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London at night edition
Submissive bottom, I have permanent anal trouble now unfortunately :(
Looks lovely
Now point the camera in the opposite direction.
Were all patiently waiting for the loaded funny posts
decent edition because it's not made by a yank PIG
Im kinda sleepy and I have to drive, hopefully Ill crash and die
i can smell the curry (not peng)
Sir Queer Sharter
Crusty bumhole does that to you
Mine is moist
noncing my own arse
This is what I'm paying the license for?
The BEEB can only stream 2 Olympic streams on the bounce but they have the time to spalsh out on this dogshit?
mad how a kenyan from Nyang'oma Kogelo became the best president in history
You know that class in school where you take clay and shape it? I'm doing that with poo
Most American girls I talked to online were not attractive and kinda rude to boot. I do remember this once nice chubby southern girl who would send me pics of bubble butt whenever I asked. She was fun.
love it

there's a kpop documentary on
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and you have always been a gay?
I'm not joking, my anus is now misshapen and I have to take stool softener otherwise my poo can get stuck.
One of my exs had a 9 incher and he regularly used to prolapse me and leave me unable to sit down for weeks.
I'm really into London electronic music sceans
Japanese fella riding his bicycle with some fruit and veg in the front basket
I'd rather have my kids watch One Piece than any of the nasty shit the BBC is currently producing
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bent freak
Satanic digits confirm, now you will have to live with the consequences of your degenrate unnatural actions
even before your dad molested you?
Lawrence of Arabia was a bit zesty.
you're both a fruit and a vegetable
I genuinely hope you're trolling.
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Mental how badly I mindraped you
Japanese fella smiling and nodding because he doesn't understand English
ah yes, a show about greed and violence, how wholesome...
luckily for me, i grew watching and playing pokémon, a wholesome show about friendship and animal fighting
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Broken my ankle on the lava... no water and it's getting hot..... remember.... remember to get them housed and wanked...
I'm not Spaino
do you like women at all? find them disgusting?
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I have increased my benchpress from 43kg to 45kg
We share 60% of our dna with bananas
speaking of engineering videos, this one goes pretty hard
First time in my life I paid for something digital on the internet
Smooth experience I must say
But I also feel a bit disgusted
oh that's not good. they're actively tracking me now. it's likely going to be over soon.
you know when they're tracking you, the network is slower. tls errors happen more frequently.
sex arse is really dangerous
Seek help
um sweetie, it's about freedom and purusing your dreams, which I guess probably is controversial in modern britain
Like lady bums, but vaginas are grim
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horton hears a coon
brit is very Internátionale this evening
unleashing a tempest of foul humours from my nether regions, a veritable storm of filth that doth assail the senses with rank odour
My gf's anus prolapsed (literally watched it happen) when she gave birth to my son and she hasn't felt right since. Said she's considered suicide because of the constant discomfort.
freedom from the law (crime) and the pursuit of dreams (money and fame)
funny way to say it's full of wogs
A conservative portfolio of x3 leveraged ETFs on a margin account that was vetted after lying heavily during my application
poo in loo
and romantically?
I've shoved plenty of large toys up my arse and never prolapsed or had any issues
y'all just have shit anuses if you have problems lol
Do they do poo sex arse in Malaysia
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My nan thought this was a real image
I watched a lot of CBeebies as a kid it was amazing
when i was a kid i always thought babies came from a woman’s mouth
You have to be 18 to post here
Mad how Raheem Sterling has played for 4 of the big 6
That says it started 4 years ago
is though int it
And look what has become of you.
You're saying that as if it is not an improvement, I am going to report you to Starmer's police
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I'm 31
yeah. a lot
>Be a mediocre British lad
>Get no pussy
>Move to America
>Get attention from every woman in sight b/c accent
Many such cases, not sure what you retards are waiting for


