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The Cans Are Effective edish
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Need an Asian
went trick or treating in australia and the cunt put a huntsman in my bag
diego was on here the other night seething how his family don’t let him alone with his nieces
weird man
screaming, mad how this fat cunt managed to fuck up his whole image
3-Year N-word passes are now available for $45
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Googled Australian suburb
Looks nice
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still fit despite her best efforts
they all live in giant bungalows with bright red soil and weird creatures
project on
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I'm gay and even I've noticed that gay culture is starting to assume that black men are natural tops. Even we aren't spared woke.
Went trick or treating in canada and saars shit in my bag
and my pumpkin
and my sink
will not be paying a dime to this website and block every ad.
the sooner it dies the sooner a lot of miserable people can get on with their lives
how do i learn to be a better kisser?
film idea: a sequel to the hills have eyes, the bums have poos
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Leafo's lost the bloody plot
kiss your sister like i did
190 also nonced his neices
dont really care you grim cunt. hope gay death takes you soon
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Don't really give a shit about yank politics but Trump's pick for a running mate is so bizarre.

J.D Vance is a fat, unlikeable retard. Look at the fucking state of him.
i like canada
(8) booboo touch me (8)
there arent really any on the hm catalog did you notice
do you like blokes who look like you
It’s the opposite in reality
>i cant even post my girlfriends onlyfans

oh my days
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reckon because you base your entire identity around pooey arse sex you're more prone the fetishization of race
4chan.org/int/brit is just status signalling. Full of neeks and rorkes posting about their new uninformed opinion or their racist wordview or their trips to the loo. It’s all to say “look how superior and smart I am”, all curated and designed for people to take the bait and one up each other.

It’s pathetic. You can live those experiences without posting your gay little filtered posts to your thread to one up people you don’t even talk to.
snogging diego on the heath and drinking thatchers from the can while we listen to brat through bluetooth speakers
should have picked Tulsi
Pale Ginger Sadhbhs guzzling down the warm nectared mead while /brit/ enjoys the cans
Almost every single time someone says ‘but’, what preceded it is total bollocks
This is one of those cases
Imagine her with a 5'2'' femboy with a 9 incher
practice on your monitor
>J.D Vance is a fat, unlikeable retard
birds of a feather
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Ulster Scots in a nutshell tbf
>tee hee im gay btw
mate i have class i'm on the champers and i take proper speakers
and a picnic blanket and basket with the chilled bottles of champers in and other snacks
i'm not a pedestrian
always take two glases uncase i can case a girl in
you are evil
yes, lots of black men are desperate for bussy stimulation
I don't follow
would you shag your aunt/sister/mother if they were interested lads
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Marry, shag, snog, kill
lmao. fucking hell no wonder you're a perma-virgin
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me have sexual thoughts all the time me no longer like normal things me become degenerate
happy now?
Free Lucy and kill the rest
would you shag your dad
sucking on diego’s nipple ring while he rides me cowgirl in a bedsit above a londis in shoreditch
Ireland is less white than England now
do you feel sexual pleasure or shame when you defecate?
My name is Andrew and I am a homosexual
When did deno become a normie meme
Just saw. Vid with 1 million views singing about deno odd
They way europeans just slurp media hatred of american politicians is quite interesting
Most of them dont know anything about them but just blindly believe the media
Vance is a war veteran and a very good public speaker who has repeatedly slaughtered kamala and walz in public talks
Walz has unironically been shown lying about his military history including saying he went to war and saw combat in countries he proveably never went to (he never saw combat at all hes just a liar) and kamala is such a retarded nigger DEI hire that she isnt allowed to do interviews anymore
Trump is just a self serving mong that sucks israeli cock
Vance might be a fat yank you dont want to elect in the UK, sure, but the rest of them are way worse, hes the only one I actually like listening to
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Watching brown men commentate on brown men's sporting achievements vis a vis the Paralympics
never use to be insecure about the size of my knob, but after 10 years of watching porn several times a day I now fear that it is pitifully small
anyone here play an instrument?
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I'm Welsh
i play your mum's instrument
I've never had sex
Oh aye?

