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Bear with it Edition

can we do another gaslighting OP
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MapChad save us.
are you gay by choice, or did it come naturally to you?
not sure yet
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Just fed my cats brekkie, now I'm waiting on covfefe.
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so this reality seems very logical when you look at the land mass and its occupants, and also with commerce. it all flows pretty smoothly. but then god says something.
I unironically have no idea how you're tying all this stuff together. Can you start at the beginning of your schizo rant or stop messaging me?
Are you the “God told me to blow up the firmament with nukes” schizo from last night or do we have a new one already
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Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
Is somebody gonna match my nasty?
I got stamina, they say I'm an athlete
Is somebody gonna match my freak? (Match my freak)
Need somebody with a good technique (Good technique)
Is somebody gonna match my nasty?
Pillow talking got my throat raspy
Lol too real
For me, it's noir-core
My anal drain this morning was particularly horrible.
we have a new schizo? grim
I have an old thug black guy trauma response.
would you ever tell a woman you're bi?
it's just a bad idea isn't it
free young thug
Only as a last-ditch effort to justify some really shitty behaviour on my part. Like, if she’s seriously threatening to leave me over something I did then I might give her some waffle about how I’m all fucked up because of biphobia or whatever. Suddenly you get to become a tortured Byronic hero in her eyes even if you’ve just fucked her over. It’s even easier to do this if you suddenly claim to be non-binary, because she won’t get to shit test you about kissing dudes or whatever.
I’m not bi and this isn’t serious advice but you should totally try this next time you’re in a jam.
gonna take a shit
Drinking green tea instead of coffee some mornings. Full of antioxidants and apparently blocks DHT.
going to give back a shit i took
Take a shit leave a shit
My cocaine addicted ex co worker is being a smart ass again. Dude just straight up has a fuck you attitude.
why should i care about your silly little problems?
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I heightmog my professor
old people shrink
Is 10am too late to have eggs and corn beef hash?
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gm bros
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good morning sir
2 eggs are enough
Do Palestine flags ever post on /int/?
Haven’t seen one in a while
But they used to post semi frequently in /mena /
morning bud
I was at the store this morning and I dropped a snack tray on the floor and carrots and cucumber slices and dip went everywhere. I asked for a broom and this chink didn't speak English and he gave me some paper towels then I asked another human girl and she said it's ok, they'd clean it up. I picked up as much as I could with the paper towels and then left. I didn't know what to do, soni just dipped
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This shit is honestly demonic, the closest we've come to simulating hell on earth
Hi I specialize in helping incels succeed in pyramid schemes y/n?
The only female who's ever shown in interest in me was a cut chubby girl in 5th grade. Had I been mentally prepared I would've got with her
I like hot coffee but this coffee is too hot. It's scalding the fucking soft tissues in my mouth, how the fuck is this coffee so hot
It's probably cause you touch yourself at night.
Ou tai papa ou tai
God damn, Dominic Chianese is 93.

The last of the old guard.
I’m >>201779155 trans btw
Rose! More Sanka!
you sir are quite a mouthful
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Labor day is now over. Did you have a good tim?
Extended Family was home. Kinda sad they have left.
eh. i went hiking and carried a big rock up a mountain.
today, i sent an email requesting an update on a Job I applied to and interviewed for
It isn't you, girl, that I've been running from.

