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J Cole Edition

Prev >>201776746
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black niggas edition?
fucking canada and his fetishes
The boat will hit the concrete barrier before it “go down”
>Fell in love through photograph
>I don't even know your name
>Wonder if you'd follow back
>I hope to see you one day
>I won't show my niggas now
>I'II keep this one for myself
>Love today's gone digital
>And it's messing with my health
j cole really cooked with this one
here's your government mandated christian dog girl waifu
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sjw - super juicy wiggers
you're the one thinking of sex as soon as you see a 'groid
Get the fuck out of our thread
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I'm genuinely sick of dealing with jeets, the poor ones barely speak english and the upper class ones also barely speak english but are also rude and bad at their jobs like a jeet doctor will say "oh you're sick? well nothing I can do about it in india I would tell you to eat cow shit and chat up a bebe jirl and you feel better but I can't legally do that here so instead I'll send you home with what's clearly an infection and tell you to come back later and give me even more scam insurance money" jeet coders will send you a .mp3 file they changed the extension on and then tell you that it's your fault the file doesn't work and that you need to get a new computer then delete everything and disappear off the face of the earth when you tell them you've seen the file extension trick from a thousand others at this point, and we all have to pretend to be nice to them under some guise of not being racist when they're going to be half the worlds population in a few years, it's a literal invasion and no one will talk about it without being labeled a conspiracy theorist
>I'm genuinely sick of dealing with jeets
this is becoming a global phenomenon but they keep acting like it's a conspiracy from pakis
J Cole is a nigger
OP is too
shan't be leaving this thread
i hate indians and chinese so much. they're pretty much the same considering they're the 2 biggest countries demographic wise
>Work orientation starts on the 9th
>Move in date not finalized, can be anything from the 6th-10th
>Broker not giving me the contact info of the front desk, and it's not available online
>Can't book an elevator for the move in date
>Can't book the moving company
>Can't book my flight
>Can't do fucking anything
This is incredibly fucking annoying
Thanks for reading my blog post
genocide will happen soon enough with the advancement of translation technology and more vietnamese immigration doors being opened
Indians are below you, and Chinese are above you.
Outside of indian restaurants and gas stations i've only ever seen like 5 pajeets in my life
Don’t be afraid of replying directly Jewboy
Errmmm what the icarus
the landscapers re definitely running the catalytic converter thief ring that's been plaguing my town. i searched the name of their company logo on their truck and the only match is in another state. and they're always walking on the edge of people's yards so they can get very close looks at all the vehicles.
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wondering what does tacoma smell like
Hello brownoid chicano :)
>cow related furry porn
>/int/ jeet janny never deletes it
Really makes you think
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why would me mentioning indians and chinese bother you? unless you're either of them..
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friendly reminder this is what half of /cum/ looks like. really hope you don't belong to the wrong half, anons..
>no u
Why is this jewrat posting here?
Do i need an extension to hide posts from flags?
we have less troons than other generals, this is one of the best parts about /cum/ desu
thank god
I wonder how many are actually on this site as a percentage of userbase
I like jews and mexicans
Then you just really like the Mexican president!
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Nah not all jews and mexicans of course and jews shouldnt have positions of power in Christian countries
You're posting Tauren not minotaurs...
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got an interview for the job i hoped for, making kombucha
What is under that little strip of cloth? A hairy little butthole perhaps?
Can we take a peek?
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my walkout song
>MMA fan
Mizrahi nigger, probably Moroccan
I've noticed that even normally cucked places like reddit are starting to hate pajeets as well however to counter this (((they))) are now trying to push the narrative that indian women are attractive by posting them all over porn subs but in reality what they're posting is some 10th generation immigrant who's family has so thourhly bred with whites that she's like 1/100th indian while the actual average indan women is short and hunchbacked with a monobrow so thick it would make a Cro-Magnon jealous
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Summer is brutal
i am a caucasian man
Trannies are cutting holes in their butts and putting Estrogen in those holes. True fact stated.
Shit art also this literally means nothing there are multiple artists who have "stopped" drawing wow art and then immediately continued with their own "OC not from WoW I swear" art that looks identical
Fucking rich considering how America is fatter than Mexico you fucking retard.
