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Incel edition.

previously >>201709336
First for oregon
2nd for California
yeah no shit it's a mac
my dad could get the battery started on his own without a jump. he'd just put the car in 2nd gear, turn the ignition, coast down a hill then quickly release the clutch and the battery would start

just another one of those dad skills that i have no idea how to develop
penis con cum con sex
that's just another reason why i might as well switch to m1.

i have ryzen 7 with 16gb on the current windows laptop but without a dedicated graphics card it can't even run the shittiest steam games without lagging
You can do it in reverse too, or you can push the car as well
Be in neutral until the car is rolling, clutch in, select gear (2nd or reverse), then let the clutch go until it starts to engage, then let go of the clutch and clutch back in when the engine starts turning overr
It's called a bump start and it's a tried and true shit box technique
My friend's car had his alternator died so we had to bump start it at every stop
You need a manual to start
i have 0 bitches and 0 money
Is there any way to do something like this on an automatic?
i should have written "inceldom edition" in the OP god dammit i messed up.
Idea for a halftime show:
>Kavinky's "Zombie" with movements mimicking MJ's "Thriller", broken up wirh dance moves symbolising Christ throwing off his crown of thorns, the nails from his hands, and so-on.
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Not that i know of
what is meant by the phrase put your monkey where your mouse is?
feeling bad for leasties again...
Old holywood saying
Anybody can train a mouse but only a pro can train a monkey or chimp
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16 year old man in Toronto torturing and killing dozens of small pets and wild animals still at large
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The entirety of American culture seems centered around the worship of black people
The music, movies, and sports. Billions and billions of dollars, every Monday morning conversation, all around what some black people did on the weekend. Amazing.
They had a funeral for the n word
More like incel dumb for you
this nigga eatin BEANS
(it's me, i'm that nigga)
>make a linkedin account for this python lesson
>make a tinder account for this python lesson
yea go fuck yourself i'm skipping all this shit, the set up for all this shit is becoming more complicated than the project itself
just use the Harvard and MIT open course materials, or get a tutorial book off libgen dot is
unless you're learning by googling a specific codes piece by pieces in which case those resources won't be useful
this broke him (the european)
i'm doing this course though now i'm at a point where there's barely any learning and she just tells you to make some projects, like yesterday i made robot that plays cookie clicker, it's just that it's annoying as shit having to create all these account on sites just for this shit and it fucking takes longer than coding the shit itself, i'm gonna start skipping the lessons asking for all this set up shit it, like i can see the next 2 lessons is some twitter and then instagram shit, not doing either
You could tell me all but Eminem, Ed Sheeran, and The Weekend are ai generated people and I would believe you
The Turkish guy's name sounds like slang for a semi flaccid penis
>all ripping off american styles
europe is so fucking gay man
Swarthy people are the blacks of Europe
"Cum"? As in the gooey white stuff that shoots out pp? EEWWWWWWW
watchin destiny and hasanabi at the same time
damn these niggas smart
i made a reddit account and got banned within a day
i briefly used it like 6 years ago and i felt like i had to self-censor and tiptoe so as not to get banned
i've been using it on and off for years and i've never gotten suspended because i don't chud out on there
I know Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Shakira, and The Weeknd for obvious reasons, but have never heard of any of the rest.
I made one and deleted it because most of the subs I wanted to post on had a minimum amount of "karma" in order to join their little clubs, and fishing for karma felt like selling my soul for acceptance
i do that on 4chan
it's not even chudding out, if you say anything (even nonpolitical) outside the accepted hivemind you get completely downvoted. it's a consensus aggregator
I even have to self censor on 4chims now. You can't even say NIGGER anymore without a ban
Watch this the niggertrannyjannygonnabanme
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I did NOT post that shit
I replied to the wrong niggerdamn post
Shit on my talmud and call me kikeface
mobile ip?
yup, being stuck on here makes you forget how hivemindish most people are. you just gotta try to blend in if you want to get anywhere with them
I used to use reddit in highschool. This was before the war, see.
