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Bloomer edish
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wakey /asean/, it's monday already
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Saya dari Inggris. Saya makan keju
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do you know average indogs here would call scots and welsh as "dari inggris" too
I think a lot of countries don’t know the difference between England and Britain. Some don’t even have different words for them. It’s only Scottish people that get mad at that anyway and they get mad at everything so it’s fine
What do any of you do for a living?
Pacar gue 24, mirip gini tapi lebih coklat dan lebih hot
asean dead
Soon to be English teacher in Jogja
how old
Young enough for it not to be weird. Old enough for it to be a bad career choice.
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Why go then?
My government will arrest me if I answer this question
I'm assuming that means you don't like the politics back home and not that you're sexpat
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it's over
they banned sexpats
>Under the new criminal code, anyone – Indonesians or foreigners – found guilty of adultery or premarital relations could face 12 months in jail. It’s not yet clear how these laws will be enforced.
Indonesia is banning sex?
Also not a sexpat, see >>201716709
They didn't, dumb kike media is fucking retarded and disingenuous so they love to misreport everything. Adultery was already illegal in indogland, the new law actually just neuters the enforcement of the old laws so that only relatives can report the crime, and it can only be enforced on those family members, so tourists are completely untouchable by it unless your mom files a formal complain with the indonesian government after acquiring Indonesian legal representation that you are fucking someone, after which the local police has to choose to prosecute it, and only if they have actual proof on top of that shit. Basically, it doesn't apply at all to non indogs, and it only applies to indogs whose own family hates them enough to turn them in for it while also having a complicit enforcing authority. It's a giant nothingburger and the media is just kvetching about it because it more formalizes fags being unwelcome under the law as they cannot marry, but again even they would be unfeasible to charge with anything. Fuck modern <<<journalism>>>
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another person from my community went abroad to marry...

This is crazy we have girls here that are still single around age 28-35, why the fuck are they going back home to marry?!?!?!
I don't like mainland Chinese
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Why not?
I kinda like how sarung+suit looks
That's jarik though
office wagie for Mr. Lim
i don't want to be rich i just want to live happily without debt, is that too much

i don't want a bugatti, a corolla is fine, i don't want a mansion, a suburbia house is fine

i don't even work but i know what comes after graduating
Is that like saying China and Taiwan are the same
>don't like muslims at home
>we have girls here that are still single around age 28-35
Ate you one of them
Fuck. Meant to write
>going to 2nd most populous muslim country
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>tfw just realized that my car's nomor rangka ends with 666
>Need to wait for two weeks for my Pertamina qrcode, can't buy pertalite before that
>mfw I think I'm cursed
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Slut thread
Underwater basket weaving
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>Slut thread
very rich coming from anna-nigg out of all people
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aseanbros best bros
I would say a terminally online, ragebait, Tangalog Monkey, but I'm not, some with the same flag does.

Freelance job.
football is majority sport of this cunt, they must have knew homerule cunts, the worst case might just calling wales 'wah-less'
I'm unemployed at 22. I don't have the right credentials to work
>a suburbia house is fine
well, why don't you consider living rurally as a goal?
> be me
> finance division suddenly called me to their room
> they find out i've not put my finger on fingerprint absence for 8 days despite me only skipped office two times last month
> somehow the fingerprint machine assumes i am not absent in 14th, where i supposed to be sick that day
happens in ur cunt?
tech issue
not quite, sure average footie lads here know Rangers and Celtic don't belong on england. But even then many doesn't know that Cardiff is not actually an english team as they used to the fact that Cardiff FC is an EPL yoyo team.
i do think about it but i don't want to live like a cleetus either, i want my anime and vidya with good internet but that's rare in rural towns, specially in the third world

suburbia is a perfect balance between concrete jungle and actual jungle, small cities (~100k population) work well too
i love loli.
im working for 2 subsidiary company for my local BUMD Bank
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why are instant noodles good?
they're easy to prepare, that's literally it
I eat 3 packs per plate and I can't get enough
fat fuck
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How fat are you? I only eat 2 packs+egg but I rarely eat instant noodles anyway.
Ideal meal for me is rice+meat+veggies, maybe replace meat with fish from time to time.
Debt collector

