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>>>/lgbt/37084280 edish
Roy "Chubby" Brown
anything under 14 stone is victim weight
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>Sent that freak flying into the lockers
43kg a good bench, I am a beginner
do any of you do meal prep? need some ideas
Was talking to dadberg about paedo rings in London right after he got back from London

What the fuck is wrong with me. It just came into my head.
I'm 90kg but aiming for 87kg :3
is that including the 20kg bar? so 11.5kg on each side?
I need to go to sleep kek I somehow somewhere read the word kike and did a double take
today I cooked chicken breast marinated in teriyaki sauce with broccoli, carrots, potatoes and cauliflower

I thickened the teriyaki juice and used it as a gravy, was lovely
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*gets the apparatus out*
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*loots your monastery*
no, im not a runt you see
I'm not sure what my bar weighs, but I didn't include it
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wish you wouldn't
Cracking stuff that, wish the teachers could have been arsed to set it up more often
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same poof
It's not illegal to eat a teenage boy's poo. Just saying.
it was a good meal, and healthy
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*slaughters your pagan army*
Did you just turn up to the gym and start doing stuff vaguely from memory
home cooking is runtish now? bet you live on chicken dippers
yeah i can clearly see why you were bullied lol
deary me
Do you need his signature to join?
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I don't go to a gym, I bought my own bench and weights, I want to be lifting 50kg by the new year
That was fun to arse around in
Mad how my primary school had one but it was like proper old room so it was good but old
How much did you spend?
What do they call it in Sweden
getting even sadder now mate
im sorry you were bullied, im sorry you cant accept that bullies are happy people, im sorry you need to resort to samefagging, but you wont somehow change my mind by replying to 30 minute old posts in other threads
prefer to just do quick meals and one pots etc. Meal prep just means that you are eating the same shite over and over again. Trust me, there are so many meals you can make easily and in quick time, you just need to stock up on the ingredients. Meal prep is more of a headache
I stole it
no i cook my own food. i just dont meal prep. i cook then i eat. anything left over goes in the bin. spending a day cooking your meals for the week is runtish behaviour.
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Sent that feral anglo sailing home
herniated discberg finally healed up so i'm back to doing heavy skwats and deadlifts again

feels good getting my str lvls up ^-^
The Protestant Reformation was a disaster
Skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to share?
rattled beyond belief
proper easy to wind you up lad no wonder you got bullied and are still fuming about it all these years later looooool
can't remember desu
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Done him
Give it a rest mate he's obviously rattled you good and proper. Can see the steam rising from your little head.
oh its spainnonce
Spunked in the charging slot of my phone and now I can't charge my phone without causing damage.
My pre school had a climbing frame from the good old days outside.

Iron frame 7feet tall with foot boards made of old creosote impregnated telephone poles and on a hard sandy surface.
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Great news, I'm getting bailed out by my sister that made it. She will let me rent her 2nd house for 600 a month
The pakis in Blackburn dont look like them bints.
Vikings weren’t even that good, there was just loads of them and they were really scummy in hit and run tactics

Lost to the English even after taking the north
Lost to the Scottish even after confining them to the mountain
Lost to the Irish even after pushing disunited clans inland
Lost to the Franks
Hair’s falling out
The average IQ of sub-Saharan Africa is 68, bit of a mental statistic
fuck sake thats cheating its not fair
Bradley Walsh always looks like someone has put their finger up his arse and he really rather likes it
I hope this is a joke. Squats and Deads are pointless for the amateur lifter and you will end up seriously fucked in your later years.
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let the niggers breathe
same, got the Vegeta hairline now
Would be cool if mormons stayed an insular anglo only cult.
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We're so back this is my chance to not be a complete fucking loser
wish i were at the end of that line
top tier indian girls are fucking nice, problem is they account for about 0.0001% of indian girls
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Leftypol shuffling through the pages of his script
How much can the average bloke benchpress anyway?
Klätterställningar I reccon.
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kier starmer wants to ban cancer sticks? oh no this is communism
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Bloody sea wogs. HATE THEM
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>600 a month
bloody hell thats a bit steep for family rates i hope its a nice house somewhere good
theres a certain kino about 2020s and 2030s dystopian britain
i'm sorry that you were rooting for the aussie and he got done up no need to cry over it
jews want to replace drugs with porn and sugar and liberalism
look like SHIT
Iran’s stocks of enriched uranium and its nearly total centrifuge capacity combined are sufficient to make enough WGU, taken as 25 kilograms (kg) of WGU, for:

- 9 Nuclear Weapons in One month,
12 in Two months,
13 in Three months,
14 in Four months and so on

