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>burnt eggs
That's 10 eggs btw.
I'm a 112 pound, 5'4" man.
Wish me luck.
sunny side up for me
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why not just settle for a femcel gf?
She looks like the unibomber
Learn English.
The problem is that song lyrics used to be poetry, but the lyric quality has fallen so much.
Music videos really ruined lyrics.
are any of you guys secretly celebrities?
Thanos kind of had a point
One leaf is in a sexual relationship with God.
>>>/pol/ is that way
but yeah someone on here knows james deen in Highschool
Stop being profane
i haven't seen the movies, but i wonder if saying this is in that universe is like being a neo-nazi
is Morocco worth visiting?
i think i'm gonna be sick
Not really, dude's a simp for death, and gets cucked by Deadpool.
Unless you mean the NCU Thanos, then absolutely not. The Earth isn't even close to capacity. Especially now that we know that we're going to hit like 10.5 billion people, and then every country that has a positive birth rate will also have a negative birth rate like the rest of us.
is anything worth leaving the house for?
Sex with Jesus!
Gay sex while jesus jerks off in a corner!
oops, guess i'm getting sent to the torture dimension after I die :/
i had an instagram account with 60k followers
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you WISH you were chris chan
How am I profane? Didn't you read the end of the last thread? I'm just the messenger.
chris-chan is literally me
im an underground idol
what kind of photos did you post
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>I'm a 112 pound, 5'4" man.
hope this is a joke
like in the japanese aidoru sense?
Please learn to cook eggs properly. That's overcooked. You don't have to cook them like Gordon Ramsay's mushy eggs, but there's still a lot of time between the Ramsay mush, and what you're eating.
what the fuck did you do to these eggs
>I'm a 112 pound, 5'4" man.
i hope this is true
right now i'm listening to influence of the magi by zaum, i really like that album
he's allowed to cook his eggs however he wants
what's gonna happen to him if he eats overcooked eggs? i hope he keeps posting images of burnt food, just to piss you off
currently watching the Chris Chan arrest footage
not while I'm alive and breathing
You guys are annoying on purpose. Thank god I'm an only child. Imagine your brother and sister always pestering you with the pettiest bullshit ever. I guess you guys are used to this 24/7. Then you lie about never fighting with your siblings to protect the image. Grim.
Really craving pancakes right now.
It doesn't piss me off, it makes me sad that you guys eat like this. With a little less time being cooked, he'll have a much better product.
I deliberately went out of my way to give a non-elitist answer too.
You were adopted and your parents don't love you.
I also like my eggs browned, based OP
soyboy beta cucks having a hissy fit while the chad manlet enjoys the char on his eggs. so based
my brother never pestered me
>You were adopted and your parents don't love you.
I'm an only Child and you envy that. You stupid steak cutting faggot trust fund baby.
>soyboy beta cucks defending other soyboy beta cucks for not knowing how to cook
>cucks aren't willing to be alpha enough to give a (You)
That's how you know that I have a point.
Wow, these anons sure are serious about eggs
manifesting a green card
this amarula liqueur is actually really good
That's why i made the OP.
It makes the trust fund babies and celebs in this this thread mad as fuck
get behind me, satan
No envy involved. My parents gave me more than enough attention.
>making up insults
Oh, egg-burner is the trust fund insulter. Thanks for letting me know that you're retarded, without needing to waste another 20 mins.
>schizojeet is 5'4 and 110lbs
oi I AM laffin
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imagine not being able to cook eggs properly
Bros i really want mcdonalds since i don't have any protein at home
Tell me not to eat the garbage. I need your strength
What's it like to be a trust fund baby? Is it actually shit, like your parents try to control your life when you're an adult?
I used to be 125. I guess being broke made me drop down to 112lbs. Went to my boomers friend house cause i gave him my weight scale like a year ago and he has it in his room kek
just go to 7/11 and get some milk
you can get higher quality protein tomorrow, fren
what's the proper way
French Toast >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Waffles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pancakes
Pancakes > French Toast > Waffles
I have some. I wanted solid food
Might stay awake and wait for the grocery store to open
I know a trustfund baby family. But that have poopie eyes and i don't consider the family white.
From what I've read, the rich parents are the helicopter parents more so than the non-rich parents. Trust fund babies are probably on somewhat of a leash, to not ruin their family name.
Which is why they go crazy on vacations.
are you on the spectrum?
you can literally get sushi or a poke bowl for the same price as mcdicks
Silver dollars>>>>pancakes
Pancakes are so overrated.
