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stew edition
this is the thread
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might treat myself to a stick (not really a stick i don't think they make sticks any more) of gum
Sir quiff realigner
>non cuckspammer
That would be 190/Spaincuck/VPNmong
Newfags making threads now?
japanese if they real
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Fresh bottle out the freezer. I love Sundays
And then I got off the bus
Fuck sake, my weed guy is stopping for good apparently, been using him for years
Nice one.

Is he giving it up? Ask him if you can take over
corrrr this the new lads?
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will never not confused me that they draw all the people like white people
even in side profile they are all clearly white lol
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yeah im clicking that for sure
mihai coded image
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fuck off starmer
stop selling them weapons you weapon
Diego's been amazing today
going japan in 3 weeks
by myself haha
Why do you care about Arabs?
What's your background?
Per l'onore d'Italia!
gonna buy some schoolgirl knickers?
no you aren't, be quiet
virgin alarm BLARING at this post
not interested in having a conversation with you sorry
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
i just know you speak with the gayest lisp imaginable
do us a vocaroo of you saying that
We didn't know how good we had it during the Indie Rock phase of the 00s.
gchq like clockwork
aha yeah that's an awkward moment
arsehole still store from last night
lads how long til the bleeding stops for you usually?
irish diaspora
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the arsehole store called
they're running out of you
Irish diaspora care a lot about the plight of brownoids who would rape and eat them if they could
If your opinion on the middle east is anything other than stop funding either side, I'm going to assume you're Jewish or a Muslim.
a mealy mouthed reply
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>floating shite
help /brit/ I'm going into some kind of trance
Or Irish diaspora (if pro Palestine)
>you weapon
Hate this stupid normoid phrase
You're the expert on mealy mouths, fat boy.
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a skib
Same fag
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Michelle Keegan in Brassic sex arse
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mad how gay and dogshit literally all anime/manga is but i've read yotsubato like 5 times over, how does she do it bros
Are you Irish diaspora?
I'm Northern Irish Diaspora
why do irish diaspora care about palestine so much?
yes i am
for two weeks
I'm chinese
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any boccia enjoyers in?
I only read it to become nihongo jouzu
I matched a girl on tinder last week and she finally just messaged me to do something. I'm going back to England inna couple of days!
genetic predisposition
The obvious parallels it holds between them and the north
Listening to English folk music
done me there tbf
Still upset about being called Floating Shite?
we're much better at paralympics than olympics
Ubereats man is called 'Awlad' and I'm going to say 'Aw lad, thanks' when he hands it over.
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sir eggy farter
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off to bed
slapping penis
>floating shite
reckon he has to put up with this shite 20 times a day
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>Celtic 2-0 Rangers
good "visual effects" mate
make then on your computer did you?
Didn't enjoy it enough to buy a ticket
personally i find it crazy that every head of state feels compelled to post on xitter
ubereats negro ate my KFC
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the name's Patrick O'Donnell and I'm a proud Englishman and I support Palestine
Not gay just don't like 'em
>Checking the Ubereat driver's name
Are you Irish diaspora?
Remember reading about a Cartel member who had a side hustle doing Ubereats and he was occasionally murdering customers when he felt like it. Took them way to long to sort him out.
I’m standing ousside chase bank
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what a canned response, sick to bastard death of this shit
Might move to China.
the empty seats make me a bit sad
quite like that frog image
It comes up anyway mong
Comment literally doesn't make any sense.
got one of those microwaves with an electric release
half the time it doesnt open properly because the mechanism is unreliable
im sucking SICK of this SHITE
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Gen Z boss and a mini
becoming bastardly
Don't like my name, but it's far too late to change
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I read this in a thick african accent
Imagine interacting with an Ubereat's wog
Irish diaspora moment
The Irish Diaspora comments genuinely hurt my feelings. I'm ethnically Irish and I do NOT like black people. STOP IT, NOW.
Floating shite, is it?
Coming out of Tesco see a dad and his 10ish year old daughter walking along. She's wearing nothing but a string vest and has massive puffy budding nipples just protruding, completely visible. Like, get her a bra. I don't understand how a dad could be comfortable letting his daughter be in public like that.
Why does this Starmer fella support people waving Palestinian flags and running around the streets but then goes on twitter and supports Israel? Don't make sense
Is this why black people are always calling people Da Homey?
been doing a bit too much redeeming lately is it, saaaaaaAAAARRR
gone feral
grim freak
becoming dastardly myself
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feel like shit
never drinking again x
How's that different to your normal accent?
are there any black scottish people in real life who actually have the thick accent like demoman from tf2
Anarcho-tyranny. Look into non-linear information warfare.
cheese and chorizo pita for lunch
fried up the chorizo a bit first, quite a peng sausage
Democracy is such obvious nonsense. Our entire system is set up to ensure that our right to vote has as little impact as possible.
