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Illegal snus edition
Might move to Japan.
Might move to Japan.
been hearing rorkes gone woke
calls himself roke now
she dated a 36yr old tory when she was 21, btw
why do I bother anymore I always do favours for people then get treated like a dickhead
Pipe down dickhead
what the scientists have done is get rid of rabbits knobs and then grow new ones out of their bodies with knob scaffolding which they then used to make kitten rabbits
The quality of patter has severely declined on /brit/ recently
How so?
How about you pitter-patter out of here sweetheart
Rapé is dogshit anon ETTAN all the way. I had to get a swedish fren to get me 10 of them cuz they’re banned here :/
Seems like the courts win when they manipulate and threaten accused people with harsher and longer sentences for pleading innocent and convince them to plead guilty. Seems like this is how there's been so many sentencings with the riots even for people accused of doing literally harmless legal acts

Just plead innocent, lads. Talk to your lawyer but don't say much else. Force the courts into a lengthy case they don't want to fight. Appeal.
uhhhhhhh your mums arse declined my willy
scrap single person council tax discount
why should incels living alone pay less than a paki family of 10 all crammed into a council house claiming bennies
what does your gf's poo smell like?
That’s not the burn you think it is lad.
I'll represent myself.. and win
>even for people accused of doing literally harmless legal acts
How can you be accused of doing something legal mate...
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wtf is this real?
nothing gets past you lot does it. fuck me
This I read about this in the trial by franz kafke.
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Carrot cake is one of the best cakes ever
>franz kafke
sadly yes, this bird failed to make jummah and was punished by allah
let this be a lesson
spraying wd40 on my pet bbcs willy because its too big to fit in my arsehole
Crazy how a innocent woman Lucy letby has been made a scapegoat to take the fall for the NHS failings poor poor woman
Need a wheelchair gf. Imagine pushing her around shopping, using her lap like a trolley, lifting her in and out of the bath, wiping her pooey bum when she gets too old.
Sounds comfy
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Need a 30-35 year old art gf who doesn't make that much money, but is also happy to just have a night at home with a glass of wine and silly conversation, or a sunny backyard and a crossword
>bumble for desktop
Sounds nice apart from the pooey bumhole YUCK
capital letters posters proving yet again that they are freaks
so hungry all the time
think im going to calculate my calorie intake today. wouldn't be suprised if it's below 2500, which would be bad since i do a fair bit of exercise daily
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Nothing wrong with pressing shift and caring for your wheelchair gf
need a brown gf from a rich family who lets me be a stay at home dad for our 4 kids
Here let me calculate the number of good posts you've made today
*Beep boop zweeeee*
with cream cheese frosting
literally fucking constant teenager humour now
I'm on the nofap.
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How about going on the nopost
fat arsed black women just posted something through my letterbox
taxation is actually theft
back on the fags
You'll be going on the noteeth if you keep getting wide
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I realized what you were going for immediately after hitting send and felt like a massive retard.
sat on a wet chair and now my botty boo bummy bum bum is wet :(
sick of wanking but it's quite nice innit and there's no free alternative for ugly boring stupid bastards like me
sometimes I wonder how I actually passed my test since every time I get in the car I almost cause a major accident
Need a rural Japanese gf who has a dad who is initially very sceptical of me and slightly racist towards me, but I keep getting up at 5am and help him load his bags of rice into his kei truck every morning with my big strong white muscles and eventually he accepts me and I marry his daughter and have 3 kids.
ah yes, the famed intellectual conversations of /brit/
happens to the best of us lad
Want me to fuck
it dry
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this is you mate
love the pop sound when a willy exits a tight vagina
no ty :)
only ever shagged loose vaginas me
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Have literally never had sex.
dont like how youtubers keep changing the thumbnail now
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fucking love those fake american cheese slices in a breakfast sandwich.
