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Another snus edition
Janny doesn't want us talking about high concepts like God
what happens in wessex?
Wee sex
slaughtering scandinavians and sending them packing
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i am becoming sleepy
many of you live in nossex if i'm not mistaken?
stipulating an autoejaculation
I am severely mentally ill and a risk to my own safety
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the perfect woman
Let's get one thing straight, I'm the leader of this goon squad okay?
mental how you go to wales and they're speaking another language
english in a different accent?
Where are we off to captain? *touches your wrist*
Not really though
They do all speak English but it's the awkward ones who use Welsh, often only when in strange company
Very silly language
reckon the celtic languages should be heavily revived
>In the most recent census in 2021, 17.8% reported being able to speak Welsh.
Simply untrue. And this is self reported, half of them are probably just pretending.
grim. get her arrested
Quality edition
well funnily enough when they speak english a lot of them just sound like normal englishmen
was in north wales so a lot of them were speaking to each other in welsh
no need for them really though is there
the jews behavior in Gaza, where they are murdering by the hundreds of thousands and raping POWs and then bragging about it makes me want to vomit
Why not?
I have not had irl friends since highschool
Mental how comically evil they are
Vile bastards
having a panic attack
obsolete in this day and age, and a bit annoying if you ask me
The universe - space and time, are both infinitely recursive, like a Mandelbrot set you can keep looking further and further and you will never find the baseline.
We can keep looking at smaller and smaller scales, at further and further back in time, but we can never reach the beginning, the final resolution.
The harder you stare, the deeper you go, the stranger things get, but you never reach the source.
From a physics/mathematical point of view, this is a perfectly possible solution. In fact the evidence for it keeps building.
But to humans who want a simple answer, to people who want a clear start and endor an explanation, to Abrahamic believers, this theory is a deeply unsettling answer.
how'd you manage that
>just let a native and rich culture of the british isles die out bro
calm it kermit
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Searching for my cock in my pubes like it’s a Mandelbrot set.
Same, it is an unjustifiable evil that both our governments are aiding, supporting, funding, and covering for these war crimes, raped, torture, apartheid, colonisation and GENOCIDE.
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I am autistic and into history my only hobbies are lifting
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Remembering when i really wanted to visit india
sorry to hear
what about
Bet you’ve got a really cool sword though
why'd you want to do that
prove it then
Singing I've got foreskin haven't you?
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queen literally ENDED their petty asses with this one
this is what happens in a pub-less society
/brit/'s motorcycle club finally has an affiliation with the Hells Angels so
We're protected now lads
You ever get women calling you up in the middle of the night to dump all their emotional baggage on you?
by evil forces
Think of it like this.
Most religious people and to be fair also most scientists, most normal people want it to work in a certain way.
Imagine there's a pitch black hole, a void. You want to know what's at the bottom.
Most people expect if you could safely jump down it eventually you'd reach the bottom at some point and could find out.
Evidence is mounting to our reality not working that way. Rather, you would fall, and fall, and fall infinitely.
As you fall you learn some things, but you still don't have a clue what's at the bottom.
In fact the further you fall, the greater the depth below you seems to expand, the further from reaching either the floor or the entrance you become, and you will continue falling forever.
leftypol keeping the sound of the guitars being plugged into the amps on his garage rock album for a more "gritty" and "authentic" atmosphere
laughed out loud at this post, a very blunt and unexpected response
No women ever call me regardless of the time of day
What's your opinion on the Bretons?
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sex with women
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oh my days he really does
we have a reputation for being rude when it's just honesty, and honesty is a sign of respect
great people, shit cuisine, probably the worst in France
been known to partake in this
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thinking of moving to Australia, last abode of the white man, somewhere in Queensland by the coral reef, but away from the cities
more like Queersland you bent poof
lot of asians of there i've noticed
Anyone here ever pissed blood?
yea me
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Oh they'll be jumping out their windows when we win
They'll be jumping out their windows when we win, they'll be jumping out their windows, jumping out their windows when we win
And I hope it's spiky railings when they land
And I hope it's spiky railings
GREEN spiky railings
Hope it's spiky railings when they land

And I hope the paramedics are on strike
And I hope the paramedics are on strike
And I hope the paramedics
The GREEN paramedics
Hope the paramedics are on strike

