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jafa edition
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DUMB BITCH edition
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>prositution was okay until the soviets busted in and outlawed it
>it became a thing again after soviet shit collapsed
Next you will tell me the soviets outlawed drinking and smoking as well.
Sasuga (historical) protestants
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not a fan of that sneer, she should be punched in the head
>prostitution was a thing until the soviets busted in and raped everyone
>mysteriously, the ethnic estonian population began to stagnate afterwards
desu it was legal until ww2 in most of Europe, but it became really taboo after it because the nazis had had nothing against prostitution
>>it became a thing again after soviet shit collapsed
Do you really think there wasn't any in USSR?
>Next you will tell me the soviets outlawed drinking and smoking as well
back then, smoking and drinking was acceptable everywhere, including work meetings
oy vey, the indo-europeyim knows
oh yeah, actually Gorbi did outlaw drinking at some point during perestroika, obviously the people didn't like it
eestie broskies... explain yourselves
she looks like your average aucklander too
this is a macaco free general
Holy shit. Wait until Janis hears about this hahahaha!
whats the point of webms like those where you don't even see her cum? i don't get it.
How are you guys feeling about going back to school tomorrow?
>hot woman cooming
Yeah doing it on camera is pretty degenerate but otherwise I don't see what there is to be mad about, she even tries to hold her husband's hand.
You're a big guy, I bet you are in grade 9 already
kangaroo broskie...
you too, hh?
what? if i wanted to experience a loop with no end i'd just enter samsara
a porn video with nobody cumming is just masturbation
what you said makes no sense. Prostitution is not responsible for population growth.
>desu it was legal until ww2 in most of Europe, but it became really taboo after it because the nazis had had nothing against prostitution
>Do you really think there wasn't any in USSR?
You are kinda missing the point.
Same way if you outlaw faggots, it doesn't erase their existence, but they don't have public or legal support.
I just find it sad, that soviet union for all it's attrocities, at least pretended to not support faggots, prostitution, and drinking.
Mean while we now legally support gay marriage.
Yeah, I was aware of the drinking being frowned upon.
Which is a step in the right direction.
How come smoking hasn't been removed or at least frowned upon. How long will this degeneracy be permitted.
(yes I know outlawing it doesn't make it disappear 100%, but it's better than publicly supporting it and permitting everything.
The ideal solution is to have culture and society at such a good place where people don't need to cope with such degeneracy, and find purpose and happiness in life, eliminating the need for cope)
>you too, hh?
Why are you baiting for (You)s like this.
Some VPN faggot posts from my flag and mentions hands and you pretend to think it's me.
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>it doesn't erase their existence, but they don't have public or legal support.
I agree for stuff like gay marriage this can make a big difference but for alcohol there's plenty of well-known examples in history of bans just leading to bootlegging, it only really seems to work in countries where the culture supports it, ie muslim ones (where they still just end up with a black market for it.) Similarly with prostitution, most countries ban it but many still just have it in plain sight, while ironically where it's legal it's often well hidden since the government can regulate (and tax) it, and stipulate restrictions on advertising, signage etc, and you also end up with less street-walkers as a result. Many people in these countries don't even realise it's legal.
>I agree for stuff like gay marriage this can make a big difference but for alcohol there's plenty of well-known examples in history of bans just leading to bootlegging
Let me put it this way.
Culture and norms are what actually remove something.
But law, is what enables things.
So for instance everybody still disapproves of fags, but now they legally are in the wrong for doing so. Which might shift things over time.
While if drink isn't legal, isn't normalized, then some degenerates can still consume it, but the mass public thing, it will be less likely to happen.
>Similarly with prostitution, most countries ban it but many still just have it in plain sight, while ironically where it's legal it's often well hidden since the government can regulate (and tax) it, and stipulate restrictions on advertising, signage etc
Explain to me, how a goverment can tax and regulate prostitution (displaying control and power over it), VS outlawing it outright and having no power to stop it.
How is the goverment capable of controlling it in "when it's legal" vs being incompetent about it when it's illegal?
