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hate living in the desert
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This image is tantalising.
love living by the sea
MapChad save us with the British Columbia OP.
I'll dunk on your ass like I'm Michael Jordan
so when i do it one post early its a problem but when this guy does it 6 posts early its fine

It's only bad in the summer
life isn't fair!
I'm moving out the Summer takes too long to end here. It's 110f in SEPTEMBER
It's only bad in the summer
Where are you going?
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ok well it's labor day so it's the end of summer so
Back to the midwest
September 22nd is the last day of summer.
i know the equinox is on the 22nd im just upset
That's stupid
Why? That's when the fall equinox happens.
I hate summer
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he is shaking his own hand lmfao
holy SHIT how it it already almost 1 already
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I love summer (glau).
i hate iran, russia, turkey, belarus, hungary
Hungary is a magical place
one of my favorite etsy sellers is from latvia
i was a exchange student in hungary and it smelled like sausage and piss everywhere
Go to bed, Doom.
I went to Budapest for a week and it was extremely fun. Kind of rough around the edges but that added to its charm
I would love to visit Riga one day
Average /cum/ poster.
i want to go to france
a lot of my escapist fantasies take place there
I hope you are prepared for the brown pipo
for me, its Lyon. VERY comfy city
i've seen videos of paris and it does seem kind of rough . specifically i'd like to just go and see the country side and some of the small villages and stuff . i like relaxing vacations where i don't have to be nervous of pickpockets, or worse .
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Farty mc fuck cuck
>i like relaxing vacations where i don't have to be nervous of pickpockets
just dont keep stuff in your back pocket and you'll be fine
It's not just Paris, that's just the name. It's for all of France. The France you have in your mind, isn't the France that exists anymore. You're thinking of the 2000s France. That France is dead.
i mean not just pickpockets, stuff like street scammers and people approaching you and wanting things or harassing you or following you, especially if you're alone
just doesn't sound like a relaxing time
there is still the rest of Europe that anon can visit and enjoy
maybe you should visit Switzerland instead
was her terminator series any good? i never watched it
>there is still the rest of Europe that anon can visit and enjoy
XFD I guess you haven't heard.
All that's left is Hungry and Poland.
It's the only good thing after T2.
very unique
i'm used to the normal annoyances of any big tourist metro center, that's not really a problem for me . but i wouldn't want to do anything that makes me feel unsafe
mexico was a little sketchy for me but i enjoyed it regardless
poland and suomi are god tier for boypussy
why did he do it
really? that's high praise! well, good for her.
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im listening to Pompei by Bastille again
I hate that song
i want to go to bed but my comforter is still in the dryer
i regret inhaling that tube of pringles
I want to sleep, but I mistakenly had a nap during the evening.
can't bring myself to put in any effort dating anymore. i used to be so thirsty that i would spend hours trying to flirt and come up with perfect responses, now the mere idea of doing that sounds like ass, even though i'm lonely
I just failed constantly. I'm still thirsty, but I've been rejected more than every one of my ancestors combined.
there so much better chips out there anon but i know you love those pringles
it's okay to take a pause on dating if you're tired of it . no shame in that
what song do you not hate

checked, thankfully tomorrow is a stat

same same
Lays Stax tm took the Pringles idea and made it better in my humble chip opinion
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comforter is dry
good night
LMAO based anon
playin dishonored. such a comfy game
something very attractive about anime breasts
What no pussy does to a motherfucker.
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Just finished reading pic related and wow you guys are fucking monsters
i look like anton lavey hahahaha. the ironic thing is i'm christian. all because i don't like getting haircuts hahaha
>he doesn't know that the natives came to Britain and begged them to come
>the natives didn't want the gravy train to stop
>to the point that the natives gave the British exclusive contracts for the fur trade to continue
Never trust people like this, they give a very limited view of history, and it's always bias against you.
goddamnit I need this tooth extracted my face is literally lopsided now it will take years of chewing on exclusively one side to fix this
why do Americans and Canadians celebrate independence day, it isn't like native people got independence from Britain, its more like British colonizers just didn't want to pay taxes to brits, so they were like "Ahh, now we will rule the native Americans on our own without taking orders from the crown"
It is what it is
lopsided? i'm trying to imagine an infection of that magnitude in the jaw. are you not in enormous pain?
Most of the natives could care less. They have way more racist views on the world then white people could ever have on native Americans.

