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Khadzimurat Gatsalov edition

Now that you mention it, yeah
Lacks upper chest
I agree, glass bottle stuff tastes better.
What was garbage in 1860, was fertilizer in 1870, cattle feed in 1880 and table food in 1890.
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that chick was irritating
crispy toast = blind ojou > normal women > the rest

I got distracted :|
good eye, i think its that+shitty posture that some fighters get from constantly holding a tight guard with their shoulders forward and their back slightly hunched
>the billionaire who lobbied hard against saturated fats and drank sneed oils died from a heart attack
>people die
no way, I thought humans were immortal
Vote for the Stop Killing Games initiative if you haven't already :^)
>It's DA SOOOOOOY making me a subhuman
>Cuts out soy, still a subhuman
>It's DA POOOOOORN making me a subhuman
>Does nofap, still a subhuman
>"Heh this ubiquitous unreactive bio unavailable compound can never be completely avoided, thus the externalized cope for my subhumanity can never be challenged again!"
dont care about games hope they die for good
Nope, fuck modern games
Calm down fyromtwink.
It's to force the publishers to allow offline support after the live servers go down
It's for game preservation in general. It applies to old games the same as to newer ones.
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What goes on in these countries?
They aren't balkan, they aren't westies, and they (act like) they aren't eastern european.
Do they have some distinct culture?
To think that fyromtwink is anally bleeding so much from just getting called out on his retardation. Just like an egomaniacal balkmoon selyak he can't admit he's wrong so he tries to one up his opponent the only way he know how. Low IQ loudmoon screeching.
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>two random silver hand elite spawn in with full dragonbone
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, based?
My CoD4 promod works flawlessly, so do most of the old games I'm playing. If you wanna force greedy CEOs to rethink the anticonsumer strategies they've been shoving down our throats since genZ fortnite kids became their target consumers, just stop buying their shit
They're paradise, aside from the sehithole of hungary and the open air disneyland of Prague
eating me a carb-heavy dinner
you reminded me to turn on the oven to tendiemaxx
I have knelt to your digits broder. I hope you enjoy your dinner.
Fyrombvll's existence causes you more of an f20 episode than Azhda Agush causes Sashko
Can't imagine what he's done to cause you THIS much is an inferiority complex
Chinese mentality.
>crispy toast = blind ojou > normal women > the rest
perfect ranking, couldnt have said it better myself
im honestly surprised you didnt like the deaf bitch, i remember that she ties the protag to a chair before bouncing on his weewee which is the closest that game got to non vanilla stuff iirc
"od glasa4a nema jeba4a" as my friend once said
yiff in hell furfag
You're melting down and screeching at me fyromtwink.
And where are the mongols now?
Austria: traditional conservative mountain germans
Czechia: atheist slavs with a german mentality
Slovakia: sleepy mountain slavs, nothing ever happens
Hungary: balkanic oligarchy, still suffering from trianon trauma
>DA CIA is melting down and screeching at me for my weather changing powers!
As a Bulgar, a part of them is in your blood.
mongols have less people than you
meanwhile carbmaxxing chinks are the biggest nation on the planet
ok jeets may content for 1st place but they are also extreme carbhumans
how come
>mongols have less people than you
>fyromtimmia has like 1 million makkes
>The population of Mongolia in 2022 was 3,398,366, a 1.51% increase from 2021
They live in a steppe dessert too.
bro chinks can send 1 medium sized village to wipe them out
So? Modern mongols are also carbmaxxers and they're weak unlike their ancestors.
Why the fuck are electronics so costly in Serbia? Fucking chink headphones cost 1k dinar.
The US became carbhuman after being defeated by a rice-heavy flip-flop wearing race
Umm bro you just made a slight error about Mongolian population size so let me focus on that instead of your total refutation of my incel delusions
Another 90IQ point. The best part about baiting retards is that they'll always leave satisfied thinking they've won and you can bait them again tomorrow.
Just the toll you pay when you post on 4chan
Buy on kupujemprodajem, don't let niggatron and tehnonigger jew you
>stronger than most europeans
>smarter than most asians
Oh my timurlenkian genes
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Okay fyromtimmy here's an idea. Photoshop Nojko's head at the right side of the bed so that it looks like only his head is peaking out from under the bed.
Umm bro you just made the classic blunder of making refutable posts instead of rhetorical tautologies
Better luck next time
the deaf bitch that was pretending to be mute for the lulz is too femdommy, I only did her route once years ago and I found all her sex scenes weird since why the fuck was this bint in charge now and from what I recall everything was way too SOL for a supposed relationship
I'd rather be the one tying her to the chair and seeing how long she'll keep up her silent act
>inb4 muh power dynamics between a mute deaf femoid and a basically normal guy inb5 that's the point of her route muh student council threesome inb6 it ties in to her ending about muh friendship and muh dreams
don't care, IRL I'd probably pick the ojou because she's rich and you can more easily bully blindfags and Hanako is too insecure
You never visited a single one of those countries bro, why you opening ya mouth timmy?
I'd bend fyromtimmy like a fucking pretzel if I found out who he is.
Always wonder what goes through the head of the average turk upon realising that his neighbors use his ethnicity as a literal insult. Even funnier when we have been subjected by them for hundreds of years.
Do you think you'll develop insulin resistance by gargling the Albanian's mental sperm in this manner bro?
I would bend you like , Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood would bend over a pale angel bro
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Best girl
her route fucked me up mentally for weeks
Elaborate your 90IQ logic.
Elaborate some bitches on your dick
>le autism
why would you do that to yourself
I already elaborated your ass.
I'm stealing this line
I didn't know better
how could you not know better, do you people not have survival instincts
Do you think you'll develop a cure for your celibacy by gargling my mental sperm in this manner bro?
>Albovlach surprised at 80IQ behavior in a thread populated by low IQ mentally ill individuals
Ask your mother.
if they are hot it doesn't matter
Bro can you call this fyromian >>201693372 an 80 IQ subhuman real quick
His obsession with your diabetic cock is unhealthy and had to stop
this is what happens when people don't jerk off

