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poo wank
not rly but wasn't a good nights sleep so a bit heavy eyed
also was a shit nite out last night and i fell out with some "friends"
so i got that
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Irish diaspora in his happy place
Umm, excuse moi? What edition is this?
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now thats more like it
this is me
too bulbous
watching openttd videos
(no i am not autistic)
thanks for catching me x
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>not white
wonder what he thinks of the opinions of sheep
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australians? more like australpitechians
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Very grim how she went from female bodybuilder / fitness person to onlyfans whore the second she got popular
this zests
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fantastic wankeroo completed there
really feels good to clean the pipe on a sunday morning then get on with your day
she did chaturbate before she got hench
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mia sand desu lads
great stuff
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me down in front on the left :)
Ridiculously german face
past performance is not indicative of future results
There are people who has never wanked, but there is absolutely no one who has wanked only once.
Bit of a hangover on the go despite the old vitamin tablet and pint of water before bed and 12 hours of poor quality sleep. Suppose at the end of the day I've poisoned myself and bodyberg has to pay the piper.
might get my boyhole pozzed
Aussies be like "speno"
But Brits be like "spenny"
Wise men weren't aliens, the star was and Mary was impregnated by aliens
Japanese fella sleeping on the floor
i impregnated your mums arse

now modern britain makes complete and utter sense
Mad how good boomers had it
Mad how shit we have it
rorke getting struck by lightning
You came out ya mum's arse
Said 'good girl' to the gf after sex last night and she did not take kindly to it.
it's alri, he's got a duvet
least retarded atheist
its called a futon
were you patting her on the head while you said it?
such a lie. finance firms are a joke
Wanked once at 13 then decided to go out shagging, and I've been shagging ever since
does sound a bit creepy tbf
I made her cum and then said it as I was going back up to her face to kiss her.
In the 1970s you could have a toupee, broken teeth and still pull an 8/10 bird in a pub by squeezing her arse
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s sp hno aoou uuut drt is o
ure not wrong i first wanked at 19
let's just say i've made up for lost time since then lol
it's patronising desu
hate it when the bf says it to me
I haven't got any mates
omg sameeee
how do i get some?
a pikey i know who ive not seen in over a month just rang up and begged me to drive him to a brothel and told me he will pay for me etc. i reckon he has been up all night on coke. wish id not wanked last night.
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what about me
hope she cheats on you with a bbc
why didn't he just get an uber lol
*slithers across the thread naked leaving a trail of pre-cum and poo*
fuck off gayboy
anyone got a good 30m youtube vid to watch?
doing a detailed and thorough read
i'm not gay, faggot
least disgusting brit poster
South of the Border where the tuna fish play
I was reading about the history of Nietzsche's translators, and I discovered that one of the most prominent in the West is a Jewish academic named Walter Kaufmann. Kaufmann tended to sanitize Nietzsche's most "politically incorrect" and antisemitic points by adding footnotes that either explained them away or argued that they were "misleading." However, any aphorisms that could be considered pro-Jewish or "woke" by modern standards were left unchanged. Initially, I thought this was just a far-right exaggeration, but I found an actual example in an e-book. It makes me wonder how much of academia and the intelligentsia has been similarly sanitized and misrepresented. I also noticed that Anthony Ludovici, a far-right intellectual from the 20th century, has had all his sources removed on Wikipedia because they were allegedly far-right, leaving only the left-wing sources. He's a relatively obscure author, yet even his views are being sanitized. This doesn't bode well for the objectivity of modern thought.
oh fuck off you were born a man and still are
out with a girl last night
we had a little squabble and she said
>i will text you tomorrow
i said i bet you wont
>i will i promise you
here we are no text lol
state of them
used to be quite into her really gone off her over the months
i feel ill just watching it. imaging having a heart attack and spinning at 7Gs
fuck knows. because he is a mad cokehead. he was saying he wants to treat me and all this shit. im up for it but i could hear his pikey mates shouting in the background that puts me off.
Uncle Junes in the muff
yeah but that happens everytime you stand up
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and i'm no trannard either, billy no suck each other off because we're mates and it's fine mate
why do u even know him
fuck off you wog cunt
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That is mental tbf
we did some work together in the past
thinking of booking an escort to lose the 'ginity but the last two times i couldn't get hard to fug them

might pop a couple of viagra before
like illegal work
tarmac driveways do you? lol
hello everyone
"I have long been an opponent and critic of Christianity, democracy, and anarchy in art and literature. I am particularly opposed to 'Abstract Art,' which I trace to Whistler's heretical doctrines of art and chiefly to his denial that the subject matters, his assimilation of the graphic arts and music, and his insistence on the superior importance of the composition and colour-harmony of a picture, over its representational content."