Can't we all just... get along
As a Leaf this post is 100% accurate. Even the most deranged lefties here openly hate jeets. Yet there has been a noticeable increase in WMIF that nobody seems to have asked for.
Who the fuck is this mulignan? The only j Cole I know are shoes
Attractive lighter skinned indian women really are top tier.
Statistically that hasnt been true for a couple years
It’s impossible for a woman who isn’t blonde to be a 10/10
Im asking for more WMIF
Dark brown hands typed this post
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Zoomers really do be zoomig out of the zoom zim zam zoomy doo da diddle
ugh yes this summer is brutal
Why all this beating around the bush to get a woman who looks like a white woman? Why not just get a white woman
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latina/hapa/light-skinned jeeta simps will never answer this
Only 74 here and im dying my skin is melting off.
Brown woman less likely to divorce you
that's rich coming from the no sabo
Saw a furry couple on Sunday, and another furry today, wtf?
I like their facial features (the good looking ones)
I like the light brown skin tone
A lot of them have really nice hair
I don't really have a strong preference for them, but am an appreciator. I like all beautiful women really
A Brahmin woman is genetically superior as she is the result of a eugenics experiment spanning millennia. Of course anyone would prefer that
According to my thermostat, it's 84 inside my home, and I feel perfectly fine.
What’s with Polynesians and obesity, anyway? Is it something hormonal? An inability to process carbohydrates except by storing fat?
i'm beginning to think people on 4chan might be mentally unwell and socially maladapted
Stay on topic please
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Same. Might stop taking advice from these guys
I'd guess their main food supply being from corporate goysloppers plays a major part
Filtered namefags and Israelis and the thread suddenly became comfy
Rican girls have some nice asses.
>omg omg me me MEEE!
Look at mine!!! Please judge me! I'll give you a hundred yous!!
why would you add a free space on that kind of bingo card. not all men are sexist and by putting that on the free space, you're severely limiting your own options.
As do French women. (I assume you're Quebecian)
What’s your home address
>no netflix sub
Why? They keep removing shows and upping the price.
*speeding through your suburban neighborhood, blasting "not like us" by kendrick lamar*
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i lost
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>They keep removing shows and upping the price.
Oui mon frère Latino.
Jimmy Buffet and his consequences were a disaster for vacation destinations
exactly what I said you dumb fucking jeet
>draw tauren
>get scared of blizzard
>UHM ACTUALLY she's a minotaur
>draw draenei
>get scared of blizzard
>UHM ACTUALLY they're my own OC blue skinned good guy demon race
>draw night elf
>get scared of blizzard
>UHM ACTUALLY it's a drow but they love nature and live above ground
like a thousand twitter/porn artists have done it at this point it's not new or novel
j cole? more like j fookin boring cole
unironically if you said that to a foid she would dry up immediately
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Worthless thread so far
literally all me
70 degrees it too spicy take me home to Erin. Scotland would work too
Oil worker or proxyfag
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what's on the menu tonight fellers
hello fellow walmartoid, please keep sending dem gibs.
It feels good knowing you'll never talk like that on public lol
last time I was in the US virgin islands, I saw a black homeless guy shit in public Jeet style
I am a human bean
club soda, thank you
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i dont have my foreskin. who else
Spam and veg fried rice
Tbf the homeless don't seem as bad as DC
Eggs, well done
>can't even use prepositions correctly
Shameful. Just speak in Spanish why don't you because your ass is clearly too stupid for English.
might try a shepard's pie recipe later but we'll see
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>Florida surgeon
Homeless black Americans end up in the weirdest places sometimes. I met one in the the Netherlands
dis nigga eatin pussy
if you're gonna be on the streets may as well have a good view
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this would cost $35 in 2024
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seems like a big difference between the two
give me a guess on the number of deaths per year caused by 'medical error' in the USA
Is there some contest I'm not aware of for street vendors to mix random shit?
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>After the surgery, Shaknovsky told his wife that William Bryan’s 'spleen’ was so diseased that it was four times bigger than usual and had migrated to the other side of (his) body
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>One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients.
