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X-Men edition

I almost made a new, good thing I CHECKED before posting it
thank god, another toby containment thread
objectively magneto is the strongest mutant
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I got my flag back yay
You Had plenty of time to make whatever kind of thread you wanted and you didn't do SHIT
prove that you are an American right now
nuh-uh patrick stewart
>critical lack of deodorant
who is it then?
Proteus. He even gave wolverine ptsd
>muh epic comic book characters
Grow the fuck up
TWINKle TWINKle little star
>No fun allowed
Fuck off. Go do your taxes or something if you're so grown up
weird how outside america comic book shit hasn't been popular since the 90s. I blame the weak american individualist culture for creating so many man babies
I need a jobberg that doesn’t have shift work and pays a living wage (100k min) and doesn’t require much prior knowledge
Your competition?
Infinity jeets
if you can't buy it twice you can't afford it
best i can do is ubereats
>just buy two houses bro
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capeshit has unironically peaked and will be regarded as a 2010's thing the way Zombies peaked from like 2002-2015 or so
if l don't hear back from that job l am LITERALLY driving off a cliff and rerolling for a different path
evens stream it
odds don't
Individualism incentivized personal responsibility
What is the logical conclusion of whatever the opposite is? Group think?
Lack of collective identity results in a divide and conquer reality
My GF from California has 90 seimsuits
Individualism does not mean that there is no collective identity
Ones can find their collective identity in pursuit of one's own freedom
What the Estonian is referring to is some sort of legislated collective identity
I think zombies peaked around 2009-2011 with left 4 dead, killing floor and COD zombies. It was down hill from there. Nearly all zombie media past 2012 has been trash
What do you know about it all the way over there in whereverthefuck

You're not even part of civilized humanity
What is behind the decline of this country is the hyper-individualism that rules today. You did not understand that anon very well at all and are inserting your own meaning.
individualism doesn't incentivize personal responsibility, that's what collectivism does. Individualism incentivizes the "fuck you I got mine" mindset that's ruining america. It's literally every man for themselves.
I meant peaked in cultural popularity and relevance not quality. But I agree with your post thoughbeit
>You did not understand that anon very well at all and are inserting your own meaning.
Ask him about it
He is a far left socailist who hates capitalism on pretty much all fronts
couldn't imagine dropping over 150k on a suped up offroad capable pedovan just to sleep in parking lots. van campers are literal fucking retards
I've never seen someone get so pissed off by me saying im tall. So some breathing exercises or something man and check your god damn blood pressure.
What we have now is not capitalism. It can best be described as crony corporatism.
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corny ahh credit card company
Sure but I did not misunderstand the Estonian
cum cum cum
You uppity fucking European provincial. Know your place, scum
Culturally probably yes. Becoming mainstream is usually followed by the other side of the bell curve very shortly. Some zombie media has been making a pretty decent resurgence but it's unlikely to ever be as big as it was. I think everyone just grew up and realized zombies were kind of a stupid thing to begin with.
umm no because he can buy all the funkos and wage for whatever billionaire he wants, it's still a free country bro
If you asked me to give you a list of the most epic and based individuals from history, I'd go with Calvin Coolidge, Friedrich Nietzsche, Augusto Pinochet, Yukio Mishima, St. Augustine, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and A.H.
>van campers are literal fucking retard
They are a hyper-soy reddit type of person, what did you expect? lel
>No Megas Alexandria

