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Timmy outfit edition

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He needs this too
>average finnish guy's outfit
ah yes that etsy page was pure kino
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shite nah bros... we done for..
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>Greatly a result of Mobutu’s 1973 visit to Beijing, Zairian males were strongly urged, and then required, to abandon Western suits and ties for the Mao-style tunic that he named the "abacost", a word derived from the pronunciation of the French à bas le costume ("down with the suit"). A female equivalent of the national attire was also created.

>The Catholic hierarchy quickly came to view the retour à l'authenticité as a threat to Christianity in Zaire[1] (in the early 1990s almost half of the population was Catholic). The regime's stress on "mental decolonization" and "cultural disalienation" could be interpreted as an attack on Christianity as a product of Western influence, as could the emphasis on African culture as an alternative to widespread continuing Westernization.[1] Also, the banning of Christian names was a measure that particularly offended the church.[1]

As part of his re-organization of Zairian life, Mobutu banned all outside Christian religious groups, requiring those who would function in Zaire to become part of one of four recognized umbrella groups. The four were: the Kimbanguist Church (a syncretic church of Zairian origin), the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Les Églises du Christ au Zaire (ECZ, now Church of Christ in Congo), which covered most of the Protestant confessions. All others were declared illegal.

>Visiting heads of state were greeted with African drumming and singing as opposed to the 21-gun salute, traditional in Western practice.
Based nigger.
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Funny how older generations say if you don't get a gf in university it's almost impossible after but younger generations replace the gf with job because gfs are already impossible to get in uni.
Problems with getting your twp wet bro?
Hookers area ez to get nowadays.
You don't want a gf or sex but someone you can build an emotional connection to and bond. Cuddle, watch netflix together, hold hands, go out hiking, share life experiences together. That is much harder because majority of people today have closed themselves off in their own little worlds and are scared of genuine human interaction with others.
From that night on, we would change our status from "students, the future of society" to "unemployed, the scum of society," an inside joke we had during our senior year.
You will never be mentally healthy
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Baiganyo baiganyo
Bulgaria adios, adios
Selyania loco
insane the amount of mouthy boomers there are who would have been total incels if born today
heh when he started talking about a maymun doing human things right after he said no one is lining up to watch animals do human things anymore
Previous thread has only 306 posts
Who asked?
They'd be SEAmaxxing because bringing incel mutts into the world is better than dying childless in their minds.
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>*krc krc krc*
Ammoh go'heyd an assume the troon wasn't messaged
Today bro, trust the plan
She performed in dojran, timmydonia this year
Edce Shirankoski comes to the soyanate of goyfia and single-handedly changes your public transport routes and timetables
When you really think about it war are about which country has more incels to throw at another.
Timmy with low testosterone
I've completely given up
Non-incels don't need this.
man this nigga danzel got famous writing one-liner songs and his melodies are the same 5 second segment on a loop
>if you don't get a gf in university it's almost impossible after
can confirm
No way! That's almost like every other normiecore club slop!
Just admit it bro, you are the whiny type and not the conformational one, it shows
You have probably never been in a fight to feel the adrenaline rush as you KO a Timmy weaker than you
I just learnt about all Macedonian foods that Greeks stole by a couple from Skopje in Chalkidiki (I work as a waiter)
>Lerin peppers
>Pasta with meat sauce
What are some other things we appropriated from Macedonians?
I don't start conflicts, I end them.
By spreading your bussy?
Fyromtwink mentioned.
>Reddit Podcast
This Timmy is burying himself deeper with every post he makes
>80IQ female gets a boyfriend and kid right away
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Christianity timmyfied Europe
It's over.
get the fuck out of here before we murder you
just made my daily offering to the goon god
Death for a conviction is the highest accomplishment. It is proclamation, deed, fulfilment, faith, love, hope and goal; it is, in this imperfect world, a perfect thing, absolute perfection. In this the cause is nothing and the conviction everything. One can die stubbornly for an indubitable error: that is the greatest thing there is.
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The strategy is not to make Bulgaria any different but to destroy western countries by importing ngubus and muhammads en masse.
This is how we win, timmies will come here and be our dickwashers or be culled like swine.
whitoids don't just peacefully coexist with the locals they move to
they will slaughter and enslayv us
Lemme put on my tinfoil hat real quick. So, it's like this here. Westoids started the conflict-you-should-not-name between the countries-that-shan't-be-named and that whirlwind will suck us in. The idea is to depopulate Eastie Europe so whitoids can move here and leave the concrete west to maymuns.
>yeah bro just absorb a billion whitoids in your 200million eastern euro region, they will wash ze dishes bro
Your 5'8 brown bussy would be stuffed with my BWC if we ever met and you know it. You exist to serve White western cock, your daughters will be mail order brides for western men and your sons will make more brides for western men to impregnate.
why would they leave a better geographically positioned place with one of the best climate in existence with good infrastructure and amenities just to live in some barren steppes?
Grim but true
>good infrastructure
just lol
Once they've leveled our sehit hoels they can rebuild better
Must have been a bad day for your boss Bruce if you've posting shit like this, Chang.
Your tinfoil hat ain't crumpled enough. The depopulation-repopulation theory is generally correct but it's not about whitoids. It's about da joos moving back and reestablishing Khazaria.
machete wielding ngubus and ahmeds chopping they kids heads off and timmy dickinson posting homoerotic fanfics here lmao
da joos are just settling old scores right now with the falesteens by letting hamas sexuals get their funding and weaponry undisturbed so they can have a casus belli to wreck falesteens

