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hapa jasmine edisyong
god should start another war to spice up things
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aseanbros best bros
So is this Alice Guo more Chinese for being shifty or more flip for being so flagrant about it that it was obvious to everyone?
which parent is which?
Jayalah Jawwa
She’s probably Dutch Indo, also judging by her home decoration. But I might be wrong
the colombian faggot is really annoying
it's literally zarzuela and Alice and Risa are having hot lesbian sex behind the scenes
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I fear something's bad gunna happen to Alice Guo
>i wonder how our granddads will react to us becoming weebs
Your parents aren't otaku/japanophile?
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Is Agnes Monica still popular over there?
Jesse Klaver is half Moroccan, I don’t think he’s Indo
I need to impregnate alyssa dezek so bad
why do catholics sing protestant hymns? i thought they hated everything about protestanf
>protestant hymns

Give examples
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>His father has a Riffian-Moroccan background and his mother has a mixed Dutch and Indonesian background
Can't. Too fat. Also shitty uncle sold our inherited plot of land behind our backs so we no longer have home there
Ok I managed to stick it in, not bad for someone with ED.
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any reccs for foreign literatures that are well translated?
read picrel at the peak of pandemic and it was an absolute kino experience for me. big shout out to N.H. Dini who translate this book directly from france to indonesian
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Do you guys still like indians?
>Can't. Too fat.
How's fat hindered you from moving back?
>Also shitty uncle sold our inherited plot of land behind our backs so we no longer have home there
Sue him. Your family are entitled to the proceed of the asset.
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Oh didn’t know that. What is the take on Indos in modern Indonesia? Do you regret making them leave?
open your catholic hymn book you'll find hymns written by protestants lmao
VGH just let the protestant hymns be sung in every catholic cathedral.
Give me 10 pajeetas and i'll shock Bharat
That guy must be one of those scammers who are fluent in Japanese.
I haven't heard these in Church, but they're really similar to how most Church songs are. But thinking about it, the first song I think I heard in Church
To be fair, Flip Catholics basically don't know the difference. If it's sung in a church, then it's probably a Christian thing.
How's fat hindered you from moving back?
By making me lazy to work the extra hours for more money so that I can leave in peace. Also despite it all I like it here. My mom's hometown(Bandung) is too crowded. The rural parts are peak comfy tho.
>Sue him
My mom doesn't want no trabble. That shitty uncle is almost penniless and lives off gibs from his other siblings anyway. You know that genre of Islamic drama where some dude did a bad deed and goes on to get punished in Dunia right until he gets buried? The bastard's living in one
It's not really a problem. Everyone knows the risk of attending a service here, that there's a slight chance of dying from a bomb explosion. Just don't go if you're afraid of it.
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is german-indog mutt the most powerful mutt?
Don’t know, a lot Indos in NL only have a small percentage of Indonesian blood anyway. My friend has an Indo grandfather who was amongst the ones made to leave after Indonesian independence and my mate looks fully white, while his sister looks brown. It’s a strange conundrum
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Jesse Huta Galung is probably the most chad Indo I know of
middle guy lloks like trudeau
Most people here don't know about the expulsion. I personally find it sad, but in the end it's probably better for both parties. The mixed Indos are now enjoying their life in Europe while the people here are spared from having a South African limbo situation. If they were still here, they'd be the scapegoat for basically everything like the Chinese.
Why are they so obnoxious? Is it in their culture or what
I wish I was mixed race. I'll be reaping the benefits of my powerful White citizenship and generational wealth from my gobernadorcillo ancestors while benefitting directly from brown labor and having unlimited filipina sex slaves.
Buck broken by Barry on xitter
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i keep seeing that cross-like necklace does it mean something?? its either black or red
What’s the status of those Spanish Flips that were left behind? I’m pretty sure I sat next to two of them at a restaurant in Manila, they were entertaining some Indian business associate who was bloviating about how Indian products are superior to Chinese products and that Philippines should align itself with India to secure a prosperous future. I suppose they were allowed to stay and now hold positions of power contrary to the Dutch Indos in Indonesia?
There’s a whole culture among the Indo’s in the Netherlands revolving around tempo doeloe and longing for Insulinde but I think very few of them actually go back
People blame dalits and brahmins but both are wrong.
The stuff you see is peak shudra behaviour, or "general caste".
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They're our elites
vpn thread
I can assure you literally nobody in this whore's life ever thought she was persian in any way
>There’s a whole culture among the Indo’s in the Netherlands revolving around tempo doeloe and longing for Insulinde but I think very few of them actually go back
I think it'd be OK if they came back now (if they wanted to). The situation is different now, and they'd have more advantages compared to other expats/immigrants. A lot of people sympathize for what they suffered in the past, but keep in mind that it's precisely because they were kicked out that it was possible for people here to sympathize for them.