Not in the least. Why would I want to eat a pancake, when a waffle does everything a pancake does, but also holds fruit, etc better?
sushi is disgusting thoughbeit
Its 2 am dude
My choices are mcdonalds, dennys, or the gas station.
That makes sense. They've been constantly supervised.
is Chris Chan right about dimensional merges?
waffle house?
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you can fold the pancake over so it'll hold the strawberries or whatever inside
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The fool is now, how was there doubt
For here is dark, and he's the dreamer
The altar glows in radiant sphere
And horizon holds the ether
Things you have seen blinded by light
This vision made you a believer
Come gather here and give your vows
For you have met the firebreather
No I'm northeast. There are a few other diners that aren't dennys open, but i can be out of mcdonalds under 5 dollars. Not the case at a diner
>implying anyone here would dare enter 2am waffle house
I would. I'm a baller
A crepe does that better than a pancake can. There's just no reason to make a pancake, if you can make a waffle or crepe instead.
i feel full
but im gonna power through this because some beaner called me schizojeet
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what if I bought you tacos
>why yes i am afraid of the waffle house after midnight
>how could you tell
I like burritos
You like burros? Want to come see a donkey show?
what are your feelings on green eyes and gray eyes
ive done it so can you
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for me, it was battle tanx
>Just walk north into the USA
you're some weird ass mutt with no blue eyes
thats how i feel
then these green booger eyes and grey alien eyes will go after jeets not havin blue eyes. grim
I don't see the appeal, but tbf that's true of many things
FACT: Nuggies are more enjoyable than a burger.
I strongly disagree.
Good tendies are better than a good burger
A bad burger is better than bad nuggies
I'm born to lose and destined to fail
Take away take away this ball and chain
Popeyes is below average and their sweet tea is so bad I'm honestly surprised anyone would go back after drinking it.
have you tried not being a fat fuck at 2am?
sweet tea and ice tea are both disgusting and I don't understand why anyone would drink them
A bad salad is one of the most disappointing foods that exist
All i had today was 20 oz of whole milk and 6oz of bluefish
I needed protein, i just get mcdoubles and throw away the buns
Yanks be like
>This tea be too sweet
>This tea be too icy
I've eaten goat only once or twice in my life, it rarely presents itself
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Same, and it's always been in highly spiced dishes so never had a chance to taste the difference vs sheep or cow
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sabrina carpenter looks silly
wtf where did you get this picture of me?
bro who tf eats cow
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Guess I'm just a little twisted like that...
Does your ideal wife's first name end with the letter A?
I don't plan on getting married.
Marry your car and further the cause of petrosexuals everywhere
I don't know what my future wife's name is, and that is something that excites me and that I fantasize about.
ends with a Y
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Yeah God has been speaking to me for over 10 years now. I've tried to escape several times. He actually repeatedly hits me in the head with a rock every few seconds, until I pass out. Then I wake up, and he does it again. And that's literally 1:1 what he's doing. It's not an illness, if he put the rock down I would be feeling way better. I've tried to escape, but he's inside my head. Is there any escape path set up yet? I'm worried about suiciding, my body should be good enough for awhile, but not if he keeps hitting me. He's knocked me unconconscious at least 20,000 times, he's always sure not to kill me. I'm being 100% serious, he's giving me concussions every day.
You can afford pans? Disgusting trustfund faggot
Probably moving to canada or argentina if the orange guy loses re-election
Cool. But it would make life easier to know her name beforehand. You could look her up in the phone book or whatever.
aquasama desu~~
Kids, never play hockey.
Might make a subsection of my resume labelled "SEO" with just a bunch of random keywords that sound gold to a robutt
Nobody can turn me down in person during an interview due to my charisma (and b/c i am schizophrenic & have a gun)
shut the fuck up trust fund baby
You can actually put thousands of buzzwords on your resume and hide them in the document so they show up as the top result in ATS.
i always say "resume available upon request" because it's a very personal document
That's true, how's America? Canada is gulag tier. But even worse because we can't even snipe the fucker with the whip.
That doesn't quite have the cheeky sort of charm, but how would i do this
Is it easy to get a work visa for those countries?
incels are by-and-large a peaceful people
>a jeet can't cook and this is shocking
would be fun to skip stones in the lake right now, but i simply don't have the necessary ingredients
Yes, but they're gaslit using mkultra like the "billions must die" thing, that was CIA. We aren't even really incels. It's just being made worse with CIA bullying to encourage theft murder and enslavement of the countryside
I did that yesterday, not a lot of good skipping stones but oh well
at mcdonalds yes but i still get a big mac sometimes
you just haven't had good sweet tea i make it homemade with earl grey its kind of my signature it is really good and it would change your mind
oh well, i'm sure it was still pretty fun
only for real niggas
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wow NOBODY coulda seen this coming
I turned down sex with at least 20 women who weren't good enough. But somehow I caught the label. It's pretty annoying.