Shit list breh
why Saint Augustine
>realized zombies were kind of a stupid thing to begin with.
Correct. They were from negro ooga-booga magic then became sci-fi. The more they try to explain them using realism the less sense they make.
>dude it's a virus
>dude it's a disease
>dude it's a parasite
None of these even make a little sense when you think about it.
Being able to piss off someone on the other side of the world so hard they're literally red from their face is a magical feeling. Although I do generally like america, you definitely are the good guys of global superpowers. Your problems are mainly regarding internal politics. I've trained with americans a lot, no one kills people as well as americans do. For how much money US military wastes it is very competent at what it does
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I still love zombies so much bros
>The more they try to explain them using realism the less sense they make.
Absolutely based take
>no Steppe horde character
>no Alexander the Great
>nobody from the age of discovery
>nobody from B.C.
actually what if the people on 4chan that are scared of "the woke" and "cancel culture" are only learning from the news and things where maybe the weaker people that cant get away with it have said it, had their lives ruined, them ignoring all of the other people that use it to say, sort of "this is the only way," like evolution? it is sort of evolution, as they are learning from those people that in the end they were still like - i guess in the way that it isnt true how "evolution tried" - it just was! but it is still sad as using those words (and not where you have been lowered by 4chan users) allowws you to develop on your things to turn that supposedly bad thing into the good, then getting your point across. i would go as far to say that anyone whom doesnt is an NPC
The Estonian is a unironic communist who hates his neighbors and freedom
Why are you having a meltdown?
meanwhile actual people who live in vans are living off quiktrip fried food and shitting in buckets
I miss her so fucking much
That's a meltdown but this isn't
I smell far left commie scum
Say you touch a public doorknob..how long till the germs go away or die
It's insane how many people sincerely react to AI-generated bait photos.
If you immediately lick your hand it will take care of them
Sorry I hate evil ideologies
I expected you to knee-jerk associate collectivism with communism. I've spent literal years of my life training to kill those that are currently flying the communist flag in front of their government building and my grandfather was a partisan against the USSR for 11 years straight living in the woods hunting commies. No one hates commies more than us. Collectivism is just living for your community and not prioritizing profit and self interest over the well being of your community.
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In the prepper community and with some of the more doomer chuds the zombie apocalypse is a sort of metaphor for when societal collapse happens and starving hordes of urbanites come to the suburbs and countryside to steal everything
estonian is actually an american living in estonia.
>Collectivism is just living for your community and not prioritizing profit and self interest over the well being of your community.
That sounds like a priority in values, not legislation
boomers gon boomer
fake news btw
this was my assumption, it's funny how you can usually tell things like this just through text
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All fucking fakecels must fucking hang
Oh I see what you're getting at.
What’s a fakecel
Oops, posted in the wrong one.

Anyway, this was an interesting read. These wayos look Mexican but they're Italian (not Latinx)
How do I stop doom scrolling
I want the opression and genocide in Palestine to stop
"values" is a nebulous term that has been used to divide america and drive it into the ground. It doesn't mean anything. You have to list the actual values not as a category. I think the real problem is that most countries are too big to have the interest of their people fairly represented. The real benefit of small countries is that the government is concerned with the actual day to day problems of their people which is pretty nice actually.
she can do a hurriacane on my dick, if you catch my drift
>"values" is a nebulous term that has been used to divide america and drive it into the ground. It doesn't mean anything.
There it is
I'm actually flattered that you think this way, but no, I have never been to america, in fact i've never been outside northern europe. You're probably confusing me with other estonian flags that post here.
>uninstall ig, tiktok, 4chan, sc, fb(boomer tier)
>pick a book, even a cooking magazine will do
>+10 IQ points right away
The only one of those that I use is 4chan
I have books but they don't hold my interest
You should download the pinball game I've been playing at work
Not an argument
based boomer
Against what?
Pick something he said and I'll discuss it with you
Not him but you. I don't think you know what you're talking about
stolen valour
someone who pretends to be incel
both the literal and figurative sense tbqhwyfamalam
>stolen valor
that got me so good lol, i've never heard that. good one. seriously though being an incel isn't a good thing, like at all.
I’ve been focusing more on short/medium term goals, trying to stay present and reflect on what’s happening now. I totally get you though, doomscrolling is addictive even though it hurts.
Oh come off it it's valor and you fucking damn well know it. Every day provides me with another reason to hate Canadians.
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doomsday, huh? I guess you can say I've been building a SHTF stockpile.
im on a hunger strike
>being an incel isn't a good thing, like at all
I didn’t choose the cel life, the cel life chose me.
Against whomst've'ded?
Swamp cooler is blowing hot air again
What are you striking against? Labour conditions?
>Every day provides me with another reason to hate Canadians.
If an extra U makes you hate then what chance did I have?
Oh it's you again. Clean the fucking filter maybe? Its probably thick as a sweater with dust
Already did
Worked for about 5 minutes
Running the built in pump for a while. Tried to do it before but my brother turned the damn thing off after like 1 minute
Ever since I heard you guys put maple syrup on Mac and cheese I've had it out for you
lil mama a party girl, she just wanna have fun too. they say you ain't wifey type but ion care i love you. she like to do drugs too, she in love with guns too they say you too piped up but ion care i love you
>can’t appreciate a good mac n maple
Pelagius, a moron: I doubt God's irrational enough to consign infants to eternal damnation simply because they died before they were baptized. Any God that does that wouldn't be worthy of respect.

