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You can put the cock in the man, but you can't put the man in the cock.
how can i meet a gf
just get done cleaning the bog and then immediately plaster fresh new skids all over honestly why do i even bother
just finished reading LA confidential,
jesus what a stupid ending
I deserve an English rose gf to drink tea out of a thermos with while walking around a rocky chilly beach
have you tried talking to girls?
I’d hope you already know her if you call her your gf
why you reading a film mate, you deaf?
couple self-evident truths for rthe lads:

beer is very good
the lads mean well
/brit/ is /brit/ and for the most part means well

most importantly:
If you deserved it, you’d already have it
So you lads going to go see the Minecraft Movie staring funny man Jack Black?
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The Smiths? Love The sTmiths simple as!
not a fan of these resizing webums
That’s not true because I deserve it yet don’t have it
wtf is teah the boys
you mean tear the boys?
like tear their arseholes?
weird freak
just watched the teaser, looks shit

that's me out of ideas
Hubert Cumberdale, you smell like soot and poo
sometimes i wish i had a wife and children, a house, and a job
but then i couldnt post with you lads
Women are shrill harpies
All of the boomer memes about hating your wife is true
reckon you could
*chucks you a bucket of fish heads * back to your attic mongo
where do you find these girls to talk to
got 3.5/4 of these and I'm still here
How do you have half a child?
How do you have half a wife?
get the doctors paid, the pensioners frozen and the migrants flipping housed
due May next year
just watched on the beach (2000) it was ok, thanks for reading my review, don't forget to like and subscribe
*gobbles them and scrambles up the attic ladder*
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we should build statues for every brave NHS worker that fought valiantly against covid
You could lad
you interested in selling it?
congratulations, dubs and you name him after me
genuinely having a wank lol
Daffy is literally me
don't even know what it is yet

an aussie previously got dubs and called it arsewog, sorry
What a pretty boy
I love birds
*sticks tongue out expectantly *
>Most attractive: Reading
>Least attractive: Comic books
Doesn't make sense. As soon as you're reading something with images it suddenly goes from the sexiest thing in the world to the least?
Ah yes, it would seem you've made a post... but simply I DO NOT care and also NOBODY ASKED
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Name him Brad after the big man.
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you seem confused
no i couldnt id have to be a responsible and serious person. /brit/ is not a place for serious people.
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>but then i couldnt post with you lads
I hope you get all of those things.
different film mate

>arguing online
I could do it all day and they would never know
Normies are all hopped on antidepressants and adderall and shit
Argonian freak
get her on the Smegmalutide
*honks my clown nose*
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brits is it true that you all hate germany but love bavaria
just lose weight then
>different film mate
timmy's last hope
>honks the planet (clown world)
I never physically clean the bog, just squirt bleach around the bowl after each shit then flush. Sometimes there are skids for a couple days but they always melt off eventually.
I like bavarian donuts
most brits couldn't even tell you where that is, probably think it's a beer
i love germany but hate you specifically
Starmer looked drunk at PMQ (still not wearing his wedding ring)
yeah and how can arguing online be so low if you need to read posts
i'll take that as a yes
i will take this as a yes too
German people are good. Mixed feelings on Germany. Don't know what a Bavaria is.
no im indifferent to both
For me it's the common underclass pairing of a hideously ugly lad who looks borderline anorexic with an hyperobese slag who looks like she can't go to restaurants anymore because keeps breaking chairs and getting embarrassed about it
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on the beach (2000) (rated ok in my latest review)
the beach (2000) (rated good in review #174)
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evolution... y'know the idea of a fish edging itself out of the way and growing legs over time... was is just the one instance of the fish growing legs, or did multiple fishes all around the world develop legs either at roughly the same time or independantly of each other?
what a manlet HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
the idea of a fish edging itself
I stayed in Frankfurt on a school exchange and it was a thoroughly unpleasant experience that has tarnished my opinion of West Germans.
I still like Bavarians, Austrians, and East Germans however.
inspiring xx
Is it true that Germans hate the UK but love Hertfordshire?
i still havn't decided on which holiday to book for next week
please buy bitcoin
Do you reckon anyone's ever had sex with a giraffe?
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Germans would die for all of Britain but Hertfordshire is the only place that Germans would die for and then immediately afterwards get resurrected so they can die for Hertfordshire again
that'd be a tall order
besides other giraffes?
It's a whole species of fish that did it at once mate, modern version still exists you should look up videos of mudskippers
Weird fishy freaks that use their fins as legs and walk around on land from time to time
not yet
I make this noise when doing hangovertoil
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>i still havn't decided on which holiday to book for next week
see you in benidorm!
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i'm i trouble
the missus found out I was on the beers with the lads
can't do anything about it now so may I suggest a song?