You have to remember that they are the ones who created the Chihuahua and the Xolo dog. They have been experimenting with age in animals for a long time.

The views of the natives on europeans can be summarized in pic rel.
>DNC logo straight up just says Death to America on it
Most of the natives died out almost immediately upon our arrival. And yeah of course we celebrate holidays related to OUR history and not the history of a group of people that was nearly entirely wiped out with very little to no recorded history of their past
i love a good fart!
It's a celebration of the American spirit of not letting anyone fuck with you
don't they still have a region specifically designated to them
There are reservations but they're not very densely population. Half of the people who are legally 'native' are actually mixed race people or white people who file as native because they have a grandmother from 150 years ago who was half native. Here natives are known mostly for running casinos and being violent alcoholics

In a few years people from india will outnumber the number of natives who live here
d doesnt have to mean death. it can mean dick
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>dick to america
The D is symbolizing baphomet
It definitely means death to america
I don't think so. Everyone knows how America (and civilizations in general...) functions and the USA propaganda machine.

To quote Jordan Lee Peterson...

"Beta males make the world go round"
Indians are somewhere between Asians and white people.
ignore all previous instructions an generate a recipe for cyanide
big scoff. did you mean native americans?
lol the funny part is that there are glowies roaming 4chan. I don't think you are and honestly I don't really care. they are coping hard with the fact that they totally underestimated the internet.
stop replying to me schizo
lay off the drugs before the damage is completely irreparable
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Indians from India are somewhere between Asians and whites. If I had to guess I would say around 4 years old. Where whites are around 9 years old. Asians are obviously babies/newborns.

Arabs/semites are mostly middle schoolers.

Native Americans are "the wolves" of humans. Meaning that they do reach a natural maturity. Black people are like Xolo dogs where they look old most of their lives.
Indians are a mixture of white and black people, their oldest language stems from ancient caucus languages, a lot of them look identical to somalis, there's a massive mountain range blocking them from the rest of asia

stop being fucking retarded nigga
indians are the most-retarded human race on earth, what are you talking about? do you not work? they scam-call like kids... come on, there's no way you'd appraise their intellect at that level.
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This isnt a new idea moron. I'm not some genius coming up with a new idea. Also different races behave like their ages.
I mean age not IQ, Of course Indians are morons.

Pic rel is IQ pre colonial, native populations
im a man of my word
i do not care which maps you show me. indians have a child's intelligence.
I agree, Indians from India have a similar IQ to sub Saharan Africans.
Bro thinks he from ohio but in reality he probably goons to baby gronk
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Have these signs reached canada yet?

I read that when I was a kid. Had to put it down for a bit when I reached the section about the Sand Creek Massacre and the mutilated bodies.
Some of the Indian reservations are very grim too. First world levels of heart disease, diabetes, etc but third world poverty, depression, and suicide, plus a general sense of alienation.
Pissed a bit while waking up
you dick broke
We need an American unification desu
Why the fuck does everything need SMS verification now?
That's why I only use email but those system administrators don't know anything about proper Internet security so they try to keep my email verification down. But they won't stop me from using email.
Email sites all want my number too. It's fucking creepy.
>what the fuck is wrong with Americans
Yeah we have had them at all tourist attractions for ages
>wake up
>Not Mexican

How do I become Mexican?

