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america edish
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im cold
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she’s ridden at least one big black cock since then, right?
plenty warm back in pakistan, I'll buy your ticket home

Reminder that Americans are better than Brits, and that ugly muslim monstrosities do not count.
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sounds based
my new boss is literally named Mark Antony
America is in its transition phase. It's a dying republic practically begging for a strongman to take over the chaos and establish a new American identity and purpose.

Yes, it will probably be half spic but it's a problem the Yank Caesar will have to deal with. Perhaps Caesar's conquest of Gaul, will be in our time, the final victory over the Muscovites (should it not end up in a Threads-like nuclear apocalypse)
8 American flags
1 British flag so far
I saw your post and enjoyed it.
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yank raid yank raid
i live no more than a 2-hour drive away from australia zoo, maybe i'll go over there and knock the dust off her
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Adam and Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden in a woodcut by Albrecht Durer. Why Eve is caked like that is anyone’s guess.
feeling australian
afternoon lads, what's /brit/ting today
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gonna start saying lulz as a quirky corruption on the classic lol
Britain is the Greece to America's Rome

Sorry to say lads but Britain is likely over. It will probably become a fashionable, yet culturally and economically stagnant of the coming American Empire.

In a way, this is actually a victory for the British Isles race. A historical and genetic colony of theirs became so powerful that it took over the world and morphed its old homeland into a weird version of what it once was. Genetically, our people will survive, but in 100-200 years, there will be no "Britons" like us left.
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These religious iconographies were early porn passed between monk coomers
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what's it like out in the sticks mate?
good lad *clanks beer with you*
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ill always be a supporter of the true america, with no gods or kings
having a 4:51 am glass of milk
What is the true America to you mate
>Casually posing next to a board of Sillitoe tartan
We know you're a masonic glowie you don't have to keep telling us
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Athens ->Jerusalem -> Rome -> London -> Breezewood
did the romans think of the greeks as a more civilized and austere ancestor to roman cvltvre
more than one roman bloke mate, reckon lots of them thought lots of things
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love this song
love this song
yanks and their dregs posts
yeah except you literally cannot dissolve the senate/judiciary/executive without effectively ending “the United States” altogether. Rome transitioned to an empire through claims of succession, whereas this cannot happen here. America is the constitution, without it it is not the United States anymore
i like when yanks are unified instead of fractious
their culture wars tend to spread everywhere else
braindead post
porn on the 'log >>201679485
>bloke mate
never heard this one before, thanks bloke mate cunt!
Some did. Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius were philhellenes. In the Republic era the Roman thought they were descended from Trojans and thought Greece was their ancient foe.
literally true. an emperor IS the tyranny which the founding fathers wrote every single amendment worried about
was calling the roman a bloke and you 'mate'
The men of 1776 were very noble and heroic, but I'm sorry to say it won't ever come back. It was a moment created by the right factors. Pre industrial, local minded, homogenous, armed colonial men ocean away from their rulers establishing a new republic. America might have been founded as a libertarian WASP republic but that time has passed. It is now going to a new Roman Empire, it has to unite its multicultral and conflicting peoples into a new imperial identity.
They did, they considered the Greeks the most civilised and took after them.
Like how Yank liberals, try to take after homogenous Northern European models as the vision of perfection.
there's nothing wrong with what he said. If you were to dissolve a branch of government it would become a new entity, even if you kept the name it wouldn't be the 'US' that you know it as
m-mate? o-oh... *blushes*
Caesar Augustus didn’t dissolve the Roman Senate though.
it would effectively undo the past 400 years of legislation regarding government function, human rights, and checks and balances. yes it wouldnt be the united states anymore lol
You think any American voter has trust in the two parties anymore?
We are heading into a global crisis caused by a variety of factors. Possibly a third world war. I'm talking bread lines, miliitas, civil wars in the West.