floating shite
of course there are
Why are you curious about black beings? Are you one of those Irish diaspora men in Australia?
Wtf is with her? This is the kind of graduate Oxford puts out? I mean, omg, she is just sliding back into pure childhood again, at this point, and regressing more and more each day. What are her nutcase parents thinking about this? That it is charming, cute? I mean, they dressed up for a freaking Jane Austen tea for her. They've all lost their minds. This is beyond pathetic.
having a ham and mushroom omlette today
proper wrongun you are, eyeing up young girls just out doing the sunday shop
should be on a list somewhere
ok ta
Brains too small to read about things with hyphenated phrases. I'll take your word for it though
Concerning post
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too little
too late
get him sacked then hopefully violently killed
sloating fhite
the only reason she need dress in any way other than how she likes would be to stop nonces like you looking at her
Anyone would notice. Society is fucked because you consider me the wrongun rather than the dad.
How about you stop looking at 10 year old's tits? Nonce freak
Pasta delivery on the way as we speak.
Howling into the night, punching the steering wheel of my Ford Fiesta, bag of Charlie in my pocket
any throbbing gristle men in
always called coke "chang", but getting the impression that this might not be the popular parlance for it
its 2 on a sunday mate
When your daughter gets raped by pakis don't come crying to me.
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Weird how when the Tories were in power we only heard about their scandals nonstop for 15 years - but as soon as they got kicked out now we all here about is Labour
>Used your eyes as normal and commented on what you saw
what pasta?
i'll tell you this
i'd love to lob you into a wood chipper
good post
you'll be the one doing the raping no doubt you paki nonce
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Irish diaspora in the media
mold one is a weird one though
cos some retards literally never turn the fan on or open the windows and then complain when it gets moldy as if there's any fucking possible thing i can do to have a humid room that gets no air circulation to not ever grow modl
Yeah, should put her in a burqa just to be safe. Fuck off Ranjit you nonce
plucking out me bollock hairs one by one and going YEEEEEOOOWCH every time
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Recognising patterns again.
No, just put her in a bra because that's what you do when your daughter GROWS FUCKING TITS. You weirdo cunts are the ones that are perfectly fine with kids dressing like sluts and then you want to call other people nonces. You just want it to stay normalised because you enjoy oggling them because YOU are a nonce.
You've been told about that. Pack it in.
Irish-Jamaican community scene
Fusion fantastic
Jesus, didn't realise there were actual genuine fucking nonces in the thread.
got a stern talking to after expressing independent thoughts, so be careful lad
on the phone to starmer letting him know that there was a pattern noticed in this thread
says he's going to come down like a tonne of bricks on the chap who noticed the pattern and he's already released a indian rapist to make space in prison
Rangers dead and buried yet again.
Sevco battered up and down the joint. Standard for us.
a 10 year old girl not wearing a bra does not a slut make you utter grim freak
odious little parasite
hate that weird little freak glen in mad men
sent those nonce freaks right back to the dusty streets of pollnivneach
>10 year olds should cover up because I can't stop staring at their tits!
>Everybody else is looking at them too! It's not just me being a nonce!
bring back the death penalty I reckon
joe biden family guy peter farting meme
We live in a dangerous country full of wogs
Footie mongs are worse than pakis. Pakis can't help being pakis
mate do me a favour and shut the fuck up will you? you're a boring prick
Farting up a fucking storm.
some of you cunts will seethe at any scrap of bait that gets dangled in front of your face
joe biden would make a better joe biden than joe biden
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keir turning in his grave watching his namesake ripping up the labour movement
When you see fathers parading their daughters like that, you can bet they are noncing them. Met an expat out in Spain who ran a cafe. Had a daughter maybe nine or ten. Dressed in crop tops and wore miniskirts and tottered around in high heels. Dad had her sitting on his lap constantly and there was definitely a non-platonic energy going on. But if I point that out to him I'm gonna get labelled the nonce, even though he's the one who's probably going behind the bar and pulling her skirt up to rodger her. Mental. Whatever, not planning on having kids so let the world be fucked and don't complain when your kids get nonced.
t. brownoid freak who stares at little girls
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/irish diaspora/i
Kind of weird for Israel to pause the fighting for a polio vaccine drive if they're trying to genocide the Palestinians.
so you're also meeting with your fellow nonces abroad, interesting
reckon you should be strung up from a tree branch
It doesn't make HER a slut. It means she is dressed like a slut, which is down to her parents. It's fine if she's still flat but once they start budding you are meant to buy them a bra. Please never have kids if you don't understand his.
Why would you let your daughter wear revealing clothes when you know there are paedos everywhere?
Just read and extremely disturbing post.
polio vaccines been about for donkeys mate
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Our Tiny
Loves his 'nanas
based goatposter
is it though
considering the state of the "vaccines"
in fact nighy better way tto comit a genocide than under the guise of public health
Mental how white people are the only race that thinks their underage kids dressing up like prostitutes is ok. Honestly quite happy for the Asian century to commence.
The Oasis tour isn’t just about their music.

