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Big Bulgarian Club edition

I will boycott this muslimaymun thread
nigga i would crush your skull I'm literally natty 6'3" 200+ pounds and do kickboxing. I posted my pics before. If you want to be a man and fight let me know, I won't hurt you I just want to teach you a lesson
he started it
I will take him out to a fancy dinner after I beat his ass
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Look at this pale virgin
it costs an IPhone per day to stay at
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ikimonkey is lying to his internet friends again
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Look at this americanized timmy using imperial units.
Damn I remember you from the genetics discord, but just saying, Balkan fags arent like pussy Swedes, he will be a bigger challenge than you think. Just because you can bully Nordics doesn’t mean some subhuman Serb will fight fairly, he might stab you
this is because 99% of incels are a terminal case of sour grapes
in the middle of that rant there's probably a mental breakdown about how mommy didn't love them and how they want a hug
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I don't care about women. I mean, it would be nice to have one around so I would use her to masturbate but I am in no position to have that at this point in my life. too adjusted
You literally claim to be on vacation in Greece and at the same time spending your whole day here making all kinds of excuses to random strangers why you are in Greece.

I literally posted once here when I was in Italy from my hotel with a picture cause I was so tired from doing a fuckton every day.

Boon, you might be a total fucking idiot, but you're a funny total fucking idiot. Godspeed you crazy turk.

Time for a nap.
He’s a huge somalian-swede guy from Swedish general, used to always post about genetic in discord and post videos of him doing kickboxing
I would fuck him >>201773209 5 times a day while my wife cooks, cleans and raises my sperm
he spent his allowance on the vpn, stop bullying him
who cares nigga?
are you the albanian nigga from his?
How about I go to malmo right now and stick my BBC up your mothers cunt, your fat ass can sit in the corner and eat whatever rotten fish you faggots eat
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Holy shit that's hilarious. I knew this was the case just from his flag
Imagine that; being a stupid nigger in sweden
fat bitch can't even fit on the toilet seat
he will whoop your ass bro
Yeah bro what’s up
He’s pretty cool desu, maybe it’s some ethnic Swede larping as him
Finally a hot tsink woman was posted itt
Beucase there is nothing tsink on her
Oh nooo
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You're right, according to Yandex

Remember when ikimonkey had procured a Greek passport and was posting pics of it (but not the internal pages) to persuade the gullible that he was Greek?
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also her face looks irritating now that I stopped staring at the rest of her

he could just post an ID card, the only greek passports I have are expired and IDs are can only be given by police stations in greece
I don't even have my ID with me in this city for proofs, only a scan
Yo what's up.
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>Bulgarian tourist died in handcuffs after a scandal in a hotel in Kusadasi
>After the intervention of the security, the tourist suddenly remained motionless and fell to the ground. The employees of the hotel reported to the emergency call center 112. The medical teams that arrived on the spot confirmed the death of the 35-year-old Bulgarian citizen.
All of those roidtrany massmonster physiques look like shit
But I really love the video of him stomping his leg and all the muscles popping
>actually clicking on makkkelinks
Imagine if he died in Macedonian
BG Politician 1: This is a conspiracy by Mickovski!
makkeposts are the best posts on this site desu
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>yo guys as rekvested, I'm going to be revieving a vidyo about houses being unnatural and vhy you should sell your house and give the money to me instead because money doesn't exist
Absolute hamster slave tumor builder posted this.
makkkeposts have almost nothing to do with makkkelinks
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This nigga in his 90s still ghoulmaxxing in the gym
>I hecking love the sun
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Rate balkanimals posts from best to worst.
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They spraytan or use tanning beds to make they skin darker to make they body appear to have more volume
natural massmonsters is where its @
if a specimen like ra6a decides to slap your boyfriends ass there is nothing you can do to stop him
This is like the tan of a roasted chicken.
Crackas don't see the irony of becoming what you eat (raw chicken) so instead of adding some spice to they food, they spice theyself up
>churkopidor talks like there was ever anything cooler than a pair of vans sneakers
I always thought about buying a pair but I never did, should I?
fapped to lesbians again
What is a "Vans"?
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depends, big loaves are comfier but vans are light and all purpose, i have 2 pairs for skating and fuck all and another pair of running shoes that are strictly for that.
get a pair of these when u get drunk u just pull the zipper up they are the best
Petite women are manlet factories
shoes for poors that cant afford adidas
If you can imagine a woman without hair and she doesn't look like a dude, she's an incel factory.
gay shoes
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This is the sons cute single moms produce
More like ikimoney
Modeling industry, founded by homosexuals destroyed women's brain with unrealistic beauty standards that only fellow women think men desire.
>shares bed with her teenage son
oh no no no
there is dishonesty and evil intentions in both their eyes
Bodybuilding industry, founded by homosexuals destroyed men's brain with unrealistic beauty standards that only fellow men think women desire.
This is also true. Gyms are modern-day concentration camps.
>Alicia Silverstone still sleeps with her 11-year-old son Bear. The 45-year-old actress - who shares her son with ex-husband Christopher Jarecki - claims she is simply "following nature" with her parenting style. Speaking on 'The Ellen Fisher Podcast', Alicia said: "If you were in any kind of wild setting where there are animals ... if you put your baby over there, your baby is going to get eaten. It's not ideal for the baby to be over there."

