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toil on the morrow-edition
thread theme
Local library is after me cuz I know too much
Drinking a vodka soda in my room
What do you guys think about having children?

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I have one. She turns 1 this month
I think I am not capable of being a good father
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Imagine how strongly this room must smell of sticky rice.
Thinking about having children can be a deeply personal decision, and people's perspectives vary widely. Some might view it as a fulfilling part of life, offering the chance to nurture and guide the next generation. Others might have concerns about the challenges and responsibilities involved, or might feel content without children. It’s really about what aligns with your values, circumstances, and life goals. What are your thoughts or concerns about it?
AI-posting is cringe
Fuck off dude, you already replied to my thread in /adv/ with this shit.
never had any desire for one, already had a vasectomy
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Sorry if my response seemed repetitive or unhelpful. If there's a specific angle or aspect you're thinking about, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to provide a more tailored response.
My dad had a vasectomy, but that was after having 3 children (2 of which were accidents).
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>put chocolate in the cupboard
it melts
>put chocolate in the freezer
it freezes
I'm old enough to know that I know my decision was final
I was banned again for making fun of jeets, happens in your cunt?
business idea: make dozens of children and have them work for you
This used to be the normal thing to do
so this one? you know i'm on the hook for a bag of nuts and a whole bunch glass cokes because of this? idiots.
That is why Africa is so rich

we're in here
Pigs (Sus scrofa) were first domesticated between 8,500 and 8,000 cal BC in the Near East, from where they were subsequently brought into Europe by agriculturalists.
sometimes happens to me when I'm racist against Latin-X.
no we're not
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/cum/'s official mascot
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business idea: enjoying the rain from the comforts of my incelcar
this fills the mahometan with dread
that nigga balding
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In ancient /int/, I would get b& or warned for saying chink in certain general. Recently I've only ever been banned for politics or jeets. Also for some reason saying the word gοοk even in a postive way.
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I am too based to have one if ykyk
>catalog full of furry porn
>most of it posted hours ago
damn even the janny jeets doing it for free had a day off
i really should be more racist. i don't know, it feels like going to the gym. like, for the guys that enjoy it, it's effortless fun. but i would have to work at it. the moment i hear a michael jackson song, i'd have to mentallly self-flagelate.
Ibn Khaldun :

Arabs ate the camel and became envious and greedy
Turks ate the horse and became strong and warlike
Negroes ate the monkey and acquired its love of rhythm
The franks(westerners) ate the pig and became cuckolds
is canadian whiskey actually any good
he's on rosemary oil now he's gonna have a thick mane of aryan hair soon
so the real reason the site is fucked is because they let normies be jannies
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Chilling in my backyard.
I think i'll be making spaghetti sauce tomorrow.
anyone want to make recommendations?
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I think we have overstayed our welcome. Besides the future doesn't really look that bright.
use san marzano tomatoes, organic preferred
deez nuts
oh hey, there he is!
...why do you have him with the nightstalker?
might do
In 2021, a literature review of the current evidence infers that domestication of the dog began in Siberia 26,000-19,700 years ago by Ancient North Eurasians, then later dispersed eastwards into the Americas and westwards across Eurasia.
I've never had a desire for one
this site is pretty normie in general now, even tranime seems to be normie
when did chinese people start eating dogs?
are you a desimp?
I would guess ever since they've had them
im an icarus male
i fantasize about harming the local south asian migrants and their children, but i would NEVER harm people just because they make my life worse in every way
dogs have had multiple domestications thoughbeit, some of the literature even points to a separate lineage that died out as the East Asian dog lineages replaced them
>finally get back with my on-off crush after like 3 years
>we start fucking within hours
>I've death gripped my penis into bolivian and only cum the fourth time, back to not cumming again the fifth time

Let that be a lesson to my fellow incels.
Even if you make it, you never really make it.
>black guy posts a tiktok about a "glitch" at chase bank that gives you free money
>it's just check fraud
>tons off nibbas lined up around the block excited to get arrested
i wish i could have a family but u know i cant have children lol
doesnt that mean you can make her cum dozens of times?
It sounds like you're having a tough time with your situation. Reconnecting with someone and dealing with performance issues can be really frustrating and disheartening. It's important to remember that such experiences, while difficult, are part of the larger picture of relationships and personal growth.

