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smokin cat edishhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Can we please not talk about you-know-what this thread
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bat subedish
going to shave off my beard
starting a new job soon and want to be clued up
Okay fine I'll admit you may be right about the angle but I'll believe he has a big cock when there's a measuring tape next to it.
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Just do not find bbcposting funny at all. It is genuinely the most cretinous gimmick ever to emerge on /brit/.
She is bloody peng ent she
I turned 23 and suddenly everyone I went to school with is moving into their own house and getting a dog? Meanwhile I'm in the boxroom for the foreseeable.
I like to imagine I'm having lesbian sex with her
It's not everyone
It's the minority in fact
Just seen a man in dungarees playing tennis
She got blacked.
is that real?
come on eileen
if the average fanny is only 5 and a bit inches deep why do they need a 10inch monster rod
True, a lot of the people I kept in touch with are though. All at once too
thats the OP cat after smoking for a year
very stylish
The horde is growing
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basically you've got 2 groups:

>those who get a hand onto the housing ladder via mum+dad / dead grandparents
>those trying to get on without handouts

If you're in the second group then it was over before it begun for you.
>10inch monster rod
Theres a 10,000 pound bounty for whoever can prove they have a cock that size
Nobodys done it yet
Remember when I worked nights and a delivery man arrived when I'd been asleep for like 2 and half hours. Rushed to the door and he looked at me, smiled and the rubbed my hair and said 'bed head' and then chuckled. I was more than a little confused and smiled nervously as he took a picture of the package I was holding then walked down the path whistling.
He was about 60 years old and quite small. Never forgot about it lol.
Pretty sure she also made a load of tweets about how much she prefers them
did you shag him up the arse?
good post
You can choose to stop talking about black penis any time you like.
My advice would be to stop it immediately.
Yes she's said she doesnt like dating non-black men
bet big harvs has an absolute mong python on him
I'm horny
I will not eat a single morsel of food until Paul Harrell is dead and buried.
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i only get to see my gf on the weekends and it's killing me
take a picture
Lol retard
This bitch is just fishing for a BBC man to take her in after retirement
You are severely mentally ill
Shut up
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Good lass
female sex bottom
have an approaching 7 inch erect cock (3-5 inch flacid) and large balls like larger than 90% of men
yet i've never had sex
funny i've got this quasi horse equipment but it never gets any use haha
where did you find this pic of me?
Mental how much better they are at it
thanks copilot alt text generator
My dad's new gf is 5 years older than me.
had the best sex ever with rorke's mum
Spend less time thinking about cocks like a faggot, might help
African men?
My penis is 4 inches erect and about 1 inch flaccid. Have had sex 3 times and the women didn't at all seem surprised when I pulled my party sausage out.
Must indeed be quite normal.
My willard is quite fat when erect admittedly.
If your balls don't have a volume of AT LEAST 75ml women will not touch you with a barge pole
why is he sexing hags?
kek that 'phobe got smoked
Women don't like semen
willy, willy willy willy, willy. willy
rocking a 6 inch party piece me, bit of a girthy fella and it always gets a good reception

got a pair of clit smacker bollocks on me too
big balls chads. we are so back
Cocks! Dicks! Phalli! Willies! Penises! Members!
realtek hd has been installed volume is fantastic don't know what u talkin bout
this nigga's fucking upside down
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I just learned that during Charles Is rule the Scottish army invaded and occupied England then made the English government pay them taxes to occupy it
You are not a 90s skater dude from LA, you are not "rocking" anything
Everything north of the Humber is Scottish clay.
now learn what board you're posting on
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Stop it with the lettuce posters they are not funny
It was legally then William II of English came about
We're undergraduates, of course we rock vintage sweatshirts with designer kicks
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took this lovely snap of my sister
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At toil