Based Goatis appreciator
>"If you were in any kind of wild setting where there are animals ... if you put your baby over there, your baby is going to get eaten. It's not ideal for the baby to be over there."
That's why im not gymmaxxing and only have an athletic body
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>chews his food for him
>bathes with him
>sleeps with him
This kid bout to end up like Janis
we are living in the end times of the Western civilization
the LGBT shit? Old and lame, will be removed in the coming 5 years.
athletic body status update?
Athletic breasts that require a sports bra
Just fucked the Mangal until it ran into the toilet crying
That's literally what mothers do.
I gymmax at home, I don't got any weights so I just lift my 40 year old tv until my back starts hurting.
I don't think I've actually ever done this
Yeh, in your kindergarten years. Not in your teens lol.
literally selyak behavior
selKINO behavior
t. does the same thing with multiple 8L water bottles
Is this on youtube?
Soyentists hate her
Paying for weights is a scam.
>Go outside
>See stones
>pick them up
I got my weights
This nigga lifting his TV like a rock, yet he has no house to build. This confuses your grug brain, bro.
This is a good idea. I got a stick and should try it out.
Brother just go to the gym, you get 0 gains from that shit, 8kg isn't even heavy enough for pensioners
There's a screencap of some post on /fit/ where a guy decides to finally go to the gym after like 2 years of lifting water bottles or some other dumb shit like that and he makes more gains in a day than he did in 6 months
>11 years old
That kid looks way younger.
two 8L bottles in one hand is around 14kg tho and that's enough for most lifts that need some balance like rows
>but da animalzzz it's not natural to leave ur baby 5m away from you
Yeah and it's also not natural to live by yourself in your cave. Women were surrounded by other mommas who collectively took care of the kids yet she would seethe if anyone else was involved in his raising. Also she'd be having a man to protect her. Just lol.
>paying to go lift weights with sweathy maymuns moaning and shitty music playing in the background
I rather become a construction worker
that kid gonna have mental problems
go to the beach and fill those suckers up with sand when you need to progress
concrete is even cooler but idk if the plastic can survive that
>Imagine worrying about how someone is raising their child if their not abusing them. Y’all are weirdos for sexualizing everything.
She's right you know.
the shitty plastic holder thingies would probably break, when I was younger I used to use a broken pull up bar with water bottles on the sides to do bicep curls and one of them eventually snapped
it's hilarious how easier rows are when you don't have to balance 17kg in only one hand tho

this is marvelous
>Researchers from Cambridge University found that children among the Mbendjele BaYaka in the Republic of Congo received nine hours of care a day from up to 15 different caregivers.
>Crying children were attended to by the mother's support network more than half of the time, giving the mums more time to rest.
>The study's authors say these findings suggest modern parenting methods may be at odds with children's evolutionarily programmed needs.