When it's illegal it's difficult to enforce and rarely ends up being anybody's priority. In most legal codes it's ill enough defined that actually making arrests is difficult and at best it'll be the girls themselves or the punters, and at that level issuing fines is less tax revenue than looking for people speeding. In many places police just end up looking the other way, either because they're paid to or because it's just politically more convenient to not deal with potential fallout of cracking down, so it ends up being de facto legal because passing laws to legalise also isn't viable.
Legalise it and it's actually in the government's interest to do shit properly because it's revenue, and the tax man always ends up being more capable than conventional police.
Not really trying to advocate for legalising though, no politician wants to come out and push for that, but more just those were my observations from seeing the state of things in many different countries, it's just something that's very pervasive regardless of the law and the actual outcomes I've seen have been more indicative of places being less sleazy where it's legal (excepting places like Amsterdam)
>When it's illegal it's difficult to enforce
Why? How? Whats the magic that makes legal things possible to regulate, while illegal things you can't?
> In most legal codes it's ill enough defined that actually making arrests is difficult and at best it'll be the girls themselves or the punters, and at that level issuing fines is less tax revenue than looking for people speeding.
So that's it? "Because it doesn't make as much money"?
We are talking about the good of society here, not shekelstein rubbing hands.
> In many places police just end up looking the other way, either because they're paid to or because it's just politically more convenient to not deal with potential fallout of cracking down,
Don't hire criminals as your law enforcement.
People in the justice system should be paragons of law and virtue, not retards looking for a pay check or the ability to abuse fellow citizens.
>Not really trying to advocate for legalising though, no politician wants to come out and push for that,
Yeah, just have globohomo push down mandates and the local scumbag doesn't have to do anything themselves to get their hands dirty.
>I was aware of the drinking being frowned upon.
It was NOT frowned upon in YSSR. Not in any way.
>How come smoking hasn't been at least frowned upon.
You are ignoring all of the following:
Banners telling people not to drink; tobacco products must be stored invisible in stores (unfortunately there is no such law about vapes), all the "smoking-free area" boxes in front of buildings, ban on advertising, etc. There is similar stuff about alcohol, such as the yearly "septembris ei joo" campaign.
>publicly supporting it
doesn't happen
>eliminating the need for cope
I don't think it would succeed with alcohol (with smoking it can); people have always drunk it, there was no period of time (since invention of alc. beverages, which I believe happened before actual bread was invented) where they did not drink.
>tobacco products must be stored invisible in stores (unfortunately there is no such law about vapes
LAMO@! my dude, the vapes have GIANT signs, there is bunch of people vaping everywhere and yes there bunch of young people vaping.
vaping is same as smoking.
> all the "smoking-free area" boxes in front of buildings, ban on advertising, etc.
that people ignore because they know nobody is going to do shit about it.
Or they step out of the 3meter box on the buss station, smoke, and the wind carries the smoke accross the entire do not smoke box area and everybody gets smoked.
> There is similar stuff about alcohol, such as the yearly "septembris ei joo" campaign.
never heard or seen of it.
>I don't think it would succeed with alcohol (with smoking it can);
One step at a time.
it is possible to have a healthy society where people are happy and don't need to cope with exploitative substances. But we are far from that.
> people have always drunk it
your proof, officer?
what are we doing today boys
>Why? How? Whats the magic that makes legal things possible to regulate, while illegal things you can't?
have you ever had a job in your life or did you just go straight to running around tallinn, swinging a rod in a forest and baking bread after finishing 9th grade?
Objection your honor, how is this line of questioning relevant to the case?
if its legal then the prossie will start an llc with a company bank account that she will use to pay taxes, write off business expenses, she can hire security for rape protection. basically, if it's legal there is no reason not to do it the correct way and now she is known to the govt and they can audit her. if they want to they can make anal illegal and if they catch her providing those services they can fine her. if its illegal she will just advertise on telegram and take payment in cash/crypto and be invisible to govt until a sting operation if they bother to ever do one

