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nearly one in the morning lads
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look who i bumped into today lads
Hows the psych ward Emmett?
Grippy socks keeping you warm I hope
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catyank as it were
How do women just keep fucking talking and talking even when I give them literally zero input or reaction to the shite they're blathering on about
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wholesome :)
They like you more if you ignore them
The number of people that didn't recognise that pasta in the last thread is genuinely worrying
fuck up cringe case
time i had some time alone
doin a watch looks like atheism just got btfo
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rorke judging people by the colour of their skin and not the content of their character.
leftypol also judging people by the colour of their skin and not the content of their character.
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took this cheeky pic in the gym earlier ;)
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Thought Greg Davies was taller than that
It is not a good thing that you have a photographic memory of every asinine post ever penned here
Can hear your ancestors howling in rage from the astral realm
i cant be left alone because i'll end up playing with my willy
This is what the average jungle fever enthusiast looks like
I’m 27 years old and I recently joined an Arab carpentry company. I’m in the only one in the company without a family.
Crazy to think that most of the people there (my age) go home after a long days work to play with their kids while I gun for another session of Black Myth Wukong or gooning.
The world needs, no, DESERVES to see her get blacked
CORRRRRRRRRRR fucking hell lad
I can do that for you
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Not an anime.
What's Arab carpentry
why do you want do dirty things to me

t. shagged before
*to do
It's not about desire
It's about duty, a duty we all owe to our friends
malaysia? bit mad they named a whole country after that mosquito disease
The brown vs white dichotomy
why are all the good ones in the the wah wah tent?
obsessed with this image
thought this was robbie williams
do better rorke
Just found out that the older a man is the more paternal mutations his child will have, the older a woman is, the less maternal mutations her child will have.
What a time to be alive
lighten up leftypol
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Might have a ducking wank
did the youtube video affirm the existing belief?
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Never mind me, just posting a pic of me btfoing gammongs days before we sent you all home squealing.
what an odd photo

good lad
jokes aside having someone rub your penis actually feels quite nice especially if theyre a man
Any French MILFs in?
23andme results came back lads...
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why are they like this?
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>Pregnant woman loses baby after Tranent High Street assault
Wasn't funny the first time spaino
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leftypol nodding reluctantly, fighting the urge not to correct him
>Council wants new homes to be restricted to Welsh speakers only
that 13% maltese is pretty random
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genuinely fucking mental how ugly she is
damn l bet this 8 year old tweet got hella upvotes
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accusing indians of rape is pure projection
never let anyone tell you its too late
I became the real me at 34
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If I were an animator I'd be looking for a new job right about now.
good lad
mental your future wives are getting pumped by a better man probably at this moment
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>damn l bet this 8 year old tweet got hella upvotes
symbolism is a bit on the nose
just bought the fashion skin for mercy in overwatch
everyone says its comfy so watching Columbo they seriously just show who the murderer is at the beginning of each episode?
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good post this. i quit my job and now only sell wild fruits. im happier than ever though it came with some risks
why does he look like he's made of cheese lol
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know a girl who shaved her eyebrows when she was 15 and they literally never grew back so she has to draw them on

mad that aye
I shave mine all the time because I have brezhnev brows yet the fuckers always come back in greater force
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aha they love it
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remember how they melted down that Robert E Lee statue in yankland?
this is what replaced it
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he eating cheese lol
eyebrows are an important feature for girls imo
geez rough go for her
I literally have no idea what that is but for some reason feel compelled to worship it
15 year old girl
Unreasonably cold out
Windows closes
Blankets on bed
Housecoat on
Socks, not coming off
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shall be saving that reaction image
wtf it’s only 13 degrees celsius
recognising patterns
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cheeky snack x
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would love to throw that in a blender and drink it
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good lad
Hello lads.
would love to throw you in a blender
hey Lachie, how's your morning going?
looks satanic
oh cool William Shatner is the killer this episode
they used to call james dean "the human ashtray" because he went to gay clubs and let blokes put cigarettes out on him
Rain forecasts every day for the next week
Broken Britain
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what do you reckon your WW1 era ancestors would make of you and your life?
got quite the discerning eye I see
Flying to Germany for a two week holiday on Friday me.
well one would hope that they'd be happy their descendants live in relative prosperity and have time for recreation