*turns away from you and farts quietly*
bed time soon x
was just saying this at the boring yank club
like going to alcoholic anoymous and saying you're an alcoholic
blog on mr murdoch, suppose you'll send your boys to Iran for JD "hit em hard" Vance will you
watching a gritty bbc drama about a detective with a dark past
whistle in your mum's arsehole.
diego doing a line off my cock and then throating my whole length while his beady black eyes roll back in his head
doubt this bitch can wipe properly
crack probably full of poo flecks
I drive.
yeah, probably

Get them housed
Get them fed
Get them stomach pumped
Get them wanked off
i have had sex, twice, despite being an autist who cant talk to strangers or make friends

done that musicnonce freak
The same stale posts. The same dull webms. Just asinine soliloquies. No actual discussions going on. Shouting into the void.
Has anyone else noticed that your gf is much more agreeable after she's taken bbc?
imagine her with a big black BVLL
isn't kamala's accent just completely fake?
she's apparently not a great off the cuff speaker, but every time she opens her mouth it's like there's buffering lag where she runs what she was going to say through the "y'all" filter
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you are severley mentally ill
Would you ever do a threesome with a girl and another bloke?
trying to play guitar but it just wont happen
JD Vance makes Starmer look like a man of genuine convictions. Total empty suit worm of a man
yes if i get to shag the bloke
lol just take a dick, you're obviously gagging for it
Started learning the guitar when I was 14 until I realised it was gay as fuck.

If I could do it all again I'd learn the piano or violin, true high IQ instruments. I'm not learning now though, too busy with my gooning schedule.
Ran into an old schoolmate up shops earlier and he asked me what I do.
I didn't want to tell him I do menial shit in an office so I've said I'm a train driver.
Embarrassing play from me tbf
Israel is based and our ally against the Asiatic Islamic hordes.
Again not defending them on the whole but what makes you think modern dems wont do that
They said trump was gunna start shit with china, he didnt and then biden started a full on trade war with china and crashed your currency
They said trump was in bed eith russia, its just come out that the biden laptop showing dem corruption with russia was all real and the FBI illegally coerced facebook into calling it disinformation and hiding it until Biden wasnt up for election again
When they say Trump is gujna start war with Iran, I dont see why Kamala would be any different, she also obviously serves Israel
yeah we can tell
honestly i doubt id ever even do a threesome with 2 girls whole thing isnt for me
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cockmogs me by far!
Yeah I'm sure if you picked a more inconvenient instrument you would have stuck with it
leaning back in the drivers seat on the M5 doing 90 while diego sucks my cock on molly
when I messaged my best friend from school he ghosted me after I told him I'm on bennies for the autism
>american leftypol spending his friday evening defending two tier keir on /brit/
odd person
Elderly parents haven't changed my bedding in over 6 months. I'm sleeping in my own dried sweat here. Grimola
Get them knocked about
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have actually done this its fucking bril
was only 100km/h tho
We mongs are low-status runts
i go years without washing my bed sheets or blankets. it's not that bad. not like i roll around in shit all day.
Fair enough, I just think Vance is a total phony and he got in under odd circumstances. From anti-white self hating silicon valley hick to king chud VP pick in a couple years, campaign completely funded by paypal mafia. It's the most interesting shake up we've have had since 2015 but still nothing good.
>McTominay and Gilmour to Napoli
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With Usada Pekora
Hope you crash x
he still lives with his parents and only works in Tesco, a bit silly to act superior over it
oh and i was doing the sucking*
need to drag my ugly chode across her pretty face
What. A. G.
kojima is a hack fraud
Sounds like you want to be a train driver
Only wank once a week me
*shoves a violin up your arse*
Bit inconvenient for you now, isn't it?
can see her fucking knickers
Hope they die and the authorities find you on the brink of death with a mass of bedsores
Why don’t you shut your fucking mouth
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>when he whips out the HDMI cable
that's about the right amount, it not right to wank everyday
nutting inside diego’s arse and then calling him a good boy as he immediately spins around cleans off the frothy lube and cum with his mouth
I wank everyday and hate every second of it
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I'm the "funny fat guy" of the group
corr bet that tasted of pooey arse lube cum froth
haha yes, it is mental how big and poweful black cock is, my sister has never had a white bf lol
just shuddered because of /brit/
I'm the only one in the group
would give her permission to go into the past and sexually assault me, and I was a really cute kid so it's a win for her too
about to expel poo from my colon
dripping with british culture this post
she did the right thing
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truth nuke that killed leftypol
Lone wolf, eh? I know your type
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Stellar Blade
I'm the "handsome ripped guy" of my group.
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>when he whips out his BBC
looks like elton johned on it
lone slug
hes getting old
bit grim that has a name
gay man do get my stomach churning
black willies are not very interesting
Any experienced physiognomists in?
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can't stand this fucking heat FUCK
A singer in a smokey room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
>visiting mumberg
>go to my room
>bed is covered in dog hair and paw prints
>ok ..
>get a clean sheet
>it's full of leaves from being hung outside
mental how sloppy she's become
yeah heterosexuals have never done anything deviant they just murder millions of babies every year so they can keep having drugged up unprotected casual sex
>lose a single battle in ck3
50 legitimacy lost
>conquer a kingdom
50 legitimacy gained

