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fuck mapcel edition

previous >>201671665
Socialism is when my taxes are spent on things I don't like.
Don’t mind if I do
anyone a manchild chudcel (chud + incel)
Kit also known as kot
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The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
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>We are the grandsons of the chuds you failed to not have sex with.
today is a great day for a goon sesh but i've been trying to stop gooning
Im mexican
>Actually it doesn't have to be paid off eventually, you can have fluctuating debt as long it's not too high it will be fine.
Liberal spotted. It needs to be paid off, but I'm not going to wate my time arguing with someone who doesn't actually defend his economic beliefs.
>All governments utilize a certain amount of debt.
Never said they didn't. In fact I said that it's good for a government to spend to prevent a recession, and then pay off that debt.
>And it's clear you don't know what socialism is
Go ahead. Inform me, since you insist that I don't know, while never providing a definition/explanation.
I hope you're not going to say something like "where everyone owns everything together" while ignoring that that's exactly what government expansion is.
If they can't afford it, then the government is too busy fucking around wasting money, creating too much inflation.
Returning to my point of the government shouldn't be in people's lives very much, only enabling them to buy it themselves.
Who do you think creates the problems for seniors not being able to afford it? Do you even know what causes inflation?
still hate my life
i've been trying to goon harder
i hate your life too
Nigga please that thread ended, stop bringing your shit into the new one
Nuke Shitsrael
Can I get a source for government induced inflation being the cause of millions of seniors in the US being unable to afford basic prescription medication?
Unamerican as fuck
Cry more.
That's anti-MAGA.
I will, you're extremely annoying. Please stop.
that's because you're young and you haven't destroyed your penis yet
>government creates more money than the goods that exist
>prices increase
Unless you're talking about how Big Pharma owns the American government. Then good luck getting drug prices cheaper. They'll only even throw peanuts to the people.
Same reason why they're giving tax payer funded insulin in Canada. I think they're seeing that they'll make more in the bulk amounts.
Do you even know what debt is?
niggas, what is the state there in Canada? I think about doing an exchange if the possibility arises at my university
Yeah, but I'm not involved in this argument. I just want you to stop shitting up the thread. Please
You too
i love hearing black people on xbox. it's like hearing carolers on christmas
We're full.
Any advice? >>201675853
>Drug manufacturers may change the list prices of their drugs at any time after launch. Over the period from January 2022 to January 2023, more than 4,200 drug products had price increases, of which 46 percent were larger than the rate of inflation. The average drug price increase over the course of the period was 15.2 percent, which translates to $590 per drug product.
Advice? Get over it I guess, they sound like dickheads
fuck it i'd buy some gay shit like that
what good is being a weeb if it's not cringe anymore
I get it, it's like they are there only for your amusement...RACISSSSSS
immigration and housing troubles aside, our universities are also shit
don’t bother, go somewhere fun at least if you’re going on exchange
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I just want to talk to someone who aren't my friends irl
Get rid of the cigarettes and alcohol. Start exercising and eating healthy.
Its ovah brothas
Are you a furry?
What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?
as a university exchange I don't think it matters, it's not like you have to live there forever.
I just jacked off (to a video of Ai Uehara)