My late grandmother had relatives who chose Dutch citizenship and emigrated. I guess they were right, because the government took over and nationalized the small company her family owned (kek), and she'd been salty about the republic ever since then. Unfortunately for her, she married a sailor, my grandfather, who's obviously a nationalist, so she's stuck here until she passed away.
she is smiling bros
what does she mean by this?
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Now this is something.
>6 months of marriage and the wife is still a virgin.
>The husband is actually gay, and she found out about that after seeing a chat about him wanting to have a gay threesome.
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Homo husband's face.
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Obviously Sunda.
what a waste of tocil
>She knows she won
Why are their passports a different color?
The majority of them probably couldn’t even function in Indonesian society. They just romanticize the idea of the island life and the food etc. One of my Indo classmates went back to Jakarta and started some bullshit company that sold sales courses to unwitting Indogs despite the fact that he only had a bachelor and no working experience. He was engaged to some singer named Cita Citata for a while, he even converted and got circumcised for her, then he blew off the wedding
Jokowi is pro-China. She probably struck a deal with the CCP or something. Be careful.
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This guy?
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>he even converted and got circumcised for her
Yes that’s him lol. He was a good guy but a complete idiot. But I guess him being Dutch and bluffing his way led him to still succeed to some extent in Indonesia. Most other Indos are too sheltered and inhibited to do the same though
Janda berhias
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Good news /asean/ friends, I am one step closer in my plan to move to Indonesia thanks to your suggestions. Terima kasih
Lmao the TEFL-route still bears fruit in Indonesia? I’ve been hearing most Asian countries are cracking down on that now
Why Indonesia?
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those are muslim marriage books (buku nikah)
red for the groom, green for the bride
I think it's just more of a formality to make sure you aren't a complete idiot. Having a degree and being a native speaker seems to be the most important requirements
Indonesians have always been very nice to me on /int/. Also it's a big place with lots of people and lots of them want to learn English so it makes getting a job easier
considering how racist japs are, he's probably not zainichi
>That smile

