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biscuit maker edition

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first for you
Go outside, get in touch with industrial waste, touch pavement.
I'll go cum is what I'll go and do, numbnuts
A 1-megaton thermonuclear warhead has just detonated over Pyongyang.
over one thousand chongs thermonuclear warhead has just detonated over chingchong
>Indian people
What is their fucking problem?

Wtf is wrong with blk people unironically?
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I'd love to visit Borneo one day so I can see proboscis monkeys in the wild
Yakub permanently fucked them over in the year 65,781 BC.
How lonely are you anons
american yankee doodles, how popular is the moorish science/black nation of islam/five percenters stuff really
It depends on the day. I wish I had a gf, some days this sends me into full on panic attacks, other days it doesn't bother me at all.
I don't know what this is
Meant for >>201847634
What you really seek is union with God, which is what intimate romantic relationships are reflections of. This is why "love" cannot be reduced to mere chemicals in the brain. It is transcendental
what could possibly be evolutionarily beneficial about having a big floppy sniffer like that
My ideal relationship is about me and her, not about god. I'm not religious.
god is about as real as my gf
Is love mere chemicals or is it more than that?
God must be real in order for me to make objective sense of your post. we both agree that your post has an objective meaning it is trying to convey and is not simply gibberish correct
It's a sex thing. Seriously, the males with the biggest noses get the most ladies. The girl monkeys like males who can honk and yell loudest, and a bigger nose achieves this.
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>Is love mere chemicals or is it more than that?
Of course it's more than that, but I still don't believe in Christians, or any religious. That's not to say I'm not spiritual, I think there is more to reality and our place in the universe than we can perceive.
smash your 2 neurons together maybe you can figure out what i meant
i actually had a few GFs before god took them away. hes with me right now. 100% cereal, we call him the castrator. isn't that like one of the worst things you can do to a person. imagine what a mother fucking piece of shit this fucking faggot really is. he TOOK AWAY SEX. he is TORTURING A MANS PENIS. this is not the same as falling to an illness. he came into my house and took my penis. and, hes still here. i cant kick him out, hes invisible.
Oooo schizo vs schizo duel
>That's not to say I'm not spiritual, I think there is more to reality and our place in the universe than we can perceive.
Like what? You can stop replying anytime that you lose interest
I know what you meant. it had an objective purpose to get across. Right?
^ perfectly sane individual
Proboscis monkeys = Jews, is what you're saying?
i was lying, hes helping me. i turned into a shiny pokemon. any day now i'm going to go back to having sex, like before he helped me.
>like what
Well I think consciousness is very special, especially since some physicists think it's quantum in nature. If we are this in tune with the universe, then it could be possible that our minds persist after our physical bodies pass.
Or maybe the truth is incomprehensible
Your mind will persist. What is the alternative? Non-existence? Has anything been observed to go from existence to nonexistence? Everything simply changes form.
The truth is out there anon, not quite everything but more than enough.
the god, obviously. what the fuck.
Please stop, you're scary.
I've heard this philosophical argument before, and I've also heard it as a reasoning for eternal recurrence, where we repeat our lives over and over for eternity. But, it's also possible that we can't accept or understand the fact that we will experience (can't think of a better word) non-existence. This is why people cope with religion, art, science, business, anything that extends their "legacy" after death.
oh okay
all the female proboscis monkeys love a big nosed man
>But, it's also possible that we can't accept or understand the fact that we will experience (can't think of a better word) non-existence. This is why people cope with religion, art, science, business, anything that extends their "legacy" after death.
Has nothing to do with coping. If nothing has been observed to cease existence then why should the mind be any different? Surely the only way this would be possible is if you deny that the mind is a thing that exists in the first place, but you're too self aware.
that place probably smells so bad
alcohol is gross and makes people do dumb stuff like this
One of my worst fears is that our minds persist after death, but it's just your mind. Like, you're stuck, alone, with your thoughts, for all eternity. In fact any sort of afterlife scenario that involves eternal awareness is terrifying, and would make existence a curse.
