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>interpals gf messaged me back
I'm in love
if the world went to shit and i had to build a building, it would look just like the ones in india
i would build a badass castle personally
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sweet as cherry pie
this is the thread
My mom bought me chicken teriyaki don for dinner :3 listening to death metal now
redpill me on prussia
who gets silver and bronze?
It got abolished after WWII but functionally ceased to exist during the Weimar era. That’s how things stand
i bet she's asian and ugly
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>Arizona College of Nursing
>it's in Colorado
>be Jew
>be Ashkenazi Jew
okay but how did it start and what was it like and why was it separate from austria
>Norfolk, VA secretary
>has mailing address to georgia
honestly why do states even exist at this point
no one, it's just a pat on the back so the government looks like they give a shit. at the base I was stationed at, gold star families had two parking spots reserved in front of two of the 5 PX's. Other than that, likely some sort of annual luncheon maybe?
sup brahs
today was so amazingly beautiful
what egirls did you watch?
>Kansas City, Missouri
niggas in my butthole
niggas in my butthole
Ashkenazi means “from Germany” dontchaknow https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenaz#:~:text=The%20region%20of%20Ashkenaz%20was,and%20it%20included%20northern%20France.
It started as the establishment of a Protestant kingdom in the former lands of the Teutonic Order. It was separate from Austria like most German states were separate from Austria, except that Prussia was also outside of the Holy Roman Empire
alright i guess that's good enough of a rundown thanks
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I don't like streamers
I spent all day in the sun
will the resident foid please post your boobies and butthole?
>drive through washington to skip portland
>gas is 4.25 there
what the FUCK
As the leader of the foot clan delegation i feel belittled and slandered
That bitch needs to post soles yoo
There's a McVeigh moment coming. I can feel it.
Where was your destination if you needed to detour thru WA?
>Paradise, Texas
>Hell, Michigan
>even though Michigan is heaven and Texas is hell
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Dagashukashi is deeper then I realized
are you kidding me, 4chan not loading images again for the second time in two days. this website desperately needs white ownership again, holy fuckaroni.
>There's a McVeigh moment coming. I can feel it.
But WHO was the second guy lol?
So silly hah ha
Why did they have a temporary field office in place that day too lol? So strange
your wedding song saar
If I were American I'd go live in one of the less populated western states like Montana or Wyoming. Sounds so peaceful.
You live in Canada already, retard
no jobs
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therapist is putting me on the SSRIs
what's therapy like
nigga fell for the rapist meme
>paying someone to tell you what to think
therapists are the most mentally deranged people out there
Only MDs can prescribe pharmaceutical medications here idk about there. I do know medical care in the States is much more patient-affirmative than it is in Canada, because it's way cheaper to just give the patient what they think they need/what they're asking for rather than actually do serious diagnostic and therapeutic work.
i had to do local anesthesia when i had my wisdom teeth removed
I got general anesthesia. I had mine out in the hospital.
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>"so what have you been up to anon"
>explain how i lived during the month of august
>"...i don't think the medication is working"
any questions?
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is it worth spending $60 on ubers just go barhopping for the chance of meeting friends or a girl?
im so lonely
I have an irregular heartbeart and they were afraid of doing it
why are people still uploading pictures as if it's working?
Just add local people on FB.
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>he can't upload pictures
who you gonna meet at a bar who's worth hanging around with
go to the gym
Are you diagnosed?
That's what I did (just got home a few minutes ago). I didn't talk to a single person while I was out, except cashiers.
the only therapist i felt comfortable with now works for the most expensive private hospital, so i have 0 chance of getting her again
i follow her on insta
Use the bus
or get lucky and have a bunch of bars situated around each other
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you're the only retard with the problem, retard. delete your cookies or reinstall your browser, above all, stop being retarded
just spend $100 on a sugar baby
I don't have Facebook
Sexy girls or funny men
I've met many cool people at bars before, but that was before I moved away from all of my friends, we would go out together
I would try to force myself to talk
the bars are next to eachother but the street I want to go to is a $30 uber ride away
so if the site is working on some devices but not others, that means certain users are connected through a separate server, probably an FBI one.
you know why they can them therapists? because they rape your mind with medication
kek kamala just ended her campaign
psychiatrists give you medication, therapists just talk and listen.
