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proofreading edition

MapChad where are you?
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You craven faggot, I was going to post the new. You were early
Can I hire him to proofread my thesis proposal?
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the gf(autistic)
teachers told me that school difficult in order to prepare me for the "real world" but honestly the real world is so much easier than school ever was.
What in the Æon Flux is this?
>Canada gets 800k jeets
>now we're all jeets
>burgers get 20 million hispanics
>still white
But how? America isn't even a 51% white country.
im sorry i was only one post early and the thread was fast so i though it would be okay if you are still here you can get the next one sorry
his academic focus is pretty narrow so if it doesn't have anything to do with carrots or hopping dynamics you might look elsewhere
Orange is the new black: Ocean is a Stone
*keeps calling you from different numbers*
*drives around your street for hours*
I genuinely fucking hate Australians.
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>your hard work now will pay off later
>it doesn't
>you just have to keep working until you die
JoJo Bizarre Adventure
It's the manga creator's coming to terms with being a fag, that everyone in Japan loves, and the weebs love the memes.
two trucks having sex
Oh ye? I bet you are a closeted Australian yourself.
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I for one am thoroughly enjoying retard and the scooby gang committing petty crimes
yep i figger them there 4channers having a hoedown of a shown again
you think cumala keeps conservative boy toys on the side? i wonder how i could become one of those boy toys...
they realize the american dream is a joke and go back to mexico
AI is so strange. America is wearing a collared shirt and tie with a windbreaker (?), blue jeans, and timberlands laced up like he’s in Wu Tang Clan
>My mail order brides have not been delivered
Bet the mail man has them
im voting for her
They don't though. Your taxes are going to them, instead of your American homeless and veterans.
so i dab on my enemies, yea i dab on them
last few nights of sleep have been frankly tortured
whoops i replied to the schizo
GTA has probably the worst online player base
should have paid for tracking
everything through high school was braindead easy for me, at least enough for a B+/A- average with no studying ever.
i fucked myself in college though. some of those late-stage engineering classes legitimately made me cry. that was peak stress and the lowest i've ever been mentally.
everything after graduating was easy. at work you can get phenomenally far just by being personable, nobody really cares about "what you know" unless you start breaking shit.
You mean how the women who hate white people the most have white husbands?
In 20 days I'm going to visit some beaches that have elephant seals, stay tuned for pictures
i regret moving to the rural desert my life is hell
Be sure to bring a club.
can't you just move back from where you came from?
Someone has to patrol the Mojave wasteland
i am incredibly excited
please don't forget i love seals
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nope i dont make enough money because we dont make anything here and now im trapped
The place I'm going is a couple hours south
I would never!
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Love jewish women. Impregnate jewish women. Slam dunk a goy baby into jewish wombs
either Monterey, Santa cruz or Santa barbara
wtf, racisss
My fashion icon is Stanley Tucci.
Because I'm bald.
is this AI? can't even tell these days.
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ping pong ball with eyes and beak