Will you still be there when I come back home?
please refer to >>>/tv/203176530
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yfw you land in usa
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I started doing eye exercises to help with my astigmatism, holy shit they work better than I could ever imagine. I guess I wasn't flexing my face enough.
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It's honestly just all the soulless positive HR speak posts and the fact that any negativity towards employers at all is immediately mobbed and the person is blacklisted
>post from some overweight HR bitch about how she hired a (female) candidate who had no experience in the industry because she showed up 5 minutes early to the interview well dressed and seemed nice :^)
>response about how this is an unrealistic expectation to put out there and how most companies use AI to filter applications these days and deny 99% of candidates before they even get an interview
>billion+ responses from mad pajeets who don't work in hiring and are just blindly loyal and other fat hr whores saying that their company is super special and different when it's not
>posts from fat hr bitches and jeets about how work from home is employees trying to scam their employer as they themselves work from home because rules don't apply to them
>the most useless fucking resume advice possible that will absolutely get your resume eaten by the AI filters
I don't know it just feels like a parody of society but it's actually made by people with real hiring power
I hope you didn’t get that idea from the internet
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it's time to start having a serious discussion about the beta chudcel uprising and how we can bring it to fruition
people are stupid all the way up the pole, the president of the united states was a geriatric that could barely talk
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Revolutions have to come from organized groups who are willing to suffer in dirt to meet their demands. Beta chudcels will unironically opt out when they have to go a week without their online echo-chambers hugboxing them. There will be no incel uprising because incels are almost inherently too individualistic and self-centered to fight for a common cause. The closest things they have to common causes are actually very unpopular and sound fucking stupid to 90% of the population. MNHP4
The thing is nowadays that most corporations are so streamlined at churning out their soap or dishtowels or whatever that only the top 10% of the organization matters and the rest of it is just a huge jobs program for midwits.
You're retarded and don't understand them at all. The one thing the incel dreams of is to be the hero or n his own story and a part of something bigger than himself. Which is why there's so much Roman and Crusader imagery in incel shit. These are rudderless young men dying for a connection to something, anything. And if a cause arises which they believe in, I shouldnt want to be the opposition standing in their way because there's nothing they wouldn't do
it will never happen, the vast majority of men are fine just jacking off to porn and playing games all day
even if it were to happen it would be summarily put down in minutes
Oh boy it's swell to say

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Really the exact opposite, the bottom 10% out doing physical labor or menial tasks like dumb call center shit does 99% of the work and the other 90% of the company exists as a money laundering scheme with some CEO who is just there to cover up the illegal stock trading shit going on behind the scenes, however even the bottom 10% are just trading in retardation most companies are unnecessary but we have to have some dumb endless progress bullshit instead of just stagnating
Tried this and now I’m going to jail for stolen valour
>The one thing the incel dreams of is to be the hero or n his own story and a part of something bigger than himself.
That's literally what I'm saying. They're unstable and can't form an organized movement. The crusades and Roman Empire aren't all Lords and Caesars, they were mostly fought by soldiers who were devoted to their project.
>And if a cause arises which they believe in, I shouldnt want to be the opposition standing in their way because there's nothing they wouldn't do
I would because they'd be so fucked that they can't possibly accomplish any goal greater than shooting a few niggers in a WalMart. Can you seriously imagine Incels falling into a stable hierarchy? Can you imagine them forming secret societies and militias that don't descend into infighting over the stupidest petty difference? Incels can't even fit into actual societies with clear and easy to follow rules, there's no way in Hell they can actually do things like occupy territory and manage logistics. They aren't willing to sacrifice anything.
do you use your work computer to post here?
you know what they're calling him? it's the funniest nickname ever, folks. accurate too. they're calling him "tampon tim". that's what they're calling him. "tampon tim".
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I can see why the midwits at the bottom would think this, but they're deluding themselves to thinking that they actually matter at the company (because it gives them some sort of meaning I guess), but the machine would continue churning out bars of soap without them.
The machine would break and the ceo would get his hand stuck and then get mad and hire someone then we'd be right back to the bottom 10% doing the work again
>he doesn't have investments and profits off the work of others
it really wouldn't break. your job is simply not that important, especially for products that sell themselves.
I use my home computer for work. Self employment ftw
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This is so scary guys
There they go again, calling Justice Thomas "corrupt" just because he likes to go on vacation.