I really want quad 7's
Boo hoo nigga
how do these types of degens get that mentally ill? i never saw this degree of degeneracy on here until like 4 years ago
reddit was kind of ok before 2016 but now every sub is filled with bots, political shills, midwits, and teenagers. it's completely insufferable
Society wanted drugs, LGBT, and porn released into the world without relent, this is the bed we've made
reddit is only useful for when you want to get google results from real people
I typed a text to this girl I used to see
Saying that I found this cutie pie with whom I wanna be
And, I apologize if this message gets you down
Then I CC'd every girl that I'd CC 'round town and
Hate to see y'all frown but, I'd rather see her smiling
Wetness all around me, true, but I'm no island
Peninsula maybe, makes no sense I know crazy
Give up all this pussycat that's in my lap, no lookin back
Spaceships, don't come equipped with rear view mirrors, they dip
The atmosphere is now ripped
I'm so like a pimp, I'm gladys knight
So the light from the sun would not burn me on my bum
When I shoot the moon, HIGH jump the broom
Like a preemie out the womb, my partner yellin "Too soon! Reconsider! Read some liter'ture up on the subject
You sure? Fuck it. You know we got yo back like chi-ro-prac-
Tic if that bitch do you dirty, we'll wipe her ass out in detergent
Now hurry hurry, go'on to the alter, I know you ain't a pimp but pimp rememba what I taughtcha
Keep yo heart three stacks, keep yo heart, man these girls is smart, three stacks, these girls is smart
Play yo part, play yo part.......
I'm going to fucking snap on these vanlife tourists
>real people
White men aren't giving their Mexican and black friends hugs so that the pheromones rub off on them.

So it's not over yet.
Hasn’t the internet always been so? If anything there are more adults online than ever, because terminally online teens turn into terminally online adults
Reddit was mostly guys in their 20s. Now it's filled with literal 13 year olds.
So what's Russia's plan to replace all those young men that got blown up? Do you think I could make a fortune helping them rebuild?
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"Can a muggle borrow a pencil?"
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fuck this stupid ass gay ass fuck ass life for real
you don't fuck anything thoughbeit
Why do they make the judge use that teeny tiny hammer? He should have a big hammer that makes the ground shake
>this decade is almost halfway over and I have literally just sat in my room all day for the past 5 years
if you don't like your life, change it. it's literally that simple
Good question
Why they have a hammer in the first place?
don't you have a job? hobbies? friends?
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shut the fuck up
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>White boy cute
it makes noise
browsing the internet and occasionally video games
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This is you in 7 years with some bad luck if you don’t quit gooning and doomscrolling
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>All Israeli troops forever out of the West Bank and Gaza (the loss of government troops will inevitably lead to all illegal settlers eventually fleeing back to Israel)
>West Bank becoming the state of Palestine and the Gazan strip becoming the state of Gaza; basic adherence to '67 borders.
>West Jerusalem becoming capital of Israel and East Jerusalem becoming capital of Palestine
>Old City of Jerusalem controlled by neither side; under direct jurisdiction/administration of UN
I don't understand why this solution isn't obvious.

>Gaza can't support itself as an independent country
Yeah, like it was just thriving as an open air prison before last October.

Whatever struggles two independent Palestinian states would face would be nothing compared to being under foreign occupation. Since neither Hamas nor the PA seem willing to fuse into one government or cede total control over Palestine to the other organization, Gaza and the West Bank will inevitably have to become two separate countries. It's either the two (technically three) state solution or Israel just annihilates the Palestinians and steal what's left of their land.
*sits, defeated*
I don't think I can continue, today. I will be back, don't you worry. You'll rue the day, and stuff. Ah, no you won't. Here's my treasure chest, you lousy heroes.
Your sister makes noise too when she with me, you don't see her squirting all over the courtroom.
trying but quite literally nothing ever goes right. i was born under a bad sign or something
Drinking coffee (decaf)
What change do I make if I hate having a job
Another day in my SIL (stupid incel life)
hello, my opinions are important and better than yours. i shall be spending the next couple days posting them here
please make sure to pay attention to the thread and engage with my posts
Just have sax
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>No also [BOOM]
your response
where do you buy sex like at wendys
at wendys
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any real mystical mysterious niggas here?
is it on the secret menu
This guy is either getting assassinated or going to prison.