>"I don't know how some of these students are going to be junior doctors," the professor said. "Faculty are seeing a shocking decline in knowledge of medical students."
If you only knew how bad things really are
>An Alabama woman and her husband were visiting Florida in August when he
This is some fuck-ass copy. The man is the subject of the sentence, so why lead with his wife?
It should be
>An Alabama man and his wife were visiting Florida in August when he
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cumpies, im drinking covfefe
no idea what any of that stuff is after the chips.
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what a fucking cuck
I wanna ____ thicc Latinas
Force starve until they are at a healthy body weight
Its sad how many young women are fat
The dating pool is so small due to this.
How many webms of people you hate do you have saved?
I bought a kombucha and a coconut water instead of beers
Don't you mean the dating pool is fat?
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Have you considered that this "young women" issue is exclusive to your region and to foreigners? You could probably find a healthy European or Australian woman.
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For me it's tons
which state has the best tinder experience
Thicc doesn't mean fat
*not to foreigners
fattie cope
No. I don't view them as prospective partners. So nearly half the female population cut out from the start
Nah, bitches be chunky here too.
Every few years when my parents drag me on a cruise this looks like the group of girls that always hogs the hot tub for hours. Also, why do cruises only have like three hot tubs for their large crowds?
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will it get better?
>Every few years when my parents drag me on a cruise
Damn, you sound like an ungrateful faggot.
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>he doesn't fw fat bitches
>drag me on a cruise
What a whiny little bitch id love to go on a cruise
Every place I go to the hot tubs are filled with boomers
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>clock out
>do laundry
>do some paperwork
>have a cup of tea
>brush teeth
>it's 10:30 pm already
I found out if you pluck your nose hairs you might get a nosebleed
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>rich airhead bimbos
As he said >>201792972
only ever seen boomers or older hogging those
Wow a high test post from Jason for once, I'm proud of you
I didn't mean drag as a pejorative it's just what they do
There should be a time limit on hot tubs desu
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it do be like that
work opening shifts, stupid
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This is not a political post
no way in fuck i'd ever go on a cruiseship if a woman wasnt dragging me along. Those rusty pieces of shit are hardly fit for sea and if emergencies happen you have too many useless people running around and freaking out
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Genuinely who the fuck is Jason?
How long is your commute
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This qt
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I used to think like this until I actually went on one
aka the perfect time to rape and pillage, you must be a beta male
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Tranny jannies only get you for using overt political words or if one of the snitch bitches here reports you. Images or euphemisms are fine.
I think going on a cruise would be chill, I’d spend the whole time gambling. Unless I lose everything, of course, but then plunging into the ocean depths is as convenient as could be
Remember, 43% of gamblers give up before they hit it big
Stop being scared bro
They should make a car that’s comfortable to sleep in
They do, it's called the 1995 Toyota Camry
Looked in the mirror
Im lookin mad >:(
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The Twingo
I have a sense of fate.
If it's your time, every precaution in the world cannot save you. Fear not, for death arrives soon.
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good morning/afternoon
i've been up for awhile though i didn't just wake up i promise
bocchi isn't chunky she's skinny
what kind of tea do you like ? i like earl grey with a bit of honey
morning bud
they have a combined iq of 100
Sanrio just did a collab with Junji Ito for some reason, you can see Cinnamonroll or whatever it's called paired with horror manga
That looks good
Where the kids who feel nostalgia for last year skibidi meme at?
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can you guess which ones are real
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Does THIS look skinny to you?
pretty picture i would go look at all those rocks
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i miss her so much
Attractive people are more intelligent than ugly people.
