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life edition

OLD: >>201691296
Shan't be posting in a vl*ch thread
bro, you...
I shan't be posting starting now..
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>could have had ssx 20 years ago
it's over
Tell me mangaloid, are the women hotter in bumgaria or greece?
that's not an argument, gyppo
Greece I think. BF also agrees. He said they look 'more natural' and dress more slutty. Me thinks it's the weather tho.
>asking a fag about women
I'm not homosexual I like women too but they don't like me and since I'm a dual port I just take the other one without a care in the world.

When I become famous or something women will excuse my faggotry, but as a poorfag wagie my non-heteronormativity is a death sentence.
It wasn't an argument, it was a statement, you are literally a 70 IQ monkey

Yeah that was the point
bi-erasure is real
What the fugg, my arm is bigger than mangal leg. I thought only anorexics suffer from that
he's a delicate flower
I am not gay I have relationships with women and sex with men
what does your bf say about your circumcised penis?
whats his opinion on your tits?
does he lick your bootyhole?
how can you have relationships with the human equivalent of a downie
thoughts on electronic ruble
Getting soft there albovlach
I actually retyped that 3 times and couldn't figure out a more appropriate metaphor
>what does your bf say about your circumcised penis?
He thinks it is a sign of a golem slave (his words) and that american cucks are kosher jewish slaves without free will.
>whats his opinion on your tits?
I don't like his answers so i'm not postibg them.
>does he lick your bootyhole?
I don't allow him to but he did it
No bigger proof of opposing NATO control of bulgaria and being a proud bulgarian nationalist than licking a turks asshole
>I don't allow him to but he did it
this went 0 to 100 in a nano second
Tatars can't control themselvves when it comes to licking a turk asshole it seems/
mangal-chan was raped uwu
she was asking for it
never implied otherwise
I mean he started at the thighs and I noticed that he did it. Idk. I keep it maintained there and my booty is pretty pink which is why i guess he did it.

Also he said "i'm being patriotic by sissifying a Köçek"
This is kind of what happened. He wasn't my bf he was a recruit to my secret organization. We bith got drunk and I noticrd him eying me and I told him that "i'll turn off the lights and you can do whatever you want to me". And yeah that's how it happeened
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tsk, you're such a woman
>tsk, you're such a woman
put your trip back on sweaty
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he really does sound like a 4chud user, namely the cringe polcel kind
you can do better bro, dump his anus licking ass and find yourself a homo batka to sperm your ass
It's a namefag bro and i'm getting ready to go to sleep because i'm going to the beach in the morning and then taking a bus to another beach in the afternoon
I literally met him on /pol/. Also i can't dump him because he is more than a maymoon sperming my anus. He is my friend.
bro got friendzoned before anything even started
can't wait for the drama
Tell him to come post on /balk/
He is not literally my BF. We 'broke up' and 'got back together' like 10 times at this point. We've been together for 6 months. Anyway I encourage him to see other women.
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>what does your bf say about your circumcised penis?
>He thinks it is a sign of a golem slave (his words) and that american cucks are kosher jewish slaves without free will.
>whats his opinion on your tits?
>I don't like his answers so i'm not postibg them.
>does he lick your bootyhole?
>I don't allow him to but he did it

>I'm not homosexual I like women too but they don't like me and since I'm a dual port I just take the other one without a care in the world.
>When I become famous or something women will excuse my faggotry, but as a poorfag wagie my non-heteronormativity is a death sentence.

>I mean he started at the thighs and I noticed that he did it. Idk. I keep it maintained there and my booty is pretty pink which is why i guess he did it.
>Also he said "i'm being patriotic by sissifying a Köçek"
>This is kind of what happened. He wasn't my bf he was a recruit to my secret organization. We bith got drunk and I noticrd him eying me and I told him that "i'll turn off the lights and you can do whatever you want to me". And yeah that's how it happeened

>It's a namefag bro and i'm getting ready to go to sleep because i'm going to the beach in the morning and then taking a bus to another beach in the afternoon

