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new thread edition
Would shag them all
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Always been an Akina kind of guy but, as of late, been more of a Narumi head.
she was none of those things you bitter little twat
can see why you never amounted to anything with an attitude like that
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Get them shagged (by me)
Anyone who works in accounting is a soulless freak.
bet her pussy reeks of msg (in an umami kind of way)

Get them housed
Get them welfare
Get them on /Brit/
Get them wanked off
you don't need to reset the alarm every time you idiot neet
recommend you get a clue
haha those look like balls. Are they trying to hide this from us?
there's just one thing they can't account for: their souls
I always love concept art for games. Pic related is Phantasy Star III
feel like SHIT
The diverse range of social classes in /brit/ leads to some interesting situations like some posters not believing anyone earns more than 60k
sikhs are bro tier
So do orcs have families or not?
whats up man
Yup. Another day of not working tomorrow.
thios shit is so cringe
Looks like Japanese crap.
Casino is better than goodfellas the ending of casino is better than most modern movies
Learning Spanish? Climbing Ben Nevis? What will it be tomorrow neet bro?
heart going like the clappers
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the apex female
accountants putting souls through as petty cash
Akina (left) got simultaneously anorexic and really tan around that time. Narumi totally mogged her in that show it was insane
Reckon you could make decent money running a youtube reaction channel where you watch bollywood movies and pretend to enjoy them to get the approval of pajeets.
You basically can't without getting to senior manager level.
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so many games I've never played but always admired the aesthetic.
Dossing mainly
I'm 30 and am DONE with toil. I honestly can't do this for another 40 years
How did the boomers do it? Was it just an excuse to get away from the wives they hated?
They had it easier
if toilmen weren't bankrolling my life of leisure with no strings attached i might have thought about looking into that
They had it easy. They could doss around and get a 4 bedroom house for 20k and retire at 60
Any insane man in?
they drank and smoked a lot
Reminds me of Legend of the Galactic Heroes
boomers did it because the work they put in was rewarded
if they played by the rules then they did get a home, and a holiday home, and enough money to support a family comfortably, and a nice fat juicy pension
most zoomers and millenials will be in our 40s before we get what boomers received in their late 20s and even then we'll still probably get less
bruh wtf is that
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When boomers toiled they earned enough to afford houses, start a family, go on holidays, buy lawnmowers and conservatories, they had big tasty end of salary pensions and other benefits, the company they toiled for rewarded their hard work with promotions and salary increases and the companies also invested in training and development for their staff
how come
Because back then shit jobs were full of your countryment who you could socialise with and birds you could sleep with, now it's all pajeets and wogs.
Currently noticing a lot of things
Well so the doc says yh
knob has gone all rotten and falled off
The vaxx
think this floor weed was laced with something
>I'm 30
>I honestly can't do this for another 40 years
Working until 70?
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making some sausage sizzles today
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Which movie is better Brit
That’s a lie, isn’t it Peter?
Oh my sweet summer child...
asking for it
Casino, you jew fuck
should have listened to mum
"if you keep touching it, it'll fall off"
but you couldn't help yourself, could you
It’s basically the same film
not sure never seen them
would like another cup of tea but I know the caffeine will do me no good
whisky or beer it'll have to be....
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>Another effect was to reinforce Valve's lack of diversity. More than one interviewee highlighted that, even compared to the rest of the videogame industry,
>Valve is an extremely white and male company. While at other studios a diverse-hiring initiative would come from management, at Valve it had to come from the employees themselves. As an interviewee said, "Valve's structure is what makes it difficult to gain momentum on anything where the value-add isn't immediately obvious to certain people though, and that certainly includes any project where the word 'diversity' is mentioned."