I wish the banks could ease up with the red tapes. Fuckers telling us to work while kneecapping us at the same time
i only work 8 hours max per week
I dont wanna be rich because I dont wanna walk with security around
I dont wanna be rich because I dont like to have strong enemies.
I dont wanna be rich because a big house requires many people for the maintenance.
I dont wanna be rich because I could not get better than my current gf who speaks several languages and she is not abrahamic.
I dont wanna be rich due maybe it requires me to be around whites. not my thing.

good cheap food, nice weather, affordable prostitutes and live with family and pets is enough happiness.
what race is this, she must be popular on asian guys
Hope you die from Diabetes soon enough
pingin nangis ya tuhan
pingin dipeluk
bmi said im 22 and healthy
>sniffing JK idol
That would be 150 bucks plus tip sirs
Asked and cared by no one though so STFU and OYS
I work in a mill, maybe I'm the only Indon poorfag here, because it seems like all the Indon here are middle class
Translator on journals and stuff like that.
What is a mill?
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After surpassed the flip in 2004, next year the typical viet will be richer than indon
Selesai sudah...
Live and let live
Any interesting article? Doing my thesis right now.
gdp for cunts with heavy centralized beaurocratic state will always result in a higher gdp than your average democratic cunt, i couldn't careless.
being free to live life as a retard is more valuable to pinoys than being told to die when you needed to.
You can also live free as a retard in vietnam. Dying from motorcycle and 16 wheeler is the norm there.
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what kind of thesis you doing?
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>mother of one child cheating on her husband
Average sundal woman
That won't last for long. I'm not feeling optimistic about the future of this shithole. Back in the days, I was spoon fed with propaganda shits like "Our goal is to accomplish industrialization and modernization by 2020". And yet, it's 2020+4 and the economy is still dependent on cheap labor, real estate and exporting imported stuffs from China to the US.
Manufacturing sector is basically dead because there's barely any regulation to protect it from the influx of cheap Chinese products. All the money saved up from waging for peanuts goes into hoarding properties, inflating the housing market and causing prices of everything to go up. The infrastructure is shitty as always because the mindset of "taking away as much portion of the state budget as possible for personal use, like building mansions or sending their kids to the US in hope of joining them after retirement" is ingrained in the mind of every single bureaucrat here. That's why not a single metro line is operational in this city of 10 million where I live.
And so this country will face the same fate as China. Boomers will start dying out and factories will be moved to India or the Philippines now that cheap labor has become non-existent. But this country isn't nearly as self-reliant or technologically advanced as China, so it will probably be much worse.
That sundal woman looks chink-y as hell
Arr rook same
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Cant they just return the shit that they stole? Better yet just cash the cheque and use it to invest in stuff and pay later?
I feel devastated after reading the newest centuria chapter
>Tika Kartika
>Wawan Gunawan
Literally sunda
Is it easy for malaysians to move to singapore
rifky here, what can i do to own Keychron K15 before the year ends? I don't know if I can get a job right away since I'm having an ulnar surgery on October.
idk why indogs always boasting about integrating chinese better than malays when the result is very bad here
integrating means that the bad culture we have is also adopted by the chinese here
meanwhile malays let their chinese to keep their culture through segregating society and the results are better
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Fucking helllllllllllllllll Paypal exchange rate today for fucks sake make me lose 1.5 juta fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Environment. Would be better if it's about Open Green Space.
move as in permanent? have to denounce our citizenship if so
but its pretty common here to live in Malaysia and work in Singapore
>mfw the exchange rate :))))))
just like working in the city?
yeah, the Johor-Singapore border is our busiest border crossing
very few however work high-tier jobs, some of them actually work there as cleaners, janitors, cooks, etc. but since the exchange rate is so high they bear with it