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Why do you have such poor eating habits?
did they made all drugs legal or something?
any particular reason or?
he looks kinda like that finnish faggot who always posts his face here if he was bald
yes, they "decriminalized" nearly all drugs, with obvious results
between this and the subway thing like why do they think their feet are clean enough to touch food
I wasnt hungry until now
Only had the fish because i just caught it and had to eat what i didnt freeze
number fifteen
burger king foot lettuce
Sort yourself out, bud. Eating like you do isn't going to serve you well in the long run.
"green energy" is fake
My calculator is solar powered
i use a site called rezi
Look, if you want to burn your eggs, go right ahead. No sensible person eats burned eggs though. The OP image is beyond saving.
I'm forklift certified.
i have an mba
Liars, both of you
And several Chinese workers died in the process of manufacturing it
I'm losing weight. Didn't mean to eat so little today, but that's just the way she goes sometimes
I only have an associates degree, but i consider my forklift certification to be my PHD
yeah i was watching tv i didn’t see that . that is abhorrent
>roommate shows me a video of a "centipede" she saw
>it's actually a millipede
>have to use all of my willpower to not correct her

did I do the right thing?
You don't have a female roommate. It's a LARP or your mother.
I do. She's twice my age though, and has a boyfriend who is also my roommate. It's a sweet deal, a nice house, my own room, a pool, my own bathroom, a nice neighborhood.
Why are you so quick to not believe me?
its actually my younger sister but were kind of a thing
it’s probably not important so yeah i think
You have super autism
t. captain autism
yeah I know, I learned in my teens that the high road is not correcting people every time they say something wrong, but I think the combination of ADHD and autism makes it difficult. So I usually don't. but man, millipedes and centipedes are so easy to tell apart!
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How can letting someone live in ignorance ever be considered the right thing when you have the knowledge to change the course of their ship?

You are evil
because otherwise you are the person who always says "well, acktchually..."
I correct my friends and family, but not people who don't know me as well
You don't always have to correct people.
/cum/cels be like
"this centipede too spicy"
If a person saw an insect amd cared enough to videograph it don't you think they might like the know the creature they were filming?
It is right to be right and wrong to be wrong. She was wrong because of you. You are wrong
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/cum/cels be like
"this insect too spicy"
they are myriapods
i don't believe they have a million legs
didn't ask, nigga
a thousand maybe, but not a million
Your mom had a thousand eggs before i got to her
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he is adorable
Schnitzel and potato salad, with lemon slices and carrot/celery juice. That's what I want to eat.
I haven't had sex in 5 years since God began raping and torturing me
If God created the bussy is it really rape when he wants to use it?
I am a big fan of leaf litter and top soil invertebrates
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im having a feta tomato salad with garden tomatoes and basil from my garden it's quite good
he kinda reminds me of these little scorpions i see around here sometimes . i know he doesn't live in leaf litter but he's still a cool guy just a little misunderstood . if you shine a blacklight on them they glow
He didn't create anything. It actually helps a lot to study geography and history, and then religion. Although you'll need to use your head and think outside the box. Long story short, there's a bloodthirsty thieving rapist and mass murderer who is immortal and totally safe from violence.
They are good mothers
More than one i reckon
those deadbeat scorpion baby daddies need to step up and take some responsibility baka
when i was a kid i used to go flip rocks over at the stream near our house and look for crawfish cause i liked their little pinchers and i thought they were really cute
objectively they are not cute they are little snippy water bugs but i found it endearing
haha, such a sussy baka!
why does s m h get turned into baka

it wasn't intentional the website did it to me
the lore is too boring to explain
people were typing it to much so they added a filter
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Some of you have no shame
if you're impervious to anything below 16% alcohol if i gave you 15% wine could you drink it all day and feel nothing
oh alright
hate the fuckin fact pay hits at 4am or 5am or 6am or fucking never
gonna say the n word
I want to eat sushi and korean food and indian food and middle eastern food and thai food and vietnamese food and mcdonalds and chipotle and chick fil a and mexican food and chinese food everyday without getting fat or spending money
Just finished watching Conan the Barbarian.
don't we all buddy
Imagine being homeless cause you spend literally all your money on restaurant food (and meth).
i think the meth is the primary thing here
Metg is based. Smoke meth everyday
I'm a rock star.
do you smoke meth everyday
styrchnine is actually a stimulant in small doses, and you build up an immunity over time
Haven't had a panic attack since I vowed to stop sharing them with this general.