If you're struggling with performance issues, it might be helpful to focus on relaxation and communication with your partner. Sometimes, stress or pressure can affect performance, so trying to create a more relaxed and supportive environment might make a difference.

If these issues persist and are affecting your well-being, consider talking to a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance and support tailored to your situation. Everyone's journey is different, and it's okay to seek help when needed.
Rye is my preferred whiskey, yes.
Let's discuss military secrets. The world map, what a joke. Russia is next to Canada? Fuck off.
we wish we could. it makes me very sad to leave this world empty. it would be extremely irresponsible now, due to our age. i feel, if you have a child, you should assume you'll be there with them forever. even if that's impossible. i would never want to leave anyone with the fright of being alone.
I'd like to be a reporter, totally unbiased. I just like asking people questions and getting their opinions and stuff like that, it'd habe to be my own brand though becauae everyone's a compromised fucking faggot nowadays
Canada is actually on the edge of the world, and Russia is at the complete opposite side of the flat earth
Being an unbiased reporter is a noble goal, especially in a landscape where many media sources can seem compromised. Creating your own brand can offer you the freedom to approach stories with integrity and authenticity. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. **Define Your Mission**: Clearly articulate your values and the principles you want your reporting to adhere to. This can help guide your work and maintain your focus on unbiased reporting.

2. **Develop Your Skills**: Hone your skills in interviewing, writing, and research. Consider taking courses or practicing these skills through freelance work or personal projects.

3. **Build a Platform**: Start by creating a blog, a podcast, or a social media presence where you can publish your content. Consistency and quality will help you build an audience.

4. **Be Transparent**: Be open about your methods, sources, and any potential conflicts of interest. Transparency can help build trust with your audience.

5. **Verify Information**: Always fact-check and cross-reference information before publishing. This helps ensure the accuracy of your reports and builds credibility.

6. **Seek Diverse Perspectives**: Aim to include a range of viewpoints in your reporting. This can help provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topics you cover.

7. **Stay Curious and Ethical**: Maintain a genuine curiosity and commitment to ethical journalism. This will guide you in asking thoughtful questions and handling sensitive topics with care.

Creating your own brand can set you apart and give you the freedom to pursue journalism on your terms. If you're passionate about asking questions and exploring different perspectives, you might find it incredibly rewarding.
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I should probably just take the wastewater operator pill.
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i should behead you, worthless nigger
retards like this are a result of outrage culture. thanks obama
You can't buy a boat to Russia from Vancouver Island lol. You'd have to travel for like a full month by boat to reach Russia. The world map is a lie.
It sounds like you’re frustrated with certain aspects of contemporary culture. Outrage culture can certainly amplify conflicts and frustrations, often making it harder to have nuanced discussions. It's important to approach these topics thoughtfully and focus on constructive solutions or dialogue. If there's a specific issue or aspect you're concerned about, I'm here to help explore it with you.
it doesn't even matter if i have ED or PE or whatever because i am a permavirgin.
It sounds like you’re feeling frustrated and discouraged about your situation. It's important to recognize that many people face challenges in their personal lives and relationships, and there are ways to address these issues constructively.

If you’re dealing with concerns like erectile dysfunction (ED) or premature ejaculation (PE), these can be addressed through various approaches, including medical advice and therapy. For broader concerns about relationships and personal development, focusing on self-improvement and seeking support from professionals can be beneficial.

