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the fabled kebabby edish
*boots Tilde back to /britfeel/*
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cat lovers are attracted to the smell of cat piss because of the worm in their brain
average person's such an utter mong lads
I know how the house of commons and house of lords work and my mates think I'm some sort of Rainman.

You'd think that'd be such a basic prerequisite of growing up in this country.
It's just stunning how ignorant people can be of basic shit.
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Why can't Britons look this pretty?
Wouldn't necessarily say I'm unhappy but my life is plagued by a chronic feeling of emptiness.
holy grimoli
pretty like bent cunts? not for us lad.
bro was an internet addict since aged 13 and think he some kind of savant
you aint special, bud
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insane medley of smells coming from my nether regions
notice how he only ever talks about himself
self obsessed freak
All those lads look incredibly bent and I'd obliterate them with a swift left hook
Wouldn’t necessarily say I give a fuck
That's true
The stardates are all over the place.
At least make them consistent within a season but they don't even bother with that.

I guess I was spoiled by Mad Men.
They're so autistically vigilant with shit lining up with the actual day in the 1960s I was beyond floored.
They even made sure it was raining on days where it was raining say on April 5th 1964 or whatever.
It shall remain the goat forever in that regard.
lads like that always age really badly, twink death hits hard
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Nothing wrong with being beautiful lads
I wish I wasn't but relative to normies I am.
Grim state of affairs.
Guarantee she’s on twitch or something. Just saying it to build an audience of simps
Captain's Log. Stardate 31/08/2024.

Just done a poo.
mad how peng you lads are
imagine keeping her body in your freezer
how is she so fucking CUTE

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loves his feather on a string does ol' catberg
Has anyone checked into a premier inn before. Do u just say your name to the person at the desk. Sorry I’m retarded
shes a 4/10, sort yourself out
big cope
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH


to inseminate a blonde russian girl's fine breasts
I used one back in like 2013 and didn't even speak to anyone, I checked in with a machine in the lobby
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britain used to be sovl
cool sleeves and fingerless gloves but where are his eyes
fuckssake lad you go 'hi i have a booking' they go 'name please' you go 'spergy weirdo' and they give you your room card and a bit of hotel info.
had a failed flirting attempt today lads
>working in aberdeen
>girl goes "I like your accent"
>immediately respond with "thanks, I like your face"
>she goes "oh..., um...thanks..."
>conversation dies stone dead

why would she compliment my accent if she didn't want to get facefucked?
It's not like an English accent is particularly exotic or anything.
Still cringing about it and it was near 12 hours ago now.
they look like effeminate benders. birds don't want that
sucking on a bira
"Hello I'd like to check in please. Duncan Spazby. Yeah with a Z. Cheers."
Thanks. Sorry for being so stupid
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goofy ahh nigga
I don't think a woman has ever complimented me in my entire life, not sure how I'd react
Think Orwell said something about this
either go full in or dont at all man
shouldve just been like
>oh yeah, fancy a shag then?
>I like your face
mate what the fuck
Think you're mistaken. He said nothing of the sort.
to be fair
white is the best colour

(please don't come after me sir keir)
Some girls are definitely into pretty boys but the relationships don't last because twinkdeath ruins them by the age of 25, they're basically women in terms of walling early
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racist prick
tough one. I'd assume she wasn't interested anyway and you just saved yourself the effort by going straight in. Nothing to lose sleep over
what's wrong with that?
it's cheeky and saying she's pretty in a unique way
this is why you're a virge
prefer her early bronze look
mad that you've never done it before but enjoy the experience lad. do a big poo, have a few cheap bevs at the hotel bar, have a big wank.
blue is all over the map when it comes to car colours
the vibe is very different between different shades
>walking to pub, a bit tipsy
>walk past Italian restaurant on the way there
>bloke sitting outside with a woman is full on just fucking staring at me as I'm walking
>stare back and he looks away a bit but then then goes back to staring at me
Why the fuck do they always do this? Makes me feel like a fucking freakazoid
im irish btw
Mad how none of them will be pretty anymore when NATO flashfries them
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>I'd assume she wasn't interested anyway
If a girl compliments you she was probably interested, they usually don't hand those out to blokes cheaply.
british emergency calls be like
>i dare say there's been a murder in Northumpstershire
>oh dear, we'll dispatch someone right away
Why am I so stupid I want to travel to japan and scotland so badly but everyone my age is traveling and having fun
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why are scandinavians so degenerate lads?