Looked at literally thousands of job postings this last month. Found about a dozen to apply for and havnt heard back from most. Had one interview which I thought went ok but not heard anything. Honestly its either the government give me money to neet or I become a criminal and i'll take money from society then let the tax payers cover my incarceration costs which is probably more than my neet salary.
>companies also invested in training and development for their staff
It's telling how companies pretty much never do this.
At my old job I asked for years and years to go on training courses and they never did.
fuck you might die
>Jew fuck
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Don't they have a handful of devs and they are all on 1M+ a year or something absurd
Gaben knows how to keep them
Have you thought about shaking the bosses hand?
why are peopel complaining about their diversity
the character of their first game was an asian woman for God's sake
what more do they want
Notice patterns.
>arguably the most successful video game company of all time
>white and male
wow who could have guessed
he died doing what he loved, smoking weed off the floor
goodfellas is more fun casino can drag on a bit
>arguably the most successful video game company of all time
pfft nah
I may have gone too far in a few places.
>Movies that idolise wogs turning America into a crime filled dump
>what more do they want
it's not about what more, it's about what less and that is white men
noticing patterns... seeing reoccurring instances...
What do you think about the new A$AP Rocky single?
I tried to recreate the goodfellas date scene but not place would allow it
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*just loiters around in the middle of the street*
I don't
What happened to monkeypox 2 then?
*breaks into a gay porn dance*
Imagine if America had stayed a Protestant British-Dutch-German nation. Paradise.
alright Jim Carrey in the movie 23
by revenue they are like the 4th highest earning video game company in the world
they are completely privately owned
they dont even release games unless they want to
they are entirely independent and can do whatever the fuck they want
also released some of the most acclaimed games of all time across multiple genres
have been like this for 3 decades
no other company compares
only issue is they made so few games
lol srsly?
how do I become a more fun person - everything I do seems to either bore people or make them uncomfortable
Valve discord on a mad one
No need to make games when you pay a dark sorcerer to drag the concept of cosmetic hats from hell
Yeah I asked a manager and he told me that it was too much a liability because we could slip
no idea mate cos your post was boring as fuck and made me feel weird
I did shake the mans hand at the start of the one interview I had. Suppose it wasn't firm enough haha.
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thats rorke... believe it or not
boring post desu
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Why did I come, oh why did I come here?
These humans all suck.
I’d rather be home feeling violent and lonely.
I’m not trying to sound so insincere
But the postcard that’s taped the freezer reads:
Wish you were here.
How I wish I could disappear
Didn't expect Rorke to be Asian
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ive been doing this for years
>so what's for dinner?
>salad lol
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I have networked folder calld "Music" and a local folder called "Music".
Is there a way to make the networked folder automatically import new music when I add new music to the local folder?
get that bloody lion out of the kitchen NOW
September now lads
Winter is coming
Skyrim time
Opened my porn and sex shame box with the boys last black out. Feeling not good a week later.
what a bod
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*jumping up and down*
depressed to be honest with you lads
feel like I'll never escape the rat race, just toil under toilbergs bootheel until I die of a pooey arsehole
desuarchive wank inbound
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just make people laugh m8
drink booze
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baby gull outside going PEEP PEEP PEEP
If you want to retire early, you need to save as much money as possible. It's called FIRE. It's hard but it pays off.
spunked on the cat again
attempting that is how I make them uncomfortable
love when the balls slap together in gay porn
what sort of jokes do you make
read half a book on starting a company today, going to try finish it tomorrow
won't go give in to wageslavery without a fight
thinly veiled racism and /brit/ inside jokes
ah yes, live like a bum while you're young so you can live a little when you're past middle age
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
what does this stand for?
bit gay, that
My favourite is asking people how they feel