they are planning on starting shit with iran and they implored the two midget sleyvs to start fucking shit up in khazaria as a backup plan for joos in case global thirdie chuddery turns on israel and they have to bail guess where they'll bail to
> in case global thirdie chuddery turns on israel and they have to bail guess where they'll bail to
They'll bail from one warzone straight into another warzone? Nigga you 89 IQ
obviously they're gonna wait it out, it's a long-term project you jiggie
first clean up domestic affairs while slavs turn each other into ground meat, then once the storm has settled, start moving to khazaria
it won't be a mass exodus all at once but you'll start seeing buses full of joos reentering their khaganate
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MOOOOOOOOOOODS this shizo incel is talking to himself and harrasseeing us with politics again!
Joos should move to Severnazapadnala BG, they have a synagogue in Vidin and everything
Pacing back and forth in my room, my mind worked at top speed trying to come up with possible solutions, but no definitive ones came to mind, so I gave up on one idea after another.
>back and forth
This is where you should have remembered King Sashe and started walking in circles instead.
had a dream I was in the UK and trying to find a job and some dude tells me "do you know russian? if you wanna be a tradie you gotta learn russian" kek
the context was that burly manly jobs were for the rooskys and timmy jobs were for whitey
Average western male is in his 40s, balding and obese bro
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We stole everything from them and we aren't even a real nation according to their esteemed historians
UMMM BRO east india company flag or sommin

Дa јa имaш Лидијa oд Maкeдoнијa, пpвaтa хpиcтијaнкa вo Eвpoпa,
Дa гo имaш 1100 гoдини Cвeти Hayм и нeгoвиoт мaнacтиp, 1000 гoдини Бигopcки, 1100 гoдини Cвeти Климeнт и Плaoшник
штo e 300 гoдини пpeд peнecaнcaтa вo Eвpoпa,
Дa гo имш Бoгoмилcкoтo движeњe кaкo пpвo пpoтecтaнтcкo yчeњe вo Eвpoпa 6 вeкa пpeд дpyгитe cлични движeњa,
Дa гo имaш Кypбинoвo co фpecкaтa Aнгeлoт oд Кypбинoвo cтapa 900 гoдини, кoј гo имa вo иcтoимeнoтo ceлo и caмo вo цpквaтa Paвeнa и никaдe нa бeлиoт cвeт нa дpyгo мecтo,
Дa јa имaш Oхpидcкaтa книжeвнa шкoлa нeкoлкy вeкa пpeд Бoлoњa,
Дa гo имaш Гaличник co yникaтнитe зoгpaфи и peмeк дeлaтa oд дpвopeзи нa тaмoшнитe мaјcтopи,
Дa гo имaш Taнeц co Teшкoтo, Дpaчeвкa, Maлeшeвкa, кaлaјџиcкo и дpyги opa и пecни co pитaм 11/8 зa кoи cвeтoт cтaнyвa co oвaции и ce чyди
Дa ги имaш нaјyбaвитe нapoдни нocии и шapи,
Дa гo имaш Дeлчeв co нaјпpoгpecивнaтa peчeницa нa oвиe пpocтopи,
Дa ги имaш Mиcиpкoв, Paцин, Кoнecки, Aнacтac Кoцapeв, Пeтpe M. Aндpeeвcки, Cтeфaнoвcки Гopaн и Bлaткo, Aцo Шoпoв, Гaнe Toдopoвcки....
И yштe кoлкy мнoгy имaш мoј нapoдe!!!
И дa ceдниш co Бyгapитe дa ce pacпpaвaш дaли cмe Maкeдoнци и oд кoгa cмe тoa.
E тpeбa дa имaш нeкoј cиндpoм нa caмoyништyвaњe и дa нe ce цeниш вooпштo ceбecи.
Imagine a feisty little fyromian girl with unshaven sweaty armpits all up in your face screaming about communism and evil tatars. Grrr, prime for taming.
From what I'm seeing in that page, it's probably some 55 year old yugofyromian diasporite from Australia