yeah i just buy cringe shit ironically
My dog is my therapist
Would pay money to see her being fucked by BWCs
it's over
Does he accept people with social anxiety like me?
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Have you ever found yourself in this scenario
>the last weekend of summer
>it's cloudy and rainy
well, my university is also not the best in the country, it is 17th place in the whole country I think it's worth the experience, can I get a gook girlfriend there? I saw that there are several gooks there
You probably couldn’t find my state on a map
She’s fucked black guys, idk if there are any videos with white dudes, but probably, right?
Anyway, she’s great
for me it's nao jinguji and asahi mizuno
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i used to watch this john wayne movie with my dad pretty often growing up. it's nothing earth-shattering but i'd recommend it if you have a lazy afternoon or want some background noise
Yes, she doesn't judge. She'll bark and growl for like the first 10 minutes when she first meets you, but then she will love you unconditionally once she realizes you aren't a threat
Let me guess
State of denial?
As I said, Big Pharma owns the American government. You're also ignoring the fact that Americans know that they need health insurance from their jobs, so directly looking at drug prices isn't really a thing for Americans. Those are the prices that the insurance companies pay, not the people.
>what about the people without a job
Get a job, not my problem. Everyone else shouldn't have to pay for you being a welfare leech.
This all ignores the fact that Americas choose to get sick in the first place, by not eating healthy and exercising. You'd see an absurd reduction in health problems in the USA, if they just did those two things.
You won't watch it, but that's the actual answer.
Not being pill junkies like you think is the solution.
someone convince me to jump off a bridge please
my foot hurts
Idea: you don't do jump off a bridge.
>Get a job you lazy elderly bum!
Don't do it. You're just making it worse for the rest of the people.
Take a toaster bath instead.
chicks love dudes who jump off bridges
If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you do it too
She sounds awesome
>she realizes you aren't a threat
my dating life
Idea: socialized medicine, but you're disqualified if you are overweight
maybe. In denial of what. Homosexuality?
suicide is gay
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me walking to /cum/town
me bro wanna share session and chat?
landcels seething at jumpchads
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>go to peruvian bar/restaurant
>they dont serve tacos
i dont own a toaster
i dont care
>ignore everything I said, including having the government stop creating inflation
Inflation is the #1 thing that hurts elderly people's purchasing power. If you want to help seniors, then the solution is getting control of the government. Not more handouts, increasing government spending.
Good taste
no i wouldn't im different
You know better, friend
You don't need tacos at a Peruvian place, just get a huge piece of chicken, some fried rice, and some fried yucca and you'll be filled up
vaxxed status?
i'd be the first one to do it if i had the balls
I would jump ON the bridge
Only 25% of adult Americans and 50% of American children would qualify. Not saying it wouldn't be an incentive to get healthy, but just pointing out how bad it is.
you cant order that at a bar, stupid. only whats on their menus
>nfl player shot in san fagcisco
Not in a place like San Francisco
pretty much
when brian doxxed himself I signed him up for a bunch of gay/tranny websites and then a week later when I was screensharing for work I had to go into my passwords, they saw all the gay shit that was saved to my browser.
I do have cringe wallpapers but not for my work PC partly because of what previously happened (it had anime art, but not lewd shit, now it's just a modern ish digital art thing)
I jsut looked it up. first rd pick was shot by union square