If a student offers a fully-paid scuba trip to a teacher in exchange for straight-A's, is that "corruption" now? Is it corrupt for a man to buy a house for the city prosecutor in exchange for his wife's DUI charges getting dropped?
Isn't the Kekistan shitposting dead?
Why yes, I AM a sovereign citizen in our own microstate and our flag is a photoshopped pic of Donald holding an AR-15 That Is ALSO an RPG. And a helicopter for good measure.
got told i look like post malone, not sure what to make of it
>guy sitting in front of me in class had hentai open on discord
Neither Mr Thomas nor the people writing articles about him care about you or know who you are. If you were dying on the sidewalk, they wouldn't even look in your direction.
Good morning /cum/mies,
how was your long weekend ?? Remember back to the cagie so Mr.shekels makes money!
How are you starting your day?
I hit the gym early morning, and I'm now at my desk contemplating where did I do wrong in life and why my gf cheated on me...
Well, gotta start working now, bros !
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New thing is to describe the "new" political right as scary, and then it ends up being the same, stale alliance between rich guys who think they should control everything and everyone at all times, and rural fatasses who're scared of everyone and everything and want to hurt other people since it's their only way of coping with having done nothing with their lives.
Excellent rebuttal.
what you look like is a war criminal :^)
It must be really weird to live in libtard utopia where having one single centrist employee somehow outweighs the entirety of programming/articles that are designed to be for and consumed by libshits.
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Thanks I think so too
Ma’am are you a prostitute?
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No American pride flag?
i look like the popular country musician "post malone"
i also think your kind shouldn't be talking about war crimes
Wild: PlayStation's new game Concord has performed so poorly that the company is pulling it from stores and refunding anyone who bought it:
Very interesting to describe the fascist owner of a company as a centrist employee but please keep going.
PC gaman mustard rice
it's not even on steam anymore lmao.
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That's what pulled from stores means
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lmao this didn't sell wow what a shocker
normalfags seem to really love being humiliated
chuds and anitsemites wouldn't know what's a good game even if it was given for free
It's really fucking hot but the swamp cooler is in my brother's room and he's in there still sleeping
well apparently neither do libshits and jew bootlickers since they didn't buy it either.
I'm bisexual and thought about buying the bi pride flag but I have no where to put it so I just don't
I wonder how many hundreds of millions of dollars were flushed down the drain on making a game that literally nobody bought.

bright side? the "creative team" behind concord will never work again.
We used to have a swamp cooler I love those things
It sucks and blows hot air like 25% of the time
go woke go broke
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What do thicc latinas do for fun? I want to meet them in an organic environment where they feel safe
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reading about ww2
You got a shitty one then
Good people are losing their jobs. People with families. People with children. People upon whom others depend to put clothes on their back and food on their table. Now they have nothing. Many of them will have to take jobs out of desperation at reduced pay which will impact their quality of life. They will have to move across the country. They will have to sell their homes at a loss. They will have to pull their kids out of school in the middle of the year.

And yet here you are on the asshole of the internet gloating about it, right on cue. And why? Because these people made a game you did not like. As if that is such a fucking crime. But no, it's not enough that you did not support the game. You had to take it a step further. You had to trash it at every opportunity.

There are so many talented individuals in this industry who grow disillusioned and quit because of people like you. The schadenfreude. The spitefulness. The hatred. There are supportive people out there but they are drowned out by the negativity. This website is a festering shitpile and people like you are mysteriously drawn to it.

You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. Ask yourself why you take so much joy when others encounter misfortune. Does it make you feel better? Does your life finally have a purpose? Do you feel fulfilled? Do your parents tell you how proud they are of you? Where exactly did it all go wrong?

I hate you. I fucking hate you. And I don't mean that in the "I think you are a fucking dickhead" sense but in the "I loathe the mere fact that you are allowed to exist another miserable day" sense. I hope you find yourself in the same situation someday. And I hope someone gloats about it on the internet. And others join in celebration. Just like you are doing right now. I will be there when it happens. And I will laugh my ass off at you.

Fuck you.

Just fuck you.
not reading that copypasta, but I'm happy (or sad) that happened to you
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You really don't know the power of 4chan until you realize these are all old 4chan memes
You should try some better sources than an obviously doctored work of German propaganda. Here's a good book on the Italian perspective, it's Mussolini's autobiography and a doctrine book.
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My Roman general had a daughter come of age and I married her to a patrician named Nero Afrainius. Now Nero has good stats and is a good general with a lot of influence.
A decade or so has passed and they had a son come of age, Afrainius Jr. He spawned in with the Lewd trait. He also spawned in the city of Dimmidi in Numidia (the fucking boonies) so he's probably also going to develop the Anger trait for being so far from civilization. He also has the Dubious trait meaning he can be bribed by other factions easily.