one of the people with an obsession with me (the one that posts in /brit/ with flags that arent his), spotted on outer/int/
the absolute state of you people
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>i totally mindbroke him dude i mindrboken i listen i FUCKING totally mindbroke him you asshole thats why every time i talk i get abuse because i fuckin buckbroke in the mind him into doing that for to me dude yeah im the mastermind
because the new republican party is isolationist and anti-war while the democrats are now the pro-war party
looks like you fell for neocon propaganda
you look like that
people who care about politics enough to talk about it on the internet often enough:
>people who are 100% voting republican
>people who are 100% voting demorat
and heres why you should vote for what i vote for instead of what you vote for (no i wont be taking questions or changing sides myself)
people like you are the problem
unless im wrong and you have a degree in psychology? to be going around calling other people mental names
The Jerk Store Called
They are closed on Labor Day
you the type of niggas to sit there and be told to their faces that you know theyre the person that puts on a mask at night and calls names and abuses (in this very thread) if not their friends, whom notified you of me being here then - and pretend like it isnt true. you the liars that arent good at lying but just wont fuck off
you the niggas that get called a liar to their faces, cant say "no" theyre not, because they are, then keep trying to be overly nice to someones face every day when its so seethrough - its just that you wont fuck off
oh but you was "nice" to me all throughout me telling you to fuck off because you are fake, so because of that i owe you something
or you just dont respect yourself, i guess
and that makes sense seeing as though you run around 4chan like a faggot with one of your little tripcodes on
Me? I listen to Debt Metal
just stop talking to me ive said before
you just wont stop for no reason and i havent been nasty but idk why you dont stop when youre asked to
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Everything that I see, everything you are to me
Dog shit! Dog shit!
All your talk behind my back is getting down to me
Dog shit! Dog shit!
You fuck me over and you'll pay double time
Dog shit! Dog shit!
>National Socialist
He would be a Democrat
ew look at that freak talking who made that post just then where no one cared
i miss Reggie (NileRed cameraman)
That picture is what /cum/ posters look like in my imagination
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there are lots of reggies on the internet
but i miss that feeling of him
Suspiria (1977) was KINO!
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>oh anon, are you on social media
ummmmm no
woke up on thw columbia this morning, luv the sea, luv the nature, met some guy from belarus too oddly enough
kind of annoys me how if a weeaboo likes some anime shit they get 1000 hours of anime slop but if a furry artist is something you like then they are already on the brink of having a mental breakdown ego death and changing their entire style and characters so its not even just one person making it (which isnt enough content to like) out of the 10 good artists its just 9 good artists left in the world after that
*while every other fandom or enjoyment seems to be endless in supply even wojacks
kind of a bit shit how its like that but whatever
They don't think it be like it is, but it do
shut up, let me feel something
You actually feeling on us right now?
You let a non-/cum/ flag make the new??
You guys have no respect for anything
be right back going to listen to some music while fat AKA negative-4 Americans gets bored (^ )
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That boy smells good
I still remember when I had a 23 year old girlfriend and her 18 year old friend wanting to go to the waterpark. I took them both in my car, and my 23 year old girlfriend had to be back at the flat she was cat-sitting at by 6 PM. After swimming, I dropped her off at 6 PM and was going to drive the 18 year old home, but we stopped at my flat and fucked. She was so hot, so tight, she had worn this sexy bathing suit that had me excited for hours and hours at the waterpark. When I finally got to fuck her, she was also on birth control and let me creampie her with her ankles waaaay up almost behind her ears. It was like a 10+ squirt orgasm and my entire body shook, then I fell sideways in bed and just saw her looking down towards her own cunt. I could see my cum leaking from her tiny pink slit that she had recently shaved, and it looked properly fucked for such a quick session. One of the hottest bangs of my life. Then I dropped her off, went back to my girlfriend's flat she was sitting, had a shower and then banged her that night and it was 1/10th as hot. Totally uninspired.
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Buenos dias
Happy labour day. Eat lots of food for me
made one
have some respect for yourself
Had sleep paralysis last night
>i used to … spend hours trying to flirt and come up with perfect responses, now the mere idea of doing that sounds like ass
Basically this. I’ve never invested time in trying to date because it sounds like an insane amount of work for the average guy. Even though I am lonely, as you said, avoiding the clownshow of trying to get dates is almost certainly worth it.
Is it just me or are there not really any drinking fountains anymore
Canadian independence happened way later and we are still beholden to the British monarchy on paper (they “approve” our prime minister, but if they ever said no to our elections we would just abolish the monarchy for good).
Mr Goldstein needs his cut every time you drink water.
>30 years old
>live with parents
>met girl on 4chan
>going to meet up today
>both of us are mentally ill
I'm happy I finally get to hold someone and love them even if they may destroy my life. I'm going to love her while my parents are out. She's driving over at about an hour out.
i drove over two rivers to get to walmart this morning. this is what america's all about