literal rorke 100 years ago
what did they do when you were just stood there with a softie? lol
can't imagine having the bottle to try it again
would you date a blind girl lads? i reckon she'd be walking around with a shitty arsehole most of the time because blinds can't inspect the bog roll to see how clean their bum is after doing a shite
going brick lane market, anyone else?
no its not mikey

met through legal work, he was a contractor to the company i worked for but we ended doing some dodgy dealings

Ludovici repeatedly warned of the dangers of miscegenation and defended incest as an appropriate response to racial mixing, arguing that society should act 'to break down the barriers now preventing the mating of close relatives' as it was the only way to cause 'a purification of our stock.'
ye curry would be alri
the banking industry aye (helping mikey move cars)
Was at a pub with one of those dukeboxes last night

Put on blame game so everyone had to sit through the Chris Rock monologue
Absolutely devilish we are
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romania in the filter
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first one i gave up and awkwardly left
tried to get my moneys worth with the second so sucked her tits then toes while i wanked my semi until i came
>his decomposing wife
unless is wife was a small animal
no one asked you to post this yet here we are
did you try not having a wank for a few days before
>opposed to christianity
>opposed to abstract art

can you bully the gay porn sharing aussie here? Fucking incel faggot ruins the board again
Bumming sailors together were you
(8) we all know somebody who kills the vibe everytime they open up their mouth (8)
this might be one of the worst things I have ever seen and I've been coming to this website for a long time

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no wonder dogs love them so much
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lol what did the first one say? I doubt you were the first to do what you did
doing some science reading
how's it going?
just had my erection VERY swiftly removed
mine only got bigger
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Broken Britain.
(by Britain I mean my arsehole)
idk most of the time you can tell from feel alone before you've even had a look
probably the grimmest webm i've ever seen here
>asian women faces are perceived as more feminine
bizarre cope by incels who cant pull white women
having your face look more like the moon does not make you feminine
That romanian fella helpfully explained why you shouldn't click his webm and you all did it anyway
grim grim GRIM
rattled becky
thanks y-you too
I'm starting a new job tomorrow and want a catchphrase that people can remember me by. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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>having your face look more like the moon does not make you feminine
Sort of does though. Soft round faces are more feminine. Sharp angled faces are more masculine. Not exactly a wild claim
shite, as per
"Remember me"
you know full well most people click the webm before they've read the full post, don't be cheeky
cope on incel
bruh if you look at a fucking round flat face and think that's feminine you wanking off to the moon as well you utter freak
there was a videogame called remember me
no one remembers it
I remember it
I'm remembering it right now
Oriental womens' skulls are really weirdly shaped. A lot of them end up getting parts of their jaws shaped because they're too blocky. Also look flat from profile
Not attractive imo but white incels gonna cope
know quite a few lads who have moved to poland
what's mental tho is i keep meeting poles who mvoed here as well
funny how i remember it?
Morning ladies
what studio made it?
Poster below me is a nonce give his arse a good shaggin
Blud thinks he's a victorian anthropologist oh my dayz bruv
uve been done yellowfever freak
cocks double the size of the gfs a real confidence booster
remember me studios
>few lads who have moved to poland

