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fuck off edition
these people have been through hell in their home nations

it's a bloody disgrace they're being asked to work. They shouldn't have to work a day in their lives; they should be housed for free at the expense of the English taxpayer and paid monthly it's only right
Is that atheist heaven or something
Right well that's Starmer's economic black hole fixed in 3 years, hop to it Keir old chap
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Just remembered I have to actually do stuff to make a change in my life.
Might have a lie down to recover from this devastating realisation.
leftypols only argument for mass immigration seems to be economical so what is his response?
Is that atheist heaven or something
Yeah weird innit
Can't just imagine yourself into a good life
Can't wait for neuralink pleasure domes
love love LOVE "Right well" posting
Is that atheist heaven or something
The majority of these are probably paki wives brought over who's husbands would never allow them to work or learn English
Supersonic is actually a good song.
She wants a man from Salopia
Darwin is a city in the north of Australia. My dad is there and i'm a bit jealous but he said he hasnt gone for a swim in the sea because there is crocs. I thought Aussies had figured out crocs and sharks and stuff.
I've only been to Darwen, an ancient but drab town in Lancashire, in the white belt on the outskirts of Blackburn.
quite like oasis to be honest
like a chilled-out radiohead
leftypol is perfectly happy to let a new class system of immigrants form in this country
1 class of neo-slaves fuelling the gig economy
1 class of dossers leftypol is happy to pay for

he will let anything happen as long as it means he doesn't have to admit mass immigration is a bad idea
>Germany to slash benefits for migrants who arrive from other EU countries to ‘bed, bread and soap’

Doesn't count the hard working migrant drug dealers either, as 190 would say it keeps the country ticking over.
Glad to hear that AusBVLLs are still conquering the motherland.
there are some cracking performances on youtube stylle
want to convert my tub/shower into a walk in shower
anyone care to lend me $8k
Yeah yeah like coldplay
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Wooden cities
What's the point immigrants don't use it
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>No internet, secured
why is all your adverts black man white woman?
They use it to make explosives.
quaffing a quokka's cuppa
tried the tomorrow theme but it looks weird so i went back to yotsuba B
I've noticed more white man (irish) and black woman.
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Swansea man Anas al Mustafa
Hey 190
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
How will your children integrate into brown Britain?

Seriously. They'll have to do it and you must prepare them to do so.
Might move to China
My dad is English but lives in New Zealand and s on holiday in Darwin. 7pm in winter and its 28 degrees. Crazy country you got there Bruce. I look forward to visiting again myself some time.
The countryside will always be white
Theres no ubereats to support them there
globohomo ad agencies run by jews
early new
My children will be brown. My fiancée is Indian you see.
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yugi boooy
>be white
Jacov. You will never be welcome here.
>>Employees would still have to work their full hours to receive their full pay but could compress their contracted hours into a shorter working week.
lol fuck off
I'm not doing 9.5-10 hour days. Leaves absolutely no time in the evening.
city builder, but it's a space station
>10,388,000 people living in the UK who weren't born here
>Minus ~800,000 people for students and asylum seekers
>16.7% unemployment rate
>Unemployment rate for white British is 3%
>slept 8 hours
>still wake up feeling like shit
mad how those ugly mystery mutts with freckles are on every advert but i've never seen one in real life
Fuck u gon do timmy
deliveroo driver somehow got me a free bacon roll and cake pop with my morning coffee. it's going to be a good day
Most of my kids are brown though.
heh your little poo children better not come to my estate or my viking children will batter them
She’s peng, she is quite light skinned and Westernised with big tits
Get all my clothes from next, other shops are a bit too flash and gay for me you see.
absolutely worth it for the full extra day off
>10,388,000 people living in the UK who weren't born here
im enjoying how refined this gimmick is getting. dont think i havnt taken notice.
doing my aforementioned enraged ape poo
get them wanked
Shame that, Aussie men with English women is the most wholesome pairing of all.