Can't believe how much disposable income Americans have to just drop $30 on a single Uber ride.
it would be two of them, and it isn't exactly a good financial decision for me. like I could afford it, but it wouldn't be worth it if I fail to meet anyone
so you're broke again is what you're saying, jeet
cumala sucked her way to being the democrat nominee
imagine how good her head game is, she could suck your entire life straight out your dickhole
therapist cant give you meds
i actually like my psychiatrist, shes a smart pretty woman, so i like her
>I would try to force myself to talk
There's something about being alone amidst a crowd of couples, friends, and families that gives you a "creep" vibe. No one wants to talk to just one person.
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fuck are you talking about
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willie brown was such a simp
friends don't let friends drive drunk.

but i don't have any friends.
this cant be true, otherwise everyone who moved to a new city would be friendless and alone
Man I think it's your personality. If you were charismatic enough you'd be able to get free drinks even.
Don’t drive drunk. I’m not your friend
Why yes I sip and swerve, drunk driving is fun as fuck and my God-given right.
Having just one beer while driving doesn't seem so bad.
How drunk are you getting alone at the bar where you're afraid to drive?
Save the money and buy a 30 rack of natty ice
i want some attention
until recently it was diagnosed as some kind of add + anxiety disorder but after a lot of different meds for that not working mixed with that discussion of the last month it looks like it's being treated as depression

yeah. i have to contact my psychiatrist before next session, who works with the therapist to get the green light on what to prescribe
I don't have a car
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tfw no drunk gf
You're not getting a gf if you can't drive her home from the bar, doofus
we'd get an uber together
Can you order liquor on Uber Eats/Skip/etc. in America/Mexico? You can here.
so you just have infinite money to use on ubers, drinks, food, and saving for a vehicle? why don't you just buy some overseas wife then? btw nothing romantic about riding in the back seat of stinkjeet's honda crossover, i know this from experience
Remember when Chester Bennington killed himself?
oh yeah just like that daddy oh yeah
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>he doesnt live by a liqour store
I really don't understand your point
who tf drives to a bar anyway? especially after 10 pm
Lick her stores here are owned by the gubmint
Proverbs 20:1
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
I think it depends on the state or even county. But yeah technically
land of the "free" and all
in vino veritas
my co-co-cola... where's my co-co-cola?
Then why are you wasting money on the chance of smelling pussy you chump?
Buy a whore or buy a car
ad astra abyssosque
so you've either never been to a bar or you're trolling, got it. evens go for it, odds stay home
I'm terrified of driving and I'm just so lonely. I want to feel wanted, a whore doesn't satisfy that.
I've been to bars literally hundreds of times, just not alone, and not in my new city
Good luck then
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>it's been great getting to know you, wanna have a night cap or two back at my place? we have to uber though, I'm scared of driving
what can go wrong
you must be a flyover, no one drives to city bars
damn cumswala fucked up big time
>>it's been great getting to know you
I've never even gotten close to this point.
Just remember if things are bad, they can always get much worse
she's very used to fucking things
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i did everything wrong
Whenever I'm feeling down i feel my gooch
If there is no tick there I'm happy. Just imagine being in a bad situation and finding a fat deer tick nestled under your sack.
does /cum/ separate the man from the artist
Then you get Lyme disease and lose years of your life
im here to drink lube and fuck faggots... and Im all out of lube
when in doubt

rub one out
>no one does this
Exactly why you should, unless you drive a shitbox then yeah I can see why you'd prefer to hide it.
