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愛をください on VHS edish
I like this one better because I fetishize Japanese women/ culture
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Same king and happy labor day
>/brit/ thread
>op has yank flag
fucking yanks
German proto gf admitted to me today that she's "concerned about the failed integration of immigrants and some of the scary things that have been happening here lately", although she still claims to hate AfD. Wonder if I can slowly reveal my power level to her after all
>say lass
>all the English get pissed
Why are you like this
this past weekend is the first time ive felt a real sense of love for my gf. sappy, i know, but it was a great feeling. proper love, not just affection.
getting dark in the evenings now
will be winter soon
fucks sake
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sir messy eater
Solidarity in our shared values :3
leftypol softly strumming his prostate like a hawaiian ukulele player
rorke doing a george formby
wew lads
can i find a femboy on grindr?
That is a pretty big cock desu
i frequently talk about how i think immigrants should integrate to colleagues at work
dont think its racist to suggest that at all
Cockmogs me!
Sorry, what is a "proto gf"
imagine how horrifying the smell must be
With how connected the world is now and going to be, soon there will be no more "native" popularity and thats not a bad thing. The bad thing is when people are anvocating for "Ethno states" and think thats gonna work -.-
My winter fragrance? Well that would be Dolce Gabbana The One for Men. Pairs perfectly with a Barbour International jacket at a Covent Garden Christmas market.
2/10 hag
wtf why's her cock all innie
That’s awesome. The deeper feelings are worth so much more than lust.
nothing but so im told none of the gays want to be macho men these days
most zoomers have brown eyes even white ones now
>your appeal was reviewed and denied
why are they like this
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Can't say I've looked at any long enough to notice
Count Binface is a cringe unfunny aping of proper political parody like Vermin Love Supreme
literally who?
- drink 4-6 beers every night
- watch the same tv show over and over again
- read yaoi comics for an hour a day
- fall asleep in your makeup
- check their instagram page every day
- order takeaway slop for 11pm dinner
- isolate yourself from people who care about you
that your da?
Most people’s eyes are white dude
Find the concept of the paralympics inherently amusing. Like a whole bunch of countries got together and said:
>Let's see who has the strongest retards!
If you think 7 inches and below is enough to satisfy women in 2024 then I've got a bridge to sell you
a clue gained
whinging on about weather won't make it better, if anything it makes it worse
+247 on Sickipedia in 2009
desperately unfunny post
Having another mental health crisis, heathermong?
>he thinks the solar cycle is the weather
youve got no fucking idea have you
Good. Just how I like it.
Bitter that you didn't make the cut?
summat I never understood

politicians kissing babies
who wants that?

"hey mr man who I've never met, please kiss my infant. it's not creepy because you vote on legislation"
weirdo stuff
scranning a croquembouche
Sort of is innit
dont understand the ones who just have to wear glasses
there are people i work with who have stronger prescriptions than the ones you need to be a paralympian
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His election plan involved giving everyone in America a pony, a zombie preparedness plan, and making sure everyone brushed their teeth. He actually pulled pretty good in some states
ParaGB is making TeamGB look like the retards
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Ok premise but the delivery wasn’t it son
First episode found on YouTube.
Kinda shit quality, try looking on Dramacool if you decide to watch the rest

you can shag me up the arse
am getting blacked up the arseeee
>wasn’t it son
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love getting the gf so drunk that she passes out and wees her pants
where will they go
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>Some of the main themes of Supreme's campaigns are instituting a mandatory tooth brushing law, giving every American a free pony, using zombies for renewable energy, zombie apocalypse awareness, and time travel research. He largely avoided discussing major political issues until his 2020 presidential campaign, which was more serious. Supreme has run variously as a Republican, a Democrat, and a Libertarian.
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so epic xD le random boot on head man
fuck you cunt I got here first>>201746088
medallion's humming....
Was too scared to broach the subject with a modern university educated (indoctrinated) woman, thought it could only end in tears so just swerved clear of politics

