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bong edition
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i'd like a good job plz
Terrible customer service janny
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Treated myself x
looks like dog vomit
built a pc to play some games but now I remembered that video games are a bit shite
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mum help me im scared
played cyberpunk 2077?
cat food and a barm, lovely
Went in a date today
Sat there for 2 hours listening to this woman trauma dump
Is this dating in 2024?
I hate women
I don't need more problems
no, I might try it
Wish I wasn't alone
Yes, you listen to women's problems and you might get a shag as compensation.
What was the trauma? give us the goss
Reporting this to the local Gestapo bureau
thanks for linking in the old thread... NOT
Depends on the video games
Only games I've played in last 5 year were baldurs gate 3, red dead 2, witcher 3, elden ring and cyberpunk
Buzzed on the beers. Feeling good
Janny gone fucking mental
Women's shapely bums
Are we going to get an explanation why the previous thread was deleted?
Bro built an overpriced shitposting machine
Tale as old as time
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borig jongsong
presumably for politics in the op
diaper was full and needed to be changed
outer /int/ is so fucking bad.
People randomly insert insert their bbc fetish into otherwise serious posts now. It's not like the Belgian cunt where that's all he talks about anyway. These freaks will be talking about computers or something and then they'll randomly steer the topic towards bbc for no reason.
It wasn't like this before 2020. It was before then but not like this.
This place is such a fucking shit hole.
Someone will say it was early, but it was actually posted for the thread before the one previous and was actually late, and was relinked. I suspect it was removed for breaking the no politics rule.
it was made by a schizo and he probably got banned somewhere and had all his posts nuked by the mods, which they do sometimes to ensure all your schizo posts are deleted
Outer /int/ isnt worth browsing ever
Could find better conversation with literally anyone else.
>It was before then
I meant it was bad before then
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redpill me on Goonhusband
most self-aware yank
Egregiously early
And then they get angry and act like you're the freak when you rightfully tell them to shut the fuck up.
this is always good goons
Massive pooberg blocking the sewers
Stull can't believe your own cunts general is called /cum/
It was made at 290 posts
spamming the thread with inane bullshit doesn't obfuscate this fact to the janman
wish my ps2 still worked
Face feeling absolutely numb
This is what happens when you have no tolerance huh
mental how fit they are
Sir beer farter
serves you right you cunt
jannies are such trigger-happy cunts
did blud take a picture of his screen with his phone?
Both my Xbox and GameCube still work
Thought the ps2 was the superior console but if they don't hold up... well then im having second thoughts
False, it wasn't made for the thread it was linked at 290 for. It was made nearly an hour and a half earlier for the thread previous to that one. I'm right, you're wrong.
dont be mean to your mum
well i had a slim one and those are apparently more prone to breaking than the fat ones
i used to have a fat one but my stepdad threw a tantrum and smashed it, it was one of those limited edition silver ones too, fucking prick
omdz blud take the L
oaesis or something idk maet go smell a deaf person in nottingham XDDDDD
Sir Pub Closer
i had a fat blunt of loudie shadowdarkness pack
*claps like a seal*
What a cunt
Sucking off a Palestinian refugee
that bhutanese shadow garden dark wizard pack
Why does my gf keep taking about the BBC? Surely a TV channel can't excite that much interest.
I might give it a watch when she goes out with the girls.
yeah seals are cool
Don't bother, it's full of blacks, women and gays these days
id make more but pixlr is a nonce and limits you to 3 free saves a day fuckingf STUPID
Bluds looting jokes from 2010 like an Egyptian grave robber
yeah i like when they terminated bin laden to a permanent end
GIMP has a warp tool mate
Fuckin' my brudda and suckin' him off, in a no homo way
The mandem celebrate pride, I'll dick man down, whatever the day
they named a program after rorke?
Blud thinks Ozzy bin laden is actually dead
do you know something I don't?
I often feel very convicted lads

I love this country, I like being British, despite it's obvious faults I consider myself a Briton and would not flee nor surrender no matter what. I see a man from Kent or the West Country as my brother.

