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ordering a hit squad on the next smartarse cunt who thinks it's funny to link to a new that isn't actually the new
epic! xD
canslad makes me proud to be irish
my ex gf has moved to Cornwall and apparently she's being pimped out by the Kurdish mafia, or at least being propositioned about it
smashed up my smelly bedroom because i didn't get an email from oasis
(8) sher wana live this lifestyle (8)
spider gone behind bath
All in here lads
4 fresh pale meats for thugs and goons to tear up LOL
Just learned about the concept of a ”reverse mortgage”

What the actual fuck
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Ideas for the next vlog:

Iron with me (8-hour ironathon)
Ironing on a rainy day night routine
I only iron dark academia clothes (no jeans!!!)
Going ironing with my Bast Frand Blakeney
Ironing UnJaded Jade's Curly Hair
Kombucha sponsored my ironing board
Nord VPIron
Marfa destroys the iron: an art film
Why ironing is problematic; Amily Dickinson hated it
We should normalise creases
We should normalise never ironing
I annotate the ironing board without asking my parents!
Video Essay: The Domesticity of the Iron in Victorian Childhood Girlhood
Harry Potter and the Fucking Bitch Who Never Irons
Shall I get a cheeky chinese?
scran ruby minge
got no fucking snacks in
Basically Tom Selleck wants to steal your home
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Based hate women me
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get the creatures posted
Only had a Greggs sausage roll for lunch and I'm supposed to get 2500 calories a day to maintain my weight

Fuck sakes how do I make up for that much in one meal
I'm getting a cheeky Korean myself
you're really not missing that much by not going out, other than the opportunity to shag which is why anyone ever goes out in the first place
overly expensive drinks, entry fees, nobheads, chavvy women, loud and shit music, rip off taxis, dodgy kebabs and pizzas, cold fucking weather, dickhead bouncers, smell of smoke, sticky grim floors...
Looks pretty peng here tbf
Which ones the creature?
Instagram is just status signalling. Full of women and deanos posting about their new expensive clothes or their dinner at a trendy upmarket restaurant or their trips abroad. It’s all to say “look how rich and cultured I am”, all curated and designed for people to take the bait and one up each other.

It’s pathetic. You can live those experiences without posting your gay little filtered pictures to your account to one up people you don’t even talk to.
Eat a pizza
might watch Jaws tonight
keanu reeves just really isn't a very skilled actor
he was good at playing a retarded teenager in bill and ted, but then he came back 30 years later and he couldn't play ted anymore either, he must be super complacent since everyone loves him for some reason
holy cope
Bit racist calling them "creatures" mate
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proper yankaboo me love absolutely everything about America
the history the politics the culture the nature the media the capitalism the food
just love love love the lot and wish i was American so bad
god damn this paki hellhole island
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*ad starts playing on the /brit/ TV with ugly chuds posing*
Get the incel look
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Get the clappers posted
where's nellposter
This image just triggered my age old fantasy of being a nomad warlord riding into a village or town with my posse of warriors. We ride in, and we go round house by house banging open the doors. I imagine seeing this visage: an out of shape, weak and pathetic sedentary lifestyle practicing "man", and his beautiful family. I bash his face in, break his arms and legs, but keep him alive so he can see me and my men deflower his daughters and despoil his wife. The way he would scream and shout as i would mount his youngest, most beloved, precious daughter, he would yell with such genuine, incomprehensible pain as his little girl cried and begged to be released, i would thrust and thrust and thrust until my seed was ready to be expunged, i would then finish inside and make sure to let the coward know that his girl will sire my child, in his last moments, before i ended his misery he will have to know that i have taken over his bloodline, i take on the girls into my harem. For decades on further, i would fuck and fuck them and they would bring me more and more children. Every time i fucked them, all of the girls would remember the way they were taken, the way their father was murdered and forced to witness their rape with his last breath. They would with time get used to their life as my servants, from my whores they would turn into the caretakers of my children, their sorrow would turn into affection for my seed and after long decades, when i am on my deathbed, they, along with the children they reared sob as they see me expire having completely forgotten the pain they once felt as they were raped and kidnapped after their father was murdered, they no longer saw a rapist, a kidnapper, or a murderer...they were witnessing the death of a man they love.
been on more nights out then you've had hot dinners diegsy
sucking some gay seal rum
cope on
u clearly dont have the first fooking clue lmao
any of you got that comic where a student says his teacher is built for bbc and she overhears them and imagines herself on the news?
also looking for the comic of the poland ball sodomizing the russia ball after it shows the american ball some tigers.
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it's over lad...it's over
We need to get rid of Americans in /brit/ but that's easier said then done
Ordered the cheeky chinesre
satay chicken skewers
sweet and sour chicken
boiled rice
that's me tonight ye
Its not an easy task to hone the craft of comedy.
I've talked about this with comedy mastodons - Joe Grogan and Brendan Scwaps
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The things that used to mean so much to me
Have gone the way of dinosaurs
Hopes and dreams and everything
All I want for you to be is happy or something
I guess anything is better than the time you spent
Hoping I got it sorted out
I sent you a postcard but the post office sent it back
They said the building's been torn down
I just miss what I thought we both had
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Business idea: create a ginger village, for all the ginger people to live in harmony and if they wish to leave to find a mate of another hair colour they can