Like a gf but in more of a proto sort of way
Sorry I was busy shagging -_-
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wee wee gf
Probably funnier than you
Wearing this and doing the Reddit smirk at everybody who reads it
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toil on the morrow, lads
He dedicated his whole life to being a cringe retard in as many political parties as possible and came reasonably close to winning
All without wearing some a fucking garbage can mask like a faggot
urge to kick his legs in and run off screaming faggot
sick to bastarding death of the persecution of smokers
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it looms...
on the renshuutoil
god I love the uk
might just have soup for tea
on a diet you see
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tell me about yourself anon
Cmon thats funny
I gave my wife a pair of odour eaters and she was quite offended,

"Are you saying my feet smell?" She asked.

"Not at all, " I replied, "they're for your knickers."
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came out to dadberg lads
I love black cum
dunks or court visions?
10/10 never a better use of the word slampig
why do trannies always pick bizarre names
You should never judge anybody by the colour of their skin.

That's what the courts are for.
i quit smoking in may so it won't even effect me like that but the loss of a quiet area to go and chat to people when out at a club or whatever is dreadful
wtf kind of name is Ffion
Count Binface is based on Lord Buckethead who quite literally predated Vermin Supreme you mong
And for my tea I had chips, pizza and feta salad
middle class centrist dads who love keir and are rooting for tom tugendhat slapping their knees at that one
Why is Sue Gray obsessed with Northern Ireland?
Trying to find a dominant milf gf on fetlife
Japanese women?
Love 'em personally
My name is normal and beautiful.
you lads wanna read a book
too big
how old
Chuck Norris once stole a seagulls chips.
All cum is white or yellowish
Hungry today eh, big man?
im on 4chan on my phone naked (no pics fuck off) on my bathroom floor cause I'm an autvirg and I like the steam and noise
god I love my life
your name isn't Ffion
it is a very common welsh name
Wasn't really a lot. It was half of a small pizza and a handful of chips.
Yh im sitting in my empty bathtub. Helps with not going stir crazy to sit in different places while i rot inside.
Lads need some help
My wife's mother just died
How long should I console her for?
Bear in mind that my chips are getting cold
why is there steam and noise in your bathroom
I can't fucking take it any more
I'm so fucking DONE with toiling
SICK of it all
I can't keep doing this
fucking hell i'm bored
you jest but the man is exceptional
Even fucking gayer
Your country deserves everything that is happening to it
I know that. My point was not all trans people pick stupid names.
I just got jewed
I said no pics fuck off
Operation - Unmask Sacked Tranny is a go.
What you gonna do then? You need a plan
its shit. 20% of the worlds population are treated as second class because we find tobacco pleasurable. no other minority would be openly discriminated against this way.
They call it sexual athletics
It doesn't rhyme with anything
That's why I'm the sex king
Sex king on a velvet swing
Waiting for my Alice in Wonderland
To come along and knock upon my door
If I'm who you were waiting for
Cause I'm a sexual athlete
Eat the fucking chips lad it's a cost of living crisis can't be wasting food she'll understand
iraq be kidding me! aha
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Just phone D’Andrus to give her another seeing to and you can finish in peace. Win win.
I'll help you out mate, it's the weird lonely discord nonce who also sometimes goes by the name "spainlad"
fat tranny thinks you can make salad from cheese lmfao
despise crackheads
Is Rishi wearing elevator shoes?
if you weren't a britisher, which ethnicity would you want to be
i note this is a cartoon and not a photo collage
I’ll crack your fucking head, sunshine
oops sorry wrong post
I'm so silly :3
filipino because they're the most POWERFUL race in the WORLD
ALDI Shrewsbury.
>smoker persecution
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hate black crackheads
Might start a band called Sacked Tranny and the Spaintards
Shrewsbury MENTIONED
hate blackheads
no worries hun x
Something weird like Eskimo or something. May as well.
My girlfriend said she was leaving me because I was too clingy...
I said its okay I'll come with you
Sacked Tranny works in ALDI Shrewsbury.
Snacked Tranny
hate heads
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id post some softcore furry porn for your trouble but I'd probably be publicly executed
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Listen up, libtard:

I like feet.
I saw this vampire sucking the blood out of a pensioner.