Boss made us chili
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Elon Musk is going against the Jews by backing what the Jews call "Holocaust Denial"
>William II of English
*has you subpoena'd by the gnarliest district attorney in the tristate area*
don't mess yourself, buster
favourite ethnic slur lads?
Why is it an Australian Dollar, should be the Australian Pound? Same for US Dollar actually
Gay men give the best head.
You need to get sucked by an eager gay man.
why do they all clasp their hands in the pmqs like they look like such fucking pussies
William II means something different in Scotland hence I added of English which he was
this is true
went for a walk, felt lightheaded so came back
probably a consequence of not having eaten anything today
will it still work if they look like women
tried this with a crossdresser but then he made a manly noise and ruined the illusion so i was very aware it was a man sucking on my wilkins
project on
why say 'of English' instead of 'of England'? Are you ESL?
Has brexit happened yet?
has are nige said anything today?
On lunch break at toil guys. Very short staffed today.
if they still have their willies, yes
how’s your penis?
im sympathetic to her on this
it's usual low iq/brainlets hypocrites
if you're hosting an event on communism and i walk in and start screaming so you cant engage with anyone then clearly i am infringing on your right to express yourself.
if you give a speech
then i respond to you, and you kick me out for arbitrary reasons then you are suppressing my right to express myself
dpd man just insisted on inspecting my penis before handing over the parcel
would only agree to shag a cross dresser if they took helium immediately beforehand
is that what it is? is that a sign the diet is working?
Not a suitable question.
a package for a package, seems fair
Have fun not shagging then
business idea: queensize cigarettes
They just lowered a poster behind her. No one interrupted her. If anything, additional context was provided. This is actually the good way to do it.
Not my fault the English have a difficult name
Business idea: ban porn
Billions must try.
What position is your body in right now?
bizarre response
can we get a straight answer please
£3.20 won on euromillions
your balls doing alright?
Just ban sex outright, if I can't have it no one can
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You should be shot
get in
Last night I dreamt of Diego
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song
lend us a quid mate
I can say king of Indians, king of score, king of Poles but only the English have a strange name where this can't be done
gizza tenner
Hate it when you’re rotting but then you have to get ready for something and groom yourself properly and get everything together. Just lose my comfiness, i was all fuzzy and now I’m not.
*assumes the position*
not gay but you lads ever see a twinky looking lad you know you could easily overpower and wonder what it would be like to bum his pooey arse?
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If you could shoot 3 different people and get away with it who would you choose? Can't be anyone on /brit/
assuming the gay porn position
No. You could not say Stanislaus II of Poles or Charuman I of Indians.
That's fucking retarded.
Can't say I have
Just say you’re a chud it’s quicker
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>not gay but you lads ever see a twinky looking lad you know you could easily overpower and wonder what it would be like to bum his pooey arse?
still absolutely howling at that lad that called a girl pal in boots when buying his meal deal
alri barmer
feel like pure shit just want her back
need a bf to smooch and cuddle with
You are definitely indian
Me, Myself & Irene
Uh no it isnt
"king of Poles" is perfectly acceptable English
Wasn’t even that good
Me, (You), boots meal deal lad
fail to see whats funny about this
I would shoot myself 3 times
need a gf to smooch and cuddle with
Lad at work asked me whether the sword on my key chain was from Berserk. I said it was Cloud's sword from FFVII.

A girl I work with asked me if I played magic the gathering to which I said no.
aw it's ok pal
you've both broken the one rule
But you'd never say 'King Wojtech of Poles' like how you posted 'William of English'
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Is the lad fit?
just inhaled a whole maltesers bar
barely even tasted it, just gulped it down in fistfuls
Good aren't they
smoking a poo
eat that shi like kirby
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Chin up pal maybe she'll be back in tomorrow
no mice
find it sad that twitch subs think they're friends with the streamer they pay to engage with
yh it's probably my favourite mid size chocolate bar but it's quite hard to find for some reason, most supermarkets don't even have it
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I don't think /brit/ is ready for the sacked tranny has a bf gimmick
got called a wasteman at work earlier
he would break the rules habitually. he's a habitual rule breaker.
think i might have 'betes but not sure
need a femdom gf
Are you a bin man?
Have diarrhea a lot
Think I have some food intolerance or other health problem going on
sucking a poo in and out of my arsehole to tenderise it
'betes nuts
it would be like lowering a poster of corbyn laying a wreath on the hamas graves with similarly inflamatory text
it is very distracting and takes over the conversation
ofc she should have had more balls and resumed her talk after its taken down but doesn't mean her point is fundamentally wrong
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ
postberg is late and I'm gagging for my vape delivery to suck on
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>laptop has hardware failure after many years
>want to buy a nice top spec new one
>laptop market has hardly anything out at the moment

might have to leave my bedroom and read a book until something new comes out innit
you are a foul beast
might swing by the laptop market later
S__ W___ B_____

G__ T__ N______ H_____
always just get whatever laptop is on sale around £400 when I need a new one. enough to play my autistic map games and post on /brit/
prisoner didn't take kindly to me refusing to let him go to the gym
went from a w520 to a t14s, not a fan
there's fuck all mate like 2 Asus laptops that's it
You should use the oxford comma since you don't need to leave your bedroom to read a book.
do you feel shame when you have to wash your cock?
if its for personal use just get a macbook like every normal adult
Do you think it’s funny trying to trigger mentally ill people and make them feel like shit?
anyone here last night recall a drunk lad talking about what he was making for scran?

