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Bunda edition
leftypol dilating watching this
wow, where in britain is that?
Might move to China.
I don't like the idea of toilet brushes, I don't like using toilet brushes
Feels barbaric
Need the boffins coming up with a better solution

It still hurt
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based as Gaelige


are gary
haha forgot about that
i will shag a girl with cutting scars on her arms but will never date one, i cannot take such people seriously, they are useful only as clapmeat to be used and discarded, and are not to be thought of as anything serious
This this this
How the fuck is scrubbing poo from a toilet then just sticking the pooey brush in a little holster hygienic?
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my swc couldn't get past those cheeks
Corr! You reckon she shits with that arse?
might twinkmaxx
got the perfect face and body for it
Lol. First time for everything. An bhfuil tu gaeilgoire?
a wog's highest goal is to date a white woman, it is literally all they aspire to
Cronem cock massager
Christ on a bike
Russia nuking us would be a coup de grace at this point
this isn't real
They want a brown wife an pale skinned concubine
Why not?
heh nothing personal kids you are evil and shouldn't expect anything to make up for structural inequalities and if you complain you are even more evil you should sit in a hole and suffer
An beag Gaelige agam

Learning though
alexis texas
>An beag
Irish Gaelic is unpoetic
britain begs for a school shooter
one that targets faculty
if you see someone smoking in the beer garden, no you didnt
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corr on toast with a bowl of peng and a cup of fit as
earthworm bolognese
It's called Cliffs of Moher.
Drinking beer in the smoking garden
shut up incel
Every makes fun of pajeets and everyone hates pakis but nobody ever mentions Bangladeshis.
think i might have got it wrong and it could be “an bheag”
which would be softer and pronounced “ann-wee-gh”
Is this real lol
yes sir!
grim fat arse the blacks can have that one
doubt it
can't believe he got 6 (You)s off a /pol/ editi lmao
need to buy a desk or make a solid desk top for a small space, don't want to spend a lot but the ikea options are complete cardboard dogshit. so grim.
one day white men will have to pretend to be gay to keep their bollocks
meeting a mate at the pub at 4pm and I will be smoking in the beer garden and there is NOTHING kier can do to stop me
bring back the stick thin heroin addicts of questionable age
Only a white boi is gay enough to make a woman's body a matter of holding to their political views omfdz
>they are made to sell their product in white packaging
dumb non-smoker
In Scotland people would say am beag because B is said with the lips so they change the N to an M
It's loquatious
*sits down on the carpet and starts playing with my toys*
Quite fond of Aussies
Rorke falling for the ol’ fake news screenshot with awful grammar yet again
Is as Éire, although unfortunately despite 14 years of Irish in school, níl mo gaeilge ana maith : (

It's because its a boring subject in school and I'm not good at languages. I sometimes think if before each class they reminded us of our cultural heritage we might have put more effort in lol
The British people are currently the most pathetic on Earth i’d reckon.
No other country has swallowed the globalist neoliberal propoganda as hard and no other country has done more to accommodate millions of foreigners arriving on its land and silence any opposition.

If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
not helpful leftypol
*my wizened hand, still held out, hoping for a strong Australian hand to grab it*
h-hel- hel- h-help me...
Simply love going abroad and getting a proper pack with the branding on it
They just taste better
Honestly hate how puritanical British policymaking is becoming, we are run by the kids who got bullied at school
Where is this accent from?
Also is this the ugliest british accent?
yes mate all my fault sorry
Remember when they put cigarettes in plain packaging and everybody quit smoking?
I knew they were only doing it for the cool packaging.
lmao that wet wipe wont be showing his bumhole round these parts again
Mad how the Irish get angry at immigrants for not speaking English.
Get the blacks wanked off and their cum inside white British wombs so they can shit out more half brown kids raised by single mothers who will be part of Britain's increasingly bleak future
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Yes, before you ask, I am Irish Diaspora
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not even daily mail is this bad with its writing. this was done by a non native english speaker
don’t see the point you’re trying to make
*offers you a holiday working visa bartending in Perth*
I've got you cobber
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Yes yes, very droll leftypol. You've found another way to distract from the fact that no one likes your brown pets.
why have you replied all that to me when i was simply pointing out to the original poster that they aren't in white packaging like he stupidly suggested
kin ell
>headline of the article is white Brits are the most likely to receive state support
>reality is this is only the case because people claim the state pension, something they've paid into their entire life through taxes
>housing benefits and child support disproportionally claimed by blacks and pakis
Just making conversation x
rorke you are coping
looks like a Slavic prostitute working in Turkey
The facts are whatever I say they are chud.
touche grass rorke it's friyay
Not even joking when I say this lads, not meming for a single second. I think it is beautiful when a white parent is holding and loving their mixed race child, one day we'll get over racism, but for now we get to see these glimpses of a better future.
Don't give in to fear, embrace hope.
Colm, this is no day for a do
lads please give me desk recommendations which won't turn my smelly bedroom into an office or virgin battlestation
Honestly I've become more racist last few years and I feel I am not alone
We are becoming a more divided and violent society and leftypol has no solution for it at all, he has caused it, in fact
utterly insane how many people take headlines at facevalue and are unable to critically analyse a piece of research or writing
covid era was mindblowing
sometimes the "conclusion" was basically different to the research presented
Have had this argument so many times with young fellas that hate old people more than niggers or pakis that just because the state pension costs more than paki or nigger housing doesnt make it worse cause those people have usually contributed for many decades if not their entire adult life