If they use just 60% HEU they could assemble 7 nuclear weapons within days, impossible for anyone to know anymore whether they're in possession of nuclear weapons
Sir Skyr Scarfer
Sending my message over the undersea cables to be read and mentally absorbed by those on the tiny cold grey island of Britain
there isnt
Alri timetravellerlad
Trying to get the platinum trophy in The Last of Us Part 2, what a dreary experience
It's over.
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grim grim grim
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Give it a rest mate he's obviously rattled you proper and good. Can see the poo oozing from your little anus.
Not the Aussie you were arguing with but you should only "root" your wife.
Rorke searching torrent sites for the new God's Not Dead movie
how am i supposed to get jacked without squats and dls?
It's a whole house near Portland, min wage is like $20 it is easy mode from here lad we made it. Art hoe gf here I come waheeeyyyy
>Can see the poo oozing from your little anus.
extremely odd thing to say
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big man
pig man
haha, charade you are
I know a lad with multiple sclerosis who can bench twice his body weight, he's probably mid 50s
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What about root beer
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we're losing them whitebros
Whoever made this should be shot
you need slapping down
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Bit extreme
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Thoughts on big Tucker?
Black BVLLS... I kneel...
quite enjoy the "should be shot" gimmique
love ali g me


theres nothing kino about todays britain
the only cool things are the electric red double decker buses
He's a good ol' nicotine addict did you know that?
Begin with your family
Is Portland good? I only know of it from that cuck village the antifa tried to set up.
What's your mum's bra size? Mine is 36D
i dont mind lyrics posting as long as its at most 4 lines
as soon as you get beyond that, you turn into neet freak spastic dickhead absolute wasteman wanker cunt territory
no one gives a shit about your song you understand, do not waste mine or anyone elses time with your copy pasted shite
big shout to rubymong and toby if you still reading at this point, fucking freaks and despise them immensely, thanks for reading
no people gets so riled up when you criticise them as israelis/jews
quite funny tb.h
corr i wouldnt minding peeping on her tits through the window
leftypol fears him because he's a bonafide charismatic tall shagger
Got some new toilet tissue and it's fucking stretchy and springy, doesn't have a nice defined tear to it
have to manfully persist through another 8 rolls of the bloody stuff
2025 is our year lads
No idea but she’s got quite large breasts.
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>he hasn't switched to bum wipes
try them, they're fair more hygenic
ARE the REALLY flushable though
Lyric posting is mainly done by drunks, what you say is true but it doesn't matter to them
bog was clogged for days cos of these
I just dip my bum in the toilet water.
need that luxury wipe for your vagina lmao you bent freak
>I love walking around with dried poo up my arse
sucking a used bum wipe
indians just take a waterbottle to the toilet
windows 10 laptop keeps getting that "we ran into a problem :(" blue screen of death every 20 minutes or so

