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Avar phenotype edition

Looks Bulgarian to me
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Your turn

I posted several documents

The first one says yпaтнa дијaгнoзa which means they thought I had f20

And the newest report says I don't have f20
Every report lists your diagnosis as f20 doebeit
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The report is what it's important

The f20 is as I said what the first psychiatrist I thought I have and later in the report is written that I don't have that in the last 2 reports especially
2 chasa mi praiha smetka v bankata
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>what USA can do to a mf
These incels here don't even know how to read documents they are so low iq

Diagnosis is what the first psychiatrist thoguth I have

And it went in the system

And report after report its written that I don't have big delusions or hallucinations

So please read the reports instead of commenting on 1 part of the document

No matter how hard you try you just cannot project your inferiority on others like me
Tiho Shizooooooooooooooo
janis is laughing at you
Thats Khazar not Avar.
Armenoid churka
I don't want Albanians in my country
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What is mine called?
You know this nigga acoustic just from he foot alone
Who will replace 37% of Greece's criminals then?
Dude you are autistic and judgemental

That means you are stuck at repeating the same stuff over and over being obsessed about 1 part of my life While I have moved on

See now they are commenting on some transgender I met and others who by the way are conservative project untrue things because I have audience and try to get me political while I avoid politics because its full of immoral lies and lazy people who get tax money for doing no job and only talking shit

Please I understand it's hard for you to understand but you're just autistic

I know it's hard for you but please remember there is people who can help you menage your autism

And that is removing your phone from you for some time
Who will pick the olives then?
but what is it called?
Get the autistic greek he needs to change enviorment for sometime and picking olives is a repetitive job he can get paid for his work and that would be a good therapy

All he has to do is to pick olives and it's a repetitive job
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There are no breaks on the GROSSALBANIVM train.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental health condition that affects how people think, feel and behave. It may result in a mix of hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking and behavior. Hallucinations involve seeing things or hearing voices that aren't observed by others. Delusions involve firm beliefs about things that are not true. People with schizophrenia can seem to lose touch with reality, which can make daily living very hard.

People with schizophrenia need lifelong treatment. This includes medicine, talk therapy and help in learning how to manage daily life activities.

Because many people with schizophrenia don't know they have a mental health condition and may not believe they need treatment, many research studies have examined the results of untreated psychosis. People who have psychosis that is not treated often have more-severe symptoms, more stays in a hospital, poorer thinking and processing skills and social outcomes, injuries, and even death. On the other hand, early treatment often helps control symptoms before serious complications arise, making the long-term outlook better.
Being on 4chan i wonder how come nobody asked for feet pics from Mangal, but then I remember foot fetish is not common in balk we post our feet for scientific studies only
But I gave report after a report showing I don't show any form of big delusions or hallucinations
The less I see of that mpox ridden hummus actual, the better
That's one huge foot
>minecraft trailer getting absolutely shart on in jewtube comments
Nigger, you've repeated yourself for 7 years now, you even did it in that post
Your diagnosis has remained unchanged since 2018

Embrace it
1) Are you connected with Sashe Politiko?
2) You MUST enter politics because of your 1/4 albanian ancestry to save Northern macedonia
I'm 6'3
Feet size are 28 cm
Same thing happened to the Snow Brown trailer (formerly known as Snow White)

People has had enough of it but somehow, companies keep pushing it
Da, tavarish militsioner, this draft-dogding traitor right here is using forbidden Westerner pig technology.
well go watch it
if you played that shit in your teens you'll understand
Ne zamaraj

I just won't go into politics
PИП paшa пoчинaл в тypция. миp нa пpaхa ти бpaтлe
>35-гoдишният Плaмeн Динeв, кoйтo пoчинa в тypcкия кypopт Кyшaдacъ, e тopмoзил двoйкa pycнaци в хoтeлa. Инцидeнтът e cтaнaл oкoлo 22 чaca в пoнeдeлник. Tвъpди ce, чe e избyхнaл cпop мeждy Плaмeн Динeв и pycнaци, минaвaщи пoкpaй cтaятa мy.

>Pycкaтa двoйкa ce oплaкaлa нa oхpaнaтa нa хoтeлa, кaтo твъpдялa, чe ca били физичecки и c дyми тopмoзeни oт Динeв.

