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Wisconsin edition

Previous: >>201657184
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extremely common trump w
goddamn you mapcel
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
Wisconsin, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
god bless you mapchad
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> Oshkosh
wait this is a real city and not just a kids clothing brand
>$2000 is the going rate for a shitbox these days
used car market is so fucked
>Warren G Harding
>-$2 Billion
>Calvin Coolidge
>-$5 Billion
~*~ 1922-1929: A Better Time ~*~
Being sad and pathetic all the time is getting old
>Trump loses to a corpse
>The corpse is president for 4 years and nothing really changes
Uhhh, politicsbros what happened???
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my dick is sore for unknown reasons
>he thinks that the President runs the country
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Catching some fish
Redpill me on Green Bay, Wisconsin
>>nothing really changes
greatly enjoyed my visit to milwaukee
silly fish he spilled ketchup all over himself he needs to be more careful next time
Fake fish, look at that Hollywood blood.
I dont, that's the point.
I felt lucky getting a shitbox subie for 3500
I met a black American from Maine and I said "like the cat"? and I was surprised he laughed and had never heard the joke
Now show me almost every other country except the ones we've been sanctioning for decades
It's almost as if something happened in 2020 that disrupted the global economy...
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>hurr durr it happened elsewhere that means biden can't be blamed
Is Idaho a nice state to live in?
something something he won
I love when I go to my job's website and their forms arent working
I hope you all get raped and enslaved in a lithium mine
i want a maine coon so badly . i have a beautiful nebelung grey boy so i already like longhair breeds, they are really cool
If you don't care about big city life, generally yes.
but the money printing happened under trump
I dont feel bad for you
Eat my ass
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I love Maine coons. I really want one
Yes but nothing happens there
what the heck man im just sitting here i didn't do anything im just having some tea and using my laptop
Drinking coconut water and shit is nasty. Regret buying a big back of these
only the high end (>$50k) and low end (<$1000) of the used cars range is fucked. you can find great deals in the middle range, but i do agree that the used car market has been insane for a few years, ever since the chip shortage because of lockdowns. it'll probably be that way for at least a few more.
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White guys only want one thing, and it's disgusting
What's the problem? Is this another "ick"?
i could never do coconut water, it turns my stomach and tastes bad
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I'd rather have a blonde white girl
yup, and it's on lake winnebago , not the motorhome
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>ywn fly tail end charlie through flak
Straight men don't say twin or identify as introverts when talking to a woman
Ok, Tyrone.
My fuckin car paint is covered in scratches
I guess I gotta polish this shit
to be fair, Argentina's president is a literal moron, and Columbia is literally running on farming OSRS gold
I'm white, thoughever
Shawano, best town
don't let this one narcissistic woman shape your guidelines for talking to women
while i wouldn't say that it's bad, i don't think that it offers anything that other states don't do better. montana and wyoming are better mountain range states, oregon and washington are better PNW nature states. the only potential upside is that northern idaho is one of the most remote places in the continental usa, so if you want to liveinnawoods with truly no connection to the outside world within a day's walk then it might be a decent option.
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I forget I'm dealing with retards and children on here, carry on
>hard drive with all my vidya games dies
>desire to play vidya instantly evaporates
at last... I am free
Try that when talking to women then. See how far you get.
Do you guys ever think about how scary of an animal humans are? If you heard about a hyper intelligent pack hunting ape without the knowledge that you yourself was one, you'd probably think that it was the scariest animal out there.
Sho you iz
I likes white whiminz too, and I iz white as the mayo iz long
Oskosh also makes MRAPs
ecuador. I didnt see the tiny crest, eat a dick
>you'd be scared of humans if you were a literal retard
uh ok
It's actually the subject of a lot of the scifi short stories that tiktokers feed into the AI voices. So yes, I think about it quite often.
persistence hunting from the point of view of the hunted animal is terrifying.
you can run much faster than the humans, but they can carry water and sweat and just keep damn running. you will collapse from exhaustion trying to outrun these apes, they just keep coming .
minimalism is a real thing. Its why you get more enjoyment out of a physical game then fireing up a 3500 game emulator zip
what's going on in turkey
Jewgle wants me to give my number to make a new account
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>I watch tiktoks
Wasn't humans being persistence hunters disprove by having people run after a deer?