here is an owl for your consideration
There is a 0% chance of me forgetting, do not worry.
Unfortunately at this time of year the huge males are all out at sea, but the tradeoff is that the beach will be filled with the babies
Sarah is so old now though. There's no eggs left.
I will listen to it now. I wish more ppl answered
Wouldnt stop me from trying
some hick offered to teach my mom everything about AI
this surely wont end in another satanic panic
same, but I think they are only after my foreskin
>I would never!
But they're tasty.
finished gooning to amateur 3D futa, thanks for the recommendation /cum/
That's a snow fairy, real bird
The beaches are near San Simeon
If you dont have education painfully seared into your head you grow up a retard who doesnt know basic facts about the world
LOL this dude has a foreskin what a freak
well that's what i would be primarily excited for anyway, the big ones are cool but the babies are very cute and very photogenic
She will make her an AI son and you will be done for
Destiny is based
i have phimosis that hurts so i cant pull it back or have normal sex
AI isn't a threat to people's kids, so it's doubtful. The previous satanic panics were rumoured to go after kids.
Plus parents are already dealing with the LGBT+ trying to groom them and put porn books in schools. You can't get them to deal with two different things.
apparently black metal is called gnome music now
>AI isn't a threat to people's kids, so it's doubtful
Middle schoolers are already passing around deep faked nudes of their female classmates
you sound like a fat neckbeard virgin retard
get jewed
>39 minutes
Not much edging. Is it really a gooning?
getting really lazy on the bait now leafkid
hasan and destiny should just bury the hatchet and become an unstoppable liberal duo
rightoids would never recover
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gnome music?
Parents don't understand deepfakes.
Tranny groomer spotted. Go back to discord.
literally nothing in my day-to-day life came from school. my job, my hobbies, basic life skills like finance, etc., i learned completely on my own.
every. single. thing. i learned in school (even college) was 100% useless.
men of wö ...
College is pointless unless you are going for a STEM degree or medical
What bait? Everything I said was true, from the history of satanic panic, to what parents are currently dealing with.
>college is useless unless you want an actual career
Social work, education, law?
I wondered if it was just me.
Nobody was trans 10 years ago
Nobody innately wants to chop off their dick and dress in girls clothes. I dont think humanity would survive very long if they/them did
It didnt become a thing until impressionable children were exposed to it online and through wokeified education systems
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the protractor from your new geometry set,
my inability to do math
george strait is kinda lame and i wish texans would stop listening to him
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Tell me about the midwest
Wish I was a cop in a chuddy jurisdiction
>It didnt become a thing until impressionable children were exposed to it online and through wokeified education systems
The medical system is exploiting something that Obama did with Obamacare. That's why it exploded into what's happening now.
how's your dilation session going
>Nobody was trans 10 years ago
People have been trans for like half a century now, the (((Elite))) manufactured the controversy and outrage in the early 2010s after Occupy Wallstreet happened, to stop people from being rightfully angry at the rich.
You are a brainwashed pawn.
Not talking to you, the guy who switches his opinions depending on who he's trolling. Yesterday a hardcore democrat shill now he's spamming about illegals and browns
Palicoe please.
does finance count as math
reckon it's still more useful than a math degree
> in a chuddy jurisdiction
so, all of them?
If you never learned math you would be broke
If you never learned english you would write like a retard and form stupid opinions
Sorry, my bad.
I'm cooler than a cooler
I want to not have to wear a body camera and walk free if I go based mode on someone
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but you're still a gay faggot
Hasan is a tankie, nah
> What's cooler than bein' cool?
The other anon also doesn't realize that school teaches you how to think(or is supposed to), and give you a baseline amount of information. Along with the secondary things like teaching how to socialize in large groups.
i support tranners, less men to compete with and if they turn out well then they can make an onlyfans for me to goon to
We should nuke Australia for letting Rupert Murdoch destroy our country
I'm >>201724446
I have a STEM degree, and I haven't ever used anything from the coursework in my job. The only thing it was good for was getting hired for my first job out of college; after that, I got my later jobs based off previous work experience.