"Oy! " I shouted. "I thought you undead couldn't feed in the sunlight?"

"Undead?" he replied, "Don't be stupid, I’m Kier Starmer."
might have to move town in that case. reckon it's telford or stafford for me.
Mental how badly I mindraped him
I think satire candidates are inherently unfunny, for the record, but you're still wrong about it being an aping of Vermin Supreme
I'd argue most satire candidates are inspired by the Monster Raving Loony Party
said mister Guillotine haha
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I have a masters degree and I have no idea how to use chopsticks no matter how much I try
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I will be your deadman
With nothing but this blood on my hands
Stuck in your "wonderland"
I just want to make you bleed like me
>Cromwell said he hoped he should make the name of Englishman as great as ever that of a Roman had been.

Cromwell was so based it was unreal.
I have to agree with you but doing it anonymously is cowardly
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you don't bleed
you don't have a womb
I'm coming for you.
kind of mental how one bad knock to your nads renders you sterile ending any hope of having kids
they should invent a really slimmed down and practical versions of hose cricket boxes or guards
Femicide or feminicide is a term for the killing of females because of their sex.
I do bleed and you don't have a womb either.
ah yes a true patriot
chopping off the head of the king, the very symbol of the nation itself
legs 10/10
everything upwards 2/10
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bro just said a tranny was 10/10 in some respect
2/10 ugly hag
Speaking of which
it pie night
The King is not England, and England is not the King.
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2025 is my year.
1: I couldn't tell
2: I'm probably bi
>United KINGdom
My uncle just died lads. I’m in shock, wtf he was only 53. Mum is downstairs crying her eyes out on the phone telling family. Wtf, he had two kids under 12
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get them shagged
leftypol storming out of the theatre mumbling about false advertising at the screening of free willy
among others cromwell gave britain a bad name in ireland, i wish we had never set foot in ireland and left it alone as a desolate backwards hellhole because all the world hates us for civilising them due to most of them moving to america
sorry to hear of your uncle's passing

how'd he die
Girlfriendberg fucking wittering on about some shite
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>PM of one of the most important countries in the World has to admit defeat in an election next to a wog eceleb pulling a prank for his YouTube channel and a bunch of meme entries
Finished country
>couldn't tell
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>My uncle just died lads
god willing they'll cook him into a nice miso soup
Aortic Sharting
If you had to, which one of the kids would you shag?
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any rasta in?
Right that's it, smack time
the last of the summer poo
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can i come too
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jah bless mi nem sir ganga farmer, pon de batty man rice and pea
Ireland is among the few excolonies of ours that is actually right to detest us to be fair
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I buried my uncle today
sorry mate been in a similar situation myself you should get pissed and
get a suit for the funeral although you live with your mum so get pissed later on and book the day off work
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Nuno Bettencourt on a mad one
Hate cunts who start messages and emails with a name and a comma
yea keep posting on 4chan mate
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okayyyyyyy let's go
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Rorke, jah bless
53, just a kid.

Yer mam shags darkies.

