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Prev >>201720816
tranny janny’s gonna FREAK
Stolen McValor
(I stole this from some other poster yesterday)
blue no matter who!
She meant she worked on Old MacDonald's farm...
Sorry I took so long typing this shit. Cave paintings cont.
red no matter who
what part of alabama y'all niggers from?
I was kidding lol I would have preferred a real edition
The Bronx, Alabama
pig if true
im voting for the wrongly persecuted felon
Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi
for me it's kamala, she can relate to the working class. not zion "small loan of a million dollars" don
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I wanted to make the new
>it’s real
for me it's trump, he will cut our taxes.
not "billions to ukraine" cumswala
>Ukraine falls
>Russia continues to invade further into Europe
>nuclear war ensues
This is what you want?
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>Sister tells me about the huge amount of racism against Indian people on Xitter recently
>Think about jeet threads
>Have to stop myself from laughing
“small load of a million cummies”
But it’s… not real.
It's mostly from muslims, sir.
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>Pussy ass Right Wingers afraid of Nukes
Since wen they became the sissy side?
Is this some sort of modern art masterpiece?
Gay purple hair cunts are the most annoying fucks alive.
They act like the most oppressed people who ever lived. I might actually be able to tolerate wokeness if wokies brought more attention to actually oppressed people in third world countries instead they piss and moan about using proper pronouns at the college their rich parents payed for.
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What color was his skin?
Place your bets
got my energy drink and now im making dinner :>
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this is my fetish
what do you think of it?
> 22 (You)s last thread
man i'm gettin good at this
just jerked off, yes it was to cartoons
better than my diaper fetish
>Race not mentioned
Probably a Lithuanian
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I’ll take the under
better than my guro fetish
Listening to Hombres G
toll paid in full, no refunds
Better than my anorexia fetish.
She doesn’t seem morbidly obese enough for the black community
This movie was so fucking good. I saw it twice in theaters the week it came out
for me it's baiting boomers with ai slop on faceberg
Call me when you pass 100 (You)s in one edition
The Safdies are great. Have you seen The Curse? It’s a tv collaboration between Benny Safdie and Nathan Fielder
Good time is also a fun one