Irish diaspora who racemix with slavs
yea you don't remember it
good answer
My lies have been exposed under the slightest touch of scrutiny
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you lads going to be getting steaming today?
You should try getting her hard
i remember
Anyone want to go to Alton Towers with me?
why'd they move to poland
lmao yo u're actually right one of them is from irish catholic stock
it was dontnod, the guys who made Life is Strange
>scientists actually believe this satanic nonsense
Remembering that I don't remember the game remember me but I knew the name, makes me think of the line in the Eminem song
mobileberg getting noticeably warmer on one side of the back
not good lads not good
For me it's the Korean jawbone tower
no did it yesterday
has ion duo guru lost
after hurricane soda sunk porto ousting it then
some speak unto you but set us out
i remember playing the demo for that
Could boil them and make a stock
Saturday is the day for the steaming unless you're a student or an unemployed wasteman
I shall be getting el steamo
>unemployed wasteman
Train drivers deserve the 70k.
Doctors should deserve 300k.
Architecs should deserve 100k.
Fast food workers deserve 30k.
Bin men deserve 70k.
Teachers deserve 150k.
Nurses deserve 200k.
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Asian women get their jaws cut in an attempt to look less like the moon
you lot remember this?
>Train drivers deserve the 70k
trains are on rails
how are they not automated already?
interesting how an entire culture has normalised plastic surgery
a white collar job market so packed that you need to look good and not just get good marks to be considered
Nah, do you?
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used to work for a company that did a lot of dealings with a south korean firm
their work culture is fucked, wouldn't wish it on anyone
boohoo nigga
why do you care so much about asians. you irish diaspora?
i'm the wasteman but even so getting wankered on sunday is a rare occasion even for a neet starting off monday on a hangover just feels wrong
How much will my takeaway cost after this though?
i love all the cute cats and little kittens
>Circumcision for the dead
>According to Halacha, a baby who dies before they had time to circumcise him must be circumcised before burial. Several reasons were given for this commandment.[45]
What was it?
>their work culture is fucked, wouldn't wish it on anyone
how so?
interesting how baptism ended up replacing circumcision
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Irish diaspora with his natural equals
That's why Irish diaspora gravitate towards them
doing this to every bone in my body for a more rounded demure look
some indian fucking what looked like a decomposing animal and there were loads of flies and maggots on his knobule
what are you on about you goose, was just replying to a post about it otherwise wouldn't have mentioned it and don't care
*rolls you down a hill*
i am irish diaspora yeah so what?
Feel a bit sick after that Romanian webm. Some of you freaks need locking up.
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kek at the Irish Molly
you got bullied by blacks
do you remember this shit indie game lol if you can't tell me the name of the shit indie studio you don't remember it sorrry
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dont remember that one sorry
if someone gets a job at one of big south korean corporations, they try to stay there for life. They're the biggest employers but obviously have limited spots and demand perfection from their competitive, overeducated talent pool
to stay in the company's good graces, 12 hour workdays are the norm. They work in complete silence until the air is broken by someone being screamed at. The second a superior wants something, everyone must bend timelines and whatever else they were working on to their will, etc etc
that was the name of the studio
Don't remember anything me. Life's just a sludgy grey blur where I stare at my screen
lol my cats do this VERY funny little creatures
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Shelagh Fogarty: the early years

Got a lot of stuff to do, I'll do it tomorrow
most active brit poster
that's the way
howling this is me
wonder why im 35 year olda nd got nothign tos how for it
might be that
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Might spend the day worrying about all the stuff I've got to do and not do any of it.
Will only take me an hour at most to do it all.
>12 hour workdays are the norm
there's twice that in a day
lazy millennials
Clicking my heels together like Dorothy
cheer up:)
How much of a shithole is Dublin really?

There's an aussie (possibly mixed race) guy on youtube that explores ghettos and he went through one in australia.

a lot of the comments section were micks saying that the fellas in the video were all posers and wouldn't last one week inside dublin
So who's the resident loser whos been spamming this dogshit Irish diaspora meme for the last year or so? Spainnonce? Mousie?
My brother told me that he stopped being homophobic because he cared about me and couldn’t see me any differently for being gay even if he tried. It was really sweet, except I’m not gay and have no idea why he thought I was
you guys don't ever get the urge to go outside, do something once in a while?
You will never be a scary man. You have no muscle, you have no scars, you have no confidence. You are a skinnyfat loser twisted by anime and goyslop into a crude mockery of mankind's potential.

All the “respect” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your pathetic appearance behind closed doors.

Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out bitches with incredible efficiency. Even scary men who “pass” look insecure and impotent to a women. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your diseased, encrusted anime body pillow.

You will never be respected. You wrench out a fake frown every single morning and tell yourself you're the top dog, but deep inside you feel the insecurity creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with a fruity bible quote, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a good young boy is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably small.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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Trannies are furious about the rise of women pretending to be trannies
wankard pooser
Guess you're gay now
tbf australia really isn't that rough at all unless you properly go out to the country
can walk through mt druitt at night and you've got nothing to worry about
Do what? Walk aimlessly by myself?
The word knickers sounds smelly
did you tell him you weren't gay or ask him why he made said presumption?
>dildos in your knickers
do bri'ish peepo really
howling id id not see this plot twist coming
wankarding my pooser
Need the gore posting Romanian out of business.
I'm finding this to be very confusing.
partake in assorted activities
>australia really isn't that rough at all
Not since this fella achieved his dream >>201688048
anyone ever catch you performing a wank on yourself?
yea bogans and crackheads will start on you but they wont actually attack you
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Having Trekkie brekkie in wether spoons with my sister
Irish diaspora
wtf is a trekkie breakfast
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believe it or not... thats rorke
i guess so
i unironically live close to the suburb he went through but i can walk late at night in my suburb with no issue
my house has been burgled once tho
not true
Woman on the right IS American though
Orcs have feelings too
I think I've become so disgusted by the over sexualization of women that my sex drive plummeted. I see a woman dressed like that and I'm not turned on, I just wonder what went wrong in her life that she feels the need to dress like that and what went wrong in society to reinforce that behavior. I don't watch porn anymore, I hardly masturbate, I don't even look at women on the street.
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Need the commissioner of Channel 4 shot
whats going on with that index finger
far-right dog whistle post
whats not true
this post made me laugh out loud for whatever reason well done
got my willicker out
why is he so cute?
ever wanked while thinking about her
wtf finished my run thought I’d went really fast maybe even pb but my starva said I was slow as fuck barely 6:00/km so feeling really down bout that
crackheads will fuck you up if given the chance
most bogans were harmless before the ice/crack epidemic
Irish diaspora ruined everything
Being an incel in Australia must be tough
Such as? Walking alone in the rain? Wandering around shops alone buying cheese?
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oh my days
personally I'd rather have an additional hashbrown instead of toast and an additional sausage instead of bacon but that's just me
mad how thanks to ai you can now see literally anyone you want take a rhino rod bbc with the right prompts
Or 'tuff' you might say
Walked past this sign in London the other day
6 years ago was 2018