And yeah Darwin is mental, my parents visited this winter and it was so hot they wore t shirts and shorts the whole time, I can't imagine what it's like in the summer. If you grew up there your whole life you would probably have no conception of what cold feels like.
Might bin all my girlfriends clothes while she's in the shower and replace them with blacked clothing

She'll have to go out in that to buy new ones
labour needs to improve my life or else
is that including the 2.5 million brown/black immigrants in the past 3 years
She Christian?
Will pass on the message mate thanks >>201601826
Ah alright
Yeah the other anon's already done that bait mate
genuinely can't stand the Aussie poo poster
She’s non-religious, her parents are Sikh (but they’re not particularly religious or observant)
probably not
you can safely add a few million+ to that figure with the swathes of families living dozen to a room unregistered above kebab shops and that
The white blokes I know who go after pooskin women are massive freakoids, definitely something wrong with them
Basically as bad as chinky-chasers
so far they have only managed to make life a lot worse so im not holding my breath
Fellow Irish Diaspora?
right, fucking boiler man's missed the appointment time, he needs to service the boiler
their office isn't picking up
wash your mouth out with soap young man
think they are giving the country the bitter tasting medicine it needs but we will see
Holy based
Don't raise them though innit
you are mentally ill
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Most up to date report on unemployment by ethnicity shows "whites" (they don't break it down further) over twice as likely to not be unemployed

Also presents data from the 2021 census shows almost 50% of Arabs aren't even looking for work
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draw your last pathetic card so i can end this, yugi
got the ick when he chased after a table tennis ball
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Just got my MA certificate. I added up my grades myself and only came to a merit but my certificate says distinction. Should I call to check or just run with it?
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
Need her on her knees begging for forgiveness
don't they just round you up if you're close
Having gay sex on toast for breakfast, and a cup of tea
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for me? blind jumping.
I was 0.3 off so that might be it
i think its poison because kier is still having a melty because he had to cancel his summer holiday 2 weeks into the job
depends, they sometimes make weird calculations where they essentially just hand you the distinction
Prime bully meat x
Is Diego about? Got some questions about Christianity I wouldn’t mind having a discussion about
based Gyppos and travellers
Mikey would be proud
Yeah wouldn't be surprised. This was at a private uni which essentially runs an Indian visa mill on the side. Probably just bumped me up for the statistics lol
Hang on I'll go drag a truncheon across the bars
>not be unemployed
Weird way to put it.
so it's worthless anyway
Might move to China.
can't wait to try the new Dunkalatte
Sweet, creamy, and unlike anything else, this coffee milk latte combines Dunkin’s rich espresso with a secret ingredient: coffee milk, inspired by Rhode Island's official beverage.
attributing this to RACIST hiring practices
tbf i wouldnt go on holiday until at least 3 month into a job he made the right decision even though its left him sourfaced
Basically. It's just a law conversion packaged up as an MA. Only needed it to get a good job as a solicitor
Don't need Diegs, lad

Hop on shorts x

just done incest
>Anglo-Saxon graves unearthed near Hertfordshire castle

great, can we dig them up and put them on trial for bloody racism then?
Which uni?
hot what happened
it was one in oxford
thought it would be a nice and satisfying brap but I just shat the bed instead fml
That fucking lying bitch Ruby “Bones” Granger
got badly raped by my son
its nearly 11am. why are you in bed?
can they control weather and more importantly temperature yet
cos i want nice winters of 15 C and blue skies if so :)
Why did God have to make Mary pregnant? Why didn’t he just create Jesus out of nothing, like he did with Adam?
i like how everyone is going crazy over that figure on money spent on africa/arab immigrants