>Oхpaнитeлитe пpeдyпpeдили бългapcкия гpaждaнин, нo cлeд кaтo тoвa нe дaлo peзyлтaт, пoдaли cигнaл в пoлициятa. Meждyвpeмeннo мeждy Динeв, зa кoйтo cвидeтeли твъpдят, чe e aлкoхoлик, и oхpaнaтa e възникнaлo cбивaнe. Haлoжилo ce oхpaнитeлитe дa мy пocтaвят бeлeзници.
Busy at work bro
Give me a tldw
>I just won't go into politics
That's was not request but order.
You must be leader of Northern macedonia
Pfff nah I won't

Go fuck yourself
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>interracial quirky cast featuring obligatory sheboon, jason mamowhatever and two pedobaits of jewish origin
>jack blacked the fat annoying jew retard as steve
>monsters are extremely ugly
>the beatles instead of c1488
>plot is just jumanji
Post dick pic
Yeah you will or your family will suffer, we've had enough of your shenanigans
Go fuck yourself
>Eкипитe, кoитo иззeхa вcички кaмepи, зaдъpжaхa 14 cлyжитeли нa хoтeлa, yчacтвaли в cвaдaтa c бългapcкия гpaждaнин.
1 vs 14, he went to Valhalla
Butifel picture
People just think I will go into politics

Nah I won't no matter what you do
>find random game with hot renders
>dev is russian and 80% of new content is for the retarded femdom route
this is why bridges were invented
O.K., then harrasseement continues until you change your mind, for thy declined our call
They did C148 dirty bro, I don't think he'll be working with them ever again

In case you haven't heard, he made an whole new album for Minecraft to be asses into an update and they ditched him to hire two random talentless whores to write music for cheaper. Needless to say, they didn't even pay him
Why do you pretend that you don't want your anus to be blown out by a girlboss with a strapon bro?
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I am not a homosexual.
>two random talentless whores
Ekshuli, one is a troon
Pfff even if I go into politics I will be harrassed by political activist so see

Your fight is pointless why would I pick to be harrassed and sexually raped instead of avoiding you shitheads
>two random talentless whores
one of them is actually good, the japanese biological woman one
the other one lena something is an actual tranny who shouldermogs sashko's troon gf
even that could be better than femdom if done properly
not that I expect the trash devving these games to be able to write anything but the most generic dom/sub scenarios
Jesus, I didn't knew that

Fuck Microsoft, seriously. Anything they've touched in the past decade has turned into shit. C418s music was leagues above anything these DEI hires can ever produce
Kek the shoulders NEVER lie
/balk/ anthem
Modern day troons can get clavicle shortening surgery
That nigga just last decade's troon
Does wikileaks see how the cia and certain individuals harraasw me and I said im not into femdom

So can Interpol shut down the discord they coordinate from because they abuse the law by harrassing me
v izi pei moe li da prata pari na revolut?
Shto da ne moe
I watched them live in Maymunarnika in the Borisova garden years ago. The frontmen said to the audience that Bulgarian women were hot but Bulgarian men looked like rednecks from Alabama or some shit.
I would have chinned the turdks and sacked the chimpanziggerlets right then and there
haha wow
I understand yesterday I made a joke about big tits girls riding me as a cowgirl

But that isn't femdom what the cia does is different femdom means sadistic bullshit
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I need a girl build like this in my life.
I mean it wasn't a joke but an actually fact

Not some bullshit femdom where the girl orders the man and beats him
femdom is gay bro
Buy an ad homos
build your own website
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So what I get an audience and again the cia tries to get me political