Coincidence? maybe, but maybe not
No. Drugs I have tried:
Molly (it was shit molly and barely worked)
Adderal (prescription)
nice anon
it's nice to catch a break once in a while and feel fine all day
how did you feel about the shrooms? did you have fun
>how did you feel about the shrooms? did you have fun
Yes, very much. At first it just felt like I super high on sativa weed (I was extremely giggly and dumb), then it transitioned to me feeling formless. I saw lots of interesting closed eye visuals, all of which were just soft abstract waves and columns of color. I did it with my friends, we listened to Dark Side Of The Moon on vinyl, and the album hit me like no other music has hit me before. It felt like it had a physical presence within me, more than just sound. Only a couple open eye visuals, notably when I looked at my friend's face and for a brief moment one of his eyes was several inches higher than the other.

What about you?
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this is such a good write up of a mushroom trip, it feels a lot more 'grounded' to the earth than an acid trip. fewer open eye visuals but more intense in the body and more euphoria. i mostly did lsd which is a bit more ethereal and spacey but i have done mushrooms a few times, i just can't over how bad they taste in any form. it just completely turns my stomach and drags on the whole experience. otherwise, they are very fun
this website has become corrupted
I love her accent, I could listen to her talk for hours.
Why does New Zealand have to be so far away bros?!?!?
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Acid scares me for some reason, I guess the fact that it's an artificial compound doesn't sit well with me, and might negatively affect my mental state during the trip. So, I'll probably continue to avoid it. I've only done shrooms one other time, a much lower dose that gave me a colorful honeycomb pattern for closed eye visuals.
this shit is so cool
I get paid in 30 mins.
that's fair, don't want to be unsure of anything or have any doubts in your mind going into a trip so i don't blame you. it can catch you off guard if you get tabs that are too strong which has happened to me before. i just really enjoy the mental aspect of acid, it feels like i'm briefly perceiving the world for how it actually is at it's most fundamental and basic levels. and all the other psychedelic stuff like music and intense and pleasurable physical sensations of course, and nicotine is an absolute requirement. but it's been years since i've had any and i don't have any plans to take any more in the near future, i'm in too fragile of a mental state and i don't really feel confident to do it like i used to
>i don't have any plans to take any more in the near future, i'm in too fragile of a mental state and i don't really feel confident to do it like i used to
Yeah I feel the same way about shrooms, I know bad trips can be traumatic and I really don't need anymore trauma in my life. So, I'll stick with weed and alcohol
Benzos are kind of based.
i've had my fun, i'm too old for that stuff now anyways
really valuable for panic attacks as an emergency exit but really bad for you long term
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illuminati and freemasons just comes up in conversation sometimes
freemasons are just like a boring fraternity for old white guys
local freemasons had the main cover on the yellow paper that they need younger members
you know, i've got a real problem here. i do. it's the truth. and there's nothing funny about it anymore. maybe when i was younger. maybe. it might have been funny in my youth, but even young alcoholics have accidents! they crash their cars, get into fights with the wrong people, it all ends up tragic. but here i am, pushing on forty. and at least twenty of those years were spent drunk! that's very nearly half my life. half my life down a bottle. well, good for me.
you can still stop
dude I have experienced delirium tremens, alcohol is a spirit
it's not too late to stop
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good night
soiled myself just now
fuck labor day
I didn't get paid today cause of labor day.
fucking niggers
now i have to starve for another full 24 hours
What's your favourite cryptid?
Since I already told you my favorite, I'll tell you my second favorite:
The Mongolian death worm
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I forget your favourite, remind me? I have an encyclopedia of cryptids and I need subject matter to look up. This is the entry for the MDW.
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My favorite is the frog man, or Loveland Frog.
What is your favorite?
who was in the wrong here

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News said they would Labor Day weekend would make it hard to travel so I got to the airport 3 hours early and now I have to kill 3 hours
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Right now it's the Yeti.
Time for a 6 AM beer at the airport bar
Classic choice. If you ever get to chance to go to Disney World, they have a yeti-themed roller coaster called Expedition Everest in animal kingdom. Its quite fun, I'd recommend it.
I need to sleep now, good night gentlemen.
Probably one of the most plausible
There are fish like this
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Hell yeah.