wait for Nusantara and our folks from Sarawak can go and work there too :)))
>move to singapore
As in buying property and stay there? No.
As in switching nationality ? Also no. Malaysia doesnt have dual citzenship and weaker bananamoney currency means you need A LOT of money to pull that off. People who actually do manage to pull that off usually only stay at the place for 15-20 years and then revert back to withraw their CPF (singapore’s pension fund) before they hit retirement age to enjoy living like kings.
>no you can't just be comfortable with your own thoughts and have internal peace and patience
Why are they like this
Definitely some irish there
It's one thing to be comfortable with your own thoughts and internal peace and patience, it's another to plaster that shit over social media.
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post vidya you currently playing
screenshot if you have it
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He means milling, most likely non-rice grains
>I'm the only Indon poorfag here
How much is your salary and asset/net-wealth? Do not answer yet
>because it seems like all the Indon here are middle class
It's a common motive that people identify as middle class, despite the abundance or lack of wealth/income because of many reasons... Such as
>not receiving gibs
>not being able to buy X and Y
>living paycheck to paycheck
That's why you assumed everyone is middle class here. Everyone just use the economic class criteria that fits them on middle class. The most optimistic method would be taking the position of you inside income/wealth distribution literally. While more conservative approach would be to define the lower and upper bound of each class, just like what government did
From links above, we know middle class has less than 10% of chance being poor or "vulnerable" next year (12 months). But, from May-June 2020 survey, only 8.8% of people have more than 12 month wealth (money to buy daily necessities). Even when we include the 6-12 months category, the total amount is still 17.4%. On the next year survey, the total amount is 28.5%
This means, the Upper and middle class are smaller than everyone think
gw bingung kenapa pengikut agama pasir benci banget sama yang namanya yahudi padahal 24 dari 25 nabi dan rasul agamanya yahudi semua
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ain't it because Christian and moslem says that they are the successor of YHWH will, because jews strayed from their covenant with God? (and moslem still says that all Abrahamic religion should still be respected?
Doktrin ustadz di Indonesia biasanya memang begitu, biasanya gak dijelaskan kalau nabi itu kebanyakan Yahudi bahkan Isa/Yesus saja mereka gak tau kalau dia Yahudi, karena ustadz indo biasanya pakai istilah Bani Israil untuk nyebut kaum nabi terdahulu bukan Yahudi, di jaman nabi Muhammad baru pakai istilah Yahudi ditambah beberapa hadist yang cenderung memusuhi Yahudi
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>Bani Israil
yeah that should point to Israel
where did the word Yahudi came about tho?
The journalist doesn't institute that nuance though, it is an overstep. They should write their articles with specificity not as clickbait
bahasa Arab
No indog boasting about integrating Chinese you dumbass, theyre boasting they're able to integrate everyone as one national identity
It's just that dumb malingshit keeps projecting their own dogshit domestic politics with their mleichink onto us, that's why indog fling their argument back with their own indogchink situation
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Different kikes, lurk moar and every once in a while some anon will explain why. In sort, the old kikes that were mentioned in desert religion lore are no longer exist and the one that we have right now are pretenders or something like that, idk its /pol/ thing, but like any other /pol/ thing, there's some truth in it
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i am a motherfucker
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>24 dari 25
ackshually only descendants of jacob (israel) are considered as jews so the number is about half or less
and in the quran, jews are often portrayed as a group of troublemakers who were disobedient to their many prophets
they were like "chosen" as an example of what not to be as a nation
>agama pasir
judaism could also be classified as sandnigger religion desu
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thoughts? >>201730143
I think Jokowi is pretty cute eh...ding-dong diddly and not afraid of anything
How do I stop falling in love with friendly women
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Stop grooming malaysian men you sick fuck. What if they unironically take estrogen and become a sissyslut?
Potong konekmu