And I hope it's a Catholic doctor that's on call
Hope it's a Catholic doctor that's on call
Hope it's a Catholic doctor, a FENIAN catholic doctor
Hope it's a Catholic doctor that's on call

And I hope your undertaker is a tim
I hope your undertaker is a tim
And I hope your undertaker, hope your undertaker is a tim

And I hope the dirty bastards rot in hell
I hope the dirty bastards rot in hell,
I hope the dirty bastards, HUN dirty bastards
Hope the dirty bastards rot in hell

And they'll be joining Maggie Thatcher there as well
They'll be joining Maggie Thatcher there as well
They'll be joining Maggie Thatcher
DEID Maggie Thatcher!
Joining Maggie Thatcher down in hell.

Singing I'm no a billy am a tim
Singing I'm no a billy am a tim
Singing I'm no a billy
Don't be fucking silly!
I'm no a billy I'm a tim.
just move to the new south wales coast if that's what you want
all the perks, less humidity, no crocodiles

north or south coast it doesn't really matter
no but I've bled piss
never did, just like to answer to "yea me" to "anyone" questions
sick of delusional britshits thinking Aus is just like Britain but le based and le trad
it’s not, we just have better weather, more money, and happen to speak English
Currently sucking cock as I type this
frenchlad having pissed blood is a new but not at all surprising element of his lore
Anyone ever sucked a Frenchman’s cock?
good lad good lad
people need to stop politicising and chronically-onlining my home
better weather, more money, similar pub culture
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Also you're all vaxxed which is cringe desu
might move to hobart
just like the name
Computer, identity current star date and quadrant. This does not appear like federation space, at least not as we know it....
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More about the land than anything, 30 Million people to thousands upon thousands of miles of coastline vs megacity one vs megacity two here, i can live my myth in Coffs Harbour
You are the people on the floor
It's follow, follow out the door!
Rangers, bye bye
mate covid was three years ago
give it up
bet you feel like a right mong now
woke up this morning and had no idea where or who i was for a few seconds, bliss
No I own my great grandpa's airborne flag and I taught a lesson on history once
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*enters /brit/*
Bollocks, your average rural Australian is far more based than your average meek englishman
just so you know coffs harbour is in NEW SOUTH WALES as I suggested and not queensland
Move to Australia.
Stack shelves.
Marry a nice Chinese woman.
Be happy.
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The Deep Space Nine episode where they get stuck in the past in San Francisco takes place today on September 1 2024.
Bought a 6 pack of crisps in a new flavour that just came out
Taste grim but I'll finish them anyway so they don't go to waste x
Imagine being a Rangers fan
Just imagine it
Just imagine your team, your family's and friends team, the one you have supported all your life

Just being utterly fucking shite and getting shagged raw by the mighty Glasgow Celtic at every turn
not really 2bh frenchlad, more just amused that I found it so likely to be true
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>nice Chinese woman
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>just oral cancer me right up bro
queensland should annex most of northern nsw, maybe not as far as coffs harbour but definitely tweed heads at the very least
fuck do you know about it retard
and besides australia is practically the most urbanised country on the planet, >90% of the population lives in cities, which are multicultural. sorry to ruin your crocodile dundee fantasy
Astounding - in fact worrying - degree of synchronicity between that fact and my post.
Literally nobody cares about Scottish football other than mongy Scottish runts. Shut the fuck up already
i've seen the peep show episode with the brucettes
i wouldn't surprised if you lot were pissing blood all over
Looks like ashlee from the boys
britain and Australia signed a free trade deal post-brexit which also made it easier for you to move here
know plenty of english blokes that came here for a working holiday and decided to stay
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More like Queersland you bent poof
You think you are all hardmen but could run riot round you bastards
>90% of the population lives in cities
exactly so i wont live there, not the smartest grub in the bush are you haha
They kicked the ball then, aye?
went to google scottish premier league and seen I searched "scotsman in an elevator" at some point
thought it was the start of a joke but the results are all nonsense so no idea what I was looking for there
very good episode
she's a very specific type of bogan, not your typical run of the mill, if you're english or aussie you know just how unlucky mark was to run into her
Miserable cunt
Mon the fucking Celtic
Go be 'based' then you fucking pathetic incel shut-in cunt. You won't and will die having hanged yourself while still a virgin. I will be proven CORRECT.
no one thinks that, and boasting about how good you at rioting you are is extremely niggerish behaviour
Hope you enjoy backbreaking physical labour for minimum wage
Trump deserves the death penalty for being a rapist, paedophile, dishonouring military graveyards, being a traitor, and inciting insurrection.
Gonna get off the plane in Australia with my funny hat with corks hanging off it and call all the airport staff cunts so they know I’m a real Aussie like them
oh my gays
is it aye
is that right mate
>oh betcha cobba fuckin oath strewth
alright stop fighting
cant imagine having a gf who wasnt a virgin, imagine kissing the same lips some other lad has rubbed his cum ridden nob across