no idea what your love spat is about
>fyromtimmy still remembers that one compliment I gave to albovlach way back
Unreal how obsessed he is with one-upping me, yet he fails spectacularly.
carbs are for people like who have a steady flow of 5000 calories an hour metabolism, ketogroids are drooling mongrels
7 tendies ovenning
Its over
He's got adoring fan bro
Time to throw him off a cliff immediately
honest to god the only thing i remember about the deaf bitch is the chair sex scene, i completely forgot that there was a student council plot that happens somewhere between meeting her and getting femdommed
hanako is too much of a trainwreck for a commited relationship, she will 100% cheat on you with the first guy that gives her positive attention of any kind. blind bitch is simply the best choice and its not even close
>this is what happens when people don't jerk off
I don't want to die
will new Blade be kino?
tendies done

ye same, that chair thing and I think there was also a scene near a window or something
we are too reasonable for this general, now if only hisao wasn't a fucking wimpy faggot but what would you expect from 4channers making a game
Why do poles worship blacks?
literally the only route i didnt do because her personality pissed me off
am i missing out
no I did it and it was incomprehensible
only route I would have actually gotten a bad end if I didn't follow the walkthrough, I can usually read characters better
Because like Bulgaria all we know is American stereotypes of them, which are always "they are super cool & funny" +rap music

I like mysterious chicks with that kind of personality but would probably be a pain to deal with irl
Did you know that in Germany if you rent an apartment you need to buy the kitchen separately?
there are no international standards if furniture is included or not, probably not in long-term rent markets
>The unnamed “51-year-old right-handed man” from Japan admittedly enjoyed pleasuring himself several times a day

this is sad
Italians will pay for garbage taxes, then throw the garbage on the streets, only to pay other taxes for garbage cleaning and collection. Then the collected garbage gets sold cost-free to Germans, who burn the garbage and turn it into electricity, which gets sold back to Italians (not for free).
male orgasms are more lethal than female ones
makes you wonder why society wants you glued to an electronic device milking your balls
Dijanka hears this whenever Sashko is nearby.
he hears this
just skimmed through synopsis of her route
yep, seems i really wasnt missing out, she remained as annoying as the first time you met her
shes an autist whose special interest is being indecisive
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Unrelated but
these two manga really fucked with my head and took me on a ride back in the day
>chances are I will never have that so why even bother with love
>tfw no ghost gf
>assertive young woman
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>86% of criminality in greece during 2022 was done by gypsies
what would you do if you were koulis?
This isn't very democratic.
uhhh, albobros?
Send them all to Bulgaria
description is pozzed by English publisher
both are just Rei from Evangelion but a step further beyond