Hardly something a single mom can do nowadays. Even with the help of a sister or her own mother.
In a Lesbian relationship, who gets to play the victim?
Do they flip a coin?
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Thank God LePen didn't win!
>lazy moons realize that splitting the workload to where you barely have to pitch in with any effort is easier than taking care of a little moon by yourself
Smarter than timmy
What the fuck
Gyms are for white women and black men

Me, krasno and angrybey at the top
Albovlach, rasha, croatbro and markus in the middle
You, tatars, attfrican, f20, kelly and boon at the bottom
Fucking kekking
This but switch positions of Me and You.
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Forgot the webm
I was raised by boomers so I am basically Gen X
Go spam those youtube links, Timmy
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>Accuse your enemy of what you're guilty of
I'm struggling increasing my pullups number, he needs to help me asap
rasha won't be happy with this bro
Generations are used by Capitalists to tie you to an age group so they know what media you consumed growing up and when to cash in on nostalgia among other things.
Greeks and Bulgarians are on the top, because we're the most important posters itt
Romanians, Croats, Markus in the missle
Skopians in the bottom, just the 1949 napalm adventures
And even lower in the bottom, in the Marianna Trench of balk is you, selyak homosexual
we're in the well-adjusted boring group
the guys below us are the target of RU-RO-MA
bro read a marketing 101 book
I got my Polish genes to thank, my intellect is unparalleled and the Russian fears me.
>Despite efforts to improve education in the 1800s, the Ottoman Empire lagged far behind its European competitors in literacy, so by 1914, it’s estimated that only between 5 and 10 percent of its inhabitants could read. “The human resources of the Ottoman empire, like the natural resources, were comparatively undeveloped,” Reynolds notes. That meant the empire had a shortage of well-trained military officers, engineers, clerks, doctors and other professions.
How many of you niggers here don't have a drivers license
>bans printing press
>why are the illiterate masses illiterate

I haven't bought one yet, no reason to
What's the use of a drivers licence if you're not driving?
>work in progress
I failed my tests and its a money sink
I've had a roadkilling license for over a decade, but no roadkilling device.
i've had a driver's licence for over 14 years at this point and haven't driven even once since getting it.
timmy and unnatural
Umm bro you don't understand the printing press is made from the devil and against Allah or something.
I couldn't imagine myself without having it but people living in the city can live without it
How does that happen?
Brootal turkmunification.
Yes, imagine teaching your kid to recognise unnatural manmade symbols that don't exist in nature.
>"Bottom line is that Metal got taken over by Gay Communist Nerds. Figuratively, and literally. "Gay" meaning it's all about "acceptance." Anyone can do it... but if anyone can do it, and everyone is accepted then it's no longer unique or special. "Communist" meaning that it shifted from being aggressively Individualistic to being about "the Metal community." Prior to like... 2005-ish Metal wasn't a "community." It was misfit kids, everyone kinda doing their own thing trying to figure shit out on their own and forging their own paths. Once a "community" is established roads get built to make it easier for people to find. And "Nerds" is where it shifted from being gutsy and driven by instinct into being a more "educated" or intelligent realm. Scientifically reverse-engineering every aspect of Heavy Metal allowed, which is where you start getting into the whole Gear Nerd shit but also where Metal is just a hobby that Weezer-lookin' dudes do as they pursue their Sociology degree or whatever. Obviously I'm saying these things in an exagerrated, dickheaded way because this is Youtube and I needed to get my point across before I got bored. Fuck it, too late. haha"

Damn... I never thought of that.