as i was typing I togt in troublr again
Yeah. Human cock in giraffe fanny or bumhole
yes, in roman times a rare punishment was to have women raped to death by a giraffe
there was one particularly famous case but I can't recall the name anymore
Any crypto of any value is monero because at least I can get drugs with it
Fuck is Timmy gonna do with 0.003716162 of a bitcoin?
anyone violently sneezing like a bastard in the last 3 weeks?
think I got longest covid
Janene Giraffeinhole
Don't think you understand how evolution works
spending 6+hours a day on /brit/ every day between the ages 17-25 and its consequences
just saw a tranny in wetherspoons
must be a few filthy vets
Why do women fear the beers with the lads
Is it because Truth is part of these engagements and women are antithetical to the Truth?
i said a BEAU..
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>just saw a tranny in wetherspoons
glad to hear your dad has finally found a job
Yeah? Tell that to the mudskippers, nerdish freak
got a house and a job and I still post here
think it'll be the wife that puts an end to it
done him
im thinking Greece, Turkey, or maybe a Spanish Island.
Benidorm is on the mainland
you can never go wrong with greece, little britbro
>an aussie previously got dubs and called it arsewog, sorry
lovd bfritainQ!
get in deano my son
I like this kraut. Can we keep him?
maybe 10 years ago
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you're a cunthair away from being bullied for being bavarian
fuck off
JFs are NOT welcome
german frogposters are always good lads
u! yho!%T@HAtngcf
can't say that mate
I have dusseldorf it was boring and everyone is rude
so wherever that is
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>you're a cunthair away from being bullied for being bavarian
if that hair isanywhere from your mom's crotch, i'm at least a forest away
what matteeeeeers is thyey hsd s good time
Favourite Vtuber?
kill yourself
Bavarians are Catholics how can you like them as Englishmen
England is a Protestant nation
bit gay mate
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trying too hard
it's spaino
Utube, Vtube, what's next? Wtube? Haha
I wish I was German
I'm a welsh catholic
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same as the germ
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>trying too hard
that is SO me
it's all spaino all of them are spaino
that's not a thing despite you lot and the irish insisting it is for some reason
no-one in this century gives a toss
goodnight lads
Catholicism doesn't exist in the UK anymore except for polish immigrants
nighty night bruce dont let the spiders bite
goodnight mate
Kavos in Corfu? The town looks a bit run down but I dont mind that. My main concern is that its 70 minutes from the airport by taxi and i dont think the package covers an airport coach
cheers lads
why don't you just rent a car and explore the island and visit other islands by ferry
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It shows how thick this world really is if reading a book is considered a hobby
That's just something normal that everyone should be doing
Went to Zakynthos/Zante and Kephalonia at the peak of the Greek financial crisis and in the towns there was both Communist and Nazi graffiti everywhere
Every couple of streets you'd see graffiti either a swastika, golden dawn symbol, hammer and sickle, or red star
Wonder what the situation is like now
Im not made of bloody money. I want a few days in the sun, reading a good book, chain smoking ciggies, eating gyros, and going to the beach.
most people shouldn't be literate
70 minutes taxi ride in Greece? Depends on who you get as a driver, some could do that trip in 40 minutes kek
Coughing, choking my lungs out.
what's the last book you've read?
a) please don't smoke b) can't go wrong with corfu and a 70 minute drive is nothing, bet the hotel offers shuttle buses too
i have a gf
mental thing is she's like 19
Shitting on the toilet
Knut Hamsun - Hunger is a good book. It's how I imagine a lot of you.
Anglicanism is Catholicism without the Papacy.
a) i love smoking b) the package doesnt specify if they offer a shuttle bus and i dont want to book then get there and end up having to pay a fortune for taxis to and from the airport
does she smell nice?
Greek taxi isn't like a western European Uber it's just some local 60 year old bloke drenched in sweat in his two door 1990s hatchback who is chatting on his phone in greek while going 50kph on dusty dirt roads and doesn't wear a seatbelt
It’s homosexual atheists larping as catholic priests
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moby dick (not a penis joke)
Count Dankula turned out to be a genuinely good youtuber. Mental how entertaining his mad lad videos are.
the BOYS
Fuck off you Scottish freak nobody cares about your channel
yeah, her hair + this moisturiser she wears.
those are some big fucking turtles
Beatles albums are interesting because I find most of it boring and then there will be like 2 or 3 really good songs on them.
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who u going with?
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on my own
isnt it a bit boring just sat on a beach alone
going swimming alone
