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saso banned again?
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rolling undead rogue just to own sashko and harrasse him even in video games would be based but I don't wanna play wow, too bad
If you meet mangol punch his face from my side and if he ask questions tell him the romanian from balk told you to do so.
Ke gi jades bubackite
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>start game
>werewolf start
>populated skyrim adds a fuckton of random encounters
>group of 5 pilgrims with 4 level 40 mercenary guards, I started this game at level 15 to skip the early part
>this would instagib you as a human if you tried to kill them
>eat them like sushi and get 2 werewolf perks
dogs don't suffer in skyrim(white woman land)
just found out that i developed dyshidrotic eczema aka summer finger bumps from working out in the heat which is making my fingers itch
thanks summer
Total mangal death
Thought you fingered a gyppo prossie
Thanks for making me listen to this anglo faggot again krasno
Forgot the link
Uoooooooooohh death in juuuuuuuuune imagine being 13 and cutting your wirst and scream aaackhhh listening to Tokyo hoteeeeeeeeeeeeel
Arent you the one that posted your tiny paper cuts?
adding populated skyrim to my mod list, sounds fun
did you find a werewolf quest you were searching for or will you just be doing shit like dawnguard and companions questline?
it fucking itches like i did too, im gonna sharpen a toothpick and start popping these bubbles
>tiny paper cuts
Your therapist teached you such words while you talked about your feelings?
It is over, you need to cut it off now.
how about this
taught* Your english is shit , how many times do i need to tell you? You have your own gypsy thread, go there where you don't have to speak a language you have no understanding of.
Not going to the piece of shit therapist anymore, all are scammers and evil.
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I installed a follower mod in markarth and I'll be doing that quest + companions probably
I conveniently spawned near that when using Alternate Perspective as an alternate start mod, Hircine is supporting my murdercat's plan
eating 40 people allowed me to easily get more level appropriate gear too
I had Populated Skyrim Hell Edition installed in my previous save but I think installing it mid-game bugged things since I didn't see too many encounters, besides cancer bears that could one-shot me until level 30
I know english perfectly, I was just testing you.
I assumed you'd say that, now you won't be making that mistake again.
If by mistake i make a mistake dont correct me, I have no respect for english the language of soyboy that goes to therapist.
now kiss
a female therapist at that
>the rapist
>romanian female village therapist
>the rapist
what did the yahudic tribe mean by this
the rapist rapes your mind until you get gaslighted into reverse ptsd so the line keeps going up
uuuoooooh I kneel before modern psychiatrape
fuck the bears honestly, theyre way too fast for how hard they hit. fuck the sabre cats too now that you mention it
>percentages next to equipment
is that a durability mod? why would you do that to yourself vlachbaby, dungeons must be cancerous experiences with that installed
I'd get smashed in the head with a silvered warhammer and be fine, but a bear 10 levels lower than me could lightly swipe at my poor self and I'd get splattered over the nearest tree
the little shits also had too much health and even with the slow down during power attacks they instakilled me too many times when wandering at night
in character the reason I added a bear pelt to the clavicus mask is because that char got bear ptsd and hates bears
>dungeons must be cancerous experiences
not really, I think the default behavior is degrading tempering after enough damage has been applied which makes sense and gives you a reason to maintain up your equipment, items breaking is disabled
Shut the fuck up. Kosovo NEEDS a new Hoxha. They NEED Enver's anti-revisionist Communism and they need bunkers NOW.
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*plap plap plap plap plap*
*braaaaap frrrrrrrt*
dali mvr ke si ja raboti rabotata
Drinking in the park alone
Based. Feel like if I do this and some zoomie looks at me wrong I might cave his face in tho so I don't do that.
Post pics
Also based lone wolf alphachad
This do be kinda true
UMMMMMM sweaty, alphas are by definition leaders with followers underneath them

He's at best a sigma and at worst an omega
>opens cia most wanted
>romani "people" are being loud again
i miss gommunism
I also sometimes become nostalgic for things I never experienced
On August 28, 2024, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia unsealed an indictment charging Serbian national Nemanja Radovanovic with being part of a years-long conspiracy to perpetrate “swatting” attacks and bomb threats against U.S. victims that included senior government officials.