People can be desperate mate. No Yank, or no one of any nationality for that matter would care about long gone consitutional norms that have already been broken countless times, when they can't eat and the lights aren't on. The Caesar will provide stability and a "dead cat bounce" to American and Western European culture.
>but I'm sorry to say it won't ever come back
its still here actually, sorry to say that the fascistic idealist way of thinking thats so prevalent nowadays actually isnt coming into reality here no matter how much fascists on both sides want it to
time machine but I go back to rome take it over and name it 'new australia,' and drawing current australia on maps of antiquity, eternally confusing everyone
already happened
are you into biblical prophecy? i just want to know if you're a religious nut or a secular one
that’s all fine and dandy, but the undermining of constitutional guarantees in any form would void the social contract and the United States of America would be no more. the North American Empire? maybe
Thread already gone.
What was the blonde's name?
Fair play to you, if you want to hold on to your nations ideal liberties and vision then that's commendable.

I'm not saying this to be anti-American, I am just saying it is inevitable. America is the strongest nation on Earth and it will not take kindly to the coming chaos. The public are at boliing point. Somethings got to give, and when ti does, it will be mayhem. Up comes the man with military and corporate support to end the chaos and usher in his Caesarian rule. It will happen, you yourself might even benefit from it.
I just don't buy into the decline narrative
yes, their infrastructure needs a refresh, but there's hundreds of billions of dollars of government money going into that. Their economy is steadying post-covid and their man issues are in the cultural/social space, which they've worked through before cyclically throughout history
it's all well and good for one to go on /int/ and doomscape but I personally think their arc of history, at least in the short term, can stabilise
>coming American Empire

america has been an imperial power since atleast ww2. We have practically been their vassal for decades and their culture has completely destroyed our own through their tentacles of cultural hegemony. Anyone under 40 here is practically a little american.
getting flustered and shy over the thought of a fantastically large black’s willy expanding the walls of my anus
I was raised Catholic
I pray from time to time
In all honestly, I don't lead a Christian life at all times, but I am sorry for it. I do believe deep down.

I do not speak of biblical prophecies, I am posting the ideas of smarter men than me about how civilisations cycle.
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there's still significant cultural differences between americans and canadians, much less british
an anus doesnt have walls
dem toronto yutes senpai goofy wet yutes senpai
De facto, but not de jure
It will soon come when the Yanks won't be fucking about anymore and just annex Britain
And in the "empire" talk, I'm speaking of America throwing off its by the 2040s, corrupt democratic procedure and just rallying behind a miltaristic strongman. That will say to the struggling, race warring Western Europeans, submit or die.
When consuming those ideas you also need to take into account that the American framers were acutely aware of those same ideas, and put extensive guardrails in place to temper the worst peaks and troughs of that cycle
I like the Spenglerian Albic lad, rest of you have pretty lame boring takes
No popular revolution has ever succeeded without the support of the military and none of the commanders of the US military have any political aspirations, they all just believe in the constitution and nothing else.

The revolution here would only start with a group of incredibly strong charismatic persuasive messiah like figures in charge of the army and navy but they'd have to be appointed by our political leaders, no chance of that.

So nothing will ever happen for the rest of our mortal days, just a gradual browning and liberalizing
can't decide which church to attend today
yeah reality doesn't tend to be quite as sensational as a random /brit/post i'm afraid
fuck off to china if you want a unitary government with a single prime head
footballs on
I mean they talk a little differently yeah
i dont buy into violent disorder and chaos
most of the west is so aged and docile i think we will just wither away.
Western culture still has a long way
Rome peaked culturally at the late Republican era, I reckon we are the same.
I don't think technology will advance much between where we are, apart from AI and VR. Nothing like the jump between 1945-2010 anyway.

The world soon, will look like it's on the edge of total fucking collapse, then strongmen will come in and briefely stabilise things for a few generations, then after that, it's the real decline into the complete disappearance of Western/Christian civilization by the year 2300.
>No popular revolution has ever succeeded without the support of the military
current myanmar revolution?
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not a bad idea
fr though the Chinese government is pretty cool
just changed my calendar to a new month
same here
to what advantage? their current system of hidden empire works nicely. They arent responsible to their colonial subjects and they avoid the criticisms of empire because, on paper, it doesnt exist.
>charismatic persuasive messiah
basically this and/or somehow the dust bowl x10 happens again and literally hundreds of millions of americans cant find work or food
you're not on tasmania
how do you know that
did you get the lil endorphin rush from having successfully completed a satisfying microtask?
You understimate how bad things can get economically and how men are willing to fight for their families interests.