Like the Amish but with cans
i love how much joy it brings them
How likely is it to even shag from a night out
Let's say you're a 5'11" average looking lad, it's probably really low to be honest. Maybe 1 in 20 times you'll actually pull and have sexo if you're going to the top locations with a decent mate or two as wingman.
Every other time is just a blur of drinking, dancing to awful music, ogling at fit birds, going home frustrated, feeling sick from alcohol, sleeping like shit.
Haha lol!! Said the American, so funny and quirky!!
often cope online about how great britain is (no pun intended) but sincerely wish i was a yank it mogs this country in practically every metric

it’s basically like britain 2.0 across the sea, and much better
time travelling to the victorian era and going around pinching dowagers on the bum
own brand digestives for tea
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Why don't britons look like this?
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>8-hour ironathon
so fucking what
gnite lads an fuck jews
Corr, get them on the front line
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Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
i would open my ponus and testacle for she
Poo poo poo poo poo poo
Poo poo poo poo poo poo
Poo poo poo poo poo poo
Poo poo poo crazy poo
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doing a little gay porn twerk
Years of state funded niggification of the population at the altar of diversity (code for crony capitalist profits)
go be brown somewhere else and take your curry-scented pillows with you
imagine wish you were a yank and not a chinaman
alri boomer
might whip up a pb&j and a tea
mental how people want to send them back
fucking eeeeeeellllllllll what i wouldnt do oh my
wish i could play guitar been trying for ages but just dont have the knack
You can sense that Spainpaki is really going for it with the spam this evening, he's feeling bitter and vengeful after last night's meltie and humiliation
What are you going to do about it?
i have a fantasy of sorts of shagging victorian women
purchasing a manor and hiring a small army of female maids and sexing them all
im tired of pretending that white bread isnt better than brown bread
Racistly wishing Hitler had won and resenting the fact I will never live in a national socialist country that actually cares about its citizens
just imagined you whipped up pb&j and tea from back pocket haha hilariousu
It's impossible to be an incel in Britain
for me it was
shredded chilli beef
Kung po chicken
Chicken fried rice
Prawn toast
4chan.org/int/brit is just status signalling. Full of neeks and rorkes posting about their new uninformed opinion or their racist wordview or their trips to the loo. It’s all to say “look how superior and smart I am”, all curated and designed for people to take the bait and one up each other.