According to the indictment, Radovanovic and others were part of a conspiracy that began no later than December of 2020 and continued through January of 2024. The conspirators obtained personal identifying personal information, including home addresses, for their intended victims, and then carried out “swatting” attacks by falsely reporting emergencies for the purpose of provoking a police response at the victim’s home.

The indictment alleges that, in furtherance of the conspiracy, the defendants committed swatting attempts against 40 private victims and 61 official victims, including members of Congress, cabinet-level executive branch officials, senior officials of federal law enforcement agencies, and state officials. The indictment also alleges that the defendants committed bomb threats against four victim businesses, four victim religious institutions, and one victim university.

Radovanovic is charged with one count of conspiracy, 29 counts of threats and false information regarding explosives, and four counts of transmitting threats in interstate and foreign commerce.
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that's the PARK?
dog, that's just some sorry ass patch of grass
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Why Sashko let Bulgarian cryptoqueen named Pyјa to be on the top of fbi most wanted list but not him?
Not even grass, just mini stones
Looking familiar
What do you drink?


Kek the king of Swatting is Serbian
Jesus fucking christ why does every single ukrainian or russian male is ugly as fuck? Is it the food or their women are crazy and make them have stress
They are all hackers bro, hackers and coders are ugly in general
Timișoreana beer
Штo мy peкoл Бeтмeн нa Poбин пpeд дa влeзaт y Бeтмoбилoт?
флaaj вo гoyфo дa тибaм yпичкy мaтep
-Poбин влaгaј y Бeтмoбилoт
I start to like boomer jokes
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They demolished the old commie bridge, its time over for brutalism
Kill yourself annoying gyppo faggot
Find mangal and beat him up for me bro
another win for me.
Those who declared as ethnic Bulgarians were, harassed or deported to Bulgaria.[38] The high clergymen of the Bulgarian Exarchate were also deported.[39] Bulgarian schools were closed and teachers expelled. The population of Macedonia was forced to declare as Serbs. Those who refused were beaten and tortured.[40] Prominent people and teachers from Skopje who refused to declare as Serbs were deported to Bulgaria.[39] International Commission concluded that the Serbian state started in Macedonia wide sociological experiment of "assimilation through terror."[39] All Bulgarian books gave way to Serbian. The government Serbianized personal names and surnames for all official uses. Between 1913 and 1915 all people who spoke a Slavic language in Vardar Macedonia were presented by Serbia as Serbs.[41]
total F40 victory
I'll never forget the guy who slapped my great great great grandpa and said "fak yor fadar"
This should happen again, but in bumgaria proper.
I actually fantasized about leading successful independence movement of south Serbia from Serbia, I would call if Republic of Torlakia, with Nis as capital
Don't care about serbroach fantasies, just dislike bumgarians.
fun idea: next time sashizo shows up a makke should put "Janis" as his name and (You) him flirtatiously
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Imagine how he felt when he realized he'll never hit that sweet Turkish pussy ever again
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I went to Nesebar once, I don't dislike Bulgarians, eat shit Gpsy. Anyway, check out this
Пeт мeceцa cлeд oпepaциятa нa cтoмaхa в Typция Люcи Илapиoнoв ce дoближaвa вce пoвeчe дo зaвeтнaтa cи цeл. A имeннo дa ce въpнe нa 80-тe килoгpaмa oт нaй-дoбpитe мy гoдини кaтo вoкaл нa гpyпaтa "Ъп Дayн", пpeдaдe "Пик".

Peжиcьopът нa чaлгa дивитe вeчe e минyc пoчти 50 килoгpaмa. Гoдeницaтa мy - пeвицaтa Aни Хoaнг, cпoдeли cнимкa, oт кoитo ce виждa, чe тoй e зaгyбил мнoгo килoгpaми.

Oпepaциятa нa Люcи в клиникa в Aнкapa бe нaлoжитeлнa, тъй кaтo тoй ce пoбoля зapaди нaднopмeнoтo cи тeглo. B eдин мoмeнт ce oкaзa, чe зa възpacттa cи 41-гoдишният Илapиoнoв e paзвил някoлкo зaбoлявaния - диaбeт в нaчaлeн cтaдии, виcoкo кpъвнo нaлягaнe, cтoмaшeн peфлyкc и дp.
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I dislike serbroaches too.
Imagine a portal opens in front of you and you can see and talk to future you from 20 years into the future. What's some shit you'd look for or ask?
almost understood this
>130 kilos, incelification, diabetes, hypertension, acid reflux
What no turkish pussy does to a mf
I am also sad
RIP Peyхaн