No he's not
Was James Buchanan gay
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It's inevitable. Rabin will be avenged.
You know that you’re right?
Only if Taneesha working the grill.
She loves my mayo ass
Hamas needs to go, sorry but not sorry
another foreign policy success of the biden-harris administration
Palestine? Never heard of her
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just glass mecca and jewtopia together, problem solved
why are liberals so insufferable and smug
This guy is literally a national hero in Israel now.
Israeli guaranteed security plan:
>Nuclear bomb concealed under lower Manhattan
>Nuclear bomb concealed under Red Square
>Nuclear bomb concealed under Mecca
>Nuclear bomb concealed under Trafalgar Square
There, negotiations over. Negotiate with this penis
Sounds Jewish
>i'm not a 30 year old loser that has never gotten female attention, i'm a cool wizard or something
Grant went full bore against the south, he new he had a numerical and weapon advantage so he what he did was non stop attack. He would chase retreating battalions down and attack again and again until they were forced to surrender
Fart fetishists, why?
I had a fart fetish for like 3 weeks then I snapped out of it
boring ass threads today
maybe this is my sign to study and stop scrolling chans
Listen BUDDY, I have a couple years left until wizardom. And, I will NOT have that title taken from me after all this time!
>ass threads
What caused it do you think?
Actual monkey brained vantablack retards. Fat has a lot of calories so if you eat a bunch of fatty things you'll get fat.
What retards defending the two-term tradition forget is that had Grant been allowed by his party to run for a third term, we wouldn't've gotten president Hayes surrendering the south back to the confederates just so he could get into the White House. Not only would the civil rights movement not been delayed by a century, without the Klan and the return of confederate power the great migration of southern blacks coming up north in search of safety and jobs never would've happened.

Yeah, a guy winning three elections in a row is Hitler but a guy literally sacrificing half the country just for his own ego is a resurrected Cincinnatus.
Greenland is icey and Iceland is green
I should stop browsing 4chan in front of my synagogue
I like this video
Your rabbi would be pleased to know we are a pro-Israel board
Should I drink 2 beers for a good night sleep?
Got so many chains they call me Chaining Tatum
I don't know what it means, fella
I have so many cats they call me Jonny two cats
>inb4 Tilden would've won Grant corrupt unpopular
Grant's reputation immediately started recovering once the country saw the repercussions of ending reconstruction, and saw that the Democratic tactic of calling everyone else corrupt while they themselves also engaged in patronage (while also depending on anti-black terrorism to keep the south in Democratic hands and the party competitive at the national level) was always bullshit.
Well, I guess I'm getting drunk then
not much I can do about it, it's like getting upset I'll never be an nba player. just not in the cards genetically
This so much this. Also use urbandictionary jesus christ
American anons what was your experience applying to universities like

I'm thinking of saving up some money to apply for a JD
Oh, I am not an urban person, if you catch my drift
City slicker or hillbilly?
Started a pint of Heineken
Monday morning time machine has been set
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crazy that i can create images like this on dime for free
Fucking christ /int/ really is a gay hookup site disguised as an image board
WTF is that real?
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i just made several of these quite easily and instantaneously
HA, jokes on you - I am not hooking up
oh, i like that one!
wow thread really sucks today
guess i'll find something else to doomscroll
the pixelated style really helps in hiding the AI imperfections but i just made it pixelated because i like it
i have gotten addicted to election updates
How did they photograph that frog with a towel on his head? Frogs are notorious for disliking that kind of thing
You swallow
obama has said in private he believes kamala will lose,
Our experience is probably different than yours will be.
>submit ACT/SAT scores
>submit highschool transcripts
>do essay paperwork bullshit
>get acceptance letter
>be a bootlicker for 6 years instead
>become a neet
maybe i fucked up by not marrying a stripper, but now i'm waiting for the application periods in asian countries to open up, which is basically the same process but I need visas, and I don't think they'll care too much about the essay
Damn Anon, you're so smart. Just go on over to Israel and sit both leaders down and tell them to hold hands and sing kumbaya, too.