even more realistically if its legal she would just work for a brothel like strippers in a strip club and since those kinds of businesses make good money legally there is no incentive to break the law.
i give up
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>hand cuck is back at it
just when I thought he finally fucked off for good
and who are you?
Replace the Estonian flag with Latvian one, or I swear to Pērkons, I will be royally disappointed
I'm your biggest fear.
>if its legal then the prossie will start an llc with a company bank account that she will use to pay taxes, write off business expenses, she can hire security for rape protection. basically, if it's legal there is no reason not to do it the correct way and now she is known to the govt and they can audit her. if they want to they can make anal illegal and if they catch her providing those services they can fine her. if its illegal she will just advertise on telegram and take payment in cash/crypto and be invisible to govt until a sting operation if they bother to ever do one
Yes yes, this is a beautiful argument for the goverment to syphon money off degenerates.
But that isn't what is needed.
We want a society, culture, where prostitution is not needed, where people are in happy commited monogamous relationships.
This talk about how you can skim money of the scum of society doesn't do much good. Nor does it address why goverment is entirely in effective in stopping illegal things, and the only solution(from your side) is to make it legal and at least get money out of it. (imagine if you apply that mindset to every other problem and what kind of society you will end up in)

this is good, this will work
absolutely disgusting, look at how angry the knights helmet is in response
cool knight though.
>this is a beautiful argument
idgaf, i only told you why they can regulate it if its legal
I didn't say they can't regulate it to some extent, in this case getting money off it.
My grief so to speak, is that on one hand, people claim that if you make it illegal goverment can't enforce it.
But in the same breath, they say if they make it legal, then they can regulate it.
The "regulate" it for me, is "reducing the instance"
but for them it's "getting money off it".

I'm fully aware that just making something illegal doesn't remove it from the world.
A good culture and people do that.
But in this case, if the objective, the goal is to reduce degenerate things from happening. I simply don't see why taxing is more effective than death squads.
>your proof, officer?
I have not seen any evidence to the contrary in any historical literature (may have missed it, because it is not of particular interest to me) + common sense
Or are you seriously implying that there were times when people didn't?
I think a claim as big as "people were always drinking alcohol" is bold enough where one would ask how did one come to that conclusion.
That is even without going into why they were drinking it.
As low level of alcohol essentially sterilized drinks from possible more harmful pathogens and thus was used as a makeshift way to keep things free of other things since they didn't have the tech to keep everything nice and sterile for long term storage.

But really one only has to remind themselves that agriculture and thus the things needed for fermenting stuff as a big enough volume to make alcohol was evolutionarily speaking relatively new.
So the claim "they always were drinking alcohol" really makes no sense.
this whole thread feels like it's infested with bots
Those helmeted fellas at the sides are dope
>this whole thread feels like it's infested with bots
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>So the claim "they always were drinking alcohol" really makes no sense.
Yeah, that's why I had eaelier specified it was since the invention of alcoholic beverages genius
>Yeah, that's why I had eaelier specified it was since the invention of alcoholic beverages genius
fair enough.
I still have doubts that everybody was drinking at all times. It certainly was very popular at points. And lets not forget a good example of russia where alcohol was used for many centuries to keep the peasants under control.
As soon as our ability to preserve foods, have clean drinking water, the need to deal with alcohol went down from a practical stand point.
Now it's purely for decadence.

Over all it's bad both mentally and physically. But most people are going to defend it because it's been normalized. Rationally speaking it should go the way of yesteryear.
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
cuz it is, at the very least hh was confirmed to be a bot a while back, why do you think the threads are constantly spammed with the same meaningless drivel?
Thank you, kind saar
You are redeemed
Pērkons will bless you with Amazon gift cards
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Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a horse in the face, its descendants are now called the giraffe.
If universe so big, than why won't it fight me!?
is this how litvak looks like?
Saars? Why do the gently white europeins keep looking at me so vishously... I am just doing the needful...?! m here for good life goods opportinites Im good honist worker saars... ples kinder in your harts gently on my good famaly saars
Yesterday there was a popular thread of Saar crying about discrimination in Latvia.
0 Latvian posts. It was a vulgar display of Latvian power
link the trhread
I got archived. It was webum. Title was something like "Are Latvians racist towards Indians" or something like that. Do the needful and find it for us.
you can link threads that have been archived
found it 201674032
What shall be done.. about the TJV question?
what does that shiity acronym mean
turkish jam van
ticklish japanese vacation
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kodėl litvakas jau ne Norvegijoj
kodėl tu nuolat apie mane galvoji?
atsakyk į klausimą
jis tik tenais atostogavo ir mus visus apgavo
>ir mus visus apgavo
tik neįsivaizduoju, kodėl iš visų šalių atostogautum Norvegijoj
jeigu tau labai rūpi tai šį mėnesį vėl trumpam į norgę nuskrisiu. Jeigu būsite geri gojukai ir jei /balt/as dar gyvas bus tai atsiųsiu nuotraukų.

