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bögsnus edition
you guys are so secretive towards us, its only right we should know, you're our subject and defending you means we get to know all youre doing
sorry about bush having a melty over iraq though
Didnt know 2016mong was in the 190'cord.
Need some fresh ideas this thread, last one was abysmal
I worship Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, MUFC Andy Tate, Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro's sister and Charles Veitch.
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a dolt shitler
mental how if Hitler had stopped with the Munich agreement in 1938 he would’ve gone down as one of the greatest statesmen of all time, and Germany would have a 100% german population of 200 million today. We’d be in a different timeline. Makes you think
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Politics mongs ruined the previous thread. Let us now return to the issue of KOTOR 2.
My favorite worlds (planets and moons) are Onderon, Dxun, and Nar Shadda.
you owe us liberty
>Canadian who didnt post at all at the end of the last thread mentioning Hitler, the topic of the last thread, in a negative light, in the new thread

Spaino! I knew it was you!
we paid off those debts under jackson doe
what about Dim Tool?
I'm Indian you mong
butter chicken and garlic naan with a mango lassi please boss
Completely normal response. Completely normal Canadian response.
Yes spaino we know that already
Yo Hugo what's good man it's Jonty here. Me and the lads from sixth form are going on the razz tonight, yeah, yeah, say less Hugo. Did you see what happened in Gaza last night? It's bang out of order bro! Tarquin was raging about it all night on xbox live. Yeah man, so I'll see you there then Hugo?
hate hate hate this bastard of a world
done him
listening to sonne by rammstein and having chuddy thoughts
done him x2 *pumps fist* yussss
no you didn't
the dept should have been paid under the first empire, ungrateful prick
too bad
jackson paid off every cent of the national debt so all debts before then are paid and settled. end of. we kept you safe from communists and nazis.
I hate the German language. Dutch, Danish, etc... much better.
Forgot what I was about to post, fuck sake
nevermind, our fault
an englishman free from the crown remains an englishman
unfatthful, unreliable
can't fight for shit on land but good on a boat
Spaedo in the last thread spamming Bradley
Hate to see it
190 got alzheimers... fuck.
Someone set up a gofundme.
Dutch sounds like gay german, and Danish sounds like a German with a speech impediment trying to speak Swedish. stupid retard
Sorry I don't know the lore, why do you call an Indian guy Spaino? Also I'm actually Chinese.
Yank niggas called shit like Buster
omg is that real?
German will forever be the evil nazi language.

We will never stop hearing evil nazis whenever it is spoken to us.

This is why we left the EU.
on the grimes again
err, Jonty, shouldn't you be in bed what with school tomorrow and all?
Nazis are just the worst.

Nothing worse than a Nazi.

Not even a violent wog or a crazy tranny.
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astounding to me the amount of bog monkey girls in interracial relationships with black and pajeet men. way more common than white american girls.
ok but why he be sitting like that hahahaha
leftypol opinion
having tohughts about 2012

:( i wanna go back
mad how she used to be fit and cool and made good music
Get a life you obese virgin
i couldve treated her better
rock and punk music was the dying gasp of the white race, nowadays it’s all niggabeats
Easy enough to deal with a nazi, just punch them and they go down. But with a crazed tranny it's fuck or get fucked.
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teebeehache shes still rather good looking for going on 40 and having had 3 kids
You give leftists the steering wheel and the driver's seat for a single political generation and they are just about to plummet the earth into total chaos against natural law. They import millions and millions of muslims into the west and other migrants just as bad, grant them and their children citizenship after five years, and just keep trucking on!

Think about how effective the equality act 2010 was by labour. They literally terraformed the future of their political opposition. the conservatives are an absolutely destroyed multiracial proof of just one drop theory
>This is why we left the EU.
for more darkies and pakis?
well, it worked like a charm
Rorke rapping over trap beats to represent the white man in the game
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all you vaxxed zogbot cucks with your gay bluepilled opinions wouldn't last two minutes in a debate against Jay Dyer

Claim what is rightfully yours, white man.
Mad how yanks cut their catbergs claws off
You worship a jew catyank
The only non Christian religion that was legal in the Christian roman empire was Judaism lmao
you reckon Wallace from Wallace & Gromit has a BWC?
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Based and Redpilled.
unpopular practice now
it’s also much more grotesque and evil than just taking the claw out like you’d think
>unpopular practice now
glad to hear
>it’s also much more grotesque and evil than just taking the claw out like you’d think
yh I've heard
The bigger the nose the bigger the..
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2015 was quite a while ago.