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man, it must feel like mana from heaven for you. and those ads are here 'til november!
i just hope trump wins
Frogger 4: Taliban Tribulations
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she must wear a diaper full time
how come?
numerous reasons
oh alright. well, hope he gets it!
Good looking woman, but what is the practical application for her ability to store those objects up in there?
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until they can figure out how to take out the soullessness out of AI art it will be just that
Can’t imagine the mind of a frog poster. Imagine seeing a pepe, enjoying it, saving it in a folder, organizing the folder, retrieving the file when you make a post relevant to the particular frog, and repeat ad infinitum.
Is it mental illness?
I like the variations, simple as
Little bit of tizm
It's all good
Quit the smokes now I stand outside when i drink a seltzer water
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I am the frog.
quit the booze. now i only have beer and vodka.
All of the frogs are literally me. The frog expresses what no words can convey
>seltzer water
You some sort of Communist?
whats your prediction for the election
tugged my tube too enthusiastically and now my urethra aches
Had my incel rage triggered earlier but I'm feeling better now.
Dad's a fatass & a diabetic, mom's a drunkard. I'll stick to my seltzers
What if my girlfriend eats my dick pill?
I had wine with dinner but am sober for the rest of the night. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.
...fair enough. I withdraw my previous statement. You sound like a reasonable fella. Stop smoking doe!
trump wins the popular vote by about 1% (could go up to 2%), gets around 315 electoral votes. flips GA, PA, WI, AZ, NV. Maybe MI. Best case VA, NH.
I was a lot less confident 3 weeks ago but he seems to have got the campaign back on track and kamala keeps fucking up and losing momentum.
I did, im rising above all the muck
i like both candidates quite a bit. only going to fall on on the democratic ballot because of family.
A true patriot.
You did say you quit smoking, I just read it wrong. See I come from a proud line of retards and I am keeping the family tradition alive
how can you like both, genuine question
you're actually delusional if you think he's going to win the popular vote
no, it's quite possible actually, but i won't bore you with the details.
fact is kamala is doing significantly worse than hillary was (and she ended up getting 2.1%). she seems to have peaked and is slowly declining in the polls. polls always underestimate trump, and if the same polling error continues he would be leading by around 1% right now.
Busting a fat ol’ nut to Japanese pornography kind of Sunday night
in fact there are several recent polls where he IS leading the popular vote.
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no longer wish to be awake but it's only 930 and i usually can't fall asleep until 1
>northern north dakota
Rolling for some place other than coasts
Cope harder
I would consuuume JAV stuff religiously if they had more white guys
do you live in a dishrag or paper towel kinda household?
just do. kamala's charming, and seems nice always thought trump was funny, and fun. i like them both!
im sorry you're innumerate
>A Republican candidate hasn't won the popular vote since 2004
>Trump has struggled with poor approval ratings and is an extremely divisive candidate
>California and New York
For reference I don't think Kamala will win, but there's no way in hell he's winning the popular vote.
Nice trips but why are you obsessed with white cock
A girl can dream
Have you ever noticed that it's only Dems who say the electoral college should be abolished
And it's also only Dems who says voting age should be lowered
And it's only Dems who deny that voter fraud is a thing that happens
X /pol/fags go home!
X neckbeards fuck off!
X no cringe!
Hot take: Only actively employed, native-born men should be able to vote
I just can’t imagine porn and being like “aw that cock isn’t the right colour”
i dont watch the video if the dildo is black
“Brutus” and “Caesar”—what should be in that
Why should that name be sounded more than
Write them together, yours is as fair a name;
Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well;
Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with ’em,
“Brutus” will start a spirit as soon as “Caesar.”
Now, in the names of all the gods at once,
Upon what meat doth this our Caesar feed
That he is grown so great? Age, thou art shamed!
Rome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods!