because the polls have never been wrong about trump getting elected
Always had a thing for Orc girls
I just love Orc women
I mean the Elder Scrolls and other sexy settings, ones not ones from WoW or LoTR

shut the fuck up pussies and listen to your afd anime tunes
this cope died in 2020
unironically good banter, if I saw you in the pub with that hat i'd shout you a pint
*looks at your trousers*
*scurries away*
you're a completely subhuman freak if you're on /brit/ at 2am
yeah and imagine her kissing the lips of a lad who had a bunch of gravy, battered sasuage, onion and garlic smeared across. EW
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Synchronicity happens because our thoughts are in the noetic realm and the energies of other beings can charge one's own thoughts
Back of the net they kicked it
Yeah? Or what? What you gonna do? Gonna slap me?
Slap me across the face and then pull me in for a kiss? Press your hot fucking lips against mine and push me up against the wall? Hold your hot body against me and let me feel you get hard against my thigh while we kiss?
I’d like to see you try.
ahahaha nice one frenchlad
If you support Trump/ Reform UK, then you would've voted for Hitler. It's that simple.
The man who destroyed Europe, killed millions of European men, then shot himself when things got tough.
Humanity is too retarded to learn from it's mistakes.
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Ain't no woman past the age of 16 that has never been kissed, women do not have this problem.
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Modernistic interpreters of the Bible will say that the creation in Genesis is only a metaphor and you aren't supposed to take it literally. However that is wrong! Orthodox understanding of Genesis is that it is both literal AND symbolic at the same time! That has always been the Orthodox view of this matter.
Many Orthodox Church priests such as Saint John of Kronstadt and Saint Paisios and Elder Ephraim of Arizona have said that evolution is a lie from the devil.
Yeah and?
>then you would've voted for Hitler
WW1 veteran with an artist's sensibilty... and I you can't deny the man has some good points about them jews... He loves dogs, can you really hate the man?
>white portion
the duality of man
conversation moved on mate
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>then shot himself when things got tough.
leftypol bragging about making a neuro atypical man self harm
bad look all around
Never knew Leo Dicaprio did a movie where he shagged an old rich bald bloke
Would you rather vote for Hitler or Starmer though?
pure sex
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you sure it wasn't some obscure behind the scenes tape? haha
He was a shit artist, give me 5 minutes in Microsoft paint and I'll be able to prove it.
for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d28Fuzq_lYk
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>about them jews
Saint John of Kronstadt whom I mentioned previously, also said that the Jews were behind communism and socialism and liberalism. Also he said that evolution is a lie from Satan.
>bro he was a shitty artist let me draw some lines in ms paint to prove it
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saw a drunk guy at maccies get in his car and drive away, can give you details if you need them gchqlad
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And when the music stops
Fuck King Billy and John Knox
Oh thank fuck that I'm a Roman Catholic
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australians being told their country is quite nice
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literally giving the brucette episode another watch
good stuff haha
Australia is a superior country to Britain in every way, the idea of an Australian thinking he has anything to moan about to us is laughable
new thread btw LOOL
lost a war to big birds
at least we surrendered to nazis, not things we can cook and probably get some michelin stars out of
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love ktim posting
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Might move to Kayteem
I look like that
Celtic - Aryans
Rangers - Jews