I want Kiss-Shot gf
It's over. Game monkeys on suicide watch.
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kiss-shot more like switch back to your younger form if you want my dick shot
Thoughts on >>201696416 AI-Generated coom novels?
107 year old and he's saner and younger looking than nu60 year old boomers.
They'll be decent by the time I retire. LLMs are slop at writing though, mainly because of the utterly shit dataset that filters gore/nsfw.
i bet that youre really into femdom based on the synopsis
never was much of a manga reader myself, i watched romance slop animus until my incel receptors burned out and havent really been into jap stuff since.
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what minority commits the most crime in albania?
>if I recall correctly, it was 100 years ago
VGH, hagmaxxers
>i bet that youre really into femdom
I am not. I read them more than a decade ago when I thought I was. It is the soft romantic kind, not the gay evil kind and both are tragedies.

I read tons of manga and watched hundreds of animu until I started hating it.

This is how it went:
>00s I was into /co/ & /tv/
>10s full /a/ period
>20s back to /tv/
Where do I meet Greeks who care more about a self-sufficient dictatorship than the latest gossip?
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in the armed forces
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balkans come join eu4 multiplayer game i wll not turn you into janisary i promise
Kill yourself, mangal

Gen Z is the gayest most overrated generation. They get their history from feelfag movies and think anime is the peak of artistic capabilities. I grew up without the internet or phones and that shit was so cash.
In your head.
i should consoom more media in general
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unrealistic, the government would never allow homegrown war industry production to flourish
everything must be bought from abroad
Gen Z think War is like cry porn on steroids and suffering and shit but back in my day before the gay programming started War was BADASS and cool, for CHADS protecting their nation. Something to aspire to. Yea, we knew we would probably be coming home in a casket, but hey, that's life.
>War was BADASS and cool, for CHADS protecting their nation
An incel going volcel is like a homeless drug addicted bum renouncing money
read comic books
Slavs are like the Dalits of Europe.
>check insta stories of ppl I know irl
>ed sheeran concert
>ed sheeran concert
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If you do go that way stop with Marvel after 1st Civil War, literally peak. 2008 is where Obama steps into office and the pozzed begins. Cosmic is overrated if you have read everything prior.
Why didn't he build himself some robotic legs instead of those robots?
used to read the cool yugo ones+garfield back when i was a kid
my test is too high to read marvel or dc
never even considered playing this slop because it had women in it, those who did get what they deserve
Why doesn't sashko just hop on roids at this point
I read Marvel and Disney comics as a kid. Those were good times.
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of recent that I've read irredeemable is good aside for the last panel and spinoffs
problem with comic books is they're all written by american liburals, generally of god's chosen origin
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I am Greek.
roids can make you extremely paranoid while lowering inhibition, he would have a legendary chimpout and end up in bardovci within a month
those guys were low key based, pure gluttony for money and zero fucks given

problems began in 00s when millennial fanboys and all kinds of gays and women started working there and here we are in current day, being trans compensates for work experience in Marvel now
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I only read manga bro, they teach me good values
there are some good works if you dig in the underground but everything popular and over 10-20 volumes is always pozzed, and I have the feeling majority of the authors are stuck in arrested development or are trannies
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Osamu Tezuka the creator of manga and anime was a big fan of the noble greeks
The author of Saint Seiya among other works, is a known homosexual.
It's a privilege to be the stepping stone for an AI machine that will totally eclipse everyone in intelligence.
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Why are there no bugi anime characters?
>they think balkans is white...
Bulgars are eternally stuck to OSTs
He is Greek bro.
Is that Arkan?
>Karen Jankulovski (カレン・ヤンクロフスキ, Karen Yankurofusuki) is a character in Campione. She is the maid of Liliana Kranjcar.
Fucking kek.
Beats me could be anyone.
We had Natalia Kaminski (Pole) from Fate
>He appears to be based on Željko Ražnatović, also known as Arkan. Ražnatović was a career criminal before founding the Serb Volunteer Guard, which was also known as Arkan's Tigers. He was later indicted by the United Nations for crimes against humanity.
Seems i was right as usual
wonder why there was no Bulgar in Girls und Panzer lmao