I honestly get extremely angry when I think about how I spent around 20 years of my life doing schoolwork, surrounded by people I hate, stressing over grades, when all of it was absofuckalutely WORTHLESS.
Even if some school subjects are genuinely useful, school may not have been necessary to teach them
Trannies that compete in women's activities were never completion for men. That's why they switched. They're just exploiting a loophole in the wokies' ""logic"".
i have a tummy ache those hash browns were really heavy
It's not necessary, because home schooled kids do just fine in grades. So long as home schooled kids get enough socialization, it's probably better.
>he eats literal potatoes
sure is windy tonight.
Sorry I keep farting.
Pardon my flatulence
potatoes are really good and they come in many different forms
they even come in smiley face shapes
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aside from maybe modernizing English classes to something more focused on comms instead of literature, I can't think of any obvious places to trim the fat in required education. Math, science, history, some PE, some foreign language all seem like something I'd want every person in society to have the basics of.
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Great minds think alike
You lost.
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Ok. You know what? *Slaps the shit out of you*
look at that boy go
Great behinds stink alike
nice that was really easy i didn’t even break a sweat
he’s cute
where is he running to do you think ?
blow that Nigga head smoove off
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pushing 24 hours without advil
Rise above the game friend. Tis the current year
Ruined with that shit in the middle
My man
the movie Margin Call was made for watching at 2am
see potatoes come in many different shapes , even dinosaurs
*calls the cops*
Never. I'm going to do it to my grandchildren.
i mean he rung the doorbell are they gonna let him in? it’s hot outside
are you the anon with the nerve pain that’s reluctant to take opioids
asmr gives me a chub
Everyone i love leaves
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Listening to deftones
I like that one song "Be Quiet And Drive (Far Away)"
ok boomer
the movie centered around an emergency meeting at 2am? definitely
me too
Just realized I never even had a N-Word pass
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Me too
7 words is cool
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... like all of it?
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Are jeets catching and eating city pigeons now
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this reminded me of you guys for some reason
Though eating outdoor birds was a Chinese thing
Don't need the pass. Just be a man, nigger.
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This is my lock screen
this is the cultural enrichment western civilization needs
He looks more African than Indian
It's not as bad as you're making it sound. There's a crucial cooking step between those two things.
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seems a hell of a lot easier to just farm them
Squab is what it gets called in a restaurant.
before coming to this site i had a pretty neutral opinion on indians but some of the stuff i see them doing is just really terrible and bizarre
park ducks are meant to be fed frozen peas and be doted over leave them alone
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Yes, yes, embrace your inner Chud
the kind that isn't a girl with big titties simulating oral with a microphone is worthless
Can I just take a cactus?
this pepe is so disgusting and repulsive
but i love it for that reason, he’s an unapologetic greaseball
You weren't aware of how bad India is then.
Aw I wouldn't hit you, only the other posters
Canada, take the Frenchy home, he is bothering us
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The game was rigged from the start
I have a wicked headache
I hated this cartoon so much, especially the farm animals one that played with it
It's a holiday today in America.
Labor Day.
To celebrate the effort to give Americans workers rights.
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come on, that's just crude. is there loving-wife-hums-happily-as-she-makes-me-hash-browns asmr - is that a genre? out of curiosity?
Thought it was some prego fest!
this is harder than the frog game
caffeine and acetaminophen help if you have either of those . hot showers also help me too
Like we want more frogs, we have too many already.
hon hon hon, le baguette fromage
We're r all are brack peepo todai
Jerking off helps.
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No need to yell
oh, it's that frog. i apologize for giving him attention.
it is hard going back to work after a vacation like you had so i don’t blame you
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24 frog legs, skin removed