9 years. Nearly 10. Very close to 10.
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no nazi ever called me a frog
Both invented by White American Southerners, the ubermensch.

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You are a frog.
Get a slight mixture of panic, nostalgia, and pain whenever I think of this fact
Yo Hugo, hop on xbox live bro! Yeah it's Jonty man, yeah, did you see what Nigel Farage said this time, Hugo? Rah, Hector was NOT happy about that bro! Sweet, say less Hugo, I'll see you in the common room, yeah?
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yea i am
proud of it
>I'll see you in the common room, yeah?
reminded me i need to get back on hogwarts legacy again
American chattel slavery and segregation did infinitely more to harm white people the world over than abolition and desegregation did
What would happen if I saluted a guard at the palace
Rather it was the ending of it, no?
Why do /pol/ lads and americans start posting here at night?
>Why do /pol/ lads and americans start posting here at night?
Shut up you stupid fat cunt. Go vote labour you specky abo. You will never be british!
If the founding fathers had the balls to outlaw slavery from the start there would be no extensive history of slavery and segregation and therefore no hatred and resentment, now that we infect every other culture that resentment has spread to other minority groups around the world even if there was no such history
American chattel slavery was forced on us by the London Royal African Company, and ending segregation and the decline of the Southern Democrats has irreparably harmed white people beyond repair. Lest I remind you, what desegregation has done to American popular culture, or the fact that Southern Dems were the only people who opposed the Hart-Cellar Act which has led to our vritual replacement by spictizos.

Northern chuds really just can't admit to themselves that their ancestors were soyfags who fapped to black victim narratives and wanted to destroy Southern whites out of jealousy.
Calm down little fella
Because Americans are the only funny or interesting posters on /brit/.
any personal biases aside
for a woman who turns 60 next month, Kamala is pretty peng, aye?
An agreeable position: yet we live in a world where we control our decisions, and if it was imprudent to have slavery within America (a thing happening in every nation in every part of the earth at that time, as it always had) it was more imprudent to suddenly end it with no plan or project going forward to repatriate those of foreign nations
I've bounced back.
maybe post an image that isn't from over a decade ago aye?
better than our Brigitte that's for sure
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In KOTOR 1 my favorite worlds are Manaan and Kashyyyk.
Also I like the murder mystery side quest on Dantooine.
Also my friend said that my ambient track sounds like it would fit in Manaan because it sounds like an underwater level.
>American chattel slavery was forced on us by the London Royal African Company
The founding fathers wanted to outlaw it, but they were pressured too strongly by southern slave owners.
>ending segregation and the decline of the Southern Democrats has irreparably harmed white people beyond repair
African americans have remained at a constant percentage of the population for the longest time, even sliding a little bit. Desegregation was not what destroyed us. Mexican immigration is another issue with separate causes.
The plan was to just give them equal citizenship as repayment for fighting in the revolutionary war. The outcome likely would've been far more favorable than what we got. (620k dead, horrific legacy)
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>In KOTOR 1 my favorite worlds are Manaan and Kashyyyk.
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The soundtracks for Manaan, Kashyyyk, Dantooine, and Lehon are really good.
Also on Xbox Live you could download a new level where you go to a space station above Yavin IV where this Rodian sells you equipment. Also you can look out the window and see the red gas giant and it looks cool.
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>The plan was to just give them equal citizenship as repayment for fighting in the revolutionary war. The outcome likely would've been far more favorable than what we got. (620k dead, horrific legacy)
That is not a plan as I said: the sudden ending of an international behaviour that is bound as much to our nature as organising ourselves within groups, or identifying family, is the cause of this circumstance.

It has never been said better by anyone that acting in haste is always unwise. A policy is made especially strong by prolonged planning: it is a dangerous thing to demand building upon a site when danger is already feared.

