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John Morrissey edition
Morrissey, John (1831–78), boxer, gang-leader and US congressman, was born 12 February 1831 at Templemore, Co. Tipperary, the only son among eight children of Timothy Morrissey, factory worker, and Julia (or Mary) Morrissey. In 1834 the family emigrated to Canada and then the United States, settling at Troy, New York. From the age of ten Morrissey worked, first in a mill, and then as an iron worker due to his size and strength. Morrissey became involved in various street gangs, developing a reputation as a pugilist of great strength and resolve. As leader of the Downtowns he defeated six members of the rival Uptown gang in a single afternoon in 1848. He took work on a Hudson River steamer and married Sarah Smith, daughter of the ship’s captain. They had one child who died before reaching adulthood.

In a New York saloon Morrissey challenged Charley ‘Dutch’ Duane to a prize fight and, when he was not to be found, with typical bravado he extended the challenge to everyone present. This impressed the owner, Isaiah Rynders, the Tammany Hall politician, and he employed Morrissey to help the Democratic party: this involved Morrissey in intimidating voters at election time. A fistfight with gang rival Tom McCann earned Morrissey the nickname ‘Old Smoke’. Mid-fight he was forced on to a bed of coals, but despite having his flesh burned refused to concede defeat; he fought his way back and beat McCann into unconsciousness. Stowing away to California to challenge other fighters, he began a gambling house to raise money, and embarked on a privateering expedition to the Queen Charlotte Islands in a quixotic attempt to make his fortune.
In his first professional prize fight (21 August 1852) he defeated George Thompson in dubious circumstances, and began calling himself the ‘champion of America’. However, it was only on 12 October 1853 that he officially earned this title, when he won the heavyweight championship of America in a bout at Boston Corners, New York, against Yankee Sullivan. The fight lasted thirty-seven rounds, and Morrissey had the worst of most of them, but he was awarded the contest after a free-for-all in the ring.

Increasingly involved in New York politics, he and his supporters fought street battles against the rival gang of William Poole, known as ‘Bill the Butcher’, a Know Nothing politician later fictionalised in the film The gangs of New York (2002). On 26 July 1854 the two men fought on the docks, but Morrissey was beaten badly and forced to surrender. This marked the beginning of a bitter feud between the two parties, with heavy casualties on both sides, which climaxed on 8 March 1855 when Poole was murdered. Morrissey was indicted as a conspirator in the crime, but was soon released because of his political connections. On 20 October 1858 he fought John C. Heenan (1835–73) in another heavyweight championship bout. Heenan broke his hand early in the fight and was always at a disadvantage; after taking much punishment Morrissey finally made his dominance count. There was a rematch on 4 April 1859, which Morrissey again won, and after this he retired from the ring. Investing his prize money, he ran two saloons and a gambling house in New York. With the huge profits from his gambling empire he invested in real estate in Saratoga, opening a racetrack there in 1863 which has endured to become America’s oldest major sports venue.
A political career beckoned as a reward for his consistent support for the Democratic party. He was elected to the house of representatives in 1866 representing New York’s fifth district, was re-elected the following year, and served until 3 March 1871. He supported President Andrew Johnson against demands for his impeachment and was sceptical about the Radicals’ plans for reconstruction in the south. In his final years he served as a US senator for New York State (1875–8). He died at the Adelphi Hotel, Saratoga Springs, on 1 May 1878, and was buried at Saint Peter’s cemetery, Troy. On the day of his funeral, flags at New York’s City Hall were lowered to half-mast, while the National Police Gazette declared ‘few men of our day have arisen from beginnings so discouraging to a place so high in the general esteem of the community’ (4 May 1878). His name is included in the list of ‘pioneer’ inductees in the Boxing Hall of Fame, and each year the John Morrissey Stakes are held at Saratoga racecourse in honour of its founder.