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>>Haitians were new to the region. During the last census, in 2020, a little more than 58,000 people lived in Springfield, a town at the crossroads of America that had fallen on hard times and shed population as opportunity slipped away. But it has changed dramatically in recent years, as a boom in manufacturing and warehouse jobs attracted a swelling wave of immigrants, mainly from Haiti. City officials estimate that as many as 20,000 Haitians have arrived, most of them since the pandemic
What does it mean for race science if crime doesnt explode now?
Well then that's your fault for having shitty thoughts.
This argument falls apart if the mind really is just electrical impulses in your brain. When those cells die, the mind ceases to exist.
Our minds were made with a purpose greater than to sit in emptiness forever.
You just typed this with a purpose didn't you? Do you think you just invented "purpose"? It existed before you and outside of you. And only minds can create purpose. Purpose was invented by an ultimate, transcendent mind.
why not just get a femcel gf?
I hope so anon
How do electrical impulses create consciousness anon? You know that this is silly. You know there is nothing to this at all. You've already said "love is more than chemicals" why isnt isnt love also electrical impulses?
Hope is good, but you don't need to hope for purpose
You already know it exists.
3 numbers in a row is done with a sorting algorithm that literally reads it first. we all currently believe there is no persistent mind for us, nothing to worry about. very hard to interpret the soul leaving, or where the consciousness goes after we die. they've lied about almost every important thing because theres a non human who is covering things up. hes doing like all the worst shit humanly possible which is why they lie so much, basically every single wikipedia article is filled with lies.
Laughing at all the women who get desperate once they reach their late 20s and are still single.
You have schizophrenia, and I think you should seek psychiatric assistance.
The solution for problems caused by mental ilness is not depend on other mentally ill people (or psychos that pretend to be femcels to lure in desperate incels)
The pain women feel from childlessness is probably the same or very close to men who can't find a wife. it cuts deeply.
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would you commit war crimes if you were deployed in some shit hole in the middle of nowhere in some random war, i would i think
What would you do? And why?
unless your brain is broken of course
No because I'm not a psycho
Read zome book that about 80% of people end up following orders about doing war crimes.
The odds are against me
Africans and Afro-Carribeans are fine, it's African-Americans who have been corrupted by thug culture and anti-intellectualism, leading to a lack of impulse control, and more crime.
lol what the fuck. nothing i said was even slightly schizophrenic. you're all NPCs who listen to lofi and watch twitch
i'm sure everyone that did war crimes would answer the same
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i expected someone to chime in with something like 'i just did a war crime on the toilet' or something by now
very demure cum
This bussy is a war crime
2 poopy?
Throwing everything in my room away that I don't use, feels good
Just added 40 gigs to my phone plan for only $5.00 CAD (plus tax) more every month.
learned that gasoline removes nail polish today
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how do you feel knowing your autistic genes die with you while some 70iq baboon has 10 kids with 10 different baby mamas?
howd you get that much money in canada. all the local jobs pay in food.
You are able to make your life better
Indulging thoughts like this are making it harder
Nigga I ruined my sleep
Yeah 70 iq Africans from third world countries are fine
have you tried using nail polish remover
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in an alternate reality jack black grew up to be a chud icon
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Ugly face
why is she showing off her toilet?
jesus chroist
there's a legitimate use case for bikes in an suburban solo environment or rural solo but never anywhere you can go over 30
Laughing at all the girls who get desperate once they have a bmi over 19 and are still single.
it was an accident the gas pump was leaky
nothing matters anymore, lots of things that happened recently would've made history in the 80s but now everyone is jaded
Someone wake janny up
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Eating ice cream.
y 4
Canadian flag posted crime again
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god made their bodies but outsourced their minds to satan
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A fine morning.
gay thread
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1:46am coffeetime.
would really appreciate some dopamine right now brain thank you
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absolutely hate this song sorry
no u don't
what about thsi one?
i am a nu-metal respecter so yes korn is fine with me i like this song
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been making some spicy posts hopefully i dont get banned because lord knows they ban anything they dont like regardless of rules
my posts are more bitter than spicy
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There are so many books I wanna read.