Poland got a lot of love in the Ribbon manga.
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you got the tits sucking MC from Seikon no Qwaser who was some Serb / Russian mutt
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You got a shitty Rie Kugimiya loli that can only repeat her name like a Pokemon.
Balk has fallen
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umm aktchually "we" got best girl
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also they forgot to add this Ukranian / Polish mutt waifu of mine
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I wonder how you can instantly tell someone is unitedstatian
The problem with 4channel is that life's biggest subhumans will always have more time and energy to spend on an incel tranime forum than well adjusted individuals
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I actually find it hilarious how comics and manga spend the late 00s hyping up Obama as the second coming of Jesus Christ who will solve all of humanity's problems.
>the vlach reveals it's true nature
Baki had him as a whimpering clueless retard.
it was even in Angloslop
>Obama the President had the solution to world peace
wtf was this cringe
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>solve the economic crisis

it helped me realize how Japan is America's lap dogs
disgusting roach
oy gevalt
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speaking of baki
did you know that yujiro is confirmed haemus and that he raped a dude
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Dobro utro za si4kite bogati blgari
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It wasn't gay, that low-t faggot was basically a woman to Yujiro
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everybody knows that but did you know the Japanese made a live action tv series of a chick suspecting her bf is gay because he is a huge Baki fan?!


I could never get into Baki outside the 00s anime. JoJo was GOAT, until parts 8&9.
What grip exercises do you think Hanayama does?
Isn't he literally stated to never train?
talentcels can't comprehend not traincelling
Your grip must be monstrous with all the edging you do.
And int he end that resulted himgetting his ass kicked
hard work>talent
i thought he trained judo but wiki doesnt mention any sort of martial arts training for him. always thought he was based off kimura too but thats also apparently wrong
he probably just fingers prostitutes until failure for those pinch strenght gains
He BTFOs a prisonmaxxer that also trainmaxxess with his imagination super powers and also cheatmaxxess, he also made Yujiro acknowledge him as strong(male) which is basically the highest point you can reach in the bakiverse.
That was Yujiro's dad
that is just the mandated shitty moralizing every piece of media has
would the 99% talentless masses even accept a proper ending where hardworkcels lose miserably?

death grip is bad for your dick bro
i will forever be salty about not joining a judo club back when i was a kid, i couldve had a massive neck if did
i picked timmykwondoe instead and dropped that shit within three months of training
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Can you spinning back kick an incoming artillery shell back to where it was originally fired from?
I have gymcels asking me for my routine but I've literally never trained a day in my life.
Je li itko iz BiH na tinderu? Jbt prijavio se i dobio 15 lajkova (od tih 15, 4 su bile cemu). Malo pricao s njima.

Evo treci tjedan dobivam po lajk tjedno. Sprcim im algoritam, samo te tjeraju da platis.
Tinder na balkanu? Pa ti si glup jebote.
Sta bi trebao?
I had a girl i know spread rumours that i used make up because im so pretty then i had to explain my self to people that i dont use make up and some of them even touched my face to see if it was true
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i beg for virgin balkan gf
no but if i rely on my timmykwondoe knowledge i can get heemed in a fight pretty consistently
Samo budi sam svoj. :')
I'll send you one when we take Pyongyang, my brother
he has balkan bf
hahah, ta je i dobra.

Sam svoj su me cure svaki put sjebale. Ovako ja jebem i doslovno i figurativno. Samo sto mi je tinder nerfao jebene matcheve. Zadnji put se skontao s dubrovcankom prije tjedan dana i ovaj tjedan nista, samo jebeni cat parenti od 100 kila na 160 visine. I trandza sto se naljutila (ili naljutio) na mene jer sam pitao je li rodjena kao zena hahah
Jbg, ja nemam ich srechu sa curama pa zato sam incel.
>I trandza sto se naljutila (ili naljutio) na mene jer sam pitao je li rodjena kao zena hahah
Cek, je si ti taj bosanac shta jebe femboya?
>Cek, je si ti taj bosanac shta jebe femboya?