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Irish excellence
While you be hangin out on street corners bummy and high, I be out buying the finest shit money can buy
janny hasn't been banning people for talking politics lately, wonder what's up
They call me Mr. Moogy Boogy
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goodnight and sweet dreams
my bad bro

i just saw it was made an hour and a half ago and assumed someone was samefagging
>stayed up late shitposting again for no reason
Kill me
good night
think I'll try the floor mat method to free my shitbox from this sandy hell tomorrow morning
Off to jim. I'll do a set of shoulder presses for the /cum/mies
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oh dear
i HATE mayonnaise
even in sandwiches?
why does no one like to talk to me? everyone seems to avoid me
are you easy to approach?
physically or verbally?
goodnight fellas
a bit off mayonnaise is actually good on bratwursts/sausages
night bud
i mean either or , they kind of go hand in hand because when someone approaches you they usually want to talk to you about something
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good night
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Physically? no since I do not leave my house.
Verbally? I don't know since I am pretty boring and have nothing to offer.

I've experienced this throughout my life.
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skinwalk some interesting person

find some interesting musician and watch all their interviews and copy their mannerisms and opinions and approach to life
hubba hubba what a FOX
Why do dogs and cats get to be naked in public but humans dont?
I don't wish to copy someone. Barring music, I have no hobbies but the average joe seems to be interested in gaylord swift instead.
well you don't really know if you're approachable or not because you're never really in a scenario where someone would approach you since you don't leave your house
i would start there
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this movie and scene always brings a smile to my face
it's a legal loophole that got grandfathered in
Being approachable is annoying because people constantly approach me to ask for directions
love this movie so much
I went to school and college and had 1 friend therefore the problem isn't entirely new.
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its kino
An immediate tell when discussing historical hypotheses that someone isn't quite college material is when they are implicitly unable to distinguish between ex ante and ex post arguments. It's doubly confusing for them because they all have college degrees
what does it mean to feel "dissociated"
are you trying to make new friends or get out and do anything, like any hobbies ? or do you socialize a bit at a job ?
like a 4chan chud going to a bar
>ex ante
>ex post
I'm a STEMbro, what do these mean?
no, i think that's called uncomfortable
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>like a 4chan chud going to a bar
just kind of withdrawing from reality and crawling into your own head and just generally kind of disconnecting from the world
or like 201804980 being told to take a shower
a day or two ago i posted about a girl i knew a few years back (roughly 0-1 of you will remember this). i went ahead and reached out to her and got a prompt response and she's exactly how i remember. she said some very nice things about me and told me i made her day. i told her thanks and take care because i wasn't sure what else to say and i didn't want to seem insistent but she ended up perpetuating the conversation which warmed the cockles of my heart. i will ultimately fumble this but it's a teachable moment for all my fellow social retards if an old friend comes to the front of your mind you can just say hello to them you'll probably both be glad you did. end of incredibly uninteresting information about my life
how do you not know what post means
because I study biology, not history. I haven't taken a history class in 3 years
how long will it take the smell of spoiled meat to leave my mini fridge? i threw out the culprit turkey this morning
you said it wasnt spoiled
what else have you lied about?
I was wrong. Lie, no. Mistake, yes. It's where the flies came from.
i remember anon
i'm glad you reached out and you guys could both enjoy some happy memories together, and can maybe rebuild the friendship in the future. i am incredibly happy to hear this and am glad that you decided to share it here . i love slice of life stuff like this
Ante and Post should have been covered in high school like damn dog
I didn't learn about this shit in AP World History or AP European History. If I did, I forgot
it depends but probably not long
wipe down the surfaces of the fridge and put a little tray of baking soda as an odor absorber
also turn down the temperature of the fridge
well have you heard the words Antebellum or postpartum
>teachable moment for all my fellow social retards if an old friend comes to the front of your mind you can just say hello to them you'll probably both be glad you did. end of incredibly uninteresting information about my life
you and I do not share the same idea of what constitutes a "social retard"

t. actual social retard
like the south pre-civil war?
like a woman who has recently given birth?
the only time Ive ever heard postpartum was postpartum depression when women want to kill their babies
now you're getting it
isn't it crazy that you or anyone you know could just get cancer randomly right now or at any point and be dead soon after
I still don't understand how this ties into arguments.