I wrote the same thing in the last thread but it needs to be reitterated because PLEASE IMPREGNATE OUR WOMEN PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU
>big 6
not real
got my finger in my bum and a sack full of cum
I imagine most people here have proletarian accents
please come to australia and fuck our women
walked down to the tesco. did 20 minutes tidying up my garden, then had an hour and half walk in the sun. no longer hung over. clue gained.
Wow is that an obese woman?
Yanks can't tell the difference if it isn't comically strong.
I look like a slug
I genuinely have no idea how you manage not even 100lbs
When I was a skinny kid in highschool with no lifting experience I could manage 135 for 1 rep barely
You desperately need to eat more/better or change your form from a wide elbow shoulder fucking guillotine style press which would dramatically weaken your pressing ability
Had to buy some emergency wet wipes because my bumhole wasn't well moisturised, remember it's a microbiome and you need to take care of your bumhole
It's okay to be homosexual lad
...and you think the average American could perceive that? You could be absolute white trash living in Great Yarmouth or something and an American is going to think you are royalty. based on the accent alone. Do bongs really not know this??
just put on my phone voice innit
I'm doing 10 reps and 3 sets
I’m moving to England in a month, looking at places in Cambridge and bury st Edmunds. How do I make friends there and What can I expect?
Can she not just push it back in?
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I've decided I will move to Australia. Going to spend the next few months sorting out my diet, getting back in shape. Working as much as possible to save money. Declutter my life and my mind. Then get some work lined up in Australia for the new year.
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It has been pushed in, but she says it doesn't feel right.
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arselad night
a classic
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>pasta delivery
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How do you go from this...
Oh I see
May as well do push-ups instead at that weight lol
What are your goals for September lads?

shower every day
brush teeth every day
go to the dentist
No watching pornography
shag a prostitute
Too many forginers here
Thinking I should Brexit out of here
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to this?
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>shower every day
>brush teeth every day
>go to the dentist
>No watching pornography
dire that these are goals but proud of you for trying to gain a clue
incredible good fortune
shut up loser, go back to squeezing out one rep at a high weight and pretending that's your press lmao
Never reply to me again you tedious mentally ill cunt.
Got loads of saliva in my mouth for some reason
fuck off we're full (of wogs)
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Rizzaped and Gizzaped
Lots of estrogen
My gf did the same when she went vegetarian, but the she got ackne and got ugly
mental how I live in central Liverpool and there aren't any decent places to eat out near me

in Europe every street has restaurants where you can just sit down and order normal people food like a carbonara, roast lamb, goulash with dumplings, etc.

here everything is just some variation of fast food slop or ethnic slop and the places that would serve somewhat normal food like pasta is just rammed full of dumb cunts all the time

SICK of it
Fat white cock for tea tonight!
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a lesbian gives you a chicken, how do you proceed?
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The other day I was watching a JAV and the bitch literally had razor blade scars all of her arms and legs
you know what to do
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bet he spent less than 358 quid for that seat
Astral projected my willy into your head haha
it's mental how women on the pill prefer feminine men
blog on
just got wograped by a migrant
hope starmer doesn't lock me up for this
get the _______ ______
Why are frogposters always dire
no two ways about it im a vile slug of a man. but i can change. i must change.
jog on
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Do you think these glasses look chuddy?
frogposters are the heart and soul of 4chan
Kys Scouse subhuman
what are the benefits of being on the pill besides contraception?
whinge on
nog on
just take the train to formby like everyone else does you mong
I think some girls take it because it makes their menstruation cycle less painful

it's not worth it though, it makes them fat and depressed
depends if you're ugly or not
big word bet you feel smart
>take a train 25 minutes every time i want to eat out
does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?
Not him but I was going to go to Formby today but its 10 quid to park at the beach, even if your only there an hour or two. Takes the piss.
don't know how anyone can get off to JAV
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I have a bit of metal in me to stop periods
Don't want blood gushing out of me prolapsing my anus
no but they always detract like -2 from your looks so don't wear them unless you're studying
find it strange how so few people care about being in good condition
they'll get fat and piglike yet think they're healthier than me because they don't eat red meat or binge drink
I bench in a rep range of 4-8
I think powerlifting style training is a meme and I know where you're coming from but 3x10 with basically just the bar is absurd
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she cute
Noel is a season ticket holder.
I have no arse and I must poo
i identify as a an asylum seeker
my pronouns are wog/migrant
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>Never reply to me again you tedious mentally ill cunt.
Want to drink beer but it takes so many to get pissed now
Get this man housed
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>3x10 with basically just the bar is absurd
the bar weight isn't included, I'm lifting over 100lbs with it included