The Afranii were a mistake.
>want to shitpost about this on /v/
>apparently I'm ban evading somehow even though I haven't posted on there in months
why would I want to read about that I'm trying to read about the Red Cross in ww2 that's totally diffferent
You didn't say the Red Cross you said WWII, Mussolini was a very important figure in WWII. If you weren't so fucking obtuse you'd be able to find better material.
nice vpn, faggot
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applying for jobs online. they all make you do personality assessments now that are like "which option better describes you: loves the elderly or racist bigot". a complete waste of my time and theirs
hey bro
the material is plenty fine, not sure why you're throwing a spergfest about it
Those are better than the mechanical aptitude tests that are hiring for a entry level position but only hire candidates that score "highly proficient" or "advanced"
What’s good
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>animals that live in water
Niggas just be breathing water like wtf
My anal beads have come in the mail oh boy
I pissed myself while gooning a few days ago on accident, thoughts?
some species of turtles can breath through their buttholes
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hello Amerikuns
Hello Belgan
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from big macs in the low desert of nevada, to mcgriddles on the washington coastline. no job, no money, no worries. life is good bros
why are they eating cookies in a bowl
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Many such cases!
They liked the idea of cookie crisp so much they went whole hog
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don’t TELL me you’ve been sleeping on Lao Gan Ma Chili Oil With Black Bean?!?!
Honestly I think my worldview is pretty good but it's the job part that sucks the positivity out of pretty much everything
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Sprichst du Deutsch? Ich habe einmal mit einer netten deutschsprachigen belgischen Familie gesprochen.
I love Lao Gan Ma.
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foh john cena
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Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch ja, aber mein müttersprache ist Niederländisch.
Je parles aussi un petit peut français.
Apparently schools in Texas force boys to cut their hair? Why would you even waste the time to attempt enforcing that? Glad I'm not from that craphole.
hello still in pain
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and now back to our regular posting

do you simp for women, anon? you know she's only using you for money, right
Who gives a fuck?
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Genießen /cum/!
>George RR Martin says The Winds of Winter has been delayed again because of fascism
like c'mon nigga just admit you don't know how to finish the books
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Dank je
I don't know. I guess it's a relic of WWII where a lot of education was military based?
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hello I only have negative things to say
Latinas are demons
Try reading a real book in the meantime
Arent we so blessed that our celebrity elites all have the interests of the common man in the political alignment? That's why most of them are Democrats right? RIGHT?!
No he didn't, he said he's delaying it because he's been traveling a lot and advising the HotD team. I agree that it's just an excuse, but the fascism bit was just a general acknowledgement that recent history has sucked for a lot of people.
Republicans give way more of a shit about celebrities' opinions than any lib I know. I've literally never had a liberal tell me a celebrity's opinion, but right-wingers do it all the time.
I am so sick of going to work, Christ jesus
Just quit your job.
I brought my home coffeemaker to work and became something of a minor celebrity
Don't mind working
Hate having a job
Simple as
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Which state is the comfiest for yuropoor tourists?
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>I brought my home coffeemaker to work and became something of a minor celebrity
And what, prithee, am I to pay rent with? Seashells?
What’s your home address
yes he did, dummy retard
Jealous fury

1492 Graymalkin Ln, North Salem, NY 10560
>you don't get it, I HAVE to prop up the housing market!
either shoot your landlord in the face or shut the fuck up, normie
fuck nate silver
I'd probably try something like New England. It's relatively cheaper than other tourist areas, it's whiter, the climate is pretty similar to Britain, and it's more historical. I also feel like it's a tad less trashy than most beaches or typical tourist traps.