Ma jok nego javlja mi se mala dobra ko metak a pise u hobbyima lgbt prava. Pitam je jesi clan zajednice ili samo podrzavas. Kaze samo podrzavam. Iduce pitanje je bilo jesi ti rodjena ko zensko. Samo napisa jesam, a ti?! i blokirala me hahahahh
that's just gymrats being retarded tho, doesn't say anything about you
He's engineer you skopjehuman
Izmaknao si se iz metaka sa tome. Takve mentalni sluchaja su razlog zashto muzhi piju.
Pazi ovo, divim se sam sebi sto sam se izvukao.

>ja pijan
>matcham se s dobrom malom (izbacila sise na slici)
>vec mi se malo digao
>pita me sta radis, ja kazem pijem u svatovima a ti?
>evo me lezim u krevetu
>pitam je je li ti rano za spavat?
>ona odmah djavolski kaze u krevetu se ne mora spavati

Tad mi je mozak bio pametniji od kurca i pitao sam je. Odmah su mi sumnjivi silikoni na mrsavoj mladoj curi.

Mogao sam zavrsiti sa traumom hahahahh
I take back what I said. Greek countryside mogs. Bulgarian selos officially btfo.

That being said this does not seem like a good country to be a poorfag in.

Also more niggers than Bulgaria.
>Odmah su mi sumnjivi silikoni na mrsavoj mladoj curi.
HAhahahahaha zato jebesh samo milfare s telo na bozhicu na plodnosti. Realno najomileniji su mi takvih, mrsave ne bi bash dizaju kitu.
Shut the fuck up glowie

This isn't a competition. Bulgaria has awesome countryside
>From Latin vidē (“see!”)
Huh, interesting.
>Bulgaria has awesome countryside
The urbanoid government is waging warfare against selos to drive them to the cities bro. They turn off the water so the villages don't get access. You don't know shit.

>everything is le fine
You would be the first to die when shit hits the fan br0.
>turn off water
Bet he could kill you with his bare hands and take all of your shit.
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Ah damn it
Why the fuck do you even have a reddit?
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Oh that's nice. I would be very proud of him if he did.
Kelly is peak reddit.
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We actually need nojkogyp to clarify whats going on in todays trannyismverse for once
That isnt Kelly you retard.it's the attican
Did you insult the /r/greece mods? Kek
Kill yourself
this evolution train has gone off the rails
I'm sorry that I don't keep track of all the colorful and unique personalities on this board. I see a gayreek, I think kelly. Just like he thinks i'm me when some other poster posts.

I don't care, all redditards should go back.

I'm right here babe you can come and do it yourself
doing pushups
did I read it here or was it somewhere else about how c-sections are causing head sizes to skyrocket to the point where natural births will become unfeasible. I am getting overloaded on shit, but I can see it now, this dysgenic existence is how it ends
Why are you in Greece, you poorfag? You couldn't even make a down-payment for an apartment and suddenly you're in Thessaloniki?

Drown yourself in Thermaikos, bitch
>a knife chopping up a woman's lower stomach is causing the brat's head to get bigger
you read it on 4tsan bro, right next to the redpill cabinet
they're not being selected out, dork
Ackshully I *was* in Thessaloniki. Now I am in Halkidiki. Much better here.
of course bro, the extremely dominant gene of bigger heads that takes effect within 1 generation was secretly in our dna all along
it only took 10 years of c-sections getting somewhat popular to trigger evolutionary cascade
Kelly making incel threads on pol has to be the most pathetic attempt at socialization ever
just fist your wife once a day for 20 minutes
crisis averted
Link? I wanna read 'em. Is that why he always rages? He is filled with anger and looks to taking it out on people?
having sex regularly actually makes birth easier
not that normalfags have sex regularly
is anything that your saying supposed to be controversial?
the genetic expression of bigger heads is constrained by the birthing limit of mothers needing to pop them out. take that factor out of the equation and change is to be expected, and that's not gonna be in the form of them getting smaller.
Yeah but he's saying it's not gonna happen within a decade.
the change ain't happening for the next 50k years bro, don't worry the west will fall before that
do you niggers not realize the timescales of evolution compared to society?
Mangal mass replying while trying to conceal its identity has to be the most homosexual and pathetic attempt at socialization i have ever seen
lol, do you?
not saying we need dysgenic megaminds to fuck shit up, but just a little deviation could tank birthrates even worse than they already are, and that's very well doable within a matter of decades
of course bro, of course
I'm outside at the beach and my bf is bringing me drinks. I will switch flags after I get wifi password and I have not posted without my name once.
I just don't know what compelled you to try and punk me
stay in your codemaymuning lane, midwit
Hes not a code maymun thats a well established fact already, please keep up with balk lore
hey dork, didn't you forget your mhmm?
hahahahaha faggot
Ive completely give up
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someone was posting on /pol/ on the wifi kekekekek
why are you seething bro
Don't use my pictures bro
I feel like cracking a skull today and your bitch ass got on my sight
Faggy drink, for a fag like you
period pains huh