Our fathers and mothers have literally handed us, this generation, a society filled with so many mistakes that our very lebensweise is at odds. This past political generation in Europe is demonic
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>The soundtracks for Manaan, Kashyyyk, Dantooine, and Lehon are really good.
mental how i probably live a better life under various metrics than majority of people who have lived

and yet its still shit

like there are top people living the best lives ever. top trillionth peoplr ever to live. madness.

just utter madness

what is this shite called life?

a good life is a diamond on a beach of shit
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funny pictures mate come disrespeck me to me face and see what happens
bent little French poofter nancy boy
>the sudden ending of an international behaviour that is bound as much to our nature as organising ourselves within groups
Slavery was already abolished in almost all of europe. Even England. The precedent was there.
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funny pictures mate come disrespeck me to me face and see what happens
Humans have evolved here on this earth for millions of years in different forms. If your DNA would not be content living on earth and finding happiness, it would have perished long ago. In what metric are you therefore claiming you live better than your ancestors? That you have a phone and a table and a light that you can turn on whenever you want? What does that mean for a 'better life'? It is not making you happier, nor do they make your life in a Darwinistic sense more successful: you are not fulfilling your evolved needs of security and procreation by having technology or whatever you claim to give you a better life.

You should not underestimate your ancestors and think because you have sausages and beans that come in a can or because you have a 50 pack of haribo that your life is 'better in most metrics'
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Was there a precedent for writing unbelievably boring posts like this one
pray tell how many posts youve made in the last 2 hours that are about international culture and ARENT about children's science fiction?
Just spent $507 at the optometrist for a pair of glasses that slightly improve clarity at distance and feel blessed for having the money to make such a purchase
... who do you think you're talking to exactly?
>Humans have evolved here on this earth
Not another earth?
Which other earths are there?
The Founding Fathers wanted to repatriate them after a long and gradual emancipation, they weren't 19th century style violent abolitionist and racial integrationists a la John Brown. The Founding Fathers were, if using modern terminology, liberal herrenvolk democrats; they wanted a white Anglo-Celtic ethnostate. Their plan wasn't to give them equal citizenship like you claim. Southern Dems were the only faction of politicians that opposed Hart-Cellar and the only faction of politicians that remained faithful to the vision of the Founding Fathers, at least in the sense of trying to keep America a White Democracy.

Until roughly the 1950s, the U.S was a white man's country, it was democratic, progressive in many ways, yes, but it was all filtered through a racial consciousness that was intentionally chipped away at by (mostly) Northeastern yankee businessmen who viewed America as an economic project rather than a homeland.
I should go to Scotland be like
>Omg I am Scottish
Even though I have a polish last name
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Who the fuck do YOU think you're talking to?
it's a price but eye relief is very welcome when you get it
it drains you everyday, you'll see the difference
we are genetically predisposed to be depressed, anxious, worried because of our cavemen brains being concerned about resources
everyone will always be miserable and sad unless you have no worries about resources, aka rich
Slavery was suddenly abolished throughout the world in a short span of years: with this happening when one reads our own history we may see that essentially no broad plan or estimation of the consequences was ever contemplated or projected. We now have a horrid age of interraciality where the future of the human race is basically at odds, and, unless there is quite literally a super society or intergalactic federation above us pulling the strings or controlling things, our future in britain to reach the stars is basically dead. This is all because of the sudden and thoughtless decision to end slavery with no plan of repatriation, no plan of protecting heritage and establishing eugenics in some form of permanent law
Shame you're not predisposed to being quiet
text has no volume
/brit/ has to be the worst generali frwquent on this board. utter drivel. all the time.. just different kinds of drivel at different times of day
also i miss when Jeffo was cool
he's changed and not for the better
Rorke under the impression that all advances in history were made in Europe
you are also predisposed to happiness and satisfaction. if you lived in a depressed and anxious and worried state constantly with no other emotion, your DNA would remove itself from the pool in great numbers and leave no mark of yourself here now. That you are alive is proof that while you may be anxious and retarded, you have other good features within yourself that will allow you to conquer this life
yeah but what do you expect, sex sells
im never happy or satisfied and i will likely never pass on my genes
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most of them were
was one ot them in australia?
divinyls version was better
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You have made a grave mistake speaking to me in such a manner
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I don't get it. Why would they let the invaders in? That's suicide.
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>Humans have evolved here on this earth for millions of years in different forms.
Evolution is a Masonic psyop.
Read Saint John of Kronstadt's and Fr. Seraphim Rose's thoughts on the theory of evolution.
Wise up mate
It's not about you individually. That your DNA is here at this stage of history is proof that it has within itself the capability of all the good things that I mentioned and more. If it did not, your DNA would have been culled in the infinite moments of our history were humanity was put into caves by nature or forced into slavery by an enemy. Whether living in a jungle with no prospect of security with predators everywhere, your DNA found a way to propagate itself successfully in great numbers. You are a living testament that you are not a retarded and anxious idiot, at least not completely, because if that is what your DNA was it would have been culled as I said. You're not unique.
unless you find my crossdressing pics, i don't have anything to fear from you
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Many Orthodox Church priests such as Saint John of Kronstadt and Saint Paisios and Elder Ephraim of Arizona have said that evolution is a lie from the devil.
Modernistic interpreters of the Bible will say that the creation in Genesis is only a metaphor and you aren't supposed to take it literally. However that is wrong! Orthodox understanding of Genesis is that it is both literal AND symbolic at the same time! That has always been the Orthodox view of this matter.
free masons are theists not evolutionists
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kino time
excuse you,l Australia is hecking basederoni more than fartance
The modern christian is a total retard. It is absolutely insane that no christian theologist has been able to correspond the theory of evolution (true) with the prospect that the universe was created by something, whatever that is (probably true).
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I'm a deist
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Reminder; if the Confederates had won, the western modern world would be dominated by racially conscious white democratic liberalism and our problems with mass immigration, race relations and beyond wouldn't be a thing.