Common practice to fail you once to get more money out of it.
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sounds like that "stop excluding us" meme in real life
that is why they want to make a new law for limited tries because instructors here abuse the shit out of it
Would you rather have good food, good music and a femboy harem or be a readcel?
>Common practice to fail you once to get more money out of it.
They do the same shit here.
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Angrybey: migrant edition
They are impulsive, "act first think later" this is how they had to develop to survive in the Savanna.
Then why are poles the same?
The cats ate all the niggas who was too busy daydreaming about the future and only the ones with animal instincts survived.
Human psychology works the same. From day one we had to develop coping mechanisms and an unique way of thought a kin to Jews to survive against multiple aggressors wanting our lands.
not only cats, enemy tribes were worse than wild animals, they are cannibals too so you know
lmao, i love when people diy fitness
i used to curl my bag with all my books in it and do pullups on a goalpost back in highschool until the local calisthenics park got built. those bigass water bottles were a massive bitch to hold when i tried using them because the plastic holder kept deforming and cutting into my timmy palm, doing exercises with two of them in one hand like you do is a sign of high test probably
I have never enjoyed living in the world
only went to gym once as a teen, did all the exercises, vomit in the sink and left and never went to gym again
just wear gloves bro

weakling, vomiting just means too much bloodflow got redirected from your stomach
yeh i was 13 or 14 and very skelly
I have posted it again mom
>sashko breaking into the police station to get his confiscated phone theme
lmao, clean it up janny
ive only ever felt sick from too much cardio
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>women can't be fu...
I'm not a nigger, take that back.
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That's why it says "migrant edition" bro
Did you know that Arabs are traumatized by sexual scenes in movies?
Sorry i misunderstood that, just woke up still sleepy.
Anyway did anything happen, was hoping to wake up to some good news, like mangal's bus crashing and killing him.
I noticed there are many faggots among smelly maymuns.
This is old. Where is this guy now?
sashizo, mangal and iki are in greece at the same time
>inb4 iki is lying again
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>turkish communist party protesting against americans in turkyiev
hahah what a timeline. god I can't fucking WAIT for things to get worse worldwide. just make the humanity suffer already. drought in africa, volcano in south america, hurricane in north america, war in asia, BBC carpet bombing of yurop make these things real
And i am not, all of them more adjusted than me.
boko haram killed 37 christtimmies today
No bro everything said here is legit. I am currently in Seoul
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I am White
Humans (Homo sapiens, meaning "thinking man") or modern humans are the most common and widespread species of primate, and the last surviving species of the genus Homo. They are great apes characterized by their hairlessness, bipedalism, and high intelligence.
no matter how hard you try you will never be as deranged as mangal or as entertaining as sashko. live with that bro
more like Homo Superior
Mental how in roughly 2 years mangal became way more deranged than Sashko through 10 years of character development.
I am well aware I am the only sane one here.
Speciation can happen in roughly 10k years, i refuse to believe africans and abos are the same species.
Very far from it. Only the macedonian posters and mangal are more deranged than you.
don't write off stefan yet, as people with mental disorders age their illness progresses so he might do something outrageous, let's hope it wont be a homicide featuring rick
They clearly aren't, neither are Asians. They are subspecies.
balkmuns are hairy low iq homopedals
how am I deranged? in what way? I just have a sense of humor
churkopidor is ur bussy ready for big hohol meat?
Your larps and the pedophilia indicating anime pictures is all I need to see bro.
I hate anime, and I murder pedophiles.
I larp as myself.
How did they let F20 leave the country?
Asians are, both caucasoids and mongoloids have neanderthal admixture with asians also likely having some denisovan it goes like this
>homo erectus left africa
>evolved into homo heidelbergensis
>heidelbergensis evolved into neanderthals, homo sapiens and denisovans
Now this is debatable if the heidelbergensis split happened in africa or eurasia but modern africans have admixture of some unidentified archaic hominid
My ancestor:)
>high intelligence
Hahhahahahaha, they do have a high variance in intelligence thoughever.
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putin visited bulgaria
If we can produce a fertile offspring with each other that means we're the same species.
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Yeah, that is the theory pretty much but
It is likely there were various species of humans that did not survive and stuff was happening all over the globe