So you can't comprehend person wanting to associate with an actor he sees in a video? That concept is completely foreign to you? Why do you watch porn?
what if it's a horse?
full of corn and cum rn
i dont mind horse dildos
Third alcoholic drink for the night buds
The etymology of dildo is unclear
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my gf is 24, has braces, has a daughter, is half native american, and can't have kids anymore
I am half way done with my pint, holl up!
what happened to her eggs
is she fat
Dump her
Post her tits
>>A Republican candidate hasn't won the popular vote since 2004
And guess who's the worst polling Democrat since 2004?
>can't have kids anymore
Sad. Other than that - you are doing quite good
I like to watch women be fucked. It’s not me in the video. Seems strange to project myself into the fantasy of porn when the images are stimulating enough on their own and often enough have their own fantastical plots.
Why couldn’t you imagine yourself with a black dick, if you’re just imagining yourself as the dude? Surely there are also differences in size and shape between you cock and the cocks of white porn stars
would YOU date a single mom? me? no
I won't
she's kind of chubby but not super fat
she had cancer polyps and had to have her fallopian tubes removed
yeah I've never gotten this either, I just imagine myself as the man
I guess you could argue it subconsciously "primes" you to getting aroused by black men fucking women but idk
>Seems strange to project myself into the fantasy of porn
That is literally what I want
>Why couldn’t you imagine yourself with a black dick
Because I am white and I am racist towards black men
>Surely there are also differences in size and shape between you cock and the cocks of white porn stars
Some times. I have 8 inch cock, thanks for asking.

I also like women porn stars who remind me of my girlfriends
>nw oregon is all woods, yet nowhere to camp
private property fags get the rope. can't own trees and half a hill if you're decaying on your front porch
she's probably trashy af
go to a state/national park or reserve
Post cock or you’re full of shit. Also idk what racism has to do with it, shouldn’t it be thrilling to you, as a racist, to imagine yourself as a black man? How transgressive yadda yadda
i like doing male and female moves when i dance. they're all very fun to me. the one thing i wish i could do, is a martial-arts kind of high kick. i'm getting there, sort of. maybe i need to stretch. then again, dancing kind of IS my stretch. i guess it's all okay, so long as i'm moving.
DC could get statehood like yesterday if everyone simply stopped paying taxes, went on strike, and shut the national capital down. The federal government would panic from the lost revenue and diminished international credibility, pressure would mount on all the freeloading rural states to stop depriving DC of the exact same rights the founding fathers started shooting the British for, and DC would finally stop being taxed without representation.
I don’t imagine myself as the man though. I’ve never gotten THAT
>no no, you gotta go to the OTHER patch of woods and pay for the privilege!
shut up
the wolf of wallstreet wasn't even a wolf, it was just some guy
what a sham
Any other boring bastards want to chime in?
Here we go.
I agree. Thank you :^)
Awoooooo werewolves of London
I am computer illiterate, so I am afraid of doxing.
>shouldn’t it be thrilling to you, as a racist, to imagine yourself as a black man?
Not really. I hate seeing my enemies get pleasure.
don't know what that means
nobody gives a fuck though and why should they? what would statehood give them besides a token 2 electoral votes for kamala?
I’ve had wine and beer. Now I’m on rum.
Not only Florida, but REDNECK, welfare check-collecting Florida. Grim.
This is dumb.
This is an 18+ website, as is all pornographic material
Just don't pass out before I am done with my first pint
I never have to pay, sounds like Oregon is just a shitty state
it's literally a video of you fucking a girl, idk what else you are supposed to think
that's the reason I never watch porn with the guy's face in it
Ok, but you guys will find out where I live. Never underestimate the power of 4chan autism
Oregon is awful, and we're full. If youre not getting chased by a fent zombie, youre getting shot by Cleetus for being on his property. Best to stay away.
there is literally nothing wrong with dating a single mom as long as the kid is white ( my gf's daughter has blonde hair and blue eyes.)
Party that's very worried about a black-majority state gaining two new votes in the senate: nobody gives a fuck and it wouldn't work (please don't do it, we're very worried about you doing it and we have no good arguments against it happening so please don't do it)
people laughed at my election predictions in 2016 and 2020 and I got them right kek so we'll see
I agree
It’s not *literally* a video of *you* fucking a girl. That’s a mental projection you perform, a fantasy you hold. It’s always just some dude doing the fucking, unless you’ve made videos of your own?
tbqh i don't care if there's a man in the video or if he's white or black, maybe it's just because i'm half-poc but i feel like if you let that trouble you then you're insecure and ngmi
yeah, i got a few more, loser. what are you here for, if not to read people talk?