Yeah, I'm thinking it's over. I expect protests though, won't do anything, but protests.
>spanish flips
>basically like deities
they never left, in fact they've ingrained theirselves within the system
when you see some rich flip chinktoid in our news those are just the surface levels richtoid, afterall tabloids won't be able to say jackshit about the people that wield both political and economical power, where their salary comes from
the zobel de ayala and their kind and their regional counter parts.
for better or worse, i'm just thankful that these people aren't part of the global elite and for the most aren't hellbent on destroying this place.
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m-my lovely true(fake) born(migrant) and raised flipina(chinese) on a local farm(pogo) wife(ccp spy) is so cute
He's an indian.
Also that's not what nip racism sounds like
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So I guess the Indos made the right call at the time. Especially considering how much better we are with money than Asspainiards
>looks like chink
>is a fag
If that's good looking in indonesia then it's over
>Indonesians have always been very nice to me on /int/. Also it's a big place with lots of people and lots of them want to learn English so it makes getting a job easier
I hope you're memeing, but if you aren't, you should reconsider your career options. You're probably like the German flag's friend. You're romanticizing Southeast Asia or something, and so on. If you still want to do it, then you'd be better off teaching in Malaysia or Thailand. Indonesia is still a quintessential thirdie country, barely above countries like India, Nigeria, or something. The bullshit you have to go through here will make you insane. Only cutthroat folks like the Russians or the Chinese (Mainlanders) can survive here without having to give face to this or that local chief, kang, tradition, and so on (which is why people hate them).
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But Malaysia already speaks English very well so finding a job will be more difficult. And Thai seems very hard to learn especially with the tones
>Indonesians have always been very nice to me on /int/.
Most of them are fine. But the existence of /vt/ makes me think twice.
>Some of them are fine.
only holofaggots are bad
Like India, 1% of subhuman population is still millions. I insist that most people there are ok.
Indons irl are alright but Indons on the internet are pure cancer, Indons on 4chan in particular came from the deepest parts of hell.
>Like india
The people are worse than the govt.
1% is being optimistic beyond the point of delusion
Then try Thailand. Learning a language is a problem that you can solve by yourself, whereas things like Africa tier social institutions and so on are virtually beyond your control.
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How do indons even post here?
Last time I went there, 4chan, reddit, and even fucking newgrounds are blocked by the government.
Wouldn't you like to know fag
All this just weeks after that poojeeta an heroed herself over being falseflagged and our terminally online locals got caught cyberbullying the jap athlete that collided with our cyclistbro in the Olympics. If they're hellspawns, we're mini dajjals
I should make more of these
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That Britbong wants to come to Indonesia. He needs to know.
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panas gan
I'm a white man, I can't move to Thailand or everyone will think I'm a paedophile. Also everything I've read says I would be poorer and be less accepted by the locals.
Move to Thailand and get a 30 year old leftover woman and marry her.
Have you talked to the expat community in Indonesia, or any native EFL currently working here? You might get a better picture of what it's like to work here from them.
>any native EFL
I mean EFL expats from Britain, the US, Australia, etc.
Don't let anon here doom you from achieving your dream
And Asians say white guys settle for ugly Asian women. Grim
No just reddit posts and youtube vlogs. Most of them just talk about going to Bali or where to find jobs paying more than 20,000,000 IDR a month or how to work at international schools. Nobody seems to hate it
She looks like a medieval painting
I'm surprised they even have internet.
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it's all so tiresome.
Had a quick nap and dreamt of my piss princess wearing a hijab.
What a nightmare
> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
What's a piss princess?
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I haven't smoked a single joint in four months. I'm craving one right now.
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Watching air (2005), holy gem how could i missed this
heh nga bagi-bagi!!!!
Why aren't you watching the BD version?
>2% persian ancestry
Well groomed (ofc), decent frame, reasonable jaw and cheekbones, he's not ugly at all
How bad would they cane you if you were caught with it
faggot you're not cute
Have you ever been there before?
faggot I will stomp you in the face
Do people actually find her attractive
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Why do Indonesians and Malaysians fight about who is the cutest girly boy?
Hey her eyebrow is nice
I’d date her if it meant getting access to her millions. I’d be her hwite trophy husband to consolidate her elite status within Flip society
but she is accused of money laundering, human trafficking, torture and spying for china
that makes her attractive for certain demographics
Fuckin hell.
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How do you make friends post-university?
What happens in Kampuchea?
Nothing much.
wtf? what a waste. if i was you i'd move to japan instead.
Let him live like a king there
She looks fine to me but I’m white
He's just memeing.
Asian faceblind white? Im white but she's like sub 3 to me
Idk, she’s like a 6 to me, I don’t find her ugly
No I'm not.
you know, you can still live like a king and actually live like a king in japan. picrel is a japanese man, with his japanese wife, and their japanese son.
my condolences.
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having carnivore diet is the best ever
you're just looking for an excuse for being fat
...Some people want to live in the tropics instead of Japan.

If we weren't so damn stupid then we could have had maximized the meme of being a stunning tropical paradise and get ourselves rich like a few Caribbean states.
I wish I were fat again. Being fit just makes me depressed.
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Yeah I never knew getting fit meant my body hurting all the time.
Caribbean works because they're close to the US. Also, Why would they go to Flipland if Hawaii exist?
Hawaii sucks and is too expensive expensive and full of meth heads
Sex tourism
My dilemma is different from that. No one believes me if I explain it anyway.
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nah, just eat animal based foods as much as possible. the more animal protein i eat, the less my daily expense
So... would the following rich countries below fly to the Carinbean?