actually date one and then when she breaks your heart, you'll be cured of this affliction
Apa yg ko mengarut ni setannnnn
I think I have a chance with one. I’m going to wait until this thursday or sunday to meet her again.
Apa yg mengarut sayang?
Kalo bende to hilang samada ko jadi sida2 gay gampang atau mati akinat pendarahan ekstrim.
Setel masalah either way
Lu jangan main sayang2 sama gua. Mgkin muka gua jambu, tapi hati gua keras dan kental beb.
Kalau hati kau keras xdenye kau nak naik angau pastu terkinja2 dgn awek yg tunjuk baik dgn kau.
Tu bukan hati keras,beb. Gersang ada la.
Lu perna nampak batu bulat tak? Sebab apa batu tu bulat? Sebab air yg lembut tu sebenarnya keras dan tabah menghakis batu tersebut slama bertahun2 lamanya. Begitu jga dngn hati gua. Tetap tabah menghadapi kehidupan ini walau xde makwe disisi.
Dah2 xpyh nk ckp berbunga2 dgn aku. Gi simpan ntuk awek 2. Ko jgn nangis lak time die reject ko nanti
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is du30 pro abortion?
why did he let her daughter kitty have one
Ni kali lain beb tpi gua tak nak cakap lebih2. Lu tunggu berita baik dari gua sebelum hujung tahun.
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thats the problem, they already do that.
Kalau aku mukanya jeruk
Jangan muka tak malu, sudah. Eh, itu aku. Hahahahaha
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excuse me I have an important announcement to make:
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cok tonggo iki gak nduwe tepo sliro belas bengi-bengi kok yo nggoreng iwak asin lak yo nggarai luwe maneh ta awak
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yo rapopo tah, kari tuku sego goreng pinggir kali, wengin wengi ngene ambek teh angwt wenak jancoookk
au pengene iwak asin mbek sambel tomat kontol, bengi ngene mlijo yo ganok bukak
how do we solve the jawir problem? there are too goddamn many of them
Give them chindo and Sunda wife till they extinct
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em
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malah bengi ngene bukake jiancok, nang kuto kono lo cidek rel sepur angkringane, dodol sego goreng iwak asin barang jare edi.
Lek kate mangan iwak asin ora ketombo maneh yo gedoken iku omahe tonggomu, mbokne JIANCOK.
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AI won
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thats a malaysian male
More vtubers
>'wak speak
you don't look like that
You're 30 yo
It's time to kys
gak sego poteh gak gelem aku su, ancen tonggo gathel nggarai masalah
jok percoyo mbek edi ndrawasi cocote
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only malaysian can gaypost or what?
keep seething
honorary malaysian (male) above
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saya berpikir orang inggris tak makan keju, hanya goyslop dan bir

kek ini hanya untuk orang asing, saya tahu banyak orang indonesia yang pergi ke bordil
It literally can't apply to foreigners, when will you guys learn to read the actual text or at least government information instead of news headlines
Would adopt
i dont care about it, nor will it be applied anyway since indos are lazy and can be bribed easily
shaved armpits emulate a prepubescent characteristic
global beauty standard is paedophilic
Try to post that on Football thread on /sp/
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>saya berpikir orang inggris tak makan keju, hanya goyslop dan bir
tapi keju cheddar cocok untuk goyslop seperti cheeseburger dan tacos, bang

have some self control on your sexual impulse Bule-san
iya, tapi.. cheddar bukan keju asil
the feeling is mutual, oil monkey
you don't look like that you jawir monkey
only if they are chinese.
import more sand sir
Itty bitty titties and a bob
Imagine wasting your prime IP for this
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>Lu jangan main sayang2 sama gua. Mgkin muka gua jambu, tapi hati gua keras dan kental beb.
Just busted a nut to a JAV actress that looked like Tzuyu
ate some leftover carbonara from 4 days ago and my stomach is churning like crazy
not your blog chud
*Keep yourself safe
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What does it say SEA bros?
she got ligma in her cake
She's asking for BIG SAAR COCK not joking
"just do your best, dont have to follow other people"
i dont know what the bottom says, never heard of khodam
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Chinese know exactly what gamers want.
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Too many dimensions.
why are you back posting hoes in 4chan? you broke up with the gf or something?
bila nak kahwin?
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ai won
maybe. we've broken up many times before and this time i don't want to fix it anymore. i'm tired. the only reason why i stayed for too long is because i pity her. i took her virginity but that is not a license for her to keep demanding things from me and always threatening to quit her study every time we had disagreement.
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hi ayen
>threatening to quit her study
sounds like landmine
>i took her virginity
reporting you to Jais
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i paid for her rent every month. last year i bought her a gold ring but she lost it. 2 months ago i bought her a gold bracelet, she said she wanted it, if not she will quit her study. now she wants a scooter and i said i will buy it in february next year because i don't even have enough for deposit. she wants it before new year if not she will quit her study. i just said to her just now that mum wants a daughter in law who is educated and my gf is throwing a fit. i'm tired. i did all her assignments too. i can't imagine living the rest of my life with her if this is the way she behaves. i pity her but my patience have limit. it's like she does not even appreciate me. for this month i only have around rm100 to survive. i took shopee loan and my spay later is maxed out, all because of her.
women, amirite?
not marriage material tbf but since you've messed around with her, kena jaga2 la
sounds like youve made up your mind abt her, but daamn definitely a landmine
thats why dont mess around. too eager to have sex, end up with girl that is mentally disturbed from a broken family. ofc, why would a good girl from a good family put out.
Aih blm kahwin dah kena cukur teruk gini. Wtf did she bomoh your balls or something? Why did you let her walk all over you like this?