shut the fuck up you twat
I ate so much granola this morning, like 1 giant bowl and my guts in agony
Feels like razor blades in my belly, arse and back
well 3 of them died in the war so they'd probably just be glad l'm alive
Might have a can of lemonade
see >>201840831
Granola it’s over
no need
I dont use arch linux btw
>nooo that's the wrong answer :(
it's bedtime
Still think only reason my parents were jehovas witness was because they didn't want to buy me presents
good lads
I'm livid. Absolutely livid.
sorry to hear
is it true JW believe that only 144 000 people are going to heaven
no it isn't
People whose 2nd toe is longer than their big toe should be killed.
i'd defo go to heaven, i put my basket back in the basket thing at tesco after using the self service
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off to truro lads
Was gonna say mad but it's actually hilarious how you have to deal with our schitzo versions of christianity
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watch out for them creepy locomotives with human faces alri
self service
>bagging your own groceries
>ringing up your own groceries
>get eyeballed by a security guard the whole time

cashier checkout
>put your stuff on the conveyor belt
>walk out with your bags of groceries

why on earth would anyone prefer self checkout?
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It's a misread and misquoted partner scripture
thereby robbing an impoverished immigrant of making his living?

straight to the hellfire with you lad
Avoid lines and small talk mong
good lad
self-checkout is anti-labour and anti-consumer simple as
this thread needs a hero
Self service is shit because things always don't scan and accidentally fal into the bag. Also hate it when expensive fruit scans as cheap ones.
mate if it's that difficult for you to undergo an interaction with a checkout clerk you've got a bigger issue at play there
fuck off am i calling you that
pick a real name
what other mistruths are there? I've heard they don't like blood transfusions either
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Don't want to bullshit with the cashier I have better things to do
Everyone who is against self checkout always has some schizo theory about how it will take jobs or something. I can scan and bag things myself quickly you can wait for your items to go on a belt. Not my problem
Irish names are my pet piamh
>I've heard they don't like blood transfusions either
that one's true
good post
you see he acts like a goofy idiot to lull the murderer into a false sense of security
kind of mental how a single bloke, in theory, could have thousands upon thousands of children, millions even
obviously extremely impractical, but not impossible
very few women can have feasibly more than 15 children, but a man can just keep going on and breeding for life
I prefer self-service because I can carefully stack all my groceries in the bag in exactly the correct way without the time pressure of people waiting for me to move the line along.
genghis khan and that
They don't allow gender transition or homosexuality either
Nothing that polites the body or mind
You have to keep your mind body and soul pure

You can imagine how boring my childhood was lel
so where's mousey been then?
Any /sweatymen/ in? I'm not even fat but just walking outside at +20 degrees makes me sweat like a pig to the point where my t-shirt sticks to my back.
>You have to keep your mind body and soul pure
so no alcohol?
Genghis Khan is believed to have had up to 20k kids IIRC
love the heat personally but that's probably because i'm an acclimatised australian
according to genomic evidence, at the start of the Neolithic revolution, when humans first adopted agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle, the effective (i.e. breeding) ratio of the female to male population peaked at 17 to 1

i.e. for every 17 women that had children, only one man had children
No drugs or alcohol
Can have multiple wives though
Not that anon but there's a mormon church down the street from me and they keep hosting local events trying to hook people in
Genghis Khan and Atilla the Hun were so freaking badass.
When did you leave? Did your parents leave or did they shun you for leaving?
Don't get why /brit/ assumes everyone is an autistic spacker until proven otherwise
You prefer using the self check out? You must be scared of the cashier
You make X amount of money? You're just larping in your smelly bedroom
Dont get it. Are brits and aussies around weirdos daily in school or something?
neither of them would have lasted 5 minutes down the pub carrying on the way they did
for me it's assuming everyone is a normal functioning /brit/poster that goes to the pub with the lads unless proven otherwise
Got me knob out
I want to have 20000 wives and watch each of them be bred by a different black bvll
the scared of cashiers man doth protesteth too mucheth
Parents split up and my mum just couldn't be arsed with it any more because it was mostly my dad's schizo family
Thank fuck
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No one is allowed to be a cool badass conqueror anymore. The world doesn't work that way now. The only one who even comes close is maybe Putin or some warlord in Africa.
very good post
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the aislop is nearly there
one more year
that's good (not your parents divorcing but you not having to be involved with the jh anymore)
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Imagine if ai overtakes hollywood
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only a matter of time
They do that, you also have to donate a % of your earnings to church and provide free labour to your church goers.
My dad was an engineer and had to give 20% of everything he earned plus he'd also work for free which really triggered my mum when they had no money. Only benefit is they have to do same for you, say if you need an electrician.
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presented without comment
reckon if there was a war i would be given power armour and a super gun
I'm just that good
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time for a coffee methinks
phew, things are looking better and better
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Yeah for mormons it's 10% of earnings I think
Also the missionary work is usually for 18-20 year olds rather than life like JWs
One of the weirder shit mormons do is the death baptisms that most members do from when they're 12, they're assigned several dead people's names and are baptised in their place with the idea that they will baptise every human who has ever lived
mental how fashion works
long white socks and dad-runners coming back into style