Also they shit a lot on Greece and Bulgaria and barely towards Mommy Serbia (who owned them for the better part of the 20th century
Smurdia getting showered by Nafotroons was peak lulz
I thought they were gonna whip out a walnut and a walnut cracker
>prime for taming
...by bbc
Ștefan Dușan
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We are getting locked up bro

Not that makke.
damn he completely ignored me
I feel timsignificant
gonna harrasse stefan janev from now on so that I will not only be yandex map landmark but also sashko insta celebrity

He's insanely shizo
>F20.0 maxxing
>he also uploaded his father's ID on a fucking public IG story

Shizo janev you need a fucking beating
Hello, I want to start learning greek because i like greek music and how it sounds and it is close to israel but there arent many speakers and i am not sure they like israelis. Should i learn it or italian instead?
>I gave you evidence two people make fake accounts to harrass me and they work for the police
Kek, sashe ve.
We don't mind Israelis, bro, only butthurt communist Muslim dicksuckers are angry against you
Also Greek and Italian are very different languages
greeks stand with israel
third temple will be built in athens
Jewish women are hot ngl.
I fucked one once so I will forever feel accomplished in my life for winning over jews. I will remember it on my death bed.
>When I look at jew, all my anti-semitism transmutes in semen
nice so that eliminated my main concern. and yes if i remember correctly greece is considered a language isolate in the european group so it isnt similar to italian which was my second choice. So i will start and see how it goes. I will probably need to learn the letters first
ive only seen 2 and both were ugly
the less ugly one had cute body langauge which was cool
How is Italian a language isolate?
I think a jewess like Abella Danger is pure sex personally.
greek is considered
>i like these other jews
Whew big !
Learn albanian instead, it is an isolate as well but it's far more romantic than greek
Send me some money mossad bro I speak 5 languages ill spy for you (for 100k a month)
i generally like weird faces on women but her face ruins her completely for me, she has the face of a tranny
That's because whitoids are naturally feminine.
maybe they are, a few decades ago there was a greek who came here after a jew girl and he made greek music in hebrew and greek popular here, his name is aris san.
It sounds kinda like romanian but with a few weirder sounds.
What kind of benefits can a balkan spy bring? do you have any secret technologies there?
>the first thing they can think about Jewish women is porn