>where are you from
>where do you work
>if job requires school: where did you study
>outside work, what hobbies
>ask region specific questions: favorite restaurants, music venues, viewpoints, fucking whatever
Direct them to talk about themselves it's literally too easy
Nah fuck woody allen
Saw a duck skeleton today quite interesting to say the least and i poked it with a stick
I like sugar and I like tea but I don't like niggers no siree
There's 2 known things that'll make me puke that's a hog eating slop and a big black spook
You know it, cause i show it, stick your black head out and i'll blow it
>stick your black head out and i'll blow it
That boy ain't right
least racist 4chud user
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smoked a moderate amount of dude and I have an overwhelming desire to get a milkshake
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>stick your black head out and i'll blow it
Roses are red and violets are blue and niggers are black, you knows that's true
But they don't mind cus what the heck, You gotta be black to get a welfare check
just made burritos for dinner. Gotta go to work tomorrow
fucking love doctor pepper
doctor salt
Got so much sunburn today bros
Mildly uncomfortable rn
are you the chucklefuck from long beach
why'd you do it bro
mirror mirror on the wall, who's the blackest of them all
A man named king and there ain't no doubt he's causing lots of trouble with his baboon mouth!
Me in 4 days when I go on vacation :/
No i was closer to long island
hello im drunk
suh dude
Hello drunk, I'm Napoleon Bonerfarts
It gets better
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such a thing does not exist
yaoi doujinshi ^0^
I'm on dude
why do people not talk about how much it increases your hearing?
>this kid's literally smoking weed for the first time
it's over
I think about it every time, everything is so much louder
Okay I'm going to shower and shave and put on a nice outfit and if I am satisfied with my appearance I will pre-game and then venture out to some bars alone
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life is going really really Good. right now
>'za and wine
*talks in a slightly higher pitch* wohoah this stuff packs a punch
should i...?
I've had no sexual encounters with women but I've had a few with men
And I'm not gay
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You can rent friends in japan
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Godspeed anon. Let us know how it went.
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>psychiatrist cancelled my appointment one day before it
some of you guys are dickheads. fuck you
gonna sleep like 20 feet from the ocean tonight
you can also just have people follow you around because they want to speak english
That's not how friends work.
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Lana is skinny again
I can see her nipple, what a slut
i don't know who this is but i feel like i want to attack her with a chainsaw
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I have only had sex with 1 man and we are dating
And I'm gay
she probably hates brown boys
jonathan blow?
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im gonna go get taco bell
Taco Bell is way too fucking expensive here. A single dorito locos tacos or whatever the fuck it's called is $8.00. What a ripoff.
Can someone draw a jug in ms paint?
I need to test something
Humans are such easy prey.
poopy rapey
poopy rapey
you're supposed to use the app
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how about a pair of 'em?
please save me americans
ulla britta smitta fitta
come to the pnw white man
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i think driving little holes into my shin bone with a precision drill bit would feel nice
I've already given up.
I'd rather sit at home and wallow in anxiety than waste my money and have a panic attack in public when I can't talk to anyone. I'm short, unattractive, and have a disgusting body despite being a healthy weight. My face still looks fat and pudgy no matter how much weight I lose
I just do calisthenics in my bedroom and walk everywhere fot cardio
>ask momberg if she has a hairstaightener
>she goes on about some long story about how the guy at the hospital uses a curler
Well damn today I guess I learned Pikachu was named after a real animal
post body
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you must seek council at the temple of thor
damn that sounds good
It's a dad bod, I'm 5'7
I can't do the gym man, not without a personal trainer watching my every move and designing a workout regime for me. Push-ups and crunches are the only things I trust myself to do without hurting myself
always is
practice the movements with only the bar and use the mirrors to focus on your form. everyone starts somewhere dude stop overthinking it
Fuck no, I refuse to use dangerous modern gym equipment, I will hurt myself guaranteed. Mirror doesn't matter, I need someone else to tell me if I'm doing it right. I can't use bars, I want to get some dumbbells for myself though. I'm not trying to get ripped, I just don't want to be soft and pudgy
comfy anime
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when I first started going to the gym i maxxed out hoping that the bar would just fall on my neck
but of course im retarded enough to know how to just push that shit off.