My shits are spicy.
Oh yeah?
Sometimes I remember that I'm a NEET loser and I feel like shit.
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good night
2:45am, still drinking covfefe.
Party rockers in the house tonight
Happy 4:20am!!!!!
a chemical reaction, anon.
2 foul liquid poos this morning
Don’t think my body is used to red meat
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Lel pol found an uncensored ai
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how do you niggas actually flirt?
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dont know
scamala and china waltz
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So rat schizo how many languages do you speak?
>My dick - your pussy, interested?
AI censorship sucks
my mere existence gives women the ick
mental how hard canada mindbroke him
fucked how every single individual day of my life does, has, and will suck and the whole of my time on earth will add up to a protracted act of torture simply because a deal of fate which i had no ability to influence ordained that i would be born ugly
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couche tard haha
Just found out when my Mom and Dad were dating they had a "break" and my Mom ended up going on a cruise ship with a Brazilian guy and probably had sex with him
Stop being ugly.
>my Mom ended up going on a cruise ship with a Brazilian guy and probably had sex with him
no mice
I can only apologise for this /cum/. He’s got out his runt cage and infested over generals. Accept my apologies on behalf of brit
buying a pass would be a good idea then you can post mice *winks*
come back to /brit/ mousey, we need you
As the prime minister of /brit/ i apolocheese on his behalf
thread ruined fuck you mouse fag
give it a rest ya wee mongo, you've linked those posts 10 times already
Stir fry ratpedo in a wok
all women are whores if you haven't realized it yet
day 1 of waiting to hear back from the interview officially begins
Doing this absolutely retarded mandatory workshop zoom call where they have a bunch of stupid corporate speak BS slides about how we have to Project Professionalism, Deliver Standard Greeting, Establish Purpose. And of course Personalize and Provide Assurance to the customer. Don't forget the EQ triangle and the Trigger Triad of Look, Listen, and Leverage so you can Influence Other's States of Mind in order to better serve the customer's needs. Holy shit why do we need to sit in this soulless vapid zoom call for 5 hours to help old people reset their password? Fucking kill me please. Modern adult daycare world dystopia is so fucking gay. Only good thing is enough other people just outright ignored them when they demanded we keep our cameras on at all times. They kept bitching about it but I just ignored the request, thankfully at least 15 - 20 others also ignored so they can't really force it. id just walk away and go jerk off or something but they will randomly call names to keep us on our toes
Do you really need AI to help type your crap for you?
karen has to earn her paycheck somehow
I've been seeing "no overnight parking" signs in rest stops lately. so retarded
next time post the link here and i'll spam bbc porn
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millennials and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race
i love bbc porn
I thought my mom was different
STFU pedo
just paid off about half my student loans
apu why are they injecting sad juice into you wtf
my mom got knocked up by a dude in a night club and had me, ditched the dude for a guy with money, then ditched me when new guy said he wanted a family without a bastard. part and parcel of being born to a foid bro
>all women are whores
this can't be true b/c they want nothing to do with me no matter how hard i try.
just rangeban scotland at this point, literally nothing of value to be lost
why are brits consistently the worst posters in this general
What food should I buy for some innawoods camping, about 5 days worth.
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Not listening to spamming pedophile foreigners, I want American opinions.
Four days sober
This deserves a little brew
>see cat on dining room table
>tell her "get off the table!"
>she knows full well what it means because she immediately gets off the table
>5 minutes later
>she's on the table again
what's her fucking problem
every single day with this shit
stickin to the code, all these hoes for the streets
leave douchebag
stay king
Leave and come back intermittently, dude
I had this whole poem thought out but I forgot it
my mom married my dad and they stayed married for like 40 years of something until he died
ew wtf is on her forehead
Pipe down Mr. Nosy, you're no prize
Yes I am.