Simple as that
So who’s going to take one for the team and kill smartschoolboy9
remember when online games weren't full of indians
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>Celtic - Aryans
actually we outsourced it to the private sector and eventually won
Love Wales, beautiful country and not many blacks.
so did we lol
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Bonjour, monsieur et madame.
I will be your Heathermong for this evening.
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Seething hun freak
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>International Break without Southgate
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Queen Talia on Onderon had an Indian accent for some reason but everyone else on Onderon had a British or American accent. General Vaklu had a British accent and he was in the royal family like Queen Talia and he didn't look Indian either. He looked Germanic.
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Cope on pal
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omdz musk reposting /pol/
You can barely get more aryan than the Huns lad, not exactly the smartest insult there
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The visual style of Onderon was similar to Naboo. Also I like the music in the Onderon cantina.
Noncey's requiem
Kind of hope Attenborough is the apparent "untouchable" nonce rumoured at the BBC
Not that I don't like Attenborough but fuck me that would utterly destroy the BBC. They'd be finished
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Hungary is named after Atilla the Hun. They have a statue of him.
You talking about the Roman "huns" or the huns as in Ulster-Scots protestants
Cause if it's the latter they're literally the same race as Irishmen or Englishmen, just a psycho inbred fanatical scummy offshoot
Helping the feds catch more flies in their honeytrap
That said he's right
>Irishmen or Englishmen
Both are descended from the aryans
democracy of the few is just aristocracy
pontificating a penile deluge
as a descendant of heroic Irishmen who came to Australia escaping famine and oppression I will not rest until Australia dumps the monarchy and changes the flag
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Literally, yes.
Hitler was awful at art.
I don't care if you're a mentally retarded zoomer chud who wants to suck nazi cock. He was objectively awful at art.
Aye of course never argued against that
Just made a jokey post about how Rangers and their supporters are slimy bastards and Celtic are obviously better
Based. Fuck the crown.
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bit mad i can exchange words with a brucie
i've talked with an old farmer who saw the first tractors come in ffs
can't imagine what the world will be like 20 years from now
Aristocratic democratic monarchy created the largest empire the world has ever seen
rorke defending hitlers artwork on 4chan
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not I
love Australia, love being here, thankful for your comments
I like how you say "IS shit at art" because he lives in your head rent free because you know he was right about everything and it keeps you up at night.
Easy fix: massive inheritance tax to keep the meritocratic blood flowing
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not so fast
>implying the american republic will last another 3 elections
Caesar's coming soon mate
cope harder chuddie. Your IQ will never pass 80 and all your heros are paedophile grifters.
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yeah and we helped kick the nazis out of north africa and the japanese out of papua new guinea while you were busy surrendering
America is smaller than Canada which was only one dominion of the peak of civilization
liked that episode of Justified with the hologram from Star Trek obsessed with buying and destroying Hitlers paintings
the Australian flag is incredibly popular in polling, even amongst young people
apparently people are more likely to support a republic if they are given assurances the flag will not change
France shocked
Australia rocks
>kick the nazis out of north africa and the japanese out of papua new guinea
objectively places ever since
Then the parasites infest the government instead
Institutions with large amounts of money, renown or power will always attract amoral lying parasites
Why do you think that most extremely profitable of powerful businesses are literally just falling apart these days when maybe 10 years ago they were on top of the world?
Its almost like sociological entropy
Monet had no sense of perspective either, it doesn't mean he was shit at art.
I'm racist as fuck but will never get the support for Hitler
Utter wee maniac that tried to genocide half of Europe
And don't act like he was all chummy with us because he wanted to force us into a temporary peace treaty

Had the Germans won on the continent because we agreed for peace, they would have immediately began bullying and shooting us as soon as they had the capabilities to do so. Fuck the Nazis, they had the fucking gall to think they could lay a glove on Britain and we wrecked the cunts.
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think again, coward dunkirk boy
Midnight scrambler
the copium is already being huffed....
pathetic to keep banging on about the empire, trying so desperately to cling to a long gone greatness. In fact doing so only hurts you more, you should’ve accepted your place as a regional European power but noooo you left the eu and now you’re the sick man of europe
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"sense of perspective" lol

you're just copying that from the renaissance
>I'm racist as fuck
>i think defeating the one guy who could get rid of the libshit jews ruining europe should be destroyed
one thing i can't accept
batarian bastards
because all the alternatives suck, when in reality they should just remove the cuckstamp and make the commonwealth star bigger
And in 1,000 years
They shall still say

