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Another J Cole Edition
Prev >>201795480
As I was saying, I am very comfortable in my current seating position.
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I'm just too based to have kids if yk yk
White supremacy
>nah i don't want kids, i'm looking for meaningless sex and someone to talk to
buy a sex doll with ai installed you waste of oxygen
need a cheap car, what should i buy
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Been watching some educational youtube videos. Crazy how complex civilization is really. We stand on the shoulders of giants. It took absolutely genius hardworking men to build all of it.
cope harder faggot
You're welcome
And it take only one Trudeau to ruin it all
this but without the "someone to talk to" and also unironically.
i will kill you and eat your flesh
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Will post statistics related to Canada or the US
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J Cole is terrible. Not even normgroids like him
Hispanics are just being honest because of Catholic guilt
the first zoomer
Taking race based crime statistics is actually illegal in Canada now, I'm not against immigration or anything, but that kind of law promotes dishonesty and lack of trust in institutions. It actually helps conspiracy theorists and the like.
just skipped over salem, it looked boring anyway. gonna get a burrito from my favorite mexican joint when i get to bend doe
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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
In my country we have problem
Trust the plan
this is almost a quarter of a century old, granpops
Illegal to have current statistics
Breezewood… home
Walkable cities are better than non-walkable cities
based and incelwalkpilled
Only retards disagree
Who got it
Gonna play some tf2
Footfags, why?
I am the leader
Getting drunk with the bestie.
oregon needs some hecking snow already no cap
Momberg said I could get a new bicycle which one should I pick? this one?
Or this one?
Why would you need to ask your mom to buy a bike? Either you're pathetic or underaged.
check out your local craigslist or equivalent
good deals, sometimes
It's ok
Buy one that is light, has relatively narrow tires and a comfortable seat
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I'm unemployed
did you look at the green one?
please leave
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Tell me which one i should pick between the 2 bikes i showed
i'm staying and voting blue because of that
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I find disc brakes to be a pain in the ass because they are delicate and difficult to adjust/clean/replace at home. I highly recommend choosing a bike with caliper or V brakes.
Green one has no mud guards (you can buy some, but ok) it looks heavy and the tires are way too thick. It's not great for simple biking around town
It's beautiful how tall the signs grow in competition with each other for resources.
if j cole is so good why doesn't he have any classic albums
curious indeed
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Does /cum/ play fighting games?
both bikes are shit
stop listening to momberg and spend 10 minutes on /n/ to find out what you can afford
Now I know how blacks felt around drinking fountains
Mud guards dont really matter to me Im leaning more towards the green one because it has rear suspension
i don't believe in violence
I like Tekken and Soulcalibur
Both are $290 thats what she is willing to spend
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Only a small minority of adults (20% or less) know the meaning of words such as audacious, ominous, tirade, encumber, plagiarize, impale, travesty.
nigga just steal a bike are you stupid?
2nd one looks better aesthetically, it’s really up to what you need. The biggest difference I can see is: the top one is hardtail and the bottom is full suspension.
If commute: go 1. If downhill: go 2.
I actually responded twice already so I’ll reiterate: I think disc brakes suck (high maintenance, not easy to repair or clean) and I think these bikes are pretty cheap so a used higher end bike would be better imo (but that might not be possible).
I'm not urkelkin
>Mud guards dont really matter to me
Get one on the back, because the tire keeps throwing up dirt and muck. Your back will have "skid marks"
>rear suspension
You will not feel it if you just bike.
Green one is for off road biking in woods.
It will be way harder to ride in town.
It looks better, but trust me - looks are not important
How cheap?
I find these numbers difficult to believe. The study is over 50 years old, maybe it was accurate at the time but I don't think it's accurate now.
sorry i didnt reply i dont know anything about bicycle brakes. I found a third one what do you think?
>It will be way harder to ride in town.
how so
used car prices right now are fucked, i'd hold off for a year or two if you can help it. if not, don't bother lowballing and prepare to spend five figures.