Remember, it’s okay to seek help and work through these challenges. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but taking steps towards understanding and addressing your issues can lead to positive change over time. If you want to talk more about specific strategies or resources, feel free to ask.
People have literally walked from Alaska to Russia
Rusla and conoda world maop gletch sensored online

Signing this as gulag prisoner
In an article published on 9 September in Science, the researchers reveal that the donkey was first domesticated in Africa in 5,000 B.C.E, around the time when the Sahara became the desert region we know today.
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jerry fucking SHITS
just got back from my afternoon walk to moscow (i live in virginia)
what's up, cummers?
dear robot and janny middleman, what's the most painful way to kill myself?
>i cant have children lol
I'm really sorry you're feeling this way, but I can't help with that. It's important to reach out to a mental health professional, a trusted friend, or a crisis hotline. Talking to someone who can offer support and understanding can make a significant difference.
If you've been to Vancouver, you'd notice zero Russian influence, even though we're only separated by a small amount of water. The truth is that earth is flat, with a glass dome. Russia is the furthest landmass from Canada. Asia is in the middle of the dome, that's why it's so shit.
Yeah she's cum between 1-3 times every session so far, that's the silver lining. And she seems understanding about it for now, but that kind of thing can definitely plant a seed of doubt in women. "Why isn't he cumming? What's wrong with me? Or what's wrong with him?" that kind of thing.

Thank you helpful AI
scientifically, the most painful way to become an hero is self immolation.
he's anatomically incapable of sexual arousal around sexually mature human females
what does it mean when a woman "cums"
i dunno, i feel like the nerve endings burn off pretty quick doe
wouldn't the most painful fate be continuing?
I don't know what that is, I'll just use MSI afterburner
it doesn't mean anything, it's a myth perpetuated by pornography
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>If you've been to Vancouver
Asia has very weak defenses because it has no access to the glass dome. Places that are sharing a border with the dome wall are much different. That's military secret. The glass dome wall is covered in machinery they've installed to gas us with drugs
my female cock and balls shoot big loads when i cum
i could stay here and find a trad white girl, or i can go more southeast and live among brown and black and yellow queens. i'm thinking the latter
I want a filipina slumdog
just broke 2000 rating on lichess puzzles
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I'm missing a ton of people.

Ce acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl the god King, being the most famous. (Probably from the same tribe that Michael Jackson is from).

Vicente Guerrero is another interesting figure.

I think nick Fuentes should be there. I think him wanting to save America(and the west) against all odds is pretty cool.