>I literally met him on /pol/. Also i can't dump him because he is more than a maymoon sperming my anus. He is my friend.
It wasn't, exactly. Thanks for admiting I am right.
Ooh someone's mad :D
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time to kill everyone itt
Both of you fags better post here tomorrow
What did i ever do to you bro?
you haven't completely given up yet
merely collateral damage
Can't give up on something you never had
you'll still be posting here in 5 years bro
At the very least i will be freed from living in ROMANIa.
>bonked all the way out in SI
>place is filled with jeets and darth vaderinas in full kit out on a stroll
this was somewhat of a mistake
mood ruined
and this neanderthal browridge keeps smudging my glasses
has a solution to this been invented yet?
cant wait for the new homotatar to drop
what do you think hes like bros
a bunch of gibberish speaking brown ethniks are playing maymunball behind me, this nigger country has gone to hell
I predict a murder suicide within the next year
unbearable faggotry
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setting off
I always bought the cheapest ticket when in those ships and just stayed on until the last station. Based lazy Greeks.
>getting on a ship
literally death driven
ships are like moving bridges if you think about it
funny how is ship is sinking you are meant to save yourself by getting on a smaller ship known as boat
How would you feel if you were on a boat and had to go UNDER a bridge?
naturally jeets just fucking can't into bike paths
ah, to live among civilized maqedonians
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>touch pedal they say(bulgayrians, don't laugh)
what a fucking scam. I have never been more blackpilled, it's so fucking over. even chuddy staten island is like this now? total normgroid death, you should isolate yourself as much as possible from this hellish landscape if you want to preserve any crumb of a positive disposition.
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these ugly ass long legged chink abominations infesting up the place too
been genociding these jumpy cunts to the best of my ability
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Do serbs realize they genocided their serbian muslims?
Revivin the threyd so the troon can dang them dawngs in an hour
I never realized he posts at 7 am local time.
postarei stis 7.00 kai stis 17.00 ka8e mera
Pou meneis?
dipla sto spiti sou
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Charles Bukowski was a poet and writer known for his brutally honest writings about his life, low-status men, disappointment with women, masturbation, severe acne, unemployment, suicide, alcoholism, physical deformity, and prostitutes. He was incel until 24 years of age (which was pretty late for 1940s America), losing his virginity to a '300 pound' woman he felt disgust toward out of desperation. The woman broke his bed during the process.
>trad values
>spirit bonds
what drugs are zigzagers on? i wan sum 2
>trad values
calling each other pidar non-stop
>spirit bonds
calling each other dalbayop non-stop
first foreign rashan word i hear
this audio

with this video
RU-RO-MA ain't gon' like this
Moor might also show up all of a sudden to get autistically hung up on the intricacies of Bulgarian naming systems in the context of the Ottoman empire.
>boohoo everyone is against us, we're the eternal victim
някoи тyкa знae ли гo чoкo?
Professional Bulgaria Obsessionist
Salary: $0
Work days: 7
Work hours per day: 16
came across him during my poetry phase, hated the faggot within the nanosecond
1 white guy
1 hafu who can easily pink his hair and scream about feminism
2 poo jeets
A woman is capable of planning yet balkanimals fail at this basic function all day every day.
Balkmuns see a planning man and their immediate instinct is to run a steel rod through his spokes
>incel planning my 5 year planceling business
>goal is make more money
If Albovlach wasn't gay he'd fall in love.

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Another 'lach L
imagine answering calls from randoms
boomers are weird
German RW party got 33%, communists raked in 30% as well. We are back in 1930 bros.
Siege of Putingrad soon, then 3rd consecutive loss for us as loyal Germ allies
>haven't watched or heard of any good show since chernobyl, however long ago that was, and that was somewhat millennial pozzed and soyiency too
is television and film finally over?
sleep schedule finally fixed
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How does he keep doing it?
I might be down on my luck but im not yet defeated
Betting portfolio status?
The people predicting Radeff arriving on a white horse to save the day might soon have their fantasy materialize
You are now perfectly aligned with nature, akhi. Even the digits attest to that.
>The Court of Appeal of Western Macedonia rejected the operation of the Association "Center of Macedonian Language"

>By its decision the Court of Appeal of Western Macedonia accepted the appeal of the Prosecutor of Florina as well as other institutions and associations such as (Region of Western Macedonia, Society for Macedonian Studies,
Florina "Aristotelis", Association of Retired Army Officers) and the Pan-Macedonian Union of Macedonian Struggle Greece - Australia against the initial decision of the Magistrate of Florina for the establishment and operation of a Macedonian Language Centre in Greece and the subsequent 41/2023 decision of the Florina Court of First Instance which upheld the operation of the "Macedonian Language Centre". The Court of Appeal accepts the arguments of both the Prosecutor and the institutions and rejects the grounds for the operation of the centre in Greece.

