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Illegal snus edition
this thread dedicated to the gallant mujhadeen freedom fighters of Russia
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*lunges at /brit/ gnashing my teeth*
Jesus Christ, Ukraine is getting kerb stomped
corrrrrrr wish i could buy it in the shop
where are you following this?
what happened
haven't seen the news
Wish the 90s were back
Neoliberalberg cackling away as contemplates the vast numbers of white people he got killed with his seemingly fruitless support of ukraine
mate.. can't post things that are illegal here
ukraine is a victim in all this. we're the culprit. need us out of business
look at that ten-syllable word on the cancer label. swedish people really are silly lol
Kier Starmer won’t allow it. Only £20 fags that you have to smoke in the designated smoking fields.
Leftypol shrinking in sheer mindless terror at this picture
literal non-issue
the real issue is western europe flooded with darkies and muslims
>sudden wave of pro russia posting
what blew up?
Rore fantasising about being sent to die for Ukraine again
Mum!? Who let you on /brit/?
That's someone's mum
we're the culprits there too . take us out of business
Don’t like that
so why did they even do it. it doesn't seem like they were outcasts or anything, and iirc one of them had a girlfriend, what was their meltie even about?
would rather have a tranny's hole
/brit/ has always been pro Russia and anti globohomo
Doing a poo
Russia just invaded Ukraine (10 years ago)
wish some thug bantu niggas would run a train on me
CIA groomed and encouraged them to suppress the population
Hate this nigga
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>Macadonalds for tea
>Order two burgers and a sprite for me
>They forget one of my burgers

Fucking hell. Every single order I make they forget something of mine
Globalists want white people in every country to be driven to the fringes of society, our survival depends on their defeat and lose of power and influence wherever it comes from
Bullied by the school's jocks and not looking forward to entering the responsibilities of the adult world, hence why they carried out the massacre despite having only one more month left of high school.
>take us out of business
our governments are working overtime on this
ffs they freed darkie killers, rapists, paedos just to make room for protesters and even innocent people who were just there
Literally itching all over
White supremacy's a bit cringe innit
Love thy neighbour and all that
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mackem bird on tinder
feel like SHIT
What about black excellency?
Macron does that too?
no we aren't that cucked
come on now
Just remembered when I was in primary school and part of the school was having construction done. During break we found some of the building supplies and thought it was funny to shove the fluffy insulation down each other shirts. It would make people itchy which was obviously the ultimate prank.
Only now dawned on me that we were shoving handfuls of fibreglass insulation into our clothes
cor pet she'd just done a poo
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the ideal woman
fingering my poo gf
Wouldnt mind a bit of that. I certainly noticed a better quality of matches when I was in the North East earlier this month than I get in the North West where I live.
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I hope we soon set up a one-world government with open borders everywhere and for everyone, just to make /pol/ whities seethe, and ensure they're replaced by future "whites" who're like 20% white but still trying to defend the white race.

Also I want to see those remaining uncontacted tribes in the Amazon and on North Sentinel Island get glassed by an international military once they inevitably start killing people for entering their tribal territory.
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Yeah well when I was at school we slipped bits of asbestos we discovered in the cupboards into each other's food as a prank
71 hotdogs down the gullet
Watched some of her videos since you keep spamming her. Most boring wank of my life.
black goondem just finished with katy, chiefing tooka in her bedroom rn
funniest thing I ever posted on outer/int/
room smells of sweat and cum
anniversary of Beslan school siege
room smells of sweet and corn
what's a common stereotype about welsh people or wales that isn't really true?
Just saw rorke making a joke about how we don't have free speach reported that chud right fast
most have never even met a sheep
They speak Welsh
boycott plastics
Samir the Sheep
That shit is just plain sad
Don't understand Nordic supremacism

They forced us into bogs and ferns, killed half of our ancestors, enslaved and tortured thousands of us. For all intents and purposes the British Islander race in 850 AD was nearing it's extinction yet we beat the bastards back, made a fucking mess of them, slaughtered the fucking scum and made them submit to the cross.

Whether it was Alfred gathering what men he could from the Somerset fens, the last standing clansmen in Meath and Ulster rallying all the Gaels to slaughter them at Tara and Clontarf, or the disparate men in the Scottish Highlands fighting against racial annihalation.