i want her to at least get a diploma. i know for a fact she took this course just to be near me so i feel guilty of this (even though i didnt ask her to). i don't want her to just quit halfway and need to pay ptptn even if she didnt finish her study. if i didnt take her virginity i wouldn't care. it's my guilt that is eating me up from the inside and she took advantage of that.
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Yen wears the baju kelawar in the relationship

Should've pumped and dumped. It's not like you made her pregnant and told her to use the coat hanger. Also
> I want to get her a diploma
What course? If she's too retarded couldn't you just enroll her into giatmara?
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>baju kelawar
do malay really??
giatmara is for dumb people doe
like legit below average IQ niggas
what do you guys call it?
el indog
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So perfect for malay girls then.
Nevertheless, it provides avenues for poor malays to learn valuable, practical work skills and job opportunities, on top of business loans facility. It's a good way to go for malays who don't study too well but wants to move up in the world
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pengen bobcut girlfr-
thats barely a bobcut
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they are on their way to destroy sea homogeneous society with their pro-multiculturism rhetoric
youre like 50 years too late blud
>My piss princess has about 30 pages of JAV titles under her belt In the 'library
>She pisses herself in less than half of them.

Being a watersports enjoyer Is a pain sometimes
Homo genius? Who?
My dream 3p would be with Kanade Miyu and Monami Takarada
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shut the fuck up and go to bed
I tend to watch pretend rape javs but I also like to look at my piss princess's smiles. What a dilemma
strength in diversity, chud
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how to cope with monthly salary getting reduced by 40% (possibly more next month) bros
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bruh you only have 3 ethnic group (negritos and dayak dont count)
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oh, so you're diversity capital ah? with 100+ """""""ethnicities"""""""
>i paid for her rent every month
>i took shopee loan and my spay later is maxed out, all because of her.
You are fucked, ayen. First, you should talk with your family about your online loan, don't wait until you have to sell kidney and shit. Get them to bail you out and swear to God you won't use online loan again for the rest of your life
Secondly, tell them you have fucked someone's daughter and she's practically blackmailing you. The obvious solution is to marry her. But, does your family have 20K MYR in the bank for small wedding?
>"yeah, she's basically blackmailing me"
>"you should marry her"
what the fuck, man
achkchually its 1340 ethnic groups
>what the fuck, man
Well, that's the swift solution unless you want to deal with law enforcement, eh? What the wife gonna do?
If ayen regretted it, then divorce her lol
all brown, at least for us got la yellow, brown, black