>he isn't doing double backups of his files
Buy why? HDDs are dirt cheap. There's no excuse for not having multiple backups.
>If you only have 1, you have 0.
Perfect example.
they voted democrat
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I'm marinating them
those are the same kind of women that end up in abusive relationships and then say how all men are evil because every one of their boyfriends inevitably beat the shit out of them and/or cheated on them.
I'm only half white, and Moana is only my second favourite disney girl
i've caught fish before but only threw them back. i've never cooked one that i've caught.
are they pretty easy to prep?

it's sort of up for debate, but it's clear that no other primate can run like we do . we are the undisputed long distance terrestrial animals
Depends on the fish. Thisll be my first time butchering bluefish but they should be pretty simple.
Smaller and bony fish are harder obviously
Worth trying for sure if you like fish.
>But why?
exactly. why? spend a few hours and a fe hundred dollars backing up 5 tb of games I never play
just spend an hour reinstalling the one game I do still play, once I get one(1) new HDD (whenever that will be)
seems like a no brainer
Humans of today, as in those from post/industrial societies, would have problems doing it for all sorts of reasons. There are tribes in Africa that still do it. It's just one way of many to get food.
Who is numba 1?
Pasta with vegetables and lentils for dinner again when I get off work
What kind of sauce and vegetables are you working with?
Do people who embrace the whole survivalist lifestyle or even hermit types still exist in those states?
Like Kaczynski without the bomb-mailing part.
Yes, 100%.
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You are a bean boy
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I'm wearing contact lenses and it feels very strange being without my chudgoggles
Cabbage, broccoli, and tomato sauce with basil and oregano
where is merida
damn that sounds kinda fire frfr no cap
i could never do contacts i couldn't get over my squeamishness of putting the contact onto my eye
I had to get glasses for driving and I never use them lmao
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I fit the ftm stereotypes a little too closely, should I be concerned?
wasnt in the choices for some reason
but I barely remember brave anyway
race traitor contrarian
Atrocious taste
I think I'll have to start wearing glasses/contacts soon
my eyesight's deteriorated quite a bit the past year
I'm the only person in my immediate family who doesn't wear any
even my 5 year old nephew wears glasses
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how did fonv gain its reputation as the tranny game
i really like brave
elsa isn't even that good
Why be concerned? Nothing you can do about it. You're a mental case freak, and it's over.
The famous backrooms photo was literally taken in Oshkosh
> be man
> do stereotypical man things
> "wtf why are ftm doing stereotypical man things, should i be concerned?"
touch grass
lot of trannies played it
one schizo spamming on /v/
Shit taste.
don't reckon that mlp is a stereotypical man thing
what percentage of adult mlp fans do you reckon are women
you havent watched Atlantis:TLE, clearly
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Might get some more of those 50ml bottles of spirits and some club soda
>few hundred dollars
That's where you're wrong. 4TBs are like $100.
>few hours
Good thing it can be done while you're sleeping then.
microsoft has got you in a stranglehold
microcucks would be so funny if they weren't so pathetic
This country hates my existence, if I was tortured on live TV, most people would enjoy the show with a boner
i slept for a normal amount of time but the sleep was really not restful and good sleep and i'm still tired
They do the whole "debase the currency to prop up our exports" shtick, but they're no China or Japan and don't have the means to do it in a more sophisticated way like holding 800B of foreign debt.
>4 TB
brother that ain't shit
cheaper and easier to just reinstall stuff from the internet than buy so many tiny ""backups""
Time to take the LibreOffice Pill.
i think if most people saw a man being tortured on tv they would react with shock and disgust
have some faith in your fellow man
4 TBs aren't tiny backups, that's the standard size of HDD. It's not easier to redownload everything, just the opposite. Copy paste then go to sleep is easier than manually redownloading everything.