Its removing a kidney because a tapeworm is causing you problems and taking up nutrients, without the parasite (shitskins) the system would be able to reach equilibrium
This, but I also find it arousing when a white women specifically is blacked and made into a black baby factory.
Very fearful about the future I am
10% of y peepo receive benefits
It you include pensions that's 30%

You live off dole
just did some mad air drumming
never played drums before in my life
I am genuinely proud of the fact that I am unvaxxed.
If I got a tan and brown contacts could pass for a Spaniard or Italian
i've got an ikea desk, comes with a handle to make it standing but i never use it
sturdy desk
This for me but it's Slavic women holding half Germanic babies.
*looks you up and down with a look of disdain*
Says a lot, really.
>housing benefits and child support disproportionally claimed by blacks and pakis
lol 2.5 million in 3 years
i heard it mate
listen, ive toured with aerosmith and whitesnake, and basically yeah, you're good enough to go pro
Getting the latest from Dr Chud
so when will cuckposting fall under rule 3
I'll be almost 40 by the time Keir Starmer returns the country to better days. All my best clubbing years done under Tory decline. Clubs shutting at 1am, £12 for a double, criminal offence to have one little balloon on the way home. Never forget what they took from us
cackling at the amount of seethe this generated, thats how you know youre onto something
why? you did nothing?
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It was real. All of it.
proud is a weird word to use but it is depressing how many people failed the largest iq test ever conducted
Spaino I can smell your grotty poo crusted arse from here
now and then even janny gets sick of them after a 10 hour cuckold goonsesh and gets them binned
Genuinely high treasonous numbers
Guy on the right reminds me of someone
Sir Queer Starlin: get the cucks gooned
>cool fag packets
>tobacco sponsoring sports
>ciggy 10 decks
>£1/pint nights
>all you can drink for a tenner
>real sugar
>two genders
why did we abandon sense
comrade kier will have all nightclubs closed down and alcohol illegal for the peasants within 6 months
got threading enabled from 4chan X
it's changing the experience
for me it's DOGS!
>have one little balloon on the way home
Who the fuck does a balloon walking home, balloons are for when you're sat on a smeggy settee at a house party
*cups my cock and balls up through my trousers and plonks them on your desk*
>spainscum is a paki
0/10 chance.
Even with his relentless African worship he still can't be brown since inevitably he'd post racist things against Europeans
No, I did everything
beans on toast for brek was an error of judgement as i have been TOOTIN' all morn!
ayo this migga eatin BEANS
george russell
least deluded atheists
>the UK had a Christian government in the 1990s-2000s
I uh what
been quite unhinged recently
need to put a stop to it
not normally into blacks but that's nice
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they should split the flags into the constituent nations, english flags mean 30% chance of being foreigners
why are zoomers so gangly?
which one?
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One mousey post is worth a thousand Spainnonce melties. Let that sink in. The man who posts about shoving nettles up his big gay arse is winning.
>why are young people slender
Who knows
they be eating they beans
UK was long gone before that kek you can find people predicting exactly whats happened now in the late 1800s
poo sliding out of my arse
Just imagined a fictional post and started laughing
sometimes i make sloppy joe's, but i just eat it out of a bowl instead of on a bun
Post it lad, that's how I make my posts.
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If you look this let me know
actually i was wrong, that's one i was looking at but didn't go for
it's trotten
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Oh my DAYS rorke
>£12 for a double,
Poo Barmer will make it £18 for a double to ease the burden alcohol causes on RNHS
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Many Japanese regard the UK as an 'Anglo-Saxon country'. I was the same. But when I went to London, I discovered that this was wrong.
absolutely mental that seppos think it's ok to keep cats penned up in houses for their whole life.
a semite and irish diaspora coming together to bash the white man
Hasn't been Anglo-Saxon since 1066 xx
bore off 190
>A teenager has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a man died of a “serious chest injury”
Kek is that what we're calling stabbings now?
end of the day you shouldn't be racist!
the sad thing you realise once you break £100k is how poor the return is on salary bumps
going from £120k to £170k nets barely £1k extra if you have a student and postgrad loan
is it even worth changing then if you have to then go through all the training and risks with changing jobs? Just to go from £5k to £6k a month?
I distinctly remember being taught about the Norman invasion of Britain as a child, with the Normans depicted as tall ubermench super soldiers and Anglos as puny runtish peasants.
Even 10 years ago when I was at uni you could get into the main club night for a fiver, two cans of lager or two jagerbombs for £3.50 and two shots for £2.50
With a student card some bars would do 5 jagerbombs in a pint glass for £5. Same places now would be charging 4 quid for fucking carling
Things that never happened
reading about the falange
maybe he got falcon punched
how much do you pay in your car insurance per month lads?
About £50
Sputtering at diego reporting anti chrsitian posts that use the word paki lmao
Sensitive to criticism but devoid of argument, needs to be protected by an authoritarian regime
English people are actually Saxons but for an unknown reason they named themselves after the Angles who they conquered and massacred