Atheists are bent on removing beauty and wonder from the world
Steamed hams.
>ignorance is... LE BLISS
ok boomer
Regional dialect
I dialect your mom's region last night
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The hotwife as it were
My long day begins now!
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Hello? Janitors?
Clean up on aisle /cum/!
She never had anything bad to say about anywhere she goes. But I bet she hated Portugal
Kek I've been strongly considering doing that actually. I mean theres no way they could track it back to me, right? Would be so fucking funny to see this stupid call get flooded with spammers and shitposters. There's like 100+ people so i doubt they'd be able to narrow it down enough
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canada is fucked
They'd just rangeban you. They do that shit and throw away the key. I was rangebanned on /tv/ since like 2017. I had to get a whole new phone and sim to be able to post there. They don't undo rangebans it seems
Then why does the schizo brit keep coming back
I once went to irc for this and the mod just said the staff can't do anything about it because it's automated and gets undone after a while. Useless moderation team
Lol yeah they're dumb shits
Was it the "your name" guy or whatever he was called
Because nobody is banning him. Gods know why.
>just found out my girlfriend doesn't use oxford commas either
my soulmate
yeah i'm pretty sure it was him.
can we get this stinky indian banned ? yes, canada, too.
How could they? They'd have no clue who leaked the link anyways afaik they would have no way to find out either
Interesting enough to mindbreak you
i want mcdonalds brekky but these fat fucks keep clogging the drive thru
I told him that a fag was spamming the metal general on mu, like the brit is here, and he wouldn't even open the thread to look at it
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Saw a young nigga no more than 15 run out the store with a case of beer
Carpet bomb. Nuclear option. Just ban everybody
Nectarines are the best fruit
>call other people fat fucks
>eating Mcdonalds
>too fat and lazy to leave your car to get it
Supposed to be 112 today
Unfortunately the swamp cooler makes grandma hypothermic so idk how long we can have it on. Don't know why she refuses to just layer on more clothes or get a blanket
it's hot, but you're hotter, babe

Had a free Denny's Grand Slam brekky at work today. I hadn't had an old fashioned breakfast in years. Pancakes eggs hash brown sausage links and bacon. Shit was so cash, I'm absolutely stuffed. I haven't eaten that much food in a while
They are exceptional. But not the best
post body and car copelord
hell yeah that sounds good, i love the country fried steak they have, it's so addicting
something that struck me is how the janitor recruitment form asks you to write a whole essay on problems plaguing your home board. You would expect the new jannies would be hired to fix the problems they wrote about on their form, but nothing changes
Don't reply to it or give it any attention stupid
sipping coconut water
My dog is shaped like a potato
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grim thread
You know what I did? I had some coconut water and kept pouring little bits of lemon juice in it. Delicious.
lizard fren is here buds
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Is this the nigger who trained Ray gun
i'll have to try it
If 1 million people sente $1 ally problems would be over
if every cummer sent me 1 dollar i'd have a million dolllars
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>Whoa is that Grimy Liquidation
Heading on my coffee journey now lads
Made her extra strong so I'm gonna racing around in a minute
What is broken can never be fixed
>ugh, why won't pipo just gibsmedat
sometimes l ask beggars near mcdonalds if they want something to eat, then just zoom right past them after l leave the drive thru lmfao
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they are looking through my search history and making posts to taunt me in this general
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Imagine not having a hotwife
What a fucking bore
Is that whore your wife?
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here's a protip for you incels.

get in before they sluts catch on
Yes, where is yours? Oh wait....
They can't or else we couldn't do our jobs. It would be pure chaos but probably too risky
What cuckold community?
I bet they're all full of elderly people
i could just pay a whore, that's less of stain on my dignity than having anything to do with cuckoldry
What ever happened to that UK flag that would always post lord of the rings quotes and stuff?