>ex ante
an argument for something that happened before?
>ex post
an argument for something that happened after?
you're thinking of postpartum psychosis
paul harrell hit you pretty hard huh
i don't know if it's true but i've heard that if you have a c section birth instead of a natural birth you are at a higher risk for postpartum depression because your body doesn't dump all the endorphins and oxytocin and stuff, so your body believes you miscarried . since you didn't go through the natural process
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Minecraftbros... we're back
tomato tomato, its one of 3 possible kinds of PDP
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Average whitoid. You guys might not know this but we white people are basically concealing totally hysterical breakdowns almost all the time.
i had to muster up some courage to do it. normally i would not give myself a chance either but this time i did. go and do likewise
Babby's first coming to terms with mortality?
how do you even have an old female friend thougheverbeit
i'm not going to tell the story again it was embarrassing enough the first time but rest assured it's quite autistic
i never had a female friend in my life
why am I so damn thirsty, I was chugging water all day and I had 2 glasses of milk when I got home
I've had dozens
they are easier to make friends with than other men, actually.
fact check from a real /cum/storian: this user made out with a girl. i dropped you after learning that fact. i thought you were one of us
did you sweat a lot today ?
maybe try some gatorade or pedialtyte if you have it .
I did, yah. I blame my hat. But I dont have any electrolyte juice
Hey everyone this anon's a FAG
My mom says FAGS go to HELL
well, congrats I guess. I'm like the Brapzilian Anon above in that I've never had a female friend, but I do sincerely wish you the best of luck and hope you're able to benis in bagina
I'm straight, but I don't really act "manly"
>I'm straight, but
I'm not a brony, but
why is it so hard to go to sleep. you'd think nothing could be easier
true, i used to be quite the chad
have you tried alcohol?
fags do go to hell. sorry that upsets you so much, faggot
I work for a private family company and my boss is lady (her brother is the real big boss). She probably has 5,000,000 USD in her bank and i got $210 (i sent 500 to my dad and i got 220 left).

I am not complaining. And i'm not gonna share her private youtube channel on here with you schizophrenic neets/psychopaths with jobs.
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>the real big boss?
> She probably has 5,000,000 USD in her bank
so what you're saying is that she's just like every other boomer retiree.
Jordan Peterson said this painting is an accurate portrayal of near death experiences
if you had rizz you could just make her your sugar mama
shes not even 35, she is in her early 30s. Maybe 33.
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Of course I forgot the painting
She likes big jacked white chads.
I got no rizz and i'm 24.
me in the middle getting taken by the evil one
my boss is a lady*
>Jordan Peterson
Why the fuck does anyone still pay attention to what that literal drug addict has to say?
She has an active social life, heard she does cocaine, travels anytime she wants to anywhere.
But i've seen her big brother yell at her once for not responding to an email lol.
the masculine urge to drink but the societal obligations to go to the laundromat, grocery store and pharmacy on my lone day off
weird and sad thread so far, gonna pass on this one and go to bed
*shoves your face in my ass and rips a massive fart*
make a day out of it and get something tasty to eat or do something fun
good night
a certain spamming faggot is here, that's why
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white women appreciation general
ratpedo? I have him filtered
laughing at all those tiktokkers who ruined their lives by committing bank fraud on camera with the chase atm "check glitch"
says the one stupid enough to watch tiktok
I noticed in the videos they were all of a certain race.