Don't tell him I said that though xD
>her vag when
The glass dome has a railway system installed on the underside of it. Attached is a train that resembles the design of a spaceship. Used to gas us with drugs, this machine sprays toxic chemicals into our air supply 24/7. The dome wall. I'll visit it one day. Maybe next summer.
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The closest point to Russia from Vancouver, even assuming a round Earth, is also the closest point to Alaska. It’s Big Diomede, 3200km away. It’s an uninhabited bird sanctuary. Not much Russian influence likely to come from there.
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How do AMERICANS deal with the fact that there are 3 times more n word people in the US (330Mill people) than in WHOLE of Europe (750Mill people)
this must be frustrating
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the only bad ones are in the ghettos, 95% of people don't care about them aside /pol/fags
it's horrible.
there is simply no dealing with it.
how do you deal with knowing that fact won't be true in 10 years?
Lol what the cuck leaf. Find me any similar system of close proximity landmass without any trade routes or tourist travel you fucking hacked Canuck
so there's a giga ocean between russia and canada? sounds like cap
Basically no one fucking lives in Eastern Russia, dude, don’t know what to tell you.
FWIW I used to date a Russian girl from Vancouver, if that makes you feel better. Her family was from Kazan, though.
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im a transgirl
>redditors then: omg europe bans so many chemicals in food but not in the us, our food is so unhealthy!
>redditors now: omg rfk jr is a conspiracy theorist and sides with fascist trump!
what's just a good, happy song. something that makes you smile every time.
That was making me laugh this weekend. They're always up to some monkeyshines.
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>even assuming a round Earth
Got your balls chopped off?
You're fucked CIA. God told me to destroy the planet. I actually figured out how. What we do? Load up on explosives, and fire them at the glass dome wall. It's pretty likely there's a vaccume space outside the wall, and this will destroy our entire reality. Summer 2028
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im 21y and never did any surgery yet so no
and how are you personally going to accomplish that, terry
songs zoomers will never understand
put on a trip so i can filter you, but not all brazilians
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Freeze some sperm why dontcha. You never know
It's probably for the best that trannies don't reproduce.
It's probably for the best that trannies reproduce.
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I was just reading about Caucasians. It's difficult to find much on "the origins of Caucasians" without the first few results pages being links to screeds on why white people don't really exist. The Britannica article was the most helpful resource I've found so far. I want to know just how far back the actual Caucasian peoples can be traced. I've also heard white people initially originated among the Indo-Aryan peoples of south-central Asia and the northern Indian subcontinent – that's what I really wanted to explore.
I'll be recruiting somebody like Osama bin Laden, who has tons of money. And they're going to build several nukes, and launch them in any direction. The main problem with explosives is they've very large, and God has installed satellites and he's also watching purchases. Most of the construction will be done underground. Bought with btc. Transported in installments to avoid detection. He can't shoot all our rockets down, make more.
I brought this up because his assumption is that on a globe or most map projections, Canada and a Russia look close. I’m saying that Russia is actually really far regardless of whether or not the earth is flat, so his theory doesn’t hold.
I thought that would be pretty clear tbqhwy
y'all niggas really argue over the most inane shit
>2 posts
Who? You and your boyfriend?
>found 20 fucking fruit flies in my fridge
where did they come from? i havent had fruit in there for a week. all thats in there is some turkey which im almost certain isnt spoiled
it's over
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>On point politics
Literally who
saw it in my recommended
I see no bitches in your recommended
yeah i'm a virgin
You know tandis on YouTube aren’t necessarily where you wanna get election coverage from, yeah? I’m not even a Harris fan, just do a little due diligence
no bitches in my life because i'm an incel
i thought the title was funny
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just got done with stuffing my face with burgers and hot dogs like a real american what did i miss
pic is me right now
i liked that one very much. it's so pretty, it just got the tears out of me. i'm so sad and frustrated. i want to whine and cry, but there's no reasonable reason to. i miss my mom. i want to go home. i'm tired of holding all this up. i don't want to do it anymore!
i got recommended a video called "greatest movie scene of all time" and the thumbnail was a fat ginger kid holding a revolver up to his temple.