anyway, I plan on getting to over 200lbs next year
Wonder what good goy slop ill eat tonight? Got a craving for kebab. Might get a chicken kebab and a doner wrap, with two cans of coke and a choccy bar.
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Poo arse sex bum willy
New hit song by the deanos
Did you seriously fall for the /fit/ meme of not including the bar weight
I think you mean "get this WOG housed"
please respect my identity and pronouns you CUNT
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i believe
kiddie hour on brit
Do they exclusively hire wogs and pakis as security and stewards now?
want to cum inside the gf so bad. never done it before.
how bad is the morning after pill for women?
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why has this yank nonce got kiddie pics on his harddrive?
dont worry about it with your low testosterone sperm the most fertile women on earth couldnt get pregnant
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The finest Australian woman on the planet has been knocked up by a moderately handsome (at best) Englishman
It could have been you
nigga on the morning bender pill
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yap yap yap
genuinely looks like a slightly prettier version of my mum when she was younger
whats /brit/s weird obsession with cuckolding and trans ppl? lol oh right theyre all underage
Yes. Who else would work for slave wages with no work benefits and no breaks on the job?
does nothing for me, Ana de Armas is my type
ugly gook
>It could have been you
she's ten years older than me I don't think I was ever in the running
Swear literally every line of Hot Fuzz is quotable
Fund the NHS to save brown children now
If multiverse theory is correct, then there is a parallel universe where you shagged her.
yanks pigging up /brit/ again
desperate stuff
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beautiful girl
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I make £80k in the Norf
Would it be worth moving to London if I would make the same or higher salary over there?
Just seems like a heckin' bustlin' city with endless things going on and doesn't seem like there is anywhere else in the UK that's the place to be
no it isn't
be quiet
pooing and weeing and pooing and weeing
says it all really
Femcel sat next to met at the cinema. She wanted me.
black goo
wow youve really done your research. fuck off idiot
Can you tell an Englishman/Welshman/Scotsman/Irishman apart from looks alone?
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Got some bits on
Pan's a bit small like aha
No she didn't.
What did you see?
welsh pipo are shorter and slightly darker, otherwise no not really
how are there people who would rather suck than get sucked
I make £130k in london and it's fucking dire
really want to move to some nice place in the north where there aren't fukcing deliveroo wogs everywhere
just an english town with english people
egg fried rice (homemade) scranalammed
did the heat from the rice cook the egg?
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>the bar weight isn't included
Hebden Bridge is full of London refugees. Could like a god on 130k.
quite enjoy eating pussy
however if the choice is between a blowie and eating fanny I'm choosing the blowie every time
no, you cook the egg prior to adding the pre-cooked rice
do you even fucking cook? what a stupid fucking question.
Was about to post this image but my pan is currently more red. Currently cooking minced meat sauce
feel like SHIT
She wanted me.
>he needs to include the bar weight to make the lift look bigger
lol, pussy
>International break next week
the season just fucking started
take the piss
Everybody and their mums is packing round here.
>I make £130k in london and it's fucking dire
why? where in London do you live?
I imagine living in the centre around Mayfair or Camden could be nice
>place in the north where there aren't fukcing deliveroo wogs everywhere
there's no city that isn't like this now
Watching Crash (2005)
Don't know why I put it on I know I don't like it
Not even Sandra Bullock can save this soppy shite
would only eat fanny while she was on her period. no exceptions
Club football is for soulless Semitic mercenaries.
shouldnt you guys be getting ready and heading to pres
you like yours rare
>around Mayfair or Camden
two COMPLETELY different parts of town mate
the bar is included so you can communicate what the weight you're doing is without everyone having to do fucking arithmetic trying to workout what bitch weight you're actually lifting you SPAZ
prefer the Crash where they wank over car wrecks
Are you french
no mate, wouldn't be doing that as i have no mates. /brit/ are my mates.
Watching the gay porn
what if guys had to plug their bum with a tampon
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Cronenberg kino
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Want to make fun of the wog deliveroo situation but I've literally lived in a small town and had muhammed order my food
bit gay, that
the bar doesn't count
If my nan had balls
yeah Mayfair is pretty posh
Camden is the hipster part no?
They don't look too far from each other on the map but it's London so yeah
it's not a problem if she has a tampon in
32, with 28k saved up
some 125k equity if i had to liquidate
on the prowl?
epically meymey'd my fellow /fitizen/ :D
jeff pls go. praise zyzz!
Going to pub with dadberg again tonight
me in the 35-44 and over 110k
what did he pick for you?
Haven't been to the pub for nearly a whole year
Got no mates you see
Do you include the bar when you lift a dumbbell? The bar doesn't count, only the weight you add to it.
basil brush is on the chase
dumbbells dont have a bar so not sure what youre on about
Can we come?
Went with my dad and sister and her husband and two kids over bank holiday weekend
Very pleasant would go again
I only let my kids watch LOTGH with no subtitles.
If I weren't such a sperg I'd be outearning all of you
Would but brexit
i'm the straightest and hardest lad in /brit/
do you guys count the hole in plates too?
I think you ought to
>dumbbells dont have a bar
Of course they do, it's just shorter than a barbell
so sick of this thread
non stop earnings discussion for the last few weeks
just shut up
they're all on the dole