>not urkelkin
you're about dumb as em though
The suspension adds weight for no benefit on paved roads
Also cheap bikes like that habe TERRIBLE suspensions. You should avoid any cheap bike with a suspension and get a solid fork
post skin color
Now you are convincing me to pick the gray one
Thick frame weighs more, so you basically carry around that weight, thick tires give stability, but some say they ad to resistance and also increase weight (a little).
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I would if i had to choose
If you're lucky the fork will have a lockout. Some do
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holy SHIT detroit dam looks gorgeous, 100% gatekeeping the view from you unhelpful ass bitches
i did this morning, you next beaner
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I would choose this one over the others you posted because of the brakes. What are you intending to use this bike for? If you’re just biking around town I would suggest something smaller and lighter.
Definitely sleep on it for a few nights and check out /n/ like the other anon said.
Are you loved?
My family loves me and I love them
All I want is for some non-white girl to love me as well, is that too much to ask?
You gotta do that work
Yeah I got like 30 (you)s last thread
I think, but the voice in my head tells me that they don't love me and only do it out of pity.
negative ghost rider born alone dying alone
A lot of people love me but i don't care for most of them let alone love. I just feel duty bound
Every mexican should get to met a chicano at leat once so they understand white people having to deal with them. I get my reminders from time to time
This is a "No Chad" board
i still don't know what a chicano is
Yes its just to ride around town Im embarrassed of my current bicycle because its in such bad condition so i would like to have a new bike sooner than later
i love mexicans but fucking hate chicanoids
You should see the puerto ricans that live in the states. They fucking suck ass
i hate their wannabe black accent
They can't speak english and they can't speak decent spanish either. Complete joke.
I've had the exact same conversations with my coworkers multiple times. Are normies actual funding retards? They don't remember anything I tell them
Mambo number 5
I keep farting and it smells so fucking gnarly. like Im going to have to leave my house, that's how bad it stinks.
How do I start getting into road cycling? All my life I've been a casual bike commuter who enjoys bicycling (both as a means of transportation, and also for little nature excursions for exercise), and therefore have only ever ridden hybrid bikes with a comfortable upright stance. But now that I'm a 30-year-old boomer with disposable income I figure I really ought to get into road cycling, especially since I already have pretty good cardio from running. Problem is that it's a bit of a daunting world to step into.
get into it?
you just DO it.
there isn't some magical ritual dance you need to memorize, or secret club to join
got a runny nose
better go catch it
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>only ever ridden hybrid bikes with a comfortable upright stance
Do you really want to be a spandex boy?
i hate my name and you can't make any nicknames out of it. what should i introduce myself to people as. i'm thinking something badass like "duke" or "the drifter"
good one
tell us another one
I would never ride on a road for fun
fuck cars, they will kill us all
To race or just for fun?
All you need is a bike, clipless pedals, cycling shoes, and some padded shorts
I would say go used and look for something with a shimano 105 groupset or better. I don't know much about campag or sram, i know their high end stuff is good.
Stuff like electronic shifting is retarded and getting a 14.8lb bike only matters if you're competing
all you need is a bike and helmet
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>fuck cars, they will kill us all
I'll never bike on the road after seeing that bus webm
Helmets are for fags
If you are putting in a lot of miles padded shorts are necessary, but you don't need a spandex shirt
The pedals/shoes are good if you're going for max effort
Helmet is a good thing
You might use your head after you are done biking, who knows
Uuumm! Hey has anyone seen my bike?! I can't find it!
i disagree, having rode well over 100 miles a week training for my last tri
Ay yo, put som oil on yo tires, bitches be screeching no cap
Kali Linux
Disagree with what? 100 miles is a lot for a day, but it isn't shit for a week. Take a 30 mile ride with padded shorts and then one without. Its retarded not to have them.