>The legal adviser of the Centre, Kyros Spondis, who handled the issues of the Association's statute, told vetonews that "although we do not have the reasoning of the decision in our hands yet, we declare that we will appeal to the Supreme Court and we will not hesitate to reach even the European Court in order to get justice".

>On 20 March 2023 we wrote about the content of the decision of the Court of First Instance of Florina

Skopian monkeys want to take us to the European Court over their fake Bulgarian dialect and their fake minorities in Greece. It's mental how this situation which should have been blocked from its roots have had to reach a high Court to be blocked

The Florina filthy public servants who gave them the initial permissions must be put to prison
This is a major win for Fyrom in some 5d chess, I am sure. Allah would not abandon his favorite people, not after all the interracial porn posting.
>sub 10 million countrylet noises
stick to whoring yourself out for tourists
If it doesn't exist why do you have to ban it?
they wuz martyrz n shit
Yes and it will be beautiful.
Saw some Missionaires of Charity wearing Mother Theresa type outfits a few days ago in Barnsville
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I'm not angry with skopians, after all their larp delusions due to peak yugoslop brainwashing have reached all times high now and they're nothing more than a comedic value

I'm angry to the Florina public services offices which gave them go from the beginning and now we have them threatening with ECHR admissions over their Bulgarian dialect center.
And again the people who will vote for him will be BSP Traditional and BSP Youth (PPDB+).
>poopoopeepee vote for deteriorating our relationship with NATO and the EU
why are they like this
Because they are vicious jelly bitches who watched Boyko make sweet love to political power for 10 years
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>chad metal fan organizes a protest about the water rationing in barnsville
>20 people show up
I don't bet i have a cyst on my right wrist
You are not a minority in Greece. Actually you don't exist here. And if you're not a recognized minority within a european country, you can't create trojan horse irredentist organizations like that.

And despite that, if we take note on how your current government thinks the Prespa Accords are invalid, an agreement which defines the existence of the Macedonian language as a south slavic language In which Greece agreed by signing it, you realise that you can't have it both ways.
If it's one of those bumps on the top of your wrist, you can pop it by jamming your thumb in it.
You ignored the question so let me rephrase it. If there is no minority Macedonians in Greece why does Greece have to ban the Macedonian minority?
Also, strange how that random American flag attacked me

It must be some representative of the Global Galactic Fyromian Congress or something, but as a peak thirdie he doesn't dare to reveal his true heritage by hiding behind a firstie flag
I answered your question, only recognized minorities can create centers in Greece, or any other real country

If this wasn't true, I could go to Bulgaria and demand for public funding because I created the "tatarothracian hieroglyphics language center" with a total participation number of 1.
RU-RO-MA & allies taking L after L today
>attfrican thinks he is actually relevant to americans outside of their useful geographical position
Lmfao, the lives of any Greek or Macedonian or balkanite is irrelevant to them.
>only recognized minorities
So your logic is if I don't recognize it then it doesn't exist. Got it.
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>irrelevant to Americans
>pic related is American or Australian

Yeah maybe, only when it suites then though. Like a real American or Australian even knows what fyrom is
Sasho doxxed 4channel anon in his stories
His name is Darko
thats what being a taurus is all about, mother nature is my bitch
Interesting. Doesn't look like an incelchoogah.
Looks like a Serb.
>Darko Drakulovski
Enough with words bro, you should come to Florina and find potential "Macedonian" speakers that could be "benefited" from this center, aka kids who don't speak it

And if you find anyone below the age of 70 speaking yugobulgarian, come tell me about it
I have blood relatives in Greece that only speak Greek bro, they're assimilated.
I am simply pointing out that you stand to only lose from skirmishes with smol maqedonia, because of your unequal statures you look like a total clown picking this fight, while they can just clownmaxx to their heart's content because they have nothing to lose. Don't hate me, hate the game
>1000 friends, 150 likes on his main photo
what a chad
but he only has sus pics with his arms around other twinks and 0 pics with women
Looks like Vlado Georgiev a little bit
Well he does post exclusively gay porn here and is disgusted by women.
/int/cels are oddly attractive in general
Drakulce Malfojkoski
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How do bulgarians feel knowing their women get taken by Romanian men?
Slon40 is the most attractive one.
>trillions of USD have been thrown into mental illness pharmaceutical pills
>the results are pic related