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da berg
does he know whether that mushrooms safe to be standing on with his bare hand which hell no doubt lick in a minute
BREAING NEWS: someone posted this on facebook. he's missing and might be dead

we now go to bradley for more
lazy bugger
needs to get a job
happened to me in scotland too

just asked on a date in shoe shop

they go mad for english accent
eating watermelon like a niggah
Wonder if they'll ever make Tarzan black
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In about two weeks, yeah?
get in bitch ass nigga
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might go camping innacomfywoods
are you a made guy? maybe he was thinking of whacking you
just realised I've been eating less protein than I realised for years. you're supposed to eat at least 0.75g per lb of body weight but I haven't been eating even half for years. Still can bench 2pl8 and OHP 60kg though

just mental really. guess I have good genes
Black is the shittest choice for comfort, maintenance and aesthetic reasons
White and light colours are good for comfort but not so much for showing damage
As I've aged I've come to think that the baby-poo yellow old Datsuns used to come in wasn't actually that bad a choice
looks a bit wild
rorke shedding his skin
want to go for an incel walk but I'm bored of my usually routes
Off white is the most utilitarian color. I wear most of my shirts in that aka "natural"
Looks as good as white but with a lot less negatives
rorke is part of the reptilian elite?
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dadberg's mate is 50 and hasn't lost a single hair on his head so he looks 30

hair is everything when it comes to male ageing lads
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Half the time they are mindfucking you for fun, we would have to witness the interaction to know for sure. It's more than words
t. shagger
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Fuck's sake that jumpscare
my best mate shagged a girl he met at the club last week and a lad he met on tinder today, cunt'll shag anything
he's like 5'6 too
name one thing immigrants have contributed to britain
i'll wait
for me it's poo brown
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God I need a girl that looks like this
hows man talkin' about pressure i dont feel pressure
The fabled AIDS dwarf
>go to British Instagram
>Everyone young is traveling to Greece and thailand
>Everyone is having fun at pubs
Why do you suffer
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what jumpscare? I watched for minutes and it still hasn't come up
Pubs are kind of grim tbqh
why did you bring his height into this? bit mean that
the anglo saxon race is an immigrant race
nah just proof that height isn't really an issue more than anything
he's kinda got a "cute" look though, with long hair so the height works for him
sounds like a top lad, not letting his dwarfism halt his shaggering despite it being a chronic disability.
>Why do you suffer
l'm not young
i don't??
Don't know how normoids just sit at pubs absent-mindedly grazing like sheep. Don't even see them drink pints. They just sit there like they're at home. They don't get drunk or pissed and act up or anything. Fucking weird it is.
britain truly is one of the biggest hedonistic nations
we go hard on that shit
Next few weeks should be good for back to school try on hauls on Tiktok
my bald spot went away when I stopped vaping but I'm back on them
*boys off the ting*
found my old xbox and been playing skate 3 all day
absolute classic game
staves away the loneliness (which normoids have less of a tolerance of anyway)
Jas Athwal, the newly-elected MP for Ilford South, owns 15 rental flats, making him the biggest landlord in the House of Commons.

In one block of seven flats owned by Mr Athwal nearly half the tenants said they had to regularly clean their bathroom ceilings to remove mould.

Mr Athwal has now also admitted his flats do not have the correct property licenses required under a scheme he introduced as Redbridge Council leader.

"The ants are everywhere," one resident said, pointing to insects climbing up a door frame. "They are on my kid’s body and on their clothes."