Yet, my family are descended from hardcore Irish Catholics. People that wanted nothing more than to live and believe in their culture and yet were heavily opressed. My grandad had lots of cousins falsley imprisoned by the British Army for being suspected IRA men. The Brits shot and killed innocent civilians of my people. They starved us, they took the corn from our mouths and forced us to go to the four corners of the earth in search of respite. My lineage has for the last 300 years at least (Ulster Irish, the last to submit) lived under the heavy cruelty of the British crown. It was only after Irish independence we were left alone, and some still hate us.

I was born in Britain, raised here and will likely die here. I would put my life on the line for this fucking island but every time I praise it I geniunely cannot escape the fact I feel like a traitor. I don't know what to do.
didn't ask but go on keep yapping sis
gf is eating durian with a spoon
hear a cat meowing in the distance
The British Irish conflict literally means nothing today, mass immigration is literally tearing Europe apart. Get over this meaningless feeling.
Fair enough, I could kick every wog out this island myself but I feel some resentment to this country despite the fact I love it

Maybe it was the way I was raised by family. I just feel any alliegance to the crown is deeply shameful.
my dad's side is Irish
great granda o'burn was an IRB member so he dropped the o and ran to Scotland so his lucky charms weren't cut off by english "people"
it's how I get away with stealing things
no idea about the others though
obligatory fuck the IRA
Don't worry lad, no one actually read it
Fuck the crown, it's the land and people I care about.
Army and the police serves to protect the monarchy, not the people you retard
sir poo farter bummer balmer stammerer stinker
I suppose mate aye

I've had some mad coping mechanisms, I view the peoples of the British Isles, both the UK and Ireland as a singular "Albic" race, that contributed the most to the world, are the most intelligent and the best fighters. I reckon it's true, I mean look at the English conquests of foreigners from all over, the almost fanatical Scottish resistance against England and their fercoity in every war the UK fought, the Irish tendency to resistance despite being outmanned, outgunned, outfought, they died for their land and race.

I geniunely feel a deep spiritual connection to people from these islands and consider us the apex of humanity. The Vikings forced us into bogs and marshes yet we still hammered fuck out the bastards. Genetic studies show we are one block and largely unchanged since the bronze age. The Albianic race is the greatest and I'd die for these fucking islands that God blessed us with.
takes one to know one!
Move to California
*hears a whistling sound overhead*
*gulps and opens an umbrella*
I'd never contribute to the Freemasonic Judaic project that is the United States
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shut up
Bro smokes dude weed lmao in 2024
sir rum bum borrower
you're a fat mutt mate
you exist to shop at walshart and bow to your nyc corporate overlords
im english born and raised
Im irish but i feel a very close connection with the english, we're all one albion race
schoolchildren singing nursery rhymes mocking poo barmer and him grabbing the fence in anger and turning his red face away
if that were the case you would be born and raised in england
i was
mad really

Ours is bigger, look it up.
Would honestly deeply respect you if you could prove you were an Alban man and not some hideous Germano-African-Navajo mongrel

If you proved you were of islander heritage and naturally had affinity for your racial kin I would consider you one of our own

I finished watching Westworld last year. That episode ending in S4 was one of the only good parts. Kino song, kino character.

How is that already a year ago. Wtf have i done in the last year ffs
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Mental how the daftest cunts are always the loudest. I feel like young nigga machiavelli
gf doesn't want to do anal
Post cheeky twinks and femboys

No, the Irish have nothing on their perfidy, really. The Irish have themselves been victims of it on several occasions.
don't think i will
Crash! Bang! Wollop! What a Video!
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I think I'll speak for my people thanks

/gif/ routinely has a femboy thread going, courtesy of our disraeli friends. sometimes they are even peng. I would suggest keeping an eye on it, see if any page three bois catch your eye.
pol pot????
sd card isn't working lads
I think I will mate
My grandad was in the ra
I've battered more huns than you've had hot dinners
/br / an you rea me? p o ba mer s rying to int rc pt y post

that's where painal comes in.
Any yank man in want to do the needful and give me a green card like
The American dream and all that craic
I forgot to check /brit/ when the knee gar riots were happening. How is everyone doing now?
The Orwellian media released a few "the racists have been defeated, God bless the immigrants" headlines and the sheepish British public clapped like seals