Augustine - smart, handsome: the ways of God are inscrutable. Just because God does something we'd consider to be fucked up doesn't mean it's still fucked up when he does it. If the unbaptized go to hell, so be it.

[time goes on...]

Augustine: Ok, so now that Pelagius has fucked off, it is pretty fucked up and evil that God would confine infants to hell. It's almost like he created them guilty of a sin they didn't commit, while also not giving them time to repent and avoid being damned for the sole crime of descending from Adam. I can't fully backtrack, but I'll move to the position that although God does send them to hell and we shouldn't complain, he probably also puts them in a part of hell where they're not punished. This way I can hold to my position that the church, its sacraments, and its clergy are indispensable for everyone's salvation, while also slipping in an admission that Pelagius was right that a God who'd make salvation contingent more on sacraments and membership than on personal righteousness would be incredibly fucked up and unworthy of worship. I only want the good parts of my theories on original sin, I don't want to be held responsible for the incredibly depraved conclusions.
they dont make meds for liking bad bitches, it's my one and only weakness
Is it connected to the outside? It's supposed to pump in fresh outside air and cool it and blow it in the house. If it's not connected to the outside you're doing it wrong.

Also check the cooling pads. They gotta be wet you know or else it's all for shit
For me it's
Plato, Jesus the Christ and Carl Jung
i ain't reading allat xD
nothing "bad" about junkie whores, unless you mean in the literal sense. if you've ever socialized with them or gone outside for that matter you'd know why
im what you might call a junkie whore myself
Yeah I did all that, I think its just really fucking hot outside and the cooler is having trouble keeping up
more power to you then. just don't cry out for mom when you're robbed and gutted
I wasn't meant for you, Albania.
Buzz Lightyear
i know i just wanted you to know that
are you underaged or something?
Time to invest in a real AC like a white man
Stop with this Thirdie shit
been watching so much masterchef I have the beginnings of a waifu chart brewing
My family lives on thirdie breadcrumbs in commiefornia
need to cum in bum bum
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Legendary /cum/ post
i saw that video
>oh youre an adult and have to go fall down because some other (but retarded) adult had to say ANDYS COMING? and you didnt because you cant be bothered? and work is too hard? WTF you are working in Disneyland. get a grip. >boo hoo my life so hard. worse jobs to do doing for £6 an hour
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I used to love getting a gumball from the machine at the store when we went shopping
post it
Oh, so you're Mexican
Should've just said so
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i look like this
The swamp cooler should have given it away :(
Might rope if I'm bald before I find a long term partner
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as long as it's not like this, I am fine with it.
My man is gonna die rather than wear a hat
doesn't sound super based
effortleaf? he wasn't that smart
Not necessarily.
We had a swamp cooler when I lived in the south with my mom's family.

But yeah a swamp cooler in California just screams Mariachi music
This reminds me of that poster with the "classics" degree who always gets pissed off whenever classic literature is discussed and says shit like "none of you know what you're talking about but I'm not going to contribute because you guys wouldn't understand anyway"
this was only from like a month and a half ago
My man, death is 24/7
A woman isnt gonna get all the way to your bedroom and then change her mind because youre bald. Women don't care about looks like men do
Foids really like to do that irl and online
I only have 3 right now; Mary from MC Canada, Arena from MC Australia, and an Asian lady I saw on MC Australia.
I was talking about how I like Baroque music and don't like the Russian composers of Romantic music and some fucking Canadian swooped in and started lambasting me about being a sub 60 IQ moron and getting unreasonably upset
The deadliest natural disaster in history was the China floods of 1931, which killed an estimated 4 million people over the course of 6 months. The single deadliest pandemic was the Black Death, which killed about 65 million people over 4 years. The deadliest war in human history Was World War II, which killed between 75-85 million people over the course of 6 years.

