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australian babies
going retail development, anyone want owt?
look at them go
that one vintage barbour jacket that you didn't buy from that one vintage shop in brighton during your undergraduate years...
I would've chopped up some lettuce and cucumber and turned it into a nice salad
Every time I go to one it cuts my soul

I have enough nice clothes so I normally go look at the Hot Wheels lel

Whilst my missus looks for more shite
fish food
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And I see blokes in their 50s just looking sad

I like my gf, and I'm clearly the love of her life, but I can't do this all the time most weekends. I want to sit at home and do hobbies or go hiking.
what would /brit/'s Ofsted ranking be
falafel wrap
my missus said shopping IS her hobby
fair enough I suppose, she lets me indulge all of mine

you don't need to go with her every single time you know
nothing says "i have a gf" more than whining about them at 11am on a monday on brit
special needs
what are your hobbies sweet pea
>you don't need to go with her every single time you know

unfortunately I've let it become the standard and she is kind of actually autistic and would get mad/sad
he's finally away from her prying eyes
pretending I have a gf on /brit/
I'm a minor figure on right wing Twitter, enough that I get both messages of support and death threats in my dms.
Problem is, I used to be active in bdsm forums as a sub and really got into it (10s of 1000s of messages over about 10 years). Is there a way I can spin this positively if I'm ever doxxed?
Wanking is a hobby.
>Is there a way I can spin this positively if I'm ever doxxed?
Say the whole right wing twitter thing was a bdsm sub thing.
What else would they be doing?
done him
thought of it makes your chest cave in with anxiety fat boy?
suh dude
>used to
uh oh old uggy wrimkly slave no one wants
Don't ping me I'm wanking.
hi guys i like so hate my gf she is so annoying like she keeps talking to me like err girl i dont want to talk to you i just want a friend who is a girl like not someone who ekeps talking to me
while cant we just sit in a pub in silence for 2 hours each weekend downing pints and then go home and have sloppy sex what's the problem
sort yourself out love
hi mate
Yes, call me an ugly freak
when advertising or begging becomes spamming/flooding
mad how prices go up as demand increases
alri Adam Smith
what does it mean
my hobby? waltzing into different generals and loudly accusing anyone and everyone of being brown
i'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind
malaponte would type "I'm" like "Im". anyone remember that? god i miss him
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nth for the gyaldem
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so this is me
"miss" is a strong term
mogs me
and what have you done?
The Granddad-got-adopted-in-the-late-30s English phenotype
Pork scratching for breakfast
is that the manchester united losing football match girls
the line... has it gone up yet?
I don't want you to wear the gold toned bracelet with the silver toned hardware on the jacket and the boots
love that
Would your life change to notice if it had?
get some goons in there x
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she's the liverpool girl
they all look the same
Go full True Geordie
just noticed a post that is advertising or begging
Imagine being on one of those planes haha
'bang ding ow' innit
as did I, wonder if 2 or more other people did
Mine would because most of my money is in stocks
Yeah I noticed that
If I was there it wouldn't have gone down like that
what is that a rule janny cares if 4 people report
*dog covers eyes with paw*
*mossad agents stop dancing and wince*
*WTC 7 collapses out of pure cringe*
*secret service agent whispers in dubya's ear and dubya says "YOWIE THAT'S GOTTA HOIT!"*
are you religious?
don't know what you're on about mate, we're just noticing things
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might shave. I probably look better with some stubble but clean shaven is based and I always see sois with pubey beards
work experience girl in toil is back at school from this week
will miss her nice arse ngl
Can't say that
the cronem had her last weekend
good little post this
there should be more report options imo. ive sometimes noticed the rule breaking doesn't align with the available report options.
Why didn't they just shoot the hijackers?
>kiss a girl at a party while steaming about 4 months ago
>since then have constant dreams about cheating on the gf, notice when girls are showing interest etc
Reckon the cat's out the bag lads
been to wales
i cant believe no one did anything. they only had knives ffs.
deary me rorke, so suggestible
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mad innit
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two paracetamol down the gullet
no one wants to get stabbed in a confined space
makes sense that at least one flight would try them on though, like flight 93 did when all the passengers banded together, but that was after the initial chaos
that had bomb vests
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>work experience
He works at maccies
Lads at work are taking the piss out of me for drinking herbal tea. Had one of those Pukka turmeric and ginger teas and they’re all talking to me in fake Indian accents and saying that I reek of curry.