New Zealand
South Korea
it will make things expensive for the locals
look at siargao
Political competence in the LGU is the answer to that lmao
>If we weren't so damn stupid then we could have had maximized the meme of being a stunning tropical paradise and get ourselves rich like a few Caribbean states.
this. so much this. though i think local culture also contributed to our "failure". like, our boomers are really fantasizing our country to become some sort of neo pajeeta empire or something. we should've fully embraced the tropical tourism potential instead of chasing nonexistent pride.
There is no hope, anon.
The biggest cope is thinking there's a solution other than replacing the people themselves with a better stock.
We're an inferior race.
One of the races that can't make it in the post-industrial world.
faggot you are not cute and fit
What if I just want a gf
The tourist destinations in PH like Boracay and El Nido are already filled with people from those countries as well as westerners tho. Your countries are too big to survive on tourism alone
literally the cutest poster in this thread rn
reddit is that way faggot
thanks but you forgot to quote me
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alice guo lookin a lil more fine these days.

gotta say though. cassandra ong does not look chinese at all. she still cute though.
Filipinobros. ETA on her own syndicated talk show and eventual campaign for president?
If only you knew how bad things really are. I don’t even have to smile to make women smile at me. I just stare them in the eye for a solid 3–5 seconds and they literally melt like a candle in a volcano.
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>By making me lazy to work the extra hours for more money so that I can leave in peace
Uhh, that's bad anon. If you think it might cause laziness to do more work. It will eventually spilled out to other things beside working
Malaysian diet are very unhealthy. More than 50% of malaysian have BMI >25 (asian obesity standard).
Dieting is easy hard. But, it's possible if you have a will. Someone like myself could persistently lose a kg every week for months.
See https://desuarchive.org/int/post /201043223
>Also despite it all I like it here.
>My mom's hometown(Bandung) is too crowded. The rural parts are peak comfy tho.
That's common problem. There's just too many people
>>Sue him
>My mom doesn't want no trabble.
Typical female thought pattern, avoiding conflict
>That shitty uncle is almost penniless and lives off gibs from his other siblings anyway. You know that genre of Islamic drama where some dude did a bad deed and goes on to get punished in Dunia right until he gets buried? The bastard's living in one
Wkwkwkwkwkwk, I know mate.
That's the reason my family (on both sides), at least few generations above me, thought their progeny to not take someone's possession, because it's their rightful "rezeki/berkah". As I grew up, I reckon gibs, alms, welfare are included too.
Easy money corrupts people. It erode people's conscience and thought. It makes people blinded by greed. Unconscious. Thus, haram.

Family from your mother's side should have take a tough stance and forcibly made your uncle work, a honest work.
Legally speaking, he should be put under "pengampuan"
>Pasal 433 KUH Perdata menyakan:
>“Setiap orang dewasa yang selalu berada dalam keadaan dungu, gila ataupun mata gelap, harus ditempatkan di bawah pengampuan, sekalipun ia kadang-kadang cakap menggunakan pikirannya. Seorang dewasa boleh juga ditempatkan di bawah pengampuan karena keborosan.”
>>National collapse in willpower?
>Cultural degradation, which will always be followed by hedonism. Goyslop was a part of most people's diet in the 60s and 70s, yet there weren't nearly as many obese people. Current day Japan is an even better example of this.
>People got more exercise, ate less, and were often shamed into course correcting if they were getting too fat.
>Cassandra Long

it's over
bye 4channeller
we're officially down
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wtf why the fuck does this AIslop generate me blacked shit? i just asked AI to generate a wasp woman liked a blue eyes southern man (side characters) but that fucker described that man as half-jamaican
she is now officially QUEEN of /asean/
welcome home my wife
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you must conform to the new normal, bigot racist fascist chud
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> The Chinese lab that the FBI believes likely leaked Covid-19 may have also released a 'highly evolved' strain of polio in 2014.

