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Previous >>201789295
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One time I did a fart and some poo came out
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channing and driving
>Dude, like, who cares if the average consumer is stuck taking out a $35k loan for a new shitty SUV with shitty gas mileage. At least the CEO of General Motors is doing well!
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it's national month in this country but to be honest there is nothing to be proud of, for me it's an excuse to drink like an idiot, this shitty country has only had defeats and shame
think this is illegal
Mexico is pretty culturally influential doh!
Shut your trap Zhang
No it's not
Went outside
Now what?
there's gotta be a program that lets you use an HD af webcamera as a security camera. We've been using blurry bigfoot tier footage since the 80s
When spinster put on her dom voice and commanded someone else to make a new, it made my wee wee tingle
>kamala is winning though
sorry bro she already peaked, it's all downhill from here. expect her to get decimated in the debate
apparently grass is supposed to feel like bags of sand or something or it's lower than expected idk
kamaltoe won get over it
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>twatter poll
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Only problem I see is the storage of the recording, but you are right, why can't I have a security cam with 8k resolution and zoom so I can see neighbor MILF jogging with her fine ass?
You're the guy headed to Salem?
Geoguessr time
how much does a green card marriage cost these days? asking for a friend
that hat is hard as fuck
my routes obvious if you've ever driven here
Hogwarts legacy is 70% off on steam
have you ever been to a cockfight?
Come here legally with a student visa
However much rent costs if you want to marry me aha
some women dress like that and think it's not their fault
Had them one time
Was itching for a month
I just learned that the US is 60% white.
yeah it's sad, they'll put knives in their legs to make them kill themselves quicker
can't get a visa or an esta
Less than that
corn husk tamales or banana leaf tamales?
Hillbilly Effigy
The Judaizers lost yet a piece of my dick is still missing
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When I was a kid I wanted to be this guy so much. Good looking Mountie with a cool dawg! Cruising around America. Solving crimes. Stealing hearts
corn husk
Bulgaria is 0% white
is marrying some homeless crackhead valid? they probably won't ask for much
Well you were close, you got the 2nd best option
If I were not Alexander I’d be Diogenes
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It's pretty fun, I don't know how many not brain rotted /cum/ers still exist that would even play it but MOST of the quests are good, the story is fairly decent if predictable and made for children (like the books), if you want to be evil you can learn the unforgivable curses and Avada Kedavra which is lore accurate and insta kills anything you cast it on including the final boss (sadly very little reaction for using them though other than your companions occasionally saying "wow you shouldn't do that..."), the castle is fun to explore and there's variety of content, perhaps because I was just very big in to harry potter as a child but it's one of the few games I've finished in the last year or two
pork right?
fuck yeah!!! I could eat 12 right now
You can unironically marry me but I think it's not that easy
Our Top 4 whitest states:
Maine: 90.2%
West Virginia: 89.1%
Vermont: 89.1%
New Hampshire: 87.2%

