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Snus and a brew edition
Drinking mate cocido
shat summer more like
no pouches have ever been used in these pics
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it's just the one rope, actually
snus and a brew
snus and a brew
we like the girls with the snus and a brew
Nan's aunt (who died at 97 a few years ago) always used to say cuntin' heck. She didn't mind swearing but never blasphemed, and the phrase always made me laugh.
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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Full can looks more aesthetic innit
it's an adverting campaign
imagine just kicking your girlfriend's head in. Know some people do it but it's mad to think about can't quite believe it.
wifi is still fucked can't wait until my contract is up with these virgin media cunts
How do you advertise for something illegal?
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There are three different kinds of black people in America though. There are the ghetto hood niggas, there are the weird "intellectual" leftypol blacks who wear a bow tie and read shit like Karl Marx or something, and then there are the middle class blacks who try to emulate suburban white people.
I wish I was Black and moved to the countryside
Just me existing there would be controversial and I'd constantly be worshipped or loathed
wife still isn't fucked can't wait until I sign my contract with this black bull
Seen a girl I was shagging 6 years ago has moved to London

We talked occasionally over the years
Would it be weird to hit her up?
Very close to it, really hate how women are
Don’t think in the long term any man can really stand them. Just goes a bit dead inside and numb
get the ombudsman up their arse
190! 190! 190!!! Omg! How are you doing, buddy? How’s your niece?? Hope you and Aisha are enjoying the lovely beaches of תֵּל אָבִיב-יָפוֹ (that’s Tel Aviv for you monolingual toads out there). Autism can be exhausting, so don’t forget to take care of your heroic drug habit! Also make sure to buy a few more VPN nodes to stay posting, wouldn’t want you to alert the mods! Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and collected, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all day for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, you’ve only connected to about thirty proxies to spam between to catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my day so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of sharing the thread with you once again, 190cm Master Race. Cheers mate x
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I thought snus was like tea and zyns were like teabags
you can legally just cancel if it's particularly bad
>I'll have your finest tin of rape good sir
bloke over the road just had his drugs dropped off by scooter
there's also the gay woke feminist kind
shop him to the rozzers mate
Get the immigrants in
Get them on bikes
Get them delivering drugs
Looking forward to christmas lads, love the season me
you get charged for breaking the contract
Push scooter or like a lambretta or something
I literally had a dream i expanded the strip mine on that Minecraft server i posted here a month ago and made a beacon and stuff with lots of resources
gonna share this with my grandad
Snus is like tea, you can get loose leaf tea or tea in a bag which is more popular.
Zyn is a brand of nicotine pouches used by yanks and a nicotine pouch is like that weird instant tea you get that isn’t actually tea but is supposed to be a similar artificial version of tea
mental how badly i mindraped him
Sorry mate but they're all shit.
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What do you do?
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loving these numbers britbros
we simply don't like guns
just been warned for 'ironic shitposting'
Tempted to get high tonight
Interesting how marriage is the only contract where the law sides with the person who broke it.
Ah yes 190 is now Jewish or maybe he'll pretend to be Palestinian
holy mother of bayassed
got the Steve Lookner on
how do you get snus in the UK? Thought it was illegal
>excluding suicides
fucking hell didn't know we were hardcore
Why are you bringing US race relations into our thread? Britain doesn't have a problem with racism. We literally ended slavery around the world.
What’s the difference between ironic shitposting and unironic shitposting?
Point him in the direction of my wife's thick pale cheeks and wet pink pussy.
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one of those delivery types with the bag on the back
If I had a gun I'd go on a rampage
Not allowed guns, me
Mad how the entire 0.19 is from Liverpool
There's also the conspiracy theorist Yakub esoteric negroism type
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Reminder to be wary of women
meant for >>201821595
2 dogs laa
would love to shag priti patel up her curryhole but reckon my wilbert wouldn’t be big enough to get past her fat arse cheeks
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big fan of my land lord
Result of the first round of the Conservative Party leadership contest