It’s pathetic. You can live those experiences without posting your gay little filtered posts to your thread to one up people you don’t even talk to.
wouldn't bother getting out of bed for that kind of pay
would love to do sexing with pretty much any woman who isn't an immediate relative
it's impossible to be an incel in israel
hope youre okay with the stench and hair cause they were all full bush but never bathed
You mean Little Ireland, lad
autistic gf drawing mythbusters yaoi again
*gestures at all the posters in the thread*
why has 4chan decided youre you cranian now
not supposed to use words like that
they all look very neotenous and feminine
i thought russian men were hard as nails
ok virgin
no one else takes 4chan this seriously
log off
Yeah because they are all gay rapists
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How do we respond lads?
they did shave and that sounds great regardless
not a single idea. something about ssl certificate hacker voodoo magic poo.
Yeah because I get fucked by hmrc every day, gordon bennett
Yeah because I get fucked by the Israel Tax Authority every day, oy gevelt
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because everyone in russia looks like that
you fucking idiot
do you not now how media works
With a household after tax income of £505 per week, I have a higher income than around 58% of the population - equivalent to about 38.8 million individuals.
Is the link moni?
impossible to be an incel in muslim countries too
weird that
white countries all be full of angry school shooters
Reddit ruined this general long before this gimp found it kek
They will never experience the prime poley era of schizoposting
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yeah? got my pay in today at 4,097
like i said, i wouldn't even show my arse out of bed for that kind of scratch
used to have this gimmick where whenever a rare flag showed up in here i'd say "all (country demonym)s should be killed"
the reasons i don't do it anymore are twofold: one, i've already done it to almost every country
and two, i'm afraid these days that kind of thing would get the glowies on me
this post is how i found brit lol
99% sure its gunna be the sheikh
if you want schizo posting you can go to /x/ or /pol/ or /kpg/
that’s just yank incels cause they’re all fucking maniacs over there
european incels just paint maps and watch anime
>3-Year duration 4chan Passes are now available for $45
kek, getting desperate to keep the lights on eh gookmoot?
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
get extradited for that shit these days
ake no mistake sir keir starmers storm troopers are coming for you
Do you live somewhere where things are cheaper or more expensive? I bet I'm getting more out of mine than you are yours, and mine is a first years salary. I'm also getting a lot of shares in the corporation I work for