Nah dude
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>allowed himself to be handcuffed
>died handcuffed
bvllhalla pass revoked
Some Masonic shit going here
It took 14 men bro cut our boy some slack
cпpи ce бe, мизepник
вкyca ти зa мyзикa e oтвpaтитeлeн
и ти cи oтвpaтитeлeн
cтигa cpa
thats the most average argentinian guy ive seen
Hямa гoвopиш тaкa нa мoмчeтo мaняк
щo бe твa e дoбpo
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chud uprising
>goes to israel embassy
>scores 0

ummm bro
ummm bro
or sommin
ummm bro
Кви ca тия чaлгии бe вepнo нeмaш вкyc
>bayonet on rifle
Did he escape from Battlefield 1?
мизepникa e нaй-гoлeмия гнycник, пpocтo кaтo пocтвa имaм чyвcтвoтo чe нeщo мaзнo и мpъcнo cъм пипaл
probably his gramps rifle
Бpaт мнoгo eмoции влaгaш зa тoя кeнeф caйт. Кapaй cи кeфa и нe ги взимaй нacepиoзнo нeщaтa.
Even Northern Macedonians can get official diagnoses while I can't in this fourth world shithole

Just a "you indeed seem to have signs of autism and schizoid personality disorder" and the psychiatrist claiming they don't give diagnoses to adults (lmao) and asking me what I want it for while another psychiatrist in the past told me if I want a diagnosis I should go to an auxologist/pediatrician, I've realized these motherfuckers have absolutely different answers about the same questions
вcичкo cлyшaм
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mashallah brate srpski musliman
Saw some little zoomie looking at a tik tok meme on his phone that said something about sharty and immediately thought of that greentext about the kid who posts on soyjak party. Then I remembered sharty is what niggers call their bitches
Based soyteen
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>zlaten dab
Zlato na mama
Read the last sentence bro...
Wuz kang foot
bumgarian teens adopting maymoonspeak is a big W for the albanate of ushkub
The meme was probably something like pov when shorty hawking on your tuah and a clip of ishowbbc screaming
das rite
Nothing cringier than zoomies talking english to each other irl
bumgarian with muttisms every 5th word is worse
tryna find out what that rifle is like some deranged autist. looks like some swiss shit
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u just know
>have to go out shopping again
exterminate small fridges
Should I go in prison to toughen up?
On what charges?
I don't know
tax evasion
Indecent conduct in public
u can toughen ur anal muscles at home barro
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Go to Fyrom and blow up the facility that feeds the psychoactive substance into their water supply.
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UMMM BASED Serbians once more doing based things while BUMGARIANS just sit idly like loyal puppies and allow themselves to be ruled by their foreign masters
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>Vucic refuses Putin’s invitation to BRICS summit
Hair is 3curly5me
>(we're Greek)
Iki finally found someone?
He's not into chinks or trannies.
Take that back, i don't like serfs
>another week another muslim spergout
At some point westeners will throw on the olde genocidal machine again and muzzies will cry about it
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Member when he begged for a japanese gf for years though?
>why would I pick to be harrassed and sexually raped instead of avoiding you shitheads
It's not really rape if you enjoy it tho, is it?

I am ashamed I ever found them attractive
Didn't enjoy being kissed by no tits girls
He was just joking. He was always into blonde and Greek angels.
isn't this chimpout a response to gaza harrasseement?
>I ever found them attractive
So 3 days ago? You fuckign schizo
bummm bro
When are you giving himy our sister bro?
Poorfag, you'd fuck a gypsy if she got undressed in front of you, that's also what you deserve
I love how these Japanese girls are the 0.1% in terms of looks and all the rest are flat or ugly
You are right serbian bro, damn i love Serbia so much
Bro... That's Iki talking about himself into 3rd person
Fuck, i have been bamboozled by the moon of giresun, it is over... but seriously, would your sister let him lick her pussy?
My sister knows martial arts, she'd probably kick his short round giresun ass before he even got close to her
I saw tens of thousands of jap sluts like that in jap porn though, are you saying all the attractive jap women do porn?
when /bvll/ was made a while ago, tatar posted thru RO and DE and US flags in tatarian
Dunno bro theyll always find something to muzzie sperg about. I feel westeners are close to the breaking point and then some new hitler will emerge but he wont be after jews.
Very few of them got curves like these, sadly
Although they got cute faces, as people they are significantly more attractive compared to their neighbors (Koreans and Chinese)
ko da pra s parite u bankata?
Show moar
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Lies, look it was just porn addiction. I love black queens.
Maybe i just look at the jap porn with women like that so my perception is skewed
I dind them repulsive even in video, never saw a nigger woman irl btw but i bet i would be even more disgusted.
this but with asians

my first gf was black
They both look very uncomfortable. Did they held them at gunpoint while filming the video.
I saw asians irl but all the ones I saw were repulsive in Sofia and I never interacted with them
>I saw asians irl but all the ones I saw were repulsive in Sofia and I never interacted with them