not for me
tried doing this but it demanded I give my phone number
why the fuck would you give your phone number to a chinese company
free Chinese fortune cookie!
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need to run a few errands today
shall enjoy a coffee first I reckon
well rorke?
wot I just followed the link on the /tv/ thread and didn't have to give anything

good for him
she shags over men surely
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pulling a cheeky prank on my mate like
good rad
Fascinating and also scary
Bit miffed I missed out on the free holiday to spread the word like.
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760 casualties from a Russian missile strike in Poltava today.
>minecraft movie
only a decade or so after its peak
>Greta Thunberg detained at pro-Palestinian rally
Crusty ass bitch
pretty mental how long minecraft's been around for.
Know full grown adults who said they remember it from when they were in primary school
Ah yes "detained", where she gets released moments after the cameras are turned off
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How old are you?
send her over there she can help relieve the gallant hamas fighters
BBQ Hohol
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almost 30
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what a fucking cuck
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why are bong bros so freaking bad at driving ?
The swedish authorities still didnt figured out why those bong lads crashed and died. It is actually impossible to crash and die at that swedish bridge.

Are Bongoloids the worst drivers in the history of mankind ?
The British male does not fear death
little fella loves that jew webm
odd post
swear Germans are the most schizo posters on this site
Brits are also pretty good at falling off balconies and painting the pavements red
Not sure any other country does this at the rate which we do.
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I think it is totally fair and respectable to criticize Israel, but crying over a dead terrorist and saying that you would rather live under Hamas rule is a different matter.
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send him into Gaza lol
Is that the name three books kids
fast forwarding through the first 10 mins of Columbo so l dont know who the killer is
>I think
a lie right off the bat
no he does podcasts now
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we are only number 2 for balcony jumping

Britania rules

but desu never get the idea with grown ass adults think it´s a good idea to jump from the balcondy, even if i had 20 beers i wouldnt do that
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
wtf guy
AI will never be Art because all it can do is give the inputter what he wants, and it can only draw from that which already exists.
Art requires inspiration, the surprise that comes through authentic human creation where the finished product never quite matches what is planned.
One of the most toxic notions that infects modern thinking is the idea that there is any kind of similarity between computers and the mind. There is not, and you are clueless if this isn't immediately intuitively obvious.
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dont care just want it to make porn and funny memes
I think they'd droop their heads in shame, possibly even cry.
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the laaaaaaaaaaaads (plural)
Seeing Nazgul irl would be freaking scary ngl
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>A 14-year-old boy will be charged with murder after four people were killed and nine injured in a shooting at a Georgia high school.
that's fair, have no issue with AI making profiting from such things harder
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the problem with ai art critiques is 99% of them come from people that don't make real art nor have much appreciation for it. they just like to draw pretty pictures
wish I could just take a pill and drift off and never wake up ever again
Probably, doesn't make them wrong though.
false flag psyop
errr you can
Does anyone notice how there arent posts outside generals? 90% of threads dont pass 30 replies. Its even worse in non-euro hours
Where can I get it?
safest roads in the world actually x
built different innit
yeah if i saw one irl i'd be like omds what's that aha x