Imagine if serious diseases were to get that money and create therapies for real, life threatening issues instead of scamming people with magic feelgood pills
do you think he licks his wifes bootyhole?
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>boemot in question
how does he look so turkish
that roosky clip was the most NCP shit I seen all week
so true sis
>bigass head
>negative canthal tilt
>timmy grin
he looks like he has an incredibly powerful reddit account
Suffering rn

Billions of Bumgarians must die
I don't even know what he raged over, the clip clearly shows he had the car in sight and was expecting her to switch lanes.

here my albovlach orthodox bro
Literally me
Since we are culturally and mentally very close I personally dont see like an exotic thing to see bulgarian-romanian couples its almost like native on native
>Serbs donating all their Migs to Ukraine
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He's a chudchuga
ok, but how does this impact you personally
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That's a pretty good translation.
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Youtube was cool at one point in time now we just used to it
Shizo janev vs chud boemot, who would win a fight? Imo shzio strenght shouldn't be underestimated
Im so conservative since i wank only to porn that i already know and watched those even 10 years ago. I am on that age where Im not anymore open to changes and experimenting new things
I voluntarily come to Sashe's personal blogging space and I am emotionally invested in his mental well-being, and boemot is hurting his mental well-being.
youtube is now pozzed garbage tryna offer the same normie slop as old television, it has nothing to do with us getting used to it
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>the wurst has fallen
wild that countless bugari tatari fashisti okupatori wasted their lives and the cunt as a whole suffered because of this skata hole
This chud was arrested last year for sending bomb threats in elementary schools
sounds gruggy to yugos too tbqhwy, maqe is just cute and valid like that
But he says someone framed him. So he's in a way a victim of framing just like Sashe so they should be friends or sommin
Because of smol Maqedonia*
heh they took his phone and didn't return it
sashe got his back
1:0 for sashe
Sashko uses his mom's phone thoughbeit
There is wisdom in removing padezhe.
Tatars believe this
I've heard that from Serbs and Croats actually.
>I posted bibisia 4chanu all nighte
Ones that share Tatar IQ
bulgaria needs more padeži
only this can save bulgaria
>fucking mondays, man
You're right.
When you really think about it, it's a good way to screen for 90IQ, whoever can't get something that simple right is dumb as a rock.
>it's monday
damn, I thought it was sunday
Imagine how much incel adjustment would be avoided if the weekend lasted from Saturday to Monday
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>humanoid robot got a pale devil before some of their biggest fans itt

Kek it's so over
why is the pale devil wearing that dorky helmet? too early for halloween
Kek, he's copying Daft Punk apparently
i know that huns and finns have like 15 of them, imagine how powerful they are
I don't want to leave Greece.
>have to shower
vgh, society
Gay scene is that good?
I'm a virgin, but it's hard to hold back my libido here you muslimaymun. I would genocide all blondes for a single Greek angel.
Hairy legs do it for you that much bro?
Any particular reason? Are greek girls hard to bed or its about you being too autistnic?
is that sloni wearing a wig?
>1 deleted post
>it's a Bulgarian one
Kek darko bbcovski reported this guy, evil creature
The pic of a hand on your legs made me puke bro
Even ancient Greeks had cheap tools to shave their women.
>He cited concerns about the progress of artificial intelligence and other technology as to why Daft Punk split, saying: "As much as I love this character, the last thing I would want to be, in the world we live in, in 2023, is a robot."
>t. Bangalter
damn what a faggot
"ai" moralfags are some of the most hilarious people possible
Health issues

I could brutally mog natives, but I don't have a job.
God I fucking hate tranime
he deleted it himself
Which one?
It was me
I am the janitor's chosen snitch
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Only thing I use eiai for is translation software