robber's skin color or name was NOT disclosed
umm no its just an unexpected surprise. like when your pet rat is in love and lays eggs in your ear.
i cri evertim
>robber's skin color or name was NOT disclosed
Probably Polish
that means it would be a lot cheaper, sounds good to me
Kek, based
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All this over a rolex. Calipoornia is turd world
>Liberal spotted. It needs to be paid off
Just stating that doesn't make it true, the US never paid off its debt for the past 10 or so recession same with other governments
>In fact I said that it's good for a government to spend to prevent a recession
I won't disagree there, government spending does prevent recession, but there's no evidence to suggest that it needs to be paid off in full
>Go ahead. Inform me
Socialism is where the means of production is owned by the proletariat. That doesn't have to be a government, it could be workers coop, I'm not trying to make a case for Socialism, I just don't think you know the difference between social democracy and Socialism
i can't watch jav anymore desu. every time i get into an actress i find out she's done the grossest porn thing ever
>local retard surprised that jap fetish porn does gross fetish shit
How does one apply to CIA for clandestine work to exploit foreign people?

>she's done the grossest porn thing ever
not nao jinguji and asahi mizuno, they are sweet angels
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*doo doo doo dooo DOOO, doo doo doo doo DOOO DOOOO*
This is the same leaf that weeks ago said collectivized farming in the Soviet Union was worse than chattel slavery. He's either a memer or legitimately retarded, take your pick.
MGSV is in mi blood
God Was Real, And He Hated Us
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>Just stating that doesn't make it true, the US never paid off its debt for the past 10 or so recession same with other governments
It still needs to be paid off, and everyone knows that their system is going to fall apart once the Boomers die off. They can't keep things like social services going forever. It's going to be greatly changed. But please continue showing how little you understand economics.
>I won't disagree there, government spending does prevent recession, but there's no evidence to suggest that it needs to be paid off in full
Removing government debt is good for the citizens, by having less money in the system. It keeps inflation low, without hurting everyone to reduce it.
>Socialism is where the means of production is owned by the proletariat
Yes, the government. It's never given to the people. Also the proletariat is such a misnomer, they mean poor.
>That doesn't have to be a government
But it always is.
>it could be workers coop
Never does.
>I'm not trying to make a case for Socialism, I just don't think you know the difference between social democracy and Socialism
You certainly don't know your history.
>collectivized farming in the Soviet Union was worse than chattel slavery
Never said anything of the sort. You have someone else living rent free.
You're legitimately retarded if you think that there's not more than one anon who thinks that governments shouldn't overspend.
MGS3>all other MGS
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I prefer 1 or twin snakes
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>You have someone else living rent free.
You said this the last time I spotted you.
I get it now
Normie post, but I like 4 more and there is nothing you can do about it, Timmy
Californians really do be switching from English to Spanish and back mid sentence
im gonna change
I have never in my life done this
>Let's go and get some burritos
>common phrase used all over 4chan
Take your meds, anon.
i'm a very mid gamer
I am changing, aaaahhhh
that color but not that object

asahi is nice but i feel bad for her. she retired and opened a coffee shop but got screwed over by covid and had to un-retire
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post chunes
I want to learn how to dance but I feel like a goofy embarrassing retard every time I try
im sad
That's the point of taking lessons.
My condolences on your loss Americans
you spelt texan, new yorker, and floridian wrong
hi sad i'm anon
life has failed me
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>wake up in a panic that I forgot about an exam/assignment/class
>remember that i graduated 4 years ago
>this repeats at least once every month
Wish I didn't to have to embarrass myself before I get good
The good part of taking lessons is that everyone there is bad. The only people who aren't, are trying to flex on people to make themselves feel better about themselves.
I’m sure you’ve mistyped this
RIP young scholar
canadians are like cute little elves to me. they seem so whimsical and mischievous
Yeah I'm gay. Deal with it AMERICA
>nigger nonsense
The most honest rapper.
I'm bisexual
Just took my obligatory sleep session in the middle of the day today
no such thing
i'm straight and have sex with women(male)
>It still needs to be paid off, and everyone knows that their system is going to fall apart once the Boomers die off. They can't keep things like social services going forever. It's going to be greatly changed

You keep repeating that like it's going to come true if you say it enough times, and now everything is going to fall apart when the boomers die, you keep making these statements as if they were facts when boomers new people become the tax base, this has happened for the last 120 years and nothing fell apart. The US government has a massive income stream and debt can be paid down but it doesn't have to totally paid off which is obvious if you look at the economic history of the US

>Yes, the government. It's never given to the people. Also the proletariat is such a misnomer, they mean poor

I'm not defending socialism, just saying you had a confused definition. Proletariat means working class btw

>You certainly don't know your history

Seems like you don't know history, none of the states in Europe became socialist by expanding social programs, they are have corporations, small and medium owned businesses.

Russia people were so dirt poor they decided to rebel against their government and become socialist.
edibles have been imbibed
You drank it or ate it?
Sorry for the typos, I'm arguing while I'm gaming
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>did you drink an edible
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Rate my setup
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wish i had someone to hug rn
Can I kiss you all over
It says imbibe, hence my confusion
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dictionary NOW
>Halo Infinite
Fucking gay.
its ok
Whenever I hear that from a man I either think "dis nigga just likes trannies/femboys" or "dis nigga closeted gay"
Do I see the fabled candle you light up while watching female streamers?
are you flavouring your monitors with candle wax particles
hey don't make fun of him he was serving the people and he did his whole run that's dedication
i wish i could help

my chicken and potato turned out really really good i am very pleased
are you a girl