Your days are numbered
What's your explanation for why we haven't found proof of aliens yet? Why aren't they out there?
?? The lad who got arrested for a post
whoa slow down i was just saying from my perspective that's quite little
no need to get defensive
might move to pitcairn
Thats a death signal for the site desu
He needs money bow to keep the site up
But what about in two years when all the passmonkeys dont have to pay for their pass so theres no cash coming in?
really hope you die an embarrassing death like dying on the toilet like elvis
did some investigation and you did it around 5-6 times only unless you posted in a different format that all x should be killed
I'll kill myself before my 3 years pass expires
Too far away, and space exploration isn't really possible or likely. Intelligent species are too selfish to spend countless lifetimes travelling at sublight speeds in a universe expanding much faster than that
mumsy on the wine now
Next cute redhead i see working some bullshit job I will put the romance on her every day until she will be my wife and that's on me gran
They're not physical but a creation of our collective psyche, like an egregore or tulpa
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he should try and sell the site to elon musk
cant imagine any country receiving an extradition request for sir staircase and taking it seriously
most likely they just look at it, have a giggle and then bin it
"britain? hah!"
The concept of imageboards are so bizarre
They started as something anime specific now today they're just bizarro anonymous forums. How did it get that way?
Like why do I post on an imageboard. I can't even answer it
considering it took ~4.3 billion years for life on earth to start and the universe is only ~13 billion years old ish, it's not too farfetched to assume life such as ours is rare and super advanced 'star trek' esque life is even rarer or doesn't exist.
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get her shagged and impregnated
Why do Indian men try to grope and rape any white women who visit India?
Hes lived an hilariously embarassing life Id be shocked if his death wasnt equally humiliating
Better put aside some of your tremendous wealth to hire some round the clock bodyguards sunshine
thats mad that
is that cgi? has to be
Britain? More like GAY-tain!
*runs off back to /ita/*
I've heard of being on the lamb but this is just ridiculous!
Paki's wife hanging out with welsh wife
if you imagine the visible universe to be all earth's oceans - we have 'mapped' about a cups worth of water.
thats why mate.
It didn't have to be like this.
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perhaps your search parameters were off, i was able to find a streak of them quite easily
Had a wank to weight gain porn again
In uni I dated this cute freckly redhead yank bird
Her name was Kimberley and she was from Kentucky
I shagged her on the second date and she let me spaff inside cos she was on the pill
We were fwbs after that and she also let me buy a load of vyvanse pills from her she had that orange pill bottle n all, mental
project on
Imagining diego getting to the pearly gates after he dies suffering a diabetic seizure while locked in at home alone only for god to say no shitskins, should have lived in your own country
mad how there's more universe outside of what we can detect.
like, light far enough away will never ever reach earth. mental how big the universe is really.
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>In uni I dated this cute freckly redhead yank bird
>Her name was Kimberley and she was from Kentucky
>I shagged her on the second date and she let me spaff inside cos she was on the pill
grim grim grim it's over billions must die
Japanese fella with his binoculars on a lanyard
Convinced nobody here knows what projection is
no chance diego is going to heaven lol that rat is evil
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yh dont worry la x
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old so life probably only took 100 or 200 million years to begin once it had a planet
you are severely mentally ill
m.a.a.d city, bit of a tune that
Diego is going to have a fit when he sees this
Feel like you're projecting a bit there lad
All shitskins are evil
that's not what projecting means you windpipe cunt
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>yet another job rejection today. on the dole 13 years now
>mum sees i'm upset and tells me not to worry, she'll make my favourite tea tonight to cheer me up - chicken kievs with chips and beans
>sit down to eat and realise immediately she's bought asda's own brand beans even though she knows i only eat heinz
>blazing row over beans flares up, end up flinging my plate at the wall
>mum runs off sobbing and saying she doesn't know what's wrong with me
>run off to my room and slam the door as loudly as i can
>creep downstairs later on to get snacks because i'm starving
>overhear mum on the phone to her friend talking about how she raised a failure of a man
How's your Friday night going lads?
Feeling like I might wank to A Bug's Life rule 34 but I fear there won't be enough material
you've been done retardo
There's chemical signatures of life in the gas clouds of Venus
Also ideal conditions for it on Europa and numerous other ice moons
We've found rocks on Mars that appear to show fossilised microbes and also liquid water in Mars deep underground
Our solar system is teeming with life. We just haven't gone to collect proof yet because governments don't want to spend 200 billion dollars just to confirm that microscopic bacteria-like organisms exist on our neighbouring worlds
i'm going to outlive all of you
you deserve to die
Can't remember what it's like to feel human
(8) pray your soulmate got a soul when you meet her (8)
What he wanted to say was ‘i know you are but what am i’ but he thought that sounded juvenile so he tried (and failed) to say it in an intelligent way