A billion times better than Google translate because you can ask it to give more translations and you can pick the most applicable one
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probably this one bro

voice gen is actually pretty good, but copyrightfags are nerfing it
>"ai" moralfags are some of the most hilarious people possible
>t. skynet
Wrong guy
Angelos' legs are twice as large and hairy as that bro
This place is infested by gypsies though.
angelo is secretly transmaxxing, it's why he's been so docile recently
They're just Greeks bro
the romanian construction worker look like a textbook central asian turk
mangals anorexia makes him vascular af, quad veins are a hard thing to acquire in the bodybuilding world
That would be believable if you hadn't implied that he lost weight bro
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>They're just Greeks bro
Nose makes him look like a Khazar jew
God I hate Slavs
I'm pretty sure I could see my veins too if I removed the 3kg of gorilla hair covering them

trust the plan bro, 17 BMI in two more weeks
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I am literally not anorexic tho
I just want a natural Hellenic Lovedove.
what a disloyal hoe, exposing his body to other men
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>Yoko Ono posted a beach pic

Insane to me that some Tatar gorilla hasn't executed this Karen-core wearing homo
My natural testosterone levels are higher than yours. satan is holding them back through
I am fucking insane
Another tatar gorilla is destroying his asshole.
bro your country is so progressive it allows males to look like that and they don't even get beaten, I admire it
I got nausea from looking at this you disgusting faggot. You should be fed with rat poison and thrown to the sharks on Cypriot oil rigs
work on my satan machine

it really is karen-core, makes you think of a 35 year-old soccer mom who complains about soylattes having gluten
>work on my satan machine
You mean your plastic vagina from Japan?
He's in Chalkidiki bro, he's among slavs
From May to October this place becomes a slavic colony
I use my 100% natural biohand made from GREEK DNA
+Romanians and Turks.
We saw enough webms on this matter about russia so dont need to bother on this topic, you have all the sins and vices that western world has the difference you are just poor, they are rich.
Hey guys, today I will be telling you why school is a prison and you should illiteratemaxx your children.
Join my club bro and tell him to kill himself
As implied by your squashed cockroach flag
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I hate how they turned my hero into a S o y boys cuck for incels to self insert into. It is over.
I regularly get banned for reporting factor threads here
Nah, Turks and especially their women go to get spermed in the islands
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average greek village home thoughts ?
is just their color visible or do they pop out like in mangals pic?
i know quite a few fitness dudes and only one of them has them popping out like that, and only after a pump
bro youre like 55kg at 180 iirc
Too americanized for my taste.
>average neoploutos xoriatis home
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>average greek village home thoughts
>i fuck yer women
>no I fuck yer woman
>hehe get cucked, your women suck our mens penis
>your women get BLACKED
You guys should look in the mirror before calling anyone else a faggot. Talking about peoples sexual habits is the ultimate woman/faggot thing to do.

there is indeed a surplus of greek dna in albaboonia

Why do people like windows so much, I'd refuse to live there. Put up a 5 meter tall wall with spikes on top and a giant steel gate and then replace all the windows with bricks and it'd be decent.
>bro youre like 55kg at 180 iirc
I'm 176.
@Yoko Ono
There's only one serious shitted fan itt and that's angel 'I'm bisexual bro trust me' nojkovic

The second one is probably you, the king of faggots. Kill yourself
Also that's not a vein in the pic lol. He is squeezing my leg.
You first ;)
post that pic at faces of int, you will get many admirers from india to western world.
No bro I can't do, I don't want to spend the eternity in Hell next to you
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>Why do people like windows so much
say no more
I had those stupid veins on my thighs when I was 60 something kilos and rode bike regularly
This is actually one of the worst photos and my face is fucked because I tore a piece of skin out while waxing.

I'll look much better next year.

They don't call it 'hellas' for nothing, and guess which country i'm in now?
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The plastic water bottles are a huge problem here.
I am 28 and never been to a beach in my entire life. Never been on a vacation either for that matter.
>I am 28 and never been to a beach in my entire life
you should go, half-naked women and they are all friendly, the sea can be warm, you do know how to swim????
>you do know how to swim
Yea, I went to swimming classes when I was a teen
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>There is a great shortage of mathematicians, chemists and biologists in the Bulgarian education system, announced the president of the Union of Bulgarian Teachers Yanka Takeva. She explained that there is a constant demand for pedagogues from these specialties, but there are no people willing to complete them in the universities either, because they are difficult and no one wants to study so much.