This, was their finest hour.
That's because Monet was a fucking impressionist you zero witted chud
And Hitler painted renaissance style?
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based aryan woman

get fucked huns
you lost lol the jap kicked the ball in the net and you LOST
Stick it up your fucking arse
Policy about immigration or the loss of the church has nothing to do with our complete domination and destroying of the German nation
If you weren't bullied in school then you were the bully. Fuck you.
how do cunts even know about all this painting shite, bunch of freaks
got the random access memory ordered
l know its wrong but sometimes l want to shagging a cute fella up the arse
they dont know
they copy and pasted from reddit
>If you weren't bullied in school then you were the bully. Fuck you.
or you might just be one of the lads just kicking the ball with the other lads
Hitler wasn't good enough an artist to have a style, but he wanted to copy what he believed was Classical Greek and Roman style and Renaissance style, yes
Why are you so adamant on defending the shit artwork of a man who genocided Europe?
Hitler would have been absolutely fine with Britain joining him and he wouldnt have touched us and America would be forced to watch on and shit their pants and cry and kvetch and all the other shit they do like nowadays
*holds up paint brush betwixt index and thumb finger eyeing my x y z*
never happened
he was shit, but worse shit was aeccpted in his stead
I'm taller than Hitler, just so you guys know
We could have been living in a utopia but selfish retards and jews as always get in the way and ruin our country
truth is, Napoléon was right
Utter drivel
"no sense of style"
>An ideology so morally reprehensible the world destroyed itself to stop
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absolutely mental that fewer people than the current population of the united states lived on earth during the middle ages
and thats not just europe
world mustve been amazing back then
There's words for those people. Capitalists. Billionaires.
It's exactly because the fascist billionaires have you on 4chan arguing about African-Americans and transgenders all day that we will never make any progress.
well so who did he admire most?
Just let the treaty breaking, schizo Germans on a melty own Europe bro, they definitely won't turn their back on us. Even Hitler said we are based Aryans!

Do it again, Bomber Harris.
>noooo dont insult the heckin transgender and negros online
Irish diaspora detected
You'll die if you don't stop choking on a dead suicided drug addict nazis cock to get some air, chuddie
Cuck who hates his country and hates white people

Low IQ Nationalist Cuck
Charging my phone for hours and then realising you didn't turn the charger on
Enjoy being cucked for rich people's benefit until you die, servile class traitor freak
lay off the duginist thought, ok?
his channel is a bit too grim for me most of the time
Not racist me, but for whatever reason I don't like little people, midgets and whatnot
>guys trust me you cant be racist and hate rich people at the same time
is being cucked your fetish anonymous?
And the RAF from England shot one down!
And the RAF from England,
the RAF from England
the RAF from England shot one down!

There were no German bombers in the air
There were no German bombers in the air
There were no German bombers
No German bombers in the air
Traitor nazi cock sucker 80IQ incel chud who wants to lick the faeces off Elon's boots and will die to defend Hitlers artwork
Loved the one on the Chilean demon.

leftypol is NOT happy
sometimes when i'm in the shower i'll fantasise about painting with mein fuhrer in vienna art class workshop talking about raphael and angelo

why do shitlibs have to bring their cock sucking fantasies into everything
Irony being the raf doesn't even exist any more, they were all shot down (by politics)
Ask the traitor Nazi chud who's fellating Hitler ITT
Also not a lib
calm down, ok?
You LITERALLY cannot stop thinking about cock sucking you freak

why is it always weird boot licking and cuck fetishes leftypol? It's weird
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it's either some leftypol tranny or 2016mong
Looks like I really triggered the Nazi freaks hard
the brainless /pol/nutters didnt like that one
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*enters brilp*
good night
hitler was a vegetarian
one of the best thing about german cuisine is the sausage
can't trust the man
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>larps as the master race
oh my days
bet she stinks of cat piss
>hehe, those /pol/ chud idiots sure didn't like my cock sucking fantasies, I win again
The best French leader was Italian