im 0% latino

that's 3 you dumb scrote. and i didn't mean to queue slayer either
Maybe I should go back to school. Ill decide after the elections tbqhdesu
i wanna take a dick and have a sexy lady sit on my face at the same time
im a woman
what's the matter
you gotta start somewhere anon, nobody is good at something they are just starting
you're watching a replay of a barcelona game. Youre either a messi fangirl or a mexican. Dont test me
everybody needs a friend
I think people like that are just shameless coomers. They will fuck whatever and don't care. But it's not partner-partner love and therefore they aren't bisexual.
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She died for our sins
I love her so much, guys
what the hell
no thats a girl playing a soccer game. IDIOT!
jesus christ anon
Absolutely based
ok, maybe youre not mexican, but youre a simp
Based I'm considering eating another piece of that 300mg gummy I cut up a few days ago.
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Is it bad that I got turned on by this she has a fat ass
i was here when you did that i was the one telling you to be careful to not get too high
how many pieces do you have left
I've had two, so six.
It's what she would have wanted.
Destroyed Black culture in a single go.
still vaping my lime weed
Weed gives me outright psychosis, which fucking sucks because it didn’t always do that. I still remember how good and fun it used to be. Oh well
>You keep repeating that like it's going to come true if you say it enough time
While you never defend your point with actual economics.
>now everything is going to fall apart when the boomers die
It's going to. American economists have bee talking about it. Even Shapiro mocked the US congress, when that one guy was trying to grill him on Project 2025.
>you keep making these statements as if they were facts when boomers new people become the tax base
He doesn't know what the population pyramid looks like. They can only import so many people.
>this has happened for the last 120 years and nothing fell apart
Not really. The debt only got out of control after Clinton.
>The US government has a massive income stream and debt can be paid down but it doesn't have to totally paid off which is obvious if you look at the economic history of the US
They're actually approaching the inability to pay off the interest. Not there yet, but getting there.
>I'm not defending socialism, just saying you had a confused definition
You have no clue.
>Proletariat means working class btw
Not really. Next you'll say that bourgeoisie isn't the middle class. You've been successfully propagandized to.
>Seems like you don't know history, none of the states in Europe became socialist by expanding social programs
They're not socialist, and when asked they say so themselves.
>Russia people were so dirt poor they decided to rebel against their government and become socialist.
You *really* don't know history. People only rise up and "succeed" when enough of the key people in charge, allow it to happen.
Anyways, you're clearly not going to actually prove anything with economics, and just pretend that your propaganda understanding is correct. End yourself, leftist. You will never see a communist revolution in the west.
last time i tried edibles i kept hearing voices whispering my name to me. scared the bejeezus outta me. i'm done with them now
>Weed gives me outright psychosis
probably something wrong
How tall are you
look at that boy go
Surely you can still take CBD tincture?
if i was rich i would support h game developers
as tall as your mom's ass is wide
has it been an okay dose so far
yeah im a regular vape pen user and i did an edible a few months ago and had a full blown panic attack. i thought i was immune to that kind of thing, i threw up and got the spins and paranoia and everything it was horrible
Something happened to her soul
Heard this story countless times
Mary became malevolent
Parents are arriving later than expected
Didn't know they stacked shit that high
5’1 1/2"
8 inches, flaccid
How can you type out so much shit and say nothing at all?
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The first time was quite nice, the second time I felt it somewhat less so maybe the THC wasn't evenly distributed. Idk.
Full Metal Jacket! Niceeeeeeee.
With my brain or with the weed? Don’t have psychotic symptoms so long as I stay away from weed, have tried various concentrations and strains
Why though? CBD does essentially nothing. It’s snake oil
thats what i was thinking that it might not be evenly distributed through the thing, like it could all be in one corner and you could get like a 200mg dose on accident
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We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
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>manlets in my /cum/
how rude to use him as a table and not even give him a bite
don't post /hoc/ memes in MY /cum/
You guys are young so just remember, however nice they tell you to be to people, your enemies don't play by your rules.