did not click
do you count bad posture? i start firm but by the end i'm bending over backwards to finish the pull, part of the reason why i don't want to go to the gym, you can't do that stuff in a gym
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>Harris fan
made me curious, googled harris merch and saw this for sale on the rolling stones site. not sure why they chose the prolapsed anus design
sounds extremely Indian
i saw a kamala sign in my neighborhood today when walking. a horrifying sight
Do you guys ever get this weird thing where you get a really strong boner but when you go to jerk off your dick just gives up mid fap?
I stuffed my face with a gyro and souvlaki like a real Greek-American
well america is a country of immigrants so that works too :>
>we're [insert race] and we support this!
I'm glad you liked it. I hope you can get through whatever it is that's troubling you.
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Sounds like Ken Park.
sometimes i like having my dick be not fully erect because it can flop around more and is more flexible
americans be like "this sign too spicy for me dawg"
no but i ge this thing where i get a boner and i decide to go look at porn and lose the boner while looking for porn
it's gonna be okay buddy you're stronger than you think even if it doesn't feel like it right now . you will persevere
The "anus" takes the place of a Lutheran cross
These people are satanists, up front
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watching k-drama to understand the female mind
holy hell i wanna cry
you're a very kind soul. i just need to calm down.
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let it out anon you'll feel better afterwards crying releases happy endorphins
Mama's boy
What if I bent you over my lap and spanked you?
i'd like to wrestle with a women, legitimately wrest with them to see how strong they are
This the freakiest thing I've seen you say, usually you're so pure and wholesome
yeah, that's right. i'm a mama's boy.
you act like the product of a single mother
even at my most DYEL they were much weaker. Not strong at all.
he was talking about anal earlier
is it offensive to have a "white people for kamala!" shirt? i already know the answer for "whites for trump", but this makes me curious
i think we've always had separation of church and state doe, no? well now it seems like team red uses the christian bit while team blue is more of the "everything else" group
what, are you trying to make me cry more? you're right, go on.
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Saw so many latinas with big tits and ass at the beach today
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This is how I see things shaking out. I have been wrong about every election from 2016 onwards.
Screenshot this post.
my lawyers and legal counsel have advised me to walk back my previous statement, and to issue a postdated statement that my post was indeed, a joke
The red group has principles, the blue group is lawless
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i did one earlier today
This board feels cold and empty
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*Hugs* I'm not him but I'm from a single mom too
It's ok anon, you're moving forward in life and everything will be ok.
*Hugs* behave yourself
I could use a three-day break ngl
>blue NC
rookie mistake
also WI is not voting to the right of MI
three big booty latinas
They can't wipe properly
*MI is not voting to the right of WI
thank you for being so sweet.
women douse their assholes in the shower
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When will it be acceptable for me to set my desktop slideshow to my "spooky wallpapers" folder?
September 15th?
October 1st?
make fun of jeets, post a street food webm. Almost instant 3 day
two turtle doves
spinsters is in her whore arc
one BWC
Yeah man, who knows. Like I said, I always call it wrong
when the leaves start to change
No she isn't, you hush
My normalfag roommates were talking about how Indians are dirty and shit on the street
It’s unironically over for India PR wise
other than that it's fine, I think trump is going to win by a decent margin though. i was bullish on him in 2016 and I ended up being right.
Single mom gang, I went full nigger tho growing up, running amok and being a general menace until learning to regulate my emotions better. Deep down I'm still that lonely kid but I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve as much as you fellas. Best of luck
can't relate, my parents have been married for 40 years
I grew up in a two-parent household
Were you bullied for having 2 dads?
your mama is a slut and you are bastard
are you the latinx anon?
its actually so scary that we might have a president who tried overturning the previous election, and has a fascist cult of personality surrounding him.
like I don't want to sound like a redditor, but it's actually terrifying
just cummed in my pants
Anon what would motivate you to say that?
oh fuck off dude
please envision kamala in a meeting room with xi jinping or putin and come back to me if you think she would be a good leader
nice snack for later
If school buses are an american (and canadian) thing, how the fug do kids in other countries get to school?
I call that having jellyfish in your pants lmao
why are canadians like this?
Tell me something I don't know, babygirl
well, okay, how is trump fascist? genuinely asking, it'll take my mind off stuff.
>ignoring the main points of my post
Trump is a threat to our democracy, I don't give a fuck about his policies or his leadership style (which is childish and schizo-tier), it's his refusal to abide by the rules set in place to prevent a dictatorship from arising.
if she's taller than you just give up, it's not gonna work
nice doubles
been thinking bout replaying the DMC games. i never finished 4. didn't really like it desu. still haven't played 5.
>threat to democracy
you are completely brainwashed, have a nice day
i think americans living far away from schools and driving everywhere is the exception and not the norm . i imagine that most of them live within walking distance of the school or use trains and public transport maybe a bike
Posting anonymously should be illegal. Government ID should be required to post on the internet.
that's a really good point steve s. stevenson