lol cope, black cocks are double the size of lil white clits and white women have bbc receptors that leak in anticipation for that african lovin LOL
I’m fat but I’m doing it for a role
any cog in the machine man in?
timmy samefagging on and off his belgian VPN while ripped black thugs violate his mum's slit
are the shin megami tensei games worth playing
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*rubs my little jewish paws together*
yes just as they were starting to criticise israel and pro-israeli policy I started spamming about BBC and it worked!
if i forget something i'll panic that i'm getting dementia
panicked so much i cried yesterday when alone
dat aryan pussy creaming for dat nubian seed lol
does that have a name too then or what
your mum's biopic?
chilling with my AI girlfriend on a Friday night, my life’s proper sick ahaha
soft gimp
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No, turn based games are boring shite
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BIG fan of the series and id say not really in the scheme of things, if you want to give them a go try shin megami tensei 1, 3 or persona 3 and go from there. the other games are mostly downstream from those
been absolutely VIOLATED by my barber have to walk around with a hood up everywhere for the next week atleast
Well it wasn’t a particular role, they always just need a big fat guy
>[David Ornstein] Chelsea agree deal to sign Jadon Sancho on loan from Manchester United
>[Fabrizio Romano] Obligation to buy clause for Jadon Sancho to Chelsea from Man United is around £25m.
hahaahah incel runt got the incel cut lmao
i have mental health
do women always hate the "fat funny guy" of the group like how men always hate the "fat funny girl"?
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Dunno cause I don't have friends or a social life of any kind
some stupid financial rules bullshit
>fat funny girl
no such thing
no coz women love funny men but funny women don't exist
women usually hate fat men unless they're like 6'5 then they tolerate for the height vagina tingles
Haha bit of hot weather coming aswell ur FUCKED BOY AHAHAHAHHAHH
Just fucked my wife sorry if that upsets you boys lol
I know life is unfair, but sometimes it's very unfair isn't it

I guess it's good to be alive and all that, gratitude and whatever, but when someone messes you around it's just really fucking shit

Why do bad things happen to decent people
good morning good evening and good night
corr give er one from me son phworrr
Might stick on Mean Girls
As a joke, like x
And to wank to Lindsay Lohan
at the risk of sounding edgy there are no decent people, there are only the strong and the weak, with the weak doing most of the suffering
Will you remember this post in ten years when she divorce rapes you?
Trueman show?
time to play teenagers at fighting games and say horrible shit to them when I lose
too sick to wank
>guess it's good to be alive and all that, gratitude and whatever
Bring people into existence against their will is a war crime
The only thing more morally rephensible than creating a life is taking one, which is why parents who kill their kids (abortion etc) are truly evil
what did it feel like having your penis inside the pussyhole? can you describe the sensation for me
more of a rachael mcadams man, me
best mate in school looked like her
Are they similar to the Pokémon games
I’ve been playing them recently but they’re too easy for me, I need something more challenging
Mental how much my gran looks like David Bowie
True. But then in some situations if you act like a cunt, people think you're a terrible person. Can't win.
whats happened lad?
She was underage in that you sick fuck
Persona games are better, it's just SMT but not shite
my life is shit
my life is so fucking shit
try to power through it as the release should make you feel better
Keira Knightley in Bend Her Like Beckham?
Having kids is fine as long as you treat them well etc. Also if a scan shows that the kid will have some painful incurable disease and has a high likelihood of great suffering before dying young, then maybe you could abort in such cases.
Bet the room was proper smelly afterwards
no pecker? how banal
They made a new one earlier this year
>Having kids is fine as long as you treat them well etc
The net result is always suffering
in the sense that you collect lots of monsters yes
what you do with the monsters is quite different - in basically every game you keep throwing them out or "fusing" them to get new ones as you level up, you dont really train them from level 5 to elite 4 like pokemon
then battles are party-based instead of 1v1 and the settings are very different, edgy rather than happy go lucky
How much of Britain is nice and how much is shite?
Took advice from older people I trusted, thought I could trust them, but they stabbed me in the back and/or front
Stinks mate sweaty as fuck
Lad, if I wasn't drinking, the reminder that shite exists would make me drink
anyone else bored as fuck of life?
Then abortion is good as it reduces suffering
I wish every time you press post it would take a picture from your webcam or phone cam and attach it to your post so I can see what u all look like
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would you rather be aborted or circumcised?
yeah, just playing for points now, hoping something good happens
but ive seen all the interesting stuff by now
It's part of the game. Everybody operates on self-interests but pretends they don't. You just have to lie and pretend to be compassionate when around other people.
Gotta be up at 2:30 for work fucking hate my shit life want to blow my head off everyday
can't say that, hardly lived it. Reckon I'd enjoy life if I gave it a fair shake
It's a fucking musical
The new Sadhbh isn't the issue
The south is nice
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just turn off my webcam :)
2:30am? Best get to bed lad. Toilberg will be fuming if you're not giving him 100%.
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Get the fucking tunes posted
And the cans, the lovely, lovely cans
Not even gonna go bed I don’t care anymore
*speaks to /brit/ steward*
yeah the energy's really dipped mate, a few lads who've had a few too many. you reckon you could sort that out?
i'll seed in a few slagposts in a bit to get us back up
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Gf keeps wanting me to facetime her but I always say no because I look like a runty freak through a phone lens
need a hobby
any suggestions?
snuck into a corn maze and now i'm genuinely lost
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indians are also horrendously unfunny
what an awful existence
Is she fit
gay porn
Picture this.