rachel riley and susie dent lesbian sex
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great webm
You remind me of me when I was 21 a long long time ago, posting images or videos that are vaguely confusing or funny to off topic posts/people. Good for you mate: I would say keep doing it as you are developing some part of yourself and satisfying some need to socialise, albeit by tricking yourself. You're not a 'cool guy'. Pick up rock climbing!
could have been better and bigger than Fast and Furious

If humanity will reach the stars, ruckwanderung mus
ktim but I'm 23
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What has twitter become?
present your anus for pounding
kotor 2 is absolutely dogshit. the dialogue/narrative makes no sense at all and it is riddled with poor programming/sequencing. its most competent segment is actually the fucking mining asteroid introduction, and even that is dull and uninteresting and basically shit. garbage game
pooey hairy bum holes at the readayyyyy
the cannons
I'm 29. I found something a couple years ago but you really want to get on that shit
are you left or right eye dominant?
Gchq data farming
It's too late for me
purely asking from an artisan perspective
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I'm dominant
now's not the time for kisses gayboy
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choose your next words carefully you little worm
its over i was made to be a failure
i'm bi
*exhales poo breath in your face*
yea so am i
played both pokémon versions
the point of the series wasn't rivalry, it was exchange
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brought a tear to me eye
Punched myself on the head and it hurts a lot
just told the gf i want russia to win the war
What did she say?
Country girls manage
she didn't care
My dad is stupid
>You should finish your college before going to the UK
>No one should travel before finishing college and have a career
Nigel Fartrage
I mean what year of college are you? The truth is it's probably easier just to finish up your education than do what you want.

If you're on year 3 for example, and "take a break", that break could turn into like 5 years, and you still don't have a degree.
genuinely vile
3rd semester and I told him college makes me miserable I compared it to slowly killing myself by a thousand cuts

the tunage
I'm going to hurt myself
finna have my first poo since thursday, hopefully this will relieve the pressure in my gut
Opioid addict
Just had a beef korma with a lovely cheese and onion naan.
Gonna get into the lamb rogan josh in a little while.
why wut
Oh well if you haven't even done a full year yet that's a bit different.

Kinda depends on who's paying for it too. If your Dad is helping you out then you're sort of obligated to listen to his advice.
No please don't
i think i almost OD'd and died the other night which was very scary so i'm going to stop taking them after i've finished off this stash
why did the the church of england decide to lose the plot
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Aussie post checks out
Kek done him bro
brit is unbearable now
bunch of insufferable children
naturally happens as you get older. if you're 30 then 20 year olds seem like annoying children
Why are Americans dad so shit
>If you go to Europe I will make you get a 40 hour a job and force you to leave my house
>It's stupid and wreckless
but i'm cool right haha