'asis that low?
Fashion in that sense is for twats
Real fashion aka looking good for men is simply being fit or even swole and wearing good fitting clothes with colors that compliment each other
Beef and broccoli for the post arm day gymtoil sesh
they're invisible mate haha
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If you encountered Nazgul irl you'd piss yourself
mad how i'm just dogshit at everything and have no redeeming qualities whatsoever
a truecel
not with that attitude
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Why do garbage cans (or rubbish bins as it were) always have that horrible sickly sweet smell? Do you know what I mean?
I walked past my neighbor's garbage can yesterday and the smell was.absolutely horrific. I felt like it got deep into my lungs.
cause there's rubbish in them mate
Yeah but why does it have a sickly sweet odour
headache still lingering
time for a panadol
Its the trash bags they use. Some of them are sold as a scent to supposedly make the smell better and/or they're throwing away some nasty stuff on that particular day
Fungi and Animals: Fungi, including mushrooms, are actually more closely related to animals than to plants. This is because animals and fungi share a common ancestor that branched away from plants around 1.1 billion years ago12.
pretty cool
also interesting is that grass only game into being quite recently geologically
for most of the dinosaurs' existence there was no grass
Bats and Primates: Bats are more closely related to primates (including humans) than to rodents. This is because bats and primates share a more recent common ancestor compared to their divergence from rodents.

Insects and Crustaceans: Insects are more closely related to crustaceans (like crabs and lobsters) than to other arthropods such as spiders. Both insects and crustaceans belong to a group called Pancrustacea.
Humans and Yeast: Humans share about 31% of their genes with yeast, a type of fungus. This genetic similarity is due to the fact that both humans and yeast are eukaryotes, meaning their cells have a nucleus.
Sharks and Humans: Sharks and humans share a common ancestor that lived around 440 million years ago. This makes sharks more closely related to humans than to other fish like goldfish.
Octopuses and Snails: Octopuses are more closely related to snails and clams than to other marine animals like fish. They all belong to a group called mollusks.
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the lads when it's my turn for a round of pints
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the lads when I come back with the beers
Ok that's insane actually
the law of conservation of poo
anyone here ever get arrested
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When they were filming The Empire Strikes Back, they told Mark Hamill that Darth Vader is his father only a moment before they started filming that scene. It wasn't in the script. Most people on the set didn't know except for the ones who really needed to know.
based lucas
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think i have autism
think star wars was about democracy vs fascism
well there you go
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fact: each individual state in the USA has more culture and sovl than the entirety of Britain combined
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Even David Prowse, the actor who played Darth Vader, didn't know. His lines were different when they filmed the scene. Later they replaced his voice with James Earl Jones's voice who did the real lines where he tells Luke that he is his father.
>His lines were different when they filmed the scene
so what was mark hamill responding to?
think it was "obi-wan killed your father" on the set
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He knew what the real lines were going to be because they just told him before they filmed the scene. They said "David Prowse is going to say one thing, but that's not the real line, so react the way you would if Darth Vader tells you he's your father."
they had little brown guys in trees in episode 3 so i think it was about vietnam
mad there's people on /brit/ that don't know about the 'cord
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i got a good one

coelocanths are a fish that are actually genetically more closely related to humans than they are to other fish
I may have a lot of failed relationships, but at least it gives me a big "imagination wank bank"
*Masturbates to the thought of fucking an ex so hard and well that she wants to be back together again
Ahh that's the stuff
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only thing I knew about coelocanths is that there was a pokemon based on them
what made the relationship fall apart lad
mental there are adult indians on earth rn who have never ever used a toilet

which pokemons that?
scranning a wicked poo
some of those indians in this very thread i bet
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check out this knight checkmate while simultaneously forking the queen!
Just did a girthy long poo
corrrr like a bbc coming out your arse innit
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smell the same too
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*Bleeeached - RAW*
*Bleeeached - RAW*
toiletberg BLACKED by my poo
Case in France right now where a degenerate boomer who drugged his wife unconscious regularly for 10 years, to allow strangers to fuck her, is on trial.
Something often omitted is that he admitted that, because his wife is racist, he deliberately chose blacks and arabs to fuck her as a kind of punishment.
Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with leftists?
having a drink

France literally invented negrophilia
The founder of Blacked was a Frenchman

relic + coelocanth pretty clever aha

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