rorke: this vagina is too loose
leftypol: my willy is too thin
Nice aren’t they
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ok so basically im monke
weekend hangover still hasn’t fully gone away lads and this morning i woke up soaking in sweat and now the bed covers stink
so this is rorke
Who the fuck uses bed covers
Everyone you mong. Do you sleep on a bare mattress?
flipping banana magnate
that's not a hangover
that's withdrawal
I sleep on a wooden pallet
>bed covers
what the fuck are they, do you mean bed sheets?
I sleep in a big bed with my wife
Least believable /brit/ post I've read this year
going to armenia next week
black men are in every settlement in the uk now
go to a nightclub in some random town in scotland and there will be blacks
A podcast is just a short way of saying “radio show but on the internet and with wildly varying degrees of professionalism”
I sleep in a bed with my big wife
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nah i just go really overboard on the drink and cocaine so end up with horrific multi day hangovers
duvet. always called it a cover growing up.
'spose i better have a shave
so what
just an observation
no there won’t
nearly all the black people in scotland are recently arrived nigerians or ugandans and they don’t socialise in nightclubs and pubs with the locals
i was out in glasgow last saturday and there were a number of blacks in nightclubs
Yeah they just wait for the drunk women to come out
>multi day hangovers
done it too much for too long
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the largest city in scotland
not a “random town”
of course there’s going to be more ethnic minorities in glasgow
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posting monke are we?
stay hydrated
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jehovahs witnesses at the door again
he chose to save that pic and post it
Just say you're already catholic
busting a nigga nut
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Imagine that Snus is illegal in EU (and even britain despite the leave?), and that smoking is 15 times worse. Just good mint flavored nicotine pouch in your upper lip and you are set for the hour mate.
collapse on the floor and tell them you desperately need a blood transfusion
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yes i did
>um actually in the EU
Don't care
Nicotine pouches are legal, snus is not
sony erection
We're not in the EU but in the EEA, and you are too i think and got fucked and have to do the same thing we have done the last 25 years, accept 12 000 directives despite not having a vote.
we aren't in the eea
fuck me the thread really slows down when i dont post
i really am the lifeblood of /brit/, huh
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the ideal woman
Oh, well then you are good. Nah we got cucked twice by having two votes which say nay to the EU and then labor kinda fooled us into the EEA.
don’t know why you some of you lot act all high and mighty compared to the normies
most you don’t have any hobbies either apart from posting on the internet and playing virginious map games
Not true tho is it
>um actually in norway
Don't care
isnt it uncomfortable holding something there
hobbies aren't a personality you reddit freak
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We should build an island in the north sea and the migrants can live there. Norway and Germany can help and use it too.
Me on the left
retarded looking bitch
*jeers in agreement like an MP while saving around a sheet of paper*
truer words have never been spoken
No it's good, but girls are starting doing it too now. We used to have brown tobacco snus, but now most are snusing the white ones. It's like having a cig for 30 min without the smoke etc
for me it's ipooedyournan
Serious crick in my neck can barely move the thing
just nipping to the kitchen to lop off my pecker be back in a min lads
trip on sacked tranny
seems equally as gross as smokijg honestly
Crazy what an absolutely ball ache job applications are. Need to set aside a whole hour or two just to get one done.
Could never be me
it’s infinitely less gross than chewing gum
dont understand why they have such harsh lighting in clothing stores
makes me look like even worse than normal look so fucking ugly really demoralises me
is it he purpose to make people buy clothes out of like a cope?
bc it's the opposite for me i think no amount of lipstick could save this pig
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back from the kitchen lads I've lopped off my pecker that is to say I have cut the head off a chicken and I have made it into a sandwich with tomatos also ...