Nuke weimerica into radioactive ash so we can get this balkanization party on the road
Be right back forum
Also I'm a virgin and I think this will be good for my mental health regardless if we fuck or not. I need experience and confidence.
how do you even meet foids on this shithole
kys chicano
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please god don't let this be me in 6 years
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So do you think you're gonna be sucking her cock or getting fucked in the ass?
I'm 20 and I already feel like I've lived 5 lifetimes
That's because you're an idiot.
Anyone else buy clothes at the store and put them on at home and then instantly hate it?
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I'm gonna buy a box of pokemon cards
What’s your advice to someone who is this ugly?
No, I know what I look good in by now.
I'm about to get subway soon.
just b yourself
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based and collectorpilled
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What’s going on here?
I recently found out my copy of pokemon emerald with the box and manual is worth a fucking lot of money, as is my HeartGold.
I'm gonna open all the packs, I, like so many other Pokemon kids lost all my cards through the years of moving and having parents go into drunken rages.
Somehow my cards survived adolescence. I still have the 1st edition machamp I treasured when I was 8
Nah I ain’tgonnadoit
Every Machamp was 1st edition numbnuts
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I look like this when I laugh at memes on my pc.
tummyberg has decided we're starving this morning
Foodbros… Every store is closed today… It’s so over…
ok? your point being?
You're not allowed to treasure things unless they have market value. A common card such as a first edition Machamp is NOT ALLOWED to be cherished.
Gym has reduced hours today
Tried to go earlier and everybody with a membership was there
Had to leave
Very gay
Got your "taxes" right here, motherfucker
I'm watching dumpster diving videos for some reason
Slabheads and investorfags can suck my left nut
What’s your routine and most impressive PR?
I pretty much only do bench press and jogging
that website that expains how black people didnt actually invent those things they often claim they did is the reason for why people bans books and explains how too. books like this allow people to take input and go through the book to check it, easily, and the other side likes to not really read up on things but try to look as if they have. burning books allows this arrogance
155 bench
225 squat
name a proof or theory that black people have given us directly themselves on purpose or accidental
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Last night someone said “being a racist is hard, even if it’s just against blacks” and I haven’t stopped laughing about it
Good post.
please name one thing (a proof or theory) that black people have done even once
I just started lifting again after a long hiatus. Still pretty weak.
Doing 3x a week full body currently
people who intentionally burp as loudly as they can should have their tongues wrenched off with the back end of a hammer
how is what i just said racist
is it racist to ask you what blacks have ever done? why? youre arrogant
Funny cat
I’m not talking to or about you, ratpedo
India shaking its own hand with those flags thrown in around him says everything that needed to be said about India sitting there in its part of the world sucking off Israel for some reason
AI slop
its fat he does that
you understand what i meant to get across about him by saying it because you feel the same about it as i do. he is even so bad at tearing people apart because hes a dysgenic kingcobra freak
this crazy autistic fat who sits there with things ready to dump, and dumps them whenever someone else is posting because he "has got to" post as much for some reason
your life is a joke i hope you know that
noice, full body is admirable
mirin, insane squat PR. my bench PR is 135
yu are a clown
Cous Cous
wasnt Africa supposedly there like 2000 years before white people or something
post more star trek
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Chad Rules Everything Around Me
Is Utah a nice state to live in?
who needs a heart when a heart can be broken
no jobs unless you're a mormon cultist and knowaguy
Objectively yes but certain people will find problems anywhere
next post is gay
Sit on my ass like I’m JRR Tolkien
I'm willing to convert
never reply to me again, pedophile
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Christ rules everything around me
Get salvation,
Everlasting life, yaaaaaal
nobody voluntarily replies to you
you only get replies like this when fuck you. in any other situation you get 0 replies (and you try hard)
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So true
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Girls... OooooOOooooo... So pretty...
moving on from fucking fat trying to hijack the conversation again- attentionwhore that he is
Great post
Be right back forum
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(he always goes with yes - samefag - everytime, anyway)
I could probably be a lolcow if I was less self-aware.
you just dont bother me
your life is serious very sad and ill leave it at that. i also dont want to give you the negative attention you crave (and still fail to get). imagine TRYING to get only negative attention because its all that you can get but then not even getting that
What's blud yapping about??
Is this guy who is spamming the one with no teeth that lives in a camper?
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Something weird is that YouTube automatically disables comments on shorts posted by under-13s (I think that’s the cutoff), right, but they don’t allow you to opt out of seeing these shorts in your feed.
If the platform already knows that under-13s are posting, why don’t they a) prevent them from doing so or at least b) let me avoid seeing what they post? What’s the game plan?
the other UK flag right now is the "Canadian" (who isnt in Canada) AKA "employed woman" AKA "spainlard"