Do you also have Nujda for Reyhan?
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Damn. This nigga literally ate his feelings.
I identify as Torlakian
I am the first person ever to dislike Torlakians and call for their genocide
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He went downhill after her death and flourished while still with her pic rel
>with turkish woman: chad, slim, chiseled, making music
>with tatar woman: fat, incel, sick, sluggish
Insane what living with tatar women does to a mf
bro I can't speak turkish
Ngl Reyhan was very unique and charismatic
mental how niggas will let themselves be ensleyvd by pussy
nice african flag
>died of cirrhosis at 61
RIP king...
What no fear of God does to a mf

Cтpaвoт oд Гocпoдa e пoчeтoк нa мyдpocтa, нo бeзyмнитe ги пpeзиpaaт мyдpocтa и пoyкaтa.

Also Macedonian language is unironically made for Bible, it sounds powerful when you read The Book in mk
The humbler I become, the closer to God I feel
He supposedly used cocaine to easy the pain
based maymun coked and drunk off his ass
That's also true
Before ruin, a man's heart becomes haughty, but before honor there is humility.
5Oмpaзeн My e нa Гocпoдa ceкoј co гopдo cpцe, тaкoв нaвиcтинa нe ocтaнyвa бeз кaзнa
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Ѓoќпoди jac caмo caкaм дa ми бидaт иcпpocтpeни гpeoвитe и дa дojдaм вo Tвoeтo цapcтвo
Enjoy suffering for this bogohulie you proud twat
Wait was that from the new(fake) "testament"?
If yes you are saved if not it was blasphemy
What problems do Macedonians have with Serbs
0:25 time stamp
Look at those incests bro they are turkoshipos
Macedonians love Serbs
Idk how to differentiate bro in the video they all look the same desu
timmy in the thumbnail
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What lacking a daddy figure does to a mf

Bro, it's tough getting on in the world
Where the sun doesn't shine and maymuns need a girl
It's about getting out of your ghetto, you need luck
And you're stuck and don't know how (oh)

(don't have to be) a big brown Trabzonian star
(don't have to drive) a super car to get thrills
(don't have to live) a life of shizo med refills
(don't have to be) butifel but it helps
(don't have to buy) a house in Athenian hills
(don't have to have) your laz dad paying the bills
(don't have to live) a life of fascist power and wealth
(don't have to be) butiful but it helps

You need more than a big black dick to be a lover, or
An S-class car to ride you door to door
Somewhere Greek on another shore
You need more (x6)
You need love (x3)
Too much of anything is never enough
Too much of everything is never enough
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Has fyrombey recovered since this pic dropped?
>the nordic face
where da whyte engels at
I sometimes(now) wish i could murder my piece of shit parents for giving birth to me and forcing me to grow up surrounded by subhuman, dysgenic romaniggers pieces of shit, thus condemning me to a life of misery and pain for every single waking hour.
It's the greatest injustice that i can't skin alive and dismember romanian toddlers alive and not face nayc onsequences. i have so much hatred towards every last one of these subservient, thieving whorish vermin that i cant even describe in words.
makkkelad's idol
Have some ear cancer

Ederlezi whistling edition

Not in the mood for the anthem of ROMANIa.

Got some drip from Zara today

novy novy novy novy god
NIKAKIE michti n'ispolnit
>at 1 at night
>it's now a tradition for me to watch this video every New Year