seems like your OBSESSED mate I was making a sarnie you PRAT
used to be a right horny cunt around my admittedly very fit cousin with huge chebs when i was like 14. It’s a wonder I didn’t do anything properly bad.
slept funny?
Shoving a snus packet up me arse

Using a cigar cutter me - not sure the a and e will believe I made this "mistake" again
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in a sense it's a job just applying for one with all the cover letters and tweaking
Umm it is actually very necessary that you retype your entire CV into our own application form. You can't expect us to open and read it can you? Also please tell me a time when you have worked as part of a team and if you are a racist.
least mentally ill brit poster
Hurt it in the gym, went away but now it's back. Maybe I did sleep funny.
Fucking hate the ones that require more than 2 stages
One I started applying for recently had
>Pre-interview via zoom call
>Written test
>In-person interview
>2nd 'in-depth' in-person interview
>Economy could have crashed if winter fuel payments for pensioners weren't cut, Labour minister claims
We're all in this together and tory voting pensioner shirkers need to tighten their belts.
The eternal Labour-voting cope begins
Even 2 stage interviews are pointless really.
I'm a bosun and sailed to straya and that's where i stopped smoking. We used to do it on our breaks, but then i came to Cairns. No, to get a forthy-pack you needed to get to the top level of the shopping centre. Tried to break a cig at a restaurant. No, you need to go to the designated smoking area, across the street. Vile shiet but it made me quit smoking.
i just want milk that tastes like real milk
Job applications are a Kafkaesque nightmare where you spend half an hour giving bullshit answers that employers want to hear, only for them to not read any of the answers and hire based on if you are a gay disabled woman
u are living poroof of why they do it
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Do you have this stuff over there? It's from cows which are like massive pigs with huge tits
We have to establish racial socialism.
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ate a big sarnie after the gym, gonna go the pub for lunch in a bit and have a few pints of cask ale while I'm there
didn't they just increase the tax burden by £20bn giving £60k/year earning doctors and train drivers a massive pay rise?
Why are black people so easily spooked? Is it an African hold-over? They'll run away from EVERYTHING. A magic trick, a sound in the woods, a stray dog, a jumpscare etc. etc.
nothing wrong with pasteurisation but i've had unpasteurised
choccy never tasted better
what does this have to do with roy keane
Dont know
Erm... shut up fascist!
he's keen
miss the old funny /brit/
recycling my shite
high excitability and impulsivity due to higher natural levels of dopamine in the brain and less self control
they are lower inhibition it's that simple
reflects in evrything they do
Isn't that tantamount to sacrilege in france
put the train drivers on footballers wages
do you reckon quadruped females are as obsessed with how long their males are as women are with how tall blokes are
Yeah prob'ly, i can't talk this shank to be honest. We had danish which we yelled across the ship during storms. "TA NU DE FANDME LÆFTEME MAND!" were yelled from 30 meter apart and it meant me taking down the foremast sails and telling the crew to tighten the ropes
gonna start reading books today
gonna sit down and try to read for half an hour to start with
They're fucking retarded
just pooed out a shit
literally walked to the farm with a canteen back when my aunt kept me
i reckon if i knew roy and he was in the area and I invited him he would probably come down for it
mad how toneys gone from 40k a week (before tax) at brentford to 400k a week (no tax) in saudi

wonder what he'll spend his first pay day on
>Nice to meet you anon and thank you for coming to this interview for McDonald’s grillemaster. To start us off just a creative question, if you could be any colour which colour would you be?
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Instead of constantly putting wages up.
Why don’t we just make things cheaper?
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Betting, I assume
We've never seen a keener
Window cleaner
good lad baby steps lads
I answer to nobody but god and the jannies
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*rings the independent thought alarm*
Loved watching every presenter on sky seethe over that. As if it fucking matters if he’s ‘wasted’ his career when he getting more in a few months than he was in a year
you love a heffer dont you
Are you for sale?
imagine how fuming you'd be to be osimhen, they agreed personal terms with him at 650k a week and then napoli rejected the bid asking for a higher transfer fee and the move collapsed
yeh but then the GDP would drop, dont want that do we
i can't be bought
Who the fuck's toney
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absolutely annihilated this broad
smart ugly wallonia
that was a good one tbf mate
Basically what old mate earlier on was saying except less oriental. Not too keen on Asian girls desu
Put wages down.
alright lads i'm back, what have I missed?
would you say Northampton is part of the North?
Blacks broke Britain.
got a new phone case
well it's a replacement really
old one broke so i contacted customer support you see
have that one in the back pocket any time I see a girl on skis

same when they have an underwater diving pic, I ask them if they found Nemo x
enough about the cost of living, what about the cost of loving?
*crowd hoots and hollers*
yh same with all the rorkes saying he's going to hate his life because he has to live in saudi arabia, tbf i highly doubt someone earning millions per month is going to be living like shit no matter where in the world they are, and if its really so bad he leaves in 4 years with 80 million quid
sucking a fruit drop
That Mosley fella had a few good ideas
Mental, if I found a way to earn £0.50 a hour passively then I could earn £12 a day. Or £360 a month. But how do I do it, is the question?
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this is your POV m8
How about if they have a pic of them rock-climbing
some lad wanting to buy a french boy carrying a canteen of raw milk
told him to fuck off
there is nothing more pathetic than being interested in this
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hear hear!
that's a big gif
used to browse blackedtowhite often during my porn days
They deserve it. They're wealth creators.
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cop or not?
Um... apps
soap opera for blokes innit
constantly washing the fucking pots lads
Trainlad is back
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The brits are so weak and dull.
cheese ham and pickle sandwich down the hatch x
Cracking stuff
wtf does this really happen
mad how i learn something new about sex everyday and im 35
I warned you.
this with a couple of palm trees and tiki torches would be bussin
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ready to pay the incel tax rorke?
alright what are you interested in then
fucking ballache
now that is going too far
labour are EVIL
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Poo as an ingredient
don't know

any ideas
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*chuffers into /brit/*
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this ones made of more megger bites
Imagine if you pulled a little lever and a big willy whomped up lol
he's lying about his age again. very bizarre individual
a family is called a household for a reason

If you’re buying carrot and Vaseline to fuck yourself up the arse later, buy eggs, flour and sugar as well.