With thanks,
Is it bad I liked the before more? I want her to Dom me so fucking hard but the after is just a 10 a penny only fans slut
they're pretty much British, just lost the wars of religion
MC Smally yeah that's my name
‘We are Britain

And we have one dream

To unite all people

In one great team

Strong Britain, Great Nation

Strong Britain, Great Nation

Strong Britain, Great Nation

Strong Britain, Great Na-a-tion.’
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how high of a status do you need to have in bongland to bag her?
Built like Bam Bam Bigelow in that second pic.
fuck, I'm so sorry lad
self-described racist but love rasta music and listen in secret
>Written & Performed by: St John’s CE Primary School pupils, Bierley, Bradford
Shut up
Probably 10 quid and some cheap booze
this is chantelle, deano's bird. she's the most highly sought after type of woman in this country. 9.5/10+ only.
mad how much more impressive is president xi's life story compared to any of the founding fathers (founding faggots as I call them)
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the pinnacle of female beauty
Is it yeah?
Do you yeah?
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England's greatest export
still mad we got them free eh?
you got canada out of it, aren't you happy?
>in secret
do you actually have people in your life who would care if they found out?
who gives a fuck? i know i don't
Everything above the ass is awful and even that is full of cellulite too I think
got scabs on my foreskin because i've wanked so much lately. wish I were joking.
top salesman at VW braintree
yeah we get it mate
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got sacked today, lads
gosh that's got me very angry!
what does rorke mean?
im not british
got called an apostate in the lidl car park lads
yeah absolutely, my immediate environment is middle class white and judging and my whole persona is a good trad white boy
why dont women wear hijabs in turkey
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Fleur Delacour
Kill yourself
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got called a n word at the neonazi rally
You the guy who destroyed a customers front entrance with a backhoe because you couldn't see that the payment got stuck for a bit?
Someone called me a comma yesterday.
too peng for it
Irish or French
bout to comma my pants uooh
no clue what you're on about
Hi anon,


Kind regards,
some do but its not the law
And she didn’t know how to tell him
She was in love with a Rasta man
Fire was burnin' and burning
To let out what she was holding in
Was all the news
WEnt gym and still haven't showered once today. Smell like shit
That's odd, you should smell like sweat
south asian women can be so peng

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Is this accurate?
look like monkeys
feel like SHIT
Pushed too much eh
north-western eritrean coptic women can be so peng
“can” doing some serious grafting in this post.
yeah all humans kind of do
This man is pure cringe what the fuck is wrong with your country Britian
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Grim how all these young-uns never sext'ed with eviebot
all they know is chatgpt
Share a pair of glasses - coptics
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Probably gone to lay pipe
i don't
i look like a fucking toad
Indian women have hair in all sorts of weird places.
I can't work a nine to five
Baby I'm a hustler, I'ma keep hustlin'
Rather risk my foredoom and my life
Baby I'm a rider, I'ma keep riding
I got my future front my eyes
And the fight is to survive
Baby this is just my life
such as?
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>As of May 2023 Thresher is not in a relationship. In October 2021 she was dating British rapper Digga D
>Digga D appeared at Lincoln Crown Court via video link from HMP Wormwood Scrubs, where he was remanded in custody. On 29 May 2024, Digga D pleaded guilty to a charge of smuggling cannabis relating to 11 July 2023.

be black
sell drugs
make songs about stabbing people
go to prison

Do all that and you're in
Yeah that's it
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lovely dashka
back of the knee, maybe?
Back hair
What's appealing about American slam pigs?
Yes I'm a ganja planter
Call me di ganja farmer
Deep down inna di earth where me put di ganja
Babylon come and light it up on fire
Me a chant
Yes I'm a ganja planter
Call me di ganja farmer
Deep down inna di earth where me put di ganja
Babylon come... Yo yo
i need chocolate

i have chocolate
We need a dictatorship of physiognomy.
Shall you tell him or shall I?
the 17yo protogf wants to become official but i'm being a pusswah
how she manage to look white with black skin?
Prefer pot by tool
She doesn't
Actually had to check the dates
Can tell though that Mrs Brown's is indeed from the same ilk of cheap British camp that Extras was satirising
Didn't mind that Netflix prison thingy
I got a letter...the name on the envelope said: "Baz from Folkestone"

...my uncle's name. It's ridiculous, couldn't possibly be true.
why lad?
Happens ngl desu
got caught wanking in the disabled toilets for a second time

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