You can get padded underwear and wear them under normal shorts even so you don't look lile a fag
>To race or just for fun?
Naturally I would hope that fun would be included, but I can already just "have fun" on my shitty hybrid bike. The point of this new endeavour would would therefore be somewhat more "serious", i.e. git gud and maybe do some races, idk.
Would wear spandex shorts just to show off my penis to brown girls
kys brian
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>Helmets are for fags
>for my last tri
I'm jelly; I have the upper body strength of an actual Auschwitz inmate so unfortunately I could never get into swimming. At least I can run decently fast, I suppose.
the comment about shorts and helmet.
when training for a tri, i don't have a bit sized run, bike and swim every day. i have a full run, bike or swim alternating on each day. so 100 miles a week is 35 miles a day, 3 times a week.
i have never rode with the padded diaper, so it simply isn't necessary.
Never reformat an SSD
Do phone sales positions still exist
It's actually pronounced "we were kings"
In Calcutta
those brothas never knew the meaning of 'workings'
You guys should ingest a moderate dosage of lsd at the same time one Friday night so I (the only sober anon) can watch how you behave and laugh a lot.
Got eemm!
have you tried just going to a pool and swimming until you get better at it?
Jesus Christ is my LSD, thank you very much
This is a Dallas Cowboys general
You’re a loser and your posts suck
>Pittsburgh Penguins
>All human
No I'm too self-conscious for the pool, people keep telling me I look sickly or even anorexic.
If you post in this general, you're already a winner because you're here with yours truly
>The Cumville Cucumbers
Really now, what were they thinking.
your whining and self loathing is pathetic. stop posting or confront your problems
I just call people I know or meet, but normally companies will have like a list of phone numbers to call from people who gave away their info for FREE
All-State Champions 2012, woooo!!!!!
The cum cumcums
october surprise is biden backstabbing the democrats
Waited over an hour for drugsberg and he still isn't here
Drug dealers are flaky
want to play a horror game but im too scared
>Emotional Support Latina
*unzips wallet*
Its just super sketchy. He is terrified of being robbed so we meet up at the police station parking lot and I've been sitting in my car smoking cigarettes for over an hour
Just a piece of foam in your vagina
never trust any mexican who offers you drugs.
what are you getting
i don't trust mexicans in general
Biddness mayne
Just some fentanyl and meth. I'm going to floydball
you do well
Almost slipped 2 times
My shoes are trying to kill me
Whiskey and amaretto with club soda tonight
lmao, i think they were goofballs back in my day, h instead of fent doe
yohohooo fellasss whatuuuuup *daps you up*
>club soda
>seltzer water
How you do, Neggerlands!?
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Beer for me tonight

Think I might actually get drunk
You will never be American
que onda carnal como andas
Is Southern Hospitality still a thing in 2024?
canadians are the only people who can fathom american phenomenology. foreigners think they can, but they can't. even some americans can't, like alaskans and the amish
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I am corphish. This Pokémon is me
You use your tongue prettier than a 20 dollar whore!
>american phenomenology
Only if you are white, Christian, and straight. Everyone else goes straight to hell to be tortured for all eternity by their benevolent god.
Amaretto di amore is alright but not fantastic
you must mean southern passive aggression
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I'm 40 lbs overweight though
watchin Parks and Recreation, season 3, episode 7
That is a really cheap gross name brand
Amaretto di puglia is nice for a low price
So happy to hear that. Will take a trip down Dixie way. Is there a state that would be the most hospitable or all southern states are equally based?
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Cant decide what bike to get guess ill wait till tomorrow
got gas for $2.65 / gal
The show falls off sharply after season 4
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paul harrell moved on
Sleep on it, lil nigga
Buy the one that you see in your dreams
you are right big bro
that's why i'm watchin the good seasons
don't give a shit about your eceleb drama, kill yourself
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$5 on the diesel
I want to see /int/ bans
drama lmao that nigga died
Papa was a rollin' stone
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just passed through sisters, your sisters
6 digit sliding captchas are extremely dangerous to fill out while driving, thanks gookmoot. still not buying the pass
How about it kid, wanna play some catch with your ol' man?