Right now I'm reading about dinosaurs.
charge your phone
Drinking milk.
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they really thought people would fall for this shit
seems like i have to do my thing again
but its cold to walk this morning.
Can't fucking deal with this shift
Send help
send me some strength i need it rn
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look at this monkey
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look at this cute anime
still in pain
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> almost all the population growth in Canada (99.3%, or 240,955 people) in the first quarter of 2024 was attributable to international migration
Should be Iimited to 10% of that for at least 20 years. Maybe another 10% for temporary workers and students, but if they want to stay longer it counts against the other 10%.
slept a solid 8 hours but still really tired.
Life could be a dream
Life could be a dream
Do-roo-do-do, sh-boom
Songs for this feel?
Hello I haven't slept at all.
And almost all of that is from India.
my head has become too heavy for my neck lately
>you are now approaching gate b as in burgers or beverages
The Shartlanta airport is wild
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Wait so Statistics Canada marks no difference between temporary foreign workers, international students, and asylum claimants? Why not?
Surely IRCC has these data
they are retarded
where are you from?
no one says 'videograph'
what a disaster
how far back can you trace your ancestors in america? mine go to the 1620s in Virginia and 1650s in Connecticut.
i know where my parents live, and idc about before that
The early 20th century lmao
it actually doesn't make sense that the world would be that old, considering how powerful and intelligent god is, and how hes watching things so closely.
That's called Last Thursday-ism.
not sure of the exact decade but it was the 17th century, i think 1640s. swiss guy in new york
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So IRCC claims that they’ve processed 92,135 asylum claims as of June of this year. A sizeable majority of these (55,600) were processed at an IRCC office, rather than at a port of entry. This means that most asylum claimants are enter the country through some other visa/permission.
What’s strange about these data in light of the Statistics Canada report is that there’s no indication that claimants haven’t been double-counted, first as (for example) students and then again as asylum claimants. It’s possible that this is accounted for in the outflow of non-PRs (e.g. a student ends his period of study -1, the same student files for asylum +1).
I don’t know, I could be retarded and misreading this. My background is literature.
why wont this pain stop buds
no you retarded fucking canuck. i'm saying the true age of the earth is much less than it looks, but it did have a start point. you just dont know about god, somehow he slipped your mind.
Yup if you get your temporary residency revoked you can apply for refugee status and you can stay in the country while you wait for your decision to be made.
lame and ellis island pilled

based and bloodthirsty settler pilled
You don't sound like a Christian.
Earliest is 1750s on my mom’s side (Nova Scotia) and 1830s on my dad’s side (Georgia)
you understand even if there was no book, and no church, he would still be here?
what about the other 4195 people who made up your ancestors that many generations back?
1770s in Vermont I think
Before her death, my mom was a family history nut. She managed to trace it back 200-250 years on both sides. She was contacting people in other countries, and having them photocopy birth records, just to pour over them to see if she could find another relative.
It's unlikely that anyone will be able to extent it further back. It would require learning at least 2 languages, and rebuilding contacts who have the willingness to spend days photocopying old church documents.
Considering the countries that my family heritage is from, it's incredible that she was able to do as much as she did.
>NWT - 5
So close to not having trash. I guess Yukon and Nunavut are the only places left.
i basically wont read more than like 10 words, because the truth isn't hard to explain. they're just lying about it.
>Earth shows old
>muh book says young
>Earth wrong
>book right
That's your entire defence.
All five were processed at an IRCC office. Probably food/hospitality workers in Yellowknife? Not likely to be miners
>Probably food/hospitality workers
You can just say jeets. We know what jobs they do.
Could be Filipinos. You never know!
the theory about churches is that they provide free help basically using donations. its a form of communism. and church is almost completely operated with sex. if your pastor guy doesn't cum inside his wife every night, hes going to be a bad pastor. we've seen them on TV talking about women before, lol. so yeah, even the church is just sex/money. thats why even if you understand that god can talk to anyone instantly, it doesn't really matter that much.
2 facts for you to consider

1. god
2. sex/money and the quantity of insanely horrific scams and theft
File: meds.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.04 MB PNG
Take your meds.
lying about the age of the planet was good basically, because it made money somehow. people have desires basically that cannot be provided for, but they still need to work so they can keep the systems going. so we just lie to them because the only other option is killing them. or we wait for them to kill themselves. knowing earth is only 500 years old or whatever, so what? now you even know it, so what... what do you even do with that fact. definitely were insanely limited by the medical industry, and the chain of supply of food and products.
"i cant debate even a single thing"
I don't understand what you're even saying.

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