It’s about the height of Britain.

It’s about the nostalgia of remembering how amazing Britain was.

If you didn’t live it you’ll never understand it and it can’t be explained.

A time when you could go down the pub, interact with people you knew and didn’t know and have the best night of your life on 15 quid.

A time when there was always something happening, in every city, 7 nights a week.

No fear of being stabbed.
No fear of being robbed.

A time when everyone watched the same TV shows and discussed them the next day.

You weren’t desperate to go on holiday like the British are now, there was no need.

You didn’t see Dubai or Maldives on Instagram all day, you literally didn’t even know those places existed. You would hang around on a council estate, completely content and want nothing else than to laugh with your friends.

Random skin heads would say “you alrite mate?” And you’d either be best friends or in a scrap 2mins later.

Nobody got stabbed. Nobody died.

It’s just how it was.

The pub on Christmas Day.
The bus was 30p.

You loved everyone you met, didn’t matter the race.

The country was united.

There was a feeling in the air.

Constant electricity.

And it’s all gone now. It’s died.

All we have are the songs from those times.
alri rasheed
great in a vindaloo
You watch brown people kick a ball around and treat them like gods
Good bait this
chatgpt summarise this
Whites are a high-trust race
That's why white countries are crumbling
We trusted Jews to import brownoids to replace us
not a word
bet he goes MEEEHHHEHEHEH al the time the little scamp
Would go to jail if I posted my thoughts on the matter. I’ll just angrily seethe to myself
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is going to be good.
shaved my william completely bald to see what it would feel like

feel like a nonce when i go to have a wank now
gooning up a storm
>You loved everyone you met, didn’t matter the race.

Irish diaspora moment
might be shite
In London for the weekend, I have never seen so many BMWF couples in my entire life and last year I was in Miami for a week… crazy
190 would've loved this
thinking about the jews
the internet got worse when women started using it
u all said that about dragons dogma 2 and look how it ended up
u in shoreditch? in posh suberbs i can't remember last time i saw bmwf couple around here
buy ephedrine online
They're all Irish diaspora sloots
Just saw Chechens shoot a 51 year old Russian soldier
thjis but for omusenocen
ah yes, wogs and slavs shooting each other up what a surprise
MOUSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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I’m doing tourist shit in central London but my hotel is in Hampstead heath and it’s the same everywhere
Just take a clothes iron to the chest like certain other cultures
Just saw Harvey Barnes shoot a ball into the goal
weird maybe you went to some interrac e convention
>blacks have apparently been going around telling people they're human
not on my watch!
Filters working overtime this arvo
Muslims do a good job of covering up their women in burkas tbf
need to play the first one first
Might get into irc
That was expected, I didn’t expect to see so many IMWF couples
just saw harvey weinstein suck off harvey price in the back of a bentley
Almost certified as a Local Guide on Google maps
more of a Ghost of Tsushima man myself
janny should let me post the mouses. the other posters here get away with whatever they like - meanwhile i get a ban for posting mouses
meanwhile my project for melting down scrap copper from phones comes closer to finishing :)
forever bummed, i want to be forever bummed
back in bed haha
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bit gay, that
often wonder if are katie gives him a cheeky handy now and again to keep his tard agression down
Irish males are black.
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the peak of women
please let me bum you
oasis are releasing a comeback single called 'let them in'
i asked a muslim why they put their women in burkas and he said
>think of two chocolates, one is in a wrapper and the other is not. then i throw them both on the floor, which one would you rather eat? the one in the wrapper which has not been dirtied by the world
gave me something to think about desu
Loooool forgot that I quit my job on Friday, I was depressed that it was Sunday for a second
counter point: women and chocolates are different things
god I wish this was me
sadly I'm a high flying chap and can't afford a career break at this stage
greta glowed up
At least half the time the woman is a high class escort you can just tell
You speak to muslims? Odd behaviour for an Englishman
don't be disgutsing please