6 years before 2018 was 2012

Wtf is happening to time. Ever since 2021 its sped up.
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ive never been attacked at least
its so rare these days to find women that dont have nasty fake claw nails
>see an absolute dogshit opinion
>yank flag
every time.
I just wonder what went wrong with me. Getting a real girlfriend has always been impossible and I don't know why.
Considered looking in the archive for that video the romanian poster but thought better of it
Mad that I even considered it
Top kek.
She wants a Christian boyfriend though
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
Can't happen, gorgeous beach body women are 10 a penny over there
Why do they do it?
i love mulch!
they want to corrupt
they want a goyfriend
/sp/ archive webm wank on the cards

immersing myself in south american culture
Irish diaspora
havent been to the beach in years
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mate you're in the uk
there's like over 100 heritage railways there. Probably got one down the road. Go ride a steam train, stick your head out the window, feel the breeze in your hair
same but /cm/
Did the old image get filtered by everyone Spaincuck?
need to procure some firewood
>asks for a christian
>makes requests about genitals

stupid whore
i've known people that've gotten into ice hard, they've (apparently) done crazy shit like hold up random 711s for cash. and these were somewhat sensible people raised in nice middle-class families and been to uni
it's crazy how much it fucks up your thinking
yeah sucks getting sand everywhere although it is nice to go to the beach once in a while
>Go ride a steam train
I have been in this country for over 30 years and not seen a stream train once
utterly unbearable show this
makes even john oliver look edgy
Same. Dunno if this is good value or if I'd get better value from some local farmer/foretery types:

Me too, it's all over Brixton
I think the lockdowns and lost time that came with it from 2020 and 2021 kind of made everything after feel compressed and faster
I finished my biking and got 13.7 mph average for 200 watts average. This mechanic fucked my road bike up with one front wheel change and my performance has plummeted since. I have to go to Walmart to get a new bike
link some of the best girls
Irish diaspora leaflet and hand and stadium
Get them linked then
Irish diaspora council workers put it up
As a Christian, is it considered a bad thing to have preferences for a partner which are physical, rather than evaluating the person solely on their actions and personality? Only asking knowers, not LARPing /pol/cels.
corr yeah that's some good wood
400kgs of it
surprised thy wouldnt delete that stuff off the archive
its a vile tor browser wank kind of sunday
mate how do you know uni students who got into ice
that's not exactly common
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It looks great value at that price
Mad how the irish diaspora enabled this.
haha good-wood, the wood is good, see i'm listening!
My brother got into drugs. He's done pretty much everything from weed to heroin, coke and ice.
He's been trying to quit for more than a year but keeps relapsing.
a christian is allowed to have preferences like everyone else
but if they discount someone who is otherwise good because they do not meet all their physical criteria that would be superficial and looked upon poorly
how'd you manage that
>surprised thy
alri firekeeper
Shut up
my mother wanted me to be a farmer. but i get my hands dirty in other ways

Also my friend circle or friends of friends
I grew up in a 'rough' suburb in W Sydney, I've heard some crazy stories
girls keep calling me sweet or adorable, I don’t mind but I don’t know if it’s a bad thing
shut it nigga
used to work with a bloke that did ice once his entire life. Said it was the best he ever felt in his life and he blacked out for days - so he knew it was going to be too addictive and swore never to touch it again. At the time we spoke it had been seven years since he'd tried it and he said merely recounting the story was making him salivate
can imagine it'd be pretty fucking hard to quit the stuff once you're hooked, the brain's not meant to be rewired like that
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
Sewer unblocked are we?
King of the fatbergs yeah?
was at a party back in high school and a girl put her hands around my shoulders and started tousling my hair and called me adorable looking into my eyes and such, i ujst kind of turned away and walked off lol what the FUCK is wrong with me
homosexual many such cases

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