Or if you really wanna limit your spending to travel and lodging, try some national parks. To enter the Grand Canyon for example you just go through a booth where a guy just gives you a pamphlet and you can walk around all you want.
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>1492 Graymalkin Ln, North Salem, NY 10560
What's your mutant superpower?
Suck sate nilver
Moving to NYC is a fucking pain in the ass
He did not mention Winds of Winter a single time in his post.
Why are you tardraging at me?
I can turn bread into cheese.
Looks comfy on google images, what about southern states like Florida? Am I going to have a good times there?
Euros are obsessed with NYC for some reason
You might, but it's kind of crowded and tacky. If you're in it just to enjoy the beach or whatever you could have a good time.
Tell me why do we build castles in the sky
Because you refuse to take your medication
If I wanted to visit a shithole degenerate city, I could drive to Brussels or Antwerp. I want to see beautiful stuff
I'm way too high (Yeah, what?), woah (High), woah (Yeah)
I'm way too high (Yeah, what?), woah, woah (Yeah)
what do you want to see in america, do you want to see tourist locations or "actual" america. it's a very big country and the vast majority of americans will never see most of it
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>mfw I deal with old people who for some fucking reason can't talk every day
Why do old people mumble? You'd think they of all people would have the experience to know that won't work out for you.
please don't take my reddit posts and paste them in /cum/ or /v/
>degenerate city
You will NOT like the South than.
Their mind is deteriorating
You should be more compassionate anon. Don't you have grandparents?
there's no reason to visit the east coast when the west coast exists
Yes I have grandparents, and they still talk like humans even into their 80's and late 70's. There's no reason, unless you're literally being led around by a caretaker, that you shouldn't be able to form words in your native language.
Wtf are you talking about the south isn't degenerate
Because the east coast objectively has the best stuff.
I just told you the reason
Not everyone ages the same way
ive never even been to the west coast
New England mogs the west coast
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currently ACKing flies and displaying their corpses for the others to see
That doesn't work on saprophytes, they just eat them
It's blacker, has more violent crime, has higher support for Israel, has more obesity, has lower IQs, has worse schools, has worse infrastructure, has more polluted water, and their local culture is more commercialized.
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in any case, will natives dislike me for being le evil yuropoor invader? or is it just blacks and spics that will spit at me?
Nah you'll be fine just avoid poor people
not interested in black culture and ghettos, sorry
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Depends on the school and how much the principal cares, my shit town was a few hundred people and pretty conservative but that only applied to football players and that was only because coaches were power tripping weirdos who treated the football team like it was the military (they would literally run guys until they passed out on the field during practice and then do the drill sergeant swarm thing in the hallways to them if they did anything even slightly out of line) not like it was to make the team better or anything either we had one of the worst win rates in the state, when the head coach left my senior year they still had to cut their hair but a lot of the crazier shit stopped, I had long hair for 2-3 years oddly enough that was probably the least faggy I ever was I became far more gay after cutting my hair

Every other school we visited for events was generally the same in our area at least, only football team had to cut their hair and the rest of the school was exempt as long as it didn't cause problems, girls had far more restrictions and that still didn't work those whores were still getting knocked up left and right, shockingly large number for such a small school desu
>shockingly large number for such a small school desu
No it's not, rural communities have higher rates of teen pregnancies in general.
Maybe, I don't know

>More violent crime

>Higher support for Israel
Literally who cares

>Lower IQs
Just because people aren't stuck up college degree holders who think men can be women doesn't mean they have lower IQs. And even If they did, it just makes them more endearing

>Worse schools

>More obesity

>Worse infrastructure and polluted water

There's a tradeoff here because you don't need a lot of infrastructure in the south. As for the polluted water I'd say the water in Virginia is cleaner than anything in California or NY
Literally nobody will care or even notice you, black white or brown.
visit california, the climate's nearly identical to israel but with a big fuckoff cold water ocean instead of the med sea
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I'm aware I mean it was above average for even that at the school I went to, it was literally bottom of the barrel
they just don't want to talk to YOU
What compels colored people to blast their music in their vehicle so that everyone is distracted from what they're doing?
Just came to this
>mouth agape
>generic old navy outfit
>new balance shoes
>toyota camry
>spending entire 401k on consumer goods
yep, it's old people time
might move to wyoming and live on a ranch instead
Attention obviously
They have this image in their head of everyone thinking “wow what a cool guy”
And yet you still haven't been hit by the post nut clarity
You're truly deep in this abyss
for me, it's the levi straus outfit
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Stay in your shithole. We pulled a lot of strings to get you that land, now stay there.
>post nut clarity
Reddit meme
What happens in West Texas?
there's practically an entire county for sale right now in southwest wyoming if you have the funds
oil and retards with a LOT of oil money
Actually porn addiction is the reddit meme
Fat people fight over high school football rivalries
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I wish I was in Japan
If you're up under 30 your opinion on anything doesn't matter. You don't have the scope or perspective on anything to have an opinion worthy of being taken seriously.
mexicans cross the border and squat
I would suggest Colorado, Wyoming and Montana to a euro that has money and is willing to drive. Otherwise just do NYC or Disney world lol
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on it
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why are they like this
god i love killing
>30 year old who's sat in his parent's house his whole life has less scope and perspective than a 24 year old veteran who spent years of his life stationed across the world
at least you had the decency to not say "deployed", actionlet
don't they have mountains in Europe
hello CIA???
Why do they look like children's underwear and why are they so big
Yes, because the military basically makes sure soldiers are as narrow-focused as possible so they don't actually experience anything. Veterans typically spent most of their deployments doing maintenance, going to meetings, and doing exercises. My dad spent three years in Japan, he doesn't know fuck all about the country since he spent his whole time taking orders.