you have pygmies, how are we explaining them? There are also stories of Readheaded Giants that live in the mountains but are extremely solitary and violent. Same stories were passed down in the Americas by Natives and bones of giants were found but all got covered up and silenced by mainstream science.
Look up what happens when different cats mix.

Subspecies can mix with each other fine but should they?
I never argued against subspecies and how hybridization can be harmful.
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Hybrids in general tend to be larger and of lower intelligence
So that's why balkmoons are so tall and low IQ.
I was talking about Ligers

For humans I think it is the opposite, and also the combined intelligence of the parents play a large effect. You inherited in a way.
Plenty of different species can mate with eachother and create fertile offspring

Not a really good example, tiger and lions are quite distantly related, seperated by several million years
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whitest balkan inhabitant
It is the same for bears. They can all interbreed because they share the same common ancestor, except for the Panda which is tied to a completely different one thus unable to breed with them.
Stray dogs are far more intelligent than other dogs. So mixing is not always bad.
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Also the spectacled bear which is a member of a completely different bear family( short faced bears)
yet churkopidor and kelly are equally reddit dogs
Bulgarlets confirmed least muttified balkmuns.
>King Tut Was Disabled, Malarial, and Inbred, DNA Shows
My doggo when I was a kid was wolfdog. They are really intelligent but as they grow older they tend to develop cancer and other health issues. She lived to 18 years though but was through various operations. Makes you wonder why they want to interbreed us so much.
that's because dog breeds are an artificial crime against nature
not sure how I feel about that statement
the small breeds are all atrocities and retarded
All dogs are, dogs aren't even considered their own species, just gray wolves.
Big bad wolf
It was a compliment bro
Never understood why people care about this. You live here and now not in 1000bc.
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If your dog or its stray mutt equivalent isn't on this list... you don't have a dog.
Im the CEO of code itt
I invented Java
Good. We dont use that crap here
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tfw no interdimensional knife wife
My BBC got bleached by TWP(tight white pussy)
Those Mastiffs are fucking annoying with their constant slobbering, last time i saw Mastiff he literally had round necklace of saliva hanging from his mouth and ocasionally he shake his had splashing everything arround. Disgusting creatures.
thats funny

look at these
Albozerg whacking his overgrown roidclit spraying his macbooksulphur on corporate dime
I'd choose any random street mutt over the degenerate pure breeds.
>chihuahua, a perma-seething dog
>one of the longest dog livespans
Seething = Long Life
Top 5 Serbian artists:
>Baka Prase
>Zdravko Colic
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so brown
Love this doggo.
my cardio is fucking garbage
thats a man isnt it
no, they are just tall and muscular Amazones
what all men want
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channel owner tattoo btw
jerking off is the only cardio you need, that and walking to work

Kek based churkas
Putin has good taste in dogs.
this is why you need walls and gates
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if you would please consult the graph
Should recruit them, imagine all the olympic medals.
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this is why you need american police*
You just...
it's a rainy week bro
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she might as well be white
finna join a swimming club next semester, its difficult to goon with roomates in the dorm
i want buff lungs+heart, itll enable me to smoke harder
Checked the previous thread, based Stefan Tranev fucked some british slags.
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What is the appeal of a Black girl that isn't actually black but light?