theres so many possible causes of that i don't know what to even do fuck sakes
You only need to use a couple, don't use a dozen at once before flushing
Off to bed, hope it's the last time, night lads x
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Great draw for the ‘tic lads
off to
you'll wake up tomorrow and the world is better for it
keir starmer crying himself to sleep at night because rorke wont get the niggers housed
Mad how 'bum a bumbum' sounds like an innocent child song in American English but in Brittish English it means 'fuck a homeless in the arse'
there's skidmarks in your knickers
No I eat out every single day.
theyre not flushable btw you are ruining the sewers if everyone used these youd never flush again the fatbergs would be so big
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Did he seriously say this?
the famine is over mate, time to go home
This is the same lad who was arguing about bullies before lmao
not my problem, clean it up janny
Let me guess you tore out half the operating system and can't figure out why it won't work
might pay a prossie off adultwork to dress as myra hindley and strangle me with string while in bed
Who gives a shite just get over it you little scrotes
If everyone did it then Starmer would have to pull his finger out and fix it
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yeah you can read about it in my new tell all book
my ancestors were british at the time and simply moved from one part of the uk to another
hate my stupid shit life fuck
alri poo smells lad ahahah *points at you* urggh whats that smell pooooeey ahah
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I lived there for about 6 months before and quite liked it honestly. Wouldnt raise a family in Portland but as a solo man I'm not really bothered by what I see except the disgusting tranny freaks
but if he pulled his finger out of the niggers arses then the bogs would really get it
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Sick and tired of waking up and still being the same useless bastard
havent tampered with anything at all
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Mad how most of you just dab a bit of dried tissue paper on your arses and consider yourselves clean. You're no better than the Indians.
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lmao it is as well haha
bullied at school and wipe your arse with a wet wipe
absolute fucking state
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that the feller from the halifax ads?
any ATL niggas in
her lovely sweaty body
What's wrong with using wet wipes exactly
halifax mentioned
Gyaldempaedo/Trannyspammer/190/Spainpaedo/VPN cuckposter/Rubymong/Heathermong/"Employed" "Woman"
betsy is norwegian now wdym
You're still seething over it, seems he really hit some nerves with your bullying trauma lol
I'm LISTENING to an ANTI-SEMITIC podcast because I HATE the Israelites....
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iyuan mires chungus
whats happening here then?
fairly confident spainpaedo and heathermong are different people
my X feed is fully rorked but I have this freak muted
Epic cope
He found a poc in the wild and has to point it out to his handler.
mad how we're supposed to pretend capitalism is just normal
this is like saying sexists cant be straight
i wasn't a part of that conversation you schizo
just like having a squeaky clean bum
Spaino hasn't posted in months
Upon my recent sojourn to a sleepy Scottish town, I encountered the most bewildering sight—a Hindu gentleman, of all things, strolling through the cobbled streets! The incongruity was utterly jarring, as though some cosmic jest had placed this man of the East in a world wholly unsuited to his presence. What could have brought him to this forlorn place? I cannot help but feel a deep concern for the disorienting clash of cultures at play here, and the profound questions it raises about the strange and unpredictable nature of our times.
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Epic seethe
It's Veitchmong spamming Veitch screenshots
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Sir Keir Starmer: Lord of Dem Kangz
K Edgar A McPoe
you walk around with dried up poo on your bumhole all day lmao
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My dad wipes his arse standing up and I have to constantly clean the bathroom floor with wet wipes because he gets little shitty seeds and hairs all over.
Can tell you that won't work kek
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fuck sake lad hes going to run to the teacher now lool
people look at me like this a lot
As if the Indian gentleman's presence were not disconcerting enough, I was struck speechless when, mere moments later, a Bantu—a native of Africa!—appeared in the very same village. The shock of it all! To witness, in this secluded Scottish hamlet, not one but two figures from such distant and divergent lands left me utterly aghast. It is as though the very fabric of our world has been torn asunder, mixing peoples and places in ways both bewildering and deeply unsettling. What strange forces are at work in these troubled times?
Gyaldempaedo/Trannyspammer/190/Spainlard/Brick/VPN cuckposter/Rubymong/Heathermong/"Employed" "Woman"
>little shitty seeds
your dad shit seeds?
veitchmong aka spainfreak aka 190
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Obviously touched a nerve he's now samefagging with bradleys.
It's either a bidet or moist bum wipes lads, if you don't do either of these after a bowel movement you have poor hygiene
yeah they aren't digested are they
Rodney Rude
>Bullying builds character

Truth or cope?

Jeremy Clarkson says he was bullied viciously and it made him sharper
He's a shagger multimillionaire who drives supercars for a living so who are we to say he's wrong
what about my hand, water, and soap?
Maybe I'm not the most miserable cunt on this planet, tell me more about you and this Dad
Its true. Bullying is a test
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lum is a CHUD!?
bluds getting flashbacks cos the lads are roasting him ahahah
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If you use the sink to do it you're an animal, that's the same place you shave and brush your teeth. Buy a bidet.
just poo before your shower
For certain people it makes them harder For others it just breaks them down
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Argie posters are mentally ill
Girls bully you at school to find out whether youre a virgin or a shagger. If you rise above it then youre a shagger, if you crawl away and become a misogynistic incel then youre evidently the former.
How do you pass the test? how do you fail?
>Reduced to @ posting
I accept your concession.
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Never got bullied by girls but I'm still an incel
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You don't even know how to clean your arse properlly mate, you're literally sitting posting here on /brit/ with a crusty arsehole because you only use tissue paper
without wanting to start the tard fight again i reckon bullying is just like societies way of enforcing social norms
if you dislike social norms you're gunna hate it arent you and lots of young people want to smash norms these days so not surprising its being looked down on
wouldnt say its going away though, once foreigners become a majority (im speaking of chinks here but fairly certain this applies to arabs to) they ruthlessly bully each other its mental
the way chinks treat each other is bonkers
Hahahaha what a life you've got
I accept your defeat.
strick a nerve in another thread

LOVE to see it
survivor bias
I don't do it in the sink, I do it over the toilet. At the end of the day, my arse is cleaner than any fucker here
thread just took a very gay, very dark turn
I got bullied for being two spirited in school
clean my arse with your mum's tongue, me
It varies wildly. There's different types of "bullying", a lot of what some people call bullying is just banter and encouraging you to not be a spastic. But there's nastier forms of bullying which are pretty much just psychological torture.
went to an all boys school
must be why i was such an autistic virgin freak but have never held misogynistic beliefs in my life. never understood misogyny really.
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Hard to feel patriotic about this country when I know blokes are treading our lands with crusty arseholes.
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If bullies aren't happier than bullying victims then why is bullying bad
Anyone who complains about being bullied, abused, manipulated needs to fuck off
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>I don't do it in the sink, I do it over the toilet.
You use bog water to wash your arse?
girls at school were all evil evil creatures desu