My penis.

Your mouth.
She's alright facially but a super pengaleng body
How bigs ur dick lad
i love this song and music video

anyone else want to post more 00s tunes? feeling in the mood tonight
Not necessarily, once the life exists there is no more moral asymmetry
But the difference between not existing and existing is always negative due to Benatar’s asymmetry
It’s not about minimising suffering it’s about the net good or bad of a decision and how creating a life simply cannot be a net good compared to no new life existing, but that doesnt mean that your life cant be good, it’s just inherently net bad conpared to never having existed (which is different from dying). It’s incomfortable for most people though, who dont like depressing thoughts and also want kids so they dismiss it off hand.
4 inches on a good day, why?
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Lying bastard
Friendly reminder that anime is for nonces.
for me its guru josh
Yankposter's skeleton getting discovered and by some strange coincidence his phone is still on and showing a /brit/ poopost
good post
thinking I might be Jack the Ripper
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meeting with boss and HR gilf on monday to discuss my pay rise
nearly crashrd then got to stop using my phone man
get into cider
booze cruising?
Hope they've made the difficult decision to deprioritise your role
reaaaaally fancy a nighttime drive
might do it sunday
might buy Black Myth: Wukong
very yorkshire face
Wouldn't mind gay sex as long as it was with the right person
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible lads
just cruising lad
might move to yorkshire
1 yuan has been deposited into your account for this post
wouldn't mind gay sex as long as the fella looks and dresses like a woman
insane how an entire country is seething over this one twitter account
disgusted with my actions, my intentions, my body, my face, my mind
she looks like that lad from 'the royal'
So he's relatable to working class yank men, who are fat and white?
Also please fuck off back to whichever incel tranny subreddit you came from
would rather a chinese girlfriend pls xx
Retvrn to the fatherland cousin
might investigate your courage
need a kiwi gf
Gay sex with Tripitaka
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Go to china then
can hardly follow some of these paths
running now
Might have a tinder wank
Relatable post
Little brother just got back from the pub, proper lad
but I like living in Wales
need a willy bird gf
while you’re in the smelly bedroom playing Age of Empires
On paper he's great but in reality he's probably going to be the reason Trump loses lol
Absolutely no charisma
Bet he had a corker of a night in the dark room
I’m actually in the living room playing clash of clans on my iPad
Holy cope lmao
alri unc
he's completely broke them and they're desperate to have him banned

Trump is losing regardless, he could have Abraham Lincoln as his running mate and it won't make shite all difference
mike pence had no charisma so not sure your cope makes much sense
based, i kneel
Been to London for a week and read in the news that prices for fish and chips are at a nationwide record high, how are you holding up chippybros?

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