The black one is the only person in that group under 100 iq
left clearly
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Drump doesn't really give a shit about democracy
i pulled my passenger seat and threw down a skinny futon mattress
He looks almost exactly like me
that's cool but i can't find any pics of anything online really just resellers scalping keychains for 60 dollars on ebay but thats usually how it goes
yeah id say so
For 2 hours I've been trying to explain to my colleague that the 3 year old he saw me with at the park last time is my uncle, he doesn't understand
this is honestly a bop
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Okay? How about this? Surely THIS isn't skinny. Therefore proving Bocchi isn't skinny.
i used to be a ship engineer. a river cruise probably wouldnt be that bad, but other than that it's just a floating casino or a chance you're gonna be paying some dipshits to get stuck on a boat that's dead in the water if it's a long cruise
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why do euroids feel the need to tell us about their discovery of ancient radio music
He is my favorite lolcow
This is what I mean. They should make an SUV that can you can comfortably spend a weekend in or use to save on rent without having to take out seats
hol up
i will not talk politics
good boy
*gives you a treat*
NCR or Brotherhood of Steel?
bocchi doesn't expose herself she's a socially isolated weirdo who likes playing music with her friends and that's it
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this is no off topic here!
go off topic somewhere else!
USA #1
Obvious which one has the better aesthetics
why do that when they can sell you the exact same chassis and motor, but with a high ceiling van body. double the car payments, double the insurance, double the income for shekelberg llc
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>t. Janny's pet
Garum got me acting a fool
im gonna say the T word
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funny how japan has already done that and it never caught on here
Huh do I want to join up with the ultimately pragmatic if slightly retarded government that lets me live above ground or some inbred turbo-fascist LARPers who can’t survive the wastes even with power armour and plasma weapons
I wonder
Enclave or Caesar's Legion then?
favorite producer tag? for me it's mustard
fallout 4 sucked, i only really enjoyed making meat grinders with the raider traps
The honda element is the kei car americans derserve, not the one they want
Her anus is clean. No hair at all. Her vulva has cute curly hairs.
The Enclave doesn’t even exist by the time of FNV so I’m going to have to say Legion
Looks so bad and small.
>kei car
>2400cc motor
Yeah nah
Looks like a car for some European homosexuel
shieeet gotta make my way back to central oregon for an interview. it's been nice on the coast but the badlands are once more calling my name
I can dig it
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It's just after posting that picture of the element, I realized it's design is basically just a giant kei car.
I know a lot of people who've been buying/importing kei cars and they have issues with getting parts sometimes, but the element was already imported here and likely shares parts with other hondas, and isn't controversial enough to be potentially subject to bans (and it can go 60+ on the highway).
St. John’s kinda ghetto fr. Everyone at the pool is either black or white trash
central oregon belongs to idaho
i see a lot of elements being used as stealth campers
i almost bought this as my first car when i was 16 but i went with a kia soul instead
i miss that car it sucks i totaled it but i like my current car so its fine
A honda element with a built k24a2 and ASP3 swap would be pretty cool
300 hp all motor with the lsd 6 speed
Hell yeah brothers
Yeah the element has the same engine as an accord or crv with a lot of interchangeable parts.
Way bigger than kei form factor though
central oregon belongs to me nigga
>Trans Siberian orchestra
>Not a single Russian ladyboy
False advertising
janny wont like this
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My first car was a used 1991 Dodge Daytona
>bend still in oregon
not my problem
>the virgin
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bro elements are cheap as fuck now holy shit
if I could deal with a second car I'd buy one this week
>reddit leaf never gets b& for politics
The newest one is 14 years old, of course they're cheap
I don't know about the automatic transmissions, but the manny trannys and thr k24 engines are great and can hit very high mileage if taken care of
Can you get one that looks like >>201794001 in America
The element was designed in america for the american market and built in ohio dude
The top rack popup was an addon option
Consumer Reports named that the absolute worst car made in that year. Worst everything.
>kei car
It's just a shitty fucking SUV like everything else on the market these days.

North America is fast approaching the point where the only cars that will be available for sale anymore will be god damn fucking p*ckup """""""""""trucks""""""""""" and SUVs. It's utterly ridiculous. I just want a small and cheap sedan that fucking werks with good gas mileage, literally nothing else.
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>Consumer Reports
Bunch of nerd virgins looking at charts
Who better qualified to make such assessments
stopping through salem tonight is there anything based to do or see
Oregon or MA?
Witch burnings...no wait, that was 400 years ago.

