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horsin' around edition

Just peeked my head in there when it doesn't look good.
It stopped being fun
Do you ponder your place in the cosmos and the nature of the darkness that is around us and within us?
and you guys have no weaboos in your general
3 hours left in the humiliation ritual
too busy being poor and unhealthy
no i mostly ponder stuff that is of actual moment to my own life. what happens in other places i am solipsistic about
yeah we do, they're just not around at the moment
Yes. This is the most normalfag general.
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i like anime but it's unpopular to make the op image anime, so i just stick with animals and especially rabbits lately . it makes everyone happy
my place in the cosmos is so insignificant that it's not even worth pondering over really
just a mite of dust
No he's right we don't really have many weaboos. I'm not sure why
Back from the bar
Had a couple good drinks
>Classmate offers some meth to me
>Have no friends
>Fuck it sure
>Smoke that shit
>Proceed to have the most amazing 4 hour nap of my life
>Go to McDonald's and devour 2 Big Mac meals
What the fuck did this guy give me
It was NOT weed
I'm just going to stay home guys. I don't think I can go out until I'm confident in my appearance.
I'm here to prepare for ascension into a higher dimension, don't know about the rest of you bozos
Yes we just don't post anime all the time
you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, it's fine . what do you need to do to make yourself more confident in your appearance? lose a couple lbs?
do you go to church on sundays
do some hot rails and you'll have all the confidence you'll ever need. my dad's probably still selling in corona of he isn't dead yet
Then again there aren't many weeks in /brit/ either from what I can tell
Yes, I need to lose fat and gain muscle, and I want to do it without any crazy gym equipment or barbells.
I also want to get my eyebrows done so they are less bushy but everywhere near me only does waxing which I don't want
yeah we do, i've argued with them enough to know they're here
also there are two anime avatarfags that i know of
You have adhd
I'm agnostic. I think religion itself is fine, but religion institutions are dangerous.
a few people here do yeah, but i imagine they're in bed early for church in the morning
well those are some pretty realistic and achievable goals, i hope you get to feeling better about how you look soon anon
I'm the type to snap in heaven with a mac-11 and rape christ
or… you could just be comfortable being yourself
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ahhhh I love video games so much, bros
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any etymologists in the chat can tell me why women rubbing their pussies together is call tribadism?
any entomologists in chat can tell me where public lice came from
/polska/ is infested with weebs sadly
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I will become a Gangstar
Ultimately from Greek τρίτος, meaning “to rub”
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>not even best boy in his own part
don't tell me things that make me like you disgusting poles
Sorry, autocorrect fucked me

τριβος is the Greek
H-how could you get meth and weed mixed up??
Occasionally. I should go more often but it's just too early. Like it's almost 10pm and I'm drinking covfefe. There's no way I'm making it to church tomorrow morning.
Dude who said this rap was violently killed btw
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Further: pic rel. etymologically “tribade” is a noun meaning “someone who rubs” but had the meaning of “lesbian” by the renaissance at least. Tribadism is the noun for the practice of a tribade
he also sold crack and lived by the sword
To be clear, when I say the renaissance at least, I’m acknowledging that the OED says that classical Latin also has this meaning. They don’t seem to have an example of this, though, on their online version
fascinating that it comes from such mixed origins, to me it was interesting that it ended in -ism which I associate most with beliefs (communism, socialism, etc)
>White kid from the suburbs idolizing black gangsters
A tale as old as time. How hot is your mom?
these posts are going over my head
I took another one of those pieces of THC gummy. That's ⅜ now.
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-ism is just a regular English suffix, which also ultimately comes from Greek ισμός
don't make me goon. you won't like me when i'm gooning.
bros, forest of Illusion 2 is filtering me hard
they’re just being english nerds it’s cool
what are your plans just gonna chill out and relax
im about to enter consultation with penjamin myself as well
what are you even saying freak
>im about to enter consultation with penjamin myself as well
Uh is this a euphemism for anal play or something
Where's the canadian who post mexican memes?
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More on -ism. Arguably much more to do with practice than belief, though ideologies are certainly captured in English using -ism.
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I'm toking on my pen as well. Listening to some Candlemass. I'll prob continue on with listening to A Canticle for Leibowitz later.