i think Ayen's gonna end up on the news one of these days
You're not from the kampung or non malay? Kahwin is the default solution. tutul aib and all .
pink pokemon with malaysian fans
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Ayen and indoanon should make out
>Law enforcement
Unless the girl was underaged when ayen fucked her he should be alright. If she was legal and tried to pursue in syariah court they both would get equally fucked.
parents are a bit open minded
lil brother came home with a hickey one time and mom just kacau2 him about it
but still, marriage? thats like a big commitment, especially so if you're going to commit to a gold digger
It is, but it is what ayen deserved for thinking with his peepe. It is also the the most "proper" way to settle things in a malay Muslim society, especially in a kampung environment
>i think Ayen's gonna end up on the news one of these days
Wkwk. Figuratively, ayen is playing with combustible material. All it takes is one spark to burn it down
Any sensible men would avoid crazy chick, precisely because they're mentally unstable and very demanding. Combined with the fact that she demands ayen to buy her materialistic stuff and came from broken home. That's 3 red flags
To balance these red flags, she has to came from really rich family or very powerful family; to make her worthwhile as a wife
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they're the only namefags left...
MKL, bengkwan, Keling-chan all gone
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Ayen should've listened
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i binged watched milf manor (season 1)
basically seveb moms go onto a dating show, but they try to date each other's sons
cringe premise but i couldn't look away
you dont suffer in America
>Unless the girl was underaged when ayen fucked her he should be alright.
Maybe I should recheck the archive. I think she's a year or two younger than him
>If she was legal and tried to pursue in syariah court they both would get equally fucked.
I see. So, it's a MAD.
In Indonesia, when both party settle out-of-court, we called it "diselesaikan dengan kekeluargaan" (finished(solved) by kinship). So when a pair of young clown found doing fucky-fucky at retarded choice of place, the solution is, made them a kin®
Yeah. You're not supposed to break the seal "void if broken"
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imma hungry
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maximum comfi
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i have this saved for some reason
who's the guy?
You could have fixed her, Ayen.
oh i found him on /fa/
i posted him to asean last year
i don't think you can wear that many layers on the sea
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>she's a year or two younger than him
Safe, then
Ayen is a boomer
everything in the background definitely has a SEA vibe tho. the walls and pillars show signs of extreme humidity, and the trees look unmistakably SEA.
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Why does she look old and young at the same time?
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Hello me and a friend want to go to a SEA country this winter but not sure which one and what city, we're looking for:
1. good nightlife, the most important part
2. hot Asian women
3. beach
4. not flooded with tourists
Any recommendations? I've only been to Saigon and although nightlife is decent i didn't like the fact that most girls i talked with were either prostitutes or scammers is there anywhere in SEA where this doesn't happen?


>The undeveloped parts of bandung can feel pretty cool though. Like around 20-25C. Not cold by western standards by any means but it's enough to not make the average bandungite not sweat their balls off when wearing thick jackets
Sulu and Aceh
>1, 2, 3
ahhh, can't help you there
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i wouldn't wear this unless it was really windy and chilly
Try again when viet anons are awake. Best I can suggest is Lombok but I'm not iffy about the hot asn wimmin part
message to the pedotroons of this general
i know those are islamist areas
is kuala lumpur not good?
go to the Philippines, they need the dollars.
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yeah i got the feeling anywhere in Indonesia is just tourists partying (white women mostly) so not good want to mingle with locals
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probably wearing old people clothes
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K.l has no beach. If you really want to enjoy Malaysian beaches with less-ish tourists you should go to Sabah(cos it's expensive to vacay there) , though beware that flipland pirates might swoop down on you and give you the Farcry3 prologue experience
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La Union
Puerto Galera
oh, kuala lumpur is good
i just assumed you'd have the wrong idea about us, thinking we're muslim and all haha - the nightlife is... okay, i guess
i'm not into those sorts of things, music in clubs here are horrible tbf
love her thighs and legs
i mean doesn't have to be a beach exactly in the city if it's like 2 hour trip to the beach it's okey
is there any nigthclubs in sabah even?
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>love her thighs and legs
i think the girl is mixed viet
ga pada tidur gan? besok nguli
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>I think you're just mad. My gf is also super smart (majors in Maths), speaks French, English, and Vietnamese fluently and on top of all has an extremely adorable autistic personality (she'd browse 4chan and stuff and memorize every reference to impress me) and into obscure art (im talking Mubi films and noise music.

>Try to find a luckier guy than me. Pro tip: you can't.
Please understand that Malaysia isn't a country known to tolerate debauchery from foreigners
her emotionless face does it for me
bet she doesn't complain if you do anal on her
engga bang shift malam
where bago?
thanks for bago
>if it's like 2 hour trip to the beach it's okey
I mean there are beaches within 2-3 hours of travel but they're tourist traps
>is there any nigthclubs in sabah even?
Sabah and Sarawak are the less Islamic states so yes. Can't say much cos I'm not a local there (I'm from the peninsular)
why are you both awake this late?
Neet. I ll finally get myself employed this month I swear
samina mina
waka waka
ee ee
late shift tomorrow (today)

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