The history of Europe is one of the islanders aboslutely fucking destroying any Germanic horde. Whether it be the Vikings of the Nazis. We have humped those bastards time and time again.
My body is a machine that turns guinness and kebab into poo
Really hate the word shag even when people use it ironically
Very ugly word
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>She's not even that hot to begin with
>She uses filters to make her proportions look bigger than they actually are
>She's French
Anon you need better taste
If you put Guinness and kebabs up your arse do you reckon poo would come out your mouth?
had a hands-free prostate orgasm last night by repeatedly contracting and relaxing muscles, was interesting
The Earl of Earth is what we're gonna call the PM of the one world government. There'll also be an elected president who'll do nothing, but will assume the full powers of the executive whenever the general assembly hasn't appointed a new earl.
But dysgenic wogmen on banana boat dinghies; we literally have no reply
Feel like this with the word cunt. Very yankish of me. Just don’t like it
reckon you dont do too much shagging
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Get the small boats ON our shores
Get the migrants IN our women
in the cunt >>201715186
Hi incels!
There is something, I can't describe it, but there is some sort of thing that the people native to the British Isles have that the militaristic, disciplined Germanics and Frenchem cannot beat.

I don't know what it is, some mad pragmatism. A spirit in us perhaps. We don'tm take ourselves too seriously, we are sound. We are friendly but when someone tries to kill one of our own we go to town on the bastards. Can't really explain it but the British and Irish have some mad personality trait that just assures we are the best shaggers and fighters.
umm guys i thought black people always existed everywhere?
>columbine shirt
is he the columbine shooter?
*directs you to the post below this one*
don't buy into that pozzed globohomo propaganda myself
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>We don't take ourselves too seriously
reading this post, i believe it
Personally, I think her best song was Tango Noir
Im English

If you call yourself British youre a tarq/paki/wog
Have to meet my dads new girlfriend and her kids tomorrow fuck sake
I'm a communist lesbian
Felt some kind of human sensation early, been a while so I can't really tell you what it was
I’m 50% English 50% Scottish/Welsh/Irish diaspora. British is just easier to say
>A spirit in us perhaps. We don'tm take ourselves too seriously, we are sound. We are friendly but when someone tries to kill one of our own we go to town on the bastards. Can't really explain it but the British and Irish have some mad personality trait that just assures we are the best shaggers and fighters.
Yeh honestly i hate being this based because nobody else can comprehend it and their minds implode on themselves.
blud started singing bee gees :skull:
Like English lads on an individual level me but cannot praise them for the crimes they done to my people
Hate the crown and westminster really, got no qualm with average English fellas
Or a scotsman/welshman with an inferiority complex
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Tories: Starmer is gommunism!
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So many of my favorite JAV stars are getting anorexia
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Ohhhhhh I've got a tuuuuummmmmyyyaaccheee
Absolutely HATE dadberg
Probably because jap food is rank
Who let Diego into the aquarium?
Did he ask you to get a job again?
i shag arse
Bow skeet skeet skeet motherfucker bow skeet skeet motherfuck
Nah we are honestly the smartest and most moral people on Earth
Continentals always have a stick up their arse
British and Irish people are content to just be left alone and be friendly to outsiders, but dare lay a finger on us and you will deeply regret it.

I will remind you of a poem, despite not being an Englishman myself (Scottish), I feel it deeply relfects all the peoples from Donegal to Kent.

"My son," said the Norman Baron, "I am dying, and you will be heir
To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share
When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–

"The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
And grumbles, 'This isn't fair dealing,' my son, leave the Saxon alone.

"You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
But don't try that game on the Saxon; you'll have the whole brood round your ears.
From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
They'll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.

"But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs.
Don't trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
Let them know that you know what they're saying; let them feel that you know what to say.
Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear 'em out if it takes you all day.

They'll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark.
It's the sport not the rabbits they're after (we've plenty of game in the park).
Don't hang them or cut off their fingers. That's wasteful as well as unkind,
For a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man-at-arms you can find.
hi guys. New to 4chan, can someone tell me what berg means? I see dadberg, mumberg, catberg etc a lot.
Oh my days
never say you hate your parents. your time with them is limited, so appreciate the moments you have together while you can.
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*ruins your train journey*

don't worry about it
dunno how you VFs watch this and feel anger
i am overcome by lust and wish to shag them
I would like to know
Its from iceberg, something to avoid. Titanic used to be a big meme here
I'm avoidibg catberg because he's bring a trifling mister
prefer not to say
Not seen my dad in 5+ years
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They simply don't meet my standards
was he a dickhead?