He's talking about his dab pen. The guy calls his parents "Dadberg" and "Momberg," it's pretty endearing.
no no nothing like that i'm just going to smoke my weed pen (penjamin)
so i say that im going to consort or enter consultation with him
i don't say that you are confusing me with someone else
>The guy calls his parents "Dadberg" and "Momberg," it's pretty endearing.
Wait that's all the same guy? I thought it was a thing /cum/ did, I call my dog dogberg because of it
Oh sorry. I associate smoking weed with jacking off so that's why it came to my mind
Do you think the ark of the covenant was a nuclear weapon and/or a alien spaceship engine?
Don't lie to me mother chode.
i think a few people do that not just one guy
im not lying and that’s not my name
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I actually lost most of them.
What is your name then
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i think you know already
what is he celebrating do you think ?
C'mere lil spinster I'ma headpat you
Jason is a weedhead?
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Pretty sure that's what the map should look like if you get all the different exits. The "Not to the boss" is a mini-dungeon Ghost House.
should have won.
Cooking takes too long, it is actually a waste of time
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Don’t start
where did he go anyway
he got banned from posting images, changed his name to samantha and never came back
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bruh Ive played it before. Im playing it with my dopamine receptors actually firing for once and its as fun as when I was a kid
He changed his name to spinster
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my oneitis is a girl i met on the roblox forums 10 years ago. i haven't talked to her in 3 or 4 years now. she was so precious, she was an angel, she was a sweetheart to everyone but she was especially nice to me. she said i was her favorite person in the big discord server we all migrated to after the roblox forums shuttered and when i would go away for a while she'd ask around about me and she committed to memory a lot of small trivial details about me. it's the most flattering feeling to know that someone is thinking of you even when you're not around. i never saw what she looked like but people who did said she was cute and had very pretty eyes. i wish we'd stayed friends, i wonder if she ever thinks about me. i bared my soul to you with this anecdote, selcouth as it was, and i'll thank you not to pick on me, tease me, mock me, etc.
>spinster is a degenerate stoner
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Does anyone in this thread look like these guys?
Women are dainty and whimsical
that's sweet anon, you guys should try to get back in touch if possible . thanks for sharing
a lot of the joy is in the process though, it's not all about just the end result
No but I’m reading “When Montezuma Met Cortes,” which is a must-read if you’re interested in te period
You're welcome.
Need meso gf
the guy behind the guy in the blue top is LITERALLY me
you were talking to a child
I do not know what that means
Mesomorph is closest to hourglass.
Meso American gf
Christ has died
Christ is risen
Christ will come again
Amen anon
The mesos really just let the neighborhood schizos rule over them
Why can't you be normal and say Latin/Hispanic?
it's scary to try to thrust yourself back into someone's life like that. i'm not positive she'd even remember me, and i'm not as funny or interesting as i was back then so i'm afraid she'd find me disappointing if she did. but one of these days i will sack up and find the courage to try, not a lot to lose. it's just awkward
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Jesus Is real
Because I'm specifically attracted to their tribal aesthetic and (some of their) values
And I'm not normal
Whenever I'm in public and I see a street preacher I always let them know how much I love Jesus by raising and waving around my arms while going "PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!! PRAISE JESUS MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They don't usually seem very enthused in return lol.
i love women
>tribal aesthetic and (some of their) values
You've romanticized people who don't live like you think they do.
I need a woman to kill me. I need a literal femme fatale. I need a homicidal ho.
Women deteriorate to the mind of a 5 year old when given large degrees of attention
i understand, but that’s a good attitude to have anyway, you don’t have a whole lot to lose and it couldn’t hurt
>implying they ever advanced beyond 5 years old
Do you know what a fantasy is
Find a 6'7" African Amazon to administer MAID (she will administer death by snu-snu).
lol epic bro
as long as it’s consensual i guess
I've hung around a bit of pagan/wiccan witchy types and they ALWAYS make jokes about sacrificing their bf in the woods
I really wonder how much of it is really a joke
spinny don't pay attention to those chuds bb haha
Kys simpcel
It's only a joke, if they don't think they can get away with it. Women murder their unborn babies all the time.
while i visit my parents yeah but otherwise no. I hope this shit dies out but too many people are schizos or easily persuaded
Are they American? If so they're larping. If they're British, they're probably 100% serious.