so they'll not actually ruin their lives cause dat be rayciss
it can be okay for certain things
I don't have tiktok, I learned about this from the news
No, they are fucked. They will never be allowed to open a bank account again, their credit score is ruined, and they are probably going to jail
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>it can be okay for certain things
i thought i used a lot of sugar in my sweet tea but my mother uses 2 cups of sugar for a 1gal pitcher
i only use one cup for a pitcher and it's quite sweet
He's smart
southerners put salt and pepper on they watermelons
salt on watermelons has always been weird to me, i've never done it but know people who swear up and down that it's the best way to have it
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ping pong ball with beak and eyes moving at incredibly high speeds
I need advice from that foid finster or whatever her name is
there is an "ask the opposite sex questions" thread on /adv/
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>that foid
Atheists being so cringe is the real divine comedy
going to casino
Failed shoulder press at 170lbs
New pr at 160 tho
That was for the cumbums
Imagine thinking they aren't all trannies.
Imagine believing the foid posts here even semi regularly. She's gone.
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>the foid
>d-don't refer to my precious womyn with such terms!
share with the class
She was here about 3 days ago or so
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She wasn't
Wow, I am so much better at recognizing posting styles than all of you, it's actually crazy
spinster is fucking gone, it's so over
/x/ is the best board on this website
You're a delusional retard. It's tremendous to watch.
You can't gaslight me bro
Carry on with your retard antics, silly little retard. Don't mind me. I'm sure the specter of spinster will provide you comfort even on your deathbed. And I ain't your bro.
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man I'd be a great egirl I'd have so many simps
you need to be a girl first
sour grapes because white people are better looking than them
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anyone here who looks like this
Drunk and horny
this thread is shit
going to bed
Looks like nick Fuentes cousin
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good night
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Thinking about breakfast
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I made everyone mad. I'll leave.
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Want to drink this malt liqour to feel good but my tummy really fucking hurts and I waited too long and probably should just go to bed
every time i have tried to make an egg mcmuffin at home it just doesn't taste as good for whatever reason . the best fast food breakfast item by far
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so true bestie
who here does manual labor
I was drinking with my buddy and he went home and now I'm drinking (and smoking weed vape) by myself.
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me rn fr
Rate my new phone lockscreen
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me but not with a gun
looks cool
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copped this but don't have the balls probably
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Not high def enough. Now r8 mine.
it's just a cute shirt who cares
bad ass tiger blanket dude
Me fr fr
>omg literally me!
bretty good
schizo mess
You can't gaslight me bro
Everyone who is slightly quirky gets labeled a schizo these days, and I wonder what that does for actual schizos.
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This is what the lockscreen looks like.
It probably mildly annoys them but not nearly as much as the constant problems with employment
I'd say the criteria for actual schizo is getting fired a lot
I'm a Sagittarius
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this is me
Sometimes it's nice to sleep with no blanket in the cool summer night air
Do you feel cool when you don't (You) other anons but still respond to their posts? Like does it give you a sense of satisfaction or superiority? And do you realize I'm fantasizing about bludgeoning you to death?
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Me on the right
One of you on the left
(Not saying who)
It's pretty cool. It's like I'm saying something while looking straight ahead, like in an anime...
i don't do that, but i think it's funny when you guys give eachother that tiny insulting barb of not actually replying to them and giving them the satisfaction of getting a reply . it's so petty lol
^that one faggot up there do be seething haha
For me, someone acknowledging my post gives just as much dopamine as receiving a (You), so I am immune to this tactic.
My lymph nodes are swollen
i don't think i get dopamine i just like talking about stuff
I did not press a button that made bananas cheap at the cost of destitution and slavery in Central America, I did not flip a switch that made tennishoes cheap in exchange for enslaved children across Southeast Asia, what would be an appropriate punishment for flipping that switch? What is an appropriate punishment for tolerating cheap shoes, cheap chocolate, and cheap bananas? What happens to peoples without cobblers?
how are you feeling right now? do you feel sick or feverish or anything
>ahhhh my consumer goods are made by the desperately poor in foreign countries I'm going insane it would be much better if they were starving dirt farmers
I do not come to cum for leftist drivel
the system is made like that on purpose, involving tons of people from several different countries diffuses the responsibility we feel for knowing that those things are made with slave labor, it would be different if it was happening in our backyard
This thread isn't improving.