/fr/ really hates you
All those niggas talk about are nafris
Don't give the frog attention.
i am his sole advocate because he has been nothing but cordial kind and respectful to me
I am downloading duolingo. I will use a fraction of the time I waste online to learn spanish.
listening to npr
I will debate Trump only if:
1. Walz can attend
2. No audience
3. Sit down
4. Pre-submit questions for approval
5. Mute Trump's mic only
6. Notes allowed
7. Ear piece allowed
8. Pre-record and edit debate but say it's LIVE
9. Only I can speak
10. Don't ask about the following:
the only good thing on the radio
/cum/ has gotten significantly less schizophrenic over the past 6 months
what happened to the thread i loved
Grandpa is that you? Banned from facebook again?
here i can help
did you know that the 5g radio waves are transmitting subliminal instructions into your brain to praise the devil and do crimes
women empower the normies and the normies empower the women kicking out anyone that's not bland by their aura alone
fr fr no cap.
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I lightly pulled my headphone wire by accident and now sound only comes from one ear.
it's over
not many gayposters lately, they used to be here all the time
I'm a big gay for you
>>201665637 #
I have a hand mirror and I use an electric razor so no need for cream or water
It's over
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Why am I contributing to society?
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>no chel
for shame
Might do some drunk cooking/baking tonight
> i must consooooooooooooooooooooom
what are you thinking of making ?
You’re not
>anon found dead after burning down his apartment in apparent drunken baking stupor
Not shitfaced lol
Considering spending $2000 on an Hermes blanket just for lolz
My living room is IKEA garbage
yeah, i think i'm gonna go get some tacos and a torta
At church with the slow cantor
but its saturday
Update: decided to get a nicer couch instead
>We wuz swiss n shit
This shows that wage growth almost matched inflation
So yeah, nothing..
sounds tasty
What happens in Wisconsin?
fuck i'm fucking bored man fuck
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It has lots of meat plants
Our state's football team The Green Bay Packers is named after meat packers
>hey i'm drinking coffee
>might go to the store today
its cold. Lots of farms. Culvers. Cheese. Lake. Theyre apparently interested in basketball
go pack go
i met an icelandic girl who moved to wisconsin as a child because her mom married an american. she seemed quite unhappy to be living there
every /brit/poster is constantly trying to one up everyone else
We produce the most dairy in the country
Sovl capitol of the world.
/brit/? more like /shit/
Catholics have Saturday mass
anyone here from L.A? Is it really as bad as people say it is? I might have to move there.
Dairy farms, forests, and cold winters
bodied that freak filled island
Not much. My family is from there and I go there every now and then. Cold and grey most of the time. Just a bunch of small towns where every single person has a DUI.
>FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Sought to ELIMINATE Gas-Powered Cars by 2035, Risking Millions of American Auto Jobs..
I dont live there but I can assure you its a shithole
From everything i've heard about Wisco it seems like I belong there. Shame about the blackpipo and terrible laws
I dont live there but I can assure you its a good place to live
Mail.com requires SMS verification now
Why the fuck does everything?
You need my kisses
>every single person has a DUI.
No one beats us. We are the best drinkers in the world
>Shame about the blackpipo and terrible laws
>where every single person has a DUI.
Do people drink a lot there?
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Yessir, what do you want to know?
> Is it really as bad as people say it is?
In general, no. With any city this large there are going to be nice parts and shitty parts. The shitty parts just happen to be where many tourists go.
t. living my dream in Santa Monica
truly scrumptious
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pepsi just straight up makes cola with no cap sugar unlike that ohiomaxxed coke company forcing you to rizz imported latino shit
Wait you have to pay for the vax now?
what the fuck are you saying
have fun with your heart murmurs
That was a pretty good show. One of the few live action/sitcoms I'd willingly watch if it was on TV.