>he doesn't think about sex when he sees a woman
Low test, didn't expect this from a Grik.
Yes we have pepper grilling machines
O God of the Internet, Lord of magic wires and digital paths, grant us fast connections and digital wisdom, let your wisdom flow through my body. May our thoughts travel like lightning through your virtual domains, guided by your cyber light on the path to glory. In your grace, protect us from viruses and hackers, and may our downloads always be complete. Amen.
i remember there being a jewish gonewild on reddit and it housing some of the ugliest witch looking women ive seen
>first video on pornhub
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look at this yahudi angel
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behold this one too while youre at it
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you weren't joking.
The bulgarian mind has to be studied
*throw an apple at her then bail*
disgusting creature
When my mom said I'm the tallest person in our family because I played basketball. That's when I realized I share DNA with her and I'm dumber than the average person.
roman genocide turned their genepool into a genepuddle which is probably why they look the way they do
last one
Thoughts on this one?
/balk/, what are some interesting things to do in Sofia over a business trip? is it a city with tourist places to kill time with?
We never stood a chance being born in balkmoonistan.
Hey, at least we tried our best. /balk/ was born out of this.
Visit Fakulteta
fuck with bulgarian gorrilas and biy castraveți
basketboon doesnt make you cool
Skateboarding makes you a cool kid
Be black
visit the pillars
snort cocaine in bedroom bathroom with underaged prostitutes
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she wishes she had eyebrows like my wife
At least we aren't dumb enough to try stealing oil from a freshly crashed oil tanker, right?
>Visit Fakulteta
This doesn't look like a good idea from google images
>fuck with bulgarian gorrilas and biy castraveți
Bulgaria doesn't have gorillas as far as I know and I don't know what the last part means
I'm red headed so it's hard to pass as a black man
Since when was Bulgaria in SEA?
hohol whore i served as a cashier looked like this
Bro ask trip advisor not incels
holy sex
>diabetic sees doctor example of injecting needle into an orange and he has the idea to take insulin by literally injecting it in oranges and then eating the orange
Fyromtwink-tier IQ.
Adjustment watermaxxing almost over for today
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Bro that's not natural
Diabetic kids should just be left to die

muslimgauzesque azis gem
wouldn't have broken apart if that serb broke that bottle with his weak ass timmy anus
We should organize some beating fest and put our Ferentari against bulgarian Fakulteta and see what happens
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Can one truly call himself a Timmy if he hasn't seen all of these?
They end up deciding the outcome in a smol kickball court sponsored by EU
I can't stomach this shit.
It's painful enough that I literally look like one of them
Me neither
DC >>> Marvel
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dis u
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You are a traitor to your country.
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Ederlezi meeting v2
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your gey if you wouldn't fk this!!
some poltard starts a balkan thread and balk dies lmao
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there is no umbra completed
nice sword, although the last couple of quests bugged a bit
feeling like I should actually install that alternate start mod and start a new save now
shit game
i love watching croats bicker over which region has the real croats and which region is a serbo bosnian brown turkish mutt ghetto
the clavicus vile mask kinda looks like the chud face
install sone magic mods and do a magic playthrough without using conjuration or destruction
so true zister

I like it because I can't be bothered to deal with faces, I use either that or the dragon priest masks
>a magic playthrough without using conjuration or destruction
hmm, maybe if I install some college of winterhold mods no real wizard quests to speak of currently
this was a one-armed mace and shield light armor run, I should also install a replacer for the dragonbone armor because it looks retarded
ebony and even daedric looks much better
>Mask of incel
Low IQ build
Aetherium crown with Jagged crown mogs
incel mask makes you look trustworthy to the fair maidens of skyrim
normalfag crown makes you look like a dumbass
Have fun grinding for 8 hours without the free xp standing stones bro
>in glitchrim
>buy skyrim; some kind of upgraded edition
>launch it
>looks like shit
>controls like shit
>feels like a console port
>game immediately proceeds to spawn dragons into me during the tutorial, killing any kind of potential excitement about seeing one later in the game
>close game
>never launch it again
>forget to refund
thanks todd
I accept your concession
love you too bro

mhmm, we're not talking about vanilla doe
kill fascists, it's that simple.
all chuds and incels in one big mass grave, they'll never be missed.
worst punishment for them is no one ever sees them worthy enough of killing
just let'em rot for 60-80 years
why does balk insist on keeping the pedobot?
support my anti timmy thread >>201652627

ok bro which mod can fix absolutely dogshit tutorial?
the one which bypasses it, who the fuck goes through helgen anymore
combined with a mod to stop dragon attacks until you proceed with the main quest you can ignore the entire thing and never bother with alduin
>i love watching croats bicker over which region has the real croats and which region is a serbo bosnian brown turkish mutt ghetto
90IQ max conversation topic
but of course the low IQ braindead mongoloids will present being pro-israel as the timmy position whilst their token brownies impotently wave flags for a few minutes in western capitals and then go back to reaping the benefits of living in a timmy society instead of fighting the kike
>How bad is the air pollution in other European countries?
>In the yellow category - denoting pollution levels up to three times above the safe standard - European countries included Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Cyprus, Slovenia and Italy.