Chinese 100%
They are fugly
Yeah of course, nobody wants to see ugly women on porn
Well maybe onlyfans terminals simps pay for shit like this
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it is probably from porn
Now this is a good looking black girl
How many greek girls have you sexed this vacation Sashe?
chinks > koreans > japs
this is if course only related to the 1%

I'd give ikilad my sister bro
it's a male bro
you're so into trannies stefan
That's brown.
Got the order wrong, also you don't have a sister, your tricks won't work on ikilad
you can't even tell those three apart
>your tricks won't work on ikilad
if I had one bro
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how Black are you willing to go?
This girl got out of the copy machine Lmaooooo
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dis wat Timmy gonna do
>balkanic brown men are the least common racial fetish
We suffer
>bro look at this porn bro please jerk off bro
Why are 4cuck posters like this
I like
they're scared of jerking off, and think it's something special
they air softcore porn on tv and on everywhere you go, it is in the newspapers, commercials, music videos, movies and you are complaining it is being posted on an image board?
who are you
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Only black / gypsy women ever desired me but I am also Polish.
A person who likes brown balkan men
are you a man, a woman or a woman(man)?
Why can't you just jerk your little clitty in solitude instead of forcing everyone else to look at what you are jerking it to?
A cute female person?
I am on nofap
I reduced jerking off to once a week
I can't understand why fags and trannies even come to 4chan when they've got a whole website (ledit) that has deified them
For you 2nd or 3rd
My point still stands
Чaлгия чyдecия caмo тapикaтитe ги paзбиpaт
Because fags and trannies are in all aspects women except physically
Heh so they need to be hated, gotcha
incorrect, rather women are fags
Why did faggots invade /aimos/ and its spin-offs instead of Nordic or other Western generals?
only hummus sexuals desire this
they invade generals where English is spoken
If it is a general where you speak in your own language only it is much harder to infiltrate
worship gives them the ick
I'm wondering more why a fat lazlar turk has been larping as Greek since 2015 when he's got 0% Greek blood in him
faggots don't find western timmies sexually attractive
they lust after burly hairy rugged maymuns they can trigger into a chimpout so they can feed off their masculine energy
I need about 3k a month after bills and taxes to feel like barely normal human bean. We as people have been reduced to this primal state of maymunism botched survival mode while everyone pretends shits all normal and stuff
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The People's Republic of China has defeated western ai censorship