Kemi Badenoch: 22
Robert Jenrick: 28
James Cleverly: 21
Tom Tugendhat: 17
Priti Patel: 14
Mel Stride: 16

Priti Patel is eliminated
the brain is not the mind, the mind uses the brain
It is illegal to buy or sell in the uk.
It is not illegal to buy it from a Swedish website and have them post it to you, but you then might have to deal with customs charges and stuff.
Entire thing is stupid for absolutely no reason
190 you are an incel from the UK
Why is France like this?
yeh its fucking grim desu

im meant to be young forever
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seeing more and more job advertisements with "english not required"
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handshake meme but for kamala and kier letting nonces off
might order some. I remember in first year of uni I was out drinking with some Swedish people and had a pouch of snus, was the best nicotine buzz I ever had.
Why did you stop pretending to live in Spain with your imaginary wife
That's because the law gets a cut every time you send her monthly payments
no british culture found
early tea then boozing for me
School shooting in America l'll let you lads know if there's an impressive death toll
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Kind of based that Russia is the America of Eurasia
*yawns loudly while tapping my hand against my mouth*
Boooriiing! Bring back the Spanish wife storyline!
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>Jenrick is married to Michal Berkner. She is an Israeli-born. Together, they have three daughters, whom they are bringing up in the Jewish faith.

also fuck you ... "impressive death toll"
fuck off
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it's all so tiresome
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ah... hello all
never been to spain personally
get well soon
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Be alright if yanks stopped killing kids
*checks watch*
What’s going on here then?
>Robert Edward Jenrick (born 9 January 1982) is a British politician who served in the Cabinet as Minister of State for Immigration from 2022 to 2023
Fucking hell, no thanks.
uhh...hello mate... you're up early or late
step into the light and then you'll know
you were stopped and dropped by the walls of jericho
bit early
scarnon cunt
what day does cenno come through?
mind ya bizness
i secretly wish russia wins its war in ukraine. Russia is the only european empire left, all the rest have bent the knee to america while they bitch and moan on the sidelines.
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Mental how mass immigration from the third world is so obviously shite that Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland marched together to oppose it.
cuddly fella
minecraft movie trailer out
profoundly reddit i'm afraid
>i secretly wish russia wins its war in ukraine
I openly wish it in fact.
Just entered the thread, so I won't get any of the references
finally a good post
just posted the same thing for the 50th time, so I hope you all still think it's funny
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Russian victory is inevitable at this point tbqh
Odds move to China.
Evens move to Japan.
Dubs move to Indonesia.
talk about it with your mum do you rorke
Enjoy lad. Keep in touch
Black men are very......athletic, aren't they?
didnt one of them die?
Why don't you move there buddy.
Live out your dream of le epic European empire
さよなら /brit/
I don't get everyone's obsession over Taylor Swif. She's mid as fuck and has the sex appeal of a 5 year old
If you cherry pick examples. Athletic men are athletic, regardless of race.
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Imagine leaving your life decisions up to chance

might be based actually
zinger stacker... save me...
it is
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need that jersey
she makes brilliant music mate
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italian gf looms
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Leftypol is the one who never had a daddy
because its a harsh shithole, but one i admire nonetheless. There masculinity, real industry and nationalism still rule. A real nation state with an identity.
It's not everyone. it's a core audience of 10-40 year old white women, which happens to be a lot of people
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>she makes brilliant music mate
>There masculinity,
blatantly shopped
ayyo who let dis fat nigga fly?
>has the sex appeal of a 5 year old
So you like her then? Fucking nonce
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Really enjoy this image m8, mind if I save it?
based. simply based. how can anyone not like watching birds.
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diego unmasked
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oh please no way he could glance at the teeth and guess the age like that
dropped my pocket
i mean i suppose i could start cooking my tea now
i'll be eating dead early if i do but i suppose that's not the worst thing
do you ever watch those videos "for cats" and its just loads of mice and birds scampering about eating things
the only shopping you do is in Aldis with your mum
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My three aryan half russian offspring on the right
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for me it's beef tomato pasta with some bacon thrown in
he's magic mate
Herman, Gunther and little Skyrim
Why is she holding a photo of a NATO terrorist? Has she no shame?
Yes they're hapa!
kek I literally just got back from shopping in Aldi with my mum, I'm not lying
Love helping me mum out at the shops. Leftypol wouldn't understand
based get anything nice?
i heckin love multi-billion dollar corporations and their brave views
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vapeberg delivery failed so going to have to go the paki shop which i am not happy about
>his hairline: a perfect horseshoe
friendly fella
>look through gay porn thread
>feel bad about it
>post a link to it on brit snd say its a personality on here so you feel better about yourself