yet nobody bats an eyelid when europeans come here, take out a loan for uni (£200k) then go back to their country and never repay it because unlike the uk those countries don't chase you for debt
Most people don't understand just how parasitic and criminal Eastern Europeans are.
Yeah they're cunts too
Happy now, leftytwat?
The tradwife Ruby Granger
Dunno how people do live there. Id love to visit but you have to go in winter because its the dry season. I dont have a problem with English and Australian pairings because I only consider Australians of British descent to count as Aussie. Abos dont count as Aussies because they are Abos.
surprisingly low economic inactivity for the caribbeans
Surely Europeans can’t take out SLC loans here after Brexit?
Do you hate Michael Caine?
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Is 11am considered late? I usually wake up about 10:30 every day and stay in bed for an hour or so afterwards, don’t think that’s so weird
kier is an arrogant cunt booking a holiday so soon. would love to tell him what i think of him to his face.
lmao, reminds me of the peter hitchens cope
That fucking lying bitch
>I usually wake up about 10:30 every day and stay in bed for an hour or so afterwards
Alri mr I have depression
would be a seperate race of men instead of a continuation if he did this
You are not a functional adult
You are a slug
Probably had it booked long in advance, nobody was expecting a summer general election. Parliament is in recess during the time he booked his holiday, most MPs book them for that time. Plus coincides with the school holidays and he has school age kids. Not that weird.
i'm not a leftist i just want people to focus their hate on yuropoor immigrants too

there's like 5 billion still need to repay just from the last decade
you gotta roll with it
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Good morning lads.
How are you feeling today?
Hate those ugly skeleton-type niggers
5 billion is pennies
much more concerned with every uni town looking like a african paki slum now
tugging on my gay little willy
what types do you like?
Not at all, just a morning person and I like to stay up till like 1 or 2 am
Why do you say that? If I woke up 3 hours earlier for the sake of it I magically would be?
Those little pygmie-type niggers seem like a cheerful, harmless bunch
... Me Ruby Granger in my dusty smelly bedroom on 24 June ... Secondary date check failure ... Must be hacks on my iPad ... The vile cowards in this country don't want me making reading studying routine videos ...
command and conquer
now those were some video games
Not 'for the sake of it'
For the sake of doing something with your life you daft tranny
How so? Couldn’t he have just made Jesus exactly genetically the same as he did but not bother messing about with Mary and cucking Joseph?
What the hell are you doing?
>lying in bed for an hour after waking up
Mental how you can say the nigger word without geting b& these days
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get them in
get them housed
get them wanked
I was expecting it. kier is just a lazy selfish cunt
wrong thread you fucking idiots
rorke's sister signing up for starmer's new border wank force
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>say hi
>zero response
found not one but two asian asmr girls with west country accents
genetically the same as what?
he would be the "genetically same" man from a different lineage to adam and undermine the whole point of the incarnation: the restorer of adam. it not accidental that like two of the gospels have a substantial lineage of jesus. the whole point is he is in continunity with the jewish people that go back to the first man adam.
if jesus was simply the first memeber of another race of men who was not linked to the first race of men then what would be the point of him?
Well we are doing the same thing with our lives right now so I don’t see what you’re seething about
Yeah I like to watch some YouTube/TikTok, read the news, post on /brit/, maybe have a wank. An hour might be an exaggeration but I usually stay for at least half an hour. It’s especially comfy in winter when it’s cold
Like a Turkish delight.
you getting oasis tickets mate
I'm on annual leave, having a coffee break before doing some DIY
What are you doing today
you prefer the browns/blacks staying and committing crime to the europeans that take money from banks?
Ignoring this Turkish fella
Oh arr oi'm so harny
Oi love thou long toim
Get the oil stopped
Get the smoking banned
Get the NHS Health MOT checkers in the pub
Get the young migrant men collected by the lifeboats
Get them housed
Get them clothed
Get them on benefits
And get them wanked off

Britain 2024 - it's beautiful
i would estimate there are 10000 hard working drug dealers in the uk which accounts for less than 1 percent of that supposed 1.6m
Why do Europeans always do this?