Archives have some comedy gold too
who are we catching?
Neighbor said that mom already caught it
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How do i get swag
legally classify catholic pedophiles as muslim immigrants, and then it will suddenly be a good thing, actually.
if i catch aids then imma start rapin bitches
remember when rappers still made radio singles like Work Out where you can actually hear the words they're saying.
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this fucking retard is actually coming to my town isn't he
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holy fuck this shit is so good i could eat it forever.
when my girlfriend gets an erection i use the old swirl-a-whirl technique to relieve her.
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Bought swag, all I got is drip
libtard jew icecream
i wish i could just neet for like 3 months or something
it's always been my town bitch nigger, should've stopped expansion when you had the chance
that's just normal unemployment.
Did you get to the gem part?
It gets boring fast
I shan't be giving money to liberals
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i love love love ace of base https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIPPh7AWSt4
The amount of american women that could be pretty if they would simply lose weight
real talk though I'll buy you a beer at timbers if you're game, i need to stop using this site to socialize (monologue)
It's the Liberalism that is wrong with bitches here
when I was growing up we were taught to ignore social media images until you saw her in person.
was the sound i just heard a car backfiring, or multiple gunshots? place your bets now.
some asshole backfired and blew out my ears while i was incelcycling
i would report for posting nsfw on a blue board but jannies are nonexistent.
just keep it in your pants.
You N-Word, gave me a new fetish
How do I join the freemasons
shut up
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They have been absent for almost two days now. Shitposters have complete free reign right now.
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shiny happy people holding hands
shan't listen to j cole
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check your spam folder - we sent invite
This one is the best
Yeah? At least my wife hasn't killed people, Kevin.
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lord have mercy
remember when wet dreamz came out?
can't believe it's been 10 years
uh, janniebros?
are you finally there?
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yes, because my birthday is a little over a month away and I plan to rent a zoomer girl for a whole day as my birthday gift to myself.
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can't believe it's been 9 years
janny only tolerates gay or blacked porn
Do you know where you're going in life?
Janitorinoos are cringe like that
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I'm home! where you at bendcel?
nope lol
to the grocery store.
maybe the deli.
Remember when you guys started your genocide against that people you've been imprisoning in a giant internment camp? Can't believe it's almost been a year.
is that the pacific north west
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I hate all Israelis.

Go back to Poland, you stupid cunts. It's safe now.
technically yea i guess
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not sure what you're talking about
Never happened
This is a Zionist board, white boy!!!
big fan of this photo
if dubs, it will be a divine signal that i need peanut m&ms right NOW and not in a few days.
otherwise i will go take a bubble bath.
He probably means either Sde Teiman or the restriction of movement from Gaza
Yeah cus you're too busy sucking the great Satan's cock.
Israelis are the original whites, that's why they're bad.
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Why the fuck is he here bros
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ghosted again on bumble right when i ask them on a date/hangout. my chats list is a column of messages from me starting "so would you want to go..."
getting a burrito from rodolbertos, the best mejican food in oregon
> *open app*
> first profile
> "hi! i am ukranian-american!"
> *close app*
never heard of these
Keep those numbers up
It gets demoralizing sometimes, but all you need is one bitch to bite and we golden
change your approach, say: bitch we are going for dinner
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23 an hour is why im here soycuck
only use dating app when i'm drunk
when i wake up the next day i automatically delete them
whats the issue you dont want a slavic queen?
>Computer, aggregate every bussy pic currently on /int/ and download it to the "cool stuff" folder.
Once I find a way to achieve this, I'll never have to post on this jabroni website again.
sad wage for a grown man, calicattle. Gonna live out of your car forever?