diego is an agent of satan
want to touch rabbits quite hard
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the pentagon released videos of ufos performing manoeuvres that are not possible with our current technology, what further proof do you need?
Mexican lass at uni seems very interested in me. Hopefully that's not doxxable since I doubt there's many Mexicans at UK unis.
Anyway thinking of asking her out. Would it be weird if I learnt some Spanish for her?
projec ton
Hope so
Why would anyone want to extend this hell on earth
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problem is people hear 'life' they think, 'oh, like us?' not single celled organism you can only see with a mircoscope.
The Asian Fanny
considering all the sci-fi media out there, it would be pretty funny if it turned out humans are among the biggest and strongest of sentient species in the galaxy.
I AIN'T clicking that shit niggggggguhhhhhh!!!
*teleports to varrock*
sanest whiteboy
avg antivirus
alri Lenny
I want passionate romance with a ladylike 6/10 is all. Keep your degenerate slags
your chud life could be so beautiful if you just forgive it
The South Asian Fanny (It's Brown and Pink; Hot)
Need my arse probed by a fit alien lass NOW
Then I'll believe it
just filter him
he never makes new threads and has never made an informative post its just smug adhoms and seethe
i reckon she'll be quite flattered if you learned her language. good way to get fluent in it as well. just don't be weird about it.
project on
you can have it
just don't ask her about her history. stay blissfully ignorant
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>thinking diego only posts with his name on
oh sweetie
big fan
do you not think how you may be discouraging people from christianity with your evil ways
Diego deep throating his icepop to check if he's gay or not
Everything good about existing is bein stripped away by a government that hates me and wants me dead because of my sex and skin colour
I dont think coping mechanisms are gunna stop indians shitting in the sinks, lebs raping little girls or chinks and americans bribing government officials
Diego is the Mr. Bean of /brit/
never seen him post an image either. on an imageboard.
but he'll happily sit there and lecture people how they should be using 4chan lmao. what a gimp
what evil ways are those?
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she'll be __ years old so doubt there will be too many miles
weird goblin bastard
need him killed
hope diego farts so hard that he shits himself
diego running circles around his detractors again
i did this in the tub once and a nugget of poo floated around with me the entire time.
eternal maskers/long covid people and vax conspiracy theorists have the same concerns. that every stroke comes from that same period and its medical response. yet for some reason they don't agree
greed, sloth, envy for a start
Indeed, if there's life on Mars or Venus it will be single celled organisms in hard to reach regions.
Only place other than Earth where macroscopic life would be possible is if there's any around sulphuric thermal vents at the bottom of Europa's seas. I doubt there's anything more than microbes on Europa myself, but that is a possibility.
great post if i dont say so myself really happy with how it turned out
Taco bell on the way
He’s been on his Aussie VPN all day. The man has no life.
>single celled organisms in hard to reach regions
rorke in his smelly bedroom
seethe from brainlets i've exposed is unreal haha
wouldn't say i have greed. sloth and envy tho u on that but like that's par for the course this website is sin
used to hate myself in my late teens early 20s for still looking like a child but now I’m 25 and everyone I went to school with gigawalled and have disgusting beer bellies and sport stupid deano beards
and here’s me, the fittest I’ve been in my life, sub 50 resting rate and could still pass as a sixth former largely thanks to my vigorous skin care routing and health balanced diet
I’m going to be young forever
dont act coy dickhead you know what you are
Jesus and Buddha have a fight. Who wins?
i really can't stand toilet humour particularly from women, and the proto-gf made a fart joke the other day and now i'm like 30% as attracted to her as i was before
They look like they fuck black men, exclusively.
what's your skincare routine lad xx
men hit the wall in their mid 40s
*pulls up leg and farts*
That bulliedbumhole wetwipe was calling aussies VPNs today but im pretty sure all these aussies are just regular aussies
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Bought a new pair of speakers today, cost me £400 but they’re so worth it. Feel too autistic to use them this late in case I bother my neighbours though lol
Had this happen with a protogf once
Just lost attraction and stopped messaging her within a couple months, never met up again after it
you've been here 24 hours straight bulliedbumholelad you haven't had any sleep? Fuckin hell
why the fuck would you spend that much on speakers?
what's that? projector?
if noise is a potential complaint, i would've spent it on some quality headphones instead.
So how's this new government doing? I don't pay attention to politicks
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buddha probably, seems to me like jesus would be a complete pacifist and refuse to throw hands, whereas the buddha would go for the "middle path" which sometimes involves smacking someone
It's mad to think about how many hopeless NEETs and other low skilled people post on /brit/.
Laptopberg screen is just black when I turn it on after hibernating with the power cord in. Spent months trying to troubleshoot it. Only solution is to never shut down with the power cord in.
Technology is shit.
Distracting myself cause I can hear family arguing and crying in the other room