If the bulk of the American military feel betrayed and in danger, and deeply distrustful of Washington in times of crisis, what would it really take for a strongman allied with the funders of Wall Street, to convince the masses of soldiers to support him and march on DC, BTFOing the last vestiges of the American Republic and serving him?

Look at Donald Trump. I get he is probably not going to do anything but for the first time we have seen tens of millions of Americans not loyal to the GOP but to only HIM. It won't take much mate.
looking at pics of the only presbyterian church in my city and there's not a single person under 60
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island continent mate
feeling a bit american as of late
yeah quite small one
Because they can, and because the Western European nations will be so broke and in such deep crisis they will submit
There will be no more pretending or military support, outright vassalisation.
good lad
a continent is not an island
if my grandmother had wheels she'd have been a bike
>but for the first time we have seen tens of millions of Americans not loyal to the GOP but to only HIM
washington, fdr, jfk, ike, reagan, bush jr
every once in awhile one will get a cult of personality, doesnt amount to much towards the end of having supreme leaders
get fucked
up the catholics
they're functionally an island because the whole continent is theirs
americans are fat, stupid and lazy and their leaders are incompetent. the jews are the only truly powerful force in america.
very good and correct post
ok communist
we're a protestant nation
The Jews? Don't make me fucking laugh mate.
doesnt even make sense your grandma can’t have wheels you fucking retard
no. iss antarctica an island? is africa an island? fuck you bastard
>intentionally left out Lincoln and Confederacy
I'm me
Me be
I am
I can
Sing and
Hear me
Know me
Jews are such odd wee bastards.
yes, but to what advantage
america already controls europe, if they tried to change flags and incorporate nations their power would be obvious and vulnerable to challenge
*throws a tomato at you*
This post was made in bad faith by a Palestine sympathizer
Would it really though
Or would the desperate masses of the struggling Western Europe gleefully accept the resurgent American power, not dissimilar to how they did in the late 1940s.
you're not talking to a sensible person
he doesn't want to believe that the world is just going to get more brown and grim
8/31/24 3½ YRS EX-GAY

Patient reported a relapse on Friday in London, UK.
true and it's not like you really have industrial or agricultural output. Not much to gain from conquering a society of HR roasties, paki delivery drivers and WFH make-work neckbeards.
It certainly sounds plausible, it's just the opposite of the current reality. Every soldier is only loyal to his general and every general is only loyal to the constitution

Ironically the last hope of chuds in this country is for them to all enlist in the army in a massive flood and form something like the prison system's aryan brotherhood but within the military. Its the only way to seize control.

Im sure politicians have already thought of this and carefully vet everyone
>Im sure politicians have already thought of this and carefully vet everyone
only time the us gov/military is this efficient is when it comes to getting money owed to them by you
It's not going to be a white revolution, it's going to be a man taking control of the Army and Wall Street and uniting the divided and spiteful races of the USA into a new identity via propoganda and miliatrism.
Yes, it probably will be half brown.
If you want to whinge about sodomy I'll give you some sodomy to whinge about
jews control who is president, they control the media, they control the foreign policy and they control the financial system etc. most major levers of power you can think of are firmly in the claws of the jewish elite.
sir corrr bum rammer
America's primary interest is in the -stan countries, still
might go Maccies and get a sosij mcmuffer
The Jews in America are specky little merchant neeks
Second some bloke runs up with a gun they scramble like the cockroaches they are
They won't last.
freakin me out you wear a mask all counterfeit
you're freakin me out you wear a mask all counterfeit
freakin me out you wear a mask all counterfeit
you're freakin me out you wear a mask all counterfeit
No you are not full in Australia I will move there
your poo won't last son
it'll fade away and become part of the mud
hope youre rich otherwise youll never afford it
Really no need for their continued existence. Just miserable cultish bastards that bring the human race down collectively.
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on the 90s/00s music again
go make your own thread then you fat bastard
had a dream that a helicopter crashed into the flat
on the cans of poo, AGAIN *sigh*
It's a premonition
are you ready to embrace the pub
if so then come on over, i'll shout you a pint
a lot of smelly bedroom posts in the thread
you talking about trannies or jews?
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how could /brit/ have saved her?
*lays my cartoonishly oversized cock and balls on the pub counter*
well, rorke?
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I support their campaign on brit
bet you thought this post was really funny
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don't lad, the dream was traumatic enough
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most of the powerful jews are unknown to the general public, so would never be in danger. the nutter with a gun just goes after the shabbos goy, because thats who the jew puts in the limelight.
if by some quirk of fate someone got into a position of power and wanted to challenge jews then the whole system would be mobilised against them. The banks would cripple the economy, the media would smear them, the law would go after them, the social media algos would be adjusted to make the population hate them.
who the fuck is sweden
and he was right
he did, it's called /brit/
is this a play on living next door to alice
kinda want to drop 2 grand on a watch but then I just know I'd barely wear it
only tolerated because we outnumber them 10 to 1 and they have no choice
buncha sex criminals masquerading as elves if you ask me
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dont mind me
just making the thread better
who remembers this #quarantineclassic
they aren't fucking gods mate, i swear some of you lot are the most philo-semitic of all judging by the powers you think jews have
israel is internationally condemned by the public in every country
economic inequality is growing
they've largely been exposed as pedophiles and disproportionately controlling the anglo-american states.