I don't know why I expected better at this hour.
>Go to the doctor
>Expect an explanation for why my life is so shit
>He feels my balls for cancer (no) tells me my weight is "fine" (I'm 10lb obese) and bids me good day
Annoying but should have expected this
I have no complaints
Didn't ask, plus you're probably part of the problem.
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check this out then
Let's hear your suggestions for how we can improve the thread quality.
don't care ban trade
I just made the first intelligent post all fucking day, if you can't appreciate that you're maybe better off with some light reading, maybe say, Harry Potter? A bit advanced for you, perhaps. Should probably stick with a cozy Roald Dahl. Maybe Matilda? You like Matilda, I think.
a general practice doctor doesn't really address mental health stuff
how does cat not scared of running into things
Trying to fight off the urge to jerk off.
Roald Dahl lived in a houseboat in Sausalito at the same time as Alan Watts.
he's really aware of his size and where he can and can't fit
it's just natural to him like throwing a ball is natural to you
Imagine the dumbest retards you know making "intelligent" posts in a general called /cum/.
I mean, he really thought he did something there, a regular intellectual.
>Trying to fight off the urge to jerk off.
Think of your most precious childhood crush watching and judging you
trying to summon the urge to jerk off
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think of your most precious childhood crush watching and encouraging you
Alan watts—based?
looks good even if it would tear my stomach up it might be worth it
you want me to imagine a little girl encouraging me to jerk off?
are you gonna share or not
Pretty based but his kids are jews with his material.
If you weren't a pedophile you would have had crushes on adult women even as a child, checkmate.
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me and who
Me, of course
He and Ram Dass were my intro to Eastern thought.
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we're peas in a pod
im the messy one and you're the clean one
my parents had alan watts books and cassette tapes around the house growing up, still like to listen now and then.
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You'd get on your niggas wii and he'd be rocking this mf!!! stfu i'm dead
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Good parents, I'm guessing
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i made a ton of miis they would all run around on the mii screen and you could pick them out
I have the overwhelming desire to lift small women over my hear right now
are you strong enough to do that
It was 14 hours a day in the clockwork orange contraption listening to Watts on loop.
Yeah. The shape is awkward but i think.i could easily do it with a girl up to 150lbs
over your head ? like a weightlifter guy lifting the weights above his head? sounds difficult but im sure you could do it
I like the name Alexis, and I dislike when women with this name prefer to be called Lexi
Yeah. A barbell isn't the same as a person but i was doing 160lbs seated shoulder press earlier, which isn't much but a new pr
Won 4 dolla
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well i hope you can find a small woman that is okay with fulfilling your wish soon
i agree, like when elizabeth goes by liz or a tiffany by tif
kek this
Once someone is up in the air they usually become ok with their situation very quickly.
Senseless random acts of picking up and putting down women in the park. Keep your eyes on the news
there have been instances of serial butt slashers

men who will go around malls or public areas with a pocket knife and slash women's butts, then run away
its some sort of very rare fetish
lmfao don't actually be the serial woman lifter
can you imagine the nextdoor drama of the strange man that lifts women at the park and runs away cackling
remember when Jim lifted Pam for too long and she got mad at him? was kind of cringe
fuck I hated the Jim and Pam shit in The Office, it just takes away from the comedy. I watch the show to laugh, not for high school drama.
the only good part of that arc was when Toby put his hand on Pam's knee
This incel nigga got triggered by Jim and Pam
My dream is to become strong enough to go into a southern walmart and hoist the heftiest maiden there. With enough training i think i can do it... one day
You'd need to be worlds-strongest-man tier to lift a 600 pound shartmart dweller
With enough willpower and steroids anything is possible
what are you betting like 50cents damn
the toby jumping over the fence and leaving bit was really funny
but i kind of agree, they're cutesy and stuff but picking on their autistic coworker (dwight) just because he was weird was rude, even if it turned out okay in the end .
and pam is still a pos for emotionally cheating on her fiance at work, instead of being an adult and breaking it off sooner . i know jim messed around with karen after pam broke it off and was upset with jim but it was literally a taste of her own medicine
i believe in you anon o7
just start small with the whole foods women and work your way up to the walmart women you got it
everyone went to bed i guess
my sweet tea is ready now
don't drink sweet tea, just drink normal tea.