lookingat the state of my airfryer and i have no clue what i made

think i threw the rubbish off my balcony too so i can't piece it together that way either
for me it's having an ancient Dell laptop that barely functions and is exclusively used for wanking purposes
lmao we made you cook your own cum
but you can't play red dead redemption 2 on macbook
you actually cooked and ate your hamster, I couldn't believe it
the "fapintosh", as it were
I've drank to the point my kidney is failing and I've never got so drunk as to not remember last night
got my own porn server me
only the one kidney is it
check to see if your left bollock is still attached to you.....
why though? there's nothing I would do on that which I can't do on the honor magicbook I have which cost half what a macbook would
utterly bizarre
i've regularly drunk where i'm missing hours and hours waking up in areas i've never seen before
no idea how i got home etc
never had any kinda internal failings or poisonings though
sounds like you're a mega lightweight who had the body failing before they literally got drunk lmao
no luck failing them kidneys then
gooner extraordinaire
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>laptops no longer come with dvd drives
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you can't pose like a faggot with one of those
Is life as a man just dating a woman and then a few years into any relationship the sex stops, excuses start, and resentment builds until you find a new woman?
gymtoil in 30 mins
>needing a DVD drive in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four
Odd time to do it
For me it’s my coffee with choccy milk time
I’ve got an external one I plug in
They’re pretty cheap
what are you the gym police
Any sex-havers in? What's it like having sex?
I guess, haven't been to the doctor yet
~750ml throughout the day wasn't uncommon for me, I don't down it all at once
Caring about what your body looks like is a bit… gay, don’t you think?
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you pour chocolate milk into coffee? what the fuck is wrong with you
Haen't had sexo since July. It not right
>~750ml throughout the day wasn't uncommon for me, I don't down it all at once
howling that's my point exactly
try 75cl in a few hours
then see how much you remember
but you would probably die if you do that on the basis of what you said (so dont do that)
like a mocha init
might buy a horse
good lad. 1 hour 53 minutes until gymtoil for me
Don’t knock it til you try it
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sounds unenjoyable
daberg bought a laptop yesterday and is already locked out of his new outlook account
he is seething lmfao
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actually. yes I am
well yeah obviously someone with a healthy relationship with alcohol isn't blacking out nor are they having kidney failure
lift heavy thing make bad thoughts go away for a bit
not racist just dont fancy em
17 years for me. I’m 36
Treating myself to three pieces of gum as opposed to the usualy two
>it would be like lowering a poster of corbyn laying a wreath on the hamas graves with similarly inflamatory text
Lmao, bro it's a prank
mate only has one at a time, madman
Why's that
don't choke
Wish it did for me then my body would look better
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I see you've met rorke
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had to phone up the IT department for an issue with the toil PC and when he tried to log into my machine remotely he told me to type in "mike00001" on the login screen so he could gain access but I didn't realise he meant Mike as in phonetically (M00001) and i came off looking like a right muppet
lifting weights makes you strong which will be useful in the upcoming race war
not sexist just dont fancy them
nah if he didn't say "m for mike", that's on him
>prank truss
>pank corbyn
grim hypocrite
Just seems very feminine is all, hence you get muscly gym bros going nuts over your body afterwards
making sex webms
His fault really, no one uses phonetic alphabet for a single letter
Race war this, race war that, can’t you just chill out instead chud?
I've got family who are police and they never pass up the opportunity to show off they know the NATO alphabet, wankers
How's it feminine
>is all
Are you American?
I'd have done that tbf. I tend to take things quite literal
I wouldn't be against pranking corbyn mate, but the two things you described are not comparable. Are you Jewish?
I'd have have simply pointed out to him that we're not in the military.
Do you get mani pedis as well, fella? I mean if caring what you look like isn’t gay
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I've had three gfs and therefore had sex plenty of times and not once have I ever initiated it or felt into it. always wonder what the experience is like for other men because the whole time I'm doing it I'm just worrying about it and narrating the experience in my head. every time I've had sex I cum in less than a minute as well, unless I was drunk in which case I didn't and would just pound away until I gave up. simply not a sexual person me. yes I'm autistic
Sorry I believe in good grooming
Was trying to show off once with phonetic and the letters were RJ and I said "Jomeo" :)
Oh my DAYS he does
looks like we've got a november oscar november charlie echo in the thread
ordered a bottle of mead
it's september
Classy. Very classy.
how are they not comparable?
> Are you Jewish?
lmao state of this question, no, are you?
One is far more light-hearted than the other.
>no, are you?
never had mead me
Clocks go forward this weekend
they go forward every weekend
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tend to go forward every weekend ive noticed
What else haven't you had?
While this country goes back to 1944!!!
done him
both are undermining the speaker by referencing real events that were hyper publicised
gay sex ;)
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Don’t you love tits lads corrrrr i could just suck on some tits right now
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Will insurance cover it?
That is quite funny to be fair
want to fall asleep on some personally
the police ended up shutting this down when if got big on youtube
absolutely party poopers
yeeeah lad i fucking love big tits on skinny girls that i can grope and kiss
boobies :)
odds melon, ciggie, bacon/cheese salad
evens bacon/cheese salad, ciggie, melon
obviously staged
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That easy to get (you)s huh
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the rorkefu
love watching her destroy the wokeness
it was a good post
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fat racist
zionist american
havent pissed yet
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based rorke
poor girl
world is pretty hateful
based nationalist that unfortunately got swayed by kikes
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The Smiths? Love em'
Good times? Vibin

Australian and love beers / pints simple FUCKING as
faggot gave himself a nosebleed for attention on clit tock
wonder if straight away means catfished and then told in person
Aussies don’t drink pints they drink schooners and use metric
happy nour = pints = beer = o'm drunk
Maybe the lad was gay
got another bollock-splitting headache
She get her baps out?

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