1 cup all-purpose flour

½ cup cornmeal

1 (4 ounce) packet saltine crackers, crushed

1 tablespoon ground black pepper

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon minced onion

2 eggs

½ cup milk

2 cups vegetable oil for frying

1 cup peanut oil for frying


Rinse frog legs and pat dry; set aside. Combine flour, cornmeal, saltine cracker crumbs, pepper, salt, and onion in a large resealable bag; shake well to mix. Whisk eggs and milk together in a shallow bowl.

Heat vegetable oil and peanut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. The oil should be about 1/2 inch deep.

Dip legs into egg mixture in batches, then press into cracker mixture until evenly coated. Place the breaded legs, unstacked, onto a plate. Repeat with remaining legs.

Lower breaded legs carefully into the hot oil in batches. Fry until golden brown, about 4 to 5 minutes on each side. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Repeat with remaining frog legs.
Would eat
I've never tried frog legs but I've always wanted to
They're surprisingly a lot like chicken. I'm not just "It tastes like chicken" meme. If I hadn't been told that they were frog legs, I would have assumed it was just chicken wings.
Would eat again.
i would try this reluctantly because anything fried tastes really good
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What if your Asian friend starts to seem cute, in a friendly kind of way ?
Doesn't anybody ever know
Doesn't anybody ever know
Doesn't anybody ever know
That the world's a subway, a subway?
Crazy how the Uchiha massacre got whitewashed.
But based, but I will allow it
then i would be their friend
crazy to think itachi and Orochimaru got away with everything
would you hold hands?
Well Itachi was a good guy
you're right, he killed all those uchiha terrorists
sure why not
Male friend?
I saw them in concert. Even though it was after Healthy in Paranoid Times(when they started to fall off), it was still one of my favourite concerts.
Sasuke quite literally did nothing wrong. The kage system is broken and should be replaced.
Evanescence - Going Under
ok...anything else?
Of course, I don't have female friends, only girlfriends
>married a retard
>wants to bring his clan back, so he has one brat and fucks off forever
>dinosaurs, lmao
>his daughter lusts for his rival's cock
>never made orichimaru pay for what he did
>couldnt beat naruto
>Asian friend starts to seem cute
I would never be friends with them unless they were cute in the first place
uggos are bad people and i don't want to spend time with them
Wake me up
Before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging
Like a cholo
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I'm constantly amazed that people save 4chan posts.
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sorry i'm functionally illiterate.
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archiving /cum/ is crucial for future historians to understand the cultural powerhouse that wwas modern /cum/
wtf, somethings are better not preserved. Fucking nuke Germany.
Wake me up when September ends.
>be a young man circa 2003
is boruto bad?
it was cringe, everything was cringe and everything that isnt cringe now will be cringe later
It's anime, of course.
Fact: The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was better than Pokemon.
i was reading some wild shit in the wiki about how the original ninjas where aliens from other dimensions and their leader or whatever became so powerful he ascended to another plane of existence and it seems like all this meta stuff about the world only comes into play in boruto
it absolutely was not. I STILL remember the gyrados episode TO THIS day. All I remember from yugioh is Bakura's bullshit egyptian text rule for using Ra
i liked inuyasha personally
Eating chicken wings with ranch dip
>walked 8 miles today
>ate roughly 2100 calories
>have had plenty to drink
Why do I have a headache? Do I need to eat more? I'm trying to lose poundage
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Starts out pretty good, gets repetitive
Damn did everyone go to bed?
Let's keep posting come on!
I'll be heading to bed as well.
I'll be heading to the head
I'll be threading in the thread
I do not sleep.
The amount of factors that could cause a headache are too many to name, although it's usually dehydration/electrolyte imbalance. 2100 calories should be plenty. Also, walking isn't the most effective exercise for weight loss unless you're fat and can't do anything else.
>Why do I have a headache?
science is unable to answer that question, we're mostly clueless to questions about the brain
I just discovered that Our Lady Peace did Spiritual Machines II, and I got distracted listening to that. Spiritual Machines was such a great concept album, that I had to find out if the sequel was even half as good.
i was switching the laundry over sorry
sometimes you just get a headache
being hydrated helps
I'm like 10 pounds from the minimum healthy weight for my height. That is my goal weight. I've been avoiding the gym but if it's my only option then I'll hit the stationary bikes
Gayer than gay sex
It's Sunday, maybe everyone went to bed early for wor... hahahahahhaha sorry I almost got through it with a straight face.
good for quitting smoking cigarettes and a good harm reduction tool
I vape weed oil and flavoured nicotine but both are always disposable.