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best girl is still cute
Not real
im a nigger
Mommy said I needed it to go on vacation
How bad actually is the cost of living and homeless people? Is it as oppressive as people say it is?
portland is hot as fuck, for fucks sake
Imagine drinking soda
Like my home state of Pennsylvania, Wisco seems to have gotten the worst things from both blue states and red. The minimum wage is still 7.25 an hour, no constitutional carry, weed not even decriminalized, high taxes
If ya can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen
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I'm moving back to Portland in march
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Portland is just California but with rain
I do this>>201666963
nice, i'm just passing through thank fuck, i hate the traffic so much. at least the women are qt
Yea they're not too bad and 50% of the men are homos or drug addicts so it's easy to do well if you get out (i don't get out)
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>mfw an oregonian thought 90 degrees was hot near me
>mfw an oregonian pees his pants when he has to fill up at a gas station
90 degrees is brutal unbearable heat
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she looks awful
Self serve gas is allowed in Oregon now, chudstain
>mmm well it's akchually hotter where i am
no one asked about your shithole hellscape
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I have never filled up my own tank
90F would be considered a cool down here
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>people complaining about 90 degree weather while its triple digits with humidity in the south east
Go back to Ney Jersey, whito pigu
>no one asked about your shithole hellscape
but he WAS talking about portland
Trust the plan!
I didn't know how to for the first like two months and I had to get my mom to do it
you made the choice to live in a heat dome, retard
>earthoids complaining about 100 degree weather when the forecast is 750 degrees on mercury today
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If I lived south of Kansas I would simply pack my bags and go to somewhere fit for human habitation. I would rather have a cardboard box in Ohio than a mansion in Florida.
> cost of living
Won't lie that rent prices are bad compared to the rest of the country. Not NYC or San Francisco tier, and it's actually falling a little post-pandemic, but still high. From a quick look on some apartment websites, reasonable places start around $1500 in the San Fernando valley and $2000 most other places (that you would want to live in). Outside of housing, all other prices are pretty reasonable. I have a 2bd2ba and utilities are $50 for electricity (if I don't run the A/C, higher if I do), $20 for gas, $50 for internet, and negligible prices for water/trash collection/etc. Food prices aren't too bad. Gas prices are awful but that applies to the state as a whole, last I checked it was around $4.10 when I refilled at Costco last week.
I don't know your income, but if you make less than $100k I wouldn't look anywhere other than the San Fernando Valley or deep inland (Rancho Cucuamonga, etc) and commuting as needed. Roommates would help a lot to make it affordable.
> homeless
Honestly, the past 2ish years have been amazing for cleaning up the homeless in the city. Yes they're still around, but personally I see them less than once per month in my area. Echoing the previous comment, if I stick to the local areas and avoid the touristy spots I rarely see them. The "hubs" for homelessness are around Hollywood, Skid Row, highway onramps/offramps, and anywhere immediately along the beach (go 5 blocks inland and there are significantly less).
based and same. i'm going to be in astoria or somewhere else along the coast most likely, so dying alone with the boomers will likely be my fate
>encouraging someone to live in the IE
el oh el
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gonna take a nap but i promise ill wake up after an hour im setting a timer now because i don't need to nap all day
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NOT reading allat
fool me once you cant get fooled again
Imagine the horror on one's face to find out your chauffeur did not heat up the boiler when you wanted to leave for work in your horseless carriage. How terrifying.
You are going to move to the coast?
>Whypipo heat up dey boilers
for poorfags it might be the only option
agree that it's not as nice and that there's not much to do, but it's generally quieter, less crime, cheaper cost of living, etc
i'm going to squat along the coast in my car while i work, but yeah same difference
A boiler wouldn't be of much use if it didn't heat up. It's in the name.
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>mfw a soyboy was afraid of pumping his own gas near me
new jersey in shambles
>he pumps his own gas
Pathetic. You don't have a trained woman or at least a wagie to do it for you?
Nate Silver is a hack but when even he shows Trump up you know she's cooked
My only concern is the 4am ballots
gramps here still living in the 1960's when they had oil jockies
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I heard in some liberal cities they don't even pump their own gas and they have gas station attendants do it for them.