They're marked.
the intrusive watch thoughts, I getcha
tbf I wear my watches everyday
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we’re /brit/ approved though
It is kind of amusing that /brit/ has more American posts that /cum/ does.
lol I swear sometimes you lads just adlib rubbish
and yet the bombs are still shipped and sanctions arent used. the general population not liking israel is meaningless. the general population has no power.
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I want a soviet watch
you're not a brit, you're an american, you fought against them with our help
know your place
might time travel to the 60s to stop ronald reagan
trvthnvke that actually caused the yellowstone supervolcano to erupt, destroying america
sir queer bummer
They're done soon anyways
Not a good time to be a hook nose
they sell loads of vostok watches on ebay
amusing is it? you're amused, are you? stupid little rat
Getting redpilled by are Mary Sean Young
don’t interact with him. he’s been doing that “bit” for ages


/cum/ is the most useless general on this website probably
only thing it's good for are the deranged foreigners who post there (and they're usually brown kek)
*slaps the next poster's ass*
jews rule the world is such a low iq copout
Islam, utterly fucking vile ideology.
Absolute stain on mankind.
Islam is the light dude
ive become a horrible bitter and angry boy lately need to chill out and enjoy my beautiful incel life
Would snap you in two in a nanosecond.
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some of them are mental
/int/ is a poor means of understanding the wider world, if that's what anyone's trying to use it for
(((Fight Night))) aka racist black stereotype the show
How does he keep getting away with it?
Utter filth.
*slips and gets caught between the rollers of the mangle and comes out a grisly sheet of fleshy linoleum*
interrobanging your bird
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good lad
off to the pub with you asap
You gonna sit on him?
its not my scene
fuck my chud life.
Fucking bastards. George Bush was a fucking war hero. Taught those Mohammedean filth their place.
i did this today it was lovely. tomorrow will be even better. improving, you see
tell me I wanna know
gnashing my teeth at a poo
Anxietyburg is raping my arse lately.
How do we cope with getting BLEACHEDRAW?
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just purchased these

cracking beer weather right now though
have you ever met a real nigga rorkestar
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>islam is the light even though this is what muslims do to boomers if they dont convert
wearing my poo finery
its practically illegal to mention the jewish problem in most places and even in america they will ruin your career and debank you for antisemitism.
Whoever rules over you is the one you cant criticise.
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The Middle Ages were a right hoot.
what a baffling fucking post
islam is disappearing in albania
they look nice, hope they're comfy
Rorke's "british culture" before immigration lmaooo
islam, judaism brought to its knees by a single piece of ham
Party in my alley with people singing loudly, 1:43 am.
I wish I was there.
didn't happen, the world started in the year 1992
what's stopping you
they predicted lbj
hate chuslims