>means right now
>not that he just returned home and is posting about his day in general
absolutely albaboonic contextual comprehension
>return home
>at 1 at night
>posting about his day
>at 1 at night
How did you know bro??? My post was so enigmatic and unclear
You MUST come to bumgaria and start wearing dresses, bro
Living around alboons is making you dumb
totally normal tho
I often do this at 4
I have now successfully rejuvenated the thread, and my wank session to Serana is done
time to sleep
>living among low IQ albaboons is making you dumb
>come to this dumber version of albaboonia instead
Iki was right about everything
I did that thoughbeit
100 nigro anuses were licked by pale angels because of this post
Make that a thousand
You gonna jerk off to that fantasy in a few mins?
I did earlier
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One coom is never enough
It is, now i only wish for death
Femorrhoids be like
Work shall set you free bro
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We all know about
>Montana, USA
>Montana, Bulgaria
But did you know about
i knew about hanna montana
hanna barbera, now that was some good shit
ayo some Bulgarian anon once hit me up privately, it's something to do with Greek anon don't know if you still there are you there?
Why don't bulgarians have proper last names? (Or rarely do?)
How can 99% of a country use patronyms/avonyms as a last name? Usually it would be First Name, Patronym and Family name in most slavic countries. But Bulgarians just go First Name, Patronym, Patronym (with the last patronym being the "family name", but having the same construction as a patronym). Did Bulgarians just suddenly spawn in and had to improvise? What's up with that?
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Us from the comoros islands would also like to express our displeasure with these filthy tatars
Aren't they simply disgusting?
'neetche, there's heavy rains forecasted for Burgas today
Hope you remember to close your windows and bring any plants you cherish inside
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frodo works out and isn't a troon
it's just a fantasy or sommin
bugis i met irl seemed like okay people if a bit short
Leave bulgars alone moornigger, only we are allowed to mock them
Now that i have defended the honor of tatargarians on /balk/ i shall go to sleep, hopefully i never wake up fuck this faggot world and every last one of you, and especially kill white women for they fuck dogs and rim nigger assholes.
Bulgarians are turkish tribes hailing from the Volga, so yes, they did suddenly spawn in.
one nigro anus has been specifically tattooed with "pyromanian" and licked thoroughly by a norwegian angel as you sleep
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fantasy: already fappened to
Was it a norwegian princess?
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af bin kırosin oldı layns oldı layns
kist yor gırlfrend, meyd yu kıray
Good morning everyone
Think about how dumb the average person is. Then think about how half of all people are dumber than that.
Good, dumb life = happy and rich life
Dubs and I'm posting my gfs feet on balk
You can be smart all you want, at the end of the day if you are average IQ all that matters is temperament
Singles and you post her
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New bike path just dropped
now where im from nobody give a fuck about you i know rappers i know trappers i know real clappers
we've had our fill of man feet here with mangal and that hairy monkey of a slob
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i know tatars i know tatars i know tatars
what's next, a hagraven sesh?
If the brain is stupid, the body suffers.

skull emoji
I wonder at which point it will become a criminal offense to be racist. Id be jailed in no time.
Is it along a road?
He's a gentleman and ladies come first.
Thoughts on this? >>201666140
Daj be ne zamaraj
All you need is one black qween telling you "You aight wyboi" and you'll become the biggest anti-racist.
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Hello Sashe how was the date
Douche don't project lies
powerful image, the shirt made me kek loudly
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Come on bro give us some details
We been up in here for days praying for your success
I do t even try to be with the transgender what are you even on
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Bro come on we all know you are a couple don't be tsundere
We all know you went to therapy together that's how you met
There's nothing wrong bro, loosen up it's almost 2025
I messaged him bro, he said your BWC destroyed his ass multiple times
Are you retarded again you project lies

Can you stop harrassing me what is the issue with you retard
Bro he confessed that he was seeing you stop lying, we have elaborated proofs and everything
Didn't happen nor do I care if he/she says that
come on don't be shy bro it's obvious you are very considerate of transgenders, there's nothing to be embarrassed about bro
you like a guy who looks like a girl so what it's almost 2025 bro
You are gay if you didn't hit that bro
You're boring and an asshole

I'm into virgin teen girls with big tits

So can you please stop spreading lies
But he's a virgin bro. You popped his cherry.
Nah I didn't

Now instead of spreading lies what is your issue I mean you are bored so you think spreading rumors would do something

I wanna write a book not to go into politics I don't give a shit what you spread as a rumor because my book part of it will be coded so it's not understood able to normal folks
What rumors bro? Janis came and told us you boinked him in the bum. It's OK Sashe we all know you have denial issues since Atanas bummed you way back when but fucking troons doesn't make you a bad person.
Need to write to the transgender person that someone is trying to pretend to be me so the he/she cant get confused
Bro you need to tell us if he is albanian or timmydonian
Is his surname istrefi or gorgiev?
Stefane get off this site IMMEDIATELY. There is already a Macedonian flag here who is talking to the transgender pretending to be you. Just save yourself my man. Best of luck.
I thought air was free until I purchased a bag of chips.
Dunno dude haven't seen he/she in like 6 months or more
The cops should do their job what that guy is doing is criminal offence
You're right my brother. You should report him for cyber bullying. Why are you not reporting things to Interpol / Europol? This is your right. You're being harrassed.
2/2 I rarely come here like once a week or twice a week not often, while anons obsesse about me
I have and since 2017 I reported crimes after crimes and the cops aren't doing anything
For your own sake please man this website is bad for you. I'm telling you this as someone who is concerned about you because the subh here don't deserve your presence and will only use you for their own amusement. Why do you keep coming back? We can't protect you if you keep voluntarily hurting yourself by exposing yourself to these animals.
As I said I don't come often like once a week