Dabar atsakyk į mano klausimą
>tik neįsivaizduoju, kodėl iš visų šalių atostogautum Norvegijoj
kalnai, gamta, MTB
to busy bullying me
>rašybos klaida
ai blet nusižudysiu
>kalnai, gamta, MTB
nė nenumaniau, kad tu toks cringe.... yikes

pažadu, kad nuo šiol apie tave išvis nebegalvosiu. Nesi vertas mano minčių
Total... Jeet.. VICTORY
neatsakiai į mano klausimą
>nė nenumaniau, kad tu toks cringe.... yikes
kur jus tamsta tuomet važiuotumėt atostogauti? Palanga? Druskininkai? Šventoji? Turkija? Kažkoki supista didmiestį ar tourist trap?
Alright which of you homos posted in the Bodies of /int/ thread ò_ô
let me check it out
I hear Smokie's Alice playing at the concert place outside right now
if you can see a 21cm cock - it's me
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turėjau omeny, kad keliauji dėl MTB, gamtos ir kalnų... Šie hobiai daug išduoda.

Jau įsivaizduoju tave, su savo lopiniuota ir silpna kelių dienų barzda, išdžiuvusiais plaukais, neišlygintu džemperiu ir limituotu žodynu. Esu nusivylęs.

Galvojau apie tave, nes įsivaizdavau tave kaip žydišką tam tikro tipo intelektualą... bet tu esi tik random guy kuris mėgsta važinėt dviračiu ir kalnus. Nuo šiandien mano mintys apie tave nustoja.
holy reddit...
the real question is why did he blur his nipples

ačiū Dievui, kad kažkoks iškrypęs laisvės partijos balsuotojas nustos galvoti apie mane
>the real question is why did he blur his nipples
two factor biometric authentication with nipples
someone might impersonate him you know
Lithuanian covers his nipples to show respect to Māra - the earth mother
I remember a few years back we had a latvietis with 23 cm cock you're mogged
I have 30cm(1 foot) cock
Damn, at least I am proud it was my countryman.
>the Australian is mogging us again
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that's well over half a litter of blood in penus
no way dude
Am I the only one here with an average size penis
No I also have a micropenis
I don't have micropenis I have average dick or to you there is only big and small no in between
I have comfy 15 and a half centimetres
How much is average? Is 17cm small?
I think something like 14-17cm is average less than that and it's a bit smol and more is big
it's just because they include women
oh so average should be 30cm?
All I know is that:
No matter if the average is 40cm or 1 meter - 50% of guys will have smaller dicks and 50% of guys will have even larger dicks.