>I hope this thousands of years old worldview that society is built upon dies out
im gonna take a 1am showip now that ive seen penjamin and im gonna bring my bluetooth speaker and jam and sing loudly
These girls definitely took it seriously: >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Wigginton#:~:text=Tracey%20Avril%20Wigginton%20(born%204,supposedly%20to%20drink%20his%20blood.
Additionally, watch these:
^^^^^there's your primer for Satanism and pedo/human trafficking rings
Post nudes, I bet you won't XD
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>60 year old Harley boomers the west is SAVED
100% certain they won't do shit
Catholic thugs vs Satanist thugs
>gang wars breaking out
>mass panic over gang wars
Who's betting on what?
I'm aware of the gang taking over apartment complexs being true.
thread is ded, time to goon
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Kek imagine being a lovingcel. Imagine your past and current crushes getting railed by better males and not even remembering your existence. Imagine knowing fully well that your middle school sweetheart lost her virginity to some chav type that just had initiative.

Just picture this: the girl you currently LOVE, lying on a bed, with an embarrassed smile, taking off her clothes to show the most intimate parts of her body to someone she likes. Someone special. Someone who isn't you. Imagine the hard, pulsating dick of other guy slowly penetrating her warm vagina, then thrusting with vigor, filling her oily insides with his meat. Her breathing intensifies, her nipples get harder, her heart beats faster... while the man just unleashes his animalesque drive using her body as his tool. He finishes taking his pleasure with a deep fat load of cum, most likely caring very little if she's satisfied.

No matter who he is, his social class, his appearance, his intelligence. That guy is by all means a winner at that moment. He won her. And you are the loser. You, as a slave of your loving brain, can't even convince yourself that you shouldn't hold these feelings for her. It's out of your control. You just keep thinking about her. It pops up in your head when you are distracted, shows up on dreams, when you see her... Inescapable.

That must be hell
I hate how you have to wait ten minutes to delete a post with mistakes in it, so fucking retarded
monkeynigger stop trying to spread your retarded gay fetish it's not hot or funny
This glows. Total nothingburger. Don't give blatant propaganda your time.
Proofread nigger.
Fuck you, there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to immediately delete and rewrite my posts
Christianity is just an offshoot of canaanite religion that the persians modified and allowed to exist. Western society is pagan, the bible is merely a tool for psychopaths and narcissists to mislead uneducated members of society. Even historical accounts in the bible are just propaganda. Any thought that society is built upon christianity is a lie or else our laws and customs wouldn't be traced back to Greece and Rome.
This nigga is a lovingcel >>201682463
You are a faggot cuck don't (You) me disgusting loser
Jason making shit up again
>be me
>accidently make rule breaking post by posting on the wrong board
>delete it
>get banned anyways
if only there was a way I could've stopped it myself
jason is literally me
There's a way out of this. Believe in yourself
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Thoughts on the Marc Dutroux case? When I had first heard about it I was very surprised that I had never heard about it before seeing as I've been into true crime since I was a kid and apparently it's an infamous criminal case in western Europe. My main questions are: was Satanism/the occult used; and just how widespread was/is this underground human trafficking ring Dutroux allegedly was a part of?
20 million Americans are now preppers.
5.7% of the total population.
> into true crime
post titties and butthole please
gay? retarded?
just downed a large mug of milk
You're about to get so buff anon
He's right that much of what we think of as Christianity is actually pagan, most Christmas traditions are just rebranded winter solstice traditions and sermons came from Roman public speaking traditions
I WISH I had a true crime obsessed gf. Or, maybe I don't.
>most Christmas traditions are just rebranded winter solstice traditions and sermons came from Roman public speaking traditions
Christianity is not defined by these things
Christianity is defined by how it is practiced ackshully
>Become a Christian
>Get dressed down by the likes of John Oliver, Stephen Colbert

>Become a Muslim
>Anyone tries some shit like that
>Cut off their head and ask their neck to keep arguing

Why would anyone be a Christian? It's like signing up to be a loser
Sure, by how the apostles and early church practiced it
I'm talking about modern Christianity as it's actually practiced, not your ideal form of Christianity practiced by a few Levantines 1800 years ago
>early church
So we're pretending that the Catholic Church isn't constantly redefining it with the Pope?