> A bombshell new study suggests that this polio strain, which infected a four-year-old boy amid a wider viral outbreak in China's Anhui province, is '99 percent' identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away, during that same time period, at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

> Researchers at France's Pasteur Institute cannot say with certainty where this strain, dubbed 'WIV14,' originated. But they insisted two possibilities 'must be explored' — including the chance that WIV14 polio originated within the Wuhan institute itself.
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is that just a simply planted jp sub or are they actually japanese? if the latter then i guess they're okinawans, because they're too brown for average japanese
My government just blocked google dns and cloudflare dns, kek, any malaysia bro still here?
I don't think I will be able to afford vpn, so this might be my last post, good bye guys.
Yes 4chan is banned here.
oh wow just saw your post, you using vpn?
I think I will just lay low for a while, I heard they are collecting IP address of people surfing 4chan and darksite so its better to stop browsing for a while. o7 homie
I didn't realize that I was living in a communist country. Enjoy your freedom while you can Amerifat.
Coward ass nigga.
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He's right
Should I permanently remove all my beard and moustache? I'm really afraid I’ll regret it later but I look really good without them
why are malaysian chinese so hot
what was the cause again? anyway it's kinda sad to see how new iron curtains are slowly building up around the globe. china, russia, and now it's asean's turn
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The usual "think of the children" bullshit.
actually its a cheapo 99 peso necklace from shopee lmao
this gotta be my last namefagging post

praise madani bro praise
(1Msia jibber waaaay better than si-anwar, we chink realised too late...)
bossku... mane bossku...
we're already lacking of thai, cambodian, lao, burmese, and viet posters here. if malaysia is really getting full scale ban, most of /asean/ threads will just be gay sex between indonesians and filipinoys...
forgot bruneis and s'pores too
Adguard dns is gone too
Wait, 4 chan is supposed to be banned here? I haven't set up any dns since my PC went kaput and I switched my phone
Must be amazing living in a country that's 30C every day all year round.
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kofi time
it's suffering
you wouldn't get it
i'm soo privileged having this "miserable" weather all year round
Just think about how sweaty the women are.
>it's 28C in Kuala Lumpur atm and 80% humidity
Alright fair enough I didn't think about that.
Imagine the smell
And then you're stuck in a crowded train sitting next to a pajeet who just ate flatbread with dal
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>eternal tropical parad-ACK!
its fucking midnight here
and there's obviously nights above 30 degree here and at the same time everything is dewing the fuck out which means the sweat on your neck and your back will never ever dries out on your bed

westroon can make all the over reaction body language because you don't have to be mindful about your sweat and facial oil
>Vietnam that high
But why? They're further away from the equator than most of the other countries.
you'll be surprised to find that chinese and japanese summers are even more brutal than maritime SEA
>Britbongs have been proven to keel over at temperatures above 20C
>30C is "amazing"
I need to find that Evangelion copypaste that had Shinji complaining about his perpetually sweaty balls
well, grass is always seem greener on the other side afterall
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tidur oii
Mate it was 37C here one day two years ago, was mental.
You would immediately kill yourself living here where you rarely see the sun
Nah, still nothing compared to being stuck in traffic jam during KL's peak hours in one of these things
LKY was right. The Aircon is one of humanity's greatest invention
Niggas do be underestimating what no sun does to a mf
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Forgot pic
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If you live north of the midlands you have maybe 14 days of the year that aren't just cold, dark and wet. It's understandable that people fantasise about living somewhere that is the complete opposite.
When I was abroad it was amazing to see how I came to appreciate the sun and it's warmth and light instead of constantly fleeing from it. I understand why some humans in temperate climates came to worship it.
Accurate information is fascist you chud, diversity is our strength
Why is this thread so busy when it's nearly 3am for you lot, are all aseans NEETs?
don't know about you guys but I feel like beating a malaysian to pulp
you can beat my meat
i'll let you take it
This place is literal pedophile heaven wtf
I'm one. Also I have insomnia
nibba, hot weather can drive you insane in no time
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We're already on a watchlist for posting in /asean/
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Don't lump me in with the likes of you, you great big nonce.
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it must be public humiliation as a thai living in western cunts
a blessing(and a curse) in disguise is that no one here knows of our international infamy
Haha, our cage is just more cleverly constructed than yours
>our international infamy
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I know nigga, I’ve been to your cunts as well as Latin America. But try living a Central European winter, 8 months of darkness, and see what it does to your mental state. Imagine weeks of not being outside in the sun because by the time you reach your wage cage it’s still dark and once you get out it’s dark again