I want them black, the darker the hotter.
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Brown girls mmm
Get this turd off me screen roight fucking now
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let's be real
if this dropped on your lap
you wouldn't be saying no
I would, i despise niggers.
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I love the women
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Based angrybey, he will hate fuck ONLY white whores
Baня Гpигopoвa нa cъceднaтa мaca. Дa пpeдaм пoздpaви?
Post video of news interviewing him
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I would murder white whores, i might fuck a brown spictina devils though
seeing black women irl pretty much killed my black fetish
U said ur gay the other day what fetish
Reignited mine

I saw some really cute ones
Yes bro, the poorest and most corrupt shithole in Europe is definitely going to win against a nuclear superpower with the #2 military in the world and definitely not crippling their entire country in a desperate attempt for more foreign aid
They really do be like apes.
Here's a brown Greek angel for you bro

Кaжи и чe ш и cпyкaм цигaнcкaтa пyткa
Yeah bro, it's still Kyiv btw lmaooooooo
give it 2 more weeks and 2 more photos at local supermarket
Is that an onlyfans whore or just a whore?.
I'd probably hate fuck her but i am feeling particularly lonely and miserable for the past month or so.
No onlyfans, she does post links to bet sites to lure thirsty cucks though which imo is worse than her having onlyfans
The internet killed civilization mpro, 30 years ago she would have been a prostitute.
Dinarics have the biggest zygomatic width of all subraces
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What is this phenotype?
>another demo meeting
why are normalnigs so awkward in meetings
2 work outs a day is brutal i havent done that for 5 years
I could heem you dead.
>another baseless accusation of homosexuality directed my way
literally this
everything from their looks to the way they carry themselves just screams maymun
I could kill all mohammad favourite color flags in here
you are a faggot and your mom is a whore
I am yandex maps celebrity and you are nothing bro
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>yandex maps
лoл чтo
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damn right
nice wig
ur a homosexual kelly clone complaining about a normal sized kettlebell being too heavy, i could kill you and the turk construction drudge with a single punch
nigga why you doing two a day, just do full body once and be done with it
unless its something like strength first and then cardio/martial arts/accesory shit later in the day
I only think about smashing bulgar skulls while doing pullsups and using the hand gripper. i can do nearly 20 pullsups using my hatred of bumgaria as fuel.
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i do kickboxing with this nigga twice a week
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>scat tv
pullups, dunno why i typed that shit liek that, the older i get the dumbe ri become, which is why my 5 year old plan includes dying in a ditch
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reposting with source
Has this been fact checked by rasha?
I factchecked it, it's accurate
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дa нac ни бoли
и нe пeчe
тoa штo мopaмe нeкoгaш дa ja пpифaтимe тaa peaлнocт,
штo e тeшкa
и тaжнa
зa мaкeдoнcкитe гpaгaни
Wrong source
Real source is the Galactic Fyromian Congress of Aliens
mpased, carry on then
heres a cool short range kick invented by a bulgarian kyokushin dude that hurts like a motherfucker, try it in sparring for shits and giggles
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3 work days doing nothing, I'll have to start working tomorrow
So did shitche fyromitkoski get BOTH the muslim shit and the trans tendencies from that brown pimp in Romania?

he got it from making a new thread 10 posts too early, attention whores who do that don't tend to be quite sane
It's interesting how the self-proclaimed narcissist is the least narcissistic balkanimal ITT.
I'm gonna go insane if I have to hear kids screaming outside every night until midnight. Wtf is this? This place was so peaceful at first...

Btw anyone notice something..
Thailand was the one place where trannies were normal and expected and everyone tried to explain the reason for it being that women are regarded better in their culture and/or that prostitution is so common they can make money off this. And since apparently being a women is a special thing to be specifically celebrating in the political agenda of the west, that so many mentally deranged men try to use this? They came out of nowhere. Before you were a drag queen but still a pedophile, or a comedian doing a skit and it was meant to be a joke. Now it's just a joke to be a real woman.
bump for ruin and fyrom's ending
2 more weeks bro
janny tranny warns you if you post sexy fully clothed women but if you post troons and mudshitsexuals little boys kocek dancing in mosques for mudshit pederasts its okay

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