Or the woke church with the Non-Binary God?
This is such a canard, and it's a very America-centric one, too. Like how retards will say Easter is called Easter because it was named after Eostre, which totally forgets that there are thousands of years linguistically separating the languages those words are derived from, and that most of the world uses some variant of "Pascha," referring to, of course, the Passover. The Easter story echoes the Passover of the Exodus, and took place during Passover.
Which one is beautiful and promotes traditional and universal virtues?
You should interpret information as charitably and strongly as you reasonably can, as you'd want to be interpreted
I'm neither of those
>I'm neither of those
Doesn't change that Christians are constantly redefining their religion.
What about the witch hunts? Christians went from believing in black magics, and thus did witch hunting, to not believing, and stopped.
Or are they not True Scotsmen?
Time to sleep
Magic is totally real. –t. Nondenominational Anglo Prot.
I don't see why people having differing views of how to interpret the religion is somehow difficult for you to understand
Christianity has essentials about the life and death and resurrection and deity of Christ, the stuff you're mentioning is ultimately tertiary
>thread devolved into religion again
BORING see you later fags
>I don't see why people having differing views of how to interpret the religion is somehow difficult for you to understand
It's not, I didn't say that Christianity is defined by the early church, like you did.
>Christianity has essentials about the life and death and resurrection and deity of Christ, the stuff you're mentioning is ultimately tertiary
You'd be a heretic in basically every era, but now.
>You'd be a heretic in basically every era, but now.
Which early fathers would consider me a heretic and why?
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I don't know specifically, but I'm certain that you're not following the ways of the early church, or any non-current era of the church.
I'd be shocked if you were raised in a household and wanted a household as Christianity used to say.
>I don't know but I'm certain
There is doctrine that is imperative to preserving the integrity of orthodox beliefs within Christianity. Like the triune God, the sovereignty of God, Christ's life death, resurrection and ascension, salvation and forgiveness of sins, mediation with the Father via Jesus Christ, the wider biblical story, the immaculate conception, things like that. Being in the Catholic Church vs being a Protestant doesn't really matter as we both share the same common "orthodox" set of beliefs, typified in the Niceane Creed.
Well, start listing things, and we can show you why you don't follow the early church, faggot.
I'm not doing your homework for you
Read a book
May I suggest "the story of Christianity" or "the history of Christian thought" both by Justo Gonzales
The early churches writings should be all available free online as well
I listened to this song and I liked it
dang you guys started arguing about christianity again
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I've been itching to read this.
good night
Post lewds to distract everyone
>I'm not doing your homework for you
We're talking about you. Unless you're willing to dox yourself, you kinda have to.
>Read a book
Unless it's a biography of your life, it's not going to matter.
>May I suggest "the story of Christianity" or "the history of Christian thought" both by Justo Gonzales
The early churches writings should be all available free online as well
I'm well aware of the early church, we're talking about how you don't follow it. You're just being obtuse now, and not willing to engage.
>I'm making unmerited assumptions about you, please give me random details about your life so my assumptions can be validated
I think people like the Amish actually have it figured out in staying as far away from modern technology as they can, but most Christians won't admit that it's just not in themselves because they're comfortable and stimulated by smartphones and social media and such. Even the news is too much, the constant drip of it anyways. Ted Kaczynski knew exactly what he was talking about but the Amish were way ahead of him.
We've been talking about you for multiple posts now, you've just been obtuse about it. If you don't want to admit that you don't follow the teachings of the early church, then stop replying to me.
We both know that you don't. You're just not being honest about it. Go eat your cake and have it too(by claiming to be following the early church, but not admitting to anything that you do).
Save yourself the time, if don't reply, unless you're going to start admitting things.
I have no idea what you even expect me to say
>Ok fine I think the Bible was made up
Something like that?
Don't be such a spastic man.
>Something like that?
No, you say you follow the what the early church created. Yet, you won't admit to any of your beliefs, or talk about your lifestyle. We can't tell if you do or don't actually follow what's expected of you.
Do you let women talk in church, do you allow for the types of slavery that the Bible allowed for, and so on?