And some girls on the internet do be packing
Im the largest dick of you all, none compares. And I dont even mean my Penis. What now faggots?
by girls you mean trannies
congrats on being a dickhead
Trannies arent girls, just guys with tits.
Yeah my dick has a head, what yours dont?
everyone please check your dms for your invite to the /balt/ dick comparison meet-up please thankyou
is anybody here got their dick snipped
probably litvak am I right
Im not brown.
Oh, I don't know, I just examine the evidence.
i got my dick snipped by the gaping gaps in your mom's teeth last night amirite
so your dick is as thick as a toothpick?
Playing MGSV while posting here
Russian solders sometimes speak with an accent I think could be Latvian Russian or Lithuanian Russian accent. It's really interesting.
...it has been 9 years...
Its probably the same polish accent as in call of duty.
Les Enfants Terribles?
Could be Polish.
The game came out 9 years ago...
And Venom Snake woke up after 9 years in coma What a coincidence
Im playing ghost of sushi, just finished 1st island.
I wish i had a girlfriend
anything bellow 9 inches is pretty much a micro penis
Don't speak that
anything bellow 23 cm is a micropenis
there, happy?
So you say you have a micropenis
yes it's only 19 cm
ok enough about penises
let's talk micropenises now
>summer is over
alright back to being depressed
no homo
enough about depression
let's think something that is not penises and something more positive
how can I stay positive when i literally have a micropenis?
do penis enlargement surgery. There I solved your problem
Why do you keep bringing up penises?
Childhood trauma from uncle?
ok now seriously stop talking about penises
how does it work?
How much does it cost?
i'm sorry if I want to satisfy the women i'm with. She won't be satisfied with anything less than a 9 incher
If in your dreams you see a penis
It actually means you want a cigar
There is a saying, that in order to survive winter, you need to die in the summer.
How is speaking about penises gonna satisfy a woman? You should be using it on a woman instead.
and what if I dream of a cigar does that mean I'm gay
Nop, it means your dad wants to fuck your mom
it's too small
if i use it she's not gonna feel anything
I like dumb girls
You can't fuck a woman's bachelor's degree
Would you want your wife to be dumb though
A woman has to be really smart, to realize she is dumb.
I withdraw my previous statement.
go to sleep incels
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It's 17:15
I refuse using AM/PM
Americans be like:
First day of the week is Sunday
Inches, Feet, Miles
Cups, Gallons, Ounces
Decimal separator is a dot and comma separates thousands
Price shown in the store is excluding tax
You need to tip waitresses
You need to give some money to post man and doorman on Christmas
The flag on the post box is for showing the post man that you have mail to send (lift the flag up and put the letter in your own box)
>First day of the week is Sunday
what kind of jewish psyop is this?
LITVAK, what did you do to those poor people?
i said go to sleep, retard
your sleep hexes are weak like your chin
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I suffer in this stuck-up post-soviet subhuman shithole
>>A woman has to be really smart, to realize she is dumb.
this is like a jaden smith tweet
think about it...
>Albert Einstein
>Claims to be the smartest man
>Can't even install Linux
True story
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>rented an apartment
>go to piss at night
>hear strange cruching sound under the bathtub
>freak out thinking it's a rat or a mouse
lol wtf, kinda blocked some gaps but might not keep them out, will see what's what in the morning
>cruching sound under the bathtub
Sorry, I was adjusting my webcam
>Inches, Feet, Miles
>Cups, Gallons, Ounces
>Decimal separator is a dot and comma separates thousands
I've adopted all of these to avoid exposing myself as an ESL thirdie when I make threads on /a/
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Labrītin boys
now yuo see...
Are the 10 euro micro cameras online real?
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>Price shown in the store is excluding tax
That would be illegal here
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werk week
I bring my calculator when I grocery shop. I look goofy but addition math is fun
do it in your head dumbas
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>thread dies when the sun rises
What does it mean
vampire posters go to sleep
did litvak do this?
Busy enjoying sunshine
Ah, a new season full of opportunities is upon us. Will I get a raise? Will I find a gf? Anything can happen!
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You'd have better luck just changing jobs desu
Be the change you want to see in the world anon))))))
rent free
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Neets don't sleep
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i have no girlfriend :(
perhaps.... I could be your girlfriend tonight?
man patinka marksizmas, bet ne leninizmas!
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are you secretly a boy?
i can find you a gf
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oh noes, not the post that makes me cry all the time
I want to cry too
just let me do the work
>I want to cry too
men don't cry
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LOLing @ this insel
>men don't cry
men only cry when their mom dies
stfu u mongoloid nigger i will fuck u and obliterate u shit stain
how rude
i am not gei
>men don't cry
it is a myth
men have emotions too
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any cute lituhanian boys itt? im 19 year old girl from poland and i want a foreign bf so badly.. btw im virigin i hope that is not a problem ^.^
"my friend"
>it is a myth
>men have emotions too
only anger and melancholy. Anything else like crying is gay
you want men to be emotionless robots 90% of the time
why do you want to oppress men so much?
you're talking to a woman Vytautas
If i wanted to oppress myself or other men i wouldn't have wasted my time trying to help you find a gf
I find it really hard 2 believe
y do u want a foreign bf?
then how come you don't want to allow men to experience the full spectrum of emotions?
>to help you find a gf
I could sing like this. I took singing classes
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women LOVE when their PCs updates automatically
Hop on this BZC (big zemaitijan cock) whore
I got tired of updates, and installed Linux
you need to update linux even more THOUGH
not really, they usually update the Office software
Left smile looks like one of the caramelldancen ones
incel anon will spend the whole next month sullenly wondering what he's missed by not taking anon's offer of finding him a gf..
>then how come you don't want to allow men to experience the full spectrum of emotions?
go cry in public and see how everione will treat you
Litvak did this.
women are a myth, I'm not falling for this psyop again
>go cry in public and see how everione will treat you
and you think that's a good thing?
what else do women love?
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just invest in sexbot technology, it's probably cheaper and safer with it coming out in around 10 years
>and you think that's a good thing?
how do you expect the public & family to treat you?
I own sexdolls, they are literally made in Asia and for tiny benis
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Latvia bros... Ghundis and his brother didn't need to die for this...
what if we just air striked india with sexdolls? would this stop the great jeet migration?
what mafia meeting is this
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Happy Labor Day!
Have you kissed a prego woman yet!?
Ok gookposters, its vagina inspection day, and I know you have one
This dude stuck in May...
US of A celebrates it today
Today is summer is over for kids, go back to school day.

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