The rioters have been put in jail and white working class British men forgot entirely about their brief uprising and are back to watching th footy and sinking pints.
why are you awake at this hour?
welp I'll be back in 1-15 minutes/hours
see you
tried to format it?
God wakes me up at 3am
drinking lava
get the fuck out of /brit/ you horrible yank bastards
we don't want you here go away
fucking hate you cunts
worthless penal outpost
So just like out January 6 event; the government used it was an opportunity to oppress the shit out of the only productive people left in the country. Huzzah!
computer won't even recognise it's plugged in :(
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aye good point
fuck the yanks
been occupying our country since 1945, once the pakis go it's the fucking seppos next
He's literally me
Sigma grindset
getting a brit interested in guns
taking him on his first four-wheeler ride
getting him hooked on coffee
explaining baseball
Imagine having a gf
first you get the swag, then you get the bag
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Sorry you'll just have to live in this forever
Almost everything America did was justified and right until recent administrations (but unironically)
fuck off
you're literally our genetic trash sent out to a desert 10,000 miles away
maybe with an adaptater it could work
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I find it easier to remain ignorant these days, if it's all the same to you.
Imagine all the androids he raped or whatever
So based... William <3
big ben is the bell you stupid idiot
back to work for the starmer household after their strict observation of the shabbat
i wonder what the temple service is like now that a prime minister is in the pews
Why are YOU awake at this hour?
if applicable:
breast volume?
Just opened my window
genuinely terrifying
Really don't love catberg at all. If he died tomorrow I'd just toss him in the bin and move on with my day. Dogs? Love them to death.
i'm from derbyshire and moved here as a kid
you're an angry little autist and are probably brown. Sad!
During the plagues the contagion didn't spread well in places with church bells
i'm using the adapter
yo cant plug an sd card into a computer without an adapter to my knowledge
weed in the sink again
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meeting dadberg in the morning so I had to get up very early to exercise so that I could fit both in
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that's illegal in Bongland
>“They would tie me to a chair and rotate it very fast. Often, they threatened to electrocute me. They asked why I was criticising Ms Hasina,” Mr Chakma says.
some computers have ports
restart the computer, see how it goes
i'm not brown just insanely jealous of the lifestyle aussies have while largely being alky mongs

people like me literally built your fucking country mate, it's my fucking God given birthright to slave away here then move to a quiet suburb in Queensland. The British are your father people and you are British, just one that went away to our wacko desert colony earlier than I did. Stop larping as independent nation.
it's for your safety, otherwise you would be able to jump out and hurt yourself
It clearly has a key hole
Wish you'd all stop larping as independent nations
your flair for the dramatic and bizarro logic is verging on yank-tier, fuck off we're full
Sick of them acting different
>oh mate betya cobber fuckin oath cunt
Mongs, stop acting up
i send my poo to you
Key is with the bobbies
i need to travel to japan
You're fucking us you absolute mongo
You think the Yanks or Chinkies will be kind to you

You are our outpost
well lads?
what if, now get this, what if not every device or applicance that had a keyhole could be opened by every single person?

what if, now hold on for this one, what if the lock could only be opened by the keyholder and the key(s) could be withheld from those who weren't permitted to open the lock?
just heard someone open their window
might see if i can worm my way in
i don't care about australia
they should get their shit together
I spend more on manyvids than I do on rent
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you WILL be fruitful and multiply, won’t you /brit/?
you're annoying and stupid, we don't take kindly to that round these parts
Just read that before you posted. 'House of Mirrors' sounds like a mad otherworldly place but no images provided.
Australian zoomers speak in ebonics and Cali accents
I have the need, the need to breed (femboys!!!)
I spend more on meth than I do on rent
You're British
ou're all a bunch of little fag enablers
the idea of torturing somebody by spinning them in a chair has me in absolute stitches. is he making it up or were they just terrible at it?
Bruce wears my clothes, watches my movies, listens to my music, worships my God, shops at my businesses, drives my cars then has the nerve to disrespect me in front of my britlads
could be effective if its for a really really long time
Based if you're of Albic hertiage
Cringe of not
japan after being under US occupation for 7 years
>remains a prosperous ethnostate
australians after their politicians get bribed by US politicians
what's so necessary about it. Eating Ramen and trying to get a Japanese gf?
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>go forth and multiply even doe i made you an ugly autistic balding manlet
i've spent over 3 quarters of my life here, i have an australian accent, suck my doodle you little drongo
i say we all move to australia. see how they like it
Amerigods are to Australians what the ancient aryans are to Pajeets. No, I will not elaborate.
i dont like asian women like that
He's a tenant
Simple as making the landlord resolve the issue
If it was his house he would just snap it off
You're not very bright and you type like a freak
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Latinas lad
You are a Briton. Like all true Aussies.
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I stocked up.
shouldn't be doing meth lad, not good for you
The American dream doesn't exist
Suffer in America -
Difficulty: Impossible
Got the Sky News Australia on
drinking back to back coffees until a shit makes its way out