Or are you a modern man who pretends that he's following the early church?
>Do you let women talk in church, do you allow for the types of slavery that the Bible allowed for, and so on?
Neither of those would make me a heretic, as I said, these are tertiary issues
Can you point me to a specific church father who believed these specific issues to be essential Christian dogma?
>Neither of those would make me a heretic
"belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine"
>as I said, these are tertiary issues
Only because you're a modern man, pretending to follow the early church.
>Can you point me to a specific church father who believed these specific issues to be essential Christian dogma?
They put it in your holy book as rules to follow. Jesus wasn't wiping the rules away, but a patch to one specific aspect.
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
It's all still expected to be followed.
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*tramples you*
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going to mcdonalds tomorrow
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Rate my dinner.
You standard would be impossible even for the early church to adhere to, which necessitated Christ's sacrifice in the first place
We should try to be perfect if we can, but it isn't possible. Having incorrect opinions or sinful practices does not make one a heretic (necessarily) or else all would be a heretic
why’d you do that that hurt
yogurt is really good for your gut bacteria but by itself it doesn’t really seem like a substantial dinner
cute asian girl at work
short, thin, flat tits
im in love
>You standard would be impossible even for the early church to adhere to
"I follow the early church."
"Here's what they expect."
"What? I can't follow all that, I'll just say that they wouldn't even follow that."
>Having incorrect opinions or sinful practices does not make one a heretic (necessarily) or else all would be a heretic
You're not even trying though. You're covered in sin, best hope you get a chance to properly repent, before you die. Otherwise you'll be in Hell with the rest of us.
She has a 7feet tall bf
The early church did not expect perfection of the letter
As I said, this is why Christ's sacrifice was necessary in the first place
how about you homofaggots fuck your asses and lick the cum off already
my school had really good cafeteria food that was in hindsight way better than mcdonalds but it didn’t come in a cool box so it didn’t matter lol
What was your favorite school lunch? Mine was the orange chicken with rice
you just know the mentally ill hoes are gonna steal all these kids toys
i remember when i was a kid my cousin asked the cashier for a different mcdonalds toy and my mind was blown because I thought it was up to fate which one you get
Hello where may I fill in your boyfriend application? :)
i really liked these little turkey pinwheel things they had, and when they did pizza of course, but what kid doesn’t love pizza day
we also had pierogis which i still make somewhat often at home
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spotify actually gets you good music, an endless sea of good music something that's unheard of on youtube since they are too busy recommending you the same most popular thing that you already seen over and over
YouTube music actually has a decent radio feature
You can test it for free with ads
Dog is taking up the entirety of the bed and wont let me sleep again
Women are dainty and whimsical
That's why I decided to transition
random people's youtube playlists are just as good and don't require me to shell out $12 a month to listen to a much more limited selection of music
is there anyway you can come to an agreement with dog and share the space
is dog reasonable
spotify is very important to my life
never had a pierogi whatever the fuck that is
Dog is not reasonable dog prefers to be comfy
It's a dumpling with potato and cheese inside
well it's hard to reason with someone who is unreasonable
maybe just say plainly, 'dog this is my bed, we can share, or you can leave' gotta be a disciplinarian sometimes you know
it's a dumpling with potatoes and cheese inside
you can put whatever you want in there though, a lot of people do stuff like meat and mushrooms
I told him and he just snorted at me
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idk why people call me schizojeet
must be a mod on here that has no life
wow what a brazen challenge to your authority as head of household
i think you know what you have to do now, either sleep like a pretzel to accommodate this defiant child, or claim your rightful bed space
You are a wholesome poster
can't believe i'm fucking old
I had chicken & rice soup and some crackers and milk too. No I did not eat the entire yogurt tub. I was going to, but then decided against it.
We came to an agreement we are sleeping side by side sharing a pillow
who said diplomacy doesn't work
good job anon
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beat this
>pay double the price to import anything
>STILL cheaper than local retailers
clown country
Why does my bedroom smell like farts all of a sudden? Did my cat fart!
i mean if you didn't do it and there's nobody else in the room ...