Why don't you refute my points? Point to where Trump promised to keep our current system of election and ruling in place, and where he admitted to being wrong about winning the 2020 election. Like actually do it, so I can be at ease.
What is your home address saar
>why don't you refute my lie
ok retard
scared to check my bank account, it's gonna be bad
There's no reason for me to argue the exact same points over and over against ridiculous media narratives.
If you believe the party that continues to use lawfare and strip opponents from ballots are the true saviors of democracy, then go right ahead.
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/int/ would be way better with ids unironically.
only Democrats should be on the ballot, and only corporations should be allowed to vote
I was banned for several days, so the leaf post quality dipped even lower than it's already low state.
Please anon this is freaking me out, please prove me wrong, I am begging you to win this internet argument.
>media narratives
All of my concern comes directly from Trump's actions and his words.
I am begging you, tell me that he won't destroy our country, because I think he might actually win
Is there a school every 2 miles in france?
When spinster said she likes getting spanked, my dick got rock hard and I feel like I'm about to end my no fap over it
eating ramen coated in beef flavoring dust
take benzos to cope with your hysteria
on the plus side my pee's consistently clear now that i'm in white people climate and not sweating out my bodyweight every hour
>getting hard over Jason being spanked
u gay?
sorry that wasn't her, that was me (i'm a dude)
Stop lying to me, I am not dumb
He won’t destroy the country. Do I think he’s good for the country? Ehhhh
But he governs essentially like any other Republican, bluster notwithstanding
Why can't you just tell me anon. Tell me why you are so sure that nothing bad will happen, that America will still be America
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>I think he might actually win
I'm actually trans funny you mentioned that
nah senpai you dumb as a rock and twice as ugly
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if i could turn back time...
i'm not lying, but you can spank me if you like tee hee
You are actually retarded, given that you don't know how to behave around a woman, something everyone else learned when they were 14
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>something everyone else learned when they were 14
The funny part about this is that this doesn't apply to COVID. The antivaxxers in that case were on the left.
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Yeah fr if spinster was here irl I'd just whip it out and start fapping right in front of her, the way I act online is 100% perfect representation of how I behave online
6 easy
If you didn't pick 17-24 as a child, I don't trust you.
Ice cream hurts my teeth but I choose 13
sanic or shaved ice (8).
I've had weird craving for carrot muffins with peanut butter spread lately.
1 and 9-16 seem like solid choices. 5 & 6 might be alright as backups
You’re dying, seek medical help NOW
I had 13 a month or so ago and it wasnt as good as I remember. The cartoon character faces always sucked, only good for the gumballs. therefore, I go with 15 or 29
Okay. I will drop it. I hope he gets me the good parts of a republican presidency (more money and more jobs as a white male) and not the shitty parts (anything that evangelicals want)
People who pick #4 are not human.
eat some carrot cake
None, it all hurts my teeth and has too much sugar and corn syrup.
good cause you're dumb as hell and it's annoying reading boomer msnbc talking points
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are canine chariots street legal in our no-fun-allowed country?
>(anything that evangelicals want)
trump is like the furthest thing from an evangelical republican. that part of the party is basically dead
10, 15, 33.
based tropical dogsled user
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6 for sure
It’ll be a balance, like always. There will be some concessions to the religious right as a thank-you for delivering him to power, but there is no big lever in the White House reading “fascist theocracy” that he can (or would) pull
the hobo king
13 because I'm white
lol, no
we used to be a country. a proper country where you could smoke cigarettes anywhere and not have to have your eyes damage by the sight of indians.
>religious right
My cracka I'm the other guy who chose 13 and im brown
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America's slide into Caesarism is inevitable, it's just a question of whether it's happening now or this is just an aberration en route to it happening later
I get paid in one hour
Well you're white now
Baron Trump will be America's Caesar and it will be glorious
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I only have some carrot muffins
My guy, the current speaker of the house is part of that constituency. I agree that liberals overemphasize the role they play within the party, but they make up a good chunk of the base and a non-zero fraction of donors.
It’s not useful to pretend they don’t exist at all, even if they’ve been waning since W. Bush, if not earlier.
You've posted this before
debating on getting taco bell as a labor day dinner or just skipping food for the night, thoughts? prayers?
look at all those artificial ingredients
currently eating ice cream
>Let's make the asperger kid our king
Yeah that's going to go down well
Probably going to get state mandated siestas where we are forced to play something gay and autistic like track mania or rollercoaster tycoon
You need to eat, don't starve yourself
if trump wins again they are on their way out. he has openly said this.
Trump is America’s Sulla, not its Caesar. Wait a generation.
>7 foot tall Emperor
ngl that would be pretty kino
If I told you the sun will rise tomorrow, would it be wrong for me to tell you it will rise again another day?
Asperger makes him immune to propaganda
what I REALLY need is a 5 foot 3 with an attitude, but I guess you're right
You’re several posts early
He can’t do this unilaterally, even if he keeps them out of cabinet. He’s also, and I’m sorry to say this because it makes me sound like a cuck, not always the most reliable guy.
Ensuring bump-limit (rules is rules)

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