>Me: So.. what's up with weather?
>them: It might rain tomorrow..
>Me: yeah.. And how does that make you feel?

then I burst out laughing and they look at me like I'm some kind of idiot
why can't you just add it to the networked folder
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honestly a lot of self-deprecation and dry observation
think I might have just found the problem, honestly
Sick of industrial society and it's consequences
It's so you don't have to work.
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>bueno...que pasa con el clima?
>possiblemente llueva manana
>si...como te hace sentir eso?
great banter dago
if i knew how to backflip, that would be my response to everything
they start laughing because they caught off guard
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timmy's weakness
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Yes matey I'm assuming you're on Linux now you're just going to want to get rsync installed through your package manager and have that running as a service
thinking about slags
Find black women more attractive
you look at my gypsy balls and for this I will kill you
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try thinking about a pure trad wife instead
mad that women have fannys
want it on both
Keir Starmer wants a word lad.
fairly decent starmer post, this
corr starmer
Queer Starmer, you are BANNED from my pub
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there is no poo
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nah that's boring
what's the point of the local folder? assuming it's a mirror so you can access the files without being connected to the network, you should be using something like syncthing
Hapa factory
better take this down lad before mi5 knock on your door
illegal to insult the dear leader poo barmer
Just had a brainwave. What if I married an Asian woman? Reckon that could work
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right so ive just wanked off a black man
what's a common stereotype about scottish people that isn't really true?
>do I fit in yet guise xDD
*keir starmer comes into the thread*
"Right I've heard enough of that bloody nonsense*
Just entered the thread. What's the crack?
2 wanks in about half an hour, wouldn't rule out a 3rd either
Wee Dwarfmer
VeraCrypt wanktoil looms
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Keir Starmer is NOT invited to my birthday party.
That they're more right wing than English people.
the idea that they are significantly different to the english
is google broken?
Pretty sure you'd be hung, strung and quartered 500 years ago
What is the most similar country to the UK?
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Isle of wight
when you mirror do you mean the folders will only exist when dependent on each other? or will the mirrored folder still exist if the the other folder deletes?
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you're definitely a nonce mate
South Sudan
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remember this
Haven't washed my bedsheets in months and I'm itchy as fuck
/brit/ been a bit dead this weekend
they'd hate to admit it but their culture is entirely english, fucks sake most of them only speak english
why do i want to have sex with girls i despise
Where do I get some Indian girls in Britain bros

I have desifever
why the fuck is everyone getting married so early?? literally only 24 years and 15 different friends/former friends of mine have gotten engaged in the past year
gifs? Not really
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This......is everything!
Peer pressure
They see everyone else doing it and have to do it themselves or suffer feeling like a freak
depends how you set it up i think
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Irish diaspora celebrating
It's always been purple
all been out shagging mate
I think it's Ireland and then Australia in second place
sex gifs
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I fucking hate f****t n****rs
When I visit family in Ireland it literally feels like England but with different accent.
wish id chosen to support a cricket club instead of football nobody gives a fuck and theres always seats
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are you threatened by this news?
Sounds like Chester City FC
*drops mic*
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AvaDEH Kedavra
damn, threadmeister was right
It's never too late
>Scott Soystein
veiny nubian soul poles slapping into young tight clapmeats lil timmy downstairs can't sleep
>Scott Soystein
If you were isekai'd into the Elder Scrolls universe, what race/sex would you be? Where would you live and what would you do?
Honest question, why do you post about white women having sex with black men day in day out?
Dipsy was black anyway, his face colour is slightly darker than the others
Dadberg failing to shut the toilet door AGAIN
feel like implied nonciness should be it's own reportable offense
where someone clearly shows noncey intentions with their post - but it isn't explicitly nonceshit
like those freaks who keep posting pictures of an 11 year old emma watson
you know EXACTLY what they're doing
Stopped reading there, cringe anime mong.
Ireland pretends to be a flashy "EU" country with it's own unique style but its absolutely just west britain. Half of them are sensible enough to try to remain part of the uk.
asserted his dominance over you
he sees you as a bitch
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what about milo?
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good gracious what a breedable body this china girl on hinge has
I want to shag twenty one year olds
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feel like you should be banned for being a newfag
He's dreaming about being the white women in his fantasies
soulless normie
timmy's weakness
this image makes me feel "less than"
>If you were isekai'd
then i'd be exactly what i am, idiot
you don't get to chose your character
isekais are dogshit it's the normieslop of japan
Breton female mage who likes exploring and curiously always ends up getting captured and tied up by the baddies
ooh you're edgy
go on, impress me with how edgy you are
I bet you use /b/
oh my god
you're so cool
you're an antisocial paedophile
ohhh wow you're like 4chan royalty
Any good free c2c wank sites?
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What are they laughing at?
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She's just a porker mate
Not breedable, obesity is bad for the health of a pregnancy
Being attracted to fatties is not natural or high T or whatever cope you have it's just degeneracy
yes you do often
I'm not talking about an anime but you're still a normoid who lacks a soul
cool it with the anti-soymetic remarks
don't like slagposting me
it's just kind of annoying
I get me shagtoil done with the gf and then avoid thinking about sex for the rest of the day
it's runty behaviour to be constantly thinking of sex instead of just wanking or shagging like a man and moving on
okay low T numale
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she doesn't even really look fat in her other pictures
you look emotional, mate
i'd get her impregnated on the first date
i swear this is photoshopped or something weird's going on. look at how the desk warps as she moves
nobody is posting under 18 emma watson pics even emmamong you are a newfag and you should go back to facebook to watch nonce videos
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new creps
elliot rodger factory
Ignore that freak, he's the kind of person who won't eat a certain food because his favourite influencers told him it's heckin cringe and not based to eat it.
Pretty sure it's 4 different people. You might be getting catfished by the triads
Fucking trash how Britain didn't help us in our war to destroy South Vietnam, simply as an act of petty revenge for us not helping them, France, and Israel destroy Egypt.

