishing poo between my toes
carrot and cake? just taking the piss now
having chicken kyiv (pronounced “keeeev”) for my tea. any problems with that?
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Meat is murder
lot of effort for a post no one will read
always burst these in airfryerstein and the delicious butter gets wasted desu

kbm GODS
Mate of mine works at the pub that is his local
Apparently he reeks of fag ends
Got the Paralympics on. Little Chinese fella in a wheelchair with one arm just won the medal for being the least disabled about of the six other people in the world who are in his disability category.

Utterly fascinating stuff, gripping
whatever it was, it didnt get past my filters
doing their job
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fucking get in, lads
oven warming up as we speak
I thought the country was already ruined. Didnt realise poo barmer could make it even worse.

Maybe he will be out sooner? Boris was more popular and he got forced out.
probably not for him, obviously
4p? thats insane
Vax status?
get the fucking oil just stopped rorke right this second get it just bloody stopped
What's wrong with it? Normally the staff would have nabbed that up for 4p before it hit the shelves
elton john one of the store workers
didnt ask
dont care
kindly fuck off
get in lads!
watering a poo and singing to it
not rly lol this is nederdraad copy pasta i threw in a translator faggot
*snaps fingers*
This one right here >>201578641
no early big brads
fucking twat fuck off
*shakes fist*
excellent choice of 'za and congratulations on the bargain discount
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Got JanJan wrapped around my fist

Behead those that make early news
are you able to invest in the american stock market through your investment accounts?
Hes done you.
bit early that, shan't be posting that, nah
not sure the craic
Any tips to impress a British girl?
be white (all british people are brown now)
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howling at the early thread seether

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