Honor is a fools prize. Glory is of NO use to the dead. Be kind, but never forget that humans are animals. You are no more or less important than the steak you ate for dinner
to be fair i really doubt there are that many people here that are 5'2 they're just being funny
just like my islanders
im a woman so its ok
>Local family found dead
>More on this on news at 10:00
but I took that pic
i hear what you're saying but your picture is making me really, really nervous . panicky even
makes me want to press a button of some sort for this exact kind of scenario but i can't remember what it's called
he doesn't strike me as having that killer instinct
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>jesus christ anon
I’m not going to take moral lessons from some faggot who can’t even use a possessive apostrophe.
I don't think so honestly. There's weed oil mixed in with the batch to make the gummies with so I think if it was free flowing through the gelatin before it solidified it would be pretty even, if not perfectly even.
CBD doesn't do nothing, but personally I need huge doses to have an actual therapeutic effect. Like most CBD gummies are 10-50mg, meanwhile I need like at least 500mg. CBD is really more effective at managing things like Tourette's (I have Tourette's) if you take a consistent dose everyday like it's a prescribed medication. This is based on my experience, though, keep in mind.
sure you are
Sabrina Carpenter is a womanlet (5')
you will never be Shannon or Canadian

me donating to a streamer girl playing fifa
How to convince a Communist cat on benefits of free market?
i dont donate or even speak. i just like hearing and seeing cute girls so i put it on on the side. also your canadian
shannon simps for Vegas and Los angeles
tell him that if you have money you can buy as much fancy feast as he wants, instead of having to share a half a can with a few other cats
gotta put it in terms of sweet treats you know, that works for me at least
and the world goes round and round again
just won a debate
baited this exact post. you literally think what i choose to make you think.
Brazil is seriously fining people $8,000 for using a VPN to access Twitter? What the fuck? I don't know if that's USD or Brazil dollars or what.
>you'll never have to see latuff cartoons again
D-g bless
bit scared to sleep now, he might seize my means on production
now comes the seethe
pretty much all pornstars a 5'
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>just won a debate
cope. you've unironically been mindfucked. i put my brain penis into yours and now it will never be clean agian.
So I says
debate losers wildin
When was the last time you listened to Hot to Go?
banning porn or banning twitter, there's no difference. I wish our country was as god fearing as brapzil
just keep an eye on him make sure he doesn't try anything silly

i think it's funny when you guys won't actually reply to someone to spite them, but just use their post number instead
>While you never defend your point with actual economics.
All you did was state stupid shit that isn't true, I'm using actual real governments, as in all the governments in the west. US never had to pay off all it's debts after a recession
>It's going to. American economists have bee talking about it. Even Shapiro mocked the US congress, when that one guy was trying to grill him on Project 2025.
Show me a economic study showing everything will "fall apart" when boomers die. As if the boomers were some magical force holding the economy together.
>He doesn't know what the population pyramid looks like. They can only import so many people.
The population Pyramid for the US is looking good actually
>They're actually approaching the inability to pay off the interest. Not there yet, but getting there.
>They're actually approaching the inability to pay off the interest. Not there yet, but getting there.
This is such a dumb statement, it's nowhere near where it can't pay it. They could cut spending but they wouldn't even need to pay down debt to afford the interest payments.
>Not really
Looks like your making up whatever definitions you like
>They're not socialist, and when asked they say so themselves
That is exactly what I'm saying they have expanded social programs that the US does not have and they never became socialist and do not what to become socialist
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my face when somebody says they don't like egirls
Hey Macarena
>banning things good
holy fuck this country is lost
i aint reading allat !
So if I were dosing myself with 500mg of pure cbd (~13ml of the cheapest government oil, about half the bottle) I’d be spending $15 per dose. To do what, treat my non-existent Tourette’s? I’m glad it’s useful for that, but seriously, I don’t need it in my life.
I used to get pleasurably high off half a gram of bud, and that was even with the tolerance of smoking daily. It was great, and very cheap, but it’s not worth the mental hell I go through anymore to smoke the stuff (same thing with edibles, to be clear, if not worse).
things just haint like they were afore
people hating on destiny are hilarious, they can't beat his arguments so they just make fun of his appearance or the fact that he was in an open marriage(even though he got loads of pussy)
she's seems like a fat edgy angel olsen
Bait used to be believable
destiny has no arguments, only repeated canned phrases he got off reddit and acting like a smug retard
that's cool but you meant to post that on his subreddit bud
nice numbers, dick
Very nicely done.
good news lads. well, good for me, but bad for you!