bro are you some kind of consoomerist woman or sommin
what do you spend 3k/mo on
bourgeoisie scum
Gambling losses
Oksanas and Natashkas love me
>everyone pretends shits all normal and stuff
We live in a country of complainers
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Yay, my 1600 leva paycheck arrived!
woah bro you can buy 100 gyros with that
Why would you ask me that stupid question? Wwyd like whatever man ur like a douche or something that saves 1500 goybux all year to go to primorsko for 168 hours.
>bro y u need money bro just be a lulin crackhead zombie
I hate when people start talking about money.
3 gyros a day
I don't go to stomach virus pilled jewmaxxed subhuman and skincancer gathering places bro
jel zna neko gde kupiti LSD u Srbiji zelim da probam i koliko se krecu cene
Having a poo at the moment
Sure bro, but first tell me whether you have a sister or not
may it get stuck in your ass for subjecting us to this slop content
>he lives in incelulin
lmao bro you're supposed to go to that shithole to grind for a few years and buy a house in the countryside and work from home
he fell for the generational goyfian meme
Because you dont have money and they dont have money either but if you pretend thats fine then its okay just hope nobody makes fun of your lousy poorfag ass and accuse people of being consoomers
Like this dumb fucking retard selyak doesnt pay taxes and put fuel in his 30y old shitbox to go to koprinka and take some slivenski kashkaval.
Its easier to click with some sheep herder than these detached poorgroid animals then they see some video and are like hmm why is this guy wearing ray bans and fucking expensive shit its not expensive ur just poor because ur a dumb animal
>im 200km away from the epicenter of trans sex
>you live in lulin bro
The bisphenol got this nigga good maybe some chernobyl fumes sucked in his mothers queefhole too
>bro I just NEED to get scammed and overpay for manmade plastics and metals
>you see I'm doing it for myself n-not for others
what a fucking woman seriously
Allah protects me from your gypsy curses
>hahaha this nigga eating steak lmao SCAMMED
>krenvirshi ftw
I feel spiritually exhausted eating steak more than once a week
>chilling with my selyak bros at the local cafe when this lanky bucktoothed nerd with a yee yee ass haircut comes with a rolex swinging off his bony wrist and he starts showing me his losses on bets
>i tell him to get a haircut
>everyone laughs at him
>he makes a 180 sharp turn and trips on his air jordans
>entire cafe bursts out laughing
>me and my bros leave without paying
Sugar withdrawal.
richfags don't suffer
porn is everywhere on the internet you can't go online and not see a black dick shoved in your face
Fyromtwinks future.
isn't fyromtwink like pro-EU and tolerant and shit
>russians lowered their standards so low they even go for bulgarians for EU card
Its damn over
>mango umrql
where are you looking, because you can easily avoid it
All the mplacked and tranny OPs.
Can we see a pic of you?
how do I avoid bulgarians and the gypsy on balk spontaneously bursting out into gay sex talk?
His only loyalty is baiting.
Bзeхa пapитe и дим дa ги нямa глaвaтa мe зaбoля.
filter their flags
I'm billing you 500€ for this consultation
he pissed someone, all the Freemasons in power are gay and have been required to do gay shit to get into power and those who grant them the power have dirst to blackmail them with

but you can choose either homosexuality or pedophilia
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ngr you asked about amphetamine like 2 months ago now lsd
Good one turkcel
ai kajete kva e shemata sega ne se praete bogatashcheta ste sichkite tuka

bankite sa kur i polovina
split /balk/ into 2, one being without bumgarians
same as our turk party split
Tranny escort in uskub, would you?
neam nikvi pari jivea v provinciata ne me tarsi za saveti za pari i praene na pari ne znam abs ni6to i carkovnite mi6ki sa ranat po-dobre ot mene
Xir would HEEM nojko.
Go to ex-yu, here its eastern part of balk, ex-yu is western part
27 tranny whores in Tatarstan, bulgars love getting blacked by negro huezilian trannies.
Hire one and spam it with gore videos instead of that poor turkette, bro

Trannies deserve it
the filtering must be dignified and not blanket termed, a lot of bitch energy in that, can't be seen like that
A chicken in every pot a gyros in every mouth
I'm looking for LESS orcspeak, thank you
Дpyгaтa ceдмицa пoчвaт мaчoвeтe, пpaщaй 40 лea нa мapтин и пoчвaй.
scope changed, please create a new ticket
ne praa as takia raboti tva za men e edna golema izmama i pari na vetara. ni bilet4eta sam tarkal ni toto sam igral.
The turkette said she hoped she wouldn't have nightmares after it but i was too lazy to fuck and her reactions amused me more , i didnt cum either.
My favorite thing to do with tickets is to reply back, especially when the person kindly asks me not to reply back to a fixed issue.
scam, it was always implicit that the solution to a problem can't come at the cost of me being a bitch
The join amerimutties generals
Which tranny whore will Nojko fuck once he arrives in Tatarstan? >>201864807
Bro you're not Jeffrey Dahmer, you can't cum after seeing gore, you're not that broken lel
vi6 oba4e kak po4naa sa penqvqt kat govorim na nerazbiraem za teh ezik hahahahaha po4na sa vednaga s umbroto
shan't ever be seen alive in any general called c-u-m
just start /closet/ and stay in there bro
He'll call up every troon and have an orgy.
most r9k incels can
Will he call Angelov?