What does this tell you? The scourge of mankind is neither God nor pestilence, but mankind itself. Man is the deadliest plague of all.
90% of women are incredibly boring people, painfully boring even
Has anyone here ever taken p5p (active form of vitamin b6)?
>You're your own worst enemy
Yeah thanks, Kreskin
Was it that reddit leaf or the one who likes to pretend Canada is more right-wing than the US? Suspect it's all the same guy tbqh
I hate when people make a stupid statement and then when they get btfo they're like "whatever I'm not going to argue with you" as if it isn't that they're wrong but rather they're the bigger and more mature person
because most of them don't even need to develop personalities and men will still pursue them.
No idea. Not for nothing but I usually just skim over Canadian posts without really reading them
>black death - ~15 million kills per year
>world war - ~13 million kills per year
good job retard, your own numbers proved yourself wrong
Hey officer Krupke
Krup you
Men have to become interesting and do all the work. A broad can just exist and still be pursued with no effort on her part whatsoever
What frustrates me is that if you try to talk to women about their opinions or values, how they think the world works, they get pissed off about it. Like they take even casual questioning as a challenge
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probably about 75% of all arguments in /cum/
t. Midwit that throws out logical fallacies, making proper debate impossible
Jaleel White (Urkel from the tv show) was the first english voice actor of sonic the hedgehog
>sa oled tüdruksõbrale kakskümmend euri sees, võta arvelt maha ma olin kakskend senti tema sees
>sa täpselt nagu teised kus on iseloom, ma olen suur kahemeetrine korilla olen ise loom
Americans will never understand the genius of this
>classic literature is discussed
Whombst might be'st such classics?
I'm ok with that, plenty of genius in English that I can pursue instead
I might be a faggot
Infinite Jest
How about you next calculate the percentage of my boot in your ass.
wolverine is an overrated little bitch. sure he's strong but what can he really do beside fighting with brute force, regenerate and outlive his enemies
What do men even talk to women about? Just sex and celebrity gossip and material wealth nonstop?
It better be really fucking good to deserve such a title.
See my previous post >>201869434
They are bizarrely solipsistic and seem to think you couldn't possible understand the knowledge within themselves or that by achieving what they achieved (Social science degree) they have transcended normies.
nothing really you just transmit vibes
Why are the Mods such niggers
>Por espanol numero 1
>Asking here
That's like asking about the flavor of beef at a vegan convention
based and true
0%, but I'd love to see you try. I will literally feed your organs to my dogs.
>Women don't care about looks like men do
One of the greatest lies ever told
Who said this? And did they do it with a straight face?
I think what it is, is that women understand the world implicitly through symbols, whereas men understand it in "pieces"
Both sides have trouble comprehending "why can't you just understand this" because they are seeing the issue in separate ways. It's also why men always tell women "I can't read your mind!" Because they can't pick up on the symbols that the woman thinks she's conveying
Let's be honest, the literary corpus of the Estonian language is fucking minuscule compared to that of countless other languages, let alone the English language. Not only is the number of Estonian texts tiny, but they present little to no literary innovation of their own, and they're almost certainly of a lower quality simply due to the lack of competition and standards when compared to English. Not to mention the fact that Estonian has only been a literary language since the 19th century, and since then has spent most of its existence being supressed by Russians and/or communism. Really, it's just not much to be proud of.
It is fun to read.
There were a few married guys here last month who seemed to think having a wife/gf was normal for 4channers.
he who cannot reach grapes says sour
You need to calculate how to get some bitches, dawg
week 3 on my no coffee experiment, Im still manic. I think I need meds.
foids talk about themselves to men, if a man talks about his interests it's mansplaining and gives them the ick
It is normal, most people don't post about it because it makes spergs angry
Yeah? I want to kiss you
Your mothers eat organs? Both of them?
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Must've been recent reddit transplants. I know the German flag is married, I think
you can kiss this dick
You're right about one thing. She wouldn't change her mind at the last minute. Instead, she wouldn't go to bed with you in the first place.
Should have replied to me directly and I would have explained myself

Women see "indications of competency" the way that men see "indications of fertility". This can be interpreted very broadly but suffice to say a woman generally wants to see that you're successful whereas a man wants to see that the woman is breedable
Fucking moron that dude
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I got banned in under 10 minutes after posting this thread. Jeet jannies really are inferior aren’t they?
Ban evading is also bannable bro
One day we will stop talking about the jeets
all cope
Today's the 5th. Bans over
>spamming the same tired low quality threads is le good
any "do x really?" posts are worth deleting, simple as
Retarded boomer got mad because they’re genuinely too stupid to talk to like a normal person so I hung up on him
He called back yelling he’s gonna get me fired
Called him a fat baby dicked retard and to go ahead and try so he was spam calling for over an hour because he I muted his calls instead of blocking him
He left 107 voice messages demanding that I’m fired in the spot because he’s a paying customer (he’s not)
>People called Romanes they go house?
You are mostly correct but seem to be ignoring the egoistic aspect of the modern western foid
“Do not cast pearls before swine” means do not speak blunt unadulterated truths to normalfags
>It is normal, most people don't post about it because it makes spergs angry
Sure but I could say the same to you in the male front
We are in this together. Men allowed women to become this way, and the fault is mainly on us, because we are the leaders.
They let porn or furry shit stay up for hours but if you make fun of jeets you are outta here in 10 minutes kek
No, it's not our fault. Because men who resist it are ridiculed, barred from employment, and imprisoned.
....yes, I suppose it does. Jesus was before his time.
Girlfriend wants me to change (be more emotionally open)
K sure
I want my girlfriend to change (I want her to lose weight)
I’m considered a shallow asshole