I’m not claiming that my porn consumption is virtuous or anything, but I’m starting to get why some people get obsessed and addicted to it. They literally, actually care about the porn they’re watching
>Watching ISIS beheading videos
>Bro, if you can't get a pleasure imagining you are an ISIS guy - you're insecure and ngmi
I wouldn't even pump and dump a single mom. Kids are just such a fucking headache and the daddy is always lurking in the background. Best not to deal with that shit.
whos winning
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> getting shot by Cleetus for being on his property
this is my parents in Medford. they're literally the kind of people to fire gunshots every once in a while to keep Californians from buying nearby.
Nice false equivalency retard
i'm hoping for a job in bend, naturally i started applying for work on the start of the million day weekend though and have to wait for the useless wfh hr reps to flip open their laptop on tuesday
what post are you referring to
I'm not a rethuglican, but DC statehood and two extra black senators really wouldn't make that much of a difference either on a national level or especially a local level for the residents living there
you're wrong this time buddy
my only gripe with single moms is that they're usually in dead end careers and i'd just end up being the sole breadwinner while they bleed me dry with dumb purchases.
i'm cool with single moms if they have a decent job like accounting or nursing.
part and parcel for californians, if anything you make us feel more at home, thank you
I miss memeball memes.
Why the insults?
How did I offend you? I was called insecure for my preference for white porn actors. Why would that offend people?
nope. I predicted he would win when he was down way further in 2016. this is a cakewalk for him D E S U
the one that called him out on being a proud cuckold
I have been wrong about every election from 2016 onward and I think Kamala will win in 2024
>.t rural southwest oregonian
the fans
DC statehood is just a power play by Democrats to permanently gain 2 more Senate seats. DC is literally the most blue county in the entire US, it votes 90% Democratic.
>Why the insults?
Because drawing a false equivalence is rhetorically weak and a sign of moral cowardice. It’s worthy of scorn
the real question is what post isn't it referring to?
They should get statehood and so should Jefferson
The Rethuglicans don't want it to happen because they know it'd make a massive difference and it'd be bad for them.
>Hey! It’s not right to give rights to black people living in the national capital! A bunch of 18th century slaveholding aristocrats who started killing the British in order to preserve their right to government representation didn’t want to give the right to government representation to anyone who wasn’t a propertied white male over the age of 21.
>Because drawing a false equivalence is rhetorically weak
In what way?
I am a national socialist
I want Russia to win
I want Israel to lose
I am anti homosexuality
what does that make me?
No. Dissolve it equally amongst Virginia and Maryland.
It has nothing to do with race lmao, it would be like making Roberts County, Texas into a new state
Not a smart man
>i was born under a bad sign or something
Believing such nonsense is why you are NGMI.
a retard
just a regular fella keeping quiet at family gathers
If you don’t have the courage of your convictions to defend your positions but by the creation of a false and discrediting comparison, then you are demonstrating moral cowardice.
Sub-80 IQ.
>supernatural occurrences are le fake
enjoy rebirth, monkey
Black guys aren't some enemy team trying to eradicate you retard. Stop buying into /pol/ fearmongering. If you feel threatened by some of them fucking a minority of white women to the point where you have to autistically avoid the porn, then you're obviously insecure about the idea of them "corrupting" white women like most chuds, which is a retarded obsession because at the end of the day it's just two people fucking.
i just wanna fuck a pussy hard
Easier done than said. Read that again.
i really do not give a fuck about race mixing
the whole world will look like brazil in due time
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343 KB PNG
Fellow Leafs, where do you shop for condoms online?
I dont know what I need and the only places that sell decent singles or samplers are online have have high limits or rip off shipping prices.
Ask an American to borrow their wife, they seem more than happy to accommodate with that
A mentally ill chud incel
Still going strong

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