Its got the somalian from "i am de captain now"
It's funny. I've heard people say that "Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love". It's completely backwards though, because Maga loves Trump, and the Dems fell in line for Coconut Tree.
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But Black Dynamite, she is white enough for the black community
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Thoughts on Greater Idaho?
The winter part of Alabama.
Recommend me your favorite album to illegally download off Spotify
>on vacation
>go to Airbnb
>feeling kind of sick; go to bed early
>decide to check in on my /cum/ friends
>airbnb wifi is rangebanned
Also Emma Stone is in it, if that appeals
This guy is also in the curse, Bakhard Abdi
A slippery slope
Blue states will do the same
I liek bonobo
I didn't realize that USA was part of Europe. Not your problem.
Buy the pass goyim
I have not, but that sounds like absolute Jew kino so I will definitely check it out
Yeah I enjoyed this one as well, but I haven't seen any of their other stuff
idaho's just texas lite, couldn't care less. driving through sucks because it reeks of cow shit all along the 84
Couldn't possibly care less, wake me up when we can vote to leave the USA
t. county in the red
>we exist in a vaccuum
>absolute Jew kino
Buddy, is it ever
I guess I need to praise Allah, and start acting like a sandnigger then.
Listening to the bill simmons podcast
my misogyny is internalized
If you like him so much why don't you marry him?
>I know this because I've been to every McDonalds in the States and have never seen her
I be externalizing that shit on the daily
that movie stressed me out man, i don't know how people can live like that. i guess it pays off though (until it doesn't)
There aren’t many places where this could possibly make sense. MAYBE Southern Wisconsin joining Illinois, but that seems very unlikely
This is exactly the same retarded “Domino Theory” bullshit that caused America to get entangled in, and ultimately lose the Vietnam War
Good, people shouldn't have to live under the retarded leftist shit, if they disagree.
Whoever spent time out of their life making this is more mentally disturbed than any troon. Get help.
9:25 pm? Time to brush my teeth and put my true crime mystery podcasts on to sleep
cumswala sucking my peen
aoc eating my ass
that's the american dream
Jews are racially good at entertainment and money making
Whites are racially good at engineering
Blacks are racially good at sports
Asians are racially good at math but their left brain is non functional except for making anime
Every time you see someone of a certain race you should assume they are good at these things and use the topic as an icebreaker
I did the wage gap on my girlfriend
I thought the punchline was good.
Nuclear war is an actual threat, unlike gommunism
Stop exporting all your manufacturing and don't give into globalism. Secure North American defence. Done.
I gave my gf the wage gape
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There are bigger fish to fry
This is a completely different situation with a rabid imperialist dog leading a country with nuclear weapons. Communist domino's were a political spook
>Nuclear war is an actual threat
You want to fold your cards while Poootin has been bluffing for 3 years straight. Pussy ass Neguh
Never happening.
based, for me it's true crime in the language I'm studying
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The euphoria rush when I pick a huge slimey booger and eat it is unreal. I get shivers down my spine and feel like I'm flying for a couple seconds.
Fold my cards? I want us to call his bluff and let Ukraine launch deep strikes into Russian territory
america is so boring man
Maybe the U.S. government shouldn’t have conducted a 2014 coup in a country that’s about half ethnically Russian, and previously a long term part of the Russian sphere of influence, if there are realistic concerns about it triggering a nuclear war
...so hot
This guy gets it
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Time for pvssy pvnishment...
I wish she'd stinkface me.
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I'm serious about learning spanish but not good enough to understand a podcast yet. What language are you studying?
>the CIA did a bad thing so we should let the situation fester and cause a catastrophe!
Strange logic
>rabid imperialist dog
Oh, bunker tranny…
>the CIA did a bad thing
Constantly since the start.
Why do you eat it though
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Ala bam a bitch ass nigga if 'ee talks ta me like that agin, gosh durnit by golly.
The intervention is what caused and continues to cause catastrophe, ya goof
Soccer and cheating on their spouses.
>let the situation fester and cause a catastrophe!
that's exactly what sending billions of dollars worth of weapons did
Russia shouldn't have acted like orcs and invaded a sovereign European nation
>half ethnically Russian
>2014 coup
Ukrainians had coups before and they all where similarly oriented against Russian influence
I love the american lifestyle of working all day ordering 5 mcdoubles then coming home to my cuck pod to watch tv repeat until i die 1 year after retirement
Who is your favorite pokemon?
Probably Jesus
IDGAF about Russia, I was shitting on the CIA.
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I will probably give you a different answer every time you ask.
Right now, its Swalot
Spanish too, it comes with time just keep at it. For me listening to music and reading out loud helped develop my ears to the language. I've been studying various romance languages for almost 10 years though so learning pronunciation was pretty second nature
>Russians are le orcs
Not going to talk geopolitics with someone who thinks in terms of fantasy races. Have a good night, now
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Who looks like this
>I was shitting on the CIA
I am a different poster, but
CIA are just misunderstood scoundrels
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Why does this woman and her parents want my Big American Seed Distrubution for her eurodelta?
I hate the CIA too man, I just don't want to see Europe be destroyed. I am a Euro-boo, and they are important allies. I also have friends in Eastern Europe
Who won here? Toledo is kind of a dump but it was an important port city at the time but the upper peninsula is just a bunch of nothing
The only way to achieve peace between peer or near-peer enemies is either complete annihilation/subjugation, or some kind of peace deal that gives each party their due recognition and sphere of influence. If subjugation is impossible due to nuclear MAD, then Western faggot libtards need to choose between nuclear annihilation, or giving Russia its own room to breathe and have strategic depth. The current generation of Western leaders seems to forget that they were only able to turn major countries like Germany and Japan into embarrassing pushover states through wars of conquest and annihilation. No country is going to submit to LGBT ZOG without an unconditional surrender, let alone the foremost nuclear power in the world
Derek chauvin did not get to walk tuah the outside of prison
my ancestors :)
As if your armchair expertise is anymore intelligent than mine
You need to touhawkch gruahss
Most based poster in this mazafaka
did you guys remember to return the slab?
Based pick
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Flips between Magmar and Bisharp constantly.
They just need to get the fuck out of Ukraine, no one is trying to shave off their own territory. Like, everything would be completely fine if they didn't invade Ukraine in 2014. They could have had their own little sphere. They ruined it by trying to take away what it isn't theirs
bot post
Historically I've always liked poliwrath
They're not misunderstood, they actively work against your interests.
What evidence is there that Russia will keep going further outside Ukraine?
shut up brian
>what evidence
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shut the fuck up
This guy gets it
In the end, even tony soprano settled for a Japanese (Gandolfini married some nip with the last name Lin)
Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union (ie not just a Warsaw Pact sphere of influence state) for longer than the United States has existed. It has only existed as a nominally independent country for like 20 years
>What evidence
Well there was that leaked map of their planned invasion of Moldova
So nothing then.
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what did she see?
>What evidence is there that Russia will keep going further outside Ukraine?
1. They tried to occupy the whole country
2. They occupy parts of Georgia
3. They occupy parts of Moldova
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anyone drive anywhere cool this weekend?
no you get it
Laptop inside with my penis on screen
What's your point? It's independent, therefor it has a right to its sovereignty.
I'm done arguing with you, neither of us are going to have any effect on the outcome of this war, and it's unfair to the rest of the general to shit it up with our politics. Have a good night
>2. They occupy parts of Georgia
>3. They occupy parts of Moldova
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give me an x-files episode to watch
Look at that boy go
>named Lin
Looks like that truck exploded.
You’re the one who brought up your dumb state-approved talking points, retard
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this is literally me
I always go for Jersey devil or the pilot or any skinner episode or rain king or erlenmeyer flask or the angel one
Transnistria is a part of Moldova they occupy.
Abkhazia and South Ossetia is the parts they occupy in Georgia. They are currently occupying Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea in Ukraine.
Might as well call it the canada and USA general since Mexico barely posts here
Actually I don't live in the totalitarian dictatorship known as Canada, so I can talk about anything I want, since nothing is "state approved"
What are the odds israel attacks the pyramid of gaza next
Would that be enough for us to finall cut them off
petition to change mexico to myanmar
the one with incest
Might as well call USA, Mexico, with the number of people they let cross.
Lol did you steal this from a Facebook boomer?
mexico is still invited they just don't come
>he doesn't know
You mean northern Illinois joining Wisconsin, right? Nobody would want to join Illinois.
me in that outhouse
The CIA, they see I ain't kiddin
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I would love to get in to the hospitality industry but it seems pretty hard to make decent money unless you are literally the owner. Climbing up to high ranks in one of the big chains would probably be sweet as fuck too
Here's some legal advice:
Shut the fuck up.