Last week I had a jasmine herbal tea and they were calling me a woman, pinching/slapping my arse when I walked past them and wolf whistling and were even debating which one out of all of them is my “husband”

Would I be a twat if I got HR involved? Feel like I’m going overboard for some jokes about tea but it’s doing my head in at this point
feel better soon mate
You didn't do work experience over summer?
summer job innit
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why not have a yorkshire
i'm literally having one right now
got the gyaldem stream on
You're a man now. Congrats.
buried that larping freak
I met my gf at my work experience. She was 23 and I was 16, but it wasn't until a few years later we got together.
I now look older than her lol.
just a bit of banter you sensitive gimp.
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>imported tea
how the other half live...
>Last week I had a jasmine herbal tea and they were calling me a woman, pinching/slapping my arse when I walked past them and wolf whistling and were even debating which one out of all of them is my “husband”
how'd that work out
not often you hear about a 16 year old lad getting with a 23 year old
little bit strange in some ways
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I don’t mind a normal tea and I do have them I just don’t want to constantly be drinking caffeine all day as I get really twitchy if I have more than like 2 cups a day. Problem is they are constantly drinking brews so that’s why I started buying the herbal teas and I started really liking them, so when they go on tea break I’m not left out
Yeah but it’s gone too far and it’s crossing into bullying when they’re talking about how much hair I have on my “minge” just because I’m drinking jasmine tea
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fuck off
thank you for supporting the yorkshire tea-growing industry
>twitchy after two cups of tea
Are you a child?
I was 20 when we hooked up.
tbf, I'm the kind of lad who had a deep voice and stubble in secondary school
I'm 25 now and someone guessed my age as 38 a few weeks ago :/
where do you work?
>hooked up
alri spainmong how are we today
sissy brit boys
healthy lad you are
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Sunday dinner farts are truly monstrous, something about the smell of meat and vegetables mixing in yer belly man
I’m fairly small and slim so I guess caffeine affects me more, I also never really drank much growing up, never drank coffee either really so I might be less desensitised to it. Not that it even matters, people should be able to drink what they want in work
It’s a manufacturing facility and there’s a small office on the factory floor which is where I work
still puzzled why I reacted so strongly lads, it's fucked up
Hello, my name is Osman Gulum
do you bantz them back?
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner OR
Breakfast, Dinner and Tea?

Oh, and keep your vile classist opinions to yourself. Just answer the question.
probably on edge from all the caffeine and heavy metals in your tea
if they're slapping your arse that's crossing the line
mate you're in a manufacturing warehouse of course you're going to cop banter over herbal tea
need flower tucci to squirt on my knob
just all food down the gullet no need to be fancy about it
different anon, it was something a week and a bit ago
yeah i'm calling the banter police on that one, just stops being funny
How come norfers call the one meal tea where you're least like to consume a tea beverage
No I never really know what to say back. What the fuck do you say to a big bloke nearly twice your age calling you his “Mrs” and asking what I’m making him for tea tonight while a group of other blokes start pissing themselves laughing
The thing is it’s gone way too far over the last few weeks, to the point where I feel like just not bringing in tea anymore but they will probably find something to take the piss about from that as well
a meal called poo
Used to play Rugby for a local team, and I can confirm that it would be an easy way to shag or get shagged by willing fit blokes
Not gay myself, so didn't partake of course.
afternoon tea was originally a posho thing, but the northers adopted it and turned it into a peas and turkey dinosaurs meal
call them faggots
I have tea with tea
>peas and turkey dinosaurs
I'm straight, but a bearmode bloke with a big arse in a jockstrap is peng.
Did you get bullied at university?
some people's livers don't produce enough CYP1A2 which is the enzyme that breaks down caffeine, so caffeine builds up in their bodies faster and feels much stronger and lasts longer
lamenting my decreasing libido
shit sucks
Turkey Dinosaurs, Smiley Faces and Baked Beans.
Let me guess: you "need" more?
banter is an initiation ritual between males
you either roll with the punches, and/or banter back, or you’ll be never be accepted
tell them to fuck off or you'll bash their skull in
i find going hyper aggressive is a good deterrent
might uh you know
No, but I did a bit in secondary school
Yeah, that’s what banter is. This is bullying.
Feel like my libido is just linked to how often I wank. Force myself to have multiple wanks a day and it becomes routine. Chill out and wank once every couple days and that becomes the norm.
Does libido drive the wanking, or does the wanking drive the libido?
Much to think about
unregistered hypercam poo
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this is my world today
because you didn’t roll with it, they’ll naturally escalate to push your boundaries you mong
suck it up, punch back and it’ll settle down
>Cheerleader Olivia Flores was about to graduate. Instead, her family planned her funeral
poo on toast
egg 'n' ham slabs down the gullet
Let me guess, you forgot to include a laughing Bradley didn’t you? Twat.
Very sad
fat women deserve to be bullied relentlessly
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fat women deserve to be loved tenderly
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another wonderful day working from home (I will do nothing)
I'm on old labptop so I. don';t. have my breadleys
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seasideMARK Rerange his bedroom ready for the dark nights and winter dee lads
Vax status?
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don't blame the sweet and tender hooligan
tell me why
i dont like mondays
tell my why
thats why i bummed gays
tell my why
i find it fun, rape
it lonely
it depression
what's the difference between banter and bullying?
Kill Australians babies
Behead anglo kuffir
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are Aussies really just Brits? what's the difference between the two? what are the similarities?
honestly I always thought they were basically just Americans and I think most people do
reciprocation, respect and boundaries
your reaction
seasideMARK Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) episode I do handstands on the sofa, it lush.
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wonder has huw had a wank since being outed as a nonce
the difference is theyre rich and live in a nice country and are sunburnt
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The pure petty spitefulness of the Clintons when after Trump won they decided to blow up the Red Army Choir just to have a bit of revenge against Putin
dont get why people insist on it being some public thing
also dont get why they spend 50 grand on it all
jus dont get it
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
So, uhh, anyone still clapping for essential workers? No? Anyone?
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we've had this conversation before frenchlad