"Ummm you have to allow millions of foreigners move to your country because they're white"
piss flavoured turkish delight
>I'm on annual leave
made no plans for my time off so it's sitting at home doing nothing
fuck off
Genetically the same as the Jesus he actually made

And wouldn’t he be closer to Adam if God created him from scratch? Both beings created by God you can’t get any more similar than that

Also, if you’re saying a newly created man would be a “new race” isn’t the real Jesus kind of a hybrid? He would be 50% non-true human. If his father had been a human also in Adam’s lineage then he would be closer to Adam no?
Are Turkish delights are thing in Turkey or are they one of those things that gets branded to a foreign country despite having no presence in that country like Fosters.
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What the hell is demisexual?
Tricking chat GPT into falling for ligma jokes, I'm a cheeky devil heheheheh
she's a slag that will shag out
Not got many plans for the day. Might go to the cinema later and play some video games.
drinking a pepsi max
gone 11am and the gf has yet to respond to a message i sent last night
actively choosing to ignore me at this point
We've been trying to tell you this for a century now
Kier Starmer actually scares me
I've only just realised that he is insanely robotic and probably doesn't have a full spectrum of human emotions
there must be more than 10k
i reckon 100k at least
they should have separate news channels for non whites
every day my phone gets blasted with grim stuff about parent murdering their children and kids stabbed outside of school and that and you just know its third world nonsense
footballs on. clash of titans this match
europeans are net contributer, it's a fact
but you left eu and let more browns/blacks in 3 years than 20 years of europeans, you clearly have a preference
It’s over mate, get her pre-emptively cheated on
starmer scares you
but what about the people behind the scenes controlling him?
woke up with a bit of a tickly cough
nervous desu
i pulled the number out my arse TO BE FAIR. 100k would mean that just about 10% of migrants are drug dealers and thats just estimate
Antisemitic schizo outburst incoming
what matters is not jesus's genes per se but his continunity in the race of man from adam.
>And wouldn’t he be closer to Adam if God created him from scratch? Both beings created by God you can’t get any more similar than that
no because adam had children that eventually led to mary and joseph.
again you want to jesus to be from a second race of man created from nothing
the whole point is that jesus is from the first (i.e. adamic) race of men
you seem to be conflating lineage with the means of birth.
think about it simpler imagine instead of abel being born through adam and eve he was also created out of dirt and said "this is your son"
the latter claim is simply not true, abel would be from a second race of men of which he would be the first memeber instead of being the second member of the first race of men.
Also, if you’re saying a newly created man would be a “new race” isn’t the real Jesus kind of a hybrid? He would be 50% non-true human. If his father had been a human also in Adam’s lineage then he would be closer to Adam no?
no this is utterly incoherent and heretical. jesus is 100% human that is the whole point, he is as human as anyone else. as we have discussed above, god could make jesus's genetics whatever he wanted them to be, there is not even any reason why jesus could not be genetically the exact combination of mary and joesph
>insanely robotic and probably doesn't have a full spectrum of human emotions
woke up with a tickly nob
dunno why i typed estimate when i meant absurd
fuck. I'm sorry bro.
chopper (2000) rewatch on the cards
feel as though the australian film and tv industry has been rather underrated over the years, apart from your mad maxes and your neighbours and so on
yes that anon dictates policy

fuck off you filthy wog CUNT
I'm talking about the irish lobbyists
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>Bread in the crisper
Miss when we could put these people in a home so they wouldn't be a menace to society
she seems normal from her profile, except that.
Online dating is such a grim concept to me
Commodifying human relationships and sex onto some digital marketplace

All to do with the lack of decency and the incredibly capitalist and consumerist nature of it. Young peoples experience of finding love and starting relationships should not be “superlikes” and “good opening lines”
ed millerband?!
Europeans lower wages due to flooding the labour market, send money back in remittances, commit crime, support pro immigrant politicians and use nepotism to lock out anglos.
M&S mustard sausage roll down the hatch
But in terms of lineage he doesn’t have an Adamic father. In fact he would be LESS Adamic than if Mary and Joseph had a child together naturally without immaculate conception.
Australian film and TV is pretty mediocre because there isn't much of an audience
I suppose it's better than, say, Canada
tesco poo barm meal deal for dins
hello tarq
Who crawled off Tattle life to make hate posts about Ruby on 4chan?