Just do this, or use one of the free vpns that block torrenting like urbanvpn, free protonvpn, the one weird commyfag one, etc. Not secure vpns if you actually need real privacy but that only matters if you're doing stuff the US doesn't like, they're fine for browsing blocked sites. Never pay for the vpns shilled on reddit, there are tens of thousands of bot accounts making entire subs to shill them, the entire nordvpn holding company is rotten and just hands all logs to 3letters.
Same dilemma, except it's harder to laser off blond hairs.
I've been using psiphon for a while.
>hands all logs to 3letters.
i knew it. there's no way they would let you browse unsupervised in this decade. even the most "secure" and "private" vpn is a stealth spyware.
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Continental, more landmass = bigger swings in temperature. Same reason the middle of the US can swing from -30 to 45. Water stabilizes temps due to convective interactions and high specific heat, dry land lets air masses heat up enormously.
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I really should have thrown some money on the Indo-Saudi match, with a goal advantage of 1.5/2, it was practically begging me to take the plunge.
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Governments here and in europe have to put out special notices for brown people because they get so depressed from lacking sunlight/vitamin d half the year.
Yeah best you can do is one that keeps "no logs" and hope it's actually true, but pretty sure those are all bs. Govs don't let them operate if they don't keep some amount of logs, we'll see how long it takes before they move on from just targeting those who deserve it mostly like nonces to any wrongthinker.
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the chord progression is
>Bb - G - Eb - Gb - Bb - F
but look closer it's
>Bb - Eb - Bb (I-IV-I)
>G - Gb - F (VI-bVI-V)
my brain explode when i realized this
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so when will the great malayan purge get implemented?
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read a manga from the 80s where the husband was about to take a "business trip" in bangkok, but then his wife yelled at him for having a pack of matches from a love hotel, and the next day he said that his company cancelled the trip to thaland lmao
wonder how long the stereotype has been alive
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>>Bb - G - Eb - Gb - Bb - F
it's I-VI-IV-bVI-I-V
the theory behind this chord progression is that it actually follows the pattern of I-VI-IV-V-I-V. (the I-VI-IV-V chord progression is quite common in rock music, with just a little cadence of I-V added at the end.
the Gb chord (bVI) is actually a tritone-substitution of C chord which is the 2nd chord of Bb major scale.
the Gb chord (bVI) serves as a tritone substitution for the C chord, which is the second chord in the Bb major scale. The idea is that you can replace any chord in your progression with its tritone substitution. For instance, a popular progression like C-Am-Dm-G can become C-Am-Abm-G, where Abm is the tritone substitution for the Dm chord.
needs a fat bbc plapping all over it
Hello guys, today I saw Indo people in a store. They bought cute plush toys.
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>it actually follows the pattern of I-VI-IV-V-I-V
wait It's I-VI-IV-II-I-V not I-VI-IV-V-I-V. the bVI is tritone substitution for II.
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thread music
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i have much to learn about rock music
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just learn chord progression like this first. "subdominant chord-dominant chord- tonic chord." tons of rocks songs use this sequence. (btw, just in case, subdominant are VI and ii chords, dominant are V and vii chords, tonic are I, iii and vi chords.)
a lot of rock chord progression are something like I-vi-IV-V, I-iii-IV-V, I-iii-ii-V-I which all of these progression are subdominant-dominant-tonic
then try to practice every chord tone of each chord in your chord progression.
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i'm interest in borrowed chord and substitution
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Learn DPI circumvention and Encrypted Client Hello!!
Install greentunnel or dnscrypt before it's too la.....
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>borrowed chord
this is my experience: I focused on learning progressions in the harmonic minor scale until my ears became accustomed to it. gradually, I started to recognize the sound of the minor scale, allowing me to sense the feeling of modal interchange from borrowed chords.
for example, in radiohead's song "Creep," the progression is G-B-C-Cm. the B chord is borrowed from the Em scale. so when the B chord plays, you will immediately notice its dark tone.
btw, most people don’t realize that when improvising over this song, you should use chord tones from B7 instead of B major, as it’s borrowed from the Em scale. Using the B7 chord enhances the minor sound.
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if you connect to the internet, you're giving your info to someone, there's no escape, it's by design

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