sometimes you've got to let bowelberg know who's in charge here
>w-w-what if the landlord doesn't want to give it to him!?
that's not how the real world works
there werent a lot of newport menthols but there were some pall malls which were nostalgic
Would love Chris Wood to shag me wife.
I honestly would
Ungrateful bastards in all fairness.
We threw lines of men at the Japs to stop them from laying a fucking finger on Australia.

Honestly they Fosters drinking poofters should be thanking us they weren't being genocided by the yellows.
maybe just try a laxative
Ports > Camels > Menthol Chesties > PMs
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same lad. made some teriyaki almonds and am about to dig in x
Let me look him up before I judge you

I know that. But, as specified in my image file name, our clock face is bigger than yours. The simple fact that I pre-emptively specified this detail in my file name shows that I was aware of a distinction between the bell and the clock face. Simply put, we are better than you, Farroq.
would you present your butt to me, prostrate, and become my little cumdump?
trying to think of a song name by elton john to make a joke out of
nah this ain't it chief
why is this a meme now
I don't want to be glued to the toilet all day though.

Just want to do a normal poo like a normal man but on my own schedule.
would love Jamal Washington to shag my wife
America is so dangerous and i would probably get straight up murdered by a schizo or wog just for being British
would you let me suck your dick
same but Chris Watts.
don't know what the rest means
why do you lot always have to make it gay. any post always devolves into sexual domination.
subconscious coping mechanism for having half your willy chopped off in your first few hours of life I reckon.
oh dear you got mogged by mudslimes, sad!
ive never seen an ugly british man (under 35 yo) in my entire life
Skoy nus

Euro-eunuchs always assume they would be the victim. I see myself as the killer, the maniac, the savage brute.
Genuinely dont think i would last a week in America. The real America i mean, not rural amish christian fantasy land.
Whatta buncha freaks
I'm a good Catholic boy
I don't do that
Only vices are binge drinking and the occasional dobbie (say an our father afterwards for forgiveness)
>why do you lot always have to make it gay
because i am a homosexual
love a nice girthy cock (no homo)
Acting gay around men is a sign of masculine dominance brit cuck

honestly feels like 80% of this general are based in scotland, most in the greater glasgow area
6.5 - 7
never measured girth but its alri
never been shagged up the arse either
What's the real America. Miami/New York City/Los Angeles??
i thought you had to marry someone to get them a green card
Harrowing to think there are people 4 years younger than me posting here and im already a jaded oldfag of /brit/ (been here for 10 months)
if you're not gay but you have a gay friend, why not give him a wank or suck him off a bit?
you're not getting anything out of it but he's having a heck of a time
7 of us from north lanarkshire alone
nah mate they are just fucking weird
when you get into an argument with a fellow brit it's
>fuck you cunt, come outside i'll break your fucking jaw
with a yank it's
nah just let him suck you off
Im from fife
what is that in inches?
Alot of trannies are from scotland

Just saying
alri norm
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Brits be like
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nth for the holodem
sounds horrendous, that why I strictly watch pozzed stuff on mute
just witnessed numerous yanks appropriating our lingo and phrases

sic ‘em, boys
We like to rape and kill, woke brits wouldn't get it
saw a gaggle of them in town the other day when I went in for my virgin coffee
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Aye mate stop rubbing it in
farting approximately once a minute

my stream x
Starmer's Britain, mandatory installation on every building
Got to know when u wife be shagging jamal
There is a lot of gun toting psycho hardmen in America but it genuinely has the highest amount of utterly domesticated, feminine, sensitive men I've ever witnessed. Weird divide.
you sound like a fag
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I'm a gun toting sensitive man
True as fuck. Its so fucking dystopian and wacky.
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>american hours
top cringe
here's Flora

Everything that mudslimes do, does not count. You yourself should be keenly aware of the grotesque imitation which that monstrosity represents.