least closeted brit user
vapes cheaper online?
dad got banned from Morrison's for flirting with the check out slag
might have a little 30 year old crybaby cry ahaha x
In tesco asking mum if I can get a sweetie today as I'm going to carry all the heavy bags from the car
What do mums cook for dinner these days? Mine didn't, I grew up on microwave meals and it was fucking grim
got meself a few cheeky bottles of ale
what's wrong mate?
six chocolate biscuits
Just got a (You) from Spainpaedo
dunno i order cos I don't leave the house and bossman on the corner only has shitty vapes
based dad
Does anyone else watch some pre-porn before watching actual porn? Like some softcore or cam girls in bikinis, that sort of stuff
>2 dead 4 injured
how can you tell?
The surest sign of accomplishment is an ability to be happy alone in a room for several hours.
My mum's specialties
>Chicken Teriyaki
>Beef Tomato Pasta
>Sunday Roast
>Homemade Curry
>Mongolian Beef
the future is scary

regulation can't even keep up now and everything's only accelerating

still having to toil is what
wish I could have rich parents so I could be a neet x
i do this but ive not accomplished fuck all
Bet they werent even white. Fucking grim.
terrorism is brat
Japanese fella holding his shopping on his lap on the train even though there are empty seats next to him
He's a witcher his eyes are imbued with magic
She's a little kid you weirdo she believes whatever her parents believe
might pick up a new hobby
was thinking about looksmaxxing
> Apalachee High School in Georgia
sounds pretty white
being neet is great at times x
would just start wanking and farting desu
definitely shan't be buying any snus in fact I will be spreading false rumours about it such as it contains toxic compounds that cause cancer
More of a miracle for you than a hobby mate
I love your mum’s mongolian beef as well it’s lush
get into gasmaxxing
They really are polite them lot
Bit antisemitic lads, can you stop?
just had one of my most normal pisses in fucking ages
just saw some flooding
>the check out slag
toilet bowl was all brown but I didn’t want to scrub
bought so harpic 10x which online reviews assured me would turn it white and clean, and funnily enough it worked a charm
no need for elbow grease x
mice in the garden, they'll want it the house soon
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Wow, post this on reddit next tiem.
Just watched this really disturbing video from The Guardian on gambling addiction. Well, I guess that's another addiction I'll have to be aware of. I only narrowly escaped alcoholism a few years ago.

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>next tiem
Does Toby have a piss fetish? What’s his fascination with it?
When the cat's away, the mice will play
I suffer from a pooing addiction
African thugs and white teens
Spainnonce isn’t a semite
She’s cute
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been watching the ol' "proverbial" lads
they're all on disney+ mate
Nice one. Love a homemade curry
>leader of labour is a jew
>soon to be leader of Conservatives is a jew
And nobody speaks about this
nicked the 1080p webrip for free ain't i
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love season 1
Stuffing dead people skin in your fanny seems less cyberpunk and more middle ages
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get the new made
sorry chiara king but i'm not interested in women who use tiktok nor have the type of opinion you expressed, other than maybe a one off shag. i can live without that shag though,
good day to you madam.
I'm a big stupid mong
fucking screaming at that
I love you all and would carry your burdens if I could
Blumpf is finished
>And nobody speaks about this
We're not allowed to mate.
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back to your room mr putin
durrrrrr I'm stupid
Is that the nam of discharge it'll start leaking?
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he cute