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Drinking poop.
the average /g/ user has 160wpm
If I had a proper desktop setup with the right height desk and chairs and keyboard and everything, and I had warmed up, I could do 85wpm easy.
drinking cat hairs
this is more gross than the guy that said hes drinking poop
this sleep schedule is never getting fixed i think there's something clinically wrong with me at this point
need to measure my penis again but i don't have a ruler
It's protein it's good for you.
Just got my first dildo in the mail
Congrats sister.
i think that some people are just hard wired to be night owls, me included
maybe it was beneficial to early humans to have someone that stayed up at night and kept the fire going and watched out for lions and stuff
born to be a night owl, forced by society to be an early bird
I'm Trans btw
4chan doesn't have free speech.
it really doesn't, not anymore, it's just marginally better than your average normie website
The night is young.
what's worse being an image obsessed metrosexual faggot that microneedles his scalp or being a bald chemo looking slaphead. this is the impasse i find myself at
are you going to turkey?
good shit thx
Fix my nigger life
i mean, keep your hair if you can help it there's no shame in that you don't have to give up and go bald
depends on your head shape
only you have the power to do that
i'm up for another hour or so
i think the only thing that can actually save you from going bald is a hair transplant, anything else either doesn't work or it's not worth it
she wants nothing more but to be a little whore
he wants nothing less but to wear a little dress
I went to a thrifting event advertised as something where you could find used electronics, records, and cool shit.
It was just women clothes and the only men there were trannies.
Paris is all trannies everywhere. Straight out of a /do I pass/ subreddit everywhere. And they looked at me like I was there to paint my fingernails and wear tiny denim shorts
You can't socialize as a straight male
You HAVE to be a tranny
Those people weren't trannies, just French men
i'm sorry the crowd was unsavory to you
did you find anything cool at least? what was the original idea of you going, looking for anything in particular?
I keep forgetting spics use /cum/ and if you use the word spic, the spic janny will ban you and call you schizojeet. such is life in /cum/

good thing /pol/ exists and barely has any jannies
absolutely adore the free form horn section on this song
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Slop eaten, coffee still warm. What a good morning this is.
Can't sleep and its 4am guess I'll just try to stay up till 8pm
well, if you're looking for more male oriented hobbies, thrifting clothes certainly wouldn't be my first choice lol
you like cars, maybe go to a car show or something .
this never works for me, i don't have the willpower and my eyes get too heavy to keep open around noon
>4chan is full of retards who don't want to think
That's the thing I keep forgetting.
Well i have plans for today so I will be forced to stay awake
godspeed eepy soldier o7
Sometimes I feel empathy
Sometimes I dream about cheese
empathy and the ability to 'put yourself in someone else's shoes' is one of the values that distinguishes and elevates humans above wild animals
people who lack those values tend to be psychopathic at the worst, and ignorant and stupid at best
my dreams often take place in school even though i haven't been in a classroom in a decade
Every dream I have about school is me avoiding classes or me not understanding what my math teacher is saying and feeling like an idiot
I just took my meds, 2mg of Haldol this time as opposed to my usual 1mg so hopefully I do pass out soon. I'll make an attempt to get up for church I suppose so I'll set an alarm at least.
the backdrop of my dreams is often in school, even if the dream is pretty benign and not a nightmare . that's not to say i don't have nightmares about being embarrassed in school and fucking something up and getting in trouble but it's not always bad
do you struggle with math ?
Isn't that a drug for crazy people
I take it for Tourette's.
>do you struggle with math ?
Yes I'm extremely embarrassed with my math abilities
dose it sedate you ?
i'm also awful at math so i get that feeling . anything beyond basic consumer math isn't really useful anyway so we're not missing out on much
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1mg no, 2mg yes.
i've been trying to sleep in bed instead of on the living room couch because i'll take my medicine while i'm there, and just not make it to the bedroom because it makes me so sleepy
it is a very comfy couch in my defense
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That's cute anon.
Jay is a master haggler
India and it's consequences have been a disaster for anonkind
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I'm starting to think Indians are actually Asian from the way jap posters post
just rub a little dirt on it kiddo you'll be alright
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good night
I think it is just beginning.
Happy September.
Fuck off??
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lol that chud got rekt by trudeau
trudeau is based
i hope he legalize cocaine
based on what?
no the schizospic is replying to meeeeeeee
ignore him
what do you need
ignore her
it's xe

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