simple as
>can't eat bacon
oh my days
what a fucking joke
2 billion cunts believe this shite btw
surely in brazil of all places you can crash an alley party
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me too kid, me too
pre-written the first 200 posts of my next subtle gimmick
I suspect a year or two before someone pieces it together in the archive
Few sights more repulsive than a beautiful British woman with a migrant bf
Hate it hate it HATE IT
They didnt invite me, oras.
yeah but >>201681060
Just shows to everyone they are scum tbf
Would be permanently balls deep in shemales if I was Brazilian.
might immigrate to america
I would be on the case but I'm going to log off and one day use my detective skills to become a Private Investigator. This is my last /brit/ ever you see. Glad my compatriots showed up
a rather rare sight but I suspect you don't leave the bedroom very often
Timothy moment
i imagine ill be clocking it immediately
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I went through a phase of wanting a Vostok Amphibian and making it look like the one in Metro 2033 but I started to realise it would take a lot of work and lost interest
I'm out my room a lot and know it's rare you spastic, nothing I said indicated otherwise. You're just looking for a scrap aren't you. Hostile little gimp.
I'm going to take this at face value and believe that you've actually done that
dunno why you would stick your cock up a blokes arse
I have 8 on the go already and only one person noticed one of them in the last year
not a bloke
nor an arse
why do you guys like this cat so much?
you couldn't knock the froth off a pint wee man
Does his blackness disconcert you?
idk brits are weird man
the poster below is a nonce btw
>couldn't knock the froth off a pint
that's bloody brilliant
it's ok i am too
Nonce moment.
Would shatter you into a billion pieces, you truly have no idea who you're fucking with.
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this gimmick was one of the best ever
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jesus fucking christ, you poor lot
Send the wogs back to Orgrimmar
Because it makes my willard explode hot cum.
love r threadmeister
I'll fight you cunt
Post time and place
Think yer hard
wonder if she shaved down there
Her Queenesty the Maj
turn the uk into a republic
get a fucking grip yourself grim cunt
King Poo I
Birmingham Train Station at 3PM today. I'll batter you better than your paki uncle batters fish, cunt.
Messina hembry is Ipswich's crowning achievement
Can literally just pay 15 quid for stuff made in Italy rather than spending hundreds on made in Portugal shite on End like some deano moron
if grimes married me instead i couldve treated her far better
woke : republicanism
bespoke : get the jacobites back on the throne
Step into a busy road without looking, twat.
>birmingham train station
what one
I will fucking be there
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Love canadian roses, also one of the few good female musicians of all time
heard the king of australia's a bit ill lads
house of stuart doesn't exist anymore
New Street, I'll be wearing a white hoodie. You're going to fucking get it mate.
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heard she's an actual witch
I'm pillorying the monarchy, look at me, and you can't do anything about it
Mel Gibson's doing fine last I heard. He's got a new one coming out soon
there are many groups you can’t criticise
So a fucking will
Get slapped about ya gimp
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love her
even better
and shes kinda racist and loves white people
*discreetly bings 'pillorying'*
stay safe
back when we were a proper country before the woke
bloodborne almost playable on pc with emulation
Went to bed really early last night because I wrongly thought I had a tennis match today
ultimate dream is femdom witch gf that magically dominates me
deeply unpleasant looking
imagine if incelwalklad stumbled upon those two lads fighting shirtless
ignorance is bliss summed up in one screenshot
sheer boremer
what are you like
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shes beautiful and my wife in another universe
self spread rumours
I remembered it was early in the month
I think you can do that at times
More likely to get say, 1st and 8th September mixed up, than you are the 11th and the 18th
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Last /brit/ post
May as well be are Lord
do you feel british?
really boils my piss hearing little kids speaking in proper posh rp accents
been up since 1AM

debateable whether I ever really went to bed
you been here the whole time?
it would surprise you how similar our two countries are
femdom wank on the cards
love the idea of an absolutely sadistic and evil woman torturing me for some reason
why do you think that is
she has to be good looking though
preferably tall with huge tits but there's something thrilling as well about submitting to a small gentle woman like she's just hypnotised you
bet that brazilian walked into that party and is having sex right now
erm....................... right *stomps on your bollocks*
good post
lad needs to interrogate his psyche
i miss the 4chan of 10+ years ago lads i really do
the world in general too
New thread
>the world in general

get /world/ made
now thats just bloody early isnt it

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