Who invited you, white boy?
I'm going to make that ass clap
Drove into a copy paste american town to buy some overpriced goyslop i didnt need from a chain store
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Skarmory, my go-to HM Fly mon
hey bud you meant to send this through Tinder but you posted in 4chan instead
Considering how many illegals they're housing right now? They're rolling in the money.
>Transnistria is not ethnically Romanian and does not want to be ruled by the central government
>Abkhazia and South Ossetia are not ethnically Georgian and do not want to be ruled by the central government
>Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporizhia, and Crimea are not ethnically Ukrainian and do not want to be ruled by the central government
gonna jerk off to porn/hentai now, thoughts?
the only fed i trust, Fox Mulder.
And scully. And skinner. And deepthroat. And the smoking man. And dale cooper from twin peaks, and albert and david lynch from twin peaks, and also every real life member of a federal agency
be indian, get a loan from your cousin working in tech, and force your entire family to work as staff
Stick with amateur 3D for minimal brain rot
futanari genre
>He turns INTO the truckold
I want to be in the CIA so bad, bros

just finished playing scarlet nexus.
The point of my post is that Wisconsin leans red on a state level, but the south of Wisconsin tends to vote blue, so they *could* want to be annexed into Illinois. However, Illinois is a mess, and it seems unlikely anyone would want that
I want to work for NOAA
The Sonic 3 trailer looks so good that I'm going to watch the first two Sonic movies and the Knuckles miniseries.
What a crazy world we live in.
i made breakfast for dinner again but i was out of olive oil so i had to substitute and use butter and my hash browns didnt get as crispy as i'd hoped, it's still good though
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why does it all have to be so broken bros? I just want an honest good straightforward life
Pff, in your dreams, weather boy!
alright, i'll jerk off to amateur 3D futanari
Inflation ruins everything.
>amateur 3D futanari
I'm interested in the marine science aspect, not so much meteorology
Not my benis
6 pack in diarrhea out every day for the last month
I want to subjugate foreign people and you want to examine fish?
Fair enough. Hope we both make it!
Is it gay to shave my ass if i do it to use less tp
It will make your farts louder
if i ever get validation from a woman i don't know what i'll do. all my efforts are animated by that end
Feds are kinda hot I hope a fed forces her tongue in my mouth and steps on my dick
Just get a bidet.
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also, i don't agree with a lot of the culinary choices of the british, but they are absolutely right that tomatoes belong on a breakfast plate
i have some really fresh and tasty garden tomatoes right now too
It's been 4 days since I last had nicotine and it seems like the worst of the withdrawals are over
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momberg bought me new shoes
Unprotected sex?
I always use protection
Your butt hair keeps your less sweat in your ass crack. I shaved my ass once, and it was a flood of water there, until the hairs started to regrow.
Enjoy having your farts trapped in your ass crack sweat.
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This is what you crave
full english is god tier but blood sausage tastes HORRIBLE
>no fried bread
How does ass hair correlate to how much TP is used?
Don't you ever suck that Devil's dick again
Breakfast is overrated
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cats are playing with each other.
It's so damn easy really, you just have to be ready. If you aren't ready it wont work
It doesn't, the diet you have would matter more. Convincing a burger to improve your diet is a waste of effort.
>Dat Brefixt
So hard right now
>getting pleb filtered by one of the best foods
Embarrassing and Judaized
Would you believe me if I said I met a guy named richard shidas (pronounced shid ass)
Power to bigots/feminists

Kosher is poison.