we (the /cum/ management) have found some posters from other generals who will come to this general and make just as many posts as you but for half the pay. So what we're gonna do is ban all of you and bring our new posters in to work the general. Most of them come from /lat/ , but they're good lads who will understand the vibe of /cum/ I'm promised

anyways, it was nice having you here, please dryclean your uniforms and drop them off at the office. adios
they can take my place. i was just leaving
anyone but /brit/ or /dicksee/
but my posts are really valuable and i have several good relationships with anons here you cant replace my delicate touch and valuable insights with some jane doe joe schmoe
opened a thread i forgot about and got like 15 (you)s on a post i forgot i made
i miss terry. i wish he were an egirl so i could look at his cute face all the time.
you guys are getting paid?
Terry Davis?
Link it.
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phone took five minutes to forcibly restart for a "software update" that turned out to be installing 4 bloatware baby games i didn't want. i'm officially an imissile
no the /cum/ poster
Tim Apple got you by the balls
im in astoria now, it's as overcast and cold as i remember. absolutely stunning
hold my calls, I just started an anime
Terry Fox
he drove his honda civic across Canada
i dont want to
And you made him in to a national hero
God bless you for that, canucks
i've been thinking about becoming a sailor a lot recently
get in here
get in here
I will not select the hyperlink you provided
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im gonna go for awhile someone else make the new thread a good one
perhaps a bunny of some sort
Why don't you invest in OklaSoft? It's Oklahoma's fastest growing Software Company
how do you even get a job as a sailor
He's a liar
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>September 1st, 2024
Reckon the problem will solve itself
You guys ever see a big hole in the ground and jump into it for fun?
Coon problem
there are a lot of ways but you can go in with minimal training. merchant marine is like 6 months of work then 6 months of leave. pretty boring but yeah
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I prefer video games, but I am a bit gay, so...
based, I keep rising higher and haven't even reached my peak
oh yeah just like that
yes, ive saved untold amounts of airfare to china this way
I was a radical leftist jewish gf with curly hair
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>kamala just torpedoed her campaign
i'm barred from government jobs thoughbeit, maybe i'll write to deadliest catch and they'll let me on the show
i can't do this anymore
are you illegal or a schizo?
I’ll bite
personally i'm reaching new lows hitherto considered impossible
this dick?
insulted gold star families
no she didn't chudtard she's still up in the polls
me on left uwu
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Tonight’s lotto 6/49 draw has an additional 20 guaranteed prizes of $50,000.
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Captain Kangaroo Pimp is going to jerk off to wmbf porn and sleep. See you tomorrow, frens!
Might hit up the bar
nigga its 7PM
I don’t know what that means. Probably not that important. It’s the economy, stupid
not once did she ever have to say to a child
>I'm sorry we only have girl toys left
gold stars are family members of IED magnets
I've got an underaged indonesian friend on steam
>I don’t know what that means.
yeah you're not american
Me unironically in real life
What the fuck are you talking about?
Do most Americans know or care about WD-40 magenta or whatever? I follow American News decently closely and I’ve never heard of this
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how is this insulting them?
that's what Am*ricans call a military family
I'm talking about american things, retard. Worry about your own cunt.
this could be us, but you playing
maybe the fact that 8 of them just released statements saying she insulted them and that she never even bothered to contact them? dunno
Why not just call it that then instead of naming them after the patronizing gift you give a precocious child
*rings bell*
new thread, goy! I'm waiting!
every time i try to make the new i get banned so someone else do it
family of a soldier that died in combat*
it comes with perks like free license plate renewals in some states, and that's about it. thanks for your service btw
because everything is better in Am*rica
she insulted them by saying a cemetery should be free of political photo-ops?
Fuck. Don’t go to my thread
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