Didnt they already play eachother? wtf
Can see the heels o'er yonder
it’s an antisemitic “meme” that these edgy incels attempt to pass off as “humor”.

they’ll also use “-stein” at the end of words too.
Sorry, I try to be respectful because I'm in your thread but, as a Bong, you have no room to speak on this.
Mumberg and dadberg making me go to school
How does a 10/10 and a 3/10 become friends?
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would go mental on those chebs
women should all wear burkhas
if you disagree with me genuinely seek help you porn rotten sad sad cuckold faggot
These sorts of videos make me sad because I'll never have a beautiful gf
Our food mogs the nips
At half eleven?
there's always a 3/10 or a fat girl the hot ones keep around to make themselves look better
... you're a jew aren't you?
read a few pages of a book for first time in god knows how long
actually quite interesting but zero chance i ever finish it. they should make short books
The world is a complex place, but blaming all problems on the Jews is an easy answer everyone can get behind.
asking on behalf of a friend.
Lads how would you react if you found out your girlfriend had previously taken big black cock before dating you?
I feel the effect of wealth on a first date is way overstated. Yeah you might have trouble if you're wearing rags and can't afford anything. but these women have no idea whether I'm renting and heavily in debt, or own a $2 million home outright.
Hot girl always has a less attractive friend around to boost her ego, this is common you would know if you left your room
>Lads please talk to me about my fetish
They're looksmatched
One is just blonde so your NPC brain automatically thinks she's a 10
ellie botterill
corr who is she
how much of your food is really "your" food?
really big tits are overrated IRL
face is what matters the most
Can't tell if I like more
Big six footer Nordic blonde woman with big chebs
Or tight, extremely feminine and curvy, short, cute, tanned Mediterranean women

What do you lads prefer
I love fat women. There I said it.

Irish diaspora are pissing their knickers with excitement at this
Stein refers to a stein of beer, it's a joke about avoiding alcoholism
>Be incel in Bongland
>Move to America
>All the women want your dick because of your accent
I don't understand why more of you aren't taking advantage of this IRL cheat code.
All of it
>One is just blonde so your NPC brain automatically thinks she's a 10
If that is not a 10 then I don't know what is
Hair colour means nothing these days anyways as every girl dyes her hair blonde
that one isn't even white
You eat nothing but sandwiches, cheddar cheese flavour snacks and carbonated drinks. All British food.
SAME don’t love the smell tho
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Why not both?
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Maybe you should read Aesop's Fables
Never been with a fat woman who smelled bad I think it’s a bit of a meme. Either that or I’m very lucky.
Depends on your accent. I went to New York 2 years ago and no one could understand my Scouse accent they all gave me weird looks when I spoke
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>that one isn't even white
>refugees welcome t-shirt
phony "anti-establishment" shite
I'm Geordie
Not true, I eat burritos too
plannin on doin an audiobook

not any easier than actually readin

must be just summat about words without images that is boring
yea i bet
industrial revolution was good
when it come to food, just shut your mouth
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I'm 5'7 so I'm pretty sure I'll never pull one of those big Nordic type girls, I've dated an Italian girl tho
Tbf I have been with 1 fatty so
You know you're not supposed to post selfies of yourself on this board right anon?
Tzedakah (a form of charity) is a way to empower poor people to support themselves, helping them in developing their talents and skills.

Maimonides is known for enumerating Eight Levels of Giving (where the first level is most preferable, and the eighth the least):

>Giving an interest-free loan to a person in need; forming a partnership with a person in need; giving a grant to a person in need; finding a job for a person in need, so long as that loan, grant, partnership, or job results in the person no longer living by relying upon others.
>Giving tzedakah anonymously to an unknown recipient via a person or public fund that is trustworthy, wise, and can perform acts of tzedakah with your money in a most impeccable fashion.
>Giving tzedakah anonymously to a known recipient.
>Giving tzedakah publicly to an unknown recipient.
>Giving tzedakah before being asked.
>Giving adequately after being asked.
>Giving willingly, but inadequately.
>Giving "in sadness" (giving out of pity): It is thought that Maimonides was referring to giving because of the sad feelings one might have in seeing people in need (as opposed to giving because it is a religious obligation).
She has one of the ugliest pussies I have ever seen. Looks like a damn Silent Hill monster
for me?