Cash ISA: 53.5k
Lifetime ISA: 3.5k
Stocks and Shares ISA: 7k
Bonds: 22k
Pension: 12k
Current Account/Cash: 3k
>The finest Australian woman on the planet
gf: 0
talking about your knob yeah bit gay
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>he includes the bar
earn nothing, me. made redundant one month ago today. got no job yet. not signed up to the dole.
One my first San Miguel of the evening
Think I'll partake in one or two more then start on my wine which is already getting some breathing
i ought to do something to meet new people
*googles 'gay porn dance classes' near me*
Yes yes well done Slytherin, HOWEVER
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Yeah and you whining in the back seat is certainly going to help us other steer this thread.
Tranny pussy on the /tv/ 'log
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Joy Boy was the personification of freedom amongst the American slaves. Luffy being a criminal fighting the system is kino
bro is breathing his screw cap wine *skull*
i don't care it's boring and very pathetic seeing all these people go on about it as if it makes them not a failure in life

fuck off you swede
Added my mustard to my sauce
Lovely stuff
Margot Robbie just isn't attractive.
simply untrue, you massive virgin
Maybe not to you
But not even god can account for taste
virgin incel alert
Reminder that Bartholomew Roberts, the REAL King of the Pirates, was a Welshman.
very horny
Oh that famously attractive woman? Actually she's ugly
Fridge but would
was he in assassins creed 4?
Massive fanny too
Fridge body and a sharp face
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She's fit, but fridgey and massively overhyped because wolf of wall street and the suicide squad both instructed normies to find her attractive
>a sharp face
Elbows too
just seen rorke squating in the OHP rack
the weight on the side of a dumbbell includes the weight of the 'bar' that you hold so yeah
Guess that means Marvel movies are good then. Everyone likes them, they must be good.
agree she's not pretty
peak megan fox was a beauty
You can literally see her curvy waist in that photo
she's got a 10/10 face and 10/10 feet which makes her fineee but rest of the body ain't all that
I have moved way past the point of such worldly things as earnings
most of you here would never be able live on my 0k per year lifestyle
it would crush you
alright toe thumbs
Megan Fox isn't attractive either.
She's not fit, she clearly don't work out much and her face is alright but nothing special, not much boobs or bum to speak of

Yeah she's famous but come on
'Ee 'appen up North we just ignore how muslims have taken it all over by drinkin' a loveleh pint o' graveh and lying that it only takes place down South
>10/10 face
You're genuinely mental
nah she's a 10 in the face
coping if you say she's not
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yeah not she isn't
but she was
The footfag was mental was he?
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>I have moved way past the point of such worldly things as earnings
>most of you here would never be able live on my 0k per year lifestyle
>it would crush you
Don't remember what I bought
Think it was Japanese food or pizza
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