Literal tranny race murdering somebody and pretending to be them
Why Brits so good in electronic music? Cheap drugs?
I made 150k last year and changing to a much less stressful job that is unlikely to pay over 100k for this very reason
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did you ever think you'd have kids
i pay mine yearly and its 850 quid
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if you call £90 for a gram of Chang cheap…
Rorke ordering Guinness in a nightclub
Right was 14 and fucked a fellow paki
nothing, i don't drive
Most English people are genetically still Neolithic early farmers thougheverbeit
culture of living at mummies and getting benefits so you can focus on your music
yeah ok, he looks about 24
You must have gone to the university of Hull or something
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why are italian women like this?
>um 12 year olds can consent actually
ah yes pakis
better than shite budweiser
Bronze age indo Europeans actually
Who were then conquered by Welshmen then by Gaels then by Saxons and that's you now
Still get a gram of MD for £30-40, basically same as it was 10 years ago
Notts. Weirdly stealth is one of the cheaper places for spirits now, when I was at uni drinking in stealth was considered expensive
went to the university of wanking
they taught me how to goon, edge, and arse wank
far more useful life skills than the quadratic equation
This is disinformation
you got a good car or live in a dodgy shithole?
corr spaff
The fact that you have to take drugs to enjoy electronic music testifies to how bad it is.
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why don't you want these poor asylum seekers in your country?
second half starting soon lads
No proof of this
most music sounds better on drugs bar pop
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I live in a nice part of a bad postcode.
all rounded up, good
now sink that container
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Rorke is afraid of high iq indian men
fed up of this two tier jannying
sir hiroshi moot has a lot to answer for
good post
good post
great post even
word is he sold it to some jappo toy company
mum just caught me doing a gay porn dance
shes called dad to come home from work for a 'chat' with me
think im gettig kicked out fucking hell lads im shaking
You know what they call a sex arse in Japan?
sexo arseu?
Not racist just dont want to live around brown people because they smell and do crimes
If this is controversial to you then you’ve been mindbroken by jewish propaganda
ah fuck just realised i posted in the wrong /brit/ thread (this one)
190s corpse
for me, tyranitar
there are now 700 quintillion sex arses stuck in Calais
for me, its deadniggermon
Nah soybuglet
I exercise on two work days, can't do that if I'm working until 6pm
not gay myself personally but some willies are just so aesthetically pleasing and almost tempting to give a hypothetical cheeky suck on
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they're laughing at us
nowt wrong with that aslong as you dont do it in a gay bathhouse and get gay super monkey pox aids
mad how racist aussies are
state of that snoz in the third picture
they hate you and want you dead
not racist just dont like em
racialist not racist x
brits are more racist they just get buck broken into keeping their mouths shut because even with anonymity they fear a knock on the door from a group of zogbots who are literally begging for the opportunity to beat the ever loving fuck out of them for saying NIGGER on 4chan
Last weekend I was at a wedding in the south of France, during our stay my child hasn't been particularly well so I've struggled to get enough sleep.

At the reception this evening, I fall asleep in my chair during the speeches. All my neighbours rip into me for loudly snoring during the speeches, so my wife (a bridesmaid) puts me to bed in the bridal suite until we have to leave. Lay my head down, move the pillows, and under them, I find some stuff. The stuff is lots of gear.