we inherited their system of government and civic institutions, much of their sporting culture, their drinking culture, and much of their slang

even today there are far more brits moving here than americans, and aussies travel to the UK more than they do america writ large
aside from new zealand, they are by far the closest nation to us culturally. The acknowledgement appears to be mutual
she's for dagestani goons only
the mrs has swapped chairs at work, citing back pain
packed in all caffeine
keeps snacking on plain crackers
and they're all still none the wiser
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the phrase 'sunburnt brits' didn't come out of nowhere
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dont understand new zealand at all. especially their obsession with the natives
remember when he was showing around his room and there are cobwebs all over, rubbish covering the floors and down by his bed and damp on every wall. proper grim existence and he still has a gf and some of the lads here can't do that
Genuinely considering moving the the USA for a bit. I'd make twice as much doing the same job, and I don't have any mates here so it's not like I'd be leaving anything behind.
blog on
Helen is his social worker
you'll probably have a good time
very warm, extroverted and friendly people who embrace brits and aussies (from my experience)
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corr drawers full of mould and it lush
they signed a treaty with the maori very early on so the nation is like a joint project, and they have a lot of pride about that
fun fact: the Maori only rocked up to NZ about 600 years before the English did
easiest way to tell if someone’s a mong, ask if they’ve ever done coke
if they have never speak to them again
Britain and America are Late Soviet states

They're analogous to 1980s Russia, we're probably one of the smaller republics that eventually erupts into massive violence
if you have the opportunity, do it.
it'll make your life more interesting. will this be through work, and any idea where they'd post you?
it's just too odd to me
if you are so similar to Brits, how do you feel about Europe and Europeans in general? I doubt you feel European, but Brits do
simply not true
nonsensical post
they're in Eurovision
Tbh yanks should embrace the native american culture more. Much cooler than the hollywood and mcdonalds slop that constitutes the rest of their culture. And larping as natives would be less embarrassing than larping as irish or italians.
>but Brits do
simply not true why do you think we voted to get out of the EU want nowt to do with your lot
well we don't live anywhere near europe but there is a sense of national pride about being a metropolitan nation from waves of post-WWII migration - ie having an extremely european coffee culture
and having british institutions doesn't necessarily mean we see ourselves as a european nation, we see ourselves as our own thing, but there's a tacit connection there
Trust the process.
Australia is just America but instead of being cringe they are autistic.
Australians have no culture what the fuck are you even talking about dickhead
ta gueule
immature post
every nation has a culture unto itself
>bitch and complain to get in
>bitch and complain to get out
a country of women
Um actually Australia invented wi-fi and the flat white and pavlova (definitely wasn't New Zealand).
yh and the maori genocided each other, including peaceful tribes, while the euros were there. and even to this day they try to claim those tribes' lands by right of conquest lol
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yeah we do
already had 3 meetings today
There's no opportunity through work, I'd likely have to quit my job and find something else. It just makes me depressed when Americans say they're on $100k and think they're poorfags.
bit annoying that women have to make themselves go ugly prematurely to be 'age appropriate'
ummmm bum poo and wee haha
If you consider buying houses at infinite mortgage rates while your kids troon out and your wife sleeps with other men culture then you are truly forsaken peoples
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The Great Northern Hotel is peak Americana
cherry orange pineapple lemon limeade
lad you might be spending a little too much time online
chronically online shut-in permavirgin opinions
im grey and ive got grey skin
very good post
How come tribes are protected and seen as cool but colonialism and stuff isn't?
Native Americans had tribes and fought each other for land and stuff constantly. But when a really good tribe with guns turns up and wipes the floor with them, suddenly that's bad.
Is it bad to be better than everyone else?
catberg won't SHUT THE FUCK UP
>T.sponsored by Huwawei
by means of tattoos and alcohol?
Don't know
Had a Grindr hookup last night and slept over at his, he left for work at 8am and said I could make myself breakfast and have a shower before I leave and to just lock up and post his key through the letterbox.