It was also like a really weird 24/hr gym that didn't have staff except for people who'd come in to clean if there wasnt some yoga class or something during the day so
quit being a pussy
she's from argentina and whiter than you
There are tons of weight machines. Its almost impossible to hurt yourself on those
Not that going to the gym is necessary, if you want to stick with calisthenics get a pullup bar and some parallettes, maybe adjustable dumbbell too.
i fucked her
Good post
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For me, it's going for walks. Not even just around my neighbourhood either. Sometimes I'll travel into Vancouver just to go for a walk somewhere scenic.
other stuff could be used besides peanut butter too
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stop. im drunk and crying
It could be worse bro
You could be crrunk and dying with a deer tick on your gooch
Taking a shit.
Without pissing???
Don't have much in the tank.
hhhhhhhhhhhh fcuk
man how nice it is to have socialized healthcare
Is this mexican alinha?
I hate girly perfumes and candles. Fruits, foods and flowers just don't hit right in an artificial form. FUCK lavender, FUCK citrus, and FUCK cherry blossom.

Only trees/wood, mint or coffee is acceptable.
i am le epic and le based
it is original alinha
lavendar is good tho
Glad you're still alive. Love you qt
Please kill me
Please please please
I'm in east Long Beach, we can meetup somewhere nearby
I don't have the balls to do it myself and I need to die before I'm forced to endure a lifetime of misery
it is the opposite fore me
whenever i smell any kind of male artificial scent that they have in perfumes or deodorants, i literally cant stand it
me? love lanvander
Lavender makes me want to maul whoever sprayed it.
s*uthern california girls are thots and youre on the beach, you cant suffer there
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I'm fucking short and ugly, thots want nothing to do with me
I don't understand how you can like artificial lavender smell. It doesn't burn your nose?
>jezebels and whores are good company
Exodus 23:2
Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:
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Spruce trees smell magnificent. I hope to become a spruce one day. Did you know that "spruce" comes from Polish "z Prus" - "from Prussia" (referring to the Baltics)?
jesus fucking christ the amount of fucking camper van digital nomad cocksuckers clogging up all my classic sleep spots is unreal. winter needs to come NOW. send these faggots south NOW.
aleeeeeeeeeeeee. how's it going bud?
You seem like angry fellow, want to come kill me? I can give you my bank account it's, like $16k
I'd withdraw it all in cash first so you aren't suspected of course
how do they get internet out there
lol get owned bum
You know what I love KJV and NKJV but verses like these immediately make me reach for NRSV.
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If no one will kill me then I will starve myself to death
Maybe then halfway through I'd become attractive and feel wanted and not want to an hero
I was mean on another thread. It just spiraled out of control and I started saying things I didn't mean to someone I didn't know, and now I feel bad, but it would be really strange to apologize in that thread, you know?
i mean yeah, I'd need a gun doe unless you want it done bloody
there's 5g everywhere now
cost of doing business, enjoy rentberg
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night buds
futa cock
This makes me think of how kino Vancouver is in November. So grey, so wet.
cats have been yelling at the closet door. i wonder if someone snuck in while i was out and is currently hiding in there.
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its going
i feel so much better
i still dont think im doing "fine" like a normal person
but im not at the level of 4chan person
double parking to keep as many shithead vans rolling as possible. it ain't much but it's honest work
I can't get my fucking eyebrows threaded like that anon told me to, none of the places near me do it, they only do waxing which I don't want. I have disgusting caterpillar eyebrows, a fat belly, mediocre arms, mediocre facial structure, and a short height.
I have been cursed by my genetics and I will forever resent my parents for having me when they knew I would be short. I want to die, please someone
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Been sitting on buying this for awhile now.
i just told you i'd do it, tubby
the artificial chemical scents of male deodorants/perfumes burn my nose over more than natural scents
In ancient Sparta, citizens did no work, slaves did all the work, if you had to do work to make money you could lose your citizenship. Spartan citizens spent their time in leisure.