(U) isn’t (R)

Kosher(U) is an attempt to rape my people by secretly giving people religious food. That’s a crime. Obviously the (U) is intentionally not obviously kosher.

How much money was stolen from my people via fake brands?
20,000 kids were recently killed by these apocalypse worshiping fag cults
i like the eggs, rolls tomatoes and mushrooms . i like my bacon a little more done than that though
i'm filing for divorce from you cum. we had some good times but we've drifted apart. you can have the kids on sundays and wednesdays. i get the house.
please don't make this difficult.
Shit gets trapped in the larger surface area created by the hair
If i shit on your head it would be easier to clean if you were bald
Does this really have to be explained in detail?
Just think about it
you dont fry bread you mongoloid
>fried bread
Now we're talking.
suit of armor stays ON during sex
are they siblings? tell them i said hi
If you have a forest of ass hair, and have a garbage diet that causes constant diarrhea, I could see that requiring more cleanup
I actually prefer my bacon to be floppy and chewy. Crispy bacon loses so much flavor, and usually just tastes burnt
I knew you just wanted to get plowed by Chad. When he pumps and dumps you, don't come crawling back. I'm fighting for full custody.
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>a forest of ass hair
fuckin hell
i wish i could get a good full english in my city
yeah i would believe you that sounds like a dumb thing to make up
but i don't want to do the awkward child custody handover in the whole foods parking lot
>are they siblings? tell them i said hi
no they are not, brian.
You made a vow before God
Why not? It's delicious.
Kosher just means a brand paid tree fiddy to a rabbi union to say it's kosher so picky ahh Jews will buy it.
truckstop breakfasts are better
He checked with me, we cool
are you fags done being neckbeards
Fuck that shit
My poor grandma was barred from ever taking communion again after she divorced my shit-head grandpa that abused her and neglected their children
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whenever someone posts a reaction gif on 4chan you know they're a true oldfag boomer
i am not brian i was just curious if they're playing they're obviously close and siblings are close like that
you don't have to tell them i said hi if you don't want to but it would make me sad if you didn't
you toast it.
Still bit gay
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These captchas are getting out of hand
Where is the Autistic and Gender spectrum?
Bad science, Chud
brian always quotes multiple people at once, and he's usually polite. that's how i know it's you.
Dogs can't catch autism.
>not supporting frying something
I never thought I'd see the day. What's next? You don't support guns, fireworks, and freedom?
holy fuck buds i drank too much alcohol
Problem, Robot?
Fucking Lahey.
hope you have tomorrow off.
I don told you
I am almost done with my second pint
We can both go to sleep now, if you be so inclined
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Holy shit lmao
If you could hear one song/album again for the 1st time what do you pick?
im sowwy i wuv wuu i dont deserve you pweese com back pwetty pweese
i a cant bewieve dis happened! :O im so awone im definitewy not with my mistress still even though the papers arent signed uwu
when your liver turns to slime i hope you remember tonight and how much it was worth it.
Look at that boy go
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forever in our hearts
/trv/ is dead so I'll ask here.
How dumb is it to go to somewhere like Hidalgo or Ecatepec? All I've ever heard is the cartel controls the country and tourists are targeted.
drink moar dont be a pussy
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im not him i promise you
america is a pretty fun place to live in
Ya mon
ey mon, pass the dutchie to the left one time
Are you sure you're having fun without all the ganja?
mek it in di pum pum
hey bro
dude it's the weed country lmao
me not in fallriver massachusetts
me in jamaica!
'ear me now
/trv/ is slow but if you are patient then it is an excellent resource for traveling, I've had lots of help planning itineraries from there.
That said, I can't help you with Latin American, I've never been.
When you wipe your ass you are incidentally removing any crumbs of shit that may have gotten entangled in your bum hair. I'm trying to imagine how absurdly wild that hair would have to grow for you to have to actually use additional TP in order to get at the ass itself
>That said, I can't help you with Latin American, I've never been.
You're living in Latin America.
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I do live in Southern California that is true, but I've never been south of the border, nor do I plan on going anytime soon
It never rains in southern California
>I live in southern california
It does sometimes, otherwise there would be no plants!
I like latinos but I would shoot the scary ones if they ever got uppity
You fucking better bless the rains down in Africa
a dying hurricane flooded parts of the IE and San diego last year
Yes monday
I love monday
So happy this week end lasted like a split second and I can go back to whatever the fuck this is
The way of all flesh by Gojira
It's a great portrayal of IRL gambling addicts. It's insane how deep they get into their respective shit

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