Some douche came here to remind me of my assault for 1 or 2 minutes then left
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There's a cute cat video I want to post but it has sound so 4chins won't let me
you embarass yourself when you peddle your fetish here, although i'm sure you get off to it
Theres a thread for webms with sound on the wsg board, you post whatever webm there then link to it
Ayo this nigga talking to himself!
Oh no no no!
bro can you even read
For example,
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same, I have a bunch of quality stuff but since gookmoot doesn't want to pay the extra 0 dollars to allow sound webms I have to resort to mainly jeets and /ck/ vids
Using noise from a part of what happened to intimidate. I don't make enemies.
You're incoherent and should seek treatment
Nice try.
Actually, you're retarded if you can't re-encode them or link them from another board.
Even when some fag spoonfeeds you, all you can do is bitch and moan.
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Why does everything have to be so difficult
yournamehere is a huge asshole, that being said they have it written out very clearly in the IRC rules that the IRC channel is not for reporting rule breaking under any circumstances and that you can get banned for it
you can ask them in irc or feedback to consider lifting the rangeban
he keeps buying new sim cards, most of scotland's mobile network is rangebanned because of him
Unless I find something that's just absolutely a banger I'm not going to bother re-encoding it or linking it on another board.

sorry cumbums
>doood just jump through a million hoops and you can post them here
>doood just post them on a different board so everyone can ignore the link
shut up autist
Wouldn't be interested anyway
anon fucked 4 girls by pretending. you can figure out the rest
so you're butthurt and shitting up the general complaining about it why? I can tell you're low IQ btw
>the staff can't do anything about it
Yeah only the admin can rangeban or lift rangebans, so the mods would have to be bother to ask the admin to do that shit for you (which they arent)
so, i could fuck an infinite amount of whores
I didn't even speak though, i wrote and clicked post so i dont get why you are telling me to "shut up". I wasn't speaking. Also calling me an autist doesn't hurt my feelings, I am proud of my neurodivergence. Our differences are what make life colorful and exciting. I won't be shamed for being myself. I recomend you take a good long look at yourself and think next time before posting mean or abusive content online
You really believe that bullshit
You're a fucking clown
>muh iq
only genuine spergs equate intelligence to numbers on a piece of paper
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that's something a low IQ person would say
British roads are so bad they warn American cars not to enter
Why do euros make the most appalling posts in my /cum/?
Perhaps you're a "new" Finlander?
So in my Rome total war campaign I used an alliance with the Spanish to assrape the Gauls in Spain. Now it's just us Scipii and the Spanish in Spain so I ended our alliance. They IMMEDIATELY attacked me, but I had hella archers and had my back to a hill so I climbed the hill and rained death down on them. Didn't even get into a melee battle before they surrendered
forgot these two janny
Why is mousey having a meltdown?
got banned for posting using an avatar and has been freaking out about it for 5 hours now
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this is how i imagine you guys look like
this is you in my mind
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Wow this guy is a Russian stooge. Crazy. I never would have guessed in a million years. He seems so normal.
Every bathroom at work is occupied and I gotta take a wicked coffee shit
Read that image. You are not allowed to post anything until October 5th. Today is September 5th. You must wait one month to post again.
Sometimes I want to post regi too but jan bans people for looking funny so I don’t
I kind of respect mouse for rendering tranny janny powerless
The X-Men talk alot about acceptance, but how the fuck am I not supposed to be afraid of someone who can just generate a fucking class 5 hurricane by having her hands. Like be for fucking real.
it is what it is
Because she's nice
And hot
Got approved for a $10,000 limit credit card because I pay for everything with my credit cards and just pay the bill off at the end do the month
Also took out a loan for an amount I already had and just paid it off in three months
The credit building cheat code
Now I need to convince a bank to give me a few million so I can run away to a country that will never extradite me
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hello /cum/bros how are we doing today and why do i love you so much
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What about the guy who can rip the iron from my bloodstream and kill me with a thought.