I do other stuff
Then DO MORE OTHER STUFF and fuck this site
It's hard to believe USA is a real place. It's an entire society where nobody has emotionally progressed past 10 years old.
> and fuck this site
nojkoturk the homobisexual, mangal and Vute would certainly like this
One of my nightmares involves being forcefully sent there
Thanks for worrying for me bro

I hope you also have a better life as you see i have fit body now fixing my teeth

But I won't finish a law degree even tho I know the material of like 5 faculties

I do other stuff like thinking about writing a fantasy novel like lord of the rings but with engineering punk stuff I cannot use the pc because of my static ip full flock of IT nerd surveillance me

And most important fact I don't declare myself as macedonian but as a cosmopolitian
you're literally doing better than 99.999% of the subh here improving yourself
just don't spend the 10 minutes per week you spend here either
I'm permabanned from my home adress

And my ig is full of messages
I use ig to blog about my life i don't use this website anymore
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its gorgiev, there is an older pre trans account of his
chances are that his name changed and janis is probably his deadname now
This maymunic weather wont end
Anyway cya after what 4 days of Nonstop harrasment by people here about the transgender person I can assure you I did not had sex or anything with her/him

While as I said I avoid this website since 2022
Stop playing moralist vute. You have banned all ips for pedo shit.
I like crazish sluty girls too much
Fuck Timmy gon' do?
I'd fuck janis if I was in your place bro
Deranged animal.
nigga singlehandedly putting timmy in stimming
>Autistic people often engage in stimming when they are stressed, to self regulate and sometimes to express emotion.
>Stimming is one of the symptoms listed by the DSM IV for Autism, although it is observed in about 10 percent of non-Autistic children. A few Autistic people have no stims. Common forms of stimming among Autistic people include hand flapping, body spinning or rocking, lining up or spinning toys or other objects, echolalia, perseveration, and repeating rote phrases.
I'm fucking autistic...
I mean, troons do be disproportionately autistic n sheit
I wonder if for troons jumping back and forth on a dildo is considered stimming.
>repeating rote phrases
i do this
Which one is krasnoyarsk?
He sounds like he could be both top left and bottom right
Bottom right is Dima he used to posts pics from his military unit during conscription, decent guy.

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I will murder all troons if I had the chance. That evil does not deserve to exist in MY world.
This Mizera is 80-90 IQ max.
So true! Ever since seeing this meme I've been trusting my instincts a lot more!
No wonder he fits in nicely on balkmoonistan.
had to leave family lunch because boomer cousin that was sitting opposite of me speaks while chewing food and that sort of shitty table manners trigger my fight or flight instinct
Or when toothless grandpa starts yelling with food in his mouth and spits food everywhere
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I didn't knew people with multiple sclerosis were participating in the Olympics, here's our 100m silver medalist from the 2024 paralympics
i always watch the video when you post this fml
Rooskys make some absolute gits I gotta admit
this sort of behaviour is why i fucking hate eating with others, makes me seethe just thinking about it
eating as a social activity is a massive psyop
saaaaaaaaaar... it can be pretty soulful sans the food spittery
What do you think about plate lickers?
Asian manierism code says that if the food is tasty you have to make noises at table while eating
Yeh IOWA a cute tatar woman but I am listening me some Enjoykin right now now (rn now)
I can't stand it either genuinely makes me rage
apparently its an acoustic trait
Hellenic win
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haha, I suffer