Lol what the fuck
Suspiciously feminine energy emanating from your post
>ridiculed, barred from employment, and imprisoned
Yes, by other men
I will also add that women, especially those of color, are being installed into leadership positions to destroy society beyond repair.
Really makes you think. Even racebait bbc threads stay up longer than jeet banter threads
>be more emotionally open so she can manipulate it and use it against you later
It's important to have a balance anon
No he's right
Women are not stronger or more intelligent than men. They could not do this on their own
one thing my dad used to tell me was never let a woman know when you're insecure
You sound like a patriarchy retard. Also, samefag
She has tried manipulating me before but I called her out on it kek.
Well I'm sorry that I sound like something you dislike, unfortunately that doesn't make me wrong
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My favorite of Jesus' parables is probably the one where he said if you pester God long enough, he'll eventually give you what you want just so you'll go away.
I'm not saying being autistic or a sperg is superior, but could you imagine being a normalfags? I mean just participating in life and society as you're supposed to, just going about your day plugged into the matrix, not thinking about anything outside what's fed to you on your feed and believing shit you see in the news? How....robotic. I mean say what you will, but being a friendless autistic gives you some insight into how the sausage is made, as it were. I don't know, sometimes I think I'd rather be an autist than a normalfags (we call them Flatscans)
Also you'll see those threads where the jeet OP is b8ing like "SAAR we are sigma alpha saars with 100 blonde gfs" then he tries to goad anons into insulting jeets so they can be banned. They create raceb8 threads just to do that, but OP never gets banned. Curious...
that's not what he said but ok
Your incorrect statements are what makes you wrong. That you're retarded is just a character trait.
you're just as bad as ratpedo, no one fucking cares
Sorry you feel that way
Brb gonna wash my hands. My fingers smell fucking weird and I don't know why
You can stop being a foid apologist at any time :)
Good morning saar
My gf Wants me to send her a good morning text saying she’s beautiful every day. How do you guys deal with insecure girlfriends?
You didn't even know the parable existed until I brought it up, so I wouldn't put much of a premium on what you have to say about it.
Not him but I love women and hold many of them (my friends and family) very dear to my heart so it upsets me when I see you guys spouting hatred, and generalizing half the human population.
I realize the relationship is doomed and don't waste my time
Btw, no I refuse to do this shit out of principle.
Send her
>gm sxy
And a picture of your morningwood
I don't.
you sound like a bitch fr
Both sides need accountability
Don't be a baby. You're supposed to be leading women
yep you're the only one who's ever read the new testament
reread it again slowly
Modern women in the West are literally captured by evil. There is no saving or leading to be done to these harlots. Their aspiration is to be wine aunts, and your defense if them is pathetic.
if l wanted a needy pet l would buy a chicken coop, at least those fuckers give me eggs (and sex)
There's no way this is a male
reads like a comment on a tumblr account kek
I think you've been hurt by women in your life and you need to let it go, anon. most women are just normal people. it doesn't make them good mother's or wives but they aren't evil
>feeling protective of your loved one means you're a bitch
What did you guys mean by this?
Nobody on here is threatening your fucking family moron
I shoot my gun off at odd hours in the night to keep "people" like you out of my town.
They're beyond saving, and I'm tired of you blaming men for it.
You're insulting them though ever. I'm glad that most incels are losers who never leave their room, so i only have to do deal with this topic online
pseudo-spinster at it again
I really don't think my opinions are un-justified
the women in your family are stupid cunts who deserve to be gang raped to death
I'm not scared of guns
It isn't your fault in particular but it is mens fault
Women are in between children and men. As far as capacity for strength and intelligence goes. Surely you agree with this
When your girlfriend uses the word “deserve” a lot in the context of entitlement, is it time to vamoose?
Wish I could call my mom
CaramellDansen will be remembered as one of the greatest compositions of our civilization.
And when women collectively demand they be treated as equals, despite not having equal capacity, society falls apart. Voluntary submission is required, unless you think Iran level of female suppression is the way to "lead" women? Seriously, what is your solution, retard? You don't have one.
whenever you have a gf, think to yourself, do you want to marry this girl? Introduce her to your family? etc. if the answer to all of these is no, you don't need to break up but just recognize the relationship for what it is
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Oh. I thought overturning affirmative action would be a good way to turn Asian Americans against black and brown Americans, but I guess whites were just using Asians as a proxy this whole time.