genuinely pushed me to the belief that sexes shouldnt mix until after the age of 16
Don't mate he'll literally cry about it for two entire threads before spamming bradleys to convince us how cool he is and how little he cares
>But there's nastier forms of bullying which are pretty much just psychological torture.
reckon this type of bullying is hard to survive without it affecting you in some way
Cunt's going to do that in a pub and catch HIV.
I was a bully at school, I didn't realise it at the time however
ngl the vibes are kinda off in this thread
Sir poo barmers head of crusty bum hole inquesition will be doing the rounds today lads I'm moisturised and feeling ready to present
*huffs for the twelfth time*
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mans splashing his hands about in the shitter that he just shit in to get his arse all wet for wiping and he thinks hes clean cause his brown hands obscure the poo stains
Sir Charles Veitch OBE
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Keith Richards and this guy
This time tomorrow where will we be, what will we see
corr on toast with a cup of peng
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right but if bullyin is so bad then why is this so fucking funny
I stayed in a fancy hotel that was 450 a night and clogged their toilet with wet wipes
Was embarrassing because they had to unclog it and tell me to not do it again
what do 97 years old do in prison?
You know girls can smell your crusty pooey bum if you only use tissue paper right? It's why they don't like being around you. Use moist scented bum wipes.
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Fuck sake lad he's going to cry his eyes out about it for the rest of the night and accuse everyone who mocks his gay boring posts as being the same person
My Dad's mate has a peng Indian wife and his two sons just look like tanned white lads. One even has blue eyes.
I wank whenever I feel threatened.
lie in bed im assuming
Oh my days he's still going on about it.
Shalnt be doing a poo until I have proper wipes
Can't be seen with a pooey bum hole
Don't really know enough about American politics, but I've liked some things he's said and not liked other things.
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Found a picture
Is this the same way a woman can somehow just sniff out a loser from a chad?
You know women aren't intelligent beings right?
They're both sad losers
People who don't get involved in bullying are the sports chads or ambitious nerds doing calculus in the library
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The Cheddar Gentleman
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>At least 116 killed in crush at Hindu gathering in northern India, say officials
>Most of the dead are women or children
Watching an inflight tv show while the ground passes below me
Mental how they got away with this. There is literally zero evidence that Cheddar Man was this dark.
idk what your school lives were like but we didnt really have bullies
just banter and juvenile fighting really dont think actual bullying exists much outside of third world shitholes
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>"People fell in a drain by the road. They started falling one on top of the other and got crushed to death."
Heathermong moved on from the Moors Murders and is now obsessing over Sidney Cooke
Strange little creep
Women are intelligent enough to smell poo you crusty bastard
My bum doesn't feel properly clean until I've had a shower after pooing.
"banter" in secondary school means ripping the shite out of people though lol
i think it's just normal for teenagers to be cunts because they haven't learnt to be nice yet
the people who found him distanced themselves from it anhd it came out that this was just a fiction made by an artist who thought that, because they answered that they couldnt tell his skin tone from the data they had, it meant they could make it whatever they want
my italian gf had a bidet in her flat, I wanted to use it but didn't know how. I was too embarrassed to ask her
Sipping a beaujolais and listening to smooth jazz.
Irish diaspora
Ah, fair enough. Shame that it's now burned permanently into smug leftypol brains thoughbeit.
are you black?
farage on live rn lads
Did anyone want to talk more about Morrowind or..
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Love this chune
oh yeah another case of them promoting the main story, which is a fiction, to literally 100s of millions of people globally
then issuing a half arsed retraction which is buried so that it barely gets page three
Does Heathermong actually have any hobbies?
was once in a pub and heard a British lad and some gay californian yank arguing over cheddar man
the Brit was saying cheddar man had blue eyes, and the yank was denying it and claiming that DNA testing can't prove eye colour
I interjected to defend the British lad and the battyman yank got proper emotional and started screaming, hurling insults, and stormed out with his yank husband
no, why?
italian women are notorious coalburners
Love love LOVE this tune from it
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in Europe it's mostly Polish and Dutch women who have that reputation
no bradders please mate bulliedbumholelad will cry
is being wrong on the internet illegal in the uk now or do you ahve to know that youre wrong for it to fall under that misinformation law
right then how are we going to make it big
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pictures of naked women usually does it for me
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>Pooey bulliedbumhole lad wipes his arse with wet wipes
need an xl bully on my bumhole
love the tight bumholes of teen boys, corr,,, (18+)
wheres pooeylynxlad now?
and he is a wet wipe
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>need an xl bully on my bumhole
bro trying to play the uno reverse card :skull:

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