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Dem J-boys really turning Gaza into Zaza
Fuck, I forgot the Tony Stark picture. Oh well, you get the idea. You pictured it.
Just go to /hm/ faggot
nah man, just saving up for cdl courses then i'm outtie 5000
anything funny happen in /cum/ recently?
listening to abba
these swedish niggas alright
even if a girl replies?
Every pajeet i see in my state has a Texas license plate what is going on
It has to be from here. It HAS to be /int/ bussy.
Ah nice. Should have went for Washington residency to dodge income tax.
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not like i'm actually gonna go on a date with someone from tinder
i use it for validation
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I've ate a burger with extra pickles and downed a milkshake afterward, it didn't taste weird or anything I don't know why he did this. Also light up keyboards are literally gay.
Balding pedophile
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I want to see what's never been seen
I want to live that age old dream
Come on, lass, we can go together
Let's take the best right now
The best bussy is on discord, that's where the prime bussy is
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What do you mean by this good sir?
>i use it for validation
are their wages similar to oregon? honestly my main turnoffs to Washington were gas prices and a general lack of public land to camp out on, i like having a desert wasteland nearby
This song is about Elliot Roger
Excel is pretty nifty, not gonna lie
Where did he go bros
He isn't balding that is a mature hairline and i have a big head filled with lots of brains
alright poindexter spare us your pivot tables
shoutout to my dad but i'm fucking adopted
I just made a scatter plot if you wanna see it
My R squared value was too low, meaning that my data was inaccurate
I had to quit my last job because someone used excel as a database for serializing one section of our product line and I snapped back to reality when I got my keys out as I was headed to my car to buy a rubber hose to beat the shit out of that retarded engineer who was responsible for it
How come my documents weigh 4 megabytes then?
did he an hero or get shot by the police?
Yes and if you get CDL here or in Cali you will be taxed 9% or more of your income on top of federal. Washington would be 0%
i respect adoption. we need more fathers that care enough to do it.
How do i become a woolmonger?
>used excel as a database for serializing one section of our product line
I'm dumb, what's so bad about this?
How do i become a dung eater
Would love to be a porn star, but I am way too skinny
Pick the poop up out of your toilet next time you shit and take a bite out of it
he's not your step dad. he's the dad who stepped up.
Actually he fell off his roof and died like maybe 3 weeks after I left
>would love to be a porn star
Why? It would ruin sex
hmm, very good to know man much appreciated. I'll likely savemaxx here and then switch my residency to washington before enrolling. thanks bro, you've altered my life course with just a few words lol
why do canadians always lie? not all canadians, the west coast canadians are cool
I cannot tell a lie
It's a brain worm thing, exclusive to up north.
mapcel's not gonna save you, its past his bedtime.
go my son bake for me.
Physician, heal thyself
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he did it because the thread was talking shit about milk and pickles for some reason
It's past my bedtime too, thanks for having me here guys you've been a great crowd. Shout out to Richmond and Aunt Pam we love you guys!
as gandhi used to say, before i tell you a lie i won't tell you nothing
To have sex with a bunch of girls and women and get money from it
>It would ruin sex
I regret buying alcohol tonight
never seen a straight man eat pickles and milk, in that order.
he neither lies or tells the truth
You aren't having sex, you are doing naked things with a girl in humid room surrounded by stinky cameraman and a director who tells you to get in awkward positions that aren't pleasurable
Hey man, we don’t want you here, can you fuck off?
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The only ones that complain about us are little Mayans in the south who aren't even ethnically Mexican.

If only Spain would've arrived just a decade later.
I hate alcohol because I hate losing my inhibitions
Weed is better for me because I'm still (at least moreso) in control


Sometimes i feel like I'm on autopilot and don't realize what I've done until i had a few drinks, then i feel normal again and in control. Joke of a human bean
Which one
stick to the shitty bake for now then recycle the other one once we hit the bump limit

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