There are two key takeaways here: 1) America is better, because a bit larger, and 2) non-whites regularly make grotesque copies of white culture which do nothing to undermine the originals, except when I say.

You should also be personally interested to maintain control of Time Itself. I have no interest in Mecca Time, Beijing Time (the imposition of the latter on China's western frontier is a kind of humiliation)... I think you may know a certain Doctor who can be of help in matters involving time.
the thing about the american temperament is it just takes one bad day to turn the most servile, meek man into a gun toting psychopath that kills 20 people
that was only for if youre female so dont worry
not gay mind you just wondering what im working with if immigration and customs forces us to consummate before you get your green card
is that why your mum plays the skin flute
telly license detecter
feel like SHIT

That's actually very good. Grandma broke her hip once. What I have done myself in some cases, is to crouch very low and put the hands out, shuffling along slowly and carefully.


British cuisine
Your perception of Brits, like a lot of Americans, are soft aristoratic men having tea parties and smoking pipes in suits. The vast majority of white Brits are what you people would call "trailer trash" yet instead of living in RVs in the Appalachianas they live in council estates in Hull, Sunderland and Swansea.
Geniunely mental place. I'm not a commie but it's hypercapitalistc. Pyschopaths fucking thrive over there, it's cuthroat and American workers are extremely into keeping up appearances and looking like they're grafting. The Soviets were bastards but I can understand their hatred of American capitalism. Britain has more trust between it's people.
any sensitive young men
too many americans for my liking, not feeling very comfy
blah blah blah didnt ask
Tomorrow I'll be retiring from my career of online banter, undefeated. Quit while you're on top is what they say.
>The vast majority of white Brits are what you people would call "trailer trash" yet instead of living in RVs in the Appalachianas they live in council estates in Hull, Sunderland and Swansea.
No that is exactly what they think of
My name is Dr. Fiddlepoop
Are you a practical young man, sensible young man, or sensitive young man (in your country)?
make your own thread if you don’t like it then, foreigner
here, maybe
he's closer to the truth for the general population, exaggerating a bit
We are you just on the other side of the ocean
Reckon this is disrespectful to american culture and warrants a 3 day holiday
Americans act all high and mighty but it is clear they are lacking in the modern day any true sense of nationalistc and ethnic solidarity. They are not a nation per se, they are a corporation ruled by the CIA.

It's no suprise white American visitors to Europe get awestruck by the solidarity, culture and trust in nations that have existed for centuries with common solidarity. They cant explain it but deep down they know the truth. America is a corporate empire.
these three young men could accomplish anything together
Decent bait
you cant be saying this while moping about pakis and african immigrants taking over
True. And the saddest part? We became little america and feel the same things when we visit Europe.
fact of the matter is that most american men are middle class. usually come from soft, comfortable, stable lives. meanwhile most british men live lives that would be considered low class here, oftentimes with divorced parents, single-car homes, and living very close to rough neighborhoods
dude *blows out huge weed cloud*
america is like the matrix... and we're the batteries bro
sensitive me but quite ugly x
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America is ruled by lizard fascists with 2 seperate stomachs and like 3 sets of teeth or sormthing
Bit early you cunt.
shan't be using that thread
i stand in solidarity with british sovereignty over their own general
In the 1800s you might have been
Now you are an Afro-Mexican-German conglomerate holding on to 1700s British legacy.

America will be the new Rome. It's transitioning from its early stage (British ex colony conquering the red Indians and bailing out Europe), in to its imperial stage, a worldwide, multicultural autocratic empire, perhaps it will find a new nationalism but the American Caesar that will BTFO the two parties when they finish their crumbling into lies an corruption, and estalblish a neo-Yank empire, is yet to come

Britain is a dead airstrip, but you are at the late Republican Rome phase. Trump was your Sulla, and soon will pave the way for the Yank Caesar, which will lay the groundwork for the American Augustus.
de facto anglo thread doe
it's called /brit/ you ugly yank bastard
the sun will rise in the east
google what de facto means
on an island right now
i am a de jure man
anyways i already posted in the thread lulz

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