useless fucking french and they have the cheek to demand hundreds of million, for what?
wish i'd had a proper dad!
190s spirit animal
Any of their suits split at the arse
rorkes da
yea I can see your flag!!
>BMW takes off without looking ahead
Really hot
To a human, a cat it is a cute little fella.
To a mouse, a cat is a deadly ruthless monster.
too much ass
Jim Davidstein
Why the fuck does he give a shit about Israel?
very cool, looks quite a big for a mouseberg. would be awful if youd have to kill it soon. make sure to keep all your food properly covered x
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can boomers ever shut the fuck up about Israel, what is it with that whole generation fucking hell
think that's a rat mate
We live in a Judeo-Christian country. The clue is in the name
last winter I caught two using a box, stick and string, drove them a few miles away and let them out
its a siberian hamster
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>72 died in Grenfell
Could have sworn it was like 16 at the time. Have they just been inflating the numbers while no one was looking?
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wanked to this and feel awful now
u are the gay
no it was unironically a travesty despite what rorke says
Who's that? Lia Marie Johnson?
why would you do that?
I'm a transgirl and I had a guy the other night put it in my butt when I expressly told him I just wanted to blow him and cuddle. I kinda resisted and said no at first and he would probably have stopped if I would have made enough of a fuss but I just kinda froze. he was like 6'3" 240lb and there's no way I could have gotten him off of me. I hadn't prepped before and I was worried about there being a mess but thank God it was clean. Not for his sake but just if there's a mess it makes me feel bad about myself.

He cuddled me afterwards and acted like nothing happened. Pretty sure that was borderline rape
its just so obvious its a man and i just lied to myself and i might aswell be gay at this point
thats very kind always feel terrible for mice and their agonising pathetic existence they could do with some respite
wanking is pretty gay when you think about it. no women involved just a bloke and a cock
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wanked to this and feel awful now
No one used this phrase prior to the Holocaust
got to get my shit together, I cannot let my stony faced and stoic mannerisms be undermined by useless emotions
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Can you describe this in greater detail? I need another guilty gay wank
Genuinely the grimmest picture I’ve seen on this general yet
Imagine they now keep saying it's 72, and have completely deleted all mention of it actually being 16 from all over the internet. How would we know?
he looks like a girl
dont really see the problem
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gay is by definition having TWO cocks (or more) involved
therefore wanking is not gay at all
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I think what happened with boomers is they want to be nationalistic but that's not allowed for white countries, and they transferred their nationalist sentiments to Israel instead because that's allowed.
They don't even realize it on a conscious, self-aware level but that's what happened.
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have they found out who did the poo? Great form on it solid type 4
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synth patch
yeah my first thought was did the pooer need to prepare to do such a solid poo? personally I'm firing out type 5 or 6 a few times a day
She looks in absolute bliss. Wish the poo was on her face
could say that about anything believe that kind of thinking would lead you down the path to psychosis
/brit/ singlehandedly got me into wanking to trannies and femboys and shit and i fucking hate all of you

i literally got groomed by a bunch of /int/ nonces overtime
wheres the piss?
don't think they have no
Got inflation
What do I do lads
4chan is worse than Discord for grooming
the /int/ trick, girls with dicks
was probably wanking instead of weeing
T. Brainless moron
If you came to /brit/ whilst underage, fuck you. If you came here 18+, you were too old to be groomed. Either way, you're a gay bent twat and have no one else to blame.
Corr, tranny cocks and that
For me its their tranny breasts
the poo
Mental how all (both) active /brit/ namefags (employed "woman" is 190) have a ongoing gimmicks ls related to black penis
obviously not using that thread

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