eating/drinking alone?
who wants my 4 incher
how do i clean my washing machine
all my clothes come out smelling musty
piss off nazi
how the fuck is that comment hat worthy you fucking spastic?
those are tortoises
well they weren't lying about the giant part
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Calvin Robinson for PM
run a hot wash empty with a lot of soap
look at em go
I'm waiting for more people to post what they've read.
kevin news man
big fan of animals that are way bigger than they look like they should be
dont get to see the new gf again until saturday, miss her (and her fanny) already
Prevention is better than the cure, try showering first, smelly.
you must love your mum then
Extremely insufferable nazi grifter who LARPs as a priest despite being denied entry into the CofE for being a nazi, also left Reform UK just before the election because they weren't fascist enough for him
Very weird you care about such grifter fash freaks
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>how the fuck is that comment hat worthy you fucking spastic?
Oh, it's gingernonce.
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My hobby is screenshotting funny Chaturbate comments
Either the stock is three days green or it is two days red
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grenfell fire started from one fridge
feel like every home should have a few fire extinguishers
i think it would be fine for a few days but thats why id take a book to read.
maybe they aren't drying quick enough
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Met a woman recently but I just heard through the grapevines that she's a sex worker. She wasn't there on business though and we hit it off quite well but I can't believe i'm finding an interest in a literal whore
stronger man than me
even going to the local pub/cafe/park alone i'm bored out of my skull within an hour
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The same but /brit/
I already like him you don't have to try and convince me.
done him
Marry her and move to Louisiana
mad how this word didnt exist before 2021
I'll have a lemonade please
We shall wank them on the beaches
its different when your away from home. i dont go to local pubs or cafes alone. if im out on a walk and stop off at a local park im not hanging about longer than 5-10 minutes for a sit down and maybe a smoke.
Let me finish up in the loo first
I don't get the joke
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>Riley Townsend, from Ashfield, who played for Kirkby Colts FC & @Terversal FC tragically took his own life aged 12, leaving his family and the wider community completely devastated.
>12-year-old Riley had been diagnosed with ADHD and autism and was struggling, he was described as "polite and kind" but had "had enough" and took his own life on Sunday, September 1.
Remember getting into an argument with my sister when we were teenagers over the strength of men and women and she challenged me to a wrestle and it was very amusing how easily I overpowered her.
She eventually got very queer and threw a genuine hard punch at me, twisted her wrist until she squealed and said I'd let go if she admitted I'd proven her wrong.
Run a cycle with white vinegar
he's a weird fash grifter nonce, you're the cocksucker of weird fash grifter nonces
have fun together loser LOL
>he's never seen the grifter
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disagree when i have alone time on holiday (never had a full holiday alone) i constantly have to be doing something like museum walking around to not be bored
imagine wanking so hard your penis inverts and gets lost forever
how does a 12 year old decide they have had enough. mental. i wouldnt have even known how to kms at that age.
Very sex negative language, I sincerely hope you're not implying this is a bad thing to be. If so, you really need to examine your sexism/homophobia. Be better.
Lmao. Why do they have the freezer by an oven. How did the fire actually start? Any pics of inside those rooms / building?
Happened to my mate Gav
>"polite and kind" but had "had enough"
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I need a life of luxury, a life of purpose, or a life of struggle.
Existence for the sake of existence is a cruel and unusual punishment.
Sexy lonely grandmas are in YOUR area!
utterly bizarre post
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Reminiscing about when dadberg forced me to go to soccer training because he thought I might turn into a pathetic little geek otherwise
Did not work of course
>How did the fire actually start?
one of the tenants was lighting his farts on fire
The French sent a bunch of whores to Quebec to marry them Frenchmen there I think he’s thinking of that
humbled that chud
in what way
How so?
Had a mean English soccer coach who would scream at me even though I was only like 7/8
One day he lost his shit because I got bored and sat down in front of the goal
This is going to sound a little reddit, but it's mental how some conceptions of Christianity claim he is now burning in hell for eternity.
Only knew about lousiana
simply not voting for someone who takes selfies wearing a bowler hat and smoking a pipe