For a moment I just move it aside and try to sleep, but then come to my sense, huff 3 bumps and return to civilisation.
race realist, me
most moral atheist
(and it's a good thing)
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it's an outrage really

yeah can already do a 4 day week if I want but fuck working 8-6. the people I work with who do it don't do any exercise or have any hobbies in their evenings
recently found out im 1/16 aboriginal so this is literally impossible
have you received your complimentary didgeridoo?
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Had so little luck from online dating I've completely gone off the idea and will carry on being alone.
Bit early for Brits to be posting right now unless they're unemployed.
rorke aged 7 leaving bite marks on the pool noodles at the swimming pool
What mob mate? Emerging elder status?
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raped and eaten any babies to gain their power yet abo?
remember when they were seething when the likes of Gove and Hancock did this
Politicians aren't allowed to go on holiday now?
We had an Aussie lass on a year abroad at uni who was a complete lefty and as SJW as it got in 2013/14, on a module about early humans she looked at the pictures and went on a rant about abos being a surviving missing link
coping mechanism
Bit of both really
Mad how hard it is to actually like a woman isn't it just
>no... surely not.... the unemployed incel site is full of.... UNEMPLOYED INCELS??? *head explodes*
called woggles in britain mate integrate or fuck off
nowt wrong with biting a wog(gle)
She deserves a break, it's hard work thinking of ways to ruin the country.

"The government has crafted the plans in “close consultation” with trade unions who are campaigning for a full four-day week across the public sector, too. Analysis from the TaxPayer’s Alliance of union proposals finds that they would cost a whopping £30 billion per year if applied. Around a 15% rise in productivity would be needed to counter that."

That's a lot of winter fuel payments for pensioners.
lot of aussies posting right now
all the woggles got nicked at our swimming baths by you-know-whos
i was told it was a shitty movie called burn
we send only our best
What amazes is me is how few of them have hobbies and interests. No travelling, dogs or wine are not hobbies.
mostly me
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actf uhrl duuu imnn opkk
bit racialist that
bit like you then
1 more meeting, almost there de lads
where else would an aussie battle be at 9:30 PM on a Friday night my lid?
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lads 3 hours and this will be me I can't bloody wait
>No travelling, dogs or wine are not hobbies.
why not?
It's all me

also me
she deserves to have a wank
let her have a wank
Nice projection
Because they aren't, simple as
literally shaking at the thought god it’s so great being English
god bless pilsner
what about makeup
no ciggies though thats banned now becuase you are a burden
And they feel total disgust for a man who has hobbies or interests which are slightly geeky.
gwon lad get after it
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rorke's da
nice dodge
tbf this is basically everyone from the colonies e.g. Canadians, South Africans, New Zealanders
Totally holding the woke party line until someone brings up a news headline about crime back home with them
can't even smoke a fag whilst I'm being stabbed to death by a wog
country's gone woke
arrest the women
especially the ones who wank, they’re appropriating male culture
get IN my lad
donmt think any of this actually happened
How do you know? Were you there?
Stop paying taxes to a government that despises you and wants you replaced. Strike. Get on the dole. Bring the country to its knees.
build the reeducation camps for women
mental what urinals were like in the 90s
spiritual ancestric memory through my aboriginal dna (1/16)
Strange, been hearing a lot about a 22bn black hole, seems counterintuitive to add another 30bn on top but hey what do I know
some of my friends have absolute permavirgin hobbies like dnd and warhammer but they shag twice as much as i do, it's more the fact that the people who have geeky hobbies are generally actually repulsive
Why aren't you playing for the Penrith Panthers?
He isn't Samoan
Alexis Texas, my Angel, my face is your toilet, do as you please.
i wish i was arrogant enough to just disregard anything that challenged my worldview but alas i am a thinking man
D&D is a normie hobby now, not TTRPGs in general, just D&D.
mad how everything is shit now
can't wait for the aussies to piss of to bed
could easily make up 30bn by fixing any random thing in your woefully mismanaged shithole island
quite obvious they're trying to shut down pubs because they're not inclusive of the ever-growing paki population
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wouldn't know tbqh dont pay much attention to it
detecting some antiantipodean sediment in this post
they're on the VB they're not going anywhere
launceston united getting battered right now
can't just tax rich cunts more, can we. everyone else has to suffer
what about the four x
then i'd be poor tho lol
Is this a joke? Could you actually respect someone who self harms?
>shag twice as much as i do
can't really multiply zero by though can you
shan't be using that dogshit early new
why i oughta....
Problem is we're a nation of retarded bean counters who think doing anything ever is too expensive.
>functional IT infrastructure not based on 1970s architecture
Too expensive
>armed forces capable of doing anything
Can't afford that
>a fucking 200 mile train line
Fuck that we're not made of money

Miserly penny pinching has killed the UK.
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came off as a bit fantastical to me
*taps watch*
Are the niggers housed yet?
I didnt think so

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