tl;dr the military is four or more years of doing 16-hour shifts at a shitty job that might give you cancer.
poly people tend to be fat, ugly and autism
>tl;dr for 3 sentences
I fucking hate zoomoids
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Mountains don't get old man. Been to South America and I went straight for the Andes. When I go to Asia, I'll go straight to the Himalayas. When I go to Europe, I'll go straight for the Alps. If I went to Africa, I'd go straight for Kilimanjaro
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The military is a welfare program, most retards that go in at 18 and come out in their mid 20s are borderline non functional in normal society and end up working in shitty retail jobs, they never learn how to take care of themselves because the government does literally every single thing for them, feeding them, clothing them, housing them, providing medical care, name it and the government does it for them they suddenly have to learn all that shit on their own while maintaining a job that can fire them at any time so they have no stability
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Total lowlander death
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Bong in Canada here. Today I was queuing at the bank and some nigger lady tells me that’s her spot and she wants in front of me when I’m near the front, I tell her no way the line starts back there, then she just cuts in front of me anyway. I’m like what the fuck and then the other people in the line start acting like I’m the asshole.
Do Canadians really? You just let niggers hang out wherever they want and come back to the queue later when they feel like it?
I only did that because this jack-off said
>Reading comprehension? That's faggot shit. Make them read 1984 once and tell them it's about how America is awesome.
and for some ungodly reason everyone actually took that advice. Zoomoids really can't comprehend the shit they read.
Why did you go to canada? poor choice
Do you think the army actually “straightens people out” or is that just a boomer meme?
I'm from a Navy family but I'll treat it as the same thing. It's a boomer meme, veterans are just as often assholes as the civilian population. They're more clean, but that's about all the benefit they got from it.
Remember when Mr Krabs literally lobotomized someone so they wouldn't watch his TV on his time?
The military is supposed to offer employment training that moves the poor into the middle class, but people join unprepared and don't plan out their life properly. Also recruiters tend to be dishonest, evil fucks
I hate how much women affect me in every way of my life to the point where I can't think about anything else and even when I try to let go of things it all just comes back every single time. I've tried to carry on and embrace my past failures, but man, the burden is sometimes too heavy for me. I wish I was the kind of person who just doesn't give a fuck about other people, but I can't change my nature. I'm doomed to live like this for the rest of my life.
I would have backed you up (not for racist reasons)
Haha kys
lol mr krabs is pretty based
shut up goshpedo no one likes you because you're a fucking freak
no u

literally who
just found out 80% of nevada is federal land. literally shaking rn
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Military "veterans" are also some of the most childish faggots to work with ever, I remember my first job in college was some part time retail shit and there were 3 mid 30 somethings working the same position as me and anytime the manager would ask them to do anything at all one of them would go off and start literally screaming and yelling


and then the other two retards would have to come running over and tell him to calm down and go take a breather and start throwing out military lingo around until he stopped and went and stocked the shelves or whatever they wanted him to do, also turns out the guy didn't even see combat he was some glorified janitor or something

Pretty much every experience I've had working with vets since has been similar but less schizo, always trying to get out of work or talk down to others by mentioning "you know when I was in the military I..." followed by some exaggerated story that impresses no one and then them getting put in their place and doing the work anyway
there is so much lithium and rare earth minerals in there but the woke left wont let us chuds get comfy 6 figure mining jobs
100% of Isntrael is Palestinian land
We're going to send you back Achmed
anyone with veteran plates and no purple heart is a giant homosexual leeching benefits and is no better than a section 8 kang