Hate conflict, dont know how people can get so emotional in front of each other like that

that's about to be my ringpiece after I get this taco bell burrito scranned lol
Is Oblivion a good video game? The faces look kinda freaky
Just another day in samsara. *rolls eyes*
no sweaty
Whats more likely, ive been awake for over a day on 15 VPNs specifically trying to make you miserable because you wipe your shitter with wetwipes
or your pattern recognition isnt nearly as good as you think it is and there really was 10 (ten) people ruthlessly mocking you yesterday morning
they were on holiday or something, so they havent really done anything yet
some leaks about stupid shit coming out. dunno when they'll announce anything. think there's supposed to be a budget or something?
Can I have a pay rise?
imagine being to wank whilst pissing that is just binkers
i'm piecing things back together. being more active and working on my drivers license so i can get a job.
sick of being a miserable leech every day. parents aren't going to live forever.
Why do we call them speakers? Should be called hearers really
Weve got taco bell back home now?
Really are importing the worlds worst aye
not this shit again
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*turns on the school projector with the hymn sheet in place, projecting the lyrics on the wall*
Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray
one of the best rpgs you can play
but possibly a product of it's time
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my speakers cost more than 10x that much, poorfag
Not really, you're the one hearing things not the device
need to cup my mouth around that as she does that
just said this down the pub
wish i was in charge of a large social media so i could subtly shape public opinion
Having a car is life changing, very freeing, good luck.
Well thats my workout done, racistly of course
Triceps werent fully recovered from being a retard on tuesday but it went fine
Time to racistly march home to Erika and daydream of a national socialist australia
women's genitals just seem severely ill-equipped to release urine, god it must suck being a woman i have no idea why so many men are trooning out these days (although apparently the majority of them keep their knobs tbf)
I doubt it
The new 'eitch

reckon if i had a minge i wouldnt really be bothered about stuffing things up it but would just rub it against everything
You'll start visibly aging from now
25 is the last year of genuine youth
It's all older, fatter, balder after that
we really on those incel hours fuck me
very much is, especially when you're a rural cuck like myself.
> i have no idea why so many men are trooning out these days
incels who can't have the woman so become the woman, every time
wish i was a woman so bad
grooming porn and the general oppression of straight white men both structurally through government and online on every social media except elon musks twitter because hes mad his own son trooned out
no idea what you're on about but it's well known that spainlad does that sort of shit when he's getting bodied
you will never be a real audiophile
you will never have good sounds
you have no money, you have no quality speakers
Just been accosted by a Redguard fellow asking about my coin purse
We live in darkening times my friend...
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careful sharing this info on here bro they will try to drag you down. they HATE seeing a chudcel make it (we're gonna make it)
just want to lie down and die
i've heard if they wipe the wrong way they get infections and everything easily.
not to mention if you mess up the balance of things in there with certain hygiene products.
and the monthly bleeding that dictates your entire mood.
yeah, not great. but not my problem.

thing about mtfs is they get to be men without all of the burden of being women kek
why is there white stuff on my screen all of a sudden lol
stay chipper
Pooing out a shit using the famous arsehole opening method
Oh yeah? I'm the one speaking am I? You fucking stupid cunt
sry bae x
Nice thing about Fridays is you can filter Diego
*surreptitiously puts my willy away*
Dunno aha x
and you have a $1000 mug!
Genuinely cannot picture what an Aussie suburb looks like, or a neighbourhood
only heard about fannies through the grapevine have you
mad how im the least mentally ill person here
Couldn't make the rent payment this month but the Khajew landlord M'Shekels said he'll give me an extension at 30% interest
Oh sorry, is fucking stupid cunt a nickname then?
had a female friend for a few years and she would divulge many things about it.
*sends you a picture of my suburb from directly outside my front door*
Here you go, Mr GCHQ was it?
you've done it again /brit/, another entertaining and informative thread
imagine a yank suburb but slightly less retarded and the houses are brick
>mental how i am the tallest dwarf
I always imagine them like American ones but hotter and full of cockatoos
Wonder how trick or treating works down there
Had to unsubscribe from Videogamedunkey. The man is simply not funny any more
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I am so utterly despondent
well obviously i'm not neurotypical or i wouldnt be here
The houses are brick or weatherboard cladding but theyre wood frames just like the yanks and you dont plaster the plasterboard either just likes the yanks
Structurally the same type of cheap shite
he wouldn't say that
When did deno become a normie meme
Just saw. Vid with 1 million views singing about deno

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