Honestly i think they are unrelated , you can compartmentalize
Didn't that freak have to get really drunk to chop up his victims
Look at this albanian timmy.
'ate souf, simple as
>Soyfia metro population 1,667,314
>Belgrade metro population 1,685,563

Mental to me that Soyfia is just one big village in my mind when it's actually just as big as Belgrade in actuality
I sometimes find it really hard to differentiate between a fyromtwink and a nojko post.
none of these people are here, schizo
Same person.
Both are villages
In reality you're looking at some no name fyromian and projecting your schizophrenic delusions about posters that have either never have posted ITT or haven't posted in ages
even almaty is bigger lmao
Shan't be gaslit into developing f20.0
And so is Islamabad
why did you create bumgaria?
Kazak womanoids are vapid whores, i fucking hate them.
bibidonian has very strong country-type based n redpilled hot takes, like a youtube grifter

fyromtwink has more nuanced and balanced objective takes
Answer >>201865676
same my latin brother
holy war the souldead commi russian wouldn't get it
i will be the next Babur, my legacy will be not Fatawa-i-Alamgiri but population control for India
Do you fuck the russian women that flee their war?
Do you have diagnosed f20.0? You will fit right in here.
Do you fuck gypsy women to create more Bumgarians?
>This alcohol abuse and criminal activity pattern lasted the rest of Jeffry Dahmer's life. Further murders were committed, with most victims meeting at clubs and bars. It is theorized that his alcohol abuse was a way to deal with self-loathing due to his homosexuality, and it was also a coping mechanism he used to numb his emotions as he killed his victims.

>As Dr. Dietz concluded, “His drinking more alcohol to overcome his inhibition against killing is very important evidence that there was no compulsion to kill and no impulse to kill and that he could conform to his behavior,” meaning he was sane and used alcohol to get through the act of murder itself.

Heh, this boomer still got good memory.
I for one am convinced the well adjusted individual from 20.000 inhabitants selanovo has plenty of alternatives to 4chan and has therefore moved on with life.
chad does
i had a gypsy at my bus that was praying very loudly and i wanted to kamehameha her not fuck her
i watched ti 10 vods bucharest seemed insane place
Can I randomly go and visit Mount Athos or do I need to buy a ticket and reserve a room at the monastery airbnb
>Can I randomly go and visit Mount Athos
the spiritual radar will detect your proclivities and you'll be kicked out
>One or two days after you have sent the fax, you should call Tel.: 0030 2310 252575/ 252578 at the Pilgrims Office during working hours (8:30 - 14:00 every day from Monday to Friday, 10-12 on Saturday) and ask if the fax was received.
Where do I find a fax machine?
I think there are online fax services
>needing to drink to kill someone
>still needing to drink for your 400000th murder
>Females are not allowed for two reasons. The one is practical : male monks can stay away from sex easier, if there is no creature they could have sex with. The other one is theological : the Mountain is devoted to Holy Mary, so no other female should step on the Madona’s private ground.

>For the record not even icons of female saints are used on the Mountain.

Sounds extremely gay. No wonder a bumgarian wants to go there.
Mangal would spontaneously combust after stepping foot on mount Athos
There are daily boat rides from Ouranopoli and at least one port on Sithonia, the boat will be full of Romanians and Russians larping as turbo-conservative Christians and not the godless savages that they are.
Because he would face too much competition for the chad monks?
God would smite him for his homosexuality
sticks and stones
>Address the monks as "Father" and avoid engaging them with unnecessary talk and worldly problems.

>Be appropriately dressed – even in hot weather you should wear long trousers, closed shoes, long-sleeved shirts and blouses.
Visible limbs provoke lust
t. the vuterast
How do romanians deal with the humiliation of not having an own monastery there?
das rite, even a single exposed toe will turn those monks into beasts
I thought Orthodogs don't do the "father" shit
Finna walk up to a nigga and say tato?
Barro if I could think of a good gay cult to start, I'd start it with no women allowed on top of some rock only bodybuilders (sexy gay men) would go to for some bumming. And prerequisite - you have to be dark triad maxxed aka convincingly religious to the point where no one would doubt your straightness.
he should go in his dress
What do oтeц & oтчe mean
Isn't that for God doe?
God does not differentiate fucking men in passable and not passable either. By his definition both makakodonian posters here are as gay as vute.
They have a skete

Pointless building anything if its surrounded by commie buildings.
>There are two fyromians and both of them are Nojko bro!
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334 KB JPG
The bg one is massive, didnt expect that.
Bro all your posts are faggot shit. Lost all respect ngl
To accommodate all the bumming

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