I'm up because I can't finish my malt liqour
the last decade has pitched us right back into a guilty Victorian obsession that’s so much worse. Sex is abstracted, sublimated; even the people who fuck on camera have a basically virginal relation to this grand exteriority. People have started prudishly objecting to sex scenes in films, but spend hours each day watching porn. There are teenagers who already describe themselves as incels. Men with terrifyingly smooth skin stand on street corners, holding tiny microphones and asking random women for their body count, and if it’s more than two or three they’ll go daaaamn, yoooo, so you a hoe fr? All the old goblins are crawling back: shame, honour, the insistence on a gendered division of labour.
i just like to have a glass now and then . i just always have some in case someone comes over so i have a drink to serve them
i usually have chai or earl grey with a bit of honey
how do you think all of this ends if you had to guess
I just recently found out about extra sweet tea
Now that was a game changer
if it's gold peak extra sweet tea, it isn't real sweet tea
yes im gatekeeping
i think it's always cringe when man and woman interact
you're cringe
Sorry I was doing my calisthenics
when you're a neet the days blend together, did i do that thing yesterday or was it last week? who knows
it's kind of late for that but sure why not
i mean i don't work but my days don't blend together quite that bad, i don't question if i did something last week or not
No i had the milos and the pure leaf
Liked both of them.
>it's kind of late for that but sure why not
Yeah I know I just forgot to do them earlier. I'm just trying to get rid of my dad bod
I used to think my life was a tragedy... now I see, it's nothing but a comedy.
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oh milos is great you are totally off the hook that's the best choice for store bought sweet tea
ok cool i thought you were the woman lifting anon above and you were practicing for that lol
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>student asked to miss class for a wedding
>now she needs to miss class for a funeral
Not sure what I'm supposed to do here, department policy is that she loses points for another absence, I don't want to ask her to bring documentation from the funeral though. I also don't want to be taken advantage of. But it would be so rude if its a legit funeral and I asked for proof. Or if I'm forced to take points off anyway by the department I don't know if I could handle it
just let her off the hook, and if the department decides to try and take points, tell her that they forced your hand to ask for proof, and that you didn't want to have to do that
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Ask her to take a pic with the body for evidence
Just trust her. But if she asks a third time for a big event I would be suspicious
>how dare you miss my lecture! I will take points away
Professors are villains tbqh
So I shouldn't ask my boss for advice? He seems nice enough. I do believe her honestly, I just don't know how to approach the situation.
These aren't my rules bro.
yeah ask your boss
im sure they can make an exception in a case like this it would be really cruel to reprimand a student for attending a funeral
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Did not read tho
This frog is incapable of reading long passages due to his small cranial dome.
me and that frog have a lot in common it seems
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I have a lot in common with this one
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good night
I would be terrified if I had to face these rabbits in hand to hand combat
Had a dream that Donald Trump was my grandpa and I ran all over the country telling people to vote for my grandpa Donald Trump
I wonder what was the consistency, shape, and color of Donald Trump's most recent bowel movement.
Is janny awake?
best hope for some of yall niggas!!!
I'm happy for them
What do you think janny is doing right now?
What are you doing right now?
very interesting posts!
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Awake at ungodly hours and waiting for breakfast
Woke up for some reason
easy way to turn your internal monologue into a chinese water tortue nightmare: leave your noise cancelling headphones on for an hour after you've stopped listening to music
I once fell asleep with them on and woke up with my ears ringing
Wish I was fucking dead
it'll get better
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Americans... why don't you save them? It's your duty to protect the native American girls
>half an hour since the last post
I’ll make a new

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