We still got some white areas if you look for them.
looks like justin tru doe if he had a fat neck
Wasn't he just a crusty coomer?
Do you think Darth Vader had sex? Like after he became Darth Vader.
>no mouth
>no dick
No sex
>*jerks off in public*
>diogenes please stop
>*cums in the middle of the market square*
Average New Yorker
Did he actually have sex?
the real question is whether or not Jesus had sex, or whether God was a 30 year old virgin living with his human mom before deciding to quit his carpentry job so he could wander about as a homeless person preaching about the immanent end of the world.
I'm a menace to society
He was a purecel of course
Canonically he has an asshole tho (assumingly)
>omg he did things that people consider wrong... but guess what? That's sooooo based brahhhh!!!! Because the philosophy of the situation is ackxczxkqqually very true and even after 27 billion years he was sooo right!! He literally me because blah blah blah blah...
How many other obvious countercultural figures for 16 year old you guy have on ypur pokets? He good too right?
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>Miami, Texas
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>refills his cup before leaving the establishment
Jesus was a carpenter
Lucas went in to extensive detail about how helpless and broken his body was without the suit in some of his notes he pretty much couldn't take it off when he had to peepeepoopoo he would just do it in his pants and there was a waste disposal system he could drain later like a real astronaut, also pretty much his entire front side up to his chest was burned off so his dick was gone, I think in one of the old canon EU books Palpatine calls him impotent as well so if you want to take the EU as canon that confirms he can't get it up
"Diogenes was once wrestling with an attractive boy, his penis began to stir; and when the boy took alarm and drew back, he said, 'Don't be afraid, lad, I'm not of the same mind as that.'"
They'll cheat on you, steal your shit, invite their shitty friends over, among pretty much every other fucked up act
Dont underestimate the depravity of addicts, and I mean real fucking addicts. Their life revolves around their drug
Thinking about lying and cheating my way to the top
Only reason I’m not a billionaire is because I’m too honest
BREAKING NEWS: the Mesquite Barbecue Boys MC is now in control of Aurora Colorado!!!
What good will it do for a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?
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>Debate next week
>Will be forced to choose between talking about it live with either /pol/ schizos or redditors
I hate the jannies so fucking much
Can't respect a god who eats, drinks, and defecates but won't nut in pussy and won't destroy his enemies like he used to do in the Old Testament.
how come every time i pull up discord lately, the login button is missing?
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>California, Maryland
I live in Aurora, and I have literally never seen a Venezuelan person or a biker.
prove it
I don’t want you here talking about that shit thoughbeit
You’re right
Maybe I’ll just be a multimillionaire instead
Probably not? We know he jerked off in public a lot, and some of his followers who he didn't even really acknowledge took it further by having sex in public, but the only records we have of Diogenes having sex were written hundreds of years later and claimed he had sex with prostitutes which kind of seemed to go against his whole thing of not owning anything (aka money to pay the prostitutes) so it's unlikely

tldr: probably never had sex but if he did it was probably only in the context of an orgy with his followers who were arguable more unhinged than him
for me it's driving 10 under the speed limit on single lane roads
Where were you on the night of July 20th, 2012?
Post palm trees or you're a proxy
>I don’t want you here talking about that shit thoughbeit
oh I'm sorry, would you prefer yet another evening of the random irrelevant spew of pointless "discussion" this general likes to shit out?
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>Paris, Texas (1984)
Yes otherwise I’d be on /pol/
impeding traffic is not cool
Yes. Fuck off
Not him but I was playing minecraft
it's called a limit not a requirement chud, deal with it
I'm a single issue voter
For me, it's going 10 over the limit on the straights, but droping down to 20mph on even the gentlest curve
But Vader had the fanatical loyalty of the rank and file. Are we to believe he lead an imperial war machine constituted of hundreds of billions of troops all willing to die for him despite everyone knowing he doesn't have sex?
Dean Stockwell and Harry Dean Stanton
we could try making /cum/ threads on /bant/ and just include them in the OPs
I vote exclusively for controlled opposition third parties that are designed to take votes away from the bigger party but I like to switch it up between Green and Libertarian since it won’t matter anyway
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You faggots say shit like this then don't generate anything worth discussion, are the random one off schizo posts bad? Yes. Could you prevent them by actually replying to each other and having discussion like we did back in the good old days? Also yes. Will you though? No you're a whiny little faggot who just wants to complain which is probably why you care so much about politics in the first place
>inter-board thread splitting
Let's not
one time I passed a shitty 4 cyl ranger and he tried speeding up kek i bet he went a whole 5mph faster
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First I was like
>Asian girls with small penis
But then I was like
>Asian girls with large penis
But then again
>Asian girls with no penis

Will probably not vote in November
>My god is defined by cooming
Guess how I know you're a porn addict
/cum/ is A chat room you just need to assume who people are replying to
You have a top 10 or is ~90% your cutoff?
This is cap.
That was me
I went 8 mph faster
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This is me
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I don't think it will ever get better buds. Sepuku is the only way out
I've never been arrested. We should start doing criminal record checks of /cum/ posters
You ain't /cum/ certified unless you've been drunk tanked
Vote Reform to really make ‘em ponder
>criminal records
who got the high score?
Where do I find a gf
I don’t have a criminal record despite being a criminal. Really makes you think.
Thank God I’m white
I dont like porn anymore
Keep posting here I’m sure she’ll turn up
remember that /cum/mer who was running from the law?
The grocery haul:
>a sweet potato
>an apple
>1 lb baby carrots
>a little under a lb of broccoli
>two heads of cabbage
>natural peanut butter
>wheat flour
>1/2 gallon milk
>green tea
>bunch of bananas
>club soda
>>a sweet potato
Ever heard of beans? The fuck are you buying natural peanut butter for
post price retard no one cares about items alone
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>But Vader had the fanatical loyalty of the rank and file
No he really didn't, later EU books fleshed him out to have a small group of followers but the EU books did all sorts of dumb/wacky shit like by EU standards there's still hundreds of Jedi alive because every single author that wrote for it wanted to do their own OC that actually survived the purgem in the context of the actual movies Vader really isn't respected at all from anyone beside Tarkin and he doesn't really lead troops directly he just follows around Palpatine and gives orders when he feels he needs, there's a reason that Motti (the guy he chokes out after he laughs at the force and says he finds his lack of faith disturbing) laughs at him everyone thinks that the force is dumb and fake and that Vader is just some creepy weirdo