I think they have a movie theater.
Joe Biden's Squid Game
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based, bring it back
Metal Gear Flaccid
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if you ask the new google image generator to make images of pepe, it calls him a hateful extremist symbol. How could the google jews say that after looking at this painting?
I really wonder what kind of market demographics drives this or if it's all because of politics. In the past the trends make sense because you go from having a horseless carriage toy rich people use, to modular vehicles, then to vehicles primarily for transporting families, but it just doesn't make sense for a regular person to need trucks and SUVs that were originally intended for off road use. It seems dystopian
i.e. trump wins
my nose hair situation has been solved and my left nostril didnt bleed
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My black friend Jamal says we’re living in a dystopia
Metal Gear Semi
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>only 5 (you)s
My understanding is that it's all politics. American automakers (evil pieces of shit who have us by the balls) prefer SUVs and pickups simply because they can have much higher profit margins that way. Safety regulators are retards who unironically believe in their own kafkaesque horseshit, so they prefer pickups and SUVs because they fare better in crashes. This again makes American automakers happy since those prohibitive safety regulations are also a subtle form of trade protectionism.

Just recently the Canadian government imposed extreme tariffs on Chinese EVs because of pressure from our American masters, who ultimately are acting at the behest of the American auto lobby. So now, instead of Canadian consumers having access to cheap automobiles, we're stuck with expensive useless piece of shit pickups and SUVs (and we WILL be happy about it). Why actually do something to combat inflation and help consumers when you could just help American automakers get richer. God fucking damn this pisses me off.
>yo, dis topia or wha?
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my ancestors :)
>just went to visit again and it's down

All good things
Get a satanic whore.
They have mongoose in the Virgin Islands too, very cool to see if you can spot them
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Drat him, double drat him!
Canadians want cheap chinky runabouts
Metaru Giru Snaku Etaru
You're missing one important factor.
Epa fuel efficiency and emission requirements for sedan and coupe are much stricter than crossovers which are in the suv class legally
Obviously you're right about them wanting to prioritize higher profit vehicles too
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>yeah why do we care about those stupid US automakers who employ tens of thousands of people here directly and indirectly and the auto sector we are deeply imbedded in
>we should get cheap chink EVs instead
Zhang-esque post
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In the land of the free, we can’t we have mini-pickup trucks like the Taliban.
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average uk shopping experience
Blud really thought he got him a free phone
They sold the hilux in america as the toyota pickup, but you can import a diesel hilux that is 25 years old or more
Racist shop keeper imprisoned my guy
Justice for Steve!
He a good boy
He just wanted to look at phones and forgot he is late for a job
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The way he places his hand on the counter before he runs is comedy, like he's gonna go so fast he needs to brace himself
I was expecting this was gonna be a lot more violent desu
>yeah why do we care about those stupid US automakers who employ tens of thousands of people here directly and indirectly and the auto sector we are deeply imbedded in
Retarded protectionist logic. Why should we hamstring almost every single fucking consumer just to protect a small cabal of over-unionized lazy 60-year-old boomer retards? The free market should be allowed to do its thing and over a cheaper alternative to consumers. Fuck GM, fuck Ford, and fuck autoworkers.
someone else make the new im busy
Timothy tried to be a bvll but realized it just wasn't worth it....
you're not the boss of me
How demanding!
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>*destroys domestic industry to get cheap chink imports instead*
>dude why are there no good jobs, capitalism sucks or something
Boomer-esque post
my real beef is with mercedes and their lobbying. There's no reason a recently manufactured unicorn car can't be imported into the US, especially if it was designed for a developed country like Japan, Australia, or the EU.
Plus it would just make more sense to cummins swap a toyota pickup. My friend TDI swapped a jeep which is pretty cool, it's pretty much just a stock jeep but he wanted more torque because it had one of the weak engines
Can't believe they are actually like that lol.
Why is this general so attention starved and retarded that it either posts a new at 300 or waits until 350?
Jannies should nuke the new from orbit desu, this one still isn’t at bump limit and the other has 100 posts almost
ayo no bump limit?
>feet up
>blankie on lap

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