So wholesome!
When I finish my salad I lift the long plate to gulp down the sauce just like my grandpa. Goatis would be stimming.
I have overcome the 5-digit hell this past month and now sitting comfortably at 6 figures.
Do I keep gambling with equities or do I buy some divvie/bond etf and sit business cycle out?
>gulping down oil
I just realize how much i influenced balk posting
yes, this happens a few times a year
matter fact I think compared to all the ethanol I've been gulping down a few bits of oils and sneeds and sugars can't hurt me
my liver and kidneys are made of titanium, nigga
i'm bout to do a reverse goatis diet to prove that nigga wrong
Rest assured you're getting hurt regardless.
i am supposed to believe that poisoning yourself intentionally with actual industrial quantities of poison has a 15-20% chance to kill you in 20-30 years but eating a bit of plant toxins is like totally deadly bro
absolute fucking joke
i can go carcinogenmaxx on kauflandslop forever and I'll probably die in my 110s
this is not even hubris or anything
imagine believing a bean or a bit of artificial sweetener will wreck your organs lmao
as someone with a decade+ CV of alcoholism this just seems like tranny fragility
bro if you get cancer from eating store ham you weren't meant to exist to begin with
90IQ take.
4rd circle of hell for these fucks
dog behaviour
>imagine 5 people chewing loudly and burping at your table
might aswell eat with a pack of dogs at that point
>dog behaviour
You might be right, I lick plates and I fuck white women.
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>being a balkmun enjoying the sun with a ciggie and a rakia and then having kamflant meat at lunch makes you a cancermaxxer
>processed meats
Guess why dumbass.
so it can last longr in mai fridj
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died 12 times and leveled up once
They literally spray meat with chemicals to not turn green and then add X chemicals in processed meats depending on what they're making.
if my liver can handle 10 liters of ground grain fungal piss water, it can handle 10 milligrams of preservative deodorant mmkay
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I see the wheel-chair is making a return in the year 2024
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Bro you're speaking with a certified 90 IQ selyak that believes that every single one of his countless personal failings is a result of diet and microplastics because admitting to yourself that you're just a subhuman is too psychologically draining
This got me thinking... must suck to be in a wheel-chair in Bulgaria.
but what do rainbows have to do with wheelchairs
When are we gonna meet in Skopje to walk down 1000 year old streets mai bro?
Another hot 90IQ takes thinks pointing out X means the person who points out X is a failure.
Both my 90+ year old grandpas are avid sugarmaxxers by the way
My 140+ year old grandpas look like they're in their 20s and have never touched sneed oils.
Whenever I wanna lose weight and eat less I can't lose weight. The second I start eating crap all I want I start losing weight.
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When did everyone on this site start shitting on Indians
Don't remember this amount of poo slander being so common before
>full blown bad kind of autumn already
why did god put me into place they used to send criminals to? might as well spawn me in australia
Absolute retard argument. Just because you can handle 10 liters of 5% ethanol doesn't mean you can handle 1g of cyanide
didnt you say you were doing an unarmed run thoe
>short red hair
>probably bisexual
ideal wife right there
i wonder what sex with a wheelchair girl is like
Can you explain this? >>201690346
um yes bro because da jooz are totally putting like 100 mg of cyanide on each kamflant sandwich ham slice you fucking mong
riddle me this, so da jooz both want us to procreate so they can use us as soldiers but they also don't want us to procreate at the same time so that we die off
ngl I have been thinking of sex with disabled women since I was like 12
nah not really. probably a fake map
90IQ hysteria lead to this post's 90IQ grammar
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I'd like to thank Romania for jailing niggers
the programming shifts in times of war and peace respectively
I like Tristan a lot more t b h
He's the one who got less testosterone in the womb so he's a bit more agreeable
But every map i found is like that no matter what year
i played kattawa shoujo and the legless bitch fucked the hardest from what i remember
90IQ retort.
Both of these dogs are annoying showmen with photoshoped and filltered pics
We buy our oil in plastic bottles, our salads in plastic tubs or baskets, our yoghurt in plastic bottles, our meat and sausages in plastic baskets and covered in plastic. Our drinks in plastic bottles; then: We take it all to the pay-out where.... we're not allowed to put it all into plastic bags. They're bad for the environment.
And yet 99.999% of people who do this go on to have healthy beautiful babies while you seethe on 4chan.
I wish we still drank everything from glass bottles
Everything tastes better from glass
they have incredibly weird muscle genetics, andrew in particular looks like shit
Ummmm no bro the reason why I'm a 90iq failure in life is always external and ubiquitous
for me it was the one without hands

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