HOWEVER personal opinion it's never made sense to me that everyone forgot about the Jedi within 19 years, they were literally around and fucking everywhere during the clone wars even with erasing all their galactic database entries or whatever people who were alive during the war would definitely remember them you don't just forget that space magic exists overnight Lucas really should have fucked with the timeline some in Phantom Menace to make it make more sense, have Amadala in stasis or something for a long time before Luke was born idk just something to make it fit better
who the fuck buys just one apple
Same. I'm not voting until I hear of a candidate who supports legalizing prostitution.
take the apolitical-pill, your life won't be improved by following or trying to participate in politics
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For me, it's the constitution party
Will copmala legalize weed?
it amazes me how no independent party wins in usa, you guys are made for it or at least your movies make it look that way.
No because it would unironically cost big pharma and the prison industrial complex money
Yes, a proper god should coom into vaginas, correct.
It's already legal stupid
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sexo con mejican bummy
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what the hell does that mean
I can walk down the sidewalk and blow weed smoke in the faces of old ladies and the cops can't do shit cause I'm based like that and WEED is LEGAL in CANADA
Because there's no actual path for an independent party to win, it's winner takes all, ranked choice/proportional representation/a parliamentary system would fix that and we'd probably see a ton of independent parties gain traction but that would require the two parties in charge who would be the ones negatively affected by it to vote for that change to happen
what kind of mormon shithole do you live in
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you don't understand spanish?
Why should they? All political systems eventually devolve into two main parties dominating the day, with a scattering of dibshit third parties trying to throw the election.

In multi-party systems, eventually all the parties congregate into two main coalitions anyway.
In the freezer
I already have like 2lbs of beans. I like peanut butter in sandwiches or with apples or bananas.
Total was maybe $36. The wheat flour, milk, alcohol, and tea account for a lot of that.
Trying a new kind
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no woods, no god, only traffic
Mormoids are based
no, but he will
most definitely have attachment anxiety.
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Love Trinitarian Christianity.
Hate Tritheism Mormonism.
Simple as.
Niggerbrained retard. Get off your phone while driving
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Stand User: Michael Jackson

Stand Name: Smooth Criminal
Right should say gentile
Mormons call non-Mormons gentiles lol
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you do know that there are a lot of mexican mormons in utah, right? a lot of missionaries end up getting mexican wives, and they end up having schizo mutants like me.
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what is the least unhinged way to tell potential dating partners that i'm only looking for someone who will let me goon in them and bear my offspring?
rude, also no
let's say you wanted to get drunk really quickly. what would be the best thing to do? disregard all logic and morals. i was thinking butt chugging straight everclear but there's probably a better way.
just donate sperm
They're lots of Mormon glowies too because they speak foreign languages and have squeaky clean records
Drink alcohol up your bum
what does that even mean
>dont eat all day
>have a g & t
>goon in them
The point of gooning is not to cum? It's not even to have sex.