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>I got bored and sat down in front of the goal
simply not voting
Mine was like that too
Prick thought he was coaching for the premier league
stop replying to yourself pretending to be somebody else
it's obviously because you reply to yourself exactly after your posting cool down timer resets
This post makes me realise that someone needs to make a John Calvin gigachad.
wait till you see the opening to his show with lawrence fox
it's so utterly ridiculous that it almost goes through uncool back to cool
mental illness award
what makes you say that?
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sent him flying
>exactly after your posting cool down timer resets
the cool down timer is 1 minutes
the time between those posts is 1 minutes and 22 minutes
>wait till you see
as if that will happen to everyone, let alone anyone lol
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All in all I dunno what my parents were drinking because my dad finds sports boring and doesn’t have any respect for them. I think it was my mom’s attempt to put me into normie stuff, they gave up on that stuff pretty quick but then when I hit my teenage years and found stuff I actually wanted to do they discouraged me or wouldn’t pay for it
good little ESL
I have considered that and looked at Rhodes and Corfu old town so id have things to do while walking about. But I dont think its worth the extra cost on a holiday that only lasts a few days. Really by the time I get to the hotel it will almost certainly be late and im not good at travelling and will probably just want to shower, sit on the balcony and have a drink and a smoke, then go to bed. I can easily spend a day getting my bearings wandering around a little tourist town. Then 2 days just relaxing before it's the last day and then it'll be time to come home.
>the cool down timer is 1 minutes
Not for us pass chads.
Mental illness
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the drugs aren't working lads hahahaha I'm going mental
this is how they tell the rest of the hive they found some nectar
retard, it changes
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Though it was a 3d render
>retard, it changes
It simply does not, be quiet.
Why did games around 2000 have such good ambient and DnB music?
i love super smooth, silky, jet-black hair like this
mad jealous. how do i get it like that?
first day on 4chan?
be an asian girl
love kneading chubby girls tummies
plz gib moneh
stop being bald
any tips on how to achieve this?
lack of DEI
feeling extremely blackpilled and demoralised after my third wank of the day this time to some disgusting fat bitch on tiktok
especially when i did it knowing it would make me late for a teams meeting
don't reply to mentally ill people
Been posting here for 14 years, the timer has always been 1 minute.
genetics init
look at the other asians in the back, they've all got that type of hair
recently started wanking to only the pengest tings, feel much better for it
ive been posting here for 15 and its completely random
yankified freak, MAGA has rotted and seized control of your brain
My new gimmic: NAKED GRANDMA!
based desu
thought they increased the time when they added captcha
Not it's not. Sometimes a minute, sometimes 15 seconds, sometimes somewhere between. You're a mong.
Consider semen retention.
You are the cuck slave of a yank political cult despite not even being a yank.
you're done. there's nothing inside your skull.
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let me in rorke
cope, seethe, dilate
Wish I'd have killed myself at 12 when it would have been tragic.
Now it would just be pathetic, the paras seeing my obese body and my balding head and my rotten teeth.
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>You are the cuck slave of a yank political cult despite not even being a yank.
you're done. there's nothing inside your skull.
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based desu ara ara
Get him housed
Get him wanked
used to think like this, also about my parents dying whilst i would still get loads of sympathy
then mum died and i realised oh lol sympathy isa totally meaningless this is dreadful and i was a stupid narcissistic kid x
good post, don't want to leave an ugly corpse, might just become a walking one
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>then mum died
/brit/ supports Israel
where did israel come from
you've outed yourself muhammed
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this this so much this
i support ross county personally x
thought about making the new thread
decided against it kek
what genocide
is she going to protest the boogeyman next
Fetal alkie going on some
this post was made by an unironic russian bot
it spams wojaks at you when you reply to it and tries to greentext your post
but it can't greentext properly if you do more than one line of text
yes everything is a bot conspiracy
Every white person in Britain is sick of being slaves to Israel.
You just outed yours as a Zionist Jew, not only a Zionist Jew but a one who is obsessed with yank politics and is part of the the MAGA cult despite living in the UK.
total terrorist death
cry more moo ham head

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