My God...it's full of stars!
i like listening to twitchthot asmr while i stroke my hog
probably yeah. might want to take care of that
Dancing a jig
it was a raving success too, as you can tell by the empire currently run by sparta
I prefer Clockwork Orange
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this guy looks evil, doesn't he
They did beat Athens in the peloponnesian war, only because of that stupid Sicily expedition by the Athenian.
i would be a slave no matter what time of history u choose
/brit/ seems to be more spastic than /cum/
Then drive down to Long Beach and fucking do it please
You’re the homeless guy?1
just checked, it was empty.
i'm from the new world, i don't give a shit about greeks and their battles over rocks
i literally just came from socal you faggot
the world is my home, rentoid
Well the Athenians thought many city states were ungrateful for refusing to pay for the Athenian navy after they defeated the Persians at sea. Although those city state had been paying for quite some time.
>naval battles without gunpowder
How would this work?
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gonna touch my penis soon
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Roman Cat-licks are why America has separation of church and state, it's not to give faggot atheists a safe space from reminders of God while they push sodomite filth on kids in schools.
They ram each other and shoot arrows and board each other's ships
Oh nvm I thought you were the guy in Oregon
>he never played ac odyssey
My favourite Kubrick film that I've seen is Full Metal Jacket. As to 2001: A Space Odyssey, I was moreso referring to the book. I need to read that again, I last read it when I was 14 and I never finished the series and I've realized that I need to read it as an adult. Arthur C. Clarke may have been a pedo but his futuristic, optimistic transhumanism is quite, I don't know...it's evil and wrong in a way, but it's so advanced and simultaneously optimistic and yet pessimistic and kind of abstract, in a way.
If I get over this anxiety attack fast enough I would still have time to shower and go to the bars
Do you think I maybe have bi-polar instead of panic attacks? I can't tell
Separation of church of state is a fundamentally Protestant idea.
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i am in oregon
Separation of church and state is a freemason thing
i'm also in oregon
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you actually did it
thank you
no way he actually leaped that far snapping turtles cant do that
The word broccoli makes me laugh
i understand here you go
i love it too but the calories
what part
i went from high desert socal > utah > oregon. i blogged it here like a loser but got ignored bc im not a creative writer
you have low go-to-de-gym-anosis and can only be cure by regular pilgrimages to the temple of thor
there is more lgbt nonsense in countries who were(are?) protestant
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use some aloe, you can get some from the pharmacy or walmart it helps a lot
here's the full one
>he thinks turtles can't jump
someones not from florida
I like giving advice to 20 yo girls having relationship problems, in my head I pretend everything I'm typing is being said by JBP, and my advice no lie is awesome
So what's the verdict? Go out with zero confidence and hope I get some when i get to the bars, and risk a public panic attack?
Or keep wallowing in misery in my comfy bed without spending any money, but with a guarantee zero percent chance of making friends of meeting a girl?
We've been over this.
My only criteria for advice is that I don't take advice from wageslaves
/cum/ is many times more spastic than /polska/ still
why are you here
i'm doing everything i can to avoid that place ngl, i wanna work in bend but i have interviews in seaside and tillamook first, some other job i dont even remember where
whenever i don't want to go out, and i get dragged out against my will, i never regret it
Let me make this clear, so all y'all see. I don't take advice from people less successful than me · Hah? Ain't no love lost, but the gloves off
evens and i go to sleep
odds and i crank my hog to big booty latinas for an hour
nothing is scarier than a big tiddy goth gf without makeup
are you the guy that wanted to meet up at seal beach the other day?
/brit/ seems to have a mental age of 14 compared to you guys
I wish I had a blonde, 20 y/o Christian gf.
Good always beats evil
I'd be dragging myself out because I am alone
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what one is this (baby rabbit)
Yes. I am mentally unstable, as you can see. Only self destructively though, so no need to worry.
well there's no harm in it i think
it's starting to be nice and cool at night so you can enjoy the atmosphere at the very least
he is an angel boy
we are cool guys for the most part
he was stuck
we saved him and let him free
you took that pic?
that's so sweet thank you for saving that baby boy he hasn't even had his first thought yet
cum has good people
it's worth a visit but it is going downhill as a city
way too expensive and the people can be very insufferable
I think based on the rabbits we see there it's a whitetail jackrabbit (not my pic)
dang ol jumpin turtles dang ol eatin tomaters man its like like a dang ol jackrabbit man wont stay out ya know

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