melting point of copper at sea level
calories of fuel to melt one gramme of copper (including copper oxide)
far too many tabs and windows open. government needs to step in
Do you remember the first time you were referred to as a man? Was in hospital with a broken leg and a crew pushing a bed nearly crashed into my leg and a nurse shouted 'watch that man's foot'. I was 16. Was very surreal.
sounds, smash hits, melody maker, NME all sound like a dream to me
all sound like a dream to me
part and parcel of being in london
desu was a decent little party girl who was a muslim and used to drink like an absolute fish and let me feel her up
might watch this
I usually don't include my search tab in my posts
six tabs open myself
five are 4chan and one is twitter
I'm half Irish :-)
I'm going to do this sometime this/next year.
I am more high flying than you that’s why I can afford it
trickle down pooponomics
so copper melts at 1,085c - but no mention of impurities - such as those that might be from phone batteries

more research required after a cigarette break :)
French director tries to be normal challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)
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Yeah just didn’t happen did it ya fat virgin
3 monitors.
2 tabs.
I'm a simple man.
it's ok id give it a 5.6/10
mousey barefoot naked pregnant in my kitchen cooking my dinner
New thread up
oi mousey you arent allowed doing that (smoking)
not flying at the minute though are you? just sat home gooning like an unemployed freak
buy tobacco online golden viriginia 30 grammes
Brown women are nothing to brag about
Like touching up an animal
cope on
used to sit on the floor in my room with music blaring swigging from a bottle of vodka
>unemployed freak
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done him
might suck a covfefe
Skribblio in 6 hours
how about you suck this?
*grabs tiny cock with a tweezer*
get it up you you filthy horrid slag
one of the most boring halves for some time
chinned my nan after she asked me if i had a girlfriend yet
Business Idea: Let British people think and do what they want.
I think within a year Indians have become the most hated ethnic group
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>look up to see non irish person score goal
>look down to see this
ran this by starmer and he said it's just not workable
Reported this post to the police.
sorry not allowed anymore mate
becaues of woke and the immigrant and the former british empire
Yeah in my house which I own like I said I can afford to now suck my toe u little dickhead
Above your station
impurities of electrical-grade copper without oxide range from 0.01 to 0.02 % by volume (weight) - so with my 100 grammes of scrap from old phones that should be about 1 gramme of impurity to clean out

need to find out if there is way to sepearte it from solution when molten - similar to when salt in the
9 chicken selects and a chocolate milkshake after gym it is then
>*drives 60mph past a school at 3pm*
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>I think within a year Indians have become the most hated ethnic group

You are a chudcel
You dont go outside
Youre literally picrel
Oblivious to reality. Twitter aint real
Might go around town finding people engaging in their hobbies and call them cringe
>hide comment
>you will never be as cool as the guy in this image
how to cope with this feel lads?
mumberg's cooking up a golfball stew for Sunday dinner
musk should ban india from twitter next
ban them from the who;e internet
Mum shaming me for being a virgin
george floyd pez dispenser
We own you sister we own u mum
Shut up. Eat the curry and shur up

use when ready chaps
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Second picture of google search
thought that was Liz Truss
Get her shagged
she can solve that problem right now but chooses to torment you instead
fucking bitch
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my man dressing like zelensky
Mongo needs to go back to primary school
im not eating your curry shite so fuck off
what a fucking disappointment, DD2 was truly one of my dream games and they fucked it all up for nothing
There should be a British porn niche for this look

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