The best German leader was Austrian

The best British leader was definitely not British
are you upset :/

why do lefties such as >>201720237 think hitler is the only right wing figure to have ever existed?
Can't sleep, incelthoughts are keeping me awake
Oh my days the 70 IQ chuddies are still seething about Hitler's shite artwork and me pointing out how they spend all day defending billionaires and worshiping Musk and Tate
your art is so good it belongs in sonnestein euthanasia centre
Can you respond to me with a pic of that laughing guy laughing like I said something funny? I want to know what it's like.
does it matter? evidently on the mark if insulting hitler triggered all youns
This is the sort of girl you'd be fucking and the cat would just sit there watching and it'd creep you out andose your bones.
you have the worldview of a middle aged woman named susan mate. muh right wingaz juss watch andy tate and musk n like hitler barry get the beans on
Why are you all still obsessed about a drug addict who shot himself 80 years ago?
Leftists would bring up that genocidal freak who destroyed Europe less frequently if you didn't all still hero worship him.
I'm retarded
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It do be like that
Rattled chud freak, get a job
Really makes one think
Susan, Hitler is not the only right wing figure to have existed on planet earth. To be right wing and to express anti immigration views does not make someone Hitler! :-) hope this fixes the issue for you!
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it's ok
so are most of us
>go on a schizo rant and militarise germany
>promise them europe
>end being occupied by anglos and asiatic soviets Howling at the state of Hitler
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It actually do tho fr.
thank you french bro, that means a lot to me
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fucked it
like hitler
hitler and gohring would have appreciated this so much it would have its own exhibition in sonnenstein
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>>end being occupied by anglos and asiatic soviets Howling at the state of Hitler (singular line)
Yeah we get it you also worship Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, etc
Any billionaire, paedophile, grifter, etc that there is that promotes fascism and spreads fake news slop that targets the low IQ population you will form a cult about and worship
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collect the frogs to express emotions
very cathartic
hitler was a trans neurodiverse disabled substance-using girlboss
and she was beautiful.
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Fuck Hitler
Fuck Palestine (modern day Nazis)
We own Germany
message ruined by gay anime ai voice shit
In reality
>USA owns Germany
>Germany owns EU vassals
>USA owns everyone else
you are mentally a woman. who even gives a fuck about any of those figures over the age of 21 like what the actual fuck are you talking about you stupid Jonty cunt. you must be a child and your chav cunt peers in year 11 must be banging on about andrew tate or some shit and so you now think that right wing thinkers are chav cunts like your spasticated classmates. fucking get yourself back in the mines you dirty little slave tier genetic waste product btfo
chuddy melty
you are mentally a woman.
Absolutely rattled. Also you're literally the one who's literally spent the entire thread defending Hitler and far right nonce grifters.
>Germany owns EU vassals
Germany said Greece goes.
France said Greece stays
Greece still in.
i kneel...
i remember my first cider as well mate
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>>Germany owns EU vassals
>Germany said Greece goes.
>France said Greece stays
>Greece still in.

>Yeah we get it you also worship Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Donald Trump, etc
>Any billionaire, paedophile, grifter, etc that there is that promotes fascism and spreads fake news slop that targets the low IQ population you will form a cult about and worship

>Absolutely rattled. Also you're literally the one who's literally spent the entire thread defending Hitler and far right nonce grifters.
I have mentally dominated and destroyed you. Get fucked chud.
gordon brown was right to be fair

what sense is there in keeping our gold when we're subjects of america
youre a migrant or the product thereof. you will never be british teehee :-)
watched some porn the other day of a girl riding a bloke and her dog was just wandering about and jumping on the sofa next to them awkwardly
My smelly childhood bedroom and all its possessions on "libshit chud rattler" being Spaedo going on a mad one.
ill be having those thank you
its 2016mong but hes absolutely right on this
Charles Veitch
no, you spy on us through german intel
you got caught some years ago
with allies like these, who needs enemies eh?
get it fucking made
number 7
student watches PORN and gets NAKED
Yo Hugo what's good man it's Jonty here. Me and the lads from sixth form are going on the razz tonight, yeah, yeah, say less Hugo. Did you see what happened in Gaza last night? It's bang out of order bro! Tarquin was raging about it all night on xbox live. Yeah man, so I'll see you there then Hugo?

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