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Ah you know
Yeah you're the best Brit in the thread
Throw it out and start now mate no good for you
Join us on bluesky.
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So uh... How's everyone doing tonight
Damn that's glorious!!!
I've never had sex
Me either
This Ukrainian chick just showed up on my fyp and she’s so hot
Search up the escorts
Nice 1
I’m an ugly unlovable broken freak
At least youre funny
can't stand people who consistently mispronounce things
WTF Why are we so good at this
Someone said a college student in London could house me and the school wouldn't know or care
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what if he rapes you
>Remaining NPCs
Gn /brit/
I hate my incel life
I am sleeping at the dorm
what if he rapes you.
The next poster gains 1 inch length to their penis
But the poster after him loses 1 inch
Post wisely
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that's not a real woman.
this is a real woman.
Yeah, a real FAT woman
don't post leaked content grim freak
This girl is cute af
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I am more ripped than most British men I will rape home
what phenotype is this? i would swear she's like 11 if she didn't have tits and tattoos
racism? funny
women with comically large impractical breasts
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don't know what phenotype means
Homo homophagus
newfag gaylord
i doubt you know what phenotype means either
About to go to sleep
Pray to God I don't wake up
Lying on the seatee, waiting for my tummy to stop hurting.
got up about 40 minutes ago myself
toil looms large
See you tomorrow
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>the seatee
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bit bloody dark outside
Airports are horrible dirty places full of city dwellers
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prefer Kid A
well you're wrong then
well i guess i'm just not the kind of cunt who you actually use it in conversation
Trying to breast feed with foreign bodies in you. Foreign bodies because of your fake tits. Anyway, they look ridiculous, get rid of them why don't you
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in my arse, baby yeah
in my arse, baby yeah
in my arse, baby yeah
foreign bodies being what, like pieces of silcone from the fake tits?
i'll do what i want with my own tits mate
basically none of your business
this isn't a conversation, it's 4chan
the male phenotype
"Ladies you are looking good tonight!"
Then just walk away
I deserve to be blown before the jacuzzi is all I'm saying
Life was a lot easier when I was 12 years old
doing a pooicide
same, not only did i have more energy and less responsibility, i also had fewer traumatic experiences haunting my mind
Brits be like "my favourite ice cream flavour is biscuits and cream!"
Racism outside of /b/
*Snaps fingers and points at you*
Tory voting pensioners are scroungers who should be whipped and made to build houses until they drop.
Alright drama queen calm down
Rorkey Groves
the financialisation of housing is the greatest inter-generational crime committed in history. boomers deserve no sympathy
Bro pretending boomers were the first people to invest in property...
Wouldn't mind it if my parents jumped on the gravytrain too - but they're just sat on their arse with thousands in their bank doing fuck all while 3 bedroom houses in this country all have 7% compound interest with like £30k in red being made a year
>£30k in red being made a year
In red?
"If you get raped by a pack of niggers it'll be your own damn fault."
t. mel gibson, shame of Australia.
I only posted it to point out how wrong it was to say such a thing is all I'm saying.
you'll struggle to find housing in this country going for less than £180 a week
at the bottom of this, there is feminist concern
that's why Jodie Foster never gave up her friendship with Mel Gibson
Nah that's good, your parents aren't grasping bloodsuckers.
Would you rather lose your hearing, vision, or speech?
What's your catberg called? Mines called Lady.
rarely speak anyway myself
Any coke snorting fascists in this morning?
Speech defintely
speech... i'll let my cane sword do the talking
*pulls out a john wick*
John wick never uses a cane sword thoughever
hehe... impressive...
*pulls out my john thomas*
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the blind guy does
Hypnotic webm.
Have sex, I beg of you
*ditches the cane*
*bes IP MAN*
alri Bruce, come at me bro
Name pls
Cat stroked
Teeth brushed
Footy podcast on
Time to go to toil
Waiter! There’s a poop in my soup!
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Kind of warm out but very grey and wet without being raining
*looks down at your knob flopping about*
you going to get dressed first?
You live in the English countryside?
Nice nice
you know what? watching one of those IP man videos on youtube... tjink i could pull that off actually
the fucker just does little punches very fast
how many computers did captain kirk defeat by telling them logical paradoxes
No I live in leeds
pick that can up
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But he concentrates his chi very efficiently which you could never do.
hope the feeling in my belly is just my backed up constipated guts and not my liver failing
yes i could!
... the fuck is chi?
pimple on my arse
i've got one in my ear, very painful when i put earbuds in
Just saw a lad that looked like Alexis McAllister
Wasn't him though
*does convoluted moves to your pranas then somehow wins the fight*
You're only fighting yourself
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*flails around anyway in my pyjamas making woosh sounds*
somehow covid returned
the new maker is a neet who doesnt get up til 12
i have never finished sleeping dogs
probably not even the first tier
after i'm done with red dead, i'll do sleeping dogs to the end
got a massive backlog and sleeping dogs has been on it since it came out
you wank dogs off while theyre asleep but dont let them cum?
now imagine what i do to yer mum
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the new as it were
failed captcha fucked me

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