Hard to believe the same people who were referring to covid as the "China Virus" and the "Kung Flu" just a few years ago would actually care so little about the Asian American community.
>Seriously, what is your solution, retard? You don't have one.
Society, as in me and you, need to adopt better values first of all
Women need to be reined in, first of all, voluntarily or with forceful encouragement. No more whoring it up through their twenties.
the asian affirmative action angle never would work long term because only the Chinese (who already don't like darkskinned individuals) were mad about it. Flips, Viet, etc. all have low educational attainment.
Your empty edge-lord threats don't phase me. Here, have a (You)
It is like a drug addiction
If they don't want to submit to be better then they won't
Which is why a shift in values is needed. Thankfully women are far more open to suggestion than men, for better and worse.
my buddy got married and his dream of moving to Colorado to inherit his grandparents cattle and pot farm was reduced to buying a shitty house in texas a mile from his wife's parents and working in a warehouse. he tells me he's happy but I know the retard's full of shit. enjoy the sex while it lasts
Oh my GOD? RACIST much?
Sorry to be the but ackshually guy, but actually he never made a threat.
honestly sounds comfy
Waiting for the right time to drop my amazing comment
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>honestly sounds comfy
It's easy to cheat and win arguments with incels using the ad-hominem fallacy. You can remind them that they are miserable losers with no friends and no accomplishments, and it will strike them to their core.
>reply with one word
>They reply with essay
Mission accomplished
I have a gf and I still mostly agree with incel ideology
t. fakecel
why can't you
I helped them move in. If stagnant 100 degree humid air and 50 billion mosquitos sounds comfy then more power to you homie. Personally though if I'm dropping a half mill on a matchbox house with ass rape property taxes, it'll be in a state with livable weather
>he thinks he's having an argument
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I didn't know Lobo was jew2pvtnish
Hey, settle an argument. Are you supposed to wash laundry or is it ok to just fold it and put it back?
I don't understand. Are you saying to skip washing and just put dirty laundry back in your closet and dresser? That's nasty
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I only wear things once and then throw them out. Sounds disgusting and cheap to reuse clothes. Would you reuse a condom or a toothbrush?
I'm pretty sure the folding is what cleans the laundry.
Imagine how bad this anon smells
It really is like that. Normies adopt more "incel" opinions every day.
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>disney invests $1000000000000000000000000000 into marvel movie slop
>not a single dollar on a decent super hero video game though
someone bully sucker punch in to making a new infamous already
Unironically, leftoids failed to contain chud ideology and it is bordering on mainstream now
Met a young woman named Clarabelle today. What a cute name!
Disney doesn't own Marvel; it owns Fox, ABC, ESPN, and EWTN.
have to agree with this one
Sounds like something you'd name a cow
highly retarded post
I'm an ugly dog
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You can blame Disney for naming a female cow cartoon character "Clarabelle Cow", first appearance in 1928
No, and I heard in Bangladesh the poor believe there's a water shortage in the first world since people keep throwing out clothing that's not yet completely demolished.

They believe there's no water here to wash laundry, so we just throw it out and buy new clothing.
Oh yeah, I knew I'd heard that name somewheres
Based retard.
Inflammatory response
I ate brickfuss 2day
It also kind of sounds like cow bell. I still love the name, and I'm already crushing on this girl.
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why are leafs like this?
It's a lovely name. Happy crushing
/o/ is actually kinda fast
Imagine being Walt Disney's older brother who got passed over, seeing the family company get named after someone who was 7 years younger.
Getting a tooth pulled today?
Roy was fucking retarded though he was sure the company would fail and sold his shares

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