that picture is public property bro
He's going to double that up when his aids having boyfriend pisses in his ass and he buttchugs this margarita
blah blah blah enough of your cute act
I'm gonna go blow it off on a bike ride, you stay here yapping
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the harder you fuck your wife the easier the birth will be
picrel is a literal pussy stretching exercise thats recommended for pregnant women to prevent outer tearing. there is also an inflatable dildo thats about the size of a babys head called an "epi no" that you can use to further stretch the pussy from the inside and make the birth easier
Mangal make us browned eyed Chads to look bad

We really need to make him drink Thermaikos nectar and move to Hades
I'm actually not at all satisfied with this margarita. It's not even iced. I wouldn't have bought it if I was the one ordering. Had much better ones in my home town.

He only ever had a couple GFs and now me. He's unlikely to have aids considering he is a provincial factory worker I basically kidnapped.
Why are there so many fags all of a sudden, like 5 or 10 years ago there were barely any fags on 4chan, now there's fags literally everywhere and troons too,
we already did this bro
And the irony is I was the one who started it xD
microplastics from my ibrik made it up my ass and turned me gay
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tru, I already knew about this doe
babies are pretty big
ask in /tr/
you're a real country
i was thinking about this and am willing to bet we don't keep ethnic crime data
in rural areas gipis beat and kill people all the time but is never reported so it doesn't exist for people
The question is why they are all bulgarians
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(b)UUUUMMMMMMM it's this time of day again
we have last name what is this retardation you're exhibiting?
is that your new gimmick? Larping as non-bulgarian?
smart phones and porno
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>Пpocтpeляхa извecтeн лихвap и cинa мy в Coфия
>Изключихa Кopнeлия Hинoвa oт БCП
be se pe sa sushtite bokluci kato ostanalite i te sa po dalaverite po obshtinite
sm1rt za anti-b1lgarskite partii (si4kite)
seks sas zasukani sofiiski babichki
abe toq chaiq verno li pliushtql lili ivanova
I would never do that, i always thought bulgarians are the closest to us but my question still stands
ceни ceни бeќљyjopyм
aнaдyмбo гз љjyjopyм
вo кocaтa ти caнyвaм пpeкpaќни coништa
>B Бългapия имa нe пo-мaлкo oт 150 хиляди бoлни c т.нap. "дълъг кoвид", кaзa в Cвeти Bлac пpoф. Кocтa Кocтoв
>тoвa нaлaгa т. нap. "дългa хocпитaлизaция" и изтoч... ъъъ ycвoявaнe нa coлидни cyми oт cиcтeмaтa нa здpaвeoпaзвaнeтo
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romanian and serbian were arrested for swatting a u.s. neanderthal in politics
this nigga got the top half of a woman and the bottom half of a man
they burn trash here so we inhale the magyaroplastics
kek sashe threatened to end life on earth if the two fyromites won't stop harrassee
if nukes drop on the balkans it's your fault
Names like Pedar Angelov Ivanov?