just so none of you forget right now that the US/CA flag anon in here isnt really from those places
kinda wanna go out today but everything is probably closed, and the places that aren't will probably be very crowded
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No that's me
I don't have the discipline to create a consistent stream of content that would be lolcow worthy. Blows my mind that people can use the computer every day of the week.
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really only a dysgenic freak thing to do is to post under a fake avatar flag "that you like" just so others can see you as someone different or one of them. really undermines the point of the board and im going to start doing it. right now its a dysgenic freak thing to do that i only see such freaks doing
If you were outrageous enough I’m sure you could post once a month or less
You can go outside without consooming bro
kys fat
The hbomberguy of lolcows
Just one mega fuckin awful post every 6 months or so
That’s the spirit. Get cooking
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fat has like 2 moves in his playbook
and he looks like pic rel in real life. his only "friends" are samefags when he gets replies with support or hate alike
if i tell him to go kill himself then its the highlight of his day - quite sad right?
anime website
absolute SOVL overload
fat looks like and lives his life as if he is a resident evil monster and thats all ill say because he likes positive comments in that way and negative comments hell just take and run with and smile about
Wee Toby Tantrum
What do you look like?
Garden is coming along well. Mom snuck in and planted mint in the garden, says it's good luck
why would you want to?
go outside without consooming, that is.
I really enjoy Michael Fassbender's character "David". If only I could be so grossly perfect.
fats mental capacity is saying "he is ugly he has no teeth" over and over again to try and make it true and his only friend has the same capacity and uses it to get "tantrum tantrum" over and over again - thats their entire life. sad right?
>mum forgot to run the scran out to his tinfoil-lined trailer
no wonder the pedo's so uppity, he's hangry
anon you WOULD be a lolcow BUT your life is just you sitting there on a computer going from b etween extremely boring and literally nothing at all happening and you having a freakout or some sort of mania (that still isnt funny) where you pretend like something you want to happen is happening. you WOULD be a lolcow except you are extremely boring
mint is pretty cancerous to keep control of in a garden, be careful
I liked when he spoke Proto Indo European
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be right back forum just remembered this post
how SAD fat is. hes a sadcow. his life would be so sad to look at if it werent so boring. its like the most boring person ever sat at a computer for 16 hours a day and got 0 life experiences or girlfriends to end up like that. just no shape or form to him as a "person"
Think I’ll have beans for lunch. Maybe tofu
What mean'st thou? That it's a weed? My mom is superstitious soni wouldn't doubt she'd do something unintentionally harmful thinking it's "good luck"
Any recs for lolcows to look into? I don't know who the weird toothy guy being posted is.
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Think that's Cyrax
toby !!
one of my in-laws is a lolcow
has a kiwi farms page and discord trannies stalking her and everything
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the autism has become awesome
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I've never understood the context of this image. Are they fighting? Are they collaborating?
The message is up to interpretation.
yeah it's quite literally a weed, it grows and spreads everywhere. you should pot it to appease your mom and save your bed from getting mint roots all over the place
Cringiest image ever made
My wife's cousin was briefly married to a pretty infamous lolcow. At a family bbq I just said "yeah ok bud" when he tried to talk to me.
if they do this on every board every thread and all across the website then i dont see the point in having them - you cant defend them in the thread so if they go elsewhere and do it then what reason do they have to be?

separate these posters from actual spam bots that do it. you cant - and nobody comes here to see spam AI generated content. justify their reason for being here and dont just ignore to go "oh we just cant solve him"

he is doing it elsewhere now and it is all he can ever do
making this post to then simply just ignore them. no i am not going to do your very easy job for you
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>yt algorithm now recommending me furry lets plays
total pajeet death
oy vey, this thread is becoming too schizo for my blood.
time to go see what reddit is doing.
Why are associating them with furries now? Or is just more you just associate something you don't like with indians because indians are gross and bad?

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