i put the pp in ppussy
Scotland and Wales should have their own flags on /int/, /pol/, /bant/, and /sp/.
I have not been drinking tap water for years, not because it is not drinkable, but because it tastes like shit, does that happen to you?
Kakala hairys
tap water tastes fine THO
The one good thing about another Trump presidency is that it'll be legal to spank your wife in public again, and perhaps even slap the wives of other men when they talk back to you.
I take fresh tap water usually because i am not a turd worlder
who's gonna tell him
I honestly wish he would win so he could bully the shitty president we will have.
Scotland and Wales aren't real countries so they shouldn't.
>i'm about to end this woman's whole career
you did it
Yes they are
portlands so annoying to drive through
i want trump to win because he would become the second president to have two nonconsecutive terms
>No matter how hard you try 50% of people will be dumber then the average
Makes you dink
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I bet you give good feet message.
>Puerto Rican says Scotland and Wales are real countries.
Only ~1% will be retarded though
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If Puerto Rico gets its own flag, everyone else does too. Simple as.
Like 15% are retarded
trump years were comfy, i want more comfy years, so yeah
Your thinking of the median
controversial opinion usa should invade us and put martial law in this dump we deserve it
i can't trust yuros because they don't like big trucks
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>trump years were comfy, i want more comfy years, so yeah
My mom just told my brother that his haircut is really ugly
>>trump years were comfy, i want more comfy years, so yeah
who are you quoting?
is ugly or not?
It's a typical "Edgar" zoomer haircut but he's 35
It isn't that bad desu just a bit dorky
>>201798368 (You)
>>201798293 (You)
Maybe. What was the difference, and how it would be different in mentioned example?
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File deleted.
I'm voting for Ol' Oakland Kam
I definitely would sign up for the military if it were to invade a latam country instead of the usual sandnig ones
i can't trust yuros because they're afraid of spicy flavors
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she's cooked bro
I don't trust spicy worlders ether
imagine the blowjobs and rimjobs.... no woman in history has had head-game so good it almost got her to presidency...
bro full kit plus a ruck in the amazon? fuck ALL of that
Dicks Out For Jesus
imagine the war against terror but instead of terrorists there would be narcos and probably more than half the country would be happy for you to be there.
You’re forgetting that Nancy Reagan basically ran the country as Ron sundowned
We should bring as many white people from Europe and Australia to mexico.
Avocados smell like cum
I'm going to pee in your butt
Riccans coom in dey Avocados
they're called aguacates in north america chud
california is the future
it's already happening and it's pissing off the capital's faggots lol
I would join the military if rape was explicitly endorsed, rebel armies in Africa do it the US should too, promise some foreign rape pussy and incels would sign up in droves
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The most racist people in Mexico are Mayans who don't want to be associated with central Americans. lol
Russian military is good for this except it's usually you who will be raped
Just get posted to South Korea. You can literally get away with murder there if you’re a serviceman
Threshold is 70.
I would dodge a draft
i would dodge a ball
Coming up on 5 weeks without a haircut
I think with a maturing hairline it'd look better short but I dunno
85 is borderline cognitive functioning, they basically can't do anything more than manual labor or menial work
For the sake of uncontacted pussy
It’s “scalding” you fucking troglodyte
Now THAT’S scolding
Uncontacted native pussy meets uncontacted American dick
they're definitely contacting every dude in the tribe bro, not like they have tv to kill boredom
Just watched a video about a 26 year old man getting yelled at for not getting over the death of his infant daughter that happened two years prior.