That sounds like a recipe to become skinnyfat and/or skelly mode.
>let me replace my nicotine delivery system
>with another nicotine delivery system
Still addicted, even if you're not going to get smoking related problems, you're just replacing it with vaping related problems.
I'm already skinny fat, I want skelly mode
Destroys your teeth and gums
T. Knower :(
Drinking organic soda
Which one?
im not saying it’s not addictive, im just saying a lot of the harm associated with cigarettes is all the baggage associated with combusting plant material . nicotine by itself isn’t very harmful .
if you have to have a vice, vaping is much healthier than smoking . it’s a fantastic smoking cessation tool
Had to stop smoking weed because apparently smoke weakens your esophageal sphincter and can cause acid reflux. Only cannabis tinctures and edibles for me now.
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the world is a vampire
secret destroyer
hooold you uup to the flaaaames
It's really not. Smoking just has decades of research, everything they have for vaping shows that it's still unhealthy.
Playing this "vaping is better for you" is a myth spread by vaping companies.
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Please refrain from using racial slurs :(
Thanks! :)
Brack peepo
it is almost egg nog season
i will drink so much i'll get sick, it's just so good but so rich
Kill Ricers. Behead Ricers. Roundhouse kick a Ricers into the concrete. Slam dunk a Ricer into the trashcan. Crucify Ricers. Defecate in a Ricers food. Launch Ricers into the sun. Stir fry Ricers in a wok. Toss Ricers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Ricers gas tank. Judo throw Ricers into a wood chipper. Twist Ricers heads off. Report Ricers to the Highway patrol. Karate chop Ricers in half. Curb stomp pregnant Ricers. Trap Ricers in quicksand. Crush Ricers in the trash compactor. Liquefy Ricers in a vat of acid. Eat Ricers. Dissect Ricers. Exterminate Ricers in the gas chamber. Stomp Ricers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Ricers in the oven. Lobotomize Ricers. Mandatory abortions for Ricers. Grind Ricers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Ricers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Ricers with a ray gun. Kick old Ricers down the stairs. Feed Ricers to alligators. Slice Ricers with a katana.
>"in the short and medium term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking"
Which is implying that it would be used to get people to quit with it. Which isn't what happens.
You should also know that the UK is trying to pass laws that will make it so people who are currently 15 years old and younger, will never be allowed to purchase any nicotine products in their life, including vapes.
So you should probably pay closer attention to the sources you use, rather than scrambling for the first thing on google.
>still not scientific data
Nicotine addict trying to cope, but failing.
I'll only stop if spinster asks me to
gonna play xbox with the lady. she's upset she didn't name her skyrim khajiit after her cat :( it'a way, way too late now though. ah well. i'm gonna play some doom
The alcoholic variety of eggnog?
Give it a rest, Jason
no, i don't drink i just like the taste
nog with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg is just mwah
Eggnog is a rum chaser.
i don't think there's enough people here to do a scribble game lobby
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I went to 7/11 today, I was using prongs to get a taquito off one of those rolling things and I accidently dropped it on the floor. I didn't know what to do so i just picked it up and bought it and ate it.
It's underrated
oh dear
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Dearly beloved are you listENIIIIIINGGG??
I cant remember a word that USA meant
Am I demented or am I DEEEEESTUUURBED
the space thats in between insane and insecure
Oh therapy, can you please fill THE VOOOOID?
Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand ACCUUUUUUUUSED
For lack of a better word and that's my best excuse


I watched an episode on YTV one night, but never understood what was happening. Seemed cool, and I'm reasonably sure that 2000 means that it wasn't digital.
eating potatoes, drinking potato water, what am i, irish?
Based oh dear poster
potato water?
wtf is potato water
Paul Scholfield's "To be or not to be" soliloquy fits well with "Bathroom Dance" from the "Joker" soundtrack.
dont be drinking the water he boiled the potatoes in
dont be drinking the water he boiled the potatoes in
dont be drinking the water he boiled the potatoes in
Irish don't have potatoes, that's why they came to Canada.
there's no way
Bored and disconnected from my true self
how can we fix this
do you feel like you're just a little guy in a chair in your head looking out your eyes
I'm not sure
vodka ya... *claps fist into palm*
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies…
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i feel that way too sometimes, i would disassociate as a defense mechanism to avoid troubling and invasive thoughts
i'm a lot better now, but the loss/blurring of your identity and who you are is pretty scary
araki has gotta be one of those rare male bisexuals
Is Louisville considered a big city?
I like how americans are generally drawn as freakish mutt monsters in this season

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