Yeah man, two patronyms. Do you think a patronym makes a proper last name?
For example an Englishman's name in the old style would be like Jonh Jonhson Smith. If he used the Bulgarian style he would be something like John Johnson Jacobson. LMAO IMAGINE
>proper last name
it used to be like that, we had occupational names but then the gommunists made us all equal
Yes, that's more what I was aiming at. So is that the reason? And why didn't it happen in the other communist countries? Russians still have last names, same with Ukies etc
Fuck off iberomonkey, leave the tatars alone. I mayhate bumgarians and wantthem all dead but i shall still defend them against westoids and moors.
Because we knelt. We also didn't undergo political lustration like other commie countries either.
dumb shitskin thinks there is no John Johnson Jacobson in uk
dumb shitskin thinks there is no Jonh Jonhson Smith here
why are shitskins so dumb
supradanubian solidarity
I don't even know who you are.
he's whiter than you m8
Pics or it didn't happen.
>called someone else shitskin
wew lad
Being Jacob's son is a responsible spiritual occupation
Moorish admixture mixed with gayropean faggotry and brainwashing mostly
>Jonh Jonhson Smith
Ивaн Ивaнoв Кoвaчeв.
But other nations also knelt? I don't know, I bet there was an actual government policy doing that
Every time I come across a nigga with an occupational name like Soapmaker or Riverthreader I laugh.
there literally is ivan ivanov Smith here dumbfuck monkey
Kovachev is a patronymic form of Kovach.
chill nigga
can the last name repeat?
is there an ivan ivanov ivanov
Kovach is not a name.
Surnames also include Oбyщapeв, Aбaджийcки, and so on, those are all professions. But some are names, as you noticed.
Yes, if you are named after your grandpa who insisted on naming his son after him too.
ivan ivanov ivanovich ivanovichov
no fuck firstoids
ivance ivanoskoski-ivanovic srboljubivanoskoski
>Cyrillic out of nowhere
u will have greater success speaking to a monkey
Eat shit chinkoid gypsy. You only kept ocupational names in patronymic form.

This is what seething jelousy from the nameless proles looks like.


La criatura de Dracula.

It isn't because you don't use normal names. Blacksmith would be Kovach. But you only name using the form Kovachev. Weird.

>first world
The absolute state of bulgarian education
who is this random migrant slave
No it's because if the only thing your bloodline is known for is making soap, I'd rather have an anonymous patronymic name instead.
fat americans know where poor2gal is and go there to get hit by brits
this classifies it as first world
not your country's problem ur too poor even for poor2gal
Portuguese are as mysterious to me as Slovakians
People who were soapmakers or basketweavers were usually freemen who lived better than a normal serf. And that's why the occupation was their title, to show they weren't super-proles but "middle-class" for peasant standards.
No, you don't understand, I SUFFER in Poortugal. But not because of money, I don't need money if I don't leave the house.
basketweavers here are or were literal brown indians haha brown2gal exposed
I wonder if we'll get occupational names like Klaviaturov or Programistki in our lifetimes
OK Hemoroidov, boot up the sarcopod we've got another one comin'
Schrodinger's moor
I guess in Bulgayria a lot of trades were done by gypsies? Like copper kitchen materials and things like that, including seasonal masonwork (which would explain why Bulgaria's state of repair is so bad)
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ngl i'd cave in if some pajeeta billionaire milf nurses me like a suckling
imagine how powerful this man is
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slovenian bvll swimming in albanian cunni
That's only a profession in croatia (italy from wish)
>moornigger thinking i give a shit about this dysgenic gypsy shithole or the subhumans in it
You don't need to care. You are part of it anyway.
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I bet man-gal and his bf are making magic happen right now.
I am not however, my ancestors created western civilization while yours were living inb mudhuts, stacking shit and throwing around stone axes, i am above you.
imagine going to greece with a dude

that's gayer than vute going alone
it's pretty gay
Your ancestors? You mean the turkic side, the gypsy side or the dacian side? I don't think romanians ever created anything besides stale, boiled corn-paste
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good one bugi
You are painfully stupid and unfunny and lack basic reading comprehension, can't deduce anything without being spoonfed, retarded moor rape baby
Imagine obsessing over and thinking about the sex life of a faggot on Sunday evening
Make new lazy maymuns, i am range banned
This is a high-trust Timmy general now. We gon' stay here until 500 replies like Swedes do. It's environmentally-friendly.
it's actually monday
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We are in a new hotel now in Halkidiki.
Yeah I wonder what goes on in the minds of traditional gayreek people seeing us together.
Not in Timmydonia
move >>201712349
both comments were posted on sunday timgaria time
that's not an argument gyppo

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