i wouldn't fear her
Being so tall and athletic regular NPC clothes don't fit you is such a bittersweet feeling
You say that till you're sitting next to her and she sneezes and you get fried with a lightning bolt
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strategic conscious iron deficiency should be taught as the main survival method in every school
>90% of marvel characters are vulnerable to gunfire
Really makes you think
Yeah but the ones who are, you better get em in the first shot cuz you're not getting a second one
My bullets are faster than his cards
>they're discussing capeshit unironically
fat seething manlet
What do you think is a better topic of discussion?
fat seething manlet
You'd have to hit a moving target whose essentially a world class acrobat with a bullet. Meanwhile if his card lands within 12 feet of you you're dead
Not being fat in America is suffering
Good luck finding cheap clothes that fit you, everything is geared towards the fat and obese
I have to order my clothes online or go to stores that charge $30 for a plain white shirt
Whoa he's like sanic the hedgehog
check the UPC code, they've been poisoning t shirts that have repeating numbers in them. to force you to look at the code lol. its a method of extreme financial torture.
religion, politics, and whether x racial group is white
Humiliation Ritual
Hitting a human sized moving target of world class human physical capabilities is not hard at all, it's a pretty big target and even the best humans move relatively slowly.
>being fat is better when you're poor
Quintessential american post
Yeah tf tp let that bath sink inside
Bullets are faster because whatever card throwing capeshit you’re talking about ISNT REAL LMAO
I am fat
The poors are fat in America while the rich are thinner
Cheap ultra processed garbage is easily accessible
Mexico is fatter
Are you fat? Because I'm not
Buy these they're comfy
>T. Never fired a gun
Fat enough to crush you
mapcel save us
Queen spinster save us
NATO trained and certified actually.
Terry save us
Shut up Twink
bake bread?
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>White and Latino acceptance rates increase, black acceptance rates remain steady, and Asian acceptance rates decrease at Yale and Princeton after AA decision.
Changbros... I don't feel so good..
Unlike your fat, bald and brown ass I've actually shot at people who were running for their lives so I have a pretty good idea how capable humans are and how easy they are to hit when moving
Wow Twink you're so tough
no. for the reasons that ive said throughout - no
i understand that you have probably not read the messages but i have waited out bans before and regardless whenever i come back and post a mouse i get banned by this janny. the rules mean nothing anymore and he has shown that, and so does /brit/. you undermine your own power and authority. you are clowns. you are also tyrants
you cannot explain >>201865792 or why it is allowed. this janyn does more h arm than good
it is the rule now that the rules set by these people enabling this janny are not to be tolerated until - at the very least - he starts to respect (follow, and enforce) these rules and do his job properly - which he wont - or if you will take the feedback that happens throughout these and let it reflect on him instead of being separate from us

P.S. if you are him and just samefagging then, just, fuck you. go fuck yourself if youre doing that
hope she reads this bro especially with how hard youve been working to get noticed out of the eeeeeeeee 0 other people whove been trying to orbit her that you have to compete with and are surely the reason why she hasnt said anything back

based zogbot
I changed my mind
Im rooting for you now
Fuck tranny janny
So this is how /cum/ dies…with a whimper
I’d make a new but the retard pedo would shit that up too
I'd make a new but I'm phoneposting and making a new on mobile is annoying
critical lack of deodorant
I'd make a new but I don't want to
been about 3 weeks now since I cracked open a GRRM book, time to get back on the grind I reckon.
Alright, it's official then.
This is the last /cum/
Thanks for playing
Women humping their pillow to get off is pretty sexy
heart breaker and life taker, a certified body snatcher. trained by the most powerful military organization in the history of man kind. fat short incels on the internet who don't leave their basement think we're cryptids
This was a fascinating read. The wayos in the pic look like fucking mexicans, but they're Italian (not Latinx)

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