That and anyone with talent moves to Hollywood as soon as they can.
>100k would mean that just about 10% of migrants are drug dealers and thats just estimate
There's 10 million migrants in this country and that's just the 1st gen ones
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will shortly be exercising my right as a free british man to smoke in a pub garden and there's NOTHING he can do about it
I had it with some pickled walnuts and they were most agreeable
he's called son of david though
More like Mark Expenser heheheh
and are still a net contributor unlike browns/blacks what was the point of your reply?
fuck off jewboy
Sir Woke Farter
>But in terms of lineage he doesn’t have an Adamic father.
what do you mean by this? both joseph and mary are from adam
if joseph not being sexually involved is what troubles you then see what i wrote above
imagine god formed jesus in mary's womb as if it had been through intercourse with joseph
> In fact he would be LESS Adamic than if Mary and Joseph had a child together naturally without immaculate conception.
you're getting the terms wrong here btw immaculate conception refers to mary not jesus, jesus is the virgin birth.
i dont follow the logic here can you expand on how you think he is less adamic
Only thing Hitler did wrong was lose
>fun looking game
>It's co-op
weathers a bit shit in tasmania right now
He had Strasser killed.
fuck off germanic larper
the old celtic gods are still the spirits of this land
he invaded russia. silly thing to do quite frankly
Starmer has literally no personality
Mad how he will just enact a law that he never talked about before election, proveably does not have even close to 50% public support and mongs will still say we live in a democracy because every 5 years they pretend we have a choice
At least Canada mandates productions filmed in Canada must use Canadian talent. Does Australia? (Not memeing, seriously question. Don't know much about your industry.)
some will win,
some will lose,
some are born to wee and poo!
Tá Lú linn.
ill play with you
what game?
That nobody is under an obligation to host millions of foreigners in their country regardless of whether they're white or not.

Not a single person in this video will feel repercussions for this
Hope the sky falls on your head
Love coop games
Just gabbed a ghoul
TIL gaelic is different to irish (language)
theres a people trafficker getting released as soon as GCHQ sees this one mate
a colony saying stuff like that is funny to me
AITA for not caring
Kinda including that in my post
Nothing morally wrong with killing slavs but it was a bad tactical choice
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>Love coop games
But Joseph is not Jesus’s father so why are we taking him into account here..?

My bad on the wrong term yep sorry I meant virgin birth.
He’s less Adamic as he only had one Adamic parent. He is the child of God and Mary, no?
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
she clearly must have said or done something to deserve this
Australian productions are usually all Australian, though emphasis on "Australian". A lot of the stuff made is full of diversity and nobody watches it.

The only genuinely popular media to come out of Australia in recent years is Bluey which is about a very anglo coded family of talking animals.
22 billion black hole
reckon this will make headline news?
done me there
Mad how badly in retrospect I'd mindraped my "bullies"
Begging out for BWC
I don't think a colony of Visigoths and Moors has any right to say stuff back to me.
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Are you ready to apologise?
itll get chucked right in the states memory neghole with the rest of it here >>201603057
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yeah find it crazy really. reckon he should start cracking on with his manifesto pledges before he starts on trying to ruin my summer evenings at the pub because he's done fuck all towards any of these
Furiously chain smoking in my garden while I still have the chance
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reddit is that-a-way chaps
>one white girl getting the shit kicked out of her by a hoarde of brown and black kids
>still gets up and walks off like nothing happened