Another resident said they had been threatened with eviction by the letting agent if they complained about problems in their flat or started claiming benefits.
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>thanks, I like your face
Mental Alex Baldwin literally got away with murdering a woman
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took this picture earlier this year
what pubs are you going to you weirdo?
how can labour defend this when this is in their manifesto
>Labour’s 2024 general election manifesto included a commitment to "prevent private renters being exploited and discriminated against".
Because he's brown you dumb leaf why do you even need to ask, how do you not get it yet, you're on 4chan ffs get with the program
humiliationritualtoil looms
1 hour 50 minutes till work starts
notice that the two instances of young british people being happy occur
>when they’re not in the country
>when they’re blind drunk
mad how i just never see this sort of thing
tallest tree in bongland
no its not
Rotate between about 6 in my area and never see them act up. I'll listen in on their convos and they're just talking about fucking Nevermind the Buzzcocks or some shite they saw on TV. Don't actually see anyone really get drunk or pissed and express an actual thought of themselves.
what’s ur job
catberg is a rescue cat. he doesn't trust humans so won't sit on me, but goes to sleep next to me and makes sure his foot or his back is resting against me. feels like he's making sure he can deny he likes me if anyone asks. i see through it though.
i notice that you discretely hid a picture of kev in here. wonder how long it will take the rest of /brit/ to find it
Just entered the thread, so I won't get any of the references
any other firefox chads noticing the browser shitting itself more often recently? reckon its google up to their tricks
>hang around with proles
>be disappointed when you only hear them discussing prole stuff
it’s a pub, of course its full of normies. were you expecting a scholarly gentleman’s club full of debate?
does he let you touch him
Wipe old people’s arses and make sure they don’t walk about
No but I at least want them to express some weird individual opinion that might be a bit freakish. Like fucking hell they're like bots. I guess that's where the fucking NPC meme came from
mad how munted some of the prozzies on adultwork are
Spoiler that hog
yh. just won't sit on me. or on anyone.
only on the usual suspect youtube
bbc needs defunding lads
FUCK me we're actually dominating in the disabled 'lmypics lads

look at the fat niggas lmao
Cats and cat owners are disgusting
kinda doinky but she kinda butters tho
just defunded the bbc
i remember when rorke tried to make this a thing lol
Just got home after shagging some lass I met at the club
come on you bergs
I’m 22 today!
bags, slags and fags
Sir beer farter
i think you will be 22 tomorrow too
Got no mates me
Got no hoes
Don’t even have a PS5
kek youre me, mate
I'm 43
any advice?
No one gives a fuck little dickhead hope you have a shit birthday and get no presents
hopefully not a virgin too!
dont be a virgin
Got the 2010s music on
What a decade 2bh
we funds fat people's healthcare because we are an optimistic civilization, we hold out hope that one day they will change their ways and join thin society
I'm 43 inches in your mum
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>I'm 43
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>I’m 43
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I'm bald and have no muscles
black nugwers
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Who is the only person in the world to have won an Olympic gold medal and an Oscar?

dont know
He’s 43 on 4chan why the fuck would u ask him for advice
prefer not to say
good point well made
Oh dear, enjoy your 3 day holiday
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bun babylon
fucked it mate

The answer is, Kobe Bryant.

Your 40s don't actually exist. You go from 39 to 50
Kobe Bryant

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cop or no
well done
huw edwards signing of the window
Neither of my grandfathers drank, this is actually fairly common with older Catholics in NI. Nevertheless when people in NI drink they get pissed. My granda worked as a teacher in Ipswich many moons ago and remarked how strange it was that Englishmen would go to the pub after work, have one or two pints and then just call it a day and go home. That sort of pedestrian casual drinking just would not have been possible in Scotland or NI, if you entered a pub you were leaving it in a state.
Why are men like this to women?
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grim that
probably indian
Could someone find mousenonce's info in the archive if they had the right keywords?
need more /brit/ quiz fun time
Yeh lovely that, cheers, arrr kid. Nice 1 fella. Tah luv.
didn't even have to look it up, just remembered he made some pithy short film that critics swooned over just a couple years before his fateful helicopter ride
>More than two hundred people have been killed in an Islamic militant attack in Barsalogho Department, Burkina Faso

A moment of silence please lads.
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Is Zelensky just straightup retarded, or does he actually want want every single one of his countrymen to fucking die
Imagine being a white girl's pet dog
The Mamba
brabley incoming
I spent £300 on clothes today on amazon and got a pair of shoes and two pears of jeans.
kick out pensioners to house their corpses
I dream about that alot

Which is the oldest football club in the world? No cheating now.

Imagine being a non-white 4chan incel
enormous potato wedges and miniature lasagna
headphones are about to run out of battery
mad how starmer worked for czechoslovak intelligence during the cold war
>buying clothes on Amazon
Over for you mate
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fulham poo
My grandad was also a Catholic from NI although he lived most his life in Scotland. He never drank when I knew him, don’t know if he did in his youth but certainly not as an old man.