How is the first world supposed to stay united in our global struggle against the third world with all this infighting?
fake af
She's chunky by asian standards but is just right for the west
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>yes you do often
doesn't matter, if i'm isekai'd i'm isekai'd as is, that's the whole point of the genre
your question was idiotic and i called you out on it
deal with it
also i'd be some peasant npc, you just know it
eyes like two ships capsizing after crashing into one another
I don't care. The Irishman and Mean Streets are better wopkino
there's a bloke who frequently posts on /brit/ where his entire gimmick is that he posts subtle nonce shit, you not been paying attention?
Fuck you, Vietnam was entirely in their rights. America had no business being their massacring and raping children.
Only thing that's fucking trash is that they did kill more of you imperialist pigs.
Scratch a chubby chaser and you discover a seed oil aficionado
lol I knew it
>50+ likes
>17 messages
>seeing sexy thick chink broads

my hinge is full of fat sjws
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This is the perfect woman. If you disagree then I’m afraid you have low testosterone/are gay/are a chud/are an incel/are actually a woman who gets angry at men for being attracted to Asian women.
Britain should have told you to fuck off for Irak too.
Would impregnate this bitch with my 5.5 inch BWC
Body looks like three eggs piled on top of eachother
has science gone too far?
>5.5 inch
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I don't even like asians that much and yet my small collection of asian images logs yours into oblivion
RIP Ukraine
pokrovsk is about to fall to Russia
Not sure what happens now
Dont think NATO will give up Ukraine
Xi will probably tell Putin to engage Germany or something so he can invade Taiwan
Basically in two weeks you're going to war
no and ive been here longer than you
Firm but fair.
True, but then we wouldn't've set up more favorable economic policies for Britain to benefit from.

As Tone himself said, the decision to join the invasion of Iraq was an economic one. He knew the Bush administration was lying to the world about WMD in Iraq, but he joined the war to improve UK-US relations.
no one cares
two weeks you say?
It’s safe to eat them raw
what happen
>but he joined the war to improve UK-US relations.
and we saw how that went
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it took Russia over 2 years to go from Donetsk to this random little town?
weird plastic nappy arse
and yet they'll keep all that land forever
Literally the most militarised zone in the world since 2014. Would have been unthinkable 5 years ago
Pretty sure Russia can't even keep their own land in Kursk at the moment
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Blue board innit
I thought it was the Korean DMZ
*glass pane shattering*
at this point Ukraine just need to give up that land and forge closer relations with EU and NATO
they're not going to be able to push Russia back in any meaningful way, not without significant casualties - at the absolute best they can turn a noble defeat into a pyrrhic victory
they've given Russia a seriously bloody nose, they've lost majority Russian-speaking lands which were always going to be troublesome - now they just need to consolidate what they have the best they can
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Tony could've been Britain's greatest post-war PM (second only to Attlee)
new wanker loves his news
he was a bitch who asked how high? when you said jump
one of the last times France had any balls was telling you to fuck off, you didn't listen and it all ended in shit
should have listened
Well, first ask yourself, what do you want from life?
more of this chick?
yandex only links to defunct ig, natalya.vertz

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