The cashier will be much more impressed when they think you’re showing a carrot cake up your arse
utterly comfy
he had a meltdown yesterday because he got called gay
'I've fingered a few tight cracks myself'
No one is going to think that...
Seek help
some of us don't have to imagine
Proper runtoid if you’re not into atleast one sport
shoving a moss ball up m'arse
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playing RDR1, enjoying it
but i got RDR2 on the mind
rorke watering his moss ball
tbf the 'christian that likes pop music targeted towards teenage girls and homosexuals' is a top tier gimmick
If we got rid of every one that wears glasses, would we cure bad eye sight?
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honestly based

it's all about incentives, you get less of what you tax and more of what you don't

make being an incel absolutely unbearable and unaffordable and they will have no choice but to shape up
casual reminder that spammed 3-character posts are extremely low quality
rorke stealing a swig of his dad's mossball juice and topping it up with water
prostitution at a dumping price maybe
leftypol crossing the road at the designated pedestrian crossing like a boot-licking poof
ktim when its a busy road
no need for that mate none of us are passing on our genes anyway with these revolting goggles on our faces
mad how much seethe diego casues from being undefeatable in logic
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gorillas have very small willies

your average human absolutely mogs any silverback in that department
No. Myopia isn't hereditary. One of the things they ask you during eye tests is if you have hayfever, because hayfever leads to eye rubbing and eye rubbing reshapes your eyeball and causes vision problems.
leftypol doing something good
rorke doing something bad
>Met Office issues 'danger to life' warning with two inches of rain set to fall in just a few hours tomorrow night - after humid 23C temperatures today
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lol this is fiction i have hayfever and late onset myoptia and no one ever asked this
so this is rorke
diego arguing with god when he is told he will be sent to hell
leftypol standing at the gate to al kharid going "anyone got 10gp?"

rorke slaying goblins to earn his way through the gate.
carrots are rubbish tbqh

buy aubergines
Having a day out in London (or another big city), doing this and seeing all the bugmen stare at you is liberating

rorke's mum
Pretty sure being glued to a screen caused mine
>how so?
Would like to see Natalie Imbruglia lying cold and naked on the floor
think I saw this bloke at my local pub

proper pintman that
I'd rather be an absolute unit with a small willy than a tiso skitzo with a slightly larger one
>actually it makes sense that we freak out when its -10 degrees because its never cold here
>actually it makes sense that we freak out when its 25 degrees because its never hot here
>uh... it makes sense that we freak out when it rains a teeny little bit because... uh it just does okay?
as if anyone wouldnt
very good post
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the luncheon
Great legendary Bollywood actor and star of a Simpson trivia question Mr. Otm Shank.

>project on
>cope on incel
>blog on
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didn't work in cumpuchia innit
bizarre response
feel like such a mug spending 50 quid on a game but I really want to play wukong
Cracking pair
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so uh
whatcha doing tonight
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>as if anyone wouldnt
eeeeeeee by gum whos THIS bird!
Why are you bullying this poor lad who just loves his library internship?
gyno titties like that when you're still young. gives me the fear
PLEASE delete this v. unflattering photo of Sir Keir
crystal bottoms
why? it's utter shite just like every other chinese game
there was no need for smurfette
Might become a sperm donor so that I can pass on the superior genetic inheritance without having to waste time, money, and effort with raising bastards toil

Might reconnect with them once their adult and self sufficient so that they form an emotional connection with me and pay my care home costs after I piss away my own money living a life of luxury in retirement
get quite a jolt when I see a ukrainian post pop up
some would accept god's judgement without complaint
Al Capone
according to job that is not the right perspective
why not

I’ll give you a life threatening 2 inches
because god was not want mindless slaves nor liars
the ideal circumstance is to be so in aligned with god that your judgement would echo his
but in the cirucmstance where what is happening to someone is perceived as unjust like job (or like yourself going to hell) it is far better to challenge it than to revert to meaningless platitutes like job's friends do to him
i see

If your optician never asks about hayfever, get a new optician.
i have myopia not astimagitism though
The statement was "hayfever causes vision problems". Not "hayfever causes myopia".
sure but if i have hayfever and a vision problem... but not the one they found, seems to suggest why the optometrist never mentioned it no?
No, it's on their generic checklist, or at least it's supposed to be. Same as when they ask about floaters and double vision and shit like that.

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