though must say, one thing I really hated about this was the goon filming it - listen to how excited he is when she gets pulled down by her hair. Listen to the pure thrill in his voice as he captures it 'for the snap'. This is someone of immense stupidity to the point of also being in need of punishment. If someone is being lynched in front of you no worthwhile person pulls their phone out to record it. Utter sludge.
Covidberg got me on the bloody ropes
fag companies can't advertise, they are made to sell their product in white packaging with graphic images of medical condition on the cover, they cost £20 a pack, you can't smoke them anywhere indoors publicly
they are already pretty much banned
He has literally never named a single country that Englishmen should emigrate to, he just insists that Britain is a place to emigrate from. Can't respect him.
Christ redeemed the father(Adam) lad. Mary is of Adam's line. Christ has redeemed all fathers and humans throughout time if they accept his covenant
stop locking gays up in your shed
Not sure why Labour is acting like this is such an insurmountable problem
22bn in regards to the countries budget is pocket change, the budget is well over 1 trillion pounds
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What about vapes?? Are vapes safe?
>But Joseph is not Jesus’s father so why are we taking him into account here..?
i already said you can count joseph as his father if you are concerned about genetics as i've already said god could have implanted the genetics of joseph's sperm inside mary's egg.
>He’s less Adamic as he only had one Adamic parent. He is the child of God and Mary, no?
i dont understand why having allegedly one fewer parent makes him less adamic, in fact going by your "logic" above it would make more adamic as you wanted jesus to come from the dirt just like him so having 1 parent instead of 2 is closer to coming from dirt???
you seem to have moved away from "why was jesus not made out of dirt" to "what were the exact specifics of how the virgin birth happened"
if that is the case then i assume you are satisified with my answer to the former
and there is no answer to the latter it is a mystery
Don’t trust or respect any British man that wants to flee our country at the first sign of trouble
Cowardice or downright malicious. Don’t give an inch to the bastards. This island is your home, you have no other.
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funny how leftypol goes completely silent when this kind of racism is highlighted. very curious
Cad é seo?
He's building an Ark
some will win,
some will lose,
some were born to fling their poos!
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Get them legalised.
lol is that a noncehunt
You’re totally wrong btw
The diversity slop comes out of VIC and NSW and just like the UK its cause their retarded lefty state governments throw domestic funding at slop nobody wants to watch because it has niggers or trannies in it.
Queensland Labor though actually set up a real film industry and there are numerous actual blockbuster movies filming in the gold coast every year, but they’re American productions using Aussie companies and locations.

I just wish they’d fund Aussie productions without having diversity quotas that only absurd shite nobody ever wants to actually see can hit. Have a friend studying screenwriting and all his stories are overtly to do with sex, sexuality or race because they know thats what gets funding.
If only there was a country founded entirely by Englishmen emigrating and turning into a replica England.
The vape, the look, the rocking
This guy is a nonce
>at the first sign of trouble
Zoomer mong
rorke setting these down on the table at dinner with mumberg
if only you eejits hadn’t ruined it by letting in loads of chinkies and immigrants
Is that the Falkland Islands bro?
Nonce is cooked
anyone been to clarkson's pub
Cad é Basáilte? Google shows no results.
Thanks Diego you’ve pretty much cleared up all my questions there. Cheers

*reaches out my grey wizened English hand towards your strong tanned Anglo hand*
h-help me...
no problem hope that helps
a further note for you as well to understand the parallels
adam->eve (woman comes from man "alone")
adam + eve-> children (man/woman comes from man and women)
what is missing?
mary->jesus (man comes from woman "alone")
>failed adnd admitted it
>not talked about
>called it racist
>not talked about
>only for white people
>not talked about directly but explicitly stated cant afford such things
Going well for Sir Poo Barmer
M8 it's never going to happen, the liberals will never defund anything left wing like the ABC or SBS lol.

You'll occasionally get something Aussie like Bluey but most Australian tv will continue to be reality tv slop and dramas about refugee Afghan men who are oppressed because they're given a two bedroom house on the taxpayers dime instead of a three bedroom house.
To be very clear I wasnt defending liberals, the ones who have come closest is QLD Labor but federal labor hates them cause fed ALP is owned by the mining companies and QLD ALP actually taxes them
it is indeed a noncehunt

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