Meanwhile I'm 30 and spend every hour of every day ruminating on a relationship that ended 11 years ago and on what I could've done differently with a woman who I haven't seen since then and may not even be alive for all I know.
i guess i could've driven through shartland when it wasn't rush hour, too late now
The only country in the world that would benefit from a us invasion is venezuela
Sheeeeit maybe that should be her campaign
Line up for kakala hairies bj
How many dudes could she handle in a 8 hour shift? Enough to win a battleground state or 2?
october surprise is the willie brown sex tape
Find a new women.
I once read about an indigenous group in the Amazon, not uncontacted, that believes that babies are formed by a massive build up of sperm in the womb.
Each man in the community takes turns just pumping already-pregnant women full of cum to help the baby grow.
I’m not a fetishist, I don’t find this erotic, I’m just repeating something I’ve read.
Havent seen or spoken to mine in almost 6 years, but she is still the person i love and care about most. I ruined my entire life over her lol
How does that work, does that affect the baby
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Pabst Blue Ribbon
>hanging out with Jennifer Lopez
>Scarlet Johannesburg calling
I should be more careful
no idea how people can do this gridlock shit 5 days a week i would freak out
same but mine ended a year ago
i'm feeling sick just thinking about her with another man
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It doesn’t, the science of fetal development is well understood. Unless you mean socially, in which case I remember them being very communal about childcare responsibilities (no single father, by their logic).
>does that affect the baby
Probably neutral-bad I’d guess
Une biere forte please
I still don't understand where the hell they get those flavor notes from, half of those beers taste bitter.
I blame IPAs for the reason why millennials look much older than gen x
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So what are you gonna do about it...
I mean would ejaculating in a pregnant woman change the baby or whatever
No. Couples do that all the time.
I'll drink it all except porter or stout
Keep living until i die
Nothing really to do
No, why would it? When a woman becomes pregnant, the cervix forms a thick mucus plug to keep the amniotic fluid inside of the womb. No cum reaches the baby at all.
This is a folk belief, not a real way that babies are made.
The only risk is to agitating or harming the baby or mother through humping
>When a woman becomes pregnant, the cervix forms a thick mucus plug to keep the amniotic fluid inside of the womb
Imagine picking and eating that booger
I will only drink things below brown ale, ipas are disgusting, like having a pine tree nut in your mouth
because I don't really know how pregnancy works
I think it becomes weaker and weaker towards the end of term, hence water breaking. I don’t think it remains a single retrievable but of mucus, at least in most cases.
>below brown ale
You want to drink his cum?
I like them, it's very hoppy2
First health class next semester? 9th grade’s a hard time, good luck
>gentle face sitting
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Pretty sure I got gonorrhea or chlamydia from some slut. Had some tingling in my dick this morning and when I went to take my morning piss it was swollen and had some pus leaking out. Went to the doctor and took some antibiotics plus a shot. Took a piss test and they said they'd send me the results within 5 days
>5 foot 4
>110 lbs
>well done eggs
>gambling addiction
>lsd addiction
>weed addiction
it's schizojeet time
Nope, it's optional in my state and I never took sex ed
Growing up I thought Mormoid cathedrals were Disney world
Elder says when he was young, the river near where I live had so much fish you would just walk to it and grab dinner.
found gas for 3.29, holy basedaroni
A well done steak can be good sometimes
Probably Zyklon B
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Whoa what?

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most americans don't take sex ed dude
I don't get it
Sorry this is the right one.

You should get out there man. How old are you?
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People should invent a thing that replicates tastes but without calories, like savory or spicy gum. I'd like gum that taste like burgers, or fried chicken, etc. Would be a good way to assist with weight loss.
i'm almost to salem and still have ZERO tangible recommendations on sights, eats, ANYTHING. guess i'll be getting mcdonnies for the trillionth time
I'm 33. I've dated since, but don't like most people. The only girl i met since that i really enjoyed being with was too fat to consider as a partner
Just throw up after you eat and the calories don't count
.............Osborne Cox?
Artificial flavor barely have any calories, I don't think anyone wants fried chicken gum
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Your 33...

Dawg get out there.
lightninging so crazy it's giving me a headache how bright it is
Remember that time when it felt like everyone online was an athiest
>The only girl i met since that i really enjoyed being with was too fat
Tough tits, vie la vie. Date the fat bitch.
Active shooter alert
Already exists

For example, you can buy almost-zero calorie jello (specifically, 4 cals per cup), which is basically just water + gelatine + artificial flavors + coloring, probably with some preservatives and/or salt added.
She was just too big.
The theory is that people are more willing to admit it online
I did an impression of Ted Cruz
If Jesus said the struggle to redeem humanity was too big we would be damned.
She sucks. Literally and figuratively. Even the zombie weekend at Bernie’s corpse of Joe Biden was better
why did /cum/ just die
A non white girl with a white guy fetish would stop me from sudoku
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you losers have 0 aura
What is it?
I like this painting, one dog goes one way the other dog goes the other way
i'm white and my ex-gf is korean and she used to say all the time that i have to actually like her for who she is, and if she ever found out i have yellow fever, she would break up immediately.
i ended up breaking up with her because she wanted kids someday and i don't.
I don't get it, she wouldn't be with you if you had a fetish for her? Why does that make any sense
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uh, what just happened
Women are so retarded it hurts
i guess she was worried that i might see some other korean girl and immediately start to like her (the other girl) more.
>she wanted kids someday and i don't.
aaaaa *inhales* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Thanks Biden

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