its amazing actually, it's all empty, public land. its real fun offroading too unless you get too close to area 51 and have to talk to the white truck full of camo faggots
Military veterans be like
>I heard a loud noise now I’m gonna kms :(
Best of the best o7
Imagine hating people for leeching benefits directly from the money printer. I hope every veteran lies about PTSD and gets 100 million dollars a month
I gave the enemy purple hearts if u know what I mean
If this happened after season 3, then I don't remember, and it's irrelevant
Based af
Bleed the beast because the beast is bleeding you
i dont give a shit about robbing the government, i give a shit about faggots that think they did something special and deserve the money. at least be an honest parasite
lex friedman is fucking annoying I hate that twat how did he even become famous
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this chick is all over me but i only want to fuck her, not looking for anything serious
you better treat my mom right, paco.
if i hear here come home crying, you're living on borrowed time
Why would you make this post
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He fights jiu-jitsu and teaches at MIT, how could he not be famous?
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racist much?
Had a dream that someone had my card info and was spending hundreds of dollars on roblox. I woke up in a panic at 3 AM about it
lol this actually made me laugh
Roblox and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
I have never played roblox, not nearly zoomer-maxed enough
Well do they? I remember hearing a theory on coast to coast (before it dived headfirst in to the gutter and became a political show) that talked about how bigfoots had innate cloaking abilities or possibly invisibility tech so perhaps they simply make themselves invisible around nogs to avoid a dangerous confrontation but reveal themselves to white people as a funny little prank ocassionally
Had a dream that some jeet was teaching me how to get 10k upvotes on reddit
Ummm it's just a question
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I have no idea what roblox even is it just looks like worse minecraft mixed with gmod inhabited by toddlers, anyone over 25 that has an account for it should probably be on a list
did you not like it?
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Black people never see big foot because they never go hiking or out in nature in general
roblox was released in 2004. anyone who played it on release will necessarily be over 25, and more than likely have a(n inactive) account
Time for my incelwalkjourney. Be back in about 3 hours
Tranny Jannies left their grooming discords to go through the previous thread. See you in 3 days.
oh well yeah that makes sense
what did you say? I'm trying to figure out all the words they search for. Obvious ones are the presidential candidate names
I have had multiple accounts break 6 digit karma within weeks, I always abandon them once they get to a certain point though reddit having a publicly visible comment history grosses me out the fact that any time you post there's some faggot who will literally go through every single thing you posted and comment on it, modern reddit is too gatekept anyway it's not really worth using anymore, miss the older fun writing/worldbuilding subreddits where people actually talked to each other and gave feedback and ideas
big fan of this post
Phew I’m safe. I was only being political yesterday when they were observing labour day
Africans live in the jungle dummy, they see dinosaurs and mythical beasts all the time
bigfoot doesn't live in the jungle that's not his habitat
do headphones really shape the head???
I used them 12-18hrs a day
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Why do these faggots do this so often these days? Not even just on /int/ I've been banned for posts days later on other boards a few times now, between that and the board wipe a few days ago there's zero chance there isn't some rogue mod (not janny) at this point that hiroshima is too scared or apathetic to step in and stop
they have their own cryptids (they are all just big animals)
Dumb thread
is there any worse fate than being a janny and doing it for free??
Not him but it feels like they are just trying to hit ban quotas. Awhile back I posted in a get thread and it was pruned but then like 9 hours later they individually banned me for posting in it.
My elderly neighbor died this week. I mowed his grass and tended to his flower garden when he got REALLY sick this summer. Nice guy. I want to tell his family that he was good to me but I don't want to interrupt their grieving or accidentally offend any of them.
He was the warning to all other blahpipo, they never went fishing or hiking with wypipo again after this
shouldn't have hit the gym before work in the morning. Now I'm tired and don't want to do anything
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With how liberal he was with nicknames, why was he so firmly anti-Johnson?
low t
>page 6
>no new
It's so over
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If you run in to them or have some way to contact them that's non intrusive (like they're cleaning up his house or something and you can walk up to them and not creepily stalking them on facebook) then do it, just say you helped with his lawn and garden and he was a nice guy and you feel for them, they'll probably appreciate it knowing he at least had someone close by helping him out and that people thought well of him
Still no job
Things are getting bleak
I genuinely never understood this video, what does he mean? Is it like a dam edge or something? And why does his friend tell him it goes around wouldn't it be a sheer drop off? Feels like I need another angle to have any idea what he's talking about
same, keep ya head up
go to /a/
>jerks off to anime
go to /fit/
>jerks off to /fit/itizens
go to /o/
>jerks off to stickers
go to /int/
>jerks off to /int/ernational hoes
Where the fuck do I go ??
To a therapist, you seem to jack off too chronically

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