What you said is true. That casual drinking culture just doesn’t really exist in Scotland. People never have 1 or 2. Most people, if they are going to have a drink either get absolutely cunted or just don’t bother drinking at all. It’s quite common to go a week or sometimes two or three weeks without drinking socially, then when you do just to go all out.
He's Jewish. He needs more blood for his jew god
begs the question... does this make him a czech puppet or a slovak puppet?
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>two pears of jeans.
um fuck i think it doesnt exist anymore and notts county is the oldest still going or something
My style:
Well dressed gentleman
Milsurp but only 1 piece at a time
1940's Noir Detective
Sweaters and turtlenecks
I know this. It's the Guys and St Thomas's football club
texted the old old ex gf for a laugh and she responded
so get in
Perfectly fine place. Go ahead and buy it
They sell every big brand and offer next day delivery as well as easy af returns
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>3-Year duration 4chan Passes are now available for $45

The answer is Sheffield F.C.

White people treat animals with extraordinary kindness. Nonwhites treat them like shit.
Most are fakes. Google it
She's shacked up with a new man
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here's a more interesting question:

What's the oldest club of any sport in the world?

Marylebone Cricket Club
Still play at Lord's they do
well played
dont lie.
Sheffield FC
don't care we're still friends
They sell stuff directly from their house that comes directly from the brand, retard. This isn't 2002.
You have to understand this was 2014, it was a different time
I was there today (yesterday) and on Thursday. I've got tickets for the whole match
ever been a football hooligan?
Different Sheffield that one
Women can't be single for over 2 weeks
tell you what was a different time. 10am.
you ever get a hamper?
CCTV and harsh policing killed proper hooliganism in the UK years ago
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Ok, I'll give Britain credit for one thing. Their rock bands were usually better than American rock bands, I must admit it.
Football hooliganism doesn’t really exist anymore it’s just skinny teenagers and deanos in tracksuits with skin fades pretending to be hard. They don’t even really fight anymore and firms are largely a thing of the past.

And yes I did used to run around in one of these groups for a short while thinking I was a hard man but never got into a fight
I've been diagnosed with salty testicles, I told the doctor to not sugar coat it
>It’s quite common to go a week or sometimes two or three weeks without drinking socially, then when you do just to go all out.
Aye that's exactly it. My granda mentioned that the English drank more frequently but rarely to excess whereas we do the above (obviously this isn't universally true now but rather this was more of a cultural trend back then). This is definitely true in my case, I often go extended periods without drinking (even going months at a time) but when I do drink I always get totally steaming. The thought of having 2-3 drinks and going 'right, I think it'd be wise if we called it a night' is such an alien concept.
Only found out the other day that Lynyrd Skynyrd got wrecked in a plane crash
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>10 AM was over 10 hrs ago
holy tarq
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A lot of the classic American rock bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, I don't know dude, I just don't really vibe with that.
British classic rock bands generally hold up a lot better I think.
I read that some of these groups even get banned from the stadium of the club they support, as the club doesn't want to be associated with the violence and intimidation etc.

imagine youve covered yourself in tattoos of the club, fought and bled rival supporters, and then you get shut out of ever watching another game. grim
I'm Welsh and a teetotaler myself
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get off our dick nigga
Blur, mcfly and busted were ace
big boy
what are three welsh values
dont forget Kula Skaker
well that's just right out in the open isn't it
corr spaff
corr chebs
Free are Lucy
I give you a compliment and this is how you repay me.
I won't forget this.
find it highly banterous that they're your redneck's go-to rock band and yet they formally requested diaper don stopped using their songs in his presidential promo stuff.
happened to my mate cause he spat at a rival player
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barry stanton doxxed, expect his arrested tomorrow
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me on my cool car with my cool wife wearing my cool jeans
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you know what they say
an elephant never forgets

tbf they all died in a plane crash so thats probably just some estate executor throwing a fit.
Sent that fat neek back to the Age of Exploration
feel bad that that malaysian said he was 17 and we got him banned
this was probably his entire saturday
we ruined his weekend
I love drinking and being drunk but alcohol honestly wrecks my life cause I have no control and will easily just drink and tan spirits till I pass out. Wish I could be one of these fellas that has 3 pints and calls it.
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Cymru: gwroldeb, pwyll, anrhydedd
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Of course, I'm not making a sweeping statement that all American rock bands were bad. Not at all. There were some good ones without a doubt.
>Wish I could be one of these fellas that has 3 pints and calls it.
Need to dull your brain into NPC mode for that
utterly ridiculous and awful sounding language
at least Gaelic sounds poetic and somewhat nice

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