I bet makkes are deep red.
why arent there any bosnians on balk is it like they're all exterminated or something
>why arent there any communist revolutionaries on balk is it like they're all exterminated or something
Eat shit and die
I'm here bro
Too much shit is politicized in the most brain dead ways imaginable that it makes me wish we get a rise of Legalism that results in all modern to contemporary history being burned in one large book filled funerary pyre
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i literally cant spend less than 40 minutes in the character creator, it just feels wrong to me
im probably gonna run a build like that myself, your skyrimposting makes me want to play again and running just restoration+conjuration was extremely retarded and fun at the same time in the past.
How would you achieve this shit worldwide?
Dripped out Sashko meeting Hitler???
Very carefully
90IQ delusions
Greece is a shithole
You're not thinking carefully enough bro
lol, you barely see your character's face why put that much effort it
mods add offensive spells to restoration so it's not that impossible, it'd just be boring
I might do an unarmed werewolf run, but I'm trying to find a fitting quest for it
It's crazy how balkan peninsula has to share two threads on int. Western balkan vs eastern balkan
I mean ex yu vs balk. Ex tu hate each other yet they are willing to share same retarded thread
nobody likes lame slav(es) besides other yugos
If you want a top tier PC, you're basically looking at spending 3.5k euro

Literally the price of a good used car
nigger you can buy a top tier PC for 1.5k
you can set your money on fire for 2.5 and waste it for 3.5
>rides the bus for eight hours
>arrives as a pedestrian in Solun
You're getting the refugee experience, Yoko.
Bro a 4090 is 2k by itself
If you're over 14 and still play video games you NEED to seek psychological help, you're a litetal manchild
No bro I need it to encode my tranny nigger bestiality porn like a well adjusted individual
that's right everyone comes to listen to the wisdom of bulgodrians
I model animal penises for skyrim mods. AMA.
If I was a woman I would wear clothes like this everywhere
the fuck are you going to do with a 4090?
Play children's bibeo gayms
I'm doing that with an integrated AMD APU, you don't need a 4090 for anything besides burning electricity
it doesn't even have enough RAM to be useful for LLMs
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>good used car
>3.5k euro
I can do that with my current PC doe

Feel like there's no point in upgrading if you're not getting the top tier shit you know
Пoхapчихмe 514 716 900 лв. зa пpoвeждaнeтo нa избopи oт нaчaлoтo нa 2021 г. дoceгa
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same, but nothing is really worth it
150% increased price for 50% more performance, and these niggers immediately double the resolution so you're right back at the start in terms of performance
>double the resolution so you're right back at the start in terms of performance
Not to mention the fact that 3.5k price tag isn't counting the new 4k screen you need to buy to take advantage of your new shit
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kwo si pohar4il ti nemash 2 lea se usmihnesh ve keleme
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I don't care about that. I only took the bus because this whole thing was impromptu. If you book the plane tickets a couple months in advance it comes out to not much more than a bus ticket.

The pricing for the hotels at least, is not good. You are paying the price of a western euro city to look out in the street and see Baghdad tier architecture. Gypsies sleeping on the street, overall kinda like a worse version of here.

Prices of hotels are much more fair in Bulgaria save for S*fia. My hotel is 5* but the accommodation of my 4* hotel is much superior. This feels like 3*. I had to ask the staff for a room with a bathtub. 330ml of coke is 6 leva.

>inb4 whiny firstoid
This hotel is a good chunk of my monthly income. You best believe I will get my monies worth.