>For this reason, about 2,500 pensioners will return to the education system this year, she said, adding that this is a temporary solution and the problem will soon be even greater, with no math teachers expected in two years.
Awwww baby wanna go together?? :>
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nah I've given up on ever achieving that and it is meaningless now that I am not young
>I went to swimming classes when I was a teen
I swim very far and wide, I can cross oceans. But I do it slow and relax on the back. never swim fast
You're still young. And honestly I mostly see boomers at the beach. :^)
just like with sex, if you are past 25 it is not fun anymore
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>pontuslar are going back to krautland again
>meanwhile that fyromian above told me he's got blood relatives living full time here in the lands we emptied so the pontians can live in

Clown world where skopians are more Greek than pontians
literally 30kg under the healthy balkmun male weight
the dude that i know that has them also does a fuckton of cardio but hes like 90+kg easily
youll probably get some veins popping from the kettlebells, their exercises are a bit more cardio intensive when compared to regular dumbbells exercises
meanwhile when there are open spots for teachers here we have lists of candidates of 10k for 200-500 hires
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prepping for BBG
Pontians moved once so they can do it again.
kettlebell pisses me off, plastic is too massive in size compared to 4ugun and also every exercise with them requires like a proper technique and I am incapable of both paying attention to technique and number of swings I've done
nigga can't count
I don't know if you know, the vast majority of Greeks in Germany are comprised by them. And they're also notoriously exploitative of recent Greek immigrants moving in Germany, I'm talking about horror stories of how much they fucked over their supposed own kin there, they literally see you as an enemy
math is jewish
I'm not surprised since the worst enemy a greek has are always other greeks.
just do them until you can't anymore then do some more
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Unlucky, i woke up again.
go to work bro
My 5 year plan is to end up dead in a ditch alone.
Do all new buildings in the Balkans really NEED to be made out of disgusting re-inforced concrete and cheap tiles?
That's just another form of attention whoring.
>Why do people like windows so much
Saves on electricity cost.
>Why do people like windows so much
Standardization, driver support, office suite, HyperV.
I helped out an Attican and he gossiped about me behind my back.
illiterate selyak

poor selyak
Albovlach and jew york albo are more similar than they'd like to think
Tell me bro, what should i make out of a literal faggot like mangal saying greek women are hotter than bulgarian whores?
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and it was a woman in charge of the unit, how nice

low quality bait
my experience with them is very small, ive only ever used them when my coaches forced me to. i dont like them very much either but they were fun as a novelty item and theyre really good for explosive strenght and muscle endurance which is why the coaches swear by them. when i did use them, we didnt count reps as the exercises were timed HIIT style. mpasically you should try doing the exercises in a circuit, each for a minute or so and as hard and fast as you can while only focusing on technique as part of a HIIT program, thats how we were doing it. workouts should last 30-40 minutes max with minimal rest between exercises(20 seconds or so)
i personally hate HIIT circuits so i'd just swing them as hard as i can for as long as i can until failure and then rest and do it for a few sets, no counting or timers needed.
that one romanian trains with them so he can probably help you a bit more
I just do the most basic execises i saw on youtube vids for sets of 25 with 10 kg kettlebells mpro.
>weight exercise
You fucking incels would increase by 10-20kg of pure muscle with just calisthenics.
If I go to Galați will you come to drink a beer with me?
balkcels cant even do 30 pushups
they're our national free weights of choice so I gotta embrace it or something
the shit byurmite strikes again
Who the fuck reported the next thread I tried to write something long and very important and then bamp 404
coaches would harrasee me into doing esoteric stuff like the shameful kettlebell turkish getup
I wish i tried wrestling or judo as a kid, my uncle was a coach and he kept asking me to do it.
should have posted it on balkanc han
you should do this now
Too old, some ufc champions are younger than me.
>I wish i tried wrestling or judo as a kid
same, judo and wrestling clubs are extremely racist towards those older than 18 so its too late now
id do bjj but thats reddits martial art of choice
You don't need to, you did 3 months of tkd bro, you learned how to gently tap your opponents body with your feet while letting yourself open . to get heemed by some retarded drunk peasant swinging at you.
TKD is basically the only martial art where if you rely on it you can constantly get heemed

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