magic realism and sci fi short stories a la jg ballard and borges
now that is more like it but why dont they have any pictures? id love to see some pictures of all the funny little animals
i think id find that even harder. id keep rewinding and losing my train of thought
>Never been with a fat woman who smelled bad
They definitely have a certain musk to them that thin women don't get, it's all the folds on flab rubbing together
dadberg very loudly (in public) today called meghan markle the queen of spades
some woman looked over from another table and gave me a dirty look as if it was my fault

can't be taking boomers out in public anymore
Got about halfway through Moby Dick over the course of several months convincing myself I WILL finish it and lo and behold just never went back to it after the last reading sesh
Hate my fucking brainberg
Not sure what you're talking about because I live in the North East and finding good matches is like a fucking needle in a slagstack
I'm 5'9 myself. fairly boyish looking twink, but have had some interest of big tall blonde women
They see me though as a cute little thing and not a man that could give her a shagging though
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ᴵ'ᵐ 5'9 ᵐʸˢᵉˡᶠ. ᶠᵃᶦʳˡʸ ᵇᵒʸᶦˢʰ ˡᵒᵒᵏᶦnᵍ ᵗʷᶦnᵏ, ᵇᵘᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ʰᵃᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶦnᵗᵉʳᵉˢᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵇᶦᵍ ᵗᵃˡˡ ᵇˡᵒnᵈᵉ ʷᵒᵐᵉn
ᵀʰᵉʸ ˢᵉᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵗʰᶦnᵍ ᵃnᵈ nᵒᵗ ᵃ ᵐᵃn ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʰᵉʳ ᵃ ˢʰᵃᵍᵍᶦnᵍ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ
What did you expect? Yanks only care for one accent and it’s the gay little feminine southern accent, barth, grarse, all of that shit
The good thing about having an internet gf I still haven't actually met yet is that I can fake sex if I'm not in the mood for it. She's quite randy and wants one of our usual shared wanking seshes, but I'm a bit knackered and want to do some relaxing yoga instead. So instead of actually wanking, I'm just sending her messages pretending I am every few minutes. She won't know the difference. Win-win situation
I can't remember how the vagina looks on any woman ever, It's not something I ever think about, it's just your penis goes
every brown boy's dream
bit weird...
need her to do that to my bollocks
Need to replace those blocks of wood with my bollocks
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
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How fitting, a pair of bollockposters
I mean I think about their face and boobs and bum but the pussy is whatever, it's not something I spend much time looking at
leftypol on some gay type shit
Latinas are becoming "gringo-only" more and more
probably because americans have taste and aren’t interested in interacting with retarded poor northern thugs
Lads why aren't you in bed? Toil on the morrow. Chop chop
despite all my brek i am still just a fattie who's peckish
yeah but to not remember any vagina ever...
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having a mare
>Burritos are filled with savory ingredients, most often a meat such as beef, chicken, or pork, and often include other ingredients, such as rice, cooked beans (either whole or refried), vegetables, such as lettuce and tomatoes, cheese, and condiments such as salsa, pico de gallo, guacamole, or crema.
That cheese? Cheddar. Burritos are British. You’re welcome.
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>Toil on the morrow
Don't have toil until Wednesday morning actually mate. Not all of us are 9-5 mongs.
let me in
If you're talking about dishes inspired by other cultures, there are of course lots of them since we conquered a lot of places
Would you prefer if we shoved food down a goose's throat then ate it?
need that in a barm pronto
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Not an anime.
lucky he didnt lose teeth
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no problem boss man
Not a proper job then is it
dosser runt
mad how there's not ONE woman or child in that picture
remember when the ukranian refugees got out? very different crowd
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despite all my ham i am still just a runt who likes jam
Skyping the American gf soon got any good memes to share?
back in school if there was someone in the toilet cubicle I would get a big bunch of bog roll, soak it in water and fuck it over the cubicle and run out
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Just remembered that 90% of Brits have never had a real burrito.
is $930 for a MacBook Pro M1 8-CPU / 8-GPU / 16GB Ram / 512 GB SSD a good deal or am I getting ripped off.
talk to her about BBC, american girls love black cocks in my experience
ktim but with poo
Well that's because Ukraine's jew government made it illegal for men to leave. Completely different story
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>got fired at the end of July
>August was a whole month of NEETdom
>The most enjoyable day of my life for the past 3 months by far and I can't find the motivation to go back