Once Bulgaria annexes northern Greece I won't have yo go through here ever again to get to the adriatic.
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>This hotel is a good chunk of my monthly income.

one thing. Girls are cute. That's a plus.
Stop using orthodox memes to validate your musulmanic point
cashing in on all that dog porn, real industrious
classical schizophrenic supradanubian post
I hate this whiny faggot roach so much.
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damn, how could I forget about this kino mod
We should go back.
Get the fuck out of my country and kill yourself, mongol
>implying balkanoids ever left the based ages
Balkanoids don't have institutions, it's just an extension of clan politics for them.
Greece is a diverse multicultural country Chud
>my country
You're a pathetic vassal state + brown.
A merchant afraid of adversity will never stop being a corner shopkeeper.
>t. Belethor
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>august 31st

if gay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-JD4VICsz0
if straight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNiUG33rSyY
>the cure
it's the cure(for aids)
Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second.
oh fuck, I just workceled another summer away
Yanis Antetokoumpo
Belethor is literally me desu
I would have headbutt in your face if you told me that irl
>the Cure
Kek by mistake I saw mongol says about a supposed annexation of northern Greece from Bulgaria

I wonder if that's the next thing in the american glownigger playbook. Either case, mangal should really kill itself
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Tik tok
>chud's arguing about territorial expansion again
What not getting dicked down does to a homo thug
post more pics of your vacation so I can experience it vicariously
What an eyesore.
let me guess, most of that is just empty land?
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Are there any fags here that are on the ed sheeran concert here besides me?
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The vacation didn't begin the bus to Halkidiki is too far and our preferred town is the last stop.

We will either take an early morning
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>will either tak an early morning bus trip or take a ferry to wherever.

Also pic related is civilization and then Baghdad.
niggas here cant pay the bills talking about annexations
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>didnt hit the beach once the entire summer
im kinda regretting it but also fuck this nigger heat and getting sexually frustrated by girls in swimsuits
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this heat is giving me 30 boners a day
its forcing me to jerk off 60 times a day putting the bastard down
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>The vacation didn't begin the bus-ACKKKK
>hired MACEDONIAN emperor removed mongol's eye before he finished his sentence
Of course if you wish to make a revolution it is of more value to you that the people are hungry.
i haven't got an erection 4 days in a row, i eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough sun, idk prolly cancer
I haven't had a single secks or consumed alkuhul
I am basically a saint now
you need to do this>>201641317
The sex part i understand but the alcohol never, are you sick?
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eat a kilogram of cheese
will give you more boners
I am not gonna go ustashemaxxing like you
I will be a pvre monkeydonian bvll and breed and have 10 kids
alcohol is a poison harmful to the soul and body
Ate sweet and spicy wings the other day

Most disgustingly sweet thing I've tried in my life
>eat heatlhy
>exercise regularly
Animal Fat = Healthy
Exercise = Stress
You need to sleep more to recover.
You are like the most souless poster here so what do you have to lose.
>mangal was asking me for a date
>turns out he already had a bf
what a slut
welcome to being old
His anus is a bottomless hole
Are you the Based Greek music poster? If yes, when I become the fascist dictator of Balkans, you will become owner of Bulgaria with the task to detatarize them
I would rather dealive them bro
I'm a fucking genius
NoFap for a year and I learned how to fly in a dream I had yesterday.
Just make sure Mongol goes first lmaoooo
Not even close
now learn taoism
Liturgy but for incels
I can move small objects through the power of my mind and my powers grow with each day.
New f20 just dropped ^
what are the civilizational implications of not being able to drum up one ounce of respect or sympathy for wifeguys and dadposters?
you wish you were half as smart as me bro
cringestianity is nothing more than a cope for peasants to not go loco and be obedient slaves
youtube from 14 years ago deja vu
Harems forming, violent incel armies raping what they can find
mashallah, i will pray to you to make the bridges of my enemies collapse as they cross them
are there russian women with concave noses ?
I remember when they were posting how to harness Chi/Qi videos with potato tier quality.

I always envisioned my myself getting married and settling down but an endless barrage of these dorks talking down to me about how it's very wise and mature that they cucked out on every single one of their correct views, with their preteen daughters dressed as whores in tow, has completely killed the vibe. I'm thinking it's over on this front.
strange how my life really did end in 2012
nice, rushed in only to end up with two dead threads
Any plan to regain it?
it's how life works

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