New Jersey… They’re a glorified crew!
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Tony DeFaggio be like
>How do you operate this contraption
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nice, the best of the coast is south of Newport imo. Yachats and Waldport are kino
When I was a kid gas station attendants were still a thing. I don't get why it couldn't be an optional thing now, it's not like they don't make workers deliver food to karens.
having visited just about every liberal big city I can think of in the US, I can say you're retarded
>and they best part is, they're defending their "right" to pump their own gas!
visiting for what? gay cum filling session ha ha
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in japan the pumps hang above the car
so efficient, sugoi !!
What will it be today, saaar?
There's no seeds in my feedbook.
i have an interview in seaside and another in tillamook, either or would be fine by me to work at. i drove up the 101 a while ago, very scenic
Living in warm weather makes you a spiritual negro. That's just a fact.
nonsensical post
>spiritual negro
You're not the first person to levy this accusation against me, and unfortunately I must agree.
factual post
I saved a ladies phone from being destroyed by water and she offered me a free drink instead of sex
Without the negro spiritual we wouldn't have rock and roll.
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wake me up before you go go
>please buy an ad
>bro please buy a pass only 45 shekels
i hope this site goes under
Come on! How about a good old Hebrew work song?
where would you go if 4chins shit down?
I just fell out of a coconut tree
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the new hispachan obviously, they're funnier than this place
God damn, I love that documentary
Currently unburdened by what has been
I'm too blackpilled. I doubt they will let Trump win. The ballot printers will go brrrr
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do i get a discount for scheduling a Lyft in advance
I'm confused why the ones who say 2020 was stolen are so sure of themselves that 2024 would be any different if it wasn't bullshit.
I want a chubby latina mommy dommy who is also goth GF so bad
men who voted for female politicians give me the ick
It really doesn't cost much to host a site like this. If anything they would just lower bump limits and images. I want to make my own chan but I don't really know how to go about doing it, and there really isn't much incentive to do so, because even when this place is gay and makes me wish there's a better alternative or think about how the internet is full of big fat dry pussies, most of my posts aren't edgy enough to break the rules.
what is it?
Yea none of it makes sense. What did Trump do between 2016 and 2020 that would make the establishment decide he is too dangerous? Cut taxes for rich people and shill for Israel? He was much more unpredictable in 2016
Be me
>Enjoy mid 2000's internet Atheist content
>Start feeling it all has become so cringe
Maybe I will have the same feelings about alt-right content
do zoomies consider george michael to be profoundly homosexual like millennials and gen x do?
There's a new one up?
Made a little joke
Movie is fire
Would not be possible today
a lot of things you previously liked are now cringe
he WAS homosexual
Do people actually believe that 2020 wasn't stolen
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the main thing especially for new chans is having a vigilant janny team, they're allbut guaranteed to get flooded with 'p until you get the bulk of the image hashes blacklisted
I ain't no snitch
not a 1:1 but yeah
True. Still love drown girls doh
I believe you have no bitches
Nobody has ever experienced as much struggle as middle class white women living in a developed country. Our minds can't even comprehend the fear they feel every day when they see a black guy sleeping under a bench, knowing he could assault them any second! Having to run back to their Scottish castles, literally shaking with terror.
BROWN, Jesus, I am no monster
>not a 1:1 but yeah
Where can I find it?
The only country better than America is Canada
I know for a fact that it wasn't stolen.
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>Nobody has ever experienced as much struggle as middle class white women living in a developed country
Turn Gaza into Zaza
>What did Trump do between 2016 and 2020 that would make the establishment decide he is too dangerous
Probably when he tried to steal an election
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Minimum Wage = minimum effort
just google it nigga I ain't yo daddy
Does sunscreen expire?
Are you talking about Jan 6? That was 2021. You aren't very bright
YES. Use that shit, or get the skin cancer :3
I tried googling hispanachan all that comes up is the old site which is shut down

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