how do I do it lads
I've heard cunts on here say they've been NEETs for a decade.
That CANNOT be me.
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>Would you prefer if we shoved food down a goose's throat then ate it?
nah, you'd fuck it up
just let us do it
and yea, "conquered"
no, they immigrated and brought stuff, twat
at this point in time you're making swedes look like white supremacists
Is she 80 who the fuck uses Skype man
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Accidentally spunked all over the cat lads and it ran away, not good. Now it's running around somewhere with cum stains all over it.
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never once had a shit at school, the entire time i was there
utterly despondent
so darkie governments make it illegal for women and children to leave?
bet she's fat
you came on pussy haha thts my joke haha
don't recall ever even pissing in the school toilets
Wonder if it would be Odin or Lugh that would contact me if I took shrooms
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Probably just your mum asking you to keep the noise down
Oh we've got a real Michael MacIntyre in the thread tonight haha
I was the same but one time I needed to go and held it in all day, but on the bus trip home it became too much and I shit myself. Luckily nobody figured out it was me and all the chavs started fighting and accusing each other of the smell.
love this one
>remember when the ukranian refugees got out?
All men too but white and suck NATO cock so theyre okay
i remember doing it once and this lad in the year above came and stared at my cock which i was hiding with my body and shouted WHERES THE OTHER HALF?
No, jew NGOs kidnap and rape all women and children, then deport all the men
skype be like
*woooo boo boo* *plop*
*boooo woo woo* *plop*
Eriu likely then
Reckon it would be one of the Celtic mythological figures with a strong Christ overtone to it
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Tags: anus_peek
>All men too
post nose and timestamp
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came out to dadberg lads
NATO - nigger and tranny organization
sucking my own poo out my arse with a garden hose
Open a history book frog
Remember when you were young and your dad would come into your room and stick a finger up your bum to check if you were asleep or just faking?
open a cook book
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mental how she's married to a chubby korean fella
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alri catyank hows the wife and kittens
I did once when i was feeling proper ill but I didn’t actually shit in the toilet I went in the cubicle and shit in a plastic morrisons bag that I had kept my rugby boots in before
been watchin suits on bbciplayer

her character is actually so likable ironically
shoving bits of rice down me Japs eye
brits really are obsessed with bbc LOL

guess that explains why they are so keen to shag guys like me
dodged a potentially life-altering bullet there lad
Imagine how much power she has over him
>rugby boots
fuck off spaedo
vile vile animal
this nigga boasting about paying the tv license
dear oh dear
unless you're doing it using chop sticks, it's not authentic
told some woman in my dream that /brit/ post about that japanese fella playing his tamagotchi in the bath and she thought it was the funniest shit ever
>but I didn’t actually shit in the toilet I went in the cubicle and shit in a plastic morrisons bag that I had kept my rugby boots in before
how is that better
what did you do with the bag
shut up nigga
The toilet was all grim piss and shit everywhere I just left the bag in the cubicle
The first man in history to spunk up a risotto



gf is unable to have kids
mumberg caught dadberg watching tranny porn, won't speak to him anymore
girl on bumble has a bit on her profile going on about how much she hates racists
coal burner or virtue signaller, I wonder
vile freak
Thinking about making the new. What edition should I make?
early dogshit
If she’s fit = coal burner
Ugly = virtue signaller
how about a del boy edition? Always makes me laugh lol
Go on, tell me how.
If she’s fit = coal burner and virtue signaller
Ugly = coal burner and virtue signaller
Japanese fella organising his shirts by colour
Reckon I'll be heading off to bed soon team




Fingers crossed you don’t wake up x
Have you watched any anime recently EW?
Early. It’s EARLY!
How hard is it to follow the god damn rules!?
Sick of it!
I've been rewatching Naruto Shippuden but that's it.
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1.87 MB
1.87 MB WEBM
Hello lads
Is this the new?
Too early for this shit
Or too late for this shit
I dunno
I should just goon and go to bed can't be doing with this
The new snus

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