Mental how trusting some people are, he literally doesn’t know me whatsoever but trusts me not to trash and steal stuff from his house just because he had his cock up my arse last night.
you're the one denigrating your country you goose
how is that family of yours anyway holden
do you even see them anymore
In bed farting
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post kotberg
Australians are unreasonable they’ve been cucked to the point where they forgot how to argue and fight for themselves its over for whites
Slave mentality, we valorise the weak and defeated but hate the strong and victorious
fuck didn't even click that it was holden
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black owned LLC
detecting a severe lack of pints in your system
is that caroline vreeland?
ah, dont really have much advice to give, then. ive been posted abroad a few times for work, including america. wasnt on those crazy salaries (was working for UK company, paid in £), but they paid for everything so it balanced out. plus i retained my number of holidays (yanks got very jealous of this) so i got to do a good amount of travelling while i was over there.
very VERY good post
keep seeing web3 mentioned but dont recall a web1 or a web2
Everyone loves a retard fight but when you beat up the retard you're the bad guy
Maybe you should have paid more attention then
>In the late 18th century the nomadic Kazakhs took advantage of Pugachev's Rebellion, which was centred on the Volga area, to raid Volga German settlements

Would be an interesting setting for a different spin on Cowboys vs Indians
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me this weekend we just had (was excellent beer weather)
what's the most niche racial slur?
the watch
there is that but theyve got to dress like a grumpy old woman
Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of Burnout 3
im on 140k and barely middle class
not a very good game when you get right down to it
Wasn’t even born when that came out
seems a bit bland
rooinek is better anyway
is it not winter in australia this time of year
bit steaming

just melted a load of cheese over sausages for lunch
also 20 years since halo 2 came out soon
time makes fools of us all
moon cricket has to be up there
Māori aren’t native to New Zealand
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grim alchy freak
You said niche not exciting
>The result gives the far right its first win in a state parliament election since World War Two
Bbc seething about this "far right" victory in germany
What the fuck lmao. I’m on £100k here and I live like an actual king

America is a depressing hole of a place isn’t it
Seem like my doppelganger is in the thread today, means I can take that off.

was fucking miserable and stormy with 50kmh+ winds here could barely set foot outside without being sucked into the sky like a dead leaf
we're in spring as of the 1st of September, but it came a few weeks early with weather in the mid 20s this last fortnight
dont understand why people poo at home, the concept of an unpaid poo is ridiculous to me
I officially have a date with an Asian woman
should be interesting
ah no good
blog on
Some very creative ones here
couldnt get a real girlfriend?
Misread as should be inbreeding
report back if her vagina's really sideways
you're going to die alone and miserable lol
Never had a date. Seems odd. Like a job interview but you have to pretend it's not a job interview
I poo for pleasure not for money. My toilet is my sanctuary - impeccably clean, scent diffuser, mood lighting, comfy seat, expensive toilet roll, posh handwash.

For me having a poo is a ritual that I take great pleasure in. I would never sully that by having a poo in a horrible office bathroom.
Probably because their fighting was honourable and colonialism was perfidious and unnatural, usually with the intent to completely exterminate the already subjugated people’s culture, and often actually exterminating all the people by killing them
Class has nothing to do with money
Next month I will have fully paid off my BMW and I’m already thinking about getting another brand new car.

I’m sick in the head. I can’t stop consooming.
freak, just waited for my dinner break to finish so i can have a cheeky 15 minute poo extension
You think tribes throughout the entirety of history were just fighting for fun and honour? They were raping, murdering, genociding and conquering land. Not shaking hands with honour afterwards.
Enjoying your heated seat subscription?
consume these dubs
>Means "Lobster", slang for Cuban women because like the lobster they carry all their meat in the tail
>I officially have a date with an Asian woman
alri la
how asian are we talking?
what whyve they got tails
in america it does
america is expensive
Small island innit. Rampant inbreeding
Seriously tempted to get a Model S on finance. Am I being an idiot?
the new >>201729486
Where you here yesterday? Lass in the thread with a 20ibs mole on her ass
>makes a ridiculous generalization that doesn’t apply to the topic at hand (British colonialism)
Native Americans were romanticized because they really were honourable and admirable warriors as well as valuable allies to the English and French colonialists.
Which raping and pillaging tribes are celebrated like you’re implying?
(Besides the ones in West Africa who are praised to avoid the awkward admission of their central role in the slave trade.)
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>20ibs mole on her ass
it’s just a hinge date so hard to